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Posted to by Johan Johansson <> on 2007/04/03 09:18:19 UTC

Creating multiple pdf files.

Is it possible to create multiple pdf files?
I want to have one pdf file every time it starts over on page 1 
<fo:page-sequence master-reference="{$faktura}" force-page-count="even" initial-page-number="1"> 
So for every faktura or samlingsfaktura i want to have one pdf, cause they can contain multiple pages.
I tried to figure out how to make multiple page coutings but with out luck.
Exampel code:
  <!-- Börja loopa fakturorna -->
  <xsl:for-each select="fakturor/fakturabunt/faktura | fakturor/fakturabunt/samlingsfaktura">
   <!-- Definera variabeln och sätt värde beroende på inbet.kort eller ej -->
   <xsl:variable name="faktura">
     <xsl:when test="skrivbetkort = '1'">faktura</xsl:when>
   <xsl:variable name="flow-height">
     <xsl:when test="skrivbetkort = '1'">8</xsl:when>
   <!-- Skapa dokument med variabel master -->
   <fo:page-sequence master-reference="{$faktura}" force-page-count="even" initial-page-number="1">