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Posted to by on 2009/01/01 06:27:12 UTC

problem porting to threaded mode

Trying to shift our largely mod_perl2 web site to an Apache2 threaded  
MPM and perl ithreads.

The following works under the non-threaded prefork MPM:

use DB_File;
my @dbs;       # array of hash references
my @dbModTime; # mod times of db files
my @dbfns;     # array of database pathnames

# executed before fork into child processes
sub post_config {
  my $db;
  my $s = $_[3];
  # tie the DBs and get their mod times
  for ($db = 0; $db < @dbfn; $db++) {
    $dbs[$db] = {};
    tie %{$dbs[$db]}, "DB_File", $dbfn[$db], O_RDONLY
       or die ((caller 0)[3]. " can't tie " . $dbfn[$db] . ": $!");
    $dbModTime[$db] = (CORE::stat($dbfn[$db]))[9]
       or die ((caller 0)[3]. " can't stat " . $dbfn[$db] . ": $!");
} }

The routines that use the databases re-stat the DB files and untie and  
re-tie a DB
that has changed. Each child process must do this for itself.
In the threaded environment, any thread within a process may discover  
that such
an untie and re-tie is necessary, but such an operation should be  
for the other threads in the process as well. This means that @dbs and
@dbModTime should be shared among the threads:
use threads;
use threads::shared;
my @dbs       :shared; # array of hash references
my @dbModTime :shared; # mod times of db files

Making only the changes above makes perl complain "Invalid value for  
shared scalar"
about the '$dbs[$db] = {};' line. This error message can be fixed as  
  for ($db = 0; $db < @dbfn; $db++) {
    $dbs[$db] = shared_clone({});
    tie %{$dbs[$db]}, "DB_File", $dbfn[$db], O_RDONLY
       or die ((caller 0)[3]. " can't tie " . $dbfn[$db] . ": $!");
    $dbModTime[$db] = (CORE::stat($dbfn[$db]))[9]
       or die ((caller 0)[3]. " can't stat " . $dbfn[$db] . ": $!");
    $s->log->notice ($dbfn[$db]." has " .scalar(keys(%{$dbs[$db]}))."  

Unfortunately, when this is done the server starts, but the DBs look  
empty and
the log notices for each DB show "0 entries".
Removing the ':shared' tag for @dbs and the 'shared_clone()' wrapper  
for '{}'
causes the log notices to show the proper number of entries for each DB,
but blows up the Apache configuration process (before the 'resuming  
operations' message) with
httpd in free(): error: chunk is already free

in error_log and the following on the terminal:
Abort trap (core dumped)
Error invoking apachectl start command

I guess not having databases is better. I've tried using @dbs as an  
array of
references to named, shared hashes: also no database content. The  
and 'event' MPMs work identically w/r/t this problem.
Suggestions of things to try will be very welcome.

Happy New Year, cmac