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Bug report for Log4j [2002/04/14]

| Bugzilla Bug ID                                                           |
|     +---------------------------------------------------------------------+
|     | Status: UNC=Unconfirmed NEW=New         ASS=Assigned                |
|     |         OPN=Reopened    VER=Verified    (Skipped Closed/Resolved)   |
|     |   +-----------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   | Severity: BLK=Blocker     CRI=Critical    MAJ=Major             |
|     |   |           MIN=Minor       NOR=Normal      ENH=Enhancement       |
|     |   |   +-------------------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   | Date Posted                                                 |
|     |   |   |          +--------------------------------------------------+
|     |   |   |          | Description                                      |
|     |   |   |          |                                                  |
|  569|Ver|Cri|2001-02-09|fully qualified class name used as category name c|
|  851|Ass|Min|2001-03-05|DOM Configurator not throwing exception when targe|
|  900|New|Cri|2001-03-08|RollingFileAppender does not work properly under W|
| 1459|New|Enh|2001-04-23|RollingFileAppender: keep unlimited number of back|
| 1553|Ass|Enh|2001-04-27|A couple of documentation improvements            |
| 1669|Opn|Nor|2001-05-08|Logging 200,000 events in rapid sequence causes As|
| 1960|Ass|Nor|2001-06-01|Extending the standard layout class and implementi|
| 2246|New|Enh|2001-06-20|Throwable indentation & improving String escapeHTM|
| 2251|New|Enh|2001-06-20|org.apache.log4j.helpers.OptionConverter's referen|
| 2276|New|Nor|2001-06-21|stack trace of the exception is not getting logged|
| 2377|Ass|Blk|2001-06-28|A java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError is thrown |
| 2383|New|Nor|2001-06-28|BasicConfigurator's deprecated method : enableAll(|
| 2498|New|Nor|2001-07-07|WriterAppender doesn't flush footer output        |
| 2586|New|Nor|2001-07-11|Netscpe JRE-Plugin SSL BeanInfo not found problem |
| 2686|New|Enh|2001-07-19|DailyRollingFileAppender with max file size       |
| 2690|New|Nor|2001-07-19|DOMConfigurator cannot be compiled (org.w3c)      |
| 2701|New|Blk|2001-07-19|WriterAppender does not allow logging with other c|
| 2726|New|Min|2001-07-21|[doc bug] incorrect explanation of priority level |
| 2791|New|Enh|2001-07-25|RollingFileAppender should provide a rollover() on|
| 2953|New|Maj|2001-08-01|RollingFileAppender loses log files               |
| 2976|New|Nor|2001-08-03|Defaultvalues in properties during configuration n|
| 3008|New|Nor|2001-08-06|Log4j stopped rolling log while program was runnin|
| 3023|New|Min|2001-08-07|Documentation change - JUnit version dependency   |
| 3058|Ass|Nor|2001-08-09|DOMConfigurator File Sharing Access log4j.dtd     |
| 3071|New|Min|2001-08-09|syntax error in explanatory java code             |
| 3105|New|Nor|2001-08-13|DailyRollingFileAppender not working correctly on |
| 3607|New|Maj|2001-09-14|(log4j 1.1.3) RollingFileAppenderBeanInfo will not|
| 3610|New|Nor|2001-09-14|The XPriority example is incorrect                |
| 3794|New|Nor|2001-09-24|TRACE priority(i.e. priority lower than DEBUG)  in|
| 3853|New|Min|2001-09-27|Javadoc. BasicConfigurator.configure() uses Consol|
| 3915|New|Nor|2001-10-02|AsyncAppender "eats" location information         |
| 3933|New|Maj|2001-10-02|SocketServer Poor Performance could be improved si|
| 4024|New|Nor|2001-10-08|Configuration of the Source of NTEventLogAppender |
| 4090|New|Maj|2001-10-11|DailyRollingFileAppender loses logged data        |
| 4098|New|Enh|2001-10-11|Setting name for the FileWatchdog thread          |
| 4106|New|Nor|2001-10-11|DOM Configurator doesn't parse filename and line n|
| 4122|New|Nor|2001-10-12|variable substitution doesn't support recursive su|
| 4378|New|Min|2001-10-23|Misspelled word in FAQ                            |
| 4561|New|Nor|2001-11-01|Log4J threads don't seem to terminate incase of th|
| 4746|New|Nor|2001-11-08|NTAppender does not use the layout speciifed in th|
| 4756|New|Enh|2001-11-08|Add controls to NT Event Log appender for event #,|
| 4802|New|Cri|2001-11-11|Not Serializable in Log4J 1.1.3                   |
| 4815|New|Nor|2001-11-12|PropertySetter ignores default properties in the j|
| 4861|Ass|Min|2001-11-14|log4j:ERROR Failed to flush writer                |
| 4913|New|Min|2001-11-16|org.apache.log4j.helpers.FileWatchdog should allow|
| 4979|New|Nor|2001-11-20|Docs issue and .ZIP missing files.                |
| 5211|New|Nor|2001-11-30|DailyRollingFileAppender should check renameTo res|
| 5232|New|Nor|2001-12-02|DOMConfigurator does not parse appenders if invoke|
| 5393|New|Maj|2001-12-12|DailyRollingFileAppender should have rolling for n|
| 5444|New|Nor|2001-12-15|AsyncAppender throws NullPointerException         |
| 5485|New|Nor|2001-12-18|XMLLayout: CR/LF is omitted when dumping throwable|
| 5695|New|Nor|2002-01-04|Can't use log4j from two servlet contexts         |
| 5798|New|Cri|2002-01-10|Missing file location information from log file   |
| 5839|New|Maj|2002-01-14|NONE is not supported                             |
| 5841|New|Maj|2002-01-14|Not possible with more than one category per file/|
| 5846|New|Blk|2002-01-14|SocketAppender does not reconnect!!               |
| 5882|New|Blk|2002-01-16|Log4j does not free the appenders and resources wh|
| 5932|New|Nor|2002-01-21|MDC is not working with AsyncAppender             |
| 5956|New|Blk|2002-01-22|JVM core dump at LocationInfo                     |
| 6030|New|Nor|2002-01-25|1.1.3 javadoc pages are actually 1.2 alpha 7      |
| 6034|New|Nor|2002-01-25|SocketAppender stops logging of its start up class|
| 6077|New|Maj|2002-01-28|readPriority() method in org.apache.log4j.spi.Logg|
| 6210|New|Cri|2002-02-04|log4j in weblogic                                 |
| 6532|New|Nor|2002-02-19|DailyRollingFileAppender not appending to a new fi|
| 6559|New|Cri|2002-02-19|org.apache.log4j.spi.CategoryFactory.ava has incor|
| 6674|New|Maj|2002-02-26|Rolling file appender error                       |
| 6718|New|Nor|2002-02-27|PropertyConfigurator fails to configure loggers in|
| 6773|New|Nor|2002-02-28|LevelMatchFilter does not work in 1.2beta3        |
| 6860|New|Nor|2002-03-04|Filtering in Websphere 3.5.5                      |
| 6953|New|Nor|2002-03-07|OptionConverter Exception in Class instantiation f|
| 6970|New|Nor|2002-03-07|shutdown does not close files under AsyncAppender |
| 7042|New|Nor|2002-03-12|The NullAppender class is missing from the log4j.j|
| 7113|New|Maj|2002-03-14|Class.forName causes problems                     |
| 7260|New|Nor|2002-03-20|file handle not being release after reading config|
| 7451|New|Blk|2002-03-25|Multiple RollingFileAppenders using the same file |
| 7484|New|Cri|2002-03-26|ignoring configuration file during servlet startup|
| 7504|New|Nor|2002-03-27|PatternLayout javadoc needs to be updated to docum|
| 7515|New|Nor|2002-03-27|DailyRollingFileAppender wrong rollover type      |
| 7516|New|Enh|2002-03-27|DailyRollingFileAppender support for TimeZones    |
| 7550|New|Min|2002-03-28|DailyRollingFileAppender defaults to HALF_DAY rota|
| 7593|New|Nor|2002-03-28|Constructor method names <init> create non well-fo|
| 7678|New|Nor|2002-04-02|if log file is deleted, data will be lost until de|
| 7793|New|Nor|2002-04-06|propertyconfigurator leaves file in use after read|
| 7905|New|Maj|2002-04-10|FileAppender doesn't flow to the Child Categories.|
| 7943|New|Nor|2002-04-11|getParent() is not accepted                       |
| 7947|New|Nor|2002-04-11|for all FileAppenders configured in log4j configur|
| 7948|New|Enh|2002-04-11|Layout & Subclasses: getFooter never called       |
| 7949|New|Blk|2002-04-11|mix data inside files                             |
| Total   88 bugs                                                           |

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