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Posted to by on 2010/11/04 18:27:42 UTC

svn commit: r1031127 [22/22] - in /incubator/alois/trunk: ./ bin/ debian/ doc/ etc/ etc/alois/ etc/alois/apache2/ etc/alois/environments/ etc/alois/prisma/ etc/cron.d/ etc/default/ etc/logrotate.d/ prisma/ prisma/bin/ prisma/conf/ prisma/conf/prisma/ p...

Added: incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/init.rb
--- incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/init.rb (added)
+++ incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/init.rb Thu Nov  4 18:27:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+gems = Dir[File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "vendor/gems/*")]
+if gems.any?
+  # Prepend load paths first so that gems can depend on eachother
+  gems.each do |dir|
+    lib = File.join(dir, 'lib')
+    $LOAD_PATH.unshift(lib) if
+  end
+  # Require each gem
+  gems.each do |dir|
+    init_rb = File.join(dir, 'init.rb')
+    require init_rb if File.file?(init_rb)
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Added: incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_freeze.rake
--- incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_freeze.rake (added)
+++ incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_freeze.rake Thu Nov  4 18:27:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+namespace :gems do
+  desc "Freeze a RubyGem into this Rails application; init.rb will be loaded on startup."
+  task :freeze do
+		unless gem_name = ENV['GEM']
+		  puts <<-eos
+  GEM      Name of gem (required)
+  VERSION  Version of gem to freeze (optional)
+  ONLY     RAILS_ENVs for which the GEM will be active (optional)
+      break
+    end
+    # ONLY=development[,test] etc
+    only_list = (ENV['ONLY'] || "").split(',')
+    only_if_begin = only_list.size == 0 ? "" : <<-EOS
+ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development'
+if %w[#{only_list.join(' ')}].include?(ENV['RAILS_ENV'])
+  EOS
+    only_if_end   = only_list.size == 0 ? "" : "end"
+    only_if_tab   = only_list.size == 0 ? "" : "  "
+    require 'rubygems'
+    # RubyGems <0.9.5
+    # Gem.manage_gems
+    #
+    # RubyGems >=0.9.5
+    require 'rubygems/command_manager'
+    require 'rubygems/commands/unpack_command'
+    Gem::CommandManager.instance
+    gem = (version = ENV['VERSION']) ?
+, "= #{version}").first :
+ { |g| g.version }.last
+    version ||= gem.version.version rescue nil
+    unpack_command_class = Gem::UnpackCommand rescue nil || Gem::Commands::UnpackCommand
+    unless gem && path =, version)
+      raise "No gem #{gem_name} #{version} is installed.  Do 'gem list #{gem_name}' to see what you have available."
+    end
+    gems_dir = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'vendor', 'gems')
+    mkdir_p gems_dir, :verbose => false if !File.exists?(gems_dir)
+    target_dir = ENV['TO'] || File.basename(path).sub(/\.gem$/, '')
+    mkdir_p "vendor/gems/#{target_dir}", :verbose => false
+    chdir gems_dir, :verbose => false do
+      mkdir_p target_dir, :verbose => false
+      abs_target_dir = File.join(Dir.pwd, target_dir)
+      (gem =
+      chdir target_dir, :verbose => false do
+        if !File.exists?('init.rb')
+'init.rb', 'w') do |file|
+            path_options = [gem_name, gem_name.split('-').join('/')].map {|n| 
+# TODO: this is not nice
+if n == "InlineAttachment" then "inline_attachment" else 
+ if n == "acts_as_reportable" then "ruport/acts_as_reportable" else n end
+            code = <<-eos
+require_options = #{path_options.inspect}
+if require_lib = require_options.find { |path|  
+	File.exist?(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib', path + '.rb')) or
+, 'lib', path)) 
+  }
+  require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'lib', require_lib)
+  puts msg = "ERROR: Please update \#{File.expand_path __FILE__} with the require path for linked RubyGem #{gem_name}"
+  exit
+            eos
+            tabbed_code = code.split("\n").map { |line| line = "#{only_if_tab}#{line}" }.join("\n")
+            file << <<-eos
+            eos
+          end
+        end
+      end
+      puts "Unpacked #{gem_name} #{version} to '#{target_dir}'"
+    end
+  end

Added: incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_link.rake
--- incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_link.rake (added)
+++ incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_link.rake Thu Nov  4 18:27:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+namespace :gems do
+  desc "Link a RubyGem into this Rails application; init.rb will be loaded on startup."
+  task :link do
+		unless gem_name = ENV['GEM']
+		  puts <<-eos
+  GEM      Name of gem (required)
+  ONLY     RAILS_ENVs for which the GEM will be active (optional)
+      break
+		end
+    # ONLY=development[,test] etc
+    only_list = (ENV['ONLY'] || "").split(',')
+    only_if_begin = only_list.size == 0 ? "" : <<-EOS
+ENV['RAILS_ENV'] ||= 'development'
+if %w[#{only_list.join(' ')}].include?(ENV['RAILS_ENV'])
+  EOS
+    only_if_end   = only_list.size == 0 ? "" : "end"
+    only_if_tab   = only_list.size == 0 ? "" : "  "
+    require 'rubygems'
+    # RubyGems <0.9.5
+    # Gem.manage_gems
+    #
+    # RubyGems >=0.9.5
+    require 'rubygems/command_manager'
+    require 'rubygems/commands/unpack_command'
+    Gem::CommandManager.instance
+    gem = { |g| g.version }.last
+    version ||= gem.version.version rescue nil
+    unpack_command_class = Gem::UnpackCommand rescue nil || Gem::Commands::UnpackCommand
+    unless gem && path =, version)
+      raise "No gem #{gem_name} is installed.  Try 'gem install #{gem_name}' to install the gem."
+    end
+    gems_dir = File.join(RAILS_ROOT, 'vendor', 'gems')
+    mkdir_p gems_dir, :verbose => false if !File.exists?(gems_dir)
+    target_dir = ENV['TO'] ||
+    mkdir_p "vendor/gems/#{target_dir}"
+    chdir gems_dir, :verbose => false do
+      mkdir_p target_dir + '/tasks', :verbose => false
+      chdir target_dir, :verbose => false do
+'init.rb', 'w') do |file|
+          path_options = [gem_name, gem_name.split('-').join('/')].uniq
+          code = <<-eos
+require 'rubygems'
+gem ='#{}').sort_by { |g| g.version }.last
+if gem.autorequire
+  require gem.autorequire
+  require_options = #{path_options.inspect}
+  unless require_options.find do |path|
+      begin
+        require path 
+      rescue MissingSourceFile 
+        nil
+      end
+    end
+    puts msg = "ERROR: Please update \#{File.expand_path __FILE__} with the require path for linked RubyGem #{gem_name}"
+    exit
+  end
+          eos
+          tabbed_code = code.split("\n").map { |line| line = "#{only_if_tab}#{line}" }.join("\n")
+          file << <<-eos
+        end
+'tasks', 'load_tasks.rake'), 'w') do |file|
+          file << <<-eos
+# This file does not include any Rake files, but loads up the 
+# tasks in the /vendor/gems/ folders
+  require 'rubygems'
+  Gem.manage_gems
+  gem ='#{}').sort_by { |g| g.version }.last
+  raise \"Gem '#{}' is not installed\" if gem.nil?
+  path = gem.full_gem_path
+  Dir[File.join(path, "/**/tasks/**/*.rake")].sort.each { |ext| load ext }
+        end
+        puts "Linked #{gem_name} (currently #{version}) via 'vendor/gems/#{target_dir}'"
+      end
+    end
+  end
+  task :unfreeze do
+    raise "No gem specified" unless gem_name = ENV['GEM']
+    Dir["vendor/gems/#{gem_name}-*"].each { |d| rm_rf d }
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Added: incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_unfreeze.rake
--- incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_unfreeze.rake (added)
+++ incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/gems_unfreeze.rake Thu Nov  4 18:27:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+namespace :gems do
+  desc "Unfreeze/unlink a RubyGem from this Rails application"
+  task :unfreeze do
+		unless gem_name = ENV['GEM']
+		  puts <<-eos
+  GEM      Name of gem (required)
+      break
+		end
+    Dir["vendor/gems/#{gem_name}*"].each { |d| rm_rf d }
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Added: incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/load_tasks_in_gems.rake
--- incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/load_tasks_in_gems.rake (added)
+++ incubator/alois/trunk/rails_plugins/gemsonrails/tasks/load_tasks_in_gems.rake Thu Nov  4 18:27:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# This file does not include any Rake files, but loads up the 
+# tasks in the /vendor/gems/ folders
+Dir[File.join(RAILS_ROOT, "vendor/gems/*/**/tasks/**/*.rake")].sort.each do |ext| 
+  begin
+    load ext
+  rescue
+    puts $!
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Added: incubator/alois/trunk/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/acts_as_reportable.rb
--- incubator/alois/trunk/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/acts_as_reportable.rb (added)
+++ incubator/alois/trunk/usr/lib/ruby/1.8/acts_as_reportable.rb Thu Nov  4 18:27:22 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+# Copyright 2010 The Apache Software Foundation.
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+module Ruport
+  # This module is designed to be mixed in with an ActiveRecord model
+  # to add easy conversion to Ruport's data structures.
+  module Reportable
+    def self.included(base) # :nodoc:
+      base.extend ClassMethods  
+    end
+    module ClassMethods 
+      # In the ActiveRecord model you wish to integrate with Ruport, add the 
+      # following line just below the class definition:
+      #
+      #   acts_as_reportable
+      #
+      # This will automatically make all the methods in this module available
+      # in the model.
+      def acts_as_reportable
+        include Ruport::Reportable::InstanceMethods
+        extend Ruport::Reportable::SingletonMethods
+      end
+    end
+    module SingletonMethods
+      # Creates a Ruport::Data::Table from an ActiveRecord find. Takes 
+      # parameters just like a regular Active find. If you use the :include 
+      # option, it will return a table with all columns from the model and 
+      # the included associations. If you use the :columns option, it will
+      # return a table with only the specified columns. To access a column 
+      # in an associated table, use the association in the column name. 
+      #
+      # Example:
+      # 
+      # class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
+      #   belongs_to :author
+      #   acts_as_reportable
+      # end
+      #
+      # Book.report_table(:all, :columns => ['title', '']).as(:html)
+      #
+      # Returns: a html version of a report with two columns, title from 
+      # the book, and name from the associated author.
+      #
+      # Calling Book.report_table(:all, :include => [:author]).as(:html) will 
+      # return a table with all columns from books and authors.
+      #
+      def report_table(number = :all, options = {})
+        options[:include] ||= []
+        report_columns = options.delete(:columns)
+        report_columns ||= column_names + options[:include].map {|x| reflect_on_association(x) {|y| "#{x}.#{y}"}}.flatten
+        includes, attributes = split_columns report_columns
+        options[:include] = (options[:include] + includes).uniq
+        data = find(number,options).map do |r| 
+          r.get_attributes_with_associations :only => attributes, 
+            :include => options[:include]
+        end   
+ => data, 
+          :column_names => report_columns).reorder(report_columns)
+      end
+      private 
+      # Split an array of columns into associations and attributes.
+      #
+      # Example: split_columns(['title',''])
+      # Returns: [:author], ['title','name']
+      # 
+      def split_columns(columns)
+        includes = []
+        attributes = []
+        columns.each do |column|
+          include,attribute = column.split(/\./) 
+          attributes << (attribute || include)
+          includes << include.to_sym if attribute      
+        end if columns
+        return includes, attributes
+      end
+    end
+    module InstanceMethods
+      # Instance methods for ActiveRecord objects. Grabs all of the 
+      # object's attributes and the attributes of the associated objects
+      # and returns them in a hash. Associated object attributes are 
+      # stored in the hash with "association.attribute" keys. Passing 
+      # :only as an option will only get those attributes. Must pass
+      # :include as an option to access associations.
+      #
+      # Example: 
+      # 
+      # class Book < ActiveRecord::Base
+      #   belongs_to :author
+      #   acts_as_reportable
+      # end
+      # 
+      # abook.get_attributes_with_associations(:only => ['title','name'], 
+      #                                        :include => [:author])
+      # returns: {'title' => 'books title', 
+      #           '' => 'authors name', 
+      #           'author.title' => 'Mr.', 
+      #           'name' => 'book name' }      
+      #  
+      # NOTE: author.title and name will only be returned if those values 
+      # exist in the tables. If the books table does not have a name column,
+      # name will not be returned. Likewise, if the authors table does not
+      # have a title column, it will not be returned.
+      #      
+      def get_attributes_with_associations(options = {})
+        options[:root] ||= self.class.to_s.underscore        
+        root_only_or_except = 
+          if options[:only] or options[:except]
+            { :only => options[:only], :except => options[:except] }
+          else
+            nil
+          end
+        attrs = attributes(root_only_or_except)
+        if include_associations = options.delete(:include)
+          include_has_options = include_associations.is_a?(Hash)
+          for association in include_has_options ? include_associations.keys : Array(include_associations)
+            association_options = include_has_options ? include_associations[association] : root_only_or_except
+            case self.class.reflect_on_association(association).macro
+              when :has_many, :has_and_belongs_to_many
+                #records = send(association).to_a
+                #unless records.empty?
+                #  attrs[association] = records.collect do |record| 
+                #    record.attributes(association_options)
+                #  end
+                #end
+              when :has_one, :belongs_to
+                if record = send(association)
+                  attrs = record.attributes().inject(attrs) {|h,(k,v)| h["#{association}.#{k}"] = v; h }
+                end
+            end
+          end
+        end
+        attrs
+      end
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file