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Posted to by on 2015/08/05 16:56:24 UTC

[38/51] [abbrv] [partial] incubator-usergrid git commit: Switch over to new docs for the website.
diff --git a/content/docs/_static/underscore.js b/content/docs/_static/underscore.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5b55f32
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/_static/underscore.js
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+// Underscore.js 1.3.1
+// (c) 2009-2012 Jeremy Ashkenas, DocumentCloud Inc.
+// Underscore is freely distributable under the MIT license.
+// Portions of Underscore are inspired or borrowed from Prototype,
+// Oliver Steele's Functional, and John Resig's Micro-Templating.
+// For all details and documentation:
+(function(){function q(a,c,d){if(a===c)return a!==0||1/a==1/c;if(a==null||c==null)return a===c;if(a._chain)a=a._wrapped;if(c._chain)c=c._wrapped;if(a.isEqual&&b.isFunction(a.isEqual))return a.isEqual(c);if(c.isEqual&&b.isFunction(c.isEqual))return c.isEqual(a);var;if(e! false;switch(e){case "[object String]":return a==String(c);case "[object Number]":return a!=+a?c!=+c:a==0?1/a==1/c:a==+c;case "[object Date]":case "[object Boolean]":return+a==+c;case "[object RegExp]":return a.source==
+c.source&&}if(typeof a!="object"||typeof c!="object")return false;for(var f=d.length;f--;)if(d[f]==a)return true;d.push(a);var f=0,g=true;if(e=="[object Array]"){if(f=a.length,g=f==c.length)for(;f--;)if(!(g=f in a==f in c&&q(a[f],c[f],d)))break}else{if("constructor"in a!="constructor"in c||a.constructor!=c.constructor)return false;for(var h in a)if(b.has(a,h)&&(f++,!(g=b.has(c,h)&&q(a[h],c[h],d))))break;if(g){for(h in c)if(b.has(c,
+h)&&!f--)break;g=!f}}d.pop();return g}var r=this,G=r._,n={},k=Array.prototype,o=Object.prototype,i=k.slice,H=k.unshift,l=o.toString,I=o.hasOwnProperty,w=k.forEach,,y=k.reduce,z=k.reduceRight,A=k.filter,B=k.every,C=k.some,p=k.indexOf,D=k.lastIndexOf,o=Array.isArray,J=Object.keys,s=Function.prototype.bind,b=function(a){return new m(a)};if(typeof exports!=="undefined"){if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports)exports=module.exports=b;exports._=b}else r._=b;b.VERSION="1.3.1";var j=b.each=
+b.forEach=function(a,c,d){if(a!=null)if(w&&a.forEach===w)a.forEach(c,d);else if(a.length===+a.length)for(var e=0,f=a.length;e<f;e++){if(e in a&&,a[e],e,a)===n)break}else for(e in a)if(b.has(a,e)&&,a[e],e,a)===n)break};,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;if(x&&,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){e[e.length],a,g,h)});if(a.length===+a.length)e.length=a.length;return e};b.reduce=b.foldl=b.inject=function(a,c,d,e){var f=arguments.length>2;a==
+null&&(a=[]);if(y&&a.reduce===y)return e&&(c=b.bind(c,e)),f?a.reduce(c,d):a.reduce(c);j(a,function(a,b,i){f?,d,a,b,i):(d=a,f=true)});if(!f)throw new TypeError("Reduce of empty array with no initial value");return d};b.reduceRight=b.foldr=function(a,c,d,e){var f=arguments.length>2;a==null&&(a=[]);if(z&&a.reduceRight===z)return e&&(c=b.bind(c,e)),f?a.reduceRight(c,d):a.reduceRight(c);var g=b.toArray(a).reverse();e&&!f&&(c=b.bind(c,e));return f?b.reduce(g,c,d,e):b.reduce(g,c)};b.find=b.detect=
+function(a,c,b){var e;E(a,function(a,g,h){if(,a,g,h))return e=a,true});return e};,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;if(A&&a.filter===A)return a.filter(c,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){,a,g,h)&&(e[e.length]=a)});return e};b.reject=function(a,c,b){var e=[];if(a==null)return e;j(a,function(a,g,h){,a,g,h)||(e[e.length]=a)});return e};b.every=b.all=function(a,c,b){var e=true;if(a==null)return e;if(B&&a.every===B)return a.every(c,b);j(a,function(a,g,h){if(!(e=
+e&&,a,g,h)))return n});return e};var E=b.some=b.any=function(a,c,d){c||(c=b.identity);var e=false;if(a==null)return e;if(C&&a.some===C)return a.some(c,d);j(a,function(a,b,h){if(e||(,a,b,h)))return n});return!!e};b.include=b.contains=function(a,c){var b=false;if(a==null)return b;return p&&a.indexOf===p?a.indexOf(c)!=-1:b=E(a,function(a){return a===c})};b.invoke=function(a,c){var,2);return,function(a){return(b.isFunction(c)?c||a:a[c]).apply(a,d)})};b.pluck=
+function(a,c){return,function(a){return a[c]})};b.max=function(a,c,d){if(!c&&b.isArray(a))return Math.max.apply(Math,a);if(!c&&b.isEmpty(a))return-Infinity;var e={computed:-Infinity};j(a,function(a,b,h){b=c?,a,b,h):a;b>=e.computed&&(e={value:a,computed:b})});return e.value};b.min=function(a,c,d){if(!c&&b.isArray(a))return Math.min.apply(Math,a);if(!c&&b.isEmpty(a))return Infinity;var e={computed:Infinity};j(a,function(a,b,h){b=c?,a,b,h):a;b<e.computed&&(e={value:a,computed:b})});
+return e.value};b.shuffle=function(a){var b=[],d;j(a,function(a,f){f==0?b[0]=a:(d=Math.floor(Math.random()*(f+1)),b[f]=b[d],b[d]=a)});return b};b.sortBy=function(a,c,d){return b.pluck(,function(a,b,g){return{value:a,,a,b,g)}}).sort(function(a,b){var c=a.criteria,d=b.criteria;return c<d?-1:c>d?1:0}),"value")};b.groupBy=function(a,c){var d={},e=b.isFunction(c)?c:function(a){return a[c]};j(a,function(a,b){var c=e(a,b);(d[c]||(d[c]=[])).push(a)});return d};b.sortedIndex=function(a,
+c,d){d||(d=b.identity);for(var e=0,f=a.length;e<f;){var g=e+f>>1;d(a[g])<d(c)?e=g+1:f=g}return e};b.toArray=function(a){return!a?[]:a.toArray?a.toArray():b.isArray(a)?};b.size=function(a){return b.toArray(a).length};b.first=b.head=function(a,b,d){return b!=null&&!d?,0,b):a[0]};b.initial=function(a,b,d){return,0,a.length-(b==null||d?1:b))};b.last=function(a,b,d){return b!=null&&!d?,Math.max(a.length-b,0)):a[a.length-1]};
+b.tail=function(a,b,d){return,b==null||d?1:b)};b.compact=function(a){return b.filter(a,function(a){return!!a})};b.flatten=function(a,c){return b.reduce(a,function(a,e){if(b.isArray(e))return a.concat(c?e:b.flatten(e));a[a.length]=e;return a},[])};b.without=function(a){return b.difference(a,,1))};b.uniq=b.unique=function(a,c,d){var d=d?,d):a,e=[];b.reduce(d,function(d,g,h){if(0==h||(c===true?b.last(d)!=g:!b.include(d,g)))d[d.length]=g,e[e.length]=a[h];return d},[]);
+return e};b.union=function(){return b.uniq(b.flatten(arguments,true))};b.intersection=b.intersect=function(a){var,1);return b.filter(b.uniq(a),function(a){return b.every(c,function(c){return b.indexOf(c,a)>=0})})};b.difference=function(a){var c=b.flatten(,1));return b.filter(a,function(a){return!b.include(c,a)})};{for(var,c=b.max(b.pluck(a,"length")),d=Array(c),e=0;e<c;e++)d[e]=b.pluck(a,""+e);return d};b.indexOf=function(a,c,
+d){if(a==null)return-1;var e;if(d)return d=b.sortedIndex(a,c),a[d]===c?d:-1;if(p&&a.indexOf===p)return a.indexOf(c);for(d=0,e=a.length;d<e;d++)if(d in a&&a[d]===c)return d;return-1};b.lastIndexOf=function(a,b){if(a==null)return-1;if(D&&a.lastIndexOf===D)return a.lastIndexOf(b);for(var d=a.length;d--;)if(d in a&&a[d]===b)return d;return-1};b.range=function(a,b,d){arguments.length<=1&&(b=a||0,a=0);for(var d=arguments[2]||1,e=Math.max(Math.ceil((b-a)/d),0),f=0,g=Array(e);f<e;)g[f++]=a,a+=d;return g};
+var F=function(){};b.bind=function(a,c){var d,e;if(a.bind===s&&s)return s.apply(a,,1));if(!b.isFunction(a))throw new TypeError;,2);return d=function(){if(!(this instanceof d))return a.apply(c,e.concat(;F.prototype=a.prototype;var b=new F,g=a.apply(b,e.concat(;return Object(g)===g?g:b}};b.bindAll=function(a){var,1);c.length==0&&(c=b.functions(a));j(c,function(c){a[c]=b.bind(a[c],a)});return a};b.memoize=function(a,
+c){var d={};c||(c=b.identity);return function(){var e=c.apply(this,arguments);return b.has(d,e)?d[e]:d[e]=a.apply(this,arguments)}};b.delay=function(a,b){var,2);return setTimeout(function(){return a.apply(a,d)},b)};b.defer=function(a){return b.delay.apply(b,[a,1].concat(,1)))};b.throttle=function(a,c){var d,e,f,g,h,i=b.debounce(function(){h=g=false},c);return function(){d=this;e=arguments;var b;f||(f=setTimeout(function(){f=null;h&&a.apply(d,e);i()},c));g?h=true:
+a.apply(d,e);i();g=true}};b.debounce=function(a,b){var d;return function(){var e=this,f=arguments;clearTimeout(d);d=setTimeout(function(){d=null;a.apply(e,f)},b)}};b.once=function(a){var b=false,d;return function(){if(b)return d;b=true;return d=a.apply(this,arguments)}};b.wrap=function(a,b){return function(){var d=[a].concat(,0));return b.apply(this,d)}};b.compose=function(){var a=arguments;return function(){for(var b=arguments,d=a.length-1;d>=0;d--)b=[a[d].apply(this,b)];return b[0]}};
+b.after=function(a,b){return a<=0?b():function(){if(--a<1)return b.apply(this,arguments)}};b.keys=J||function(a){if(a!==Object(a))throw new TypeError("Invalid object");var c=[],d;for(d in a)b.has(a,d)&&(c[c.length]=d);return c};b.values=function(a){return,b.identity)};b.functions=b.methods=function(a){var c=[],d;for(d in a)b.isFunction(a[d])&&c.push(d);return c.sort()};b.extend=function(a){j(,1),function(b){for(var d in b)a[d]=b[d]});return a};b.defaults=function(a){j(,
+1),function(b){for(var d in b)a[d]==null&&(a[d]=b[d])});return a};b.clone=function(a){return!b.isObject(a)?a:b.isArray(a)?a.slice():b.extend({},a)};b.tap=function(a,b){b(a);return a};b.isEqual=function(a,b){return q(a,b,[])};b.isEmpty=function(a){if(b.isArray(a)||b.isString(a))return a.length===0;for(var c in a)if(b.has(a,c))return false;return true};b.isElement=function(a){return!!(a&&a.nodeType==1)};b.isArray=o||function(a){return"[object Array]"};b.isObject=function(a){return a===Object(a)};
+b.isArguments=function(a){return"[object Arguments]"};if(!b.isArguments(arguments))b.isArguments=function(a){return!(!a||!b.has(a,"callee"))};b.isFunction=function(a){return"[object Function]"};b.isString=function(a){return"[object String]"};b.isNumber=function(a){return"[object Number]"};b.isNaN=function(a){return a!==a};b.isBoolean=function(a){return a===true||a===false||"[object Boolean]"};b.isDate=function(a){return"[object Date]"};
+b.isRegExp=function(a){return"[object RegExp]"};b.isNull=function(a){return a===null};b.isUndefined=function(a){return a===void 0};b.has=function(a,b){return,b)};b.noConflict=function(){r._=G;return this};b.identity=function(a){return a};b.times=function(a,b,d){for(var e=0;e<a;e++),e)};b.escape=function(a){return(""+a).replace(/&/g,"&amp;").replace(/</g,"&lt;").replace(/>/g,"&gt;").replace(/"/g,"&quot;").replace(/'/g,"&#x27;").replace(/\//g,"&#x2F;")};b.mixin=function(a){j(b.functions(a),
+function(c){K(c,b[c]=a[c])})};var L=0;b.uniqueId=function(a){var b=L++;return a?a+b:b};b.templateSettings={evaluate:/<%([\s\S]+?)%>/g,interpolate:/<%=([\s\S]+?)%>/g,escape:/<%-([\s\S]+?)%>/g};var t=/.^/,u=function(a){return a.replace(/\\\\/g,"\\").replace(/\\'/g,"'")};b.template=function(a,c){var d=b.templateSettings,d="var __p=[],print=function(){__p.push.apply(__p,arguments);};with(obj||{}){__p.push('"+a.replace(/\\/g,"\\\\").replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(d.escape||t,function(a,b){return"',_.escape("+
+u(b)+"),'"}).replace(d.interpolate||t,function(a,b){return"',"+u(b)+",'"}).replace(d.evaluate||t,function(a,b){return"');"+u(b).replace(/[\r\n\t]/g," ")+";__p.push('"}).replace(/\r/g,"\\r").replace(/\n/g,"\\n").replace(/\t/g,"\\t")+"');}return __p.join('');",e=new Function("obj","_",d);return c?e(c,b):function(a){return,a,b)}};b.chain=function(a){return b(a).chain()};var m=function(a){this._wrapped=a};b.prototype=m.prototype;var v=function(a,c){return c?b(a).chain():a},K=function(a,c){m.prototype[a]=
+function(){var;,this._wrapped);return v(c.apply(b,a),this._chain)}};b.mixin(b);j("pop,push,reverse,shift,sort,splice,unshift".split(","),function(a){var b=k[a];m.prototype[a]=function(){var d=this._wrapped;b.apply(d,arguments);var e=d.length;(a=="shift"||a=="splice")&&e===0&&delete d[0];return v(d,this._chain)}});j(["concat","join","slice"],function(a){var b=k[a];m.prototype[a]=function(){return v(b.apply(this._wrapped,arguments),this._chain)}});m.prototype.chain=function(){this._chain=
+true;return this};m.prototype.value=function(){return this._wrapped}}).call(this);
diff --git a/content/docs/_static/up-pressed.png b/content/docs/_static/up-pressed.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..99e7210
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/_static/up-pressed.png differ
diff --git a/content/docs/_static/up.png b/content/docs/_static/up.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..26de002
Binary files /dev/null and b/content/docs/_static/up.png differ
diff --git a/content/docs/_static/websupport.js b/content/docs/_static/websupport.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28d65db
--- /dev/null
+++ b/content/docs/_static/websupport.js
@@ -0,0 +1,808 @@
+ * websupport.js
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * sphinx.websupport utilties for all documentation.
+ *
+ * :copyright: Copyright 2007-2015 by the Sphinx team, see AUTHORS.
+ * :license: BSD, see LICENSE for details.
+ *
+ */
+(function($) {
+  $.fn.autogrow = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+    var textarea = this;
+    $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea);
+    $(textarea)
+      .focus(function() {
+        textarea.interval = setInterval(function() {
+          $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea);
+        }, 500);
+      })
+      .blur(function() {
+        clearInterval(textarea.interval);
+      });
+    });
+  };
+  $.fn.autogrow.resize = function(textarea) {
+    var lineHeight = parseInt($(textarea).css('line-height'), 10);
+    var lines = textarea.value.split('\n');
+    var columns = textarea.cols;
+    var lineCount = 0;
+    $.each(lines, function() {
+      lineCount += Math.ceil(this.length / columns) || 1;
+    });
+    var height = lineHeight * (lineCount + 1);
+    $(textarea).css('height', height);
+  };
+(function($) {
+  var comp, by;
+  function init() {
+    initEvents();
+    initComparator();
+  }
+  function initEvents() {
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.comment-close', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      hide($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", '', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      handleVote($(this));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.reply', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      openReply($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.close-reply', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      closeReply($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.sort-option', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      handleReSort($(this));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", '', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      showProposal($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.hide-proposal', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      hideProposal($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", '', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      showProposeChange($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.hide-propose-change', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      hideProposeChange($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.accept-comment', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      acceptComment($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.delete-comment', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      deleteComment($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+    $(document).on("click", 'a.comment-markup', function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      toggleCommentMarkupBox($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Set comp, which is a comparator function used for sorting and
+   * inserting comments into the list.
+   */
+  function setComparator() {
+    // If the first three letters are "asc", sort in ascending order
+    // and remove the prefix.
+    if (by.substring(0,3) == 'asc') {
+      var i = by.substring(3);
+      comp = function(a, b) { return a[i] - b[i]; };
+    } else {
+      // Otherwise sort in descending order.
+      comp = function(a, b) { return b[by] - a[by]; };
+    }
+    // Reset link styles and format the selected sort option.
+    $('a.sel').attr('href', '#').removeClass('sel');
+    $('' + by).removeAttr('href').addClass('sel');
+  }
+  /**
+   * Create a comp function. If the user has preferences stored in
+   * the sortBy cookie, use those, otherwise use the default.
+   */
+  function initComparator() {
+    by = 'rating'; // Default to sort by rating.
+    // If the sortBy cookie is set, use that instead.
+    if (document.cookie.length > 0) {
+      var start = document.cookie.indexOf('sortBy=');
+      if (start != -1) {
+        start = start + 7;
+        var end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", start);
+        if (end == -1) {
+          end = document.cookie.length;
+          by = unescape(document.cookie.substring(start, end));
+        }
+      }
+    }
+    setComparator();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Show a comment div.
+   */
+  function show(id) {
+    $('#ao' + id).hide();
+    $('#ah' + id).show();
+    var context = $.extend({id: id}, opts);
+    var popup = $(renderTemplate(popupTemplate, context)).hide();
+    popup.find('textarea[name="proposal"]').hide();
+    popup.find('' + by).addClass('sel');
+    var form = popup.find('#cf' + id);
+    form.submit(function(event) {
+      event.preventDefault();
+      addComment(form);
+    });
+    $('#s' + id).after(popup);
+    popup.slideDown('fast', function() {
+      getComments(id);
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Hide a comment div.
+   */
+  function hide(id) {
+    $('#ah' + id).hide();
+    $('#ao' + id).show();
+    var div = $('#sc' + id);
+    div.slideUp('fast', function() {
+      div.remove();
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Perform an ajax request to get comments for a node
+   * and insert the comments into the comments tree.
+   */
+  function getComments(id) {
+    $.ajax({
+     type: 'GET',
+     url: opts.getCommentsURL,
+     data: {node: id},
+     success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+       var ul = $('#cl' + id);
+       var speed = 100;
+       $('#cf' + id)
+         .find('textarea[name="proposal"]')
+         .data('source', data.source);
+       if (data.comments.length === 0) {
+         ul.html('<li>No comments yet.</li>');
+'empty', true);
+       } else {
+         // If there are comments, sort them and put them in the list.
+         var comments = sortComments(data.comments);
+         speed = data.comments.length * 100;
+         appendComments(comments, ul);
+'empty', false);
+       }
+       $('#cn' + id).slideUp(speed + 200);
+       ul.slideDown(speed);
+     },
+     error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+       showError('Oops, there was a problem retrieving the comments.');
+     },
+     dataType: 'json'
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Add a comment via ajax and insert the comment into the comment tree.
+   */
+  function addComment(form) {
+    var node_id = form.find('input[name="node"]').val();
+    var parent_id = form.find('input[name="parent"]').val();
+    var text = form.find('textarea[name="comment"]').val();
+    var proposal = form.find('textarea[name="proposal"]').val();
+    if (text == '') {
+      showError('Please enter a comment.');
+      return;
+    }
+    // Disable the form that is being submitted.
+    form.find('textarea,input').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
+    // Send the comment to the server.
+    $.ajax({
+      type: "POST",
+      url: opts.addCommentURL,
+      dataType: 'json',
+      data: {
+        node: node_id,
+        parent: parent_id,
+        text: text,
+        proposal: proposal
+      },
+      success: function(data, textStatus, error) {
+        // Reset the form.
+        if (node_id) {
+          hideProposeChange(node_id);
+        }
+        form.find('textarea')
+          .val('')
+          .add(form.find('input'))
+          .removeAttr('disabled');
+	var ul = $('#cl' + (node_id || parent_id));
+        if ('empty')) {
+          $(ul).empty();
+'empty', false);
+        }
+        insertComment(data.comment);
+        var ao = $('#ao' + node_id);
+        ao.find('img').attr({'src': opts.commentBrightImage});
+        if (node_id) {
+          // if this was a "root" comment, remove the commenting box
+          // (the user can get it back by reopening the comment popup)
+          $('#ca' + node_id).slideUp();
+        }
+      },
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        form.find('textarea,input').removeAttr('disabled');
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem adding the comment.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursively append comments to the main comment list and children
+   * lists, creating the comment tree.
+   */
+  function appendComments(comments, ul) {
+    $.each(comments, function() {
+      var div = createCommentDiv(this);
+      ul.append($(document.createElement('li')).html(div));
+      appendComments(this.children, div.find('ul.comment-children'));
+      // To avoid stagnating data, don't store the comments children in data.
+      this.children = null;
+'comment', this);
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * After adding a new comment, it must be inserted in the correct
+   * location in the comment tree.
+   */
+  function insertComment(comment) {
+    var div = createCommentDiv(comment);
+    // To avoid stagnating data, don't store the comments children in data.
+    comment.children = null;
+'comment', comment);
+    var ul = $('#cl' + (comment.node || comment.parent));
+    var siblings = getChildren(ul);
+    var li = $(document.createElement('li'));
+    li.hide();
+    // Determine where in the parents children list to insert this comment.
+    for(i=0; i < siblings.length; i++) {
+      if (comp(comment, siblings[i]) <= 0) {
+        $('#cd' + siblings[i].id)
+          .parent()
+          .before(li.html(div));
+        li.slideDown('fast');
+        return;
+      }
+    }
+    // If we get here, this comment rates lower than all the others,
+    // or it is the only comment in the list.
+    ul.append(li.html(div));
+    li.slideDown('fast');
+  }
+  function acceptComment(id) {
+    $.ajax({
+      type: 'POST',
+      url: opts.acceptCommentURL,
+      data: {id: id},
+      success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+        $('#cm' + id).fadeOut('fast');
+        $('#cd' + id).removeClass('moderate');
+      },
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem accepting the comment.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  function deleteComment(id) {
+    $.ajax({
+      type: 'POST',
+      url: opts.deleteCommentURL,
+      data: {id: id},
+      success: function(data, textStatus, request) {
+        var div = $('#cd' + id);
+        if (data == 'delete') {
+          // Moderator mode: remove the comment and all children immediately
+          div.slideUp('fast', function() {
+            div.remove();
+          });
+          return;
+        }
+        // User mode: only mark the comment as deleted
+        div
+          .find('span.user-id:first')
+          .text('[deleted]').end()
+          .find('div.comment-text:first')
+          .text('[deleted]').end()
+          .find('#cm' + id + ', #dc' + id + ', #ac' + id + ', #rc' + id +
+                ', #sp' + id + ', #hp' + id + ', #cr' + id + ', #rl' + id)
+          .remove();
+        var comment ='comment');
+        comment.username = '[deleted]';
+        comment.text = '[deleted]';
+'comment', comment);
+      },
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem deleting the comment.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  function showProposal(id) {
+    $('#sp' + id).hide();
+    $('#hp' + id).show();
+    $('#pr' + id).slideDown('fast');
+  }
+  function hideProposal(id) {
+    $('#hp' + id).hide();
+    $('#sp' + id).show();
+    $('#pr' + id).slideUp('fast');
+  }
+  function showProposeChange(id) {
+    $('#pc' + id).hide();
+    $('#hc' + id).show();
+    var textarea = $('#pt' + id);
+    textarea.val('source'));
+    $.fn.autogrow.resize(textarea[0]);
+    textarea.slideDown('fast');
+  }
+  function hideProposeChange(id) {
+    $('#hc' + id).hide();
+    $('#pc' + id).show();
+    var textarea = $('#pt' + id);
+    textarea.val('').removeAttr('disabled');
+    textarea.slideUp('fast');
+  }
+  function toggleCommentMarkupBox(id) {
+    $('#mb' + id).toggle();
+  }
+  /** Handle when the user clicks on a sort by link. */
+  function handleReSort(link) {
+    var classes = link.attr('class').split(/\s+/);
+    for (var i=0; i<classes.length; i++) {
+      if (classes[i] != 'sort-option') {
+	by = classes[i].substring(2);
+      }
+    }
+    setComparator();
+    // Save/update the sortBy cookie.
+    var expiration = new Date();
+    expiration.setDate(expiration.getDate() + 365);
+    document.cookie= 'sortBy=' + escape(by) +
+                     ';expires=' + expiration.toUTCString();
+    $('ul.comment-ul').each(function(index, ul) {
+      var comments = getChildren($(ul), true);
+      comments = sortComments(comments);
+      appendComments(comments, $(ul).empty());
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Function to process a vote when a user clicks an arrow.
+   */
+  function handleVote(link) {
+    if (! {
+      showError("You'll need to login to vote.");
+      return;
+    }
+    var id = link.attr('id');
+    if (!id) {
+      // Didn't click on one of the voting arrows.
+      return;
+    }
+    // If it is an unvote, the new vote value is 0,
+    // Otherwise it's 1 for an upvote, or -1 for a downvote.
+    var value = 0;
+    if (id.charAt(1) != 'u') {
+      value = id.charAt(0) == 'u' ? 1 : -1;
+    }
+    // The data to be sent to the server.
+    var d = {
+      comment_id: id.substring(2),
+      value: value
+    };
+    // Swap the vote and unvote links.
+    link.hide();
+    $('#' + id.charAt(0) + (id.charAt(1) == 'u' ? 'v' : 'u') + d.comment_id)
+      .show();
+    // The div the comment is displayed in.
+    var div = $('div#cd' + d.comment_id);
+    var data ='comment');
+    // If this is not an unvote, and the other vote arrow has
+    // already been pressed, unpress it.
+    if ((d.value !== 0) && ( === d.value * -1)) {
+      $('#' + (d.value == 1 ? 'd' : 'u') + 'u' + d.comment_id).hide();
+      $('#' + (d.value == 1 ? 'd' : 'u') + 'v' + d.comment_id).show();
+    }
+    // Update the comments rating in the local data.
+    data.rating += ( === 0) ? d.value : (d.value -;
+ = d.value;
+'comment', data);
+    // Change the rating text.
+    div.find('.rating:first')
+      .text(data.rating + ' point' + (data.rating == 1 ? '' : 's'));
+    // Send the vote information to the server.
+    $.ajax({
+      type: "POST",
+      url: opts.processVoteURL,
+      data: d,
+      error: function(request, textStatus, error) {
+        showError('Oops, there was a problem casting that vote.');
+      }
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Open a reply form used to reply to an existing comment.
+   */
+  function openReply(id) {
+    // Swap out the reply link for the hide link
+    $('#rl' + id).hide();
+    $('#cr' + id).show();
+    // Add the reply li to the children ul.
+    var div = $(renderTemplate(replyTemplate, {id: id})).hide();
+    $('#cl' + id)
+      .prepend(div)
+      // Setup the submit handler for the reply form.
+      .find('#rf' + id)
+      .submit(function(event) {
+        event.preventDefault();
+        addComment($('#rf' + id));
+        closeReply(id);
+      })
+      .find('input[type=button]')
+      .click(function() {
+        closeReply(id);
+      });
+    div.slideDown('fast', function() {
+      $('#rf' + id).find('textarea').focus();
+    });
+  }
+  /**
+   * Close the reply form opened with openReply.
+   */
+  function closeReply(id) {
+    // Remove the reply div from the DOM.
+    $('#rd' + id).slideUp('fast', function() {
+      $(this).remove();
+    });
+    // Swap out the hide link for the reply link
+    $('#cr' + id).hide();
+    $('#rl' + id).show();
+  }
+  /**
+   * Recursively sort a tree of comments using the comp comparator.
+   */
+  function sortComments(comments) {
+    comments.sort(comp);
+    $.each(comments, function() {
+      this.children = sortComments(this.children);
+    });
+    return comments;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Get the children comments from a ul. If recursive is true,
+   * recursively include childrens' children.
+   */
+  function getChildren(ul, recursive) {
+    var children = [];
+    ul.children().children("[id^='cd']")
+      .each(function() {
+        var comment = $(this).data('comment');
+        if (recursive)
+          comment.children = getChildren($(this).find('#cl' +, true);
+        children.push(comment);
+      });
+    return children;
+  }
+  /** Create a div to display a comment in. */
+  function createCommentDiv(comment) {
+    if (!comment.displayed && !opts.moderator) {
+      return $('<div class="moderate">Thank you!  Your comment will show up '
+               + 'once it is has been approved by a moderator.</div>');
+    }
+    // Prettify the comment rating.
+    comment.pretty_rating = comment.rating + ' point' +
+      (comment.rating == 1 ? '' : 's');
+    // Make a class (for displaying not yet moderated comments differently)
+    comment.css_class = comment.displayed ? '' : ' moderate';
+    // Create a div for this comment.
+    var context = $.extend({}, opts, comment);
+    var div = $(renderTemplate(commentTemplate, context));
+    // If the user has voted on this comment, highlight the correct arrow.
+    if ( {
+      var direction = ( == 1) ? 'u' : 'd';
+      div.find('#' + direction + 'v' +;
+      div.find('#' + direction + 'u' +;
+    }
+    if (opts.moderator || comment.text != '[deleted]') {
+      div.find('a.reply').show();
+      if (comment.proposal_diff)
+        div.find('#sp' +;
+      if (opts.moderator && !comment.displayed)
+        div.find('#cm' +;
+      if (opts.moderator || (opts.username == comment.username))
+        div.find('#dc' +;
+    }
+    return div;
+  }
+  /**
+   * A simple template renderer. Placeholders such as <%id%> are replaced
+   * by context['id'] with items being escaped. Placeholders such as <#id#>
+   * are not escaped.
+   */
+  function renderTemplate(template, context) {
+    var esc = $(document.createElement('div'));
+    function handle(ph, escape) {
+      var cur = context;
+      $.each(ph.split('.'), function() {
+        cur = cur[this];
+      });
+      return escape ? esc.text(cur || "").html() : cur;
+    }
+    return template.replace(/<([%#])([\w\.]*)\1>/g, function() {
+      return handle(arguments[2], arguments[1] == '%' ? true : false);
+    });
+  }
+  /** Flash an error message briefly. */
+  function showError(message) {
+    $(document.createElement('div')).attr({'class': 'popup-error'})
+      .append($(document.createElement('div'))
+               .attr({'class': 'error-message'}).text(message))
+      .appendTo('body')
+      .fadeIn("slow")
+      .delay(2000)
+      .fadeOut("slow");
+  }
+  /** Add a link the user uses to open the comments popup. */
+  $.fn.comment = function() {
+    return this.each(function() {
+      var id = $(this).attr('id').substring(1);
+      var count = COMMENT_METADATA[id];
+      var title = count + ' comment' + (count == 1 ? '' : 's');
+      var image = count > 0 ? opts.commentBrightImage : opts.commentImage;
+      var addcls = count == 0 ? ' nocomment' : '';
+      $(this)
+        .append(
+          $(document.createElement('a')).attr({
+            href: '#',
+            'class': 'sphinx-comment-open' + addcls,
+            id: 'ao' + id
+          })
+            .append($(document.createElement('img')).attr({
+              src: image,
+              alt: 'comment',
+              title: title
+            }))
+            .click(function(event) {
+              event.preventDefault();
+              show($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+            })
+        )
+        .append(
+          $(document.createElement('a')).attr({
+            href: '#',
+            'class': 'sphinx-comment-close hidden',
+            id: 'ah' + id
+          })
+            .append($(document.createElement('img')).attr({
+              src: opts.closeCommentImage,
+              alt: 'close',
+              title: 'close'
+            }))
+            .click(function(event) {
+              event.preventDefault();
+              hide($(this).attr('id').substring(2));
+            })
+        );
+    });
+  };
+  var opts = {
+    processVoteURL: '/_process_vote',
+    addCommentURL: '/_add_comment',
+    getCommentsURL: '/_get_comments',
+    acceptCommentURL: '/_accept_comment',
+    deleteCommentURL: '/_delete_comment',
+    commentImage: '/static/_static/comment.png',
+    closeCommentImage: '/static/_static/comment-close.png',
+    loadingImage: '/static/_static/ajax-loader.gif',
+    commentBrightImage: '/static/_static/comment-bright.png',
+    upArrow: '/static/_static/up.png',
+    downArrow: '/static/_static/down.png',
+    upArrowPressed: '/static/_static/up-pressed.png',
+    downArrowPressed: '/static/_static/down-pressed.png',
+    voting: false,
+    moderator: false
+  };
+  if (typeof COMMENT_OPTIONS != "undefined") {
+    opts = jQuery.extend(opts, COMMENT_OPTIONS);
+  }
+  var popupTemplate = '\
+    <div class="sphinx-comments" id="sc<%id%>">\
+      <p class="sort-options">\
+        Sort by:\
+        <a href="#" class="sort-option byrating">best rated</a>\
+        <a href="#" class="sort-option byascage">newest</a>\
+        <a href="#" class="sort-option byage">oldest</a>\
+      </p>\
+      <div class="comment-header">Comments</div>\
+      <div class="comment-loading" id="cn<%id%>">\
+        loading comments... <img src="<%loadingImage%>" alt="" /></div>\
+      <ul id="cl<%id%>" class="comment-ul"></ul>\
+      <div id="ca<%id%>">\
+      <p class="add-a-comment">Add a comment\
+        (<a href="#" class="comment-markup" id="ab<%id%>">markup</a>):</p>\
+      <div class="comment-markup-box" id="mb<%id%>">\
+        reStructured text markup: <i>*emph*</i>, <b>**strong**</b>, \
+        <code>``code``</code>, \
+        code blocks: <code>::</code> and an indented block after blank line</div>\
+      <form method="post" id="cf<%id%>" class="comment-form" action="">\
+        <textarea name="comment" cols="80"></textarea>\
+        <p class="propose-button">\
+          <a href="#" id="pc<%id%>" class="show-propose-change">\
+            Propose a change &#9657;\
+          </a>\
+          <a href="#" id="hc<%id%>" class="hide-propose-change">\
+            Propose a change &#9663;\
+          </a>\
+        </p>\
+        <textarea name="proposal" id="pt<%id%>" cols="80"\
+                  spellcheck="false"></textarea>\
+        <input type="submit" value="Add comment" />\
+        <input type="hidden" name="node" value="<%id%>" />\
+        <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="" />\
+      </form>\
+      </div>\
+    </div>';
+  var commentTemplate = '\
+    <div id="cd<%id%>" class="sphinx-comment<%css_class%>">\
+      <div class="vote">\
+        <div class="arrow">\
+          <a href="#" id="uv<%id%>" class="vote" title="vote up">\
+            <img src="<%upArrow%>" />\
+          </a>\
+          <a href="#" id="uu<%id%>" class="un vote" title="vote up">\
+            <img src="<%upArrowPressed%>" />\
+          </a>\
+        </div>\
+        <div class="arrow">\
+          <a href="#" id="dv<%id%>" class="vote" title="vote down">\
+            <img src="<%downArrow%>" id="da<%id%>" />\
+          </a>\
+          <a href="#" id="du<%id%>" class="un vote" title="vote down">\
+            <img src="<%downArrowPressed%>" />\
+          </a>\
+        </div>\
+      </div>\
+      <div class="comment-content">\
+        <p class="tagline comment">\
+          <span class="user-id"><%username%></span>\
+          <span class="rating"><%pretty_rating%></span>\
+          <span class="delta"><></span>\
+        </p>\
+        <div class="comment-text comment"><#text#></div>\
+        <p class="comment-opts comment">\
+          <a href="#" class="reply hidden" id="rl<%id%>">reply &#9657;</a>\
+          <a href="#" class="close-reply" id="cr<%id%>">reply &#9663;</a>\
+          <a href="#" id="sp<%id%>" class="show-proposal">proposal &#9657;</a>\
+          <a href="#" id="hp<%id%>" class="hide-proposal">proposal &#9663;</a>\
+          <a href="#" id="dc<%id%>" class="delete-comment hidden">delete</a>\
+          <span id="cm<%id%>" class="moderation hidden">\
+            <a href="#" id="ac<%id%>" class="accept-comment">accept</a>\
+          </span>\
+        </p>\
+        <pre class="proposal" id="pr<%id%>">\
+        </pre>\
+          <ul class="comment-children" id="cl<%id%>"></ul>\
+        </div>\
+        <div class="clearleft"></div>\
+      </div>\
+    </div>';
+  var replyTemplate = '\
+    <li>\
+      <div class="reply-div" id="rd<%id%>">\
+        <form id="rf<%id%>">\
+          <textarea name="comment" cols="80"></textarea>\
+          <input type="submit" value="Add reply" />\
+          <input type="button" value="Cancel" />\
+          <input type="hidden" name="parent" value="<%id%>" />\
+          <input type="hidden" name="node" value="" />\
+        </form>\
+      </div>\
+    </li>';
+  $(document).ready(function() {
+    init();
+  });
+$(document).ready(function() {
+  // add comment anchors for all paragraphs that are commentable
+  $('.sphinx-has-comment').comment();
+  // highlight search words in search results
+  $("div.context").each(function() {
+    var params = $.getQueryParameters();
+    var terms = (params.q) ? params.q[0].split(/\s+/) : [];
+    var result = $(this);
+    $.each(terms, function() {
+      result.highlightText(this.toLowerCase(), 'highlighted');
+    });
+  });
+  // directly open comment window if requested
+  var anchor = document.location.hash;
+  if (anchor.substring(0, 9) == '#comment-') {
+    $('#ao' + anchor.substring(9)).click();
+    document.location.hash = '#s' + anchor.substring(9);
+  }
diff --git a/content/docs/access-token/index.html b/content/docs/access-token/index.html
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-                    <h1>Access token</h1>
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-	<ul>
-<a href="#access-token">Access token</a><ul>
-<a href="#requesting-an-access-token">Requesting an access token</a><ul>
-<li><a href="#request-uri">Request URI</a></li>
-<li><a href="#parameters">Parameters</a></li>
-<li><a href="#example---request-application-user">Example - Request (Application user)</a></li>
-<li><a href="#example---response">Example - Response</a></li>
-<li><a href="#example---request-admin-user">Example - Request (Admin user)</a></li>
-<li><a href="#example---response-1">Example - Response</a></li>
-<h1 id="access-token">Access token</h1>
-<p><a href="/docs/usergrid/content/management-resources">See all management resources</a><a href="/docs/usergrid/content/management-resources"><img src="/docs/sites/docs/files/learnmore%20arrow_0.png"></a></p>
-<p>An access token carries the credentials and authorization information needed to access other resources through the Apache Usergrid API. Using the API, you can obtain an access token.</p>
-<h2 id="requesting-an-access-token">Requesting an access token</h2>
-<p>Use the POST method to obtain an access token.</p>
-<h3 id="request-uri">Request URI</h3>
-<p>The request URL depends on the access type:</p>
-<tr class="header">
-<th align="left">Access Type</th>
-<th align="left">Request URL</th>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td align="left">Application user</td>
-<td align="left">POST /&lt;org_id&gt;/&lt;app_id&gt;/token ‘{“grant_type”:“password”, “username”:“&lt;username&gt;”, “password”:“&lt;password&gt;”[, “ttl”:“&lt;token_time_to_live&gt;”]}’</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td align="left">Application</td>
-<td align="left">POST /&lt;org_id&gt;/&lt;app_id&gt;/token ‘{“grant_type”:“client_credentials”, “client_id”:“&lt;client_id&gt;”, “client_secret”:“&lt;client_secret&gt;”[, “ttl”:“&lt;token_time_to_live&gt;”]}’</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td align="left">Admin User</td>
-<td align="left">POST /token ‘{“grant_type”:“password”, “username”:“&lt;username&gt;”, “password”:“&lt;password&gt;”[, “ttl”:“&lt;token_time_to_live&gt;”]}’</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td align="left">Organization</td>
-<td align="left">POST /token ‘{“grant_type”:“client_credentials”, “client_id”:“&lt;client_id&gt;”, “client_secret”:“&lt;client_secret&gt;”}’</td>
-<p>See <a href="/authenticating-users-and-application-clients">Authenticating users and application clients</a> for further details about access types.</p>
-<h3 id="parameters">Parameters</h3>
-<tr class="header">
-<th align="left">Parameter Name</th>
-<th align="left">Type</th>
-<th align="left">Description</th>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td align="left">client_id</td>
-<td align="left">string</td>
-<td align="left">Organization client ID. You can find this in the admin portal.</td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td align="left">client_secret</td>
-<td align="left">string</td>
-<td align="left">Organization client secret. You can find this in the admin portal</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td align="left">username</td>
-<td align="left">string</td>
-<td align="left">Value of the User entity username property. </td>
-<tr class="even">
-<td align="left">password</td>
-<td align="left">string</td>
-<td align="left">Password stored for this user.</td>
-<tr class="odd">
-<td align="left">ttl</td>
-<td align="left">long</td>
-<td align="left">
-<em>Optional.</em> The amount of time, in miliseconds, that this token will be valid before authentication is required again. This must be less than the accesstokenttl property of the application entity the token is being requested for.</td>
-<p> </p>
-<h3 id="example---request-application-user">Example - Request (Application user)</h3>
-<li><a href="#curl_get_token_appuser">cURL</a></li>
-<li><a href="#javascript_get_token_appuser">JavaScript (HTML5)</a></li>
-<li><a href="#ruby_get_token_appuser">Ruby</a></li>
-<li><a href="#nodejs_get_token_appuser">Node.js</a></li>
-<!-- -->
-<pre><code>curl -X POST -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" “;org_name&gt;/&lt;app_name&gt;/token”  -d '{"grant_type":"password","username":"testadmin","password":"testadminpw"}'</code></pre>
-<p>The example assumes use of the <a href="">JavaScript (HTML5) SDK</a>.</p>
-<pre><code>var username = 'testuser';
-var password = 'testpasswd';
-client.login(username, password,
-    function (err) {
-        if (err) {
-            //error — could not log user in
-        } else {
-            //success — user has been logged in
-            var token = client.token;
-        }
-    }
-<p>The example assumes use of the <a href="">Ruby SDK</a>.</p>
-<pre><code>app = ''
-app.login 'testuser', 'testpasswd'
-token = app.auth_token</code></pre>
-<p>The example assumes use of the <a href="">Node.js module</a>.</p>
-<pre><code>var username = 'testuser';
-var password = 'testpasswd';
-client.login(username, password,
-    function (err) {
-        if (err) {
-            //error — could not log user in
-        } else {
-            //success — user has been logged in
-            var token = client.token;
-        }
-    }
-<h3 id="example---response">Example - Response</h3>
-  "access_token": "5wuGd-lcEeCUBwBQVsAACA:F8zeMOlcEeCUBwBQVsAACA:YXU6AAABMq0hdy4Lh0ewmmnOWOR-DaepCrpWx9oPmw",
-  "expires_in": 3600,
-  "user": {
-    "uuid": "e70b8677-e95c-11e0-9407-005056c00008",
-    "type": "user",
-    "username": "testuser",
-    "email": "",
-    "activated": true,
-    "created": 1317164604367013,
-    "modified": 1317164604367013
-  }</code></pre>
-<h3 id="example---request-admin-user">Example - Request (Admin user)</h3>
-<li><a href="#curl_get_token_adminuser">cURL</a></li>
-<li><a href="#javascript_get_token_adminuser">JavaScript (HTML5)</a></li>
-<li><a href="#ruby_get_token_adminuser">Ruby</a></li>
-<li><a href="#nodejs_get_token_adminuser">Node.js</a></li>
-<!-- -->
-<pre><code>curl -X POST -i -H "Content-Type: application/json" “”  -d '{"grant_type":"password","username":"testadmin","password":"testadminpw"}'</code></pre>
-<p>It is recommended that you use the <a href="">Admin Portal</a> for administrative activities instead of using JavaScript to do them programmatically in your app.</p>
-<p><strong>Note:</strong>You can see the response below in the Admin Portal by using the <a href="/docs/usergrid/content/displaying-app-services-api-calls-curl-commands">JavaScript Console</a>.</p>
-<p>The example assumes use of the <a href="">Ruby SDK</a>.</p>
-<pre><code>mgmt = ''
-mgmt.login test, testpass
-token = mgmt.auth_token</code></pre>
-<p>The example assumes use of the <a href="">Node.js module</a>.</p>
-<pre><code>var username = 'testuser';
-var password = 'testpasswd';
-client.login(username, password,
-    function (err) {
-        if (err) {
-            //error — could not log admin user in
-        } else {
-            //success — admin user has been logged in
-            var token = client.token;
-        }
-    }
-<h3 id="example---response-1">Example - Response</h3>
-  "access_token": "f_GUbelXEeCfRgBQVsAACA:YWQ6AAABMqz_xUyYeErOkKjnzN7YQXXlpgmL69fvaA",
-  "expires_in": 3600,
-  "user": {
-    "username": "test",
-    "email": "",
-    "organizations": {
-      "test-organization": {
-        "users": {
-          "test": {
-            "name": "Test User",
-            "disabled": false,
-            "uuid": "7ff1946d-e957-11e0-9f46-005056c00008",
-            "activated": true,
-            "username": "test",
-            "applicationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
-            "email": "",
-            "adminUser": true,
-            "mailTo": "Test User "
-          }
-        },
-        "name": "test-organization",
-        "applications": {
-          "test-app": "8041893b-e957-11e0-9f46-005056c00008"
-        },
-        "uuid": "800b8510-e957-11e0-9f46-005056c00008"
-      }
-    },
-    "adminUser": true,
-    "activated": true,
-    "name": "Test User",
-    "mailTo": "Test User ",
-    "applicationId": "00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000001",
-    "uuid": "7ff1946d-e957-11e0-9f46-005056c00008",
-    "disabled": false
-  }
-            </div>
-        </div>
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