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Posted to by Francois Beausoleil <> on 2003/11/17 03:29:54 UTC

Subversion XML DTD allows properties, but are not reported ?


I'm looking at the XML generated by browsing repositories, and I noticed
that properties are supposed to exist.  The DTD looks like this:
<!DOCTYPE svn [
  <!ELEMENT svn   (index)>
  <!ATTLIST svn   version CDATA #REQUIRED
                  href    CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ELEMENT index (updir?, (file | dir)*)>
  <!ATTLIST index name    CDATA #IMPLIED
                  path    CDATA #IMPLIED
                  rev     CDATA #IMPLIED>
  <!ELEMENT updir EMPTY>
  <!ELEMENT file  (prop)*>
  <!ATTLIST file  name    CDATA #REQUIRED
                  href    CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ELEMENT dir   (prop)*>

  <!ATTLIST dir   name    CDATA #REQUIRED
                  href    CDATA #REQUIRED>
  <!ELEMENT prop  (#PCDATA)>
  <!ATTLIST prop  name    CDATA #REQUIRED>

Notice prop elements.  Would it be possible to add them ?  Or allow the
admin to specify which properties should be reported in an Apache
directive ?

I searched the issues, but found nothing that related to this.

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