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Posted to by OpenWhisk Team Slack <> on 2020/01/03 09:42:22 UTC

[slack-digest] [2020-01-02] #general

2020-01-02 10:09:24 UTC - Daniel Varsanyi: Hi guys! Happy new year! I'm trying to setup openwhisk on a Ubuntu WSL but I'm stuck at verifying my connection (I deployed ow to a docker for win k8s cluster). Has anyone tried to make it work from a linux subsystem? I believe I followed the guide steps properly. By the way, the project looks really promising, I'd love to contribute once I get more familiar with it:v::skin-tone-2:
2020-01-02 13:43:00 UTC - chetanm: what is the error you are getting. The default setup uses the self signed certs and thus `wsk` commands would need `-i` flag to connect
2020-01-02 13:48:25 UTC - Daniel Varsanyi: ```wsk list -v```
and the response is:
``` Unable to obtain the list of entities for namespace 'default': Get <;skip=0>: dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused```
2020-01-02 13:49:05 UTC - chetanm: are all the pods up
2020-01-02 13:50:42 UTC - Daniel Varsanyi: ```kubectl get pods --namespace=openwhisk
NAME                                      READY   STATUS      RESTARTS   AGE
owdev-alarmprovider-658984fc8d-cpj9m      1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-apigateway-5b954cdf9-j22fp          1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-cloudantprovider-7bdd687dd6-6kjrl   1/1     Running     1          17h
owdev-controller-0                        1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-couchdb-f76b77dcf-b857w             1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-gen-certs-tdvww                     0/1     Completed   0          17h
owdev-init-couchdb-tn52h                  0/1     Completed   0          17h
owdev-install-packages-gl5kd              0/1     Init:0/1    0          17h
owdev-invoker-0                           0/1     Pending     0          17h
owdev-kafka-0                             1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-kafkaprovider-7b8c56777c-b6dnd      1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-nginx-7dbc9d598b-k6lvj              1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-redis-79466c56db-wtwk8              1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-wskadmin                            1/1     Running     0          17h
owdev-zookeeper-0                         1/1     Running     0          17h```
2020-01-02 13:51:44 UTC - Daniel Varsanyi: gen-certs, init-couchdb and install-packages are not in Running state
2020-01-02 13:56:39 UTC - chetanm: Invoker state looks problamatic. But that should not prevent connection. For Docker on Windows you should be using exported port on localhost
2020-01-02 13:56:45 UTC - chetanm: How did you setup the wsk cli config
2020-01-02 13:57:34 UTC - chetanm: Per <> it should be localhost:31001 in general
2020-01-02 16:15:22 UTC - Daniel Varsanyi: You're right, that should be a problem. I'm gonna try to fix it then I'll get back to you. Thanks a lot!
2020-01-02 17:36:22 UTC - Daniel Varsanyi: Sigh. I had a typo in the node labeling, that's why the invoker never came up
2020-01-02 22:21:55 UTC - Bilal: I continued to dig and `WHISK_LOGS_DIR` for wskdev pod is set to /var/log for wskadmin tool. From what I understand this is simply where wskadmin _looks_ for logs, not where logs are stored.

Using kubectl describe pods I found that `WHISK_LOGS_DIR` is set blank on invoker pod, but apparently this is correct behavior according to `invoker-pod.yaml`
          # Default to empty logs dir. This is because logs should go to stdout
          - name: "WHISK_LOGS_DIR"
            value: ""

So I'm not sure what sets system log location. Also to be clear I'm not having any issues getting _activation logs_, just system logs.
2020-01-02 23:10:35 UTC - Rodric Rabbah: @Dave Grove perhaps can offer some guidance
2020-01-02 23:13:26 UTC - Dave Grove: usually you just get the system logs using `kubectl logs &lt;pod_name&gt;` when deploying on kubernetes.
2020-01-02 23:15:09 UTC - Dave Grove: I have not tried to use the `wskadmin` tool to get system logs on kubernetes
2020-01-02 23:23:43 UTC - Bilal: Ah, just get logs of the container. Thanks.

[2020-01-02T20:37:42.413Z] [INFO] [#tid_sid_dbBatcher] [CouchDbRestStore] 'test_activations' saving 1 documents [marker:database_saveDocumentBulk_start:183438179]
[2020-01-02T20:37:42.413Z] [INFO] [#tid_ikOLGVaE5qDbldRi4maGnvnZj0lWQZB0] [MessagingActiveAck] posted completion of activation 9eb0c3af6593481eb0c3af6593d81e49

I get some logs that look this this from invoker pod. But nothing from the wskadmin pod. I guess these are the system logs?
2020-01-02 23:24:55 UTC - Dave Grove: yes.  usually the logs from the invoker and controller pods are the most useful, but you can also get logs for kafka, zookeeper, couchdb, etc. depending on what you need to debug
2020-01-02 23:26:18 UTC - Bilal: perfect, thanks again.