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[47/61] [partial] incubator-impala git commit: IMPALA-3786: Replace "cloudera" with "apache" (part 1)
diff --git a/fe/src/main/java/com/cloudera/impala/analysis/ b/fe/src/main/java/com/cloudera/impala/analysis/
deleted file mode 100644
index a931489..0000000
--- a/fe/src/main/java/com/cloudera/impala/analysis/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2932 +0,0 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-package com.cloudera.impala.analysis;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Arrays;
-import java.util.Collection;
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.IdentityHashMap;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
-import java.util.LinkedList;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Map;
-import java.util.Set;
-import org.slf4j.Logger;
-import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
-import com.cloudera.impala.analysis.Path.PathType;
-import com.cloudera.impala.authorization.AuthorizationConfig;
-import com.cloudera.impala.authorization.Privilege;
-import com.cloudera.impala.authorization.PrivilegeRequest;
-import com.cloudera.impala.authorization.PrivilegeRequestBuilder;
-import com.cloudera.impala.authorization.User;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.CatalogException;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.Column;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.DataSourceTable;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.DatabaseNotFoundException;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.Db;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.HBaseTable;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.HdfsTable;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.ImpaladCatalog;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.KuduTable;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.Table;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.TableLoadingException;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.Type;
-import com.cloudera.impala.catalog.View;
-import com.cloudera.impala.common.AnalysisException;
-import com.cloudera.impala.common.Id;
-import com.cloudera.impala.common.IdGenerator;
-import com.cloudera.impala.common.ImpalaException;
-import com.cloudera.impala.common.InternalException;
-import com.cloudera.impala.common.Pair;
-import com.cloudera.impala.common.PrintUtils;
-import com.cloudera.impala.planner.PlanNode;
-import com.cloudera.impala.service.FeSupport;
-import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TAccessEvent;
-import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TCatalogObjectType;
-import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TLineageGraph;
-import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TNetworkAddress;
-import com.cloudera.impala.thrift.TQueryCtx;
-import com.cloudera.impala.util.DisjointSet;
-import com.cloudera.impala.util.EventSequence;
-import com.cloudera.impala.util.ListMap;
-import com.cloudera.impala.util.TSessionStateUtil;
- * Repository of analysis state for single select block.
- *
- * Conjuncts:
- * Conjuncts are registered during analysis (registerConjuncts()) and assigned during the
- * planning process (getUnassigned[Oj]Conjuncts()/isConjunctAssigned()/
- * markConjunctsAssigned()).
- * All conjuncts are assigned a unique id when initially registered, and all registered
- * conjuncts are referenced by their id (ie, there are no containers other than the one
- * holding the referenced conjuncts), to make substitute() simple.
- *
- * Slot equivalence classes:
- * Equivalence of individual slots is computed based on registered equality predicates;
- * those predicates are either present directly in the query or are implied by the
- * syntactic elements used in query (example: a GROUP BY clause has implied equality
- * predicates between the grouping exprs and the grouping slots of the aggregation
- * output tuple).
- * Implied equality predicates are registered with createAuxEquivPredicate(); they are
- * never assigned during plan generation.
- * Also tracks each catalog object access, so authorization checks can be performed once
- * analysis is complete.
- * TODO: We often use the terms stmt/block/analyzer interchangeably, although they may
- * have slightly different meanings (sometimes depending on the context). Use the terms
- * more accurately and consistently here and elsewhere.
- */
-public class Analyzer {
-  // Common analysis error messages
-  public final static String DB_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_MSG = "Database does not exist: ";
-  public final static String DB_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG = "Database already exists: ";
-  public final static String TBL_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_MSG = "Table does not exist: ";
-  public final static String TBL_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG = "Table already exists: ";
-  public final static String FN_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_MSG = "Function does not exist: ";
-  public final static String FN_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG = "Function already exists: ";
-  public final static String DATA_SRC_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_MSG =
-      "Data source does not exist: ";
-  public final static String DATA_SRC_ALREADY_EXISTS_ERROR_MSG =
-      "Data source already exists: ";
-  private final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Analyzer.class);
-  private final User user_;
-  // Indicates whether this query block contains a straight join hint.
-  private boolean isStraightJoin_ = false;
-  // Whether to use Hive's auto-generated column labels.
-  private boolean useHiveColLabels_ = false;
-  // True if the corresponding select block has a limit and/or offset clause.
-  private boolean hasLimitOffsetClause_ = false;
-  // Current depth of nested analyze() calls. Used for enforcing a
-  // maximum expr-tree depth. Needs to be manually maintained by the user
-  // of this Analyzer with incrementCallDepth() and decrementCallDepth().
-  private int callDepth_ = 0;
-  // Flag indicating if this analyzer instance belongs to a subquery.
-  private boolean isSubquery_ = false;
-  // Flag indicating whether this analyzer belongs to a WITH clause view.
-  private boolean isWithClause_ = false;
-  // If set, when privilege requests are registered they will use this error
-  // error message.
-  private String authErrorMsg_;
-  // If false, privilege requests will not be registered in the analyzer.
-  private boolean enablePrivChecks_ = true;
-  // By default, all registered semi-joined tuples are invisible, i.e., their slots
-  // cannot be referenced. If set, this semi-joined tuple is made visible. Such a tuple
-  // should only be made visible for analyzing the On-clause of its semi-join.
-  // In particular, if there are multiple semi-joins in the same query block, then the
-  // On-clause of any such semi-join is not allowed to reference other semi-joined tuples
-  // except its own. Therefore, only a single semi-joined tuple can be visible at a time.
-  private TupleId visibleSemiJoinedTupleId_ = null;
-  public void setIsSubquery() {
-    isSubquery_ = true;
-    globalState_.containsSubquery = true;
-  }
-  public boolean isSubquery() { return isSubquery_; }
-  public boolean setHasPlanHints() { return globalState_.hasPlanHints = true; }
-  public boolean hasPlanHints() { return globalState_.hasPlanHints; }
-  public void setIsWithClause() { isWithClause_ = true; }
-  public boolean isWithClause() { return isWithClause_; }
-  // state shared between all objects of an Analyzer tree
-  // TODO: Many maps here contain properties about tuples, e.g., whether
-  // a tuple is outer/semi joined, etc. Remove the maps in favor of making
-  // them properties of the tuple descriptor itself.
-  private static class GlobalState {
-    // TODO: Consider adding an "exec-env"-like global singleton that contains the
-    // catalog and authzConfig.
-    public final ImpaladCatalog catalog;
-    public final TQueryCtx queryCtx;
-    public final AuthorizationConfig authzConfig;
-    public final DescriptorTable descTbl = new DescriptorTable();
-    public final IdGenerator<ExprId> conjunctIdGenerator = ExprId.createGenerator();
-    public final ColumnLineageGraph lineageGraph;
-    // True if we are analyzing an explain request. Should be set before starting
-    // analysis.
-    public boolean isExplain;
-    // Indicates whether the query has plan hints.
-    public boolean hasPlanHints = false;
-    // True if at least one of the analyzers belongs to a subquery.
-    public boolean containsSubquery = false;
-    // all registered conjuncts (map from expr id to conjunct)
-    public final Map<ExprId, Expr> conjuncts = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // all registered conjuncts bound by a single tuple id; used in getBoundPredicates()
-    public final ArrayList<ExprId> singleTidConjuncts = Lists.newArrayList();
-    // eqJoinConjuncts[tid] contains all conjuncts of the form
-    // "<lhs> = <rhs>" in which either lhs or rhs is fully bound by tid
-    // and the other side is not bound by tid (ie, predicates that express equi-join
-    // conditions between two tablerefs).
-    // A predicate such as "t1.a = t2.b" has two entries, one for 't1' and
-    // another one for 't2'.
-    public final Map<TupleId, List<ExprId>> eqJoinConjuncts = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // set of conjuncts that have been assigned to some PlanNode
-    public Set<ExprId> assignedConjuncts =
-        Collections.newSetFromMap(new IdentityHashMap<ExprId, Boolean>());
-    // map from outer-joined tuple id, i.e., one that is nullable,
-    // to the last Join clause (represented by its rhs table ref) that outer-joined it
-    public final Map<TupleId, TableRef> outerJoinedTupleIds = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // Map of registered conjunct to the last full outer join (represented by its
-    // rhs table ref) that outer joined it.
-    public final Map<ExprId, TableRef> fullOuterJoinedConjuncts = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // Map of full-outer-joined tuple id to the last full outer join that outer-joined it
-    public final Map<TupleId, TableRef> fullOuterJoinedTupleIds = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // Map from semi-joined tuple id, i.e., one that is invisible outside the join's
-    // On-clause, to its Join clause (represented by its rhs table ref). An anti-join is
-    // a kind of semi-join, so anti-joined tuples are also registered here.
-    public final Map<TupleId, TableRef> semiJoinedTupleIds = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // Map from right-hand side table-ref id of an outer join to the list of
-    // conjuncts in its On clause. There is always an entry for an outer join, but the
-    // corresponding value could be an empty list. There is no entry for non-outer joins.
-    public final Map<TupleId, List<ExprId>> conjunctsByOjClause = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // map from registered conjunct to its containing outer join On clause (represented
-    // by its right-hand side table ref); this is limited to conjuncts that can only be
-    // correctly evaluated by the originating outer join, including constant conjuncts
-    public final Map<ExprId, TableRef> ojClauseByConjunct = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // map from registered conjunct to its containing semi join On clause (represented
-    // by its right-hand side table ref)
-    public final Map<ExprId, TableRef> sjClauseByConjunct = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // map from registered conjunct to its containing inner join On clause (represented
-    // by its right-hand side table ref)
-    public final Map<ExprId, TableRef> ijClauseByConjunct = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // map from slot id to the analyzer/block in which it was registered
-    public final Map<SlotId, Analyzer> blockBySlot = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // Tracks all privilege requests on catalog objects.
-    private final Set<PrivilegeRequest> privilegeReqs = Sets.newLinkedHashSet();
-    // List of PrivilegeRequest to custom authorization failure error message.
-    // Tracks all privilege requests on catalog objects that need a custom
-    // error message returned to avoid exposing existence of catalog objects.
-    private final List<Pair<PrivilegeRequest, String>> maskedPrivilegeReqs =
-        Lists.newArrayList();
-    // accesses to catalog objects
-    // TODO: This can be inferred from privilegeReqs. They should be coalesced.
-    public Set<TAccessEvent> accessEvents = Sets.newHashSet();
-    // Tracks all warnings (e.g. non-fatal errors) that were generated during analysis.
-    // These are passed to the backend and eventually propagated to the shell. Maps from
-    // warning message to the number of times that warning was logged (in order to avoid
-    // duplicating the same warning over and over).
-    public final LinkedHashMap<String, Integer> warnings =
-        new LinkedHashMap<String, Integer>();
-    public final IdGenerator<EquivalenceClassId> equivClassIdGenerator =
-        EquivalenceClassId.createGenerator();
-    // map from equivalence class id to the list of its member slots
-    private final Map<EquivalenceClassId, ArrayList<SlotId>> equivClassMembers =
-        Maps.newHashMap();
-    // map from slot id to its equivalence class id;
-    // only visible at the root Analyzer
-    private final Map<SlotId, EquivalenceClassId> equivClassBySlotId = Maps.newHashMap();
-    // map for each slot to the canonical slot of its equivalence class
-    private final ExprSubstitutionMap equivClassSmap = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
-    // represents the direct and transitive value transfers between slots
-    private ValueTransferGraph valueTransferGraph;
-    private final List<Pair<SlotId, SlotId>> registeredValueTransfers =
-        Lists.newArrayList();
-    // Bidirectional map between Integer index and TNetworkAddress.
-    // Decreases the size of the scan range locations.
-    private final ListMap<TNetworkAddress> hostIndex = new ListMap<TNetworkAddress>();
-    // Timeline of important events in the planning process, used for debugging /
-    // profiling
-    private final EventSequence timeline = new EventSequence("Planner Timeline");
-    public GlobalState(ImpaladCatalog catalog, TQueryCtx queryCtx,
-        AuthorizationConfig authzConfig) {
-      this.catalog = catalog;
-      this.queryCtx = queryCtx;
-      this.authzConfig = authzConfig;
-      this.lineageGraph = new ColumnLineageGraph();
-    }
-  };
-  private final GlobalState globalState_;
-  public boolean containsSubquery() { return globalState_.containsSubquery; }
-  /**
-   * Helper function to reset the global state information about the existence of
-   * subqueries.
-   */
-  public void resetSubquery() { globalState_.containsSubquery = false; }
-  // An analyzer stores analysis state for a single select block. A select block can be
-  // a top level select statement, or an inline view select block.
-  // ancestors contains the Analyzers of the enclosing select blocks of 'this'
-  // (ancestors[0] contains the immediate parent, etc.).
-  private final ArrayList<Analyzer> ancestors_;
-  // map from lowercase table alias to a view definition in this analyzer's scope
-  private final Map<String, View> localViews_ = Maps.newHashMap();
-  // Map from lowercase table alias to descriptor. Tables without an explicit alias
-  // are assigned two implicit aliases: the unqualified and fully-qualified table name.
-  // Such tables have two entries pointing to the same descriptor. If an alias is
-  // ambiguous, then this map retains the first entry with that alias to simplify error
-  // checking (duplicate vs. ambiguous alias).
-  private final Map<String, TupleDescriptor> aliasMap_ = Maps.newHashMap();
-  // Map from tuple id to its corresponding table ref.
-  private final Map<TupleId, TableRef> tableRefMap_ = Maps.newHashMap();
-  // Set of lowercase ambiguous implicit table aliases.
-  private final Set<String> ambiguousAliases_ = Sets.newHashSet();
-  // Map from lowercase fully-qualified path to its slot descriptor. Only contains paths
-  // that have a scalar type as destination (see registerSlotRef()).
-  private final Map<String, SlotDescriptor> slotPathMap_ = Maps.newHashMap();
-  // Tracks the all tables/views found during analysis that were missing metadata.
-  private Set<TableName> missingTbls_ = new HashSet<TableName>();
-  // Indicates whether this analyzer/block is guaranteed to have an empty result set
-  // due to a limit 0 or constant conjunct evaluating to false.
-  private boolean hasEmptyResultSet_ = false;
-  // Indicates whether the select-project-join (spj) portion of this query block
-  // is guaranteed to return an empty result set. Set due to a constant non-Having
-  // conjunct evaluating to false.
-  private boolean hasEmptySpjResultSet_ = false;
-  public Analyzer(ImpaladCatalog catalog, TQueryCtx queryCtx,
-      AuthorizationConfig authzConfig) {
-    ancestors_ = Lists.newArrayList();
-    globalState_ = new GlobalState(catalog, queryCtx, authzConfig);
-    user_ = new User(TSessionStateUtil.getEffectiveUser(queryCtx.session));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Analyzer constructor for nested select block. GlobalState is inherited from the
-   * parentAnalyzer.
-   */
-  public Analyzer(Analyzer parentAnalyzer) {
-    this(parentAnalyzer, parentAnalyzer.globalState_);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Analyzer constructor for nested select block with the specified global state.
-   */
-  private Analyzer(Analyzer parentAnalyzer, GlobalState globalState) {
-    ancestors_ = Lists.newArrayList(parentAnalyzer);
-    ancestors_.addAll(parentAnalyzer.ancestors_);
-    globalState_ = globalState;
-    missingTbls_ = parentAnalyzer.missingTbls_;
-    user_ = parentAnalyzer.getUser();
-    useHiveColLabels_ = parentAnalyzer.useHiveColLabels_;
-    authErrorMsg_ = parentAnalyzer.authErrorMsg_;
-    enablePrivChecks_ = parentAnalyzer.enablePrivChecks_;
-    isWithClause_ = parentAnalyzer.isWithClause_;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a new analyzer with the specified parent analyzer but with a new
-   * global state.
-   */
-  public static Analyzer createWithNewGlobalState(Analyzer parentAnalyzer) {
-    GlobalState globalState = new GlobalState(parentAnalyzer.globalState_.catalog,
-        parentAnalyzer.getQueryCtx(), parentAnalyzer.getAuthzConfig());
-    return new Analyzer(parentAnalyzer, globalState);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Makes the given semi-joined tuple visible such that its slots can be referenced.
-   * If tid is null, makes the currently visible semi-joined tuple invisible again.
-   */
-  public void setVisibleSemiJoinedTuple(TupleId tid) {
-    Preconditions.checkState(tid == null
-        || globalState_.semiJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(tid));
-    Preconditions.checkState(tid == null || visibleSemiJoinedTupleId_ == null);
-    visibleSemiJoinedTupleId_ = tid;
-  }
-  public Set<TableName> getMissingTbls() { return missingTbls_; }
-  public boolean hasMissingTbls() { return !missingTbls_.isEmpty(); }
-  public boolean hasAncestors() { return !ancestors_.isEmpty(); }
-  public Analyzer getParentAnalyzer() {
-    return hasAncestors() ? ancestors_.get(0) : null;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the analyzer that has an entry for the given tuple descriptor in its
-   * tableRefMap, or null if no such analyzer could be found. Searches the hierarchy
-   * of analyzers bottom-up.
-   */
-  public Analyzer findAnalyzer(TupleId tid) {
-    if (tableRefMap_.containsKey(tid)) return this;
-    if (hasAncestors()) return getParentAnalyzer().findAnalyzer(tid);
-    return null;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a list of each warning logged, indicating if it was logged more than once.
-   */
-  public List<String> getWarnings() {
-    List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>();
-    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> e : globalState_.warnings.entrySet()) {
-      String error = e.getKey();
-      int count = e.getValue();
-      Preconditions.checkState(count > 0);
-      if (count == 1) {
-        result.add(error);
-      } else {
-        result.add(error + " (" + count + " warnings like this)");
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Registers a local view definition with this analyzer. Throws an exception if a view
-   * definition with the same alias has already been registered or if the number of
-   * explicit column labels is greater than the number of columns in the view statement.
-   */
-  public void registerLocalView(View view) throws AnalysisException {
-    Preconditions.checkState(view.isLocalView());
-    if (view.hasColLabels()) {
-      List<String> viewLabels = view.getColLabels();
-      List<String> queryStmtLabels = view.getQueryStmt().getColLabels();
-      if (viewLabels.size() > queryStmtLabels.size()) {
-        throw new AnalysisException("WITH-clause view '" + view.getName() +
-            "' returns " + queryStmtLabels.size() + " columns, but " +
-            viewLabels.size() + " labels were specified. The number of column " +
-            "labels must be smaller or equal to the number of returned columns.");
-      }
-    }
-    if (localViews_.put(view.getName().toLowerCase(), view) != null) {
-      throw new AnalysisException(
-          String.format("Duplicate table alias: '%s'", view.getName()));
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates an returns an empty TupleDescriptor for the given table ref and registers
-   * it against all its legal aliases. For tables refs with an explicit alias, only the
-   * explicit alias is legal. For tables refs with no explicit alias, the fully-qualified
-   * and unqualified table names are legal aliases. Column references against unqualified
-   * implicit aliases can be ambiguous, therefore, we register such ambiguous aliases
-   * here. Requires that all views have been substituted.
-   * Throws if an existing explicit alias or implicit fully-qualified alias
-   * has already been registered for another table ref.
-   */
-  public TupleDescriptor registerTableRef(TableRef ref) throws AnalysisException {
-    String uniqueAlias = ref.getUniqueAlias();
-    if (aliasMap_.containsKey(uniqueAlias)) {
-      throw new AnalysisException("Duplicate table alias: '" + uniqueAlias + "'");
-    }
-    // If ref has no explicit alias, then the unqualified and the fully-qualified table
-    // names are legal implicit aliases. Column references against unqualified implicit
-    // aliases can be ambiguous, therefore, we register such ambiguous aliases here.
-    String unqualifiedAlias = null;
-    String[] aliases = ref.getAliases();
-    if (aliases.length > 1) {
-      unqualifiedAlias = aliases[1];
-      TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = aliasMap_.get(unqualifiedAlias);
-      if (tupleDesc != null) {
-        if (tupleDesc.hasExplicitAlias()) {
-          throw new AnalysisException(
-              "Duplicate table alias: '" + unqualifiedAlias + "'");
-        } else {
-          ambiguousAliases_.add(unqualifiedAlias);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    // Delegate creation of the tuple descriptor to the concrete table ref.
-    TupleDescriptor result = ref.createTupleDescriptor(this);
-    result.setAliases(aliases, ref.hasExplicitAlias());
-    // Register all legal aliases.
-    for (String alias: aliases) {
-      aliasMap_.put(alias, result);
-    }
-    tableRefMap_.put(result.getId(), ref);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Resolves the given TableRef into a concrete BaseTableRef, ViewRef or
-   * CollectionTableRef. Returns the new resolved table ref or the given table
-   * ref if it is already resolved.
-   * Registers privilege requests and throws an AnalysisException if the tableRef's
-   * path could not be resolved. The privilege requests are added to ensure that
-   * an AuthorizationException is preferred over an AnalysisException so as not to
-   * accidentally reveal the non-existence of tables/databases.
-   */
-  public TableRef resolveTableRef(TableRef tableRef) throws AnalysisException {
-    // Return the table if it is already resolved.
-    if (tableRef.isResolved()) return tableRef;
-    // Try to find a matching local view.
-    if (tableRef.getPath().size() == 1) {
-      // Searches the hierarchy of analyzers bottom-up for a registered local view with
-      // a matching alias.
-      String viewAlias = tableRef.getPath().get(0).toLowerCase();
-      Analyzer analyzer = this;
-      do {
-        View localView = analyzer.localViews_.get(viewAlias);
-        if (localView != null) return new InlineViewRef(localView, tableRef);
-        analyzer = (analyzer.ancestors_.isEmpty() ? null : analyzer.ancestors_.get(0));
-      } while (analyzer != null);
-    }
-    // Resolve the table ref's path and determine what resolved table ref
-    // to replace it with.
-    List<String> rawPath = tableRef.getPath();
-    Path resolvedPath = null;
-    try {
-      resolvedPath = resolvePath(tableRef.getPath(), PathType.TABLE_REF);
-    } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-      if (!hasMissingTbls()) {
-        // Register privilege requests to prefer reporting an authorization error over
-        // an analysis error. We should not accidentally reveal the non-existence of a
-        // table/database if the user is not authorized.
-        if (rawPath.size() > 1) {
-          registerPrivReq(new PrivilegeRequestBuilder()
-              .onTable(rawPath.get(0), rawPath.get(1))
-              .allOf(Privilege.SELECT).toRequest());
-        }
-        registerPrivReq(new PrivilegeRequestBuilder()
-            .onTable(getDefaultDb(), rawPath.get(0))
-            .allOf(Privilege.SELECT).toRequest());
-      }
-      throw e;
-    } catch (TableLoadingException e) {
-      throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
-          "Failed to load metadata for table: '%s'", Joiner.on(".").join(rawPath)), e);
-    }
-    Preconditions.checkNotNull(resolvedPath);
-    if (resolvedPath.destTable() != null) {
-      Table table = resolvedPath.destTable();
-      Preconditions.checkNotNull(table);
-      if (table instanceof View) return new InlineViewRef((View) table, tableRef);
-      // The table must be a base table.
-      Preconditions.checkState(table instanceof HdfsTable ||
-          table instanceof KuduTable ||
-          table instanceof HBaseTable ||
-          table instanceof DataSourceTable);
-      return new BaseTableRef(tableRef, resolvedPath);
-    } else {
-      return new CollectionTableRef(tableRef, resolvedPath);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register conjuncts that are outer joined by a full outer join. For a given
-   * predicate, we record the last full outer join that outer-joined any of its
-   * tuple ids. We need this additional information because full-outer joins obey
-   * different rules with respect to predicate pushdown compared to left and right
-   * outer joins.
-   */
-  public void registerFullOuterJoinedConjunct(Expr e) {
-    Preconditions.checkState(
-        !globalState_.fullOuterJoinedConjuncts.containsKey(e.getId()));
-    List<TupleId> tids = Lists.newArrayList();
-    e.getIds(tids, null);
-    for (TupleId tid: tids) {
-      if (!globalState_.fullOuterJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(tid)) continue;
-      TableRef currentOuterJoin = globalState_.fullOuterJoinedTupleIds.get(tid);
-      globalState_.fullOuterJoinedConjuncts.put(e.getId(), currentOuterJoin);
-      break;
-    }
-    LOG.trace("registerFullOuterJoinedConjunct: " +
-        globalState_.fullOuterJoinedConjuncts.toString());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register tids as being outer-joined by a full outer join clause represented by
-   * rhsRef.
-   */
-  public void registerFullOuterJoinedTids(List<TupleId> tids, TableRef rhsRef) {
-    for (TupleId tid: tids) {
-      globalState_.fullOuterJoinedTupleIds.put(tid, rhsRef);
-    }
-    LOG.trace("registerFullOuterJoinedTids: " +
-        globalState_.fullOuterJoinedTupleIds.toString());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register tids as being outer-joined by Join clause represented by rhsRef.
-   */
-  public void registerOuterJoinedTids(List<TupleId> tids, TableRef rhsRef) {
-    for (TupleId tid: tids) {
-      globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.put(tid, rhsRef);
-    }
-    LOG.trace("registerOuterJoinedTids: " + globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.toString());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register the given tuple id as being the invisible side of a semi-join.
-   */
-  public void registerSemiJoinedTid(TupleId tid, TableRef rhsRef) {
-    globalState_.semiJoinedTupleIds.put(tid, rhsRef);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns the descriptor of the given explicit or implicit table alias or null if no
-   * such alias has been registered.
-   * Throws an AnalysisException if the given table alias is ambiguous.
-   */
-  public TupleDescriptor getDescriptor(String tableAlias) throws AnalysisException {
-    String lookupAlias = tableAlias.toLowerCase();
-    if (ambiguousAliases_.contains(lookupAlias)) {
-      throw new AnalysisException(String.format(
-          "Unqualified table alias is ambiguous: '%s'", tableAlias));
-    }
-    return aliasMap_.get(lookupAlias);
-  }
-  public TupleDescriptor getTupleDesc(TupleId id) {
-    return globalState_.descTbl.getTupleDesc(id);
-  }
-  public SlotDescriptor getSlotDesc(SlotId id) {
-    return globalState_.descTbl.getSlotDesc(id);
-  }
-  public TableRef getTableRef(TupleId tid) { return tableRefMap_.get(tid); }
-  /**
-   * Given a "table alias"."column alias", return the SlotDescriptor
-   */
-  public SlotDescriptor getSlotDescriptor(String qualifiedColumnName) {
-    return slotPathMap_.get(qualifiedColumnName);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return true if this analyzer has no ancestors. (i.e. false for the analyzer created
-   * for inline views/ union operands, etc.)
-   */
-  public boolean isRootAnalyzer() { return ancestors_.isEmpty(); }
-  /**
-   * Returns true if the query block corresponding to this analyzer is guaranteed
-   * to return an empty result set, e.g., due to a limit 0 or a constant predicate
-   * that evaluates to false.
-   */
-  public boolean hasEmptyResultSet() { return hasEmptyResultSet_; }
-  public void setHasEmptyResultSet() { hasEmptyResultSet_ = true; }
-  /**
-   * Returns true if the select-project-join portion of this query block returns
-   * an empty result set.
-   */
-  public boolean hasEmptySpjResultSet() { return hasEmptySpjResultSet_; }
-  /**
-   * Resolves the given raw path according to the given path type, as follows:
-   * SLOT_REF and STAR: Resolves the path in the context of all registered tuple
-   * descriptors, considering qualified as well as unqualified matches.
-   * TABLE_REF: Resolves the path in the context of all registered tuple descriptors
-   * only considering qualified matches, as well as catalog tables/views.
-   *
-   * Path resolution:
-   * Regardless of the path type, a raw path can have multiple successful resolutions.
-   * A resolution is said to be 'successful' if all raw path elements can be mapped
-   * to a corresponding alias/table/column/field.
-   *
-   * Path legality:
-   * A successful resolution may be illegal with respect to the path type, e.g.,
-   * a SlotRef cannot reference intermediate collection types, etc.
-   *
-   * Path ambiguity:
-   * A raw path is ambiguous if it has multiple legal resolutions. Otherwise,
-   * the ambiguity is resolved in favor of the legal resolution.
-   *
-   * Returns the single legal path resolution if it exists.
-   * Throws if there was no legal resolution or if the path is ambiguous.
-   */
-  public Path resolvePath(List<String> rawPath, PathType pathType)
-      throws AnalysisException, TableLoadingException {
-    // We only allow correlated references in predicates of a subquery.
-    boolean resolveInAncestors = false;
-    if (pathType == PathType.TABLE_REF || pathType == PathType.ANY) {
-      resolveInAncestors = true;
-    } else if (pathType == PathType.SLOT_REF) {
-      resolveInAncestors = isSubquery_;
-    }
-    // Convert all path elements to lower case.
-    ArrayList<String> lcRawPath = Lists.newArrayListWithCapacity(rawPath.size());
-    for (String s: rawPath) lcRawPath.add(s.toLowerCase());
-    return resolvePath(lcRawPath, pathType, resolveInAncestors);
-  }
-  private Path resolvePath(List<String> rawPath, PathType pathType,
-      boolean resolveInAncestors) throws AnalysisException, TableLoadingException {
-    // List of all candidate paths with different roots. Paths in this list are initially
-    // unresolved and may be illegal with respect to the pathType.
-    List<Path> candidates = getTupleDescPaths(rawPath);
-    LinkedList<String> errors = Lists.newLinkedList();
-    if (pathType == PathType.SLOT_REF || pathType == PathType.STAR) {
-      // Paths rooted at all of the unique registered tuple descriptors.
-      for (TableRef tblRef: tableRefMap_.values()) {
-        candidates.add(new Path(tblRef.getDesc(), rawPath));
-      }
-    } else {
-      // Always prefer table ref paths rooted at a registered tuples descriptor.
-      Preconditions.checkState(pathType == PathType.TABLE_REF ||
-          pathType == PathType.ANY);
-      Path result = resolvePaths(rawPath, candidates, pathType, errors);
-      if (result != null) return result;
-      candidates.clear();
-      // Add paths rooted at a table with an unqualified and fully-qualified table name.
-      int end = Math.min(2, rawPath.size());
-      for (int tblNameIdx = 0; tblNameIdx < end; ++tblNameIdx) {
-        String dbName = (tblNameIdx == 0) ? getDefaultDb() : rawPath.get(0);
-        String tblName = rawPath.get(tblNameIdx);
-        Table tbl = null;
-        try {
-          tbl = getTable(dbName, tblName);
-        } catch (AnalysisException e) {
-          if (hasMissingTbls()) throw e;
-          // Ignore other exceptions to allow path resolution to continue.
-        }
-        if (tbl != null) {
-          candidates.add(new Path(tbl, rawPath.subList(tblNameIdx + 1, rawPath.size())));
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    Path result = resolvePaths(rawPath, candidates, pathType, errors);
-    if (result == null && resolveInAncestors && hasAncestors()) {
-      result = getParentAnalyzer().resolvePath(rawPath, pathType, true);
-    }
-    if (result == null) {
-      Preconditions.checkState(!errors.isEmpty());
-      throw new AnalysisException(errors.getFirst());
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a list of unresolved Paths that are rooted at a registered tuple
-   * descriptor matching a prefix of the given raw path.
-   */
-  public List<Path> getTupleDescPaths(List<String> rawPath)
-      throws AnalysisException {
-    ArrayList<Path> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-    // Path rooted at a tuple desc with an explicit or implicit unqualified alias.
-    TupleDescriptor rootDesc = getDescriptor(rawPath.get(0));
-    if (rootDesc != null) {
-      result.add(new Path(rootDesc, rawPath.subList(1, rawPath.size())));
-    }
-    // Path rooted at a tuple desc with an implicit qualified alias.
-    if (rawPath.size() > 1) {
-      rootDesc = getDescriptor(rawPath.get(0) + "." + rawPath.get(1));
-      if (rootDesc != null) {
-        result.add(new Path(rootDesc, rawPath.subList(2, rawPath.size())));
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Resolves the given paths and checks them for legality and ambiguity. Returns the
-   * single legal path resolution if it exists, null otherwise.
-   * Populates 'errors' with a a prioritized list of error messages starting with the
-   * most relevant one. The list contains at least one error message if null is returned.
-   */
-  private Path resolvePaths(List<String> rawPath, List<Path> paths, PathType pathType,
-      LinkedList<String> errors) {
-    // For generating error messages.
-    String pathTypeStr = null;
-    String pathStr = Joiner.on(".").join(rawPath);
-    if (pathType == PathType.SLOT_REF) {
-      pathTypeStr = "Column/field reference";
-    } else if (pathType == PathType.TABLE_REF) {
-      pathTypeStr = "Table reference";
-    } else if (pathType == PathType.ANY) {
-      pathTypeStr = "Path";
-    } else {
-      Preconditions.checkState(pathType == PathType.STAR);
-      pathTypeStr = "Star expression";
-      pathStr += ".*";
-    }
-    List<Path> legalPaths = Lists.newArrayList();
-    for (Path p: paths) {
-      if (!p.resolve()) continue;
-      // Check legality of the resolved path.
-      if (p.isRootedAtTuple() && !isVisible(p.getRootDesc().getId())) {
-        errors.addLast(String.format(
-            "Illegal %s '%s' of semi-/anti-joined table '%s'",
-            pathTypeStr.toLowerCase(), pathStr, p.getRootDesc().getAlias()));
-        continue;
-      }
-      switch (pathType) {
-        // Illegal cases:
-        // 1. Destination type is not a collection.
-        case TABLE_REF: {
-          if (!p.destType().isCollectionType()) {
-            errors.addFirst(String.format(
-                "Illegal table reference to non-collection type: '%s'\n" +
-                    "Path resolved to type: %s", pathStr, p.destType().toSql()));
-            continue;
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-        case SLOT_REF: {
-          // Illegal cases:
-          // 1. Path contains an intermediate collection reference.
-          // 2. Destination of the path is a catalog table or a registered alias.
-          if (p.hasNonDestCollection()) {
-            errors.addFirst(String.format(
-                "Illegal column/field reference '%s' with intermediate " +
-                "collection '%s' of type '%s'",
-                pathStr, p.getFirstCollectionName(),
-                p.getFirstCollectionType().toSql()));
-            continue;
-          }
-          // Error should be "Could not resolve...". No need to add it here explicitly.
-          if (p.getMatchedTypes().isEmpty()) continue;
-          break;
-        }
-        // Illegal cases:
-        // 1. Path contains an intermediate collection reference.
-        // 2. Destination type of the path is not a struct.
-        case STAR: {
-          if (p.hasNonDestCollection()) {
-            errors.addFirst(String.format(
-                "Illegal star expression '%s' with intermediate " +
-                "collection '%s' of type '%s'",
-                pathStr, p.getFirstCollectionName(),
-                p.getFirstCollectionType().toSql()));
-            continue;
-          }
-          if (!p.destType().isStructType()) {
-            errors.addFirst(String.format(
-                "Cannot expand star in '%s' because path '%s' resolved to type '%s'." +
-                "\nStar expansion is only valid for paths to a struct type.",
-                pathStr, Joiner.on(".").join(rawPath), p.destType().toSql()));
-            continue;
-          }
-          break;
-        }
-        case ANY: {
-          // Any path is valid.
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      legalPaths.add(p);
-    }
-    if (legalPaths.size() > 1) {
-      errors.addFirst(String.format("%s is ambiguous: '%s'",
-          pathTypeStr, pathStr));
-      return null;
-    }
-    if (legalPaths.isEmpty()) {
-      if (errors.isEmpty()) {
-        errors.addFirst(String.format("Could not resolve %s: '%s'",
-            pathTypeStr.toLowerCase(), pathStr));
-      }
-      return null;
-    }
-    return legalPaths.get(0);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns an existing or new SlotDescriptor for the given path. Always returns
-   * a new empty SlotDescriptor for paths with a collection-typed destination.
-   */
-  public SlotDescriptor registerSlotRef(Path slotPath) throws AnalysisException {
-    Preconditions.checkState(slotPath.isRootedAtTuple());
-    // Always register a new slot descriptor for collection types. The BE currently
-    // relies on this behavior for setting unnested collection slots to NULL.
-    if (slotPath.destType().isCollectionType()) {
-      SlotDescriptor result = addSlotDescriptor(slotPath.getRootDesc());
-      result.setPath(slotPath);
-      registerColumnPrivReq(result);
-      return result;
-    }
-    // SlotRefs with a scalar type are registered against the slot's
-    // fully-qualified lowercase path.
-    String key = slotPath.toString();
-    SlotDescriptor existingSlotDesc = slotPathMap_.get(key);
-    if (existingSlotDesc != null) return existingSlotDesc;
-    SlotDescriptor result = addSlotDescriptor(slotPath.getRootDesc());
-    result.setPath(slotPath);
-    slotPathMap_.put(key, result);
-    registerColumnPrivReq(result);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Registers a column-level privilege request if 'slotDesc' directly or indirectly
-   * refers to a table column. It handles both scalar and complex-typed columns.
-   */
-  private void registerColumnPrivReq(SlotDescriptor slotDesc) {
-    Preconditions.checkNotNull(slotDesc.getPath());
-    TupleDescriptor tupleDesc = slotDesc.getParent();
-    if (tupleDesc.isMaterialized() && tupleDesc.getTable() != null) {
-      Column column = tupleDesc.getTable().getColumn(
-          slotDesc.getPath().getRawPath().get(0));
-      if (column != null) {
-        registerPrivReq(new PrivilegeRequestBuilder().
-            allOf(Privilege.SELECT).onColumn(tupleDesc.getTableName().getDb(),
-            tupleDesc.getTableName().getTbl(), column.getName()).toRequest());
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates a new slot descriptor and related state in globalState.
-   */
-  public SlotDescriptor addSlotDescriptor(TupleDescriptor tupleDesc) {
-    SlotDescriptor result = globalState_.descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(tupleDesc);
-    globalState_.blockBySlot.put(result.getId(), this);
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Adds a new slot descriptor in tupleDesc that is identical to srcSlotDesc
-   * except for the path and slot id.
-   */
-  public SlotDescriptor copySlotDescriptor(SlotDescriptor srcSlotDesc,
-      TupleDescriptor tupleDesc) {
-    SlotDescriptor result = globalState_.descTbl.addSlotDescriptor(tupleDesc);
-    globalState_.blockBySlot.put(result.getId(), this);
-    result.setSourceExprs(srcSlotDesc.getSourceExprs());
-    result.setLabel(srcSlotDesc.getLabel());
-    result.setStats(srcSlotDesc.getStats());
-    result.setType(srcSlotDesc.getType());
-    result.setItemTupleDesc(srcSlotDesc.getItemTupleDesc());
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register all conjuncts in a list of predicates as Having-clause conjuncts.
-   */
-  public void registerConjuncts(List<Expr> l) throws AnalysisException {
-    for (Expr e: l) {
-      registerConjuncts(e, true);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register all conjuncts in 'conjuncts' that make up the On-clause of the given
-   * right-hand side of a join. Assigns each conjunct a unique id. If rhsRef is
-   * the right-hand side of an outer join, then the conjuncts conjuncts are
-   * registered such that they can only be evaluated by the node implementing that
-   * join.
-   */
-  public void registerOnClauseConjuncts(List<Expr> conjuncts, TableRef rhsRef)
-      throws AnalysisException {
-    Preconditions.checkNotNull(rhsRef);
-    Preconditions.checkNotNull(conjuncts);
-    List<ExprId> ojConjuncts = null;
-    if (rhsRef.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin()) {
-      ojConjuncts = globalState_.conjunctsByOjClause.get(rhsRef.getId());
-      if (ojConjuncts == null) {
-        ojConjuncts = Lists.newArrayList();
-        globalState_.conjunctsByOjClause.put(rhsRef.getId(), ojConjuncts);
-      }
-    }
-    for (Expr conjunct: conjuncts) {
-      conjunct.setIsOnClauseConjunct(true);
-      registerConjunct(conjunct);
-      if (rhsRef.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin()) {
-        globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.put(conjunct.getId(), rhsRef);
-        ojConjuncts.add(conjunct.getId());
-      }
-      if (rhsRef.getJoinOp().isSemiJoin()) {
-        globalState_.sjClauseByConjunct.put(conjunct.getId(), rhsRef);
-      }
-      if (rhsRef.getJoinOp().isInnerJoin()) {
-        globalState_.ijClauseByConjunct.put(conjunct.getId(), rhsRef);
-      }
-      markConstantConjunct(conjunct, false);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Register all conjuncts that make up 'e'. If fromHavingClause is false, this conjunct
-   * is assumed to originate from a WHERE or ON clause.
-   */
-  public void registerConjuncts(Expr e, boolean fromHavingClause)
-      throws AnalysisException {
-    for (Expr conjunct: e.getConjuncts()) {
-      registerConjunct(conjunct);
-      markConstantConjunct(conjunct, fromHavingClause);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * If the given conjunct is a constant non-oj conjunct, marks it as assigned, and
-   * evaluates the conjunct. If the conjunct evaluates to false, marks this query
-   * block as having an empty result set or as having an empty select-project-join
-   * portion, if fromHavingClause is true or false, respectively.
-   * No-op if the conjunct is not constant or is outer joined.
-   * Throws an AnalysisException if there is an error evaluating `conjunct`
-   */
-  private void markConstantConjunct(Expr conjunct, boolean fromHavingClause)
-      throws AnalysisException {
-    if (!conjunct.isConstant() || isOjConjunct(conjunct)) return;
-    markConjunctAssigned(conjunct);
-    if ((!fromHavingClause && !hasEmptySpjResultSet_)
-        || (fromHavingClause && !hasEmptyResultSet_)) {
-      try {
-        if (!FeSupport.EvalPredicate(conjunct, globalState_.queryCtx)) {
-          if (fromHavingClause) {
-            hasEmptyResultSet_ = true;
-          } else {
-            hasEmptySpjResultSet_ = true;
-          }
-        }
-      } catch (InternalException ex) {
-        throw new AnalysisException("Error evaluating \"" + conjunct.toSql() + "\"", ex);
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Assigns a new id to the given conjunct and registers it with all tuple and slot ids
-   * it references and with the global conjunct list.
-   */
-  private void registerConjunct(Expr e) {
-    // always generate a new expr id; this might be a cloned conjunct that already
-    // has the id of its origin set
-    e.setId(globalState_.conjunctIdGenerator.getNextId());
-    globalState_.conjuncts.put(e.getId(), e);
-    ArrayList<TupleId> tupleIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-    ArrayList<SlotId> slotIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-    e.getIds(tupleIds, slotIds);
-    registerFullOuterJoinedConjunct(e);
-    // register single tid conjuncts
-    if (tupleIds.size() == 1) globalState_.singleTidConjuncts.add(e.getId());
-    LOG.trace("register tuple/slotConjunct: " + Integer.toString(e.getId().asInt())
-        + " " + e.toSql() + " " + e.debugString());
-    if (!(e instanceof BinaryPredicate)) return;
-    BinaryPredicate binaryPred = (BinaryPredicate) e;
-    // check whether this is an equi-join predicate, ie, something of the
-    // form <expr1> = <expr2> where at least one of the exprs is bound by
-    // exactly one tuple id
-    if (binaryPred.getOp() != BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ &&
-       binaryPred.getOp() != BinaryPredicate.Operator.NULL_MATCHING_EQ &&
-       binaryPred.getOp() != BinaryPredicate.Operator.NOT_DISTINCT) {
-      return;
-    }
-    // the binary predicate must refer to at least two tuples to be an eqJoinConjunct
-    if (tupleIds.size() < 2) return;
-    // examine children and update eqJoinConjuncts
-    for (int i = 0; i < 2; ++i) {
-      tupleIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-      binaryPred.getChild(i).getIds(tupleIds, null);
-      if (tupleIds.size() == 1) {
-        if (!globalState_.eqJoinConjuncts.containsKey(tupleIds.get(0))) {
-          List<ExprId> conjunctIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-          conjunctIds.add(e.getId());
-          globalState_.eqJoinConjuncts.put(tupleIds.get(0), conjunctIds);
-        } else {
-          globalState_.eqJoinConjuncts.get(tupleIds.get(0)).add(e.getId());
-        }
-        binaryPred.setIsEqJoinConjunct(true);
-        LOG.trace("register eqJoinConjunct: " + Integer.toString(e.getId().asInt()));
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * Create and register an auxiliary predicate to express an equivalence between two
-   * exprs (BinaryPredicate with EQ); this predicate does not need to be assigned, but
-   * it's used for equivalence class computation.
-   * Does nothing if the lhs or rhs expr are NULL. Registering an equivalence with NULL
-   * would be incorrect, because <expr> = NULL is false (even NULL = NULL).
-   */
-  public void createAuxEquivPredicate(Expr lhs, Expr rhs) {
-    // Check the expr type as well as the class because  NullLiteral could have been
-    // implicitly cast to a type different than NULL.
-    if (lhs instanceof NullLiteral || rhs instanceof NullLiteral ||
-        lhs.getType().isNull() || rhs.getType().isNull()) {
-      return;
-    }
-    // create an eq predicate between lhs and rhs
-    BinaryPredicate p = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ, lhs, rhs);
-    p.setIsAuxExpr();
-    LOG.trace("register equiv predicate: " + p.toSql() + " " + p.debugString());
-    registerConjunct(p);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Creates an inferred equality predicate between the given slots.
-   */
-  public BinaryPredicate createInferredEqPred(SlotId lhsSlotId, SlotId rhsSlotId) {
-    BinaryPredicate pred = new BinaryPredicate(BinaryPredicate.Operator.EQ,
-        new SlotRef(globalState_.descTbl.getSlotDesc(lhsSlotId)),
-        new SlotRef(globalState_.descTbl.getSlotDesc(rhsSlotId)));
-    pred.setIsInferred();
-    // create casts if needed
-    pred.analyzeNoThrow(this);
-    return pred;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return all unassigned non-constant registered conjuncts that are fully bound by
-   * given list of tuple ids. If 'inclOjConjuncts' is false, conjuncts tied to an
-   * Outer Join clause are excluded.
-   */
-  public List<Expr> getUnassignedConjuncts(
-      List<TupleId> tupleIds, boolean inclOjConjuncts) {
-    LOG.trace("getUnassignedConjuncts for " + Id.printIds(tupleIds));
-    List<Expr> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-    for (Expr e: globalState_.conjuncts.values()) {
-      if (e.isBoundByTupleIds(tupleIds)
-          && !e.isAuxExpr()
-          && !globalState_.assignedConjuncts.contains(e.getId())
-          && ((inclOjConjuncts && !e.isConstant())
-              || !globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.containsKey(e.getId()))) {
-        result.add(e);
-        LOG.trace("getUnassignedConjunct: " + e.toSql());
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  public boolean isOjConjunct(Expr e) {
-    return globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.containsKey(e.getId());
-  }
-  public boolean isIjConjunct(Expr e) {
-    return globalState_.ijClauseByConjunct.containsKey(e.getId());
-  }
-  public TableRef getFullOuterJoinRef(Expr e) {
-    return globalState_.fullOuterJoinedConjuncts.get(e.getId());
-  }
-  public boolean isFullOuterJoined(Expr e) {
-    return globalState_.fullOuterJoinedConjuncts.containsKey(e.getId());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return all unassigned registered conjuncts for node's table ref ids.
-   * Wrapper around getUnassignedConjuncts(List<TupleId> tupleIds).
-   */
-  public List<Expr> getUnassignedConjuncts(PlanNode node) {
-    return getUnassignedConjuncts(node.getTblRefIds());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return all unassigned registered conjuncts that are fully bound by the given
-   * (logical) tuple ids, can be evaluated by 'tupleIds' and are not tied to an
-   * Outer Join clause.
-   */
-  public List<Expr> getUnassignedConjuncts(List<TupleId> tupleIds) {
-    LOG.trace("getUnassignedConjuncts for node with " + Id.printIds(tupleIds));
-    List<Expr> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-    for (Expr e: getUnassignedConjuncts(tupleIds, true)) {
-      if (canEvalPredicate(tupleIds, e)) {
-        result.add(e);
-        LOG.trace("getUnassignedConjunct: " + e.toSql());
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns true if e must be evaluated by a join node. Note that it may still be
-   * safe to evaluate e elsewhere as well, but in any case the join must evaluate e.
-   */
-  public boolean evalByJoin(Expr e) {
-    List<TupleId> tids = Lists.newArrayList();
-    e.getIds(tids, null);
-    if (tids.isEmpty()) return false;
-    if (tids.size() > 1 || isOjConjunct(e) || isFullOuterJoined(e)
-        || (isOuterJoined(tids.get(0))
-            && (!e.isOnClauseConjunct() || isIjConjunct(e)))
-        || (isAntiJoinedConjunct(e) && !isSemiJoined(tids.get(0)))) {
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return all unassigned conjuncts of the outer join referenced by right-hand side
-   * table ref.
-   */
-  public List<Expr> getUnassignedOjConjuncts(TableRef ref) {
-    Preconditions.checkState(ref.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin());
-    List<Expr> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-    List<ExprId> candidates = globalState_.conjunctsByOjClause.get(ref.getId());
-    if (candidates == null) return result;
-    for (ExprId conjunctId: candidates) {
-      if (!globalState_.assignedConjuncts.contains(conjunctId)) {
-        Expr e = globalState_.conjuncts.get(conjunctId);
-        Preconditions.checkNotNull(e);
-        result.add(e);
-        LOG.trace("getUnassignedOjConjunct: " + e.toSql());
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return rhs ref of last Join clause that outer-joined id.
-   */
-  public TableRef getLastOjClause(TupleId id) {
-    return globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.get(id);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Return slot descriptor corresponding to column referenced in the context of
-   * tupleDesc, or null if no such reference exists.
-   */
-  public SlotDescriptor getColumnSlot(TupleDescriptor tupleDesc, Column col) {
-    for (SlotDescriptor slotDesc: tupleDesc.getSlots()) {
-      if (slotDesc.getColumn() == col) return slotDesc;
-    }
-    return null;
-  }
-  public DescriptorTable getDescTbl() { return globalState_.descTbl; }
-  public ImpaladCatalog getCatalog() { return globalState_.catalog; }
-  public Set<String> getAliases() { return aliasMap_.keySet(); }
-  /**
-   * Returns list of candidate equi-join conjuncts to be evaluated by the join node
-   * that is specified by the table ref ids of its left and right children.
-   * If the join to be performed is an outer join, then only equi-join conjuncts
-   * from its On-clause are returned. If an equi-join conjunct is full outer joined,
-   * then it is only added to the result if this join is the one to full-outer join it.
-   */
-  public List<Expr> getEqJoinConjuncts(List<TupleId> lhsTblRefIds,
-      List<TupleId> rhsTblRefIds) {
-    // Contains all equi-join conjuncts that have one child fully bound by one of the
-    // rhs table ref ids (the other child is not bound by that rhs table ref id).
-    List<ExprId> conjunctIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-    for (TupleId rhsId: rhsTblRefIds) {
-      List<ExprId> cids = globalState_.eqJoinConjuncts.get(rhsId);
-      if (cids == null) continue;
-      for (ExprId eid: cids) {
-        if (!conjunctIds.contains(eid)) conjunctIds.add(eid);
-      }
-    }
-    // Since we currently prevent join re-reordering across outer joins, we can never
-    // have a bushy outer join with multiple rhs table ref ids. A busy outer join can
-    // only be constructed with an inline view (which has a single table ref id).
-    List<ExprId> ojClauseConjuncts = null;
-    if (rhsTblRefIds.size() == 1) {
-      ojClauseConjuncts = globalState_.conjunctsByOjClause.get(rhsTblRefIds.get(0));
-    }
-    // List of table ref ids that the join node will 'materialize'.
-    List<TupleId> nodeTblRefIds = Lists.newArrayList(lhsTblRefIds);
-    nodeTblRefIds.addAll(rhsTblRefIds);
-    List<Expr> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-    for (ExprId conjunctId: conjunctIds) {
-      Expr e = globalState_.conjuncts.get(conjunctId);
-      Preconditions.checkState(e != null);
-      if (!canEvalFullOuterJoinedConjunct(e, nodeTblRefIds) ||
-          !canEvalAntiJoinedConjunct(e, nodeTblRefIds)) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      if (ojClauseConjuncts != null && !ojClauseConjuncts.contains(conjunctId)) continue;
-      result.add(e);
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Checks if a conjunct can be evaluated at a node materializing a list of tuple ids
-   * 'tids'.
-   */
-  public boolean canEvalFullOuterJoinedConjunct(Expr e, List<TupleId> tids) {
-    TableRef fullOuterJoin = getFullOuterJoinRef(e);
-    if (fullOuterJoin == null) return true;
-    return tids.containsAll(fullOuterJoin.getAllTableRefIds());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns true if predicate 'e' can be correctly evaluated by a tree materializing
-   * 'tupleIds', otherwise false:
-   * - the predicate needs to be bound by tupleIds
-   * - an On clause predicate against the non-nullable side of an Outer Join clause
-   *   can only be correctly evaluated by the join node that materializes the
-   *   Outer Join clause
-   * - otherwise, a predicate can only be correctly evaluated if for all outer-joined
-   *   referenced tids the last join to outer-join this tid has been materialized
-   */
-  public boolean canEvalPredicate(List<TupleId> tupleIds, Expr e) {
-    LOG.trace("canEval: " + e.toSql() + " " + e.debugString() + " "
-        + Id.printIds(tupleIds));
-    if (!e.isBoundByTupleIds(tupleIds)) return false;
-    ArrayList<TupleId> tids = Lists.newArrayList();
-    e.getIds(tids, null);
-    if (tids.isEmpty()) return true;
-    if (e.isOnClauseConjunct()) {
-      if (tids.size() > 1) {
-        // If the conjunct is from the ON-clause of an anti join, check if we can
-        // assign it to this node.
-        if (isAntiJoinedConjunct(e)) return canEvalAntiJoinedConjunct(e, tupleIds);
-        // bail if this is from an OJ On clause; the join node will pick
-        // it up later via getUnassignedOjConjuncts()
-        if (globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.containsKey(e.getId())) return false;
-        // If this is not from an OJ On clause (e.g. where clause or On clause of an
-        // inner join) and is full-outer joined, we need to make sure it is not
-        // assigned below the full outer join node that outer-joined it.
-        return canEvalFullOuterJoinedConjunct(e, tupleIds);
-      }
-      TupleId tid = tids.get(0);
-      if (globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.containsKey(e.getId())) {
-        // OJ On-clause predicate: okay if it's from
-        // the same On clause that makes tid nullable
-        // (otherwise e needn't be true when that tuple is set)
-        if (!globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(tid)) return false;
-        if (globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.get(e.getId())
-            != globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.get(tid)) {
-          return false;
-        }
-        // Single tuple id conjuncts specified in the FOJ On-clause are not allowed to be
-        // assigned below that full outer join in the operator tree.
-        TableRef tblRef = globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.get(e.getId());
-        if (tblRef.getJoinOp().isFullOuterJoin()) return false;
-      } else {
-        // Non-OJ On-clause conjunct.
-        if (isOuterJoined(tid)) {
-          // If the conjunct references an outer-joined tuple, then evaluate the
-          // conjunct at the join that the On-clause belongs to.
-          TableRef onClauseTableRef = globalState_.ijClauseByConjunct.get(e.getId());
-          Preconditions.checkNotNull(onClauseTableRef);
-          return tupleIds.containsAll(onClauseTableRef.getAllTableRefIds());
-        }
-        // If this single tid conjunct is from the On-clause of an anti-join, check if we
-        // can assign it to this node.
-        if (isAntiJoinedConjunct(e)) return canEvalAntiJoinedConjunct(e, tupleIds);
-      }
-      // Single tid predicate that is not from an OJ On-clause and is outer-joined by a
-      // full outer join cannot be assigned below that full outer join in the
-      // operator tree.
-      return canEvalFullOuterJoinedConjunct(e, tupleIds);
-    }
-    if (isAntiJoinedConjunct(e)) return canEvalAntiJoinedConjunct(e, tupleIds);
-    for (TupleId tid: tids) {
-      LOG.trace("canEval: checking tid " + tid.toString());
-      TableRef rhsRef = getLastOjClause(tid);
-      // this is not outer-joined; ignore
-      if (rhsRef == null) continue;
-      // check whether the last join to outer-join 'tid' is materialized by tupleIds
-      boolean contains = tupleIds.containsAll(rhsRef.getAllTableRefIds());
-      LOG.trace("canEval: contains=" + (contains ? "true " : "false ")
-          + Id.printIds(tupleIds) + " " + Id.printIds(rhsRef.getAllTableRefIds()));
-      if (!tupleIds.containsAll(rhsRef.getAllTableRefIds())) return false;
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Checks if a conjunct from the On-clause of an anti join can be evaluated in a node
-   * that materializes a given list of tuple ids.
-   */
-  public boolean canEvalAntiJoinedConjunct(Expr e, List<TupleId> nodeTupleIds) {
-    TableRef antiJoinRef = getAntiJoinRef(e);
-    if (antiJoinRef == null) return true;
-    List<TupleId> tids = Lists.newArrayList();
-    e.getIds(tids, null);
-    if (tids.size() > 1) {
-      return nodeTupleIds.containsAll(antiJoinRef.getAllTableRefIds())
-          && antiJoinRef.getAllTableRefIds().containsAll(nodeTupleIds);
-    }
-    // A single tid conjunct that is anti-joined can be safely assigned to a
-    // node below the anti join that specified it.
-    return globalState_.semiJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(tids.get(0));
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a list of predicates that are fully bound by destTid. Predicates are derived
-   * by replacing the slots of a source predicate with slots of the destTid, if for each
-   * source slot there is an equivalent slot in destTid.
-   * In particular, the returned list contains predicates that must be evaluated
-   * at a join node (bound to outer-joined tuple) but can also be safely evaluated by a
-   * plan node materializing destTid. Such predicates are not marked as assigned.
-   * All other inferred predicates are marked as assigned if 'markAssigned'
-   * is true. This function returns bound predicates regardless of whether the source
-   * predicated have been assigned. It is up to the caller to decide if a bound predicate
-   * should actually be used.
-   * Destination slots in destTid can be ignored by passing them in ignoreSlots.
-   * TODO: exclude UDFs from predicate propagation? their overloaded variants could
-   * have very different semantics
-   */
-  public ArrayList<Expr> getBoundPredicates(TupleId destTid, Set<SlotId> ignoreSlots,
-      boolean markAssigned) {
-    ArrayList<Expr> result = Lists.newArrayList();
-    for (ExprId srcConjunctId: globalState_.singleTidConjuncts) {
-      Expr srcConjunct = globalState_.conjuncts.get(srcConjunctId);
-      if (srcConjunct instanceof SlotRef) continue;
-      Preconditions.checkNotNull(srcConjunct);
-      List<TupleId> srcTids = Lists.newArrayList();
-      List<SlotId> srcSids = Lists.newArrayList();
-      srcConjunct.getIds(srcTids, srcSids);
-      Preconditions.checkState(srcTids.size() == 1);
-      // Generate slot-mappings to bind srcConjunct to destTid.
-      TupleId srcTid = srcTids.get(0);
-      List<List<SlotId>> allDestSids =
-          getEquivDestSlotIds(srcTid, srcSids, destTid, ignoreSlots);
-      if (allDestSids.isEmpty()) continue;
-      // Indicates whether the source slots have equivalent slots that belong
-      // to an outer-joined tuple.
-      boolean hasOuterJoinedTuple = false;
-      for (SlotId srcSid: srcSids) {
-        if (hasOuterJoinedTuple(globalState_.equivClassBySlotId.get(srcSid))) {
-          hasOuterJoinedTuple = true;
-          break;
-        }
-      }
-      // It is incorrect to propagate predicates into a plan subtree that is on the
-      // nullable side of an outer join if the predicate evaluates to true when all
-      // its referenced tuples are NULL. The check below is conservative because the
-      // outer-joined tuple making 'hasOuterJoinedTuple' true could be in a parent block
-      // of 'srcConjunct', in which case it is safe to propagate 'srcConjunct' within
-      // child blocks of the outer-joined parent block.
-      // TODO: Make the check precise by considering the blocks (analyzers) where the
-      // outer-joined tuples in the dest slot's equivalence classes appear
-      // relative to 'srcConjunct'.
-      if (hasOuterJoinedTuple && isTrueWithNullSlots(srcConjunct)) continue;
-      // if srcConjunct comes out of an OJ's On clause, we need to make sure it's the
-      // same as the one that makes destTid nullable
-      // (otherwise srcConjunct needn't be true when destTid is set)
-      if (globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.containsKey(srcConjunct.getId())) {
-        if (!globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(destTid)) continue;
-        if (globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.get(srcConjunct.getId())
-            != globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.get(destTid)) {
-          continue;
-        }
-        // Do not propagate conjuncts from the on-clause of full-outer or anti-joins.
-        TableRef tblRef = globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.get(srcConjunct.getId());
-        if (tblRef.getJoinOp().isFullOuterJoin()) continue;
-      }
-      // Conjuncts specified in the ON-clause of an anti-join must be evaluated at that
-      // join node.
-      if (isAntiJoinedConjunct(srcConjunct)) continue;
-      // Generate predicates for all src-to-dest slot mappings.
-      for (List<SlotId> destSids: allDestSids) {
-        Preconditions.checkState(destSids.size() == srcSids.size());
-        Expr p;
-        if (srcSids.containsAll(destSids)) {
-          p = srcConjunct;
-        } else {
-          ExprSubstitutionMap smap = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
-          for (int i = 0; i < srcSids.size(); ++i) {
-            smap.put(
-                new SlotRef(globalState_.descTbl.getSlotDesc(srcSids.get(i))),
-                new SlotRef(globalState_.descTbl.getSlotDesc(destSids.get(i))));
-          }
-          try {
-            p = srcConjunct.trySubstitute(smap, this, false);
-          } catch (ImpalaException exc) {
-            // not an executable predicate; ignore
-            continue;
-          }
-          // Unset the id because this bound predicate itself is not registered, and
-          // to prevent callers from inadvertently marking the srcConjunct as assigned.
-          p.setId(null);
-          if (p instanceof BinaryPredicate) ((BinaryPredicate) p).setIsInferred();
-          LOG.trace("new pred: " + p.toSql() + " " + p.debugString());
-        }
-        if (markAssigned) {
-          // predicate assignment doesn't hold if:
-          // - the application against slotId doesn't transfer the value back to its
-          //   originating slot
-          // - the original predicate is on an OJ'd table but doesn't originate from
-          //   that table's OJ clause's ON clause (if it comes from anywhere but that
-          //   ON clause, it needs to be evaluated directly by the join node that
-          //   materializes the OJ'd table)
-          boolean reverseValueTransfer = true;
-          for (int i = 0; i < srcSids.size(); ++i) {
-            if (!hasValueTransfer(destSids.get(i), srcSids.get(i))) {
-              reverseValueTransfer = false;
-              break;
-            }
-          }
-          // Check if either srcConjunct or the generated predicate needs to be evaluated
-          // at a join node (IMPALA-2018).
-          boolean evalByJoin =
-              (evalByJoin(srcConjunct)
-               && (globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.get(srcConjunct.getId())
-                != globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.get(srcTid)))
-              || (evalByJoin(p)
-                  && (globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.get(p.getId())
-                   != globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.get(destTid)));
-          // mark all bound predicates including duplicate ones
-          if (reverseValueTransfer && !evalByJoin) markConjunctAssigned(srcConjunct);
-        }
-        // check if we already created this predicate
-        if (!result.contains(p)) result.add(p);
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  public ArrayList<Expr> getBoundPredicates(TupleId destTid) {
-    return getBoundPredicates(destTid, new HashSet<SlotId>(), true);
-  }
-  /**
-   * Modifies the analysis state associated with the rhs table ref of an outer join
-   * to accomodate a join inversion that changes the rhs table ref of the join from
-   * oldRhsTbl to newRhsTbl.
-   * TODO: Revisit this function and how outer joins are inverted. This function
-   * should not be necessary because the semantics of an inverted outer join do
-   * not change. This function will naturally become obsolete when we can transform
-   * outer joins with otherPredicates into inner joins.
-   */
-  public void invertOuterJoinState(TableRef oldRhsTbl, TableRef newRhsTbl) {
-    Preconditions.checkState(oldRhsTbl.getJoinOp().isOuterJoin());
-    // Invert analysis state for an outer join.
-    List<ExprId> conjunctIds =
-        globalState_.conjunctsByOjClause.remove(oldRhsTbl.getId());
-    if (conjunctIds != null) {
-      globalState_.conjunctsByOjClause.put(newRhsTbl.getId(), conjunctIds);
-      for (ExprId eid: conjunctIds) {
-        globalState_.ojClauseByConjunct.put(eid, newRhsTbl);
-      }
-    } else {
-      // An outer join is allowed not to have an On-clause if the rhs table ref is
-      // correlated or relative.
-      Preconditions.checkState(oldRhsTbl.isCorrelated() || oldRhsTbl.isRelative());
-    }
-    for (Map.Entry<TupleId, TableRef> e: globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.entrySet()) {
-      if (e.getValue() == oldRhsTbl) e.setValue(newRhsTbl);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * For each equivalence class, adds/removes predicates from conjuncts such that it
-   * contains a minimum set of <lhsSlot> = <rhsSlot> predicates that establish the known
-   * equivalences between slots in lhsTids and rhsTids which must be disjoint.
-   * Preserves original conjuncts when possible. Assumes that predicates for establishing
-   * equivalences among slots in only lhsTids and only rhsTids have already been
-   * established. This function adds the remaining predicates to "connect" the disjoint
-   * equivalent slot sets of lhsTids and rhsTids.
-   * The intent of this function is to enable construction of a minimum spanning tree
-   * to cover the known slot equivalences. This function should be called for join
-   * nodes during plan generation to (1) remove redundant join predicates, and (2)
-   * establish equivalences among slots materialized at that join node.
-   * TODO: Consider optimizing for the cheapest minimum set of predicates.
-   * TODO: Consider caching the DisjointSet during plan generation instead of
-   * re-creating it here on every invocation.
-   */
-  public <T extends Expr> void createEquivConjuncts(List<TupleId> lhsTids,
-      List<TupleId> rhsTids, List<T> conjuncts) {
-    Preconditions.checkState(Collections.disjoint(lhsTids, rhsTids));
-    // Equivalence classes only containing slots belonging to lhsTids.
-    Map<EquivalenceClassId, List<SlotId>> lhsEquivClasses =
-        getEquivClasses(lhsTids);
-    // Equivalence classes only containing slots belonging to rhsTids.
-    Map<EquivalenceClassId, List<SlotId>> rhsEquivClasses =
-        getEquivClasses(rhsTids);
-    // Maps from a slot id to its set of equivalent slots. Used to track equivalences
-    // that have been established by predicates assigned/generated to plan nodes
-    // materializing lhsTids as well as the given conjuncts.
-    DisjointSet<SlotId> partialEquivSlots = new DisjointSet<SlotId>();
-    // Add the partial equivalences to the partialEquivSlots map. The equivalent-slot
-    // sets of slots from lhsTids are disjoint from those of slots from rhsTids.
-    // We need to 'connect' the disjoint slot sets by constructing a new predicate
-    // for each equivalence class (unless there is already one in 'conjuncts').
-    for (List<SlotId> partialEquivClass: lhsEquivClasses.values()) {
-      partialEquivSlots.bulkUnion(partialEquivClass);
-    }
-    for (List<SlotId> partialEquivClass: rhsEquivClasses.values()) {
-      partialEquivSlots.bulkUnion(partialEquivClass);
-    }
-    // Set of outer-joined slots referenced by conjuncts.
-    Set<SlotId> outerJoinedSlots = Sets.newHashSet();
-    // Update partialEquivSlots based on equality predicates in 'conjuncts'. Removes
-    // redundant conjuncts, unless they reference outer-joined slots (see below).
-    Iterator<T> conjunctIter = conjuncts.iterator();
-    while (conjunctIter.hasNext()) {
-      Expr conjunct =;
-      Pair<SlotId, SlotId> eqSlots = BinaryPredicate.getEqSlots(conjunct);
-      if (eqSlots == null) continue;
-      EquivalenceClassId firstEqClassId = getEquivClassId(eqSlots.first);
-      EquivalenceClassId secondEqClassId = getEquivClassId(eqSlots.second);
-      // slots may not be in the same eq class due to outer joins
-      if (!firstEqClassId.equals(secondEqClassId)) continue;
-      // Retain an otherwise redundant predicate if it references a slot of an
-      // outer-joined tuple that is not already referenced by another join predicate
-      // to maintain that the rows must satisfy outer-joined-slot IS NOT NULL
-      // (otherwise NULL tuples from outer joins could survive).
-      // TODO: Consider better fixes for outer-joined slots: (1) Create IS NOT NULL
-      // predicates and place them at the lowest possible plan node. (2) Convert outer
-      // joins into inner joins (or full outer joins into left/right outer joins).
-      boolean filtersOuterJoinNulls = false;
-      if (isOuterJoined(eqSlots.first)
-          && lhsTids.contains(getTupleId(eqSlots.first))
-          && !outerJoinedSlots.contains(eqSlots.first)) {
-        outerJoinedSlots.add(eqSlots.first);
-        filtersOuterJoinNulls = true;
-      }
-      if (isOuterJoined(eqSlots.second)
-          && lhsTids.contains(getTupleId(eqSlots.second))
-          && !outerJoinedSlots.contains(eqSlots.second)) {
-        outerJoinedSlots.add(eqSlots.second);
-        filtersOuterJoinNulls = true;
-      }
-      // retain conjunct if it connects two formerly unconnected equiv classes or
-      // it is required for outer-join semantics
-      if (!partialEquivSlots.union(eqSlots.first, eqSlots.second)
-          && !filtersOuterJoinNulls) {
-        conjunctIter.remove();
-      }
-    }
-    // For each equivalence class, construct a new predicate to 'connect' the disjoint
-    // slot sets.
-    for (Map.Entry<EquivalenceClassId, List<SlotId>> rhsEquivClass:
-      rhsEquivClasses.entrySet()) {
-      List<SlotId> lhsSlots = lhsEquivClasses.get(rhsEquivClass.getKey());
-      if (lhsSlots == null) continue;
-      List<SlotId> rhsSlots = rhsEquivClass.getValue();
-      Preconditions.checkState(!lhsSlots.isEmpty() && !rhsSlots.isEmpty());
-      if (!partialEquivSlots.union(lhsSlots.get(0), rhsSlots.get(0))) continue;
-      // Do not create a new predicate from slots that are full outer joined because that
-      // predicate may be incorrectly assigned to a node below the associated full outer
-      // join.
-      if (isFullOuterJoined(lhsSlots.get(0)) || isFullOuterJoined(rhsSlots.get(0))) {
-        continue;
-      }
-      T newEqPred = (T) createInferredEqPred(lhsSlots.get(0), rhsSlots.get(0));
-      if (!hasMutualValueTransfer(lhsSlots.get(0), rhsSlots.get(0))) continue;
-      conjuncts.add(newEqPred);
-    }
-  }
-  /**
-   * For each equivalence class, adds/removes predicates from conjuncts such that
-   * it contains a minimum set of <slot> = <slot> predicates that establish
-   * the known equivalences between slots belonging to tid. Preserves original
-   * conjuncts when possible.
-   * The intent of this function is to enable construction of a minimum spanning tree
-   * to cover the known slot equivalences. This function should be called to add
-   * conjuncts to plan nodes that materialize a new tuple, e.g., scans and aggregations.
-   * Does not enforce equivalence between slots in ignoreSlots. Equivalences (if any)
-   * among slots in ignoreSlots are assumed to have already been enforced.
-   * TODO: Consider optimizing for the cheapest minimum set of predicates.
-   */
-  public <T extends Expr> void createEquivConjuncts(TupleId tid, List<T> conjuncts,
-      Set<SlotId> ignoreSlots) {
-    // Maps from a slot id to its set of equivalent slots. Used to track equivalences
-    // that have been established by 'conjuncts' and the 'ignoredsSlots'.
-    DisjointSet<SlotId> partialEquivSlots = new DisjointSet<SlotId>();
-    // Treat ignored slots as already connected. Add the ignored slots at this point
-    // such that redundant conjuncts are removed.
-    partialEquivSlots.bulkUnion(ignoreSlots);
-    partialEquivSlots.checkConsistency();
-    // Update partialEquivSlots based on equality predicates in 'conjuncts'. Removes
-    // redundant conjuncts, unless they reference outer-joined slots (see below).
-    Iterator<T> conjunctIter = conjuncts.iterator();
-    while (conjunctIter.hasNext()) {
-      Expr conjunct =;
-      Pair<SlotId, SlotId> eqSlots = BinaryPredicate.getEqSlots(conjunct);
-      if (eqSlots == null) continue;
-      EquivalenceClassId firstEqClassId = getEquivClassId(eqSlots.first);
-      EquivalenceClassId secondEqClassId = getEquivClassId(eqSlots.second);
-      // slots may not be in the same eq class due to outer joins
-      if (!firstEqClassId.equals(secondEqClassId)) continue;
-      // update equivalences and remove redundant conjuncts
-      if (!partialEquivSlots.union(eqSlots.first, eqSlots.second)) conjunctIter.remove();
-    }
-    // Suppose conjuncts had these predicates belonging to equivalence classes e1 and e2:
-    // e1: s1 = s2, s3 = s4, s3 = s5
-    // e2: s10 = s11
-    // The conjunctsEquivSlots should contain the following entries at this point:
-    // s1 -> {s1, s2}
-    // s2 -> {s1, s2}
-    // s3 -> {s3, s4, s5}
-    // s4 -> {s3, s4, s5}
-    // s5 -> {s3, s4, s5}
-    // s10 -> {s10, s11}
-    // s11 -> {s10, s11}
-    // Assuming e1 = {s1, s2, s3, s4, s5} we need to generate one additional equality
-    // predicate to "connect" {s1, s2} and {s3, s4, s5}.
-    // These are the equivalences that need to be established by constructing conjuncts
-    // to form a minimum spanning tree.
-    Map<EquivalenceClassId, List<SlotId>> targetEquivClasses =
-        getEquivClasses(Lists.newArrayList(tid));
-    for (Map.Entry<EquivalenceClassId, List<SlotId>> targetEquivClass:
-      targetEquivClasses.entrySet()) {
-      // Loop over all pairs of equivalent slots and merge their disjoint slots sets,
-      // creating missing equality predicates as necessary.
-      List<SlotId> slotIds = targetEquivClass.getValue();
-      boolean done = false;
-      for (int i = 1; i < slotIds.size(); ++i) {
-        SlotId rhs = slotIds.get(i);
-        for (int j = 0; j < i; ++j) {
-          SlotId lhs = slotIds.get(j);
-          if (!partialEquivSlots.union(lhs, rhs)) continue;
-          if (!hasMutualValueTransfer(lhs, rhs)) continue;
-          conjuncts.add((T) createInferredEqPred(lhs, rhs));
-          // Check for early termination.
-          if (partialEquivSlots.get(lhs).size() == slotIds.size()) {
-            done = true;
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-        if (done) break;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  public <T extends Expr> void createEquivConjuncts(TupleId tid, List<T> conjuncts) {
-    createEquivConjuncts(tid, conjuncts, new HashSet<SlotId>());
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a map of partial equivalence classes that only contains slot ids belonging
-   * to the given tuple ids. Only contains equivalence classes with more than one member.
-   */
-  private Map<EquivalenceClassId, List<SlotId>> getEquivClasses(List<TupleId> tids) {
-    Map<EquivalenceClassId, List<SlotId>> result = Maps.newHashMap();
-    for (TupleId tid: tids) {
-      for (SlotDescriptor slotDesc: getTupleDesc(tid).getSlots()) {
-        EquivalenceClassId eqClassId = getEquivClassId(slotDesc.getId());
-        // Ignore equivalence classes that are empty or only have a single member.
-        if (globalState_.equivClassMembers.get(eqClassId).size() <= 1) continue;
-        List<SlotId> slotIds = result.get(eqClassId);
-        if (slotIds == null) {
-          slotIds = Lists.newArrayList();
-          result.put(eqClassId, slotIds);
-        }
-        slotIds.add(slotDesc.getId());
-      }
-    }
-    return result;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns a list of slot mappings from srcTid to destTid for the purpose of predicate
-   * propagation. Each mapping assigns every slot in srcSids to an equivalent slot in
-   * destTid. Does not generate all possible mappings, but limits the results to
-   * useful and/or non-redundant mappings, i.e., those mappings that would improve
-   * the performance of query execution.
-   */
-  private List<List<SlotId>> getEquivDestSlotIds(TupleId srcTid, List<SlotId> srcSids,
-      TupleId destTid, Set<SlotId> ignoreSlots) {
-    List<List<SlotId>> allDestSids = Lists.newArrayList();
-    TupleDescriptor destTupleDesc = getTupleDesc(destTid);
-    if (srcSids.size() == 1) {
-      // Generate all mappings to propagate predicates of the form <slot> <op> <constant>
-      // to as many destination slots as possible.
-      // TODO: If srcTid == destTid we could limit the mapping to partition
-      // columns because mappings to non-partition columns do not provide
-      // a performance benefit.
-      SlotId srcSid = srcSids.get(0);
-      for (SlotDescriptor destSlot: destTupleDesc.getSlots()) {
-        if (ignoreSlots.contains(destSlot.getId())) continue;
-        if (hasValueTransfer(srcSid, destSlot.getId())) {
-          allDestSids.add(Lists.newArrayList(destSlot.getId()));
-        }
-      }
-    } else if (srcTid.equals(destTid)) {
-      // Multiple source slot ids and srcTid == destTid. Inter-tuple transfers are
-      // already expressed by the original conjuncts. Any mapping would be redundant.
-      // Still add srcSids to the result because we rely on getBoundPredicates() to
-      // include predicates that can safely be evaluated below an outer join, but must
-      // also be evaluated by the join itself (evalByJoin() == true).
-      allDestSids.add(srcSids);
-    } else {
-      // Multiple source slot ids and srcTid != destTid. Pick the first mapping
-      // where each srcSid is mapped to a different destSid to avoid generating
-      // redundant and/or trivial predicates.
-      // TODO: This approach is not guaranteed to find the best slot mapping
-      // (e.g., against partition columns) or all non-redundant mappings.
-      // The limitations are show in predicate-propagation.test.
-      List<SlotId> destSids = Lists.newArrayList();
-      for (SlotId srcSid: srcSids) {
-        for (SlotDescriptor destSlot: destTupleDesc.getSlots()) {
-          if (ignoreSlots.contains(destSlot.getId())) continue;
-          if (hasValueTransfer(srcSid, destSlot.getId())
-              && !destSids.contains(destSlot.getId())) {
-            destSids.add(destSlot.getId());
-            break;
-          }
-        }
-      }
-      if (destSids.size() == srcSids.size()) allDestSids.add(destSids);
-    }
-    return allDestSids;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns true if the equivalence class identified by 'eqClassId' contains
-   * a slot belonging to an outer-joined tuple.
-   */
-  private boolean hasOuterJoinedTuple(EquivalenceClassId eqClassId) {
-    ArrayList<SlotId> eqClass = globalState_.equivClassMembers.get(eqClassId);
-    for (SlotId s: eqClass) {
-      if (isOuterJoined(getTupleId(s))) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Returns true if 'p' evaluates to true when all its referenced slots are NULL,
-   * false otherwise.
-   * TODO: Can we avoid dealing with the exceptions thrown by analysis and eval?
-   */
-  public boolean isTrueWithNullSlots(Expr p) {
-    // Construct predicate with all SlotRefs substituted by NullLiterals.
-    List<SlotRef> slotRefs = Lists.newArrayList();
-    p.collect(Predicates.instanceOf(SlotRef.class), slotRefs);
-    // Map for substituting SlotRefs with NullLiterals.
-    ExprSubstitutionMap nullSmap = new ExprSubstitutionMap();
-    for (SlotRef slotRef: slotRefs) {
-        // Preserve the original SlotRef type to ensure all substituted
-        // subexpressions in the predicate have the same return type and
-        // function signature as in the original predicate.
-        nullSmap.put(slotRef.clone(), NullLiteral.create(slotRef.getType()));
-    }
-    Expr nullTuplePred = p.substitute(nullSmap, this, false);
-    try {
-      return FeSupport.EvalPredicate(nullTuplePred, getQueryCtx());
-    } catch (InternalException e) {
-      Preconditions.checkState(false, "Failed to evaluate generated predicate: "
-          + nullTuplePred.toSql() + "." + e.getMessage());
-    }
-    return true;
-  }
-  public TupleId getTupleId(SlotId slotId) {
-    return globalState_.descTbl.getSlotDesc(slotId).getParent().getId();
-  }
-  public void registerValueTransfer(SlotId id1, SlotId id2) {
-    globalState_.registeredValueTransfers.add(new Pair(id1, id2));
-  }
-  public boolean isOuterJoined(TupleId tid) {
-    return globalState_.outerJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(tid);
-  }
-  public boolean isOuterJoined(SlotId sid) {
-    return isOuterJoined(getTupleId(sid));
-  }
-  public boolean isSemiJoined(TupleId tid) {
-    return globalState_.semiJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(tid);
-  }
-  public boolean isAntiJoinedConjunct(Expr e) {
-    return getAntiJoinRef(e) != null;
-  }
-  public TableRef getAntiJoinRef(Expr e) {
-    TableRef tblRef = globalState_.sjClauseByConjunct.get(e.getId());
-    if (tblRef == null) return null;
-    return (tblRef.getJoinOp().isAntiJoin()) ? tblRef : null;
-  }
-  public boolean isFullOuterJoined(TupleId tid) {
-    return globalState_.fullOuterJoinedTupleIds.containsKey(tid);
-  }
-  public boolean isFullOuterJoined(SlotId sid) {
-    return isFullOuterJoined(getTupleId(sid));
-  }
-  public boolean isVisible(TupleId tid) {
-    return tid == visibleSemiJoinedTupleId_ || !isSemiJoined(tid);
-  }
-  public boolean containsOuterJoinedTid(List<TupleId> tids) {
-    for (TupleId tid: tids) {
-      if (isOuterJoined(tid)) return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  }
-  /**
-   * Populate globalState.valueTransfer based on the registered equi-join predicates
-   * of the form <slotref> = <slotref>.
-   */
-  public void computeEquivClasses() {
-    globalState_.valueTransferGraph = new ValueTransferGraph();
-    globalState_.valueTransferGraph.computeValueTransfers();
-    // we start out by assigning each slot to its own equiv class
-    int numSlots = globalState_.descTbl.getMaxSlotId().asInt() + 1;
-    for (int i = 0; i < numSlots; ++i) {
-      EquivalenceClassId id = globalState_.equivClassIdGenerator.getNextId();
-      globalState_.equivClassMembers.put(id, Lists.newArrayList(new SlotId(i)));
-    }
-    // merge two classes if there is a value transfer between all members of the
-    // combined class; do this until there's nothing left to merge
-    boolean merged;
-    do {
-      merged = false;
-      for (Map.Entry<EquivalenceClassId, ArrayList<SlotId>> e1:
-          globalState_.equivClassMembers.entrySet()) {
-        for (Map.Entry<EquivalenceClassId, ArrayList<SlotId>> e2:
-            globalState_.equivClassMembers.entrySet()) {
-          if (e1.getKey() == e2.getKey()) continue;
-          List<SlotId> class1Members = e1.getValue();
-          if (class1Members.isEmpty()) continue;
-          List<SlotId> class2Members = e2.getValue();
-          if (class2Members.isEmpty()) continue;
-          // check whether we can transfer values between all members
-          boolean canMerge = true;
-          for (SlotId class1Slot: class1Members) {
-            for (SlotId class2Slot: class2Members) {
-              if (!hasValueTransfer(class1Slot, class2Slot)
-                  && !hasValueTransfer(class2Slot, class1Slot)) {
-                canMerge = false;
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            if (!canMerge) break;
-          }
-          if (!canMerge) continue;
-          // merge classes 1 and 2 by transfering 2 into 1
-          class1Members.addAll(class2Members);
-          class2Members.clear();
-          merged = true;
-        }
-      }
-    } while (merged);
-    // populate equivC