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Posted to by on 2003/04/05 00:00:03 UTC

cvs commit: avalon-apps/simpleserver/src/xdocs/stylesheets changes.vsl docs.vsl project.xml templates.vm

donaldp     2003/04/04 14:00:02

  Modified:    simpleserver build.xml
  Removed:     simpleserver/src/xdocs changes.xml index.xml
               simpleserver/src/xdocs/css ns4_only.css print.css site.css
               simpleserver/src/xdocs/dtd changes-v10.dtd characters.ent
                        document-v10.dtd faq-v10.dtd specification-v10.dtd
               simpleserver/src/xdocs/images apache-avalon-logo.png
                        build.gif code.gif design.gif header.gif update.gif
               simpleserver/src/xdocs/stylesheets changes.vsl docs.vsl
                        project.xml templates.vm
  Remove generation of junk docs
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.26      +2 -202    avalon-apps/simpleserver/build.xml
  Index: build.xml
  RCS file: /home/cvs/avalon-apps/simpleserver/build.xml,v
  retrieving revision 1.25
  retrieving revision 1.26
  diff -u -r1.25 -r1.26
  --- build.xml	16 Mar 2003 22:19:18 -0000	1.25
  +++ build.xml	4 Apr 2003 22:00:01 -0000	1.26
  @@ -26,10 +26,6 @@
     <property name="gen.dir" value="${build.dir}/gen"/>
     <property name="build.src" value="${build.dir}/src"/>
     <property name="build.classes" value="${build.dir}/classes"/>
  -  <property name="build.javadocs" value="${build.dir}/javadocs"/>
  -  <property name="" value="${build.dir}/docs"/>
  -  <property name="build.context" value="${build.dir}/documentation"/>
  -  <property name="build.xdocs" value="${build.context}/content/xdocs"/>
     <!-- Set the properties for source directories -->
     <property name="src.dir" value="src"/>
  @@ -37,9 +33,7 @@
     <property name="manifest.dir" value="${src.dir}/manifest"/>
     <property name="conf.dir" value="${src.dir}/conf"/>
     <property name="context.dir" value="../../avalon/src/documentation"/>
  -  <property name="xdocs.dir" value="${src.dir}/xdocs"/>
     <property name="tools.dir" location="../../avalon/tools"/>
  -  <property name="docs.dir" value="${build.dir}/docs"/>        
     <property name="www.dir" value="../../avalon-site/site"/>
  @@ -53,45 +47,10 @@
  -  <property name="avalon-site.dir" value="../../avalon-site"/>
  -  <path id="tools.class.path">
  -    <fileset dir="${avalon-site.dir}/lib"/>
  -  </path>
     <taskdef name="sar" classname="">
       <classpath refid="project.class.path" />
  -  <!-- Setup the filters -->
  -  <target name="setup-filters">
  -    <filter token="Name" value="Avalon Apps - HSQL"/>
  -    <filter token="name" value="hsql"/>
  -    <filter token="version" value="${version}"/>
  -    <filter token="year" value="${year}"/>
  -    <filter token="status" value="${status}"/>
  -    <filter token="release" value="${release}"/>
  -    <filter token="short-version" value="${short.version}"/>
  -    <property name="avalon.base" value=""/>
  -    <property name="framework.base" value=""/>
  -    <property name="phoenix.base" value=""/>
  -    <property name="excalibur.base" value=""/>
  -    <property name="cornerstone.base" value=""/>
  -    <property name="logkit.base" value=""/>
  -    <property name="testlet.base" value=""/>
  -    <property name="apps.base" value=""/>
  -    <filter token="year" value="${year}"/>
  -    <filter token="AVALON_BASE" value="${avalon.base}"/>
  -    <filter token="FRAMEWORK_BASE" value="${framework.base}"/>
  -    <filter token="EXCALIBUR_BASE" value="${excalibur.base}"/>
  -    <filter token="PHOENIX_BASE" value="${phoenix.base}"/>
  -    <filter token="CORNERSTONE_BASE" value="${cornerstone.base}"/>
  -    <filter token="LOGKIT_BASE" value="${logkit.base}"/>
  -    <filter token="TESTLET_BASE" value="${testlet.base}"/>
  -    <filter token="APPS_BASE" value="${apps.base}"/>
  -  </target>
     <!-- Compiles project -->
     <target name="compile">
  @@ -171,8 +130,7 @@
  -  <target name="main" depends="sars" description="Default target to generate build products minus docs"/>
  -  <target name="all" depends="main,docs" description="Generate build products including docs"/>
  +  <target name="main" depends="sars" description="Default target to generate build products"/>
     <target name="sars" depends="jars">
  @@ -220,10 +178,6 @@
  -  <!-- Performs unit tests -->
  -  <target name="check" depends="compile" description="Perform any built in tests">
  -  </target>
     <!-- Completely build all dists -->
     <target name="dist" description="Generates the distribution">
  @@ -290,56 +244,17 @@
     <!-- Creates all the .sar files -->
  -  <target name="bin-dist" depends="all">
  +  <target name="bin-dist" depends="main">
       <!-- bin.dist.dir usually set before this target is called -->
       <property name="bin.dist.dir" value="dist"/>
       <property name="bin.dist.lib" value="${bin.dist.dir}/lib"/>
  -    <property name="" value="${bin.dist.dir}/docs"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
  -    <copy todir="${}">
  -      <fileset dir="${}"/>
  -    </copy>
       <copy file="${build.lib}/avalon-simpleserver.sar" tofile="${bin.dist.dir}/avalon-simpleserver-${version}.sar"/>
       <chmod dir="${bin.dist.dir}" perm="go-rwx" />
  -  <target name="src-dist" depends="docs">
  -    <!-- src.dist.dir has usually already been set -->
  -    <property name="src.dist.dir" value="dist-src"/>
  -    <property name="src.dist.src" value="${src.dist.dir}/src"/>
  -    <property name="" value="${src.dist.dir}/docs"/>
  -    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
  -    <copy todir="${}">
  -      <fileset dir="${}"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${src.dist.src}">
  -      <fileset dir="${src.dir}"/>
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${src.dist.dir}">
  -      <fileset dir=".">
  -        <include name="build.xml"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <mkdir dir="${src.dist.dir}/lib"/>
  -    <copy todir="${src.dist.dir}/lib">
  -      <fileset dir="lib">
  -        <include name="**"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    <fixcrlf srcdir="${src.dist.src}/java" includes="**/*.java" eol="lf"/>
  -    <chmod dir="${src.dist.dir}" perm="go-rwx" />
  -  </target>
     <target name="install" depends="main" description="Installs into Phoenix">
       <!-- <fail message="install.dir not specified." unless="install.dir"/> -->
  @@ -368,121 +283,6 @@
     <target name="distclean" depends="clean" description="Cleans up all generated files and directories">
       <delete dir="${bin.dist.dir}" />
       <delete dir="${dist.base}" />
  -  </target>
  -    <!-- ==========================================================================================
  -    ========================================================================================== -->
  -    <!-- copy docs to site dir -->
  -    <target name="site" depends="docs" description=" Places docs ready for hosting on website">
  -        <mkdir dir="../site/build/docs/apps/${dir-name}"/>
  -        <copy todir="../site/build/docs/apps/${dir-name}">
  -            <fileset dir="${}">
  -                <include name="**"/>
  -            </fileset>
  -        </copy>
  -    </target>
  -    <!-- Creates javadocs -->
  -    <target name="javadocs" depends="compile" description="Generates the javadocs" unless="skip.javadocs">
  -        <mkdir dir="${build.javadocs}"/>
  -        <javadoc packagenames="org.apache.*"
  -            sourcepath="${java.dir}"
  -            destdir="${build.javadocs}">
  -            <classpath refid="project.class.path"/>
  -            <doclet name="">
  -                <param name="-author"/>
  -                <param name="-version"/>
  -                <param name="-doctitle" value="${Name}"/>
  -                <param name="-windowtitle" value="${Name} API"/>
  -                <param name="-link" value=""/>
  -                <param name="-link" value=""/>
  -                <param name="-link" value=""/>
  -                <param name="-bottom"
  -                    value="&quot;Copyright &#169; ${year} Apache Avalon Project. All Rights Reserved.&quot;"/>
  -            </doclet>
  -        </javadoc>
  -    </target>
  -    <target name="anakia-avail">
  -        <available classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask"
  -            property="AnakiaTask.present">
  -            <classpath refid="tools.class.path"/>
  -        </available>
  -    </target>
  -    <target name="anakia-check" depends="anakia-avail" unless="AnakiaTask.present">
  -        <echo>
  -            AnakiaTask is not present! Please check to make sure that
  -            velocity.jar is in your classpath. The easiest way to build
  -            the documentation is to checkout avalon-site CVS and specify
  -            avalon-site.dir property.
  -	    You can also run the build target import-avalon-site, to do
  -	    this automatically.
  -        </echo>
  -    </target>
  -    <target name="docs" depends="anakia-check" description="Generate documentation and website">
  -        <taskdef name="anakia"
  -            classname="org.apache.velocity.anakia.AnakiaTask">
  -            <classpath refid="tools.class.path"/>
  -        </taskdef>
  -        <anakia basedir="${xdocs.dir}"
  -            destdir="${docs.dir}"
  -            style="docs.vsl"
  -            projectfile="stylesheets/project.xml"
  -            includes="**/*.xml"
  -            excludes="stylesheets/**, changes.xml, announcement.xml"
  -            velocitypropertiesfile="src/xdocs/stylesheets/"
  -            />
  -        <anakia basedir="${xdocs.dir}"
  -            destdir="${docs.dir}"
  -            style="changes.vsl"
  -            projectfile="stylesheets/project.xml"
  -            includes="changes.xml"
  -            velocitypropertiesfile="${xdocs.dir}/stylesheets/"
  -            />
  -     <copy todir="${docs.dir}" filtering="off">
  -      <fileset dir="${xdocs.dir}">
  -        <include name="**/images/**"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.gif"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.jpg"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.png"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.css"/>
  -        <include name="**/*.js"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </copy>
  -    </target>
  -  <!-- Update the www directory -->
  -  <target name="site-docs" depends="docs" description="Build docs for jakarta site">
  -    <mkdir dir="${www.dir}"/>
  -    <!-- delete all old documents but keep CVS directories -->
  -    <!-- note that by doing an include the defaultexcludes (CVS dirs) will be kept -->
  -    <delete>
  -      <fileset dir="${www.dir}">
  -        <include name="**"/>
  -      </fileset>
  -    </delete>
  -    <mkdir dir="${www.dir}"/>
  -    <copy todir="${www.dir}">
  -      <fileset dir="${docs.dir}" />
  -    </copy>
  -    <copy todir="${www.dir}/api">
  -      <fileset dir="${build.javadocs}" />
  -    </copy>

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