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Posted to by kevin yong <> on 2002/01/13 18:47:15 UTC


i'm testing axis. 3 issues:

1. after creating a web-service in a Java class, we
need to
    a) deploy to Axis in a .WSDD file
    b) publish to a UDDI register (such as IBM UDDI
Test Register) in a .WSDL file
    i'm just thinking these two files are basically
the same. can we consolidate them together into one
file (.WSDL), which means Axis can directly take a
.WSDL file for depolying ?

2. i used your Java2Wsdl program convert your
samples.urguider.exmple3.Myservice into a .WSDL file.
it works. However, when i tried to use your Wsdl2java
to convert the same .WSDL file back to Java files
(stubs), it does NOT work. it report error saying
'endpoint is invalide...'

3. in 'SOAP', there is 'admin' available to do deploy,
but this feature is NOT available in Axis. i just
wondering if it is a useful feature to keep ?

thank you very much for your attention.


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