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diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/misc.rst b/share/doc/src/api/misc.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f9562ae
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+++ b/share/doc/src/api/misc.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,805 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+.. _api-misc:
+Miscellaneous Methods
+The CouchDB Miscellaneous interface provides the basic interface to a
+CouchDB server for obtaining CouchDB information and getting and setting
+configuration information.
+A list of the available methods and URL paths are provided below:
+| Method | Path                    | Description                               |
+| GET    | /                       |  Get the welcome message and version      |
+|        |                         |  information                              |
+| GET    | /_active_tasks          |  Obtain a list of the tasks running in the|
+|        |                         |  server                                   |
+| GET    | /_all_dbs               |  Get a list of all the DBs                |
+| GET    | /_log                   |  Return the server log file               |
+| POST   | /_replicate             |  Set or cancel replication                |
+| POST   | /_restart               |  Restart the server                       |
+| GET    | /_stats                 |  Return server statistics                 |
+| GET    | /_utils                 |  CouchDB administration interface (Futon) |
+| GET    | /_uuids                 |  Get generated UUIDs from the server      |
+| GET    | /favicon.ico            |  Get the site icon                        |
+``GET /``
+* **Method**: ``GET /``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: Welcome message and version
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: no
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Request completed successfully.
+Accessing the root of a CouchDB instance returns meta information about
+the instance. The response is a JSON structure containing information
+about the server, including a welcome message and the version of the
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "couchdb" : "Welcome",
+       "version" : "1.0.1"
+    }
+.. _active-tasks:
+``GET /_active_tasks``
+* **Method**: ``GET /_active_tasks``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: List of running tasks, including the task type, name, status
+  and process ID
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: yes
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Request completed successfully.
+You can obtain a list of active tasks by using the ``/_active_tasks``
+URL. The result is a JSON array of the currently running tasks, with
+each task being described with a single object. For example:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    [
+       {
+        "pid" : "<0.11599.0>",
+        "status" : "Copied 0 of 18369 changes (0%)",
+        "task" : "recipes",
+        "type" : "Database Compaction"
+        }
+    ]
+The returned structure includes the following fields for each task:
+* **tasks** [array]: Active Task
+  * **pid**:Process ID
+  * **status**: Task status message
+  * **task**: Task name
+  * **type**: Operation Type
+For operation type, valid values include:
+-  ``Database Compaction``
+-  ``Replication``
+-  ``View Group Compaction``
+-  ``View Group Indexer``
+``GET /_all_dbs``
+* **Method**: ``GET /_all_dbs``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: JSON list of DBs
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: no
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Request completed successfully.
+Returns a list of all the databases in the CouchDB instance. For
+.. code-block:: http
+    GET http://couchdb:5984/_all_dbs
+    Accept: application/json
+The return is a JSON array:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    [
+       "_users",
+       "contacts",
+       "docs",
+       "invoices",
+       "locations"
+    ]
+``GET /_log``
+* **Method**: ``GET /_log``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: Log content
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: yes
+* **Query Arguments**:
+  * **Argument**: bytes
+    * **Description**:  Bytes to be returned
+    * **Optional**: yes
+    * **Type**: numeric
+    * **Default**: 1000
+  * **Argument**: offset
+    * **Description**:  Offset in bytes where the log tail should be started
+    * **Optional**: yes
+    * **Type**: numeric
+    * **Default**: 0
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Request completed successfully.
+Gets the CouchDB log, equivalent to accessing the local log file of the
+corresponding CouchDB instance.
+When you request the log, the response is returned as plain (UTF-8)
+text, with an HTTP ``Content-type`` header as ``text/plain``.
+For example, the request:
+.. code-block:: http
+    GET http://couchdb:5984/_log
+    Accept: */*
+The raw text is returned:
+.. code-block:: text
+    [Wed, 27 Oct 2010 10:49:42 GMT] [info] [<0.23338.2>] - - 'PUT' /authdb 401
+    [Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /recipes/FishStew 200
+    [Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.23428.2>] - - 'GET' /_session 200
+    [Wed, 27 Oct 2010 11:02:19 GMT] [info] [<0.24199.2>] - - 'GET' / 200
+    [Wed, 27 Oct 2010 13:03:38 GMT] [info] [<0.24207.2>] - - 'GET' /_log?offset=5 200
+If you want to pick out specific parts of the log information you can
+use the ``bytes`` argument, which specifies the number of bytes to be
+returned, and ``offset``, which specifies where the reading of the log
+should start, counted back from the end. For example, if you use the
+following request:
+.. code-block:: http
+    GET /_log?bytes=500&offset=2000
+Reading of the log will start at 2000 bytes from the end of the log, and
+500 bytes will be shown.
+.. _replicate:
+``POST /_replicate``
+.. todo:: POST /_replicate :: what response is?
+* **Method**: ``POST /_replicate``
+* **Request**: Replication specification
+* **Response**: TBD
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: yes
+* **Query Arguments**:
+  * **Argument**: bytes
+    * **Description**:  Bytes to be returned
+    * **Optional**: yes
+    * **Type**: numeric
+    * **Default**: 1000
+  * **Argument**: offset
+    * **Description**:  Offset in bytes where the log tail should be started
+    * **Optional**: yes
+    * **Type**: numeric
+    * **Default**: 0
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Replication request successfully completed
+  * **202**:
+    Continuous replication request has been accepted
+  * **404**:
+    Either the source or target DB is not found
+  * **500**:
+    JSON specification was invalid
+Request, configure, or stop, a replication operation.
+The specification of the replication request is controlled through the
+JSON content of the request. The JSON should be an object with the
+fields defining the source, target and other options. The fields of the
+JSON request are shown in the table below:
+* **cancel (optional)**:  Cancels the replication
+* **continuous (optional)**:  Configure the replication to be continuous
+* **create_target (optional)**:  Creates the target database
+* **doc_ids (optional)**:  Array of document IDs to be synchronized
+* **proxy (optional)**:  Address of a proxy server through which replication
+  should occur
+* **source**:  Source database name or URL
+* **target**:  Target database name or URL
+Replication Operation
+The aim of the replication is that at the end of the process, all active
+documents on the source database are also in the destination database
+and all documents that were deleted in the source databases are also
+deleted (if they exist) on the destination database.
+Replication can be described as either push or pull replication:
+-  *Pull replication* is where the ``source`` is the remote CouchDB
+   instance, and the ``destination`` is the local database.
+   Pull replication is the most useful solution to use if your source
+   database has a permanent IP address, and your destination (local)
+   database may have a dynamically assigned IP address (for example,
+   through DHCP). This is particularly important if you are replicating
+   to a mobile or other device from a central server.
+-  *Push replication* is where the ``source`` is a local database, and
+   ``destination`` is a remote database.
+Specifying the Source and Target Database
+You must use the URL specification of the CouchDB database if you want
+to perform replication in either of the following two situations:
+-  Replication with a remote database (i.e. another instance of CouchDB
+   on the same host, or a different host)
+-  Replication with a database that requires authentication
+For example, to request replication between a database local to the
+CouchDB instance to which you send the request, and a remote database
+you might use the following request:
+.. code-block:: http
+    POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+    {
+       "source" : "recipes",
+       "target" : "http://coucdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+    }
+In all cases, the requested databases in the ``source`` and ``target``
+specification must exist. If they do not, an error will be returned
+within the JSON object:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "error" : "db_not_found"
+       "reason" : "could not open http://couchdb-remote:5984/ol1ka/",
+    }
+You can create the target database (providing your user credentials
+allow it) by adding the ``create_target`` field to the request object:
+.. code-block:: http
+    POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+    {
+       "create_target" : true
+       "source" : "recipes",
+       "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+    }
+The ``create_target`` field is not destructive. If the database already
+exists, the replication proceeds as normal.
+Single Replication
+You can request replication of a database so that the two databases can
+be synchronized. By default, the replication process occurs one time and
+synchronizes the two databases together. For example, you can request a
+single synchronization between two databases by supplying the ``source``
+and ``target`` fields within the request JSON content.
+.. code-block:: http
+    POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+    {
+       "source" : "recipes",
+       "target" : "recipes-snapshot",
+    }
+In the above example, the databases ``recipes`` and ``recipes-snapshot``
+will be synchronized. These databases are local to the CouchDB instance
+where the request was made. The response will be a JSON structure
+containing the success (or failure) of the synchronization process, and
+statistics about the process:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "ok" : true,
+       "history" : [
+          {
+             "docs_read" : 1000,
+             "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+             "recorded_seq" : 1000,
+             "end_last_seq" : 1000,
+             "doc_write_failures" : 0,
+             "start_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:13 GMT",
+             "start_last_seq" : 0,
+             "end_time" : "Thu, 28 Oct 2010 10:24:14 GMT",
+             "missing_checked" : 0,
+             "docs_written" : 1000,
+             "missing_found" : 1000
+          }
+       ],
+       "session_id" : "52c2370f5027043d286daca4de247db0",
+       "source_last_seq" : 1000
+    }
+The structure defines the replication status, as described in the table
+* **history [array]**:  Replication History
+  * **doc_write_failures**:  Number of document write failures
+  * **docs_read**:  Number of documents read
+  * **docs_written**:  Number of documents written to target
+  * **end_last_seq**:  Last sequence number in changes stream
+  * **end_time**:  Date/Time replication operation completed
+  * **missing_checked**:  Number of missing documents checked
+  * **missing_found**:  Number of missing documents found
+  * **recorded_seq**:  Last recorded sequence number
+  * **session_id**:  Session ID for this replication operation
+  * **start_last_seq**:  First sequence number in changes stream
+  * **start_time**:  Date/Time replication operation started
+* **ok**:  Replication status
+* **session_id**:  Unique session ID
+* **source_last_seq**:  Last sequence number read from source database
+Continuous Replication
+Synchronization of a database with the previously noted methods happens
+only once, at the time the replicate request is made. To have the target
+database permanently replicated from the source, you must set the
+``continuous`` field of the JSON object within the request to true.
+With continuous replication changes in the source database are
+replicated to the target database in perpetuity until you specifically
+request that replication ceases.
+.. code-block:: http
+    POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+    {
+       "continuous" : true
+       "source" : "recipes",
+       "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+    }
+Changes will be replicated between the two databases as long as a
+network connection is available between the two instances.
+.. note::
+   Two keep two databases synchronized with each other, you need to set
+   replication in both directions; that is, you must replicate from
+   ``databasea`` to ``databaseb``, and separately from ``databaseb`` to
+   ``databasea``.
+Canceling Continuous Replication
+You can cancel continuous replication by adding the ``cancel`` field to
+the JSON request object and setting the value to true. Note that the
+structure of the request must be identical to the original for the
+cancellation request to be honoured. For example, if you requested
+continuous replication, the cancellation request must also contain the
+``continuous`` field.
+For example, the replication request:
+.. code-block:: http
+    POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+    {
+       "source" : "recipes",
+       "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+       "create_target" : true,
+       "continuous" : true
+    }
+Must be canceled using the request:
+.. code-block:: http
+    POST http://couchdb:5984/_replicate
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: application/json
+    {
+        "cancel" : true,
+        "continuous" : true
+        "create_target" : true,
+        "source" : "recipes",
+        "target" : "http://couchdb-remote:5984/recipes",
+    }
+Requesting cancellation of a replication that does not exist results in
+a 404 error.
+``POST /_restart``
+* **Method**: ``POST /_restart``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: JSON status message
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: yes
+* **HTTP Headers**:
+  * **Header**: ``Content-Type``
+    * **Description**: Request content type
+    * **Optional**: no
+    * **Value**: :mimetype:`application/json`
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Replication request successfully completed
+Restarts the CouchDB instance. You must be authenticated as a user with
+administration privileges for this to work.
+For example:
+.. code-block:: http
+    POST http://admin:password@couchdb:5984/_restart
+The return value (if the server has not already restarted) is a JSON
+status object indicating that the request has been received:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "ok" : true,
+    }
+If the server has already restarted, the header may be returned, but no
+actual data is contained in the response.
+``GET /_stats``
+* **Method**: ``GET /_stats``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: Server statistics
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: no
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Request completed successfully.
+The ``_stats`` method returns a JSON object containing the statistics
+for the running server. The object is structured with top-level sections
+collating the statistics for a range of entries, with each individual
+statistic being easily identified, and the content of each statistic is
+self-describing. For example, the request time statistics, within the
+``couchdb`` section are structured as follows:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "couchdb" : {
+    ...
+          "request_time" : {
+             "stddev" : "27.509",
+             "min" : "0.333333333333333",
+             "max" : "152",
+             "current" : "400.976",
+             "mean" : "10.837",
+             "sum" : "400.976",
+             "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+          },
+    ...
+        }
+    }
+The fields provide the current, minimum and maximum, and a collection of
+statistical means and quantities. The quantity in each case is not
+defined, but the descriptions below provide
+The statistics are divided into the following top-level sections:
+-  ``couchdb``: Describes statistics specific to the internals of CouchDB.
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+   | Statistic ID            | Description                                           | Unit           |
+   +=========================+=======================================================+================+
+   | ``auth_cache_hits``     | Number of authentication cache hits                   | number         |
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+   | ``auth_cache_misses``   | Number of authentication cache misses                 | number         |
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+   | ``database_reads``      | Number of times a document was read from a database   | number         |
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+   | ``database_writes``     | Number of times a database was changed                | number         |
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+   | ``open_databases``      | Number of open databases                              | number         |
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+   | ``open_os_files``       | Number of file descriptors CouchDB has open           | number         |
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+   | ``request_time``        | Length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb   | milliseconds   |
+   +-------------------------+-------------------------------------------------------+----------------+
+-  ``httpd_request_methods``
+   +----------------+----------------------------------+----------+
+   | Statistic ID   | Description                      | Unit     |
+   +================+==================================+==========+
+   | ``COPY``       | Number of HTTP COPY requests     | number   |
+   +----------------+----------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``DELETE``     | Number of HTTP DELETE requests   | number   |
+   +----------------+----------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``GET``        | Number of HTTP GET requests      | number   |
+   +----------------+----------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``HEAD``       | Number of HTTP HEAD requests     | number   |
+   +----------------+----------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``POST``       | Number of HTTP POST requests     | number   |
+   +----------------+----------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``PUT``        | Number of HTTP PUT requests      | number   |
+   +----------------+----------------------------------+----------+
+-  ``httpd_status_codes``
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | Statistic ID   | Description                                          | Unit     |
+   +================+======================================================+==========+
+   | ``200``        | Number of HTTP 200 OK responses                      | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``201``        | Number of HTTP 201 Created responses                 | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``202``        | Number of HTTP 202 Accepted responses                | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``301``        | Number of HTTP 301 Moved Permanently responses       | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``304``        | Number of HTTP 304 Not Modified responses            | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``400``        | Number of HTTP 400 Bad Request responses             | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``401``        | Number of HTTP 401 Unauthorized responses            | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``403``        | Number of HTTP 403 Forbidden responses               | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``404``        | Number of HTTP 404 Not Found responses               | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``405``        | Number of HTTP 405 Method Not Allowed responses      | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``409``        | Number of HTTP 409 Conflict responses                | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``412``        | Number of HTTP 412 Precondition Failed responses     | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``500``        | Number of HTTP 500 Internal Server Error responses   | number   |
+   +----------------+------------------------------------------------------+----------+
+-  ``httpd``
+   +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | Statistic ID                     | Description                                  | Unit     |
+   +==================================+==============================================+==========+
+   | ``bulk_requests``                | Number of bulk requests                      | number   |
+   +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``clients_requesting_changes``   | Number of clients for continuous _changes    | number   |
+   +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``requests``                     | Number of HTTP requests                      | number   |
+   +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``temporary_view_reads``         | Number of temporary view reads               | number   |
+   +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------+
+   | ``view_reads``                   | Number of view reads                         | number   |
+   +----------------------------------+----------------------------------------------+----------+
+You can also access individual statistics by quoting the statistics
+sections and statistic ID as part of the URL path. For example, to get
+the ``request_time`` statistics, you can use:
+.. code-block:: http
+    GET /_stats/couchdb/request_time
+This returns an entire statistics object, as with the full request, but
+containing only the request individual statistic. Hence, the returned
+structure is as follows:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "couchdb" : {
+          "request_time" : {
+             "stddev" : 7454.305,
+             "min" : 1,
+             "max" : 34185,
+             "current" : 34697.803,
+             "mean" : 1652.276,
+             "sum" : 34697.803,
+             "description" : "length of a request inside CouchDB without MochiWeb"
+          }
+       }
+    }
+``GET /_utils``
+* **Method**: ``GET /_utils``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: Administration interface
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: no
+Accesses the built-in Futon administration interface for CouchDB.
+``GET /_uuids``
+* **Method**: ``GET /_uuids``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: List of UUIDs
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: no
+* **Query Arguments**:
+  * **Argument**: count
+    * **Description**:  Number of UUIDs to return
+    * **Optional**: yes
+    * **Type**: numeric
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Request completed successfully.
+Requests one or more Universally Unique Identifiers (UUIDs) from the
+CouchDB instance. The response is a JSON object providing a list of
+UUIDs. For example:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "uuids" : [
+          "7e4b5a14b22ec1cf8e58b9cdd0000da3"
+       ]
+    }
+You can use the ``count`` argument to specify the number of UUIDs to be
+returned. For example:
+.. code-block:: http
+    GET http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "uuids" : [
+          "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405a80",
+          "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405bd2",
+          "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b405e42",
+          "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b4061a0",
+          "c9df0cdf4442f993fc5570225b406a20"
+       ]
+    }
+The UUID type is determined by the UUID type setting in the CouchDB
+configuration. See :ref:`api-put-config`.
+For example, changing the UUID type to ``random``:
+.. code-block:: http
+    PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/uuids/algorithm
+    Content-Type: application/json
+    Accept: */*
+    "random"
+When obtaining a list of UUIDs:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "uuids" : [
+          "031aad7b469956cf2826fcb2a9260492",
+          "6ec875e15e6b385120938df18ee8e496",
+          "cff9e881516483911aa2f0e98949092d",
+          "b89d37509d39dd712546f9510d4a9271",
+          "2e0dbf7f6c4ad716f21938a016e4e59f"
+       ]
+    }
+``GET /favicon.ico``
+* **Method**: ``GET /favicon.ico``
+* **Request**: None
+* **Response**: Binary content for the `favicon.ico` site icon
+* **Admin Privileges Required**: no
+* **Return Codes**:
+  * **200**:
+    Request completed successfully.
+  * **404**:
+    The requested content could not be found. The returned content will include
+    further information, as a JSON object, if available.
+Returns the site icon. The return ``Content-Type`` header is
+:mimetype:`image/x-icon`, and the content stream is the image data.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/api/reference.rst b/share/doc/src/api/reference.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fce650a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/api/reference.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+API Reference
+.. toctree::
+   :maxdepth: 2
+   configuration
+   authn
+   database
+   documents
+   design
+   misc
+   local
+   dbmaint
diff --git a/share/doc/src/changes.rst b/share/doc/src/changes.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bd50860
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/changes.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+.. _changes:
+Changes Feed
+The ``_changes`` feed can now be used to watch changes to specific
+document ID's or the list of ``_design`` documents in a database. If the
+``filters`` parameter is set to ``_doc_ids`` a list of doc IDs can be
+passed in the "doc_ids" as a JSON array.
+Long Polling
diff --git a/share/doc/src/commonjs.rst b/share/doc/src/commonjs.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81ef310
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/commonjs.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+CommonJS support for map functions
+CommonJS support allows you to use CommonJS notation inside map and
+reduce functions, but only of libraries that are stored inside the views
+part of the design doc.
+So you could continue to access CommonJS code in design\, from
+your list functions etc, but we'd add the ability to require CommonJS
+modules within map and reduce, but only from ``design_doc.views.lib``.
+There's no worry here about namespace collisions, as Couch just plucks
+``views.*.map`` and ``views.*.reduce`` out of the design doc. So you
+could have a view called ``lib`` if you wanted, and still have CommonJS
+stored in ``views.lib.sha1`` and ``views.lib.stemmer`` if you wanted.
+The implementation is simplified by enforcing that CommonJS modules to
+be used in map functions be stored in views.lib.
+A sample design doc (taken from the test suite in Futon) is below:
+.. code-block:: javascript
+    {
+       "views" : {
+          "lib" : {
+             "baz" : "exports.baz = 'bam';",
+             "foo" : {
+                "zoom" : "exports.zoom = 'yeah';",
+                "boom" : "exports.boom = 'ok';",
+                "foo" : " = 'bar';"
+             }
+          },
+          "commonjs" : {
+             "map" : "function(doc) { emit(null, require('views/lib/foo/boom').boom)}"
+          }
+       },
+       "_id" : "_design/test"
+    }
+The ``require()`` statement is relative to the design document, but
+anything loaded form outside of ``views/lib`` will fail.
+.. _CommonJS:
diff --git a/share/doc/src/ b/share/doc/src/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cffdb29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+import sys, os
+extensions = ["sphinx.ext.todo"]
+source_suffix = ".rst"
+master_doc = "index"
+nitpicky = True
+project = "@@"
+copyright = "@@"
+version = "@@"
+release = "@@"
+highlight_language = "json"
+pygments_style = "sphinx"
+# @@ design CouchDB theme
+html_theme = "default"
+html_short_title = "@@"
+html_logo = "@@"
+html_favicon = "@@"
+html_use_opensearch = "@@"
diff --git a/share/doc/src/config_reference.rst b/share/doc/src/config_reference.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b2e78cf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/config_reference.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+Configuration options reference
+Configuration Groups
+| Section                          | Description                               |
+| attachments                      | Attachment options                        |
+| couchdb                          | CouchDB specific options                  |
+| couch_httpd_auth                 | HTTPD Authentication options              |
+| daemons                          | Daemons and background processes          |
+| httpd                            | HTTPD Server options                      |
+| httpd_db_handlers                | Database Operation handlers               |
+| httpd_design_handlers            | Handlers for design document operations   |
+| httpd_global_handlers            | Handlers for global operations            |
+| log                              | Logging options                           |
+| query_servers                    | Query Server options                      |
+| query_server_config              | Query server options                      |
+| replicator                       | Replicator Options                        |
+| ssl                              | SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) Options        |
+| stats                            | Statistics options                        |
+| uuids                            | UUID generation options                   |
+attachments Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| compressible_types                   | compressible_types                    |
+| compression_level                    | compression_level                     |
+couchdb Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| database_dir                         | database_dir                          |
+| delayed_commits                      | delayed_commits                       |
+| max_attachment_chunk_size            | max_attachment_chunk_size             |
+| max_dbs_open                         | max_dbs_open                          |
+| max_document_size                    | max_document_size                     |
+| os_process_timeout                   | os_process_timeout                    |
+| uri_file                             | uri_file                              |
+| util_driver_dir                      | util_driver_dir                       |
+| view_index_dir                       | view_index_dir                        |
+daemons Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| auth_cache                           | auth_cache                            |
+| db_update_notifier                   | db_update_notifier                    |
+| external_manager                     | external_manager                      |
+| httpd                                | httpd                                 |
+| httpsd                               | Enabled HTTPS service                 |
+| query_servers                        | query_servers                         |
+| stats_aggregator                     | stats_aggregator                      |
+| stats_collector                      | stats_collector                       |
+| uuids                                | uuids                                 |
+| view_manager                         | view_manager                          |
+httpd_db_handlers Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| _changes                             | _changes                              |
+| _compact                             | _compact                              |
+| _design                              | _design                               |
+| _temp_view                           | _temp_view                            |
+| _view_cleanup                        | _view_cleanup                         |
+couch_httpd_auth Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| auth_cache_size                      | auth_cache_size                       |
+| authentication_db                    | authentication_db                     |
+| authentication_redirect              | authentication_redirect               |
+| require_valid_user                   | require_valid_user                    |
+| timeout                              | timeout                               |
+httpd Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| allow_jsonp                          | allow_jsonp                           |
+| authentication_handlers              | authentication_handlers               |
+| bind_address                         | bind_address                          |
+| default_handler                      | default_handler                       |
+| max_connections                      | max_connections                       |
+| nodelay                              | Enable TCP_NODELAY                    |
+| port                                 | port                                  |
+| secure_rewrites                      | secure_rewrites                       |
+| vhost_global_handlers                | vhost_global_handlers                 |
+httpd_design_handlers Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| _info                                | _info                                 |
+| _list                                | _list                                 |
+| _rewrite                             | _rewrite                              |
+| _show                                | _show                                 |
+| _update                              | _update                               |
+| _view                                | _view                                 |
+httpd_global_handlers Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| /                                    | /                                     |
+| _active_tasks                        | _active_tasks                         |
+| _all_dbs                             | _all_dbs                              |
+| _config                              | _config                               |
+| _log                                 | _log                                  |
+| _oauth                               | _oauth                                |
+| _replicate                           | _replicate                            |
+| _restart                             | _restart                              |
+| _session                             | _session                              |
+| _stats                               | _stats                                |
+| _utils                               | _utils                                |
+| _uuids                               | _uuids                                |
+| favicon.ico                          | favicon.ico                           |
+log Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| file                                 | file                                  |
+| include_sasl                         | include_sasl                          |
+| level                                | level                                 |
+query_servers Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| javascript                           | javascript                            |
+query_server_config Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| reduce_limit                         | reduce_limit                          |
+replicator Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| max_http_pipeline_size               | max_http_pipeline_size                |
+| max_http_sessions                    | max_http_sessions                     |
+stats Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| rate                                 | rate                                  |
+| samples                              | samples                               |
+uuids Configuration Options
+| Option                               | Description                           |
+| algorithm                            | algorithm                             |
diff --git a/share/doc/src/configuring.rst b/share/doc/src/configuring.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..aefee3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/configuring.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+.. _configuring:
+Configuring CouchDB
+.. todo:: Configuring CouchDB
+CouchDB Configuration Files
+.. todo:: CouchDB Configuration Files
+Configuration File Locations
+CouchDB reads files from the following locations, in the following
+1. ``PREFIX/default.ini``
+2. ``PREFIX/default.d/*``
+3. ``PREFIX/local.ini``
+4. ``PREFIX/local.d/*``
+Settings in successive documents override the settings in earlier
+entries. For example, setting the ``bind_address`` parameter in
+``local.ini`` would override any setting in ``default.ini``.
+.. warning::
+   The ``default.ini`` file may be overwritten during an upgrade or
+   re-installation, so localised changes should be made to the
+   ``local.ini`` file or files within the ``local.d`` directory.
+.. _update-notifications:
+Update Notifications
+.. todo:: Update Notifications
+MochiWeb Server Options
+Server options for the MochiWeb component of CouchDB can be added to the
+configuration files. Settings should be added to the ``server_options``
+option of the ``[httpd]`` section of ``local.ini``. For example:
+.. code-block:: ini
+    [httpd]
+    server_options = [{backlog, 128}, {acceptor_pool_size, 16}]
+Socket Options Configuration Setting
+The socket options for the listening socket in CouchDB can now be set
+within the CouchDB configuration file. The setting should be added to
+the ``[httpd]`` section of the file using the option name
+``socket_options``. The specification is as a list of tuples. For
+.. code-block:: ini
+    [httpd]
+    socket_options = [{recbuf, 262144}, {sndbuf, 262144}, {nodelay, true}]
+The options supported are a subset of full options supported by the
+TCP/IP stack. A list of the supported options are provided in the
+`Erlang inet`_ documentation.
+.. _Erlang inet:
+``vhosts`` definitions
+Similar to the rewrites section of a ``_design`` document, the
+``vhosts`` system uses variables in the form of ``:varname`` or wildcards in
+the form of asterisks. The variable results can be output into the
+resulting path as they are in the rewriter.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/ddocs.rst b/share/doc/src/ddocs.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4dd9466
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/ddocs.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+.. _ddocs:
+Design Docs
+To be added: information on writing design docs, including views.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/errors.rst b/share/doc/src/errors.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..431ff91
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/errors.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+Error Messages
+The errors reported when CouchDB is unable to read a required file have
+been updated so that explicit information about the files and problem
+can now be identified from the error message. The errors report file
+permission access either when reading or writing to configuration and
+database files.
+The error is raised both through the log file and the error message
+returned through the API call as a JSON error message. For example, when
+setting configuration values:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> curl -X PUT http://couchdb:5984/_config/couchdb/delayed_commits \
+                -H 'X-Couch-Persist: true' -d '"false"'
+    {"error":"file_permission_error","reason":"/etc/couchdb/local.ini"}
+Errors will always be reported using the ``file_permission_error`` error
+During startup permissions errors on key files are also reported in the
+log with a descriptive error message and file location so that
+permissions can be fixed before restart.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/http-proxying.rst b/share/doc/src/http-proxying.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cff2404
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/http-proxying.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+.. _http-proxying:
+HTTP Proxying
+The HTTP proxy feature makes it easy to map and redirect different
+content through your CouchDB URL. The proxy works by mapping a pathname
+and passing all content after that prefix through to the configured
+proxy address.
+Configuration of the proxy redirect is handled through the
+``[httpd_global_handlers]`` section of the CouchDB configuration file
+(typically ``local.ini``). The format is:
+.. code-block:: ini
+    [httpd_global_handlers]
+    PREFIX = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"DESTINATION">>}
+-  ``PREFIX``
+   Is the string that will be matched. The string can be any valid
+   qualifier, although to ensure that existing database names are not
+   overridden by a proxy configuration, you can use an underscore
+   prefix.
+   The fully-qualified URL to which the request should be sent. The
+   destination must include the ``http`` prefix. The content is used
+   verbatim in the original request, so you can also forward to servers
+   on different ports and to specific paths on the target host.
+The proxy process then translates requests of the form:
+.. code-block:: text
+    http://couchdb:5984/PREFIX/path
+.. code-block:: text
+.. note::
+   Everything after ``PREFIX`` including the required forward slash
+   will be appended to the ``DESTINATION``.
+The response is then communicated back to the original client.
+For example, the following configuration:
+.. code-block:: ini
+    _google = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
+Would forward all requests for ``http://couchdb:5984/_google`` to the
+Google website.
+The service can also be used to forward to related CouchDB services,
+such as Lucene:
+.. code-block:: ini
+    [httpd_global_handlers]
+    _fti = {couch_httpd_proxy, handle_proxy_req, <<"">>}
+.. note::
+   The proxy service is basic. If the request is not identified by the
+   ``DESTINATION``, or the remainder of the ``PATH`` specification is
+   incomplete, the original request URL is interpreted as if the
+   ``PREFIX`` component of that URL does not exist.
+   For example, requesting ``http://couchdb:5984/_intranet/media`` when
+   ``/media`` on the proxy destination does not exist, will cause the
+   request URL to be interpreted as ``http://couchdb:5984/media``. Care
+   should be taken to ensure that both requested URLs and destination
+   URLs are able to cope.
diff --git a/share/doc/src/index.rst b/share/doc/src/index.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..48b563e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/index.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+.. CouchDB documentation master file, created by
+   sphinx-quickstart on Tue Jul 31 20:52:16 2012.
+   You can adapt this file completely to your liking, but it should at least
+   contain the root `toctree` directive.
+Apache CouchDB Documentation
+.. toctree::
+    :maxdepth: 2
+    intro
+    api-basics
+    range
+    configuring
+    ssl
+    os-daemons
+    http-proxying
+    config_reference
+    replication
+    ddocs
+    commonjs
+    errors
+    changes
+    release
+    api/reference
+    json-structure
+Indices and tables
+* :ref:`genindex`
+* :ref:`modindex`
+* :ref:`search`
diff --git a/share/doc/src/intro.rst b/share/doc/src/intro.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b5930d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/share/doc/src/intro.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
+.. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
+.. use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
+.. the License at
+.. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+.. distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
+.. WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
+.. License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
+.. the License.
+There are two interfaces to CouchDB, the built-in Futon web-based
+interface and the CouchDB API accessed through the HTTP REST interface.
+The former is the simplest way to view and monitor your CouchDB
+installation and perform a number of basic database and system
+operations. More information on using the Futon interface can be found
+in :ref:`using-futon`.
+The primary way to interact with the CouchDB API is to use a client
+library or other interface that provides access to the underlying
+functionality through your chosen language or platform. However, since
+the API is supported through HTTP REST, you can interact with your
+CouchDB with any solution that supports the HTTP protocol.
+There are a number of different tools that talk the HTTP protocol and
+allow you to set and configure the necessary information. One tool for
+this that allows for access from the command-line is ``curl``. See
+.. _using-futon:
+Using Futon
+Futon is a native web-based interface built into CouchDB. It provides a
+basic interface to the majority of the functionality, including the
+ability to create, update, delete and view documents and views, provides
+access to the configuration parameters, and an interface for initiating
+The default view is the Overview page which provides you with a list of
+the databases. The basic structure of the page is consistent regardless
+of the section you are in. The main panel on the left provides the main
+interface to the databases, configuration or replication systems. The
+side panel on the right provides navigation to the main areas of Futon
+.. figure:: ../images/futon-overview.png
+   :align: center
+   :alt:  Futon Overview
+   Futon Overview
+The main sections are:
+-  Overview
+   The main overview page, which provides a list of the databases and
+   provides the interface for querying the database and creating and
+   updating documents. See :ref:`futon-management`.
+-  Configuration
+   An interface into the configuration of your CouchDB installation. The
+   interface allows you to edit the different configurable parameters.
+   For more details on configuration, see :ref:`configuring`.
+-  Replicator
+   An interface to the replication system, enabling you to initiate
+   replication between local and remote databases. See
+   :ref:`futon-replication`.
+-  Status
+   Displays a list of the running background tasks on the server.
+   Background tasks include view index building, compaction and
+   replication. The Status page is an interface to the
+   :ref:`Active Tasks <active-tasks>` API call.
+-  Verify Installation
+   The Verify Installation allows you to check whether all of the
+   components of your CouchDB installation are correctly installed.
+-  Test Suite
+   The Test Suite section allows you to run the built-in test suite.
+   This executes a number of test routines entirely within your browser
+   to test the API and functionality of your CouchDB installation. If
+   you select this page, you can run the tests by using the Run All
+   button. This will execute all the tests, which may take some time.
+.. _futon-management:
+Managing Databases and Documents
+You can manage databases and documents within Futon using the main
+Overview section of the Futon interface.
+To create a new database, click the Create Database ELLIPSIS button. You
+will be prompted for the database name, as shown in the figure below.
+.. figure:: ../images/futon-createdb.png
+   :align: center
+   :alt:  Creating a Database
+   Creating a Database
+Once you have created the database (or selected an existing one), you
+will be shown a list of the current documents. If you create a new
+document, or select an existing document, you will be presented with the
+edit document display.
+Editing documents within Futon requires selecting the document and then
+editing (and setting) the fields for the document individually before
+saving the document back into the database.
+For example, the figure below shows the editor for a single document, a
+newly created document with a single ID, the document ``_id`` field.
+.. figure:: ../images/futon-editdoc.png
+   :align: center
+   :alt:  Editing a Document
+   Editing a Document
+To add a field to the document:
+1. Click Add Field.
+2. In the fieldname box, enter the name of the field you want to create.
+   For example, “company”.
+3. Click the green tick next to the field name to confirm the field name
+   change.
+4. Double-click the corresponding Value cell.
+5. Enter a company name, for example “Example”.
+6. Click the green tick next to the field value to confirm the field
+   value.
+7. The document is still not saved as this point. You must explicitly
+   save the document by clicking the Save Document button at the top of
+   the page. This will save the document, and then display the new
+   document with the saved revision information (the ``_rev`` field).
+   .. figure:: ../images/futon-editeddoc.png
+      :align: center
+      :alt:  Edited Document
+      Edited Document
+The same basic interface is used for all editing operations within Futon.
+You *must* remember to save the individual element (fieldname, value)
+using the green tick button, before then saving the document.
+.. _futon-replication:
+Configuring Replication
+When you click the Replicator option within the Tools menu you are
+presented with the Replicator screen. This allows you to start
+replication between two databases by filling in or select the
+appropriate options within the form provided.
+.. figure:: ../images/futon-replform.png
+   :align: center
+   :alt:  Replication Form
+   Replication Form
+To start a replication process, either the select the local database or
+enter a remote database name into the corresponding areas of the form.
+Replication occurs from the database on the left to the database on the
+If you are specifying a remote database name, you must specify the full
+URL of the remote database (including the host, port number and database
+name). If the remote instance requires authentication, you can specify
+the username and password as part of the URL, for example
+To enable continuous replication, click the Continuous checkbox.
+To start the replication process, click the Replicate button. The
+replication process should start and will continue in the background. If
+the replication process will take a long time, you can monitor the
+status of the replication using the Status option under the Tools menu.
+Once replication has been completed, the page will show the information
+returned when the replication process completes by the API.
+The Replicator tool is an interface to the underlying replication API.
+For more information, see :ref:`replicate`. For more information on
+replication, see :ref:`replication`.
+.. _using-curl:
+Using ``curl``
+The ``curl`` utility is a command line tool available on Unix, Linux,
+Mac OS X and Windows and many other platforms. ``curl`` provides easy
+access to the HTTP protocol (among others) directly from the
+command-line and is therefore an ideal way of interacting with CouchDB
+over the HTTP REST API.
+For simple ``GET`` requests you can supply the URL of the request. For
+example, to get the database information:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> curl
+This returns the database information (formatted in the output below for
+.. code-block:: json
+    {
+       "couchdb" : "Welcome",
+       "version" : "|version|",
+    }
+.. note:: For some URLs, especially those that include special characters such
+   as ampersand, exclamation mark, or question mark, you should quote
+   the URL you are specifying on the command line. For example:
+   .. code-block:: bash
+      shell> curl 'http://couchdb:5984/_uuids?count=5'
+You can explicitly set the HTTP command using the ``-X`` command line
+option. For example, when creating a database, you set the name of the
+database in the URL you send using a PUT request:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> curl -X PUT
+    {"ok":true}
+But to obtain the database information you use a ``GET`` request (with
+the return information formatted for clarity):
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> curl -X GET
+    {
+       "compact_running" : false,
+       "doc_count" : 0,
+       "db_name" : "demo",
+       "purge_seq" : 0,
+       "committed_update_seq" : 0,
+       "doc_del_count" : 0,
+       "disk_format_version" : 5,
+       "update_seq" : 0,
+       "instance_start_time" : "1306421773496000",
+       "disk_size" : 79
+    }
+For certain operations, you must specify the content type of request,
+which you do by specifying the ``Content-Type`` header using the ``-H``
+command-line option:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json'
+You can also submit 'payload' data, that is, data in the body of the
+HTTP request using the ``-d`` option. This is useful if you need to
+submit JSON structures, for example document data, as part of the
+request. For example, to submit a simple document to the ``demo``
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> curl -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
+                -X POST \
+                -d '{"company": "Example, Inc."}'
+    {"ok":true,"id":"8843faaf0b831d364278331bc3001bd8",
+     "rev":"1-33b9fbce46930280dab37d672bbc8bb9"}
+In the above example, the argument after the ``-d`` option is the JSON
+of the document we want to submit.
+The document can be accessed by using the automatically generated
+document ID that was returned:
+.. code-block:: bash
+    shell> curl -X GET
+    {"_id":"8843faaf0b831d364278331bc3001bd8",
+     "_rev":"1-33b9fbce46930280dab37d672bbc8bb9",
+     "company":"Example, Inc."}
+The API samples in the :ref:`api-basics` show the HTTP command, URL and any
+payload information that needs to be submitted (and the expected return
+value). All of these examples can be reproduced using ``curl`` with the
+command-line examples shown above.