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svn commit: r294974 [15/25] - in /incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm: ./ jchevm/ jchevm/doc/ jchevm/etc/ jchevm/include/ jchevm/java/ jchevm/java/org/ jchevm/java/org/dellroad/ jchevm/java/org/dellroad/jc/ jchevm/java/org/dellroad...

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/libjc/interp.c
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/libjc/interp.c (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/libjc/interp.c Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,1794 @@
+ * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
+ * as applicable.
+ * 
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * $Id: interp.c,v 1.7 2005/07/10 21:03:54 archiecobbs Exp $
+ */
+#include "libjc.h"
+/* Internal functions */
+static jint	_jc_interp(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *const method,
+			_jc_object *this, _jc_word *args);
+static int	_jc_lookup_compare(const void *v1, const void *v2);
+static void	_jc_vinterp(_jc_env *env, va_list args);
+static void	_jc_vinterp_native(_jc_env *env, va_list args);
+ * Macros used in _jc_interp()
+ */
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+#define JUMP(_pc)							\
+    do {								\
+	pc = (_pc);							\
+	_JC_ASSERT(sp >= state.locals + code->max_locals);		\
+	_JC_ASSERT(sp <= state.locals					\
+	    + code->max_locals + code->max_stack);			\
+	_JC_ASSERT(pc >= 0 && pc < code->num_insns);			\
+	_JC_ASSERT(actions[code->opcodes[pc]] != NULL);			\
+	_JC_ASSERT(ticker > 0);						\
+	if (--ticker == 0)						\
+		goto periodic_check;					\
+	goto *actions[code->opcodes[pc]];				\
+    } while (0)
+#define NEXT()		JUMP(pc + 1)
+#else	/* !NDEBUG */
+#define JUMP(_pc)							\
+    do {								\
+	pc = (_pc);							\
+	if (--ticker == 0)						\
+		goto periodic_check;					\
+	goto *actions[code->opcodes[pc]];				\
+    } while (0)
+#define NEXT()								\
+    do {								\
+	goto *actions[code->opcodes[++pc]];				\
+    } while (0)
+#endif	/* !NDEBUG */
+#define STACKI(i)	(*(jint *)(sp + (i)))
+#define STACKF(i)	(*(jfloat *)(sp + (i)))
+#define STACKJ(i)	(*(jlong *)(sp + (i)))
+#define STACKD(i)	(*(jdouble *)(sp + (i)))
+#define STACKL(i)	(*(_jc_object **)(sp + (i)))
+#define LOCALI(i)	(*(jint *)(state.locals + i))
+#define LOCALF(i)	(*(jfloat *)(state.locals + i))
+#define LOCALJ(i)	(*(jlong *)(state.locals + i))
+#define LOCALD(i)	(*(jdouble *)(state.locals + i))
+#define LOCALL(i)	(*(_jc_object **)(state.locals + i))
+#define PUSHI(v)	do { STACKI(0) = (v); sp++; } while (0)
+#define PUSHF(v)	do { STACKF(0) = (v); sp++; } while (0)
+#define PUSHJ(v)	do { STACKJ(0) = (v); sp += 2; } while (0)
+#define PUSHD(v)	do { STACKD(0) = (v); sp += 2; } while (0)
+#define PUSHL(v)	do { STACKL(0) = (v); sp++; } while (0)
+#define POP(i)		(sp -= (i))
+#define POP2(i)		(sp -= 2 * (i))
+#define INFO(f)		(code->info[pc].f)
+#define ARRAYCHECK(array, i)						\
+    do {								\
+	_jc_array *const _array = (_jc_array *)(array);			\
+	jint _i = (i);							\
+									\
+	if (_array == NULL)						\
+		goto null_pointer_exception;				\
+	if (_i < 0 || _i >= _array->length) {				\
+		_jc_post_exception_msg(env,				\
+		    _JC_ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, "%d", _i);	\
+		goto exception;						\
+	}								\
+    } while (0)
+#define _JC_INTERP_PRIM_ELEM(type, array, i)				\
+	(((_jc_ ## type ## _array *)(array))->elems[(i)])
+#define _JC_INTERP_REF_ELEM(array, i)					\
+	(((_jc_object_array *)(array))->elems[~(i)])
+ * Java interpreter. The "args" must contain two elements for long/double.
+ *
+ * If successful, return value is stored in env->retval and JNI_OK returned.
+ * Otherwise, an exception is posted and JNI_ERR is returned.
+ */
+static jint
+_jc_interp(_jc_env *const env, _jc_method *const method,
+	_jc_object *const this, _jc_word *args)
+#define ACTION(name)  [_JC_ ## name]= &&do_ ## name
+	static const void *const actions[0x100] = {
+		ACTION(aaload),
+		ACTION(aastore),
+		ACTION(aload),
+		ACTION(anewarray),
+		ACTION(areturn),
+		ACTION(arraylength),
+		ACTION(astore),
+		ACTION(athrow),
+		ACTION(baload),
+		ACTION(bastore),
+		ACTION(caload),
+		ACTION(castore),
+		ACTION(checkcast),
+		ACTION(d2f),
+		ACTION(d2i),
+		ACTION(d2l),
+		ACTION(dadd),
+		ACTION(daload),
+		ACTION(dastore),
+		ACTION(dcmpg),
+		ACTION(dcmpl),
+		ACTION(ddiv),
+		ACTION(dload),
+		ACTION(dmul),
+		ACTION(dneg),
+		ACTION(drem),
+		ACTION(dreturn),
+		ACTION(dstore),
+		ACTION(dsub),
+		ACTION(dup),
+		ACTION(dup_x1),
+		ACTION(dup_x2),
+		ACTION(dup2),
+		ACTION(dup2_x1),
+		ACTION(dup2_x2),
+		ACTION(f2d),
+		ACTION(f2i),
+		ACTION(f2l),
+		ACTION(fadd),
+		ACTION(faload),
+		ACTION(fastore),
+		ACTION(fcmpg),
+		ACTION(fcmpl),
+		ACTION(fdiv),
+		ACTION(fload),
+		ACTION(fmul),
+		ACTION(fneg),
+		ACTION(frem),
+		ACTION(freturn),
+		ACTION(fstore),
+		ACTION(fsub),
+		ACTION(getfield),
+		ACTION(getstatic),
+		ACTION(goto),
+		ACTION(i2b),
+		ACTION(i2c),
+		ACTION(i2d),
+		ACTION(i2f),
+		ACTION(i2l),
+		ACTION(i2s),
+		ACTION(iadd),
+		ACTION(iaload),
+		ACTION(iand),
+		ACTION(iastore),
+		ACTION(idiv),
+		ACTION(if_acmpeq),
+		ACTION(if_acmpne),
+		ACTION(if_icmpeq),
+		ACTION(if_icmpne),
+		ACTION(if_icmplt),
+		ACTION(if_icmpge),
+		ACTION(if_icmpgt),
+		ACTION(if_icmple),
+		ACTION(ifeq),
+		ACTION(ifne),
+		ACTION(iflt),
+		ACTION(ifge),
+		ACTION(ifgt),
+		ACTION(ifle),
+		ACTION(ifnonnull),
+		ACTION(ifnull),
+		ACTION(iinc),
+		ACTION(iload),
+		ACTION(imul),
+		ACTION(ineg),
+		ACTION(instanceof),
+		ACTION(invokeinterface),
+		ACTION(invokespecial),
+		ACTION(invokestatic),
+		ACTION(invokevirtual),
+		ACTION(ior),
+		ACTION(irem),
+		ACTION(ireturn),
+		ACTION(ishl),
+		ACTION(ishr),
+		ACTION(istore),
+		ACTION(isub),
+		ACTION(iushr),
+		ACTION(ixor),
+		ACTION(jsr),
+		ACTION(l2d),
+		ACTION(l2f),
+		ACTION(l2i),
+		ACTION(ladd),
+		ACTION(laload),
+		ACTION(land),
+		ACTION(lastore),
+		ACTION(lcmp),
+		ACTION(ldc),
+		ACTION(ldc_string),
+		ACTION(ldc2_w),
+		ACTION(ldiv),
+		ACTION(lload),
+		ACTION(lmul),
+		ACTION(lneg),
+		ACTION(lookupswitch),
+		ACTION(lor),
+		ACTION(lrem),
+		ACTION(lreturn),
+		ACTION(lshl),
+		ACTION(lshr),
+		ACTION(lstore),
+		ACTION(lsub),
+		ACTION(lushr),
+		ACTION(lxor),
+		ACTION(monitorenter),
+		ACTION(monitorexit),
+		ACTION(multianewarray),
+		ACTION(new),
+		ACTION(newarray),
+		ACTION(nop),
+		ACTION(pop),
+		ACTION(pop2),
+		ACTION(putfield),
+		ACTION(putstatic),
+		ACTION(ret),
+		ACTION(return),
+		ACTION(saload),
+		ACTION(sastore),
+		ACTION(swap),
+		ACTION(tableswitch),
+	};
+	_jc_method_code *const code = &method->u.code;
+	int ticker = PERIODIC_CHECK_TICKS;
+	_jc_interp_stack state;
+	_jc_object *lock = NULL;
+	_jc_word *sp;
+	int pc = 0;
+	/* Stack overflow check */
+	if ((char *)&env < env->stack_limit)
+	if ((char *)&env > env->stack_limit)
+	{
+		_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_StackOverflowError);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	/* Is method abstract? */
+	if (_JC_ACC_TEST(method, ABSTRACT)) {
+		_jc_post_exception_msg(env, _JC_AbstractMethodError,
+		    "%s.%s%s", method->class->name, method->name,
+		    method->signature);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT((this == NULL) == _JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC));
+	_JC_ASSERT(!_JC_ACC_TEST(method->class, INTERFACE)
+	    || strcmp(method->name, "<clinit>") == 0);
+	_JC_ASSERT(_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, RESOLVED));
+	/* Push Java stack frame */
+	memset(&state, 0, sizeof(state));
+	state.jstack.interp = JNI_TRUE;
+ = env->java_stack;
+	state.method = method;
+	state.pcp = &pc;
+	env->java_stack = &state.jstack;
+	/* Allocate combined space for locals and stack */
+	if ((state.locals = _JC_STACK_ALLOC(env,
+	    (code->max_locals + code->max_stack)
+	      * sizeof(*state.locals))) == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		goto exception;
+	}
+	sp = &state.locals[code->max_locals];
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(code->opcodes != NULL);
+	_JC_ASSERT(code->num_insns > 0);
+	/* Copy method parameters into local variables */
+	if (!_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC)) {
+		state.locals[0] = (_jc_word)this;
+		memcpy(state.locals + 1, args,
+		    code->num_params2 * sizeof(*args));
+	} else
+		memcpy(state.locals, args, code->num_params2 * sizeof(*args));
+	/* Synchronize */
+	if (_JC_ACC_TEST(method, SYNCHRONIZED)) {
+		lock = _JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) ?
+		    method->class->instance : this;
+		if (_jc_lock_object(env, lock) != JNI_OK) {
+			lock = NULL;
+			goto exception;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Start */
+	JUMP(0);
+    {
+	_jc_object_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_object_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	_JC_ASSERT(_JC_LW_TEST(array->lockword, ARRAY)
+	    && _JC_LW_EXTRACT(array->lockword, TYPE) == _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE);
+	PUSHL(array->elems[~index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_object_array *array;
+	_jc_object *obj;
+	jint index;
+	POP(3);
+	array = (_jc_object_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	obj = STACKL(2);
+	if (obj != NULL) {
+		switch (_jc_assignable_from(env, obj->type,
+		    array->type->u.array.element_type)) {
+		case 1:
+			break;
+		case 0:
+			_jc_post_exception_msg(env, _JC_ArrayStoreException,
+			    "can't store object of type `%s' into array"
+			    " of `%s'", obj->type->name,
+			    array->type->u.array.element_type->name);
+		case -1:
+			goto exception;
+		}
+	}
+	array->elems[~index] = obj;
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_array *array;
+	jint length;
+	POP(1);
+	length = STACKI(0);
+	if ((array = _jc_new_array(env, INFO(type), length)) == NULL)
+		goto exception;
+	PUSHL((_jc_object *)array);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP(1);
+	env->retval.l = STACKL(0);
+	goto done;
+    {
+	_jc_array *array;
+	POP(1);
+	array = (_jc_array *)STACKL(0);
+	if (array == NULL)
+		goto null_pointer_exception;
+	PUSHI(array->length);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP(1);
+	LOCALL(INFO(local)) = STACKL(0);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	if (STACKL(0) == NULL)
+		goto null_pointer_exception;
+	_jc_post_exception_object(env, STACKL(0));
+	goto exception;
+    {
+	_jc_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	int ptype;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	ptype = _JC_LW_EXTRACT(array->lockword, TYPE);
+	_JC_ASSERT(ptype == _JC_TYPE_BOOLEAN || ptype == _JC_TYPE_BYTE);
+	if (ptype == _JC_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
+		PUSHI(((_jc_boolean_array *)array)->elems[index]);
+	else
+		PUSHI(((_jc_byte_array *)array)->elems[index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	int ptype;
+	POP(3);
+	array = (_jc_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	ptype = _JC_LW_EXTRACT(array->lockword, TYPE);
+	_JC_ASSERT(ptype == _JC_TYPE_BOOLEAN || ptype == _JC_TYPE_BYTE);
+	if (ptype == _JC_TYPE_BOOLEAN)
+		((_jc_boolean_array *)array)->elems[index] = STACKI(2) & 0x1;
+	else
+		((_jc_byte_array *)array)->elems[index] = STACKI(2) & 0xff;
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_char_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_char_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	PUSHI(array->elems[index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_char_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(3);
+	array = (_jc_char_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	array->elems[index] = STACKI(2) & 0xffff;
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_object *const obj = STACKL(-1);
+	if (obj != NULL) {
+		_jc_type *const type = INFO(type);
+		switch (_jc_instance_of(env, obj, type)) {
+		case 1:
+			break;
+		case 0:
+			_jc_post_exception_msg(env, _JC_ClassCastException,
+			    "can't cast `%s' to `%s'", obj->type->name,
+			    type->name);
+		case -1:
+			goto exception;
+		default:
+		}
+	}
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP2(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	PUSHI(_JC_CAST_FLT2INT(env, jdouble, jint, STACKD(0)));
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	PUSHJ(_JC_CAST_FLT2INT(env, jdouble, jlong, STACKD(0)));
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_double_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_double_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	PUSHD(array->elems[index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_double_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(4);
+	array = (_jc_double_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	array->elems[index] = STACKD(2);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	PUSHD(fmod(STACKD(0), STACKD(2)));
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	env->retval.d = STACKD(0);
+	goto done;
+	POP2(1);
+	LOCALD(INFO(local)) = STACKD(0);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	STACKI(0) = STACKI(-1);
+	POP(-1);
+	NEXT();
+	STACKI(0) = STACKI(-1);
+	STACKI(-1) = STACKI(-2);
+	STACKI(-2) = STACKI(0);
+	POP(-1);
+	NEXT();
+	STACKI(0) = STACKI(-1);
+	STACKI(-1) = STACKI(-2);
+	STACKI(-2) = STACKI(-3);
+	STACKI(-3) = STACKI(0);
+	POP(-1);
+	NEXT();
+	STACKI(1) = STACKI(-1);
+	STACKI(0) = STACKI(-2);
+	POP(-2);
+	NEXT();
+	STACKI(1) = STACKI(-1);
+	STACKI(0) = STACKI(-2);
+	STACKI(-1) = STACKI(-3);
+	STACKI(-2) = STACKI(1);
+	STACKI(-3) = STACKI(0);
+	POP(-2);
+	NEXT();
+	STACKI(1) = STACKI(-1);
+	STACKI(0) = STACKI(-2);
+	STACKI(-1) = STACKI(-3);
+	STACKI(-2) = STACKI(-4);
+	STACKI(-3) = STACKI(1);
+	STACKI(-4) = STACKI(0);
+	POP(-2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	PUSHI(_JC_CAST_FLT2INT(env, jfloat, jint, STACKF(0)));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	PUSHJ(_JC_CAST_FLT2INT(env, jfloat, jlong, STACKF(0)));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_float_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_float_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	PUSHF(array->elems[index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_float_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(3);
+	array = (_jc_float_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	array->elems[index] = STACKF(2);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	PUSHF(fmod(STACKF(0), STACKF(1)));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	env->retval.f = STACKF(0);
+	goto done;
+	POP(1);
+	LOCALF(INFO(local)) = STACKF(0);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_field *const field = INFO(field);
+	_jc_object *obj;
+	void *data;
+	POP(1);
+	obj = STACKL(0);
+	if (obj == NULL)
+		goto null_pointer_exception;
+	data = (char *)obj + field->offset;
+	switch (field->type->flags & _JC_TYPE_MASK) {
+		PUSHI(*(jboolean *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+		PUSHI(*(jbyte *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+		PUSHI(*(jchar *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+		PUSHI(*(jshort *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+		PUSHI(*(jint *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		PUSHF(*(jfloat *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		PUSHJ(*(jlong *)data);
+		break;
+		PUSHD(*(jdouble *)data);
+		break;
+		PUSHL(*(_jc_object **)data);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_field *const field = INFO(field);
+	void *data;
+	/* Initialize field's class */
+	if (!_JC_FLG_TEST(field->class, INITIALIZED)) {
+		if (_jc_initialize_type(env, field->class) != JNI_OK)
+			goto exception;
+	}
+	/* Get field */
+	data = (char *)field->class->u.nonarray.class_fields + field->offset;
+	switch (field->type->flags & _JC_TYPE_MASK) {
+		PUSHI(*(jboolean *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+		PUSHI(*(jbyte *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+		PUSHI(*(jchar *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+		PUSHI(*(jshort *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+		PUSHI(*(jint *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		PUSHF(*(jfloat *)data);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		PUSHJ(*(jlong *)data);
+		break;
+		PUSHD(*(jdouble *)data);
+		break;
+		PUSHL(*(_jc_object **)data);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	JUMP(INFO(target));
+	POP(1);
+	PUSHI((jbyte)STACKI(0));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	PUSHI((jchar)STACKI(0));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	PUSHI((jshort)STACKI(0));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_int_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_int_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	PUSHI(array->elems[index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_int_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(3);
+	array = (_jc_int_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	array->elems[index] = STACKI(2);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP(2);
+	if (STACKI(1) == 0)
+		goto arithmetic_exception;
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKL(0) == STACKL(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKL(0) != STACKL(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) == STACKI(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) != STACKI(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) < STACKI(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) >= STACKI(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) > STACKI(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(2);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) <= STACKI(1) ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) == 0 ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) != 0 ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) < 0 ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) >= 0 ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) > 0 ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKI(0) <= 0 ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKL(0) != NULL ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	POP(1);
+	JUMP(STACKL(0) == NULL ? INFO(target) : pc + 1);
+	LOCALI(INFO(iinc).index) += INFO(iinc).value;
+	NEXT();
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	switch (_jc_instance_of(env, STACKL(0), INFO(type))) {
+	case 1:
+		PUSHI(1);
+		break;
+	case 0:
+		PUSHI(0);
+		break;
+	case -1:
+		goto exception;
+	default:
+	}
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_method *imethod = INFO(method);
+	_jc_word *params;
+	_jc_object *obj;
+	int ndoubles;
+	jint status;
+	int i;
+	/* Count number of long/double parameters */
+	ndoubles = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < imethod->num_parameters; i++) {
+		if (_jc_dword_type[imethod->param_ptypes[i]])
+			ndoubles++;
+	}
+	/* Pop the stack and check for null */
+	if (code->opcodes[pc] == _JC_invokestatic) {
+		POP(imethod->num_parameters + ndoubles);
+		obj = NULL;
+	} else {
+		POP(imethod->num_parameters + ndoubles + 1);
+		if ((obj = STACKL(0)) == NULL)
+			goto null_pointer_exception;
+	}
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT((code->opcodes[pc] == _JC_invokeinterface)
+	    == _JC_ACC_TEST(imethod->class, INTERFACE));
+	/* Do method lookup */
+	switch (code->opcodes[pc]) {
+	case _JC_invokeinterface:
+	    {
+		const jlong sig_hash = imethod->signature_hash;
+		_jc_method *const *methodp;
+		int bucket;
+		/* Sanity check */
+		_JC_ASSERT(_JC_ACC_TEST(imethod->class, INTERFACE));
+		/* Verify object implements the interface */
+		switch (_jc_instance_of(env, obj, imethod->class)) {
+		case 0:
+			_jc_post_exception_msg(env,
+			    _JC_IncompatibleClassChangeError,
+			    "`%s' does not implement interface `%s'",
+			    obj->type->name, imethod->class->name);
+			goto exception;
+		case 1:
+			break;
+		case -1:
+			goto exception;
+		}
+		/* Lookup interface method entry point */
+		_JC_ASSERT(obj->type->imethod_quick_table != NULL);
+		_JC_ASSERT(obj->type->imethod_hash_table != NULL);
+		bucket = (int)sig_hash & (_JC_IMETHOD_HASHSIZE - 1);
+		methodp = obj->type->imethod_hash_table[bucket];
+		if (methodp == NULL)
+			goto not_found;
+		while (*methodp != NULL) {
+			if ((*methodp)->signature_hash == sig_hash) {
+				imethod = *methodp;
+				break;
+			}
+			methodp++;
+		}
+		if (*methodp == NULL) {
+not_found:		_jc_post_exception_msg(env, _JC_AbstractMethodError,
+			    "%s.%s%s invoked from %s.%s%s on a %s",
+			    imethod->class->name, imethod->name,
+			    imethod->signature, method->class->name,
+			    method->name, method->signature, obj->type->name);
+			goto exception;
+		}
+		/* Verify method is public */
+		if (!_JC_ACC_TEST(imethod, PUBLIC)) {
+			_jc_post_exception_msg(env, _JC_IllegalAccessError,
+			    "%s.%s%s invoked from %s.%s%s on a %s",
+			    imethod->class->name, imethod->name,
+			    imethod->signature, method->class->name,
+			    method->name, method->signature, obj->type->name);
+			goto exception;
+		}
+		break;
+	    }
+	case _JC_invokevirtual:
+	    {
+		_jc_type *vtype;
+		vtype = _JC_LW_TEST(obj->lockword, ARRAY) ?
+		    env->vm->boot.types.Object : obj->type;
+		imethod = vtype->u.nonarray.mtable[imethod->vtable_index];
+		break;
+	    }
+	case _JC_invokespecial:
+		break;
+	case _JC_invokestatic:
+		if (!_JC_FLG_TEST(imethod->class, INITIALIZED)
+		    && _jc_initialize_type(env, imethod->class) != JNI_OK)
+			goto exception;
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	/* Get pointer to parameters */
+	params = sp + (code->opcodes[pc] != _JC_invokestatic);
+	/* Invoke the method */
+	if (_JC_ACC_TEST(imethod, NATIVE))
+		status = _jc_invoke_native_method(env, imethod, JNI_TRUE, sp);
+	else if (_JC_ACC_TEST(imethod, INTERP))
+		status = _jc_interp(env, imethod, obj, params);
+	else {
+		status = _jc_invoke_jcni_a(env,
+		    imethod, imethod->function, obj, params);
+	}
+	/* Did method throw an exception? */
+	if (status != JNI_OK)
+		goto exception;
+	/* Push return value, if any */
+	switch (imethod->param_ptypes[imethod->num_parameters]) {
+		PUSHI(env->retval.z);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+		PUSHI(env->retval.b);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+		PUSHI(env->retval.c);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+		PUSHI(env->retval.s);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+		PUSHI(env->retval.i);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		PUSHF(env->retval.f);
+		break;
+		PUSHL(env->retval.l);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		PUSHJ(env->retval.j);
+		break;
+		PUSHD(env->retval.d);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_VOID:
+		break;
+	default:
+	}
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	if (STACKI(1) == 0)
+		goto arithmetic_exception;
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	env->retval.i = STACKI(0);
+	goto done;
+	POP(2);
+	PUSHI(STACKI(0) << (STACKI(1) & 0x1f));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	PUSHI(_JC_ISHR(STACKI(0), STACKI(1) & 0x1f));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	LOCALI(INFO(local)) = STACKI(0);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	PUSHI(_JC_IUSHR(STACKI(0), STACKI(1) & 0x1f));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(2);
+	NEXT();
+	PUSHI(pc + 1);
+	JUMP(INFO(target));
+	POP2(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_long_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_long_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	PUSHJ(array->elems[index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_long_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(4);
+	array = (_jc_long_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	array->elems[index] = STACKJ(2);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	memcpy(sp, &INFO(constant), sizeof(jint));
+	POP(-1);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_resolve_info rinfo;
+	_jc_object *string;
+	/* Create intern'd string */
+	if ((string = _jc_new_intern_string(env,
+	    INFO(utf8), strlen(INFO(utf8)))) == NULL)
+		goto exception;
+	/* Create reference list with one reference */
+	memset(&rinfo, 0, sizeof(rinfo));
+	rinfo.loader = method->class->loader;
+	rinfo.implicit_refs = &string;
+	rinfo.num_implicit_refs = 1;
+	/* Add implicit reference to string from class loader */
+	if (_jc_merge_implicit_refs(env, &rinfo) != JNI_OK) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		goto exception;
+	}
+	/* Update instruction */
+	INFO(constant).l = string;
+	code->opcodes[pc] = _JC_ldc;
+	/* Now execute it again */
+	JUMP(pc);
+    }
+	memcpy(sp, &INFO(constant), 2 * sizeof(jint));
+	POP(-2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	if (STACKJ(2) == 0)
+		goto arithmetic_exception;
+	NEXT();
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_lookupswitch *const lsw = INFO(lookupswitch);
+	_jc_lookup *entry;
+	_jc_lookup key;
+	POP(1);
+	key.match = STACKI(0);
+	entry = bsearch(&key, lsw->pairs, lsw->num_pairs,
+	    sizeof(*lsw->pairs), _jc_lookup_compare);
+	JUMP(entry != NULL ? entry->target : lsw->default_target);
+    }
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	if (STACKJ(2) == 0)
+		goto arithmetic_exception;
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	env->retval.j = STACKJ(0);
+	goto done;
+	POP(3);
+	PUSHJ(STACKJ(0) << (STACKI(2) & 0x3f));
+	NEXT();
+	POP(3);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	LOCALJ(INFO(local)) = STACKJ(0);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(3);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(2);
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	if (STACKL(0) == NULL)
+		goto null_pointer_exception;
+	if (_jc_lock_object(env, STACKL(0)) != JNI_OK)
+		goto exception;
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	if (STACKL(0) == NULL)
+		goto null_pointer_exception;
+	if (_jc_unlock_object(env, STACKL(0)) != JNI_OK)
+		goto exception;
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_multianewarray *const info = &INFO(multianewarray);
+	_jc_array *array;
+	jint *sizes;
+	int i;
+	POP(info->dims);
+	sizes = &STACKI(0);			/* overwrite popped stack */
+	for (i = 0; i < info->dims; i++)
+		sizes[i] = STACKI(i);
+	if ((array = _jc_new_multiarray(env,
+	    info->type, info->dims, sizes)) == NULL)
+		goto exception;
+	PUSHL((_jc_object *)array);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_object *obj;
+	if ((obj = _jc_new_object(env, INFO(type))) == NULL)
+		goto exception;
+	PUSHL(obj);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_array *array;
+	POP(1);
+	if ((array = _jc_new_array(env, INFO(type), STACKI(0))) == NULL)
+		goto exception;
+	PUSHL((_jc_object *)array);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	NEXT();
+	POP(1);
+	NEXT();
+	POP2(1);
+	NEXT();
+    {
+	_jc_field *const field = INFO(field);
+	_jc_type *const ftype = field->type;
+	const void *data;
+	/* Pop the stack */
+	if (_jc_dword_type[ftype->flags & _JC_TYPE_MASK])
+		POP2(1);
+	else
+		POP(1);
+	POP(1);
+	/* Check for null instance */
+	if (STACKL(0) == NULL)
+		goto null_pointer_exception;
+	/* Set the field */
+	data = (char *)STACKL(0) + field->offset;
+	switch (ftype->flags & _JC_TYPE_MASK) {
+		*(jboolean *)data = STACKI(1) & 0x01;
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+		*(jbyte *)data = STACKI(1);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+		*(jchar *)data = STACKI(1);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+		*(jshort *)data = STACKI(1);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+		*(jint *)data = STACKI(1);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		*(jfloat *)data = STACKF(1);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		*(jlong *)data = STACKJ(1);
+		break;
+		*(jdouble *)data = STACKD(1);
+		break;
+		*(_jc_object **)data = STACKL(1);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_field *const field = INFO(field);
+	const u_char ptype = _jc_sig_types[(u_char)*field->signature];
+	const void *data;
+	/*
+	 * Pop the stack. We can't look directly at the field's type
+	 * here because the field's class may not be resolved yet.
+	 */
+	if (_jc_dword_type[ptype])
+		POP2(1);
+	else
+		POP(1);
+	/* Initialize field's class */
+	if (!_JC_FLG_TEST(field->class, INITIALIZED)) {
+		if (_jc_initialize_type(env, field->class) != JNI_OK)
+			goto exception;
+	}
+	/* Set the field */
+	data = (char *)field->class->u.nonarray.class_fields + field->offset;
+	switch (ptype) {
+		*(jboolean *)data = STACKI(0) & 0x01;
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+		*(jbyte *)data = STACKI(0);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+		*(jchar *)data = STACKI(0);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+		*(jshort *)data = STACKI(0);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+		*(jint *)data = STACKI(0);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		*(jfloat *)data = STACKF(0);
+		break;
+	case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		*(jlong *)data = STACKJ(0);
+		break;
+		*(jdouble *)data = STACKD(0);
+		break;
+		*(_jc_object **)data = STACKL(0);
+		break;
+	default:
+		break;
+	}
+	NEXT();
+    }
+	JUMP(LOCALI(INFO(local)));
+	goto done;
+    {
+	_jc_short_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(2);
+	array = (_jc_short_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	PUSHI(array->elems[index]);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_short_array *array;
+	jint index;
+	POP(3);
+	array = (_jc_short_array *)STACKL(0);
+	index = STACKI(1);
+	ARRAYCHECK(array, index);
+	array->elems[index] = STACKI(2);
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	jint temp;
+	temp = STACKI(-2);
+	STACKI(-2) = STACKI(-1);
+	STACKI(-1) = temp;
+	NEXT();
+    }
+    {
+	_jc_tableswitch *const tsw = INFO(tableswitch);
+	jint key;
+	POP(1);
+	key = STACKI(0);
+	JUMP((key >= tsw->low && key <= tsw->high) ?
+	    tsw->targets[key - tsw->low] : tsw->default_target);
+    }
+	if (_jc_thread_check(env) != JNI_OK)
+		goto exception;
+	JUMP(pc);
+	_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_NullPointerException);
+	goto exception;
+	_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_ArithmeticException);
+	goto exception;
+    {
+	jint status;
+	int i;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(env->head.pending != NULL);
+	/* Check this method for a matching trap */
+	for (i = 0; i < code->num_traps; i++) {
+		_jc_jvm *const vm = env->vm;
+		_jc_interp_trap *const trap = &code->traps[i];
+		_jc_object *e;
+		/* See if trap matches */
+		if (pc < trap->start || pc >= trap->end)
+			continue;
+		if ((e = _jc_retrieve_exception(env, trap->type)) == NULL)
+			continue;
+		/* Verbosity for caught exception */
+		if ((env->vm->verbose_flags
+		    & (1 << _JC_VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS)) != 0) {
+			_jc_printf(vm, "[verbose %s: caught via trap"
+			    " %d (%d-%d) in %s.%s%s in thread %p: ",
+			    _jc_verbose_names[_JC_VERBOSE_EXCEPTIONS],
+			    i, trap->start, trap->end,
+			    method->class->name, method->name,
+			    method->signature, env);
+			_jc_fprint_exception_headline(env, stdout, e);
+			_jc_printf(vm, "]\n");
+		}
+		/* Push exception and proceed with handler */
+		state.locals[code->max_locals] = (_jc_word)e;
+		sp = &state.locals[code->max_locals + 1];
+		JUMP(trap->target);
+	}
+	/* Exception not caught */
+	status = JNI_ERR;
+	goto exit;
+	status = JNI_OK;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(status == JNI_OK || env->head.pending != NULL);
+	/* De-synchronize if necessary */
+	if (lock != NULL) {
+		_jc_value retval;
+		/* Temporarily save return value */
+		retval = env->retval;
+		/* Unlock monitor */
+		if (_jc_unlock_object(env, lock) != JNI_OK)
+			status = JNI_ERR;
+		/* Restore return value */
+		env->retval = retval;
+	}
+	/* Pop Java stack frame */
+	env->java_stack =;
+	/* Done */
+	return status;
+    }
+ * Comparison function for binary search of lookupswitch tables.
+ */
+static int
+_jc_lookup_compare(const void *v1, const void *v2)
+	const _jc_lookup *const l1 = v1;
+	const _jc_lookup *const l2 = v2;
+	return (l1->match > l2->match) - (l1->match < l2->match);
+ * Look up a Java source file line number.
+ */
+_jc_interp_pc_to_jline(_jc_method *method, int index)
+	_jc_method_code *const code = &method->u.code;
+	_jc_linemap *base;
+	int span;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, RESOLVED));
+	_JC_ASSERT(index >= 0 && index < code->num_insns);
+	/* Binary search for line number */
+	for (base = code->linemaps, span = code->num_linemaps;
+	    span != 0; span >>= 1) {
+		_jc_linemap *const sample = &base[span >> 1];
+		if (index <= sample->index)
+			continue;
+		if (index > (sample + 1)->index) {
+			base = sample + 1;
+			span--;
+			continue;
+		}
+		return sample->line;
+	}
+	/* Not found */
+	return 0;
+ * Type-specific gateway functions into _jc_vinterp()
+ */
+#define _JC_INTERP_ENTRY(_letter, _name, _type, _rtn)			\
+_type									\
+_jc_ ## _name ## _ ## _letter(_jc_env *env, ...)			\
+{									\
+	va_list args;							\
+									\
+	va_start(args, env);						\
+	_jc_v ## _name(env, args);					\
+	va_end(args);							\
+	return _rtn;							\
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(z, interp, jboolean, env->retval.z)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(b, interp, jbyte, env->retval.b)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(c, interp, jchar, env->retval.c)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(s, interp, jshort, env->retval.s)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(i, interp, jint, env->retval.i)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(j, interp, jlong, env->retval.j)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(f, interp, jfloat, env->retval.f)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(d, interp, jdouble, env->retval.d)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(l, interp, _jc_object *, env->retval.l)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(v, interp, void, )
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(z, interp_native, jboolean, env->retval.z)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(b, interp_native, jbyte, env->retval.b)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(c, interp_native, jchar, env->retval.c)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(s, interp_native, jshort, env->retval.s)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(i, interp_native, jint, env->retval.i)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(j, interp_native, jlong, env->retval.j)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(f, interp_native, jfloat, env->retval.f)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(d, interp_native, jdouble, env->retval.d)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(l, interp_native, _jc_object *, env->retval.l)
+_JC_INTERP_ENTRY(v, interp_native, void, )
+ * Entry point for interpreted methods when invoked from ELF methods.
+ * We get here by way of a trampoline set up by _jc_build_trampoline(),
+ * which also sets env->interp to the method we are going to interpret.
+ */
+static void
+_jc_vinterp(_jc_env *env, va_list args)
+	_jc_method *const method = env->interp;
+	jboolean clipped_stack;
+	_jc_word *params;
+	_jc_object *this;
+	jint status;
+	int pnum;
+	int i;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, RESOLVED));
+	/* Allocate space for parameter array */
+	if ((params = _JC_STACK_ALLOC(env,
+	    method->u.code.num_params2)) == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		_jc_throw_exception(env);
+	}
+	/* Get 'this' if method is non-static */
+	this = !_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) ?
+	    va_arg(args, _jc_object *) : NULL;
+	/* Get method parameters, occupying two slots for long/double */
+	for (pnum = i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		switch (method->param_ptypes[i]) {
+			params[pnum++] = (jint)(jboolean)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+			params[pnum++] = (jint)(jbyte)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+			params[pnum++] = (jint)(jchar)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+			params[pnum++] = (jint)(jshort)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+			params[pnum++] = va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		    {
+			jfloat param = (jfloat)va_arg(args, jdouble);
+			memcpy(params + pnum, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pnum++;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		    {
+			jlong param = va_arg(args, jlong);
+			memcpy(params + pnum, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pnum += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_DOUBLE:
+		    {
+			jdouble param = va_arg(args, jdouble);
+			memcpy(params + pnum, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pnum += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+			params[pnum++] = (_jc_word)va_arg(args, _jc_object *);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	_JC_ASSERT(pnum == method->u.code.num_params2);
+	/* Clip the current top of the Java stack */
+	clipped_stack = !env->java_stack->interp && _jc_stack_clip(env);
+	/* Invoke method */
+	status = _jc_interp(env, method, this, params);
+	/* Unclip the current top of the Java stack */
+	if (clipped_stack)
+		_jc_stack_unclip(env);
+	/* Throw exception if any */
+	if (status != JNI_OK)
+		_jc_throw_exception(env);
+ * Same thing as _jc_vinterp() but for native methods.
+ */
+static void
+_jc_vinterp_native(_jc_env *env, va_list args)
+	_jc_method *const method = env->interp;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, RESOLVED));
+	/* Invoke method */
+	if (_jc_invoke_native_method(env, method, JNI_FALSE, args) != JNI_OK)
+		_jc_throw_exception(env);

Added: incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/libjc/invoke.c
--- incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/libjc/invoke.c (added)
+++ incubator/harmony/enhanced/trunk/sandbox/contribs/jchevm/jchevm/libjc/invoke.c Tue Oct  4 19:19:16 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,1014 @@
+ * Copyright 2005 The Apache Software Foundation or its licensors,
+ * as applicable.
+ * 
+ *  Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ *  you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ *  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ * 
+ *
+ * 
+ *  Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ *  distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ *  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ *  See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ *  limitations under the License.
+ *
+ * $Id: invoke.c,v 1.17 2005/07/10 21:03:54 archiecobbs Exp $
+ */
+#include "libjc.h"
+ * These functions invoke a Java method. The thread status must already
+ *
+ * Reference method parameters are either "raw" object references or
+ * "wrapped" native object references. "Normal" Java code executes
+ * using unwrapped references, while JNI functions use "wrapped"
+ * references, both when being invoked and when invoking other methods.
+ *
+ * So there are three flavors of invocation functions defined here:
+ *
+ * (1) Accepts unwrapped parameters, invokes with unwrapped parameters
+ * (2) Accepts wrapped parameters, invokes with unwrapped parameters
+ * (3) Accepts unwrapped parameters, invokes with wrapped parameters
+ *
+ * (1) is used for normal Java, (2) for the JNI Call<Type>XXXMethodX()
+ * functions, and (3) for when normal Java needs to invoke a JNI native
+ * function. The (2) functions have "unwrap" in their names while the
+ * (3) functions have "jni" in their names. In cases (1) and (2) we
+ * must catch thrown exceptions. In case (3) exceptions are only posted,
+ * not thrown.
+ *
+ * There are three kinds of Java method invocation: non-virtual, virtual,
+ * and static. We don't need virtual for case (3) because native methods
+ * have already been virtually resolved by the time we get here.
+ *
+ * Finally, there are three types of C function that can be used: a
+ * variadic funtion, a function that takes a va_list, and a function that
+ * takes an array of _jc_word or jvalues.
+ *
+ * All (1) or (2) functions go through _jc_invoke_jcni_a() which is the
+ * "gateway" function between internal libjc code and "normal" JCNI Java
+ * object code. Note that it must catch all thrown exceptions (because
+ * no exceptions may be thrown within libjc), and so requires a trap table,
+ * line number table, etc. All (3) functions go through _jc_invoke_jni_a().
+ *
+ * If the method returns normally, JNI_OK is returned and the return
+ * value from the method is stored in env->retval. Note that the return
+ * value is always a _jc_value, even if for the "wrapped" functions.
+ * This means that callers of "wrapped" functions returning object
+ * references must do the "wrapping" themselves (e.g., by calling
+ * "_jc_new_local_native_ref(env, env->retval.l)") before doing anything
+ * else that could cause a GC cycle, etc.
+ *
+ * Otherwise, JNI_ERR is returned and an exception is posted to the thread.
+ *
+ * Note that it is not necessary for the caller to retain native references
+ * to 'this' or any object parameters, as they will be visible to the GC
+ * scan via the normal stack scanning mechanism.
+ */
+/* Internal functions */
+static jint	_jc_invoke_unwrap_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+			const void *func, jobject obj, va_list args);
+static jint	_jc_invoke_unwrap_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+			const void *func, jobject obj, jvalue *jparams);
+ *			Non-virtual method invocation			*
+ ************************************************************************/
+_jc_invoke_nonvirtual(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, _jc_object *this, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	jint status;
+	va_start(args, this);
+	status = _jc_invoke_v(env, method,
+	    method->function, this, args, JNI_FALSE);
+	va_end(args);
+	return status;
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_nonvirtual(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	jobject this, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	jint status;
+	va_start(args, this);
+	status = _jc_invoke_unwrap_v(env, method, method->function, this, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return status;
+_jc_invoke_nonvirtual_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	_jc_object *this, va_list args)
+	return _jc_invoke_v(env, method,
+	    method->function, this, args, JNI_FALSE);
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_nonvirtual_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	jobject this, va_list args)
+	return _jc_invoke_unwrap_v(env, method, method->function, this, args);
+_jc_invoke_nonvirtual_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	_jc_object *this, _jc_word *params)
+	return _jc_invoke_jcni_a(env, method, method->function, this, params);
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_nonvirtual_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	jobject this, jvalue *params)
+	return _jc_invoke_unwrap_a(env, method, method->function, this, params);
+ *			Virtual method invocation			*
+ ************************************************************************/
+_jc_invoke_virtual(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, _jc_object *this, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	jint status;
+	va_start(args, this);
+	status = _jc_invoke_virtual_v(env, method, this, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return status;
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_virtual(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, jobject this, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	jint status;
+	va_start(args, this);
+	status = _jc_invoke_unwrap_virtual_v(env, method, this, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return status;
+_jc_invoke_virtual_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	_jc_object *this, va_list args)
+	const void *func;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(*method->name != '<');
+	/* Check for null */
+	if (this == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_NullPointerException);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	/* Virtual method lookup */
+	func = this->type->vtable[method->vtable_index];
+	/* Invoke it */
+	return _jc_invoke_v(env, method, func, this, args, JNI_FALSE);
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_virtual_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	jobject this, va_list args)
+	const void *func;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(strcmp(method->name, "<init>") != 0);
+	/* Check for null */
+	if (this == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_NullPointerException);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	_JC_ASSERT(*this != NULL);
+	/* Virtual method lookup */
+	func = (*this)->type->vtable[method->vtable_index];
+	/* Invoke it */
+	return _jc_invoke_unwrap_v(env, method, func, this, args);
+_jc_invoke_virtual_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	_jc_object *this, _jc_word *params)
+	const void *func;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(strcmp(method->name, "<init>") != 0);
+	/* Check for null */
+	if (this == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_NullPointerException);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	/* Virtual method lookup */
+	func = this->type->vtable[method->vtable_index];
+	/* Invoke it */
+	return _jc_invoke_jcni_a(env, method, func, this, params);
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_virtual_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	jobject this, jvalue *params)
+	const void *func;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(strcmp(method->name, "<init>") != 0);
+	/* Check for null */
+	if (this == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_NullPointerException);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	_JC_ASSERT(*this != NULL);
+	/* Virtual method lookup */
+	func = (*this)->type->vtable[method->vtable_index];
+	/* Invoke it */
+	return _jc_invoke_unwrap_a(env, method, func, this, params);
+ *			Static method invocation			*
+ ************************************************************************/
+_jc_invoke_static(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	jint status;
+	va_start(args, method);
+	status = _jc_invoke_static_v(env, method, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return status;
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_static(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, ...)
+	va_list args;
+	jint status;
+	va_start(args, method);
+	status = _jc_invoke_unwrap_static_v(env, method, args);
+	va_end(args);
+	return status;
+_jc_invoke_static_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, va_list args)
+	jint status;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	/* Initialize class if necessary */
+	if (!_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, INITIALIZED)
+	    && (status = _jc_initialize_type(env, method->class)) != JNI_OK)
+		return status;
+	/* Invoke method */
+	return _jc_invoke_v(env, method,
+	    method->function, NULL, args, JNI_FALSE);
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_static_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, va_list args)
+	jobject class;
+	jint status;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(method->class->instance != NULL);
+	/* Initialize class if necessary */
+	if (!_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, INITIALIZED)
+	    && (status = _jc_initialize_type(env, method->class)) != JNI_OK)
+		return status;
+	/* Wrap class object */
+	if ((class = _jc_new_local_native_ref(env,
+	    method->class->instance)) == NULL)
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	/* Invoke method */
+	status = _jc_invoke_unwrap_v(env,
+	    method, method->function, class, args);
+	/* Free native reference to class object */
+	_jc_free_local_native_ref(&class);
+	/* Done */
+	return status;
+_jc_invoke_static_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, _jc_word *params)
+	jint status;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	/* Initialize class if necessary */
+	if (!_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, INITIALIZED)
+	    && (status = _jc_initialize_type(env, method->class)) != JNI_OK)
+		return status;
+	/* Invoke method */
+	return _jc_invoke_jcni_a(env, method, method->function, NULL, params);
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_static_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method, jvalue *params)
+	jobject class;
+	jint status;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(method->class->instance != NULL);
+	/* Initialize class if necessary */
+	if (!_JC_FLG_TEST(method->class, INITIALIZED)
+	    && (status = _jc_initialize_type(env, method->class)) != JNI_OK)
+		return status;
+	/* Wrap class object */
+	if ((class = _jc_new_local_native_ref(env,
+	    method->class->instance)) == NULL)
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	/* Invoke method */
+	status = _jc_invoke_unwrap_a(env,
+	    method, method->function, class, params);
+	/* Free native reference to class object */
+	_jc_free_local_native_ref(&class);
+	/* Done */
+	return status;
+ *		Generic 'va_list' method invocation			*
+ ************************************************************************/
+_jc_invoke_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	const void *func, _jc_object *obj, va_list args, jboolean jni)
+	_jc_word *params;
+	int nwords;
+	int pi;
+	int i;
+	/* Count parameter words */
+	nwords = method->num_parameters;
+	for (i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		if (_jc_dword_type[method->param_ptypes[i]])
+			nwords++;
+	}
+	/* Allocate array of _jc_word's to hold the parameters */
+	if ((params = _JC_STACK_ALLOC(env, nwords * sizeof(*params))) == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	/* Copy variadic arguments to the _jc_word array */
+	for (pi = i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		const int ptype = method->param_ptypes[i];
+		switch (ptype) {
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jboolean)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jbyte)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jchar)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jshort)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+			params[pi++] = va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		    {
+			const jfloat param = va_arg(args, jdouble);
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi++;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		    {
+			const jlong param = va_arg(args, jlong);
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_DOUBLE:
+		    {
+			const jdouble param = va_arg(args, jdouble);
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+			params[pi++] = (_jc_word)va_arg(args, _jc_object *);
+			break;
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Invoke method */
+	return jni ?
+	    _jc_invoke_jni_a(env, method, func, obj, params) :
+	    _jc_invoke_jcni_a(env, method, func, obj, params);
+static jint
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_v(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	const void *func, jobject obj, va_list args)
+	_jc_word *params;
+	_jc_object *this;
+	int nwords;
+	int pi;
+	int i;
+	/* Count parameter words */
+	nwords = method->num_parameters;
+	for (i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		if (_jc_dword_type[method->param_ptypes[i]])
+			nwords++;
+	}
+	/* Allocate array of _jc_word's to hold the parameters */
+	if ((params = _JC_STACK_ALLOC(env, nwords * sizeof(*params))) == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	/* Copy "unwrapped" variadic arguments to the _jc_word array */
+	for (pi = i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		const int ptype = method->param_ptypes[i];
+		switch (ptype) {
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jboolean)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jbyte)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jchar)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)(jshort)va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+			params[pi++] = va_arg(args, jint);
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		    {
+			const jfloat param = va_arg(args, jdouble);
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi++;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		    {
+			const jlong param = va_arg(args, jlong);
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_DOUBLE:
+		    {
+			const jdouble param = va_arg(args, jdouble);
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+		    {
+			const jobject param = va_arg(args, jobject);
+			params[pi++] = (_jc_word)
+			    ((param != NULL) ? *param : NULL);
+			break;
+		    }
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Unwrap "this" */
+	this = (!_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) && obj != NULL) ? *obj : NULL;
+	/* Invoke method */
+	return _jc_invoke_jcni_a(env, method, func, this, params);
+ *		Generic 'value list' method invocation			*
+ ************************************************************************/
+ * Invoke a JNI method using supplied parameters.
+ */
+_jc_invoke_jni_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	const void *func, _jc_object *obj, _jc_word *params)
+	JNIEnv *jenv = _JC_ENV2JNI(env);
+	_jc_method *previous_jni_method;
+	jboolean clipped_stack_top = JNI_FALSE;
+	jboolean pushed_frame = JNI_FALSE;
+	jboolean got_monitor = JNI_FALSE;
+	_jc_native_frame frame;
+	jint status = JNI_ERR;
+	int num_ref_params;
+	_jc_word *params2;
+	u_char *ptypes;
+	jobject ref;
+	int nparams2;
+	int i;
+	int j;
+	/* Sanity check */
+	    || env->status == _JC_THRDSTAT_HALTING_NORMAL);
+	_JC_ASSERT(func != NULL);
+	/* Count number of method parameters, counting long/double twice */
+	nparams2 = method->num_parameters;
+	for (i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		if (_jc_dword_type[method->param_ptypes[i]])
+			nparams2++;
+	}
+	/* Check for null */
+	if (!_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) && obj == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_NullPointerException);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	_JC_ASSERT(_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) == (obj == NULL));
+	/* JNI requires Class instance passed for static methods */
+	if (_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC))
+		obj = method->class->instance;
+	/* Push a new local native reference frame (allocated on the stack) */
+	_jc_push_stack_local_native_frame(env, &frame);
+	pushed_frame = JNI_TRUE;
+	/* Ensure enough local native references for all parameters */
+	num_ref_params = 1;		/* for the implicit object parameter */
+	for (i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		const int ptype = method->param_ptypes[i];
+		if (ptype == _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE)
+			num_ref_params++;
+	}
+	if (num_ref_params + _JC_NATIVE_REFS_MIN_PER_FRAME
+	    && _jc_extend_local_native_frame(env, num_ref_params
+		goto done;
+	/* Create array of C function parameters */
+	if ((params2 = _JC_STACK_ALLOC(env, (2 + nparams2) * sizeof(*params2)
+	    + (2 + method->num_parameters + 1))) == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	params2[0] = (_jc_word)jenv;
+	ref = _jc_new_local_native_ref(env, obj);
+	_JC_ASSERT(ref != NULL);
+	params2[1] = (_jc_word)ref;
+	for (i = 0, j = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		const int ptype = method->param_ptypes[i];
+		/* Wrap reference parameters in a local native reference */
+		if (ptype == _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE) {
+			_jc_object *const pobj = (_jc_object *)*params++;
+			ref = _jc_new_local_native_ref(env, pobj);
+			_JC_ASSERT(pobj == NULL || ref != NULL);
+			params2[2 + j++] = (_jc_word)ref;
+		} else {
+			params2[2 + j++] = *params++;
+			if (_jc_dword_type[ptype])
+				params2[2 + j++] = *params++;
+		}
+	}
+	_JC_ASSERT(j == nparams2);
+	nparams2 += 2;
+	/* Set up parameter types */
+	ptypes = (u_char *)(params2 + nparams2);
+	ptypes[0] = _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE;		/* JNIEnv parameter */
+	ptypes[1] = _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE;		/* 'this' or Class object */
+	memcpy(ptypes + 2, method->param_ptypes, method->num_parameters + 1);
+	/* Synchronized? */
+	if (_JC_ACC_TEST(method, SYNCHRONIZED)) {
+		if (_jc_lock_object(env, obj) != JNI_OK)
+			goto done;
+		got_monitor = JNI_TRUE;
+	}
+	/* Keep track of the inner-most JNI method */
+	previous_jni_method = env->jni_method;
+	env->jni_method = method;
+	/* Clip the current top of the Java stack if not clipped already */
+	clipped_stack_top = _jc_stack_clip(env);
+	/* Going native */
+	_jc_stopping_java(env, NULL);
+	/* Invoke the method */
+	_jc_dynamic_invoke(func, JNI_FALSE, 2 + method->num_parameters,
+	    ptypes, nparams2, params2, &env->retval);
+	/* Returning from native */
+	_jc_resuming_java(env);
+	/* Unclip stack */
+	if (clipped_stack_top)
+		_jc_stack_unclip(env);
+	/* Restore inner-most JNI method on the stack */
+	env->jni_method = previous_jni_method;
+	/* Return an error if an exception was posted */
+	status = (env->head.pending != NULL) ? JNI_ERR : JNI_OK;
+	/* Pop local native reference frame */
+	if (pushed_frame)
+		_jc_pop_local_native_frame(env, NULL);
+	/* Synchronized? */
+	if (got_monitor) {
+		_jc_value retval;
+		jint status2;
+		retval = env->retval;
+		if ((status2 = _jc_unlock_object(env, obj)) != JNI_OK)
+			status = status2;
+		env->retval = retval;
+	}
+	/*
+	 * If an exception was thrown, reset return value for good measure.
+	 * Otherwise, convert jvalue -> _jc_value.
+	 */
+	if (status != JNI_OK)
+		memset(&env->retval, 0, sizeof(env->retval));
+	else if (method->param_ptypes[method->num_parameters]
+	    == _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE) {
+		ref = (jobject)env->retval.l;
+		env->retval.l = (ref != NULL) ? *ref : NULL;
+	}
+	/* Done */
+	return status;
+ * Invoke a JCNI method using supplied 'wrapped' parameters.
+ */
+static jint
+_jc_invoke_unwrap_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	const void *func, jobject obj, jvalue *jparams)
+	_jc_word *params;
+	_jc_object *this;
+	int nwords;
+	int pi;
+	int i;
+	/* Count parameter words */
+	nwords = method->num_parameters;
+	for (i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		if (_jc_dword_type[method->param_ptypes[i]])
+			nwords++;
+	}
+	/* Allocate array of _jc_word's to hold the parameters */
+	if ((params = _JC_STACK_ALLOC(env, nwords * sizeof(*params))) == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		return JNI_ERR;
+	}
+	/* Copy "unwrapped" variadic arguments to the _jc_word array */
+	for (pi = i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		const int ptype = method->param_ptypes[i];
+		switch (ptype) {
+			params[pi++] = (jint)jparams[i].z;
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_BYTE:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)jparams[i].b;
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_CHAR:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)jparams[i].c;
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_SHORT:
+			params[pi++] = (jint)jparams[i].s;
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_INT:
+			params[pi++] = jparams[i].i;
+			break;
+		case _JC_TYPE_FLOAT:
+		    {
+			const jfloat param = jparams[i].f;
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi++;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_LONG:
+		    {
+			const jlong param = jparams[i].j;
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+		case _JC_TYPE_DOUBLE:
+		    {
+			const jdouble param = jparams[i].d;
+			memcpy(params + pi, &param, sizeof(param));
+			pi += 2;
+			break;
+		    }
+		    {
+			const jobject param = jparams[i].l;
+			params[pi++] = (_jc_word)
+			    ((param != NULL) ? *param : NULL);
+			break;
+		    }
+		default:
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+	/* Unwrap "this" */
+	this = (!_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) && obj != NULL) ? *obj : NULL;
+	/* Invoke method */
+	return _jc_invoke_jcni_a(env, method, func, this, params);
+ * Invoke a JCNI method using supplied 'value list' parameters.
+ *
+ * This function is the main "gateway" from the libjc world (where exceptions
+ * are posted, not thrown) to the Java world (where exceptions are explicitly
+ * thrown by unwinding the stack). Any exceptions thrown by the invoked method
+ * cause this function to return JNI_ERR instead of JNI_OK (and the field
+ * env->head.pending contains the exception).
+ *
+ * In order to catch exceptions thrown by Java code, we rely on the function
+ * _jc_throw_exception() specially recognizing this function on the stack.
+ * Therefore we have to look somewhat like a compiled Java method, with a
+ * method table entry and line number table, etc.
+ *
+ * If the method is static, 'obj' should be NULL and is not passed as a
+ * parameter as JCNI does not pass the Class object to static methods.
+ */
+ * Method descriptor for _jc_invoke_jcni_a(), so that it can be found
+ * in a stack trace like compiled Java methods. Note the "function" and
+ * "function_end" values are computed at runtime in _jc_create_vm().
+ */
+const _jc_method _jc_invoke_jcni_a$method_info = {
+	.name=			"_jc_invoke_jcni_a",
+	.signature=		"()V",
+_jc_invoke_jcni_a(_jc_env *env, _jc_method *method,
+	const void *func, _jc_object *volatile obj, _jc_word *volatile params)
+	_jc_jvm *const vm = env->vm;
+	volatile jboolean pushed_java_stack = JNI_FALSE;
+	volatile jboolean pushed_native_frame = JNI_FALSE;
+	volatile jboolean set_stack_limit = JNI_FALSE;
+	volatile jboolean got_monitor = JNI_FALSE;
+	volatile jboolean clipped_stack_top = JNI_FALSE;
+	volatile jint status = JNI_ERR;
+	_jc_word *volatile params2 = NULL;		/* avoid gcc warning */
+	_jc_exec_stack java_stack;
+	_jc_native_frame frame;
+	_jc_catch_frame catch;
+	u_char *ptypes;
+	int nparams2;
+	int i;
+	/* Define exception traps */
+	_JC_DEFINE_TRAPS(env, catch, &vm->invoke_method, &&exception);
+	/* Sanity check */
+	    || env->status == _JC_THRDSTAT_HALTING_NORMAL);
+	/* Check for null (non-static methods only) */
+	if (!_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) && obj == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception(env, _JC_NullPointerException);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	_JC_ASSERT(_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) == (obj == NULL));
+	/* Clip the current top of the Java stack if not clipped already */
+	clipped_stack_top = _jc_stack_clip(env);
+	/* Push a new local native reference frame (allocated on the stack) */
+	_jc_push_stack_local_native_frame(env, &frame);
+	pushed_native_frame = JNI_TRUE;
+	/* Mark the stack overflow limit */
+	if (env->stack_limit == NULL) {
+		if (env->stack_size == 0)
+			env->stack_size = vm->threads.stack_default;
+		env->stack_limit = (char *)&env - env->stack_size
+		env->stack_limit = (char *)&env + env->stack_size
+		set_stack_limit = JNI_TRUE;
+	}
+	/* Sanity check */
+	_JC_ASSERT(func != NULL);
+	/* Count number of method parameters, counting long/double twice */
+	nparams2 = method->num_parameters;
+	for (i = 0; i < method->num_parameters; i++) {
+		if (_jc_dword_type[method->param_ptypes[i]])
+			nparams2++;
+	}
+	/* Create array of _jc_word's for the C function parameters */
+	if ((params2 = _JC_STACK_ALLOC(env, (2 + nparams2) * sizeof(*params2)
+	    + (2 + method->num_parameters + 1))) == NULL) {
+		_jc_post_exception_info(env);
+		goto done;
+	}
+	if (!_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC)) {
+		params2[0] = (_jc_word)env;
+		params2[1] = (_jc_word)obj;
+		memcpy(params2 + 2, params, nparams2 * sizeof(*params2));
+		nparams2 += 2;
+		ptypes = (u_char *)(params2 + nparams2);
+		ptypes[0] = _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE;
+		ptypes[1] = _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE;
+		memcpy(ptypes + 2, method->param_ptypes,
+		    method->num_parameters + 1);
+	} else {
+		params2[0] = (_jc_word)env;
+		memcpy(params2 + 1, params, nparams2 * sizeof(*params2));
+		nparams2++;
+		ptypes = (u_char *)(params2 + nparams2);
+		ptypes[0] = _JC_TYPE_REFERENCE;
+		memcpy(ptypes + 1, method->param_ptypes,
+		    method->num_parameters + 1);
+	}
+	/* Synchronize native methods; non-native code synchronizes itself */
+	    && func == method->native_function) {
+		if (_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC))
+			obj = method->class->instance;
+		if (_jc_lock_object(env, obj) != JNI_OK)
+			goto done;
+		got_monitor = JNI_TRUE;
+	}
+	/* Start a new contiguous Java stack frame sequence */
+	memset(&java_stack, 0, sizeof(java_stack));
+	java_stack.jstack.interp = JNI_FALSE;
+ = env->java_stack;
+	java_stack.pc = NULL;
+#ifndef NDEBUG
+	_jc_stack_frame_init(&java_stack.frame);
+	env->java_stack = &java_stack.jstack;
+	pushed_java_stack = JNI_TRUE;
+	/* Invoke the method */
+	_jc_dynamic_invoke(func, JNI_TRUE,
+	    (_JC_ACC_TEST(method, STATIC) ? 1 : 2) + method->num_parameters,
+	    ptypes, nparams2, params2, &env->retval);
+	/* No exceptions were thrown */
+	status = JNI_OK;
+	goto done;
+	/* Handle any caught exceptions by re-posting them */
+	_jc_post_exception_object(env, env->head.caught);
+	env->head.caught = NULL;
+	status = JNI_ERR;
+	/* Pop local native reference frame and Java stack frame segment */
+	if (pushed_java_stack)
+		env->java_stack =;
+	if (pushed_native_frame)
+		_jc_pop_local_native_frame(env, NULL);
+	if (set_stack_limit)
+		env->stack_limit = NULL;
+	/* Unclip stack */
+	if (clipped_stack_top)
+		_jc_stack_unclip(env);
+	/* Synchronized? */
+	if (got_monitor) {
+		_jc_value retval;
+		jint status2;
+		retval = env->retval;
+		if ((status2 = _jc_unlock_object(env, obj)) != JNI_OK)
+			status = status2;
+		env->retval = retval;
+	}
+	/* If an exception was thrown, reset return value */
+	if (status != JNI_OK)
+		memset(&env->retval, 0, sizeof(env->retval));
+	/* Unlink catch frame */
+	_JC_CANCEL_TRAPS(env, catch);
+	/* Done */
+	return status;