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Posted to by Henri Yandell <> on 2002/06/24 17:00:27 UTC

Solution? Re: unmavenising Commons projects

I think this thread has done a nice job of bringing the build file
problems to peoples eyes. I don't think anyone has been anti the benefits
of Maven, but there are many who are not convinced enough by Maven to want
to throw out any existing solutions.

There is a fair amount of confusion over the fact that Maven does not need
to replace the existing build.xml, but I think that fact is getting

We have 3 types of project in Commons re: this issue at the moment.

1) Old projects, unmavenised.
2) Old projects, mavenised by changing build.xml.
3) New projects, built from the beginning with Maven.

I would like to suggest that we begin with the following in the short

1) They stay the same.
2) We move the build.xml's to build-maven.xml and rollback to the old ant
3) We request that these projects support the very informal standard of a
build-maven.xml and a build.xml. This might be resisted and a pain.

In the medium term:

1,2,3) We mavenise all these outside CVS using the latest CVS-HEAD of
Maven. The outputted websites are built nightly as an exercise and made
available to developers. The project.xml's and can be
committed to the projects, but we would not commit a build.xml for Maven.
Instead we would use a script, be it Java, Bash or Dos.

James Strachan and I have been working on this. I put all of Commons in a
single Maven project last night and built an all-mighty, god-awful website
from it. And have complained about various issues to the mavenites. While
this is not how we propose to handle the Commons project with maven, it's
a nice test under load [and fun besides].

In the medium/long term:

1,2,3) We choose Maven as the build tool of choice for Jakarta Commons,
having wowed Craig, Costin et al so much they're gagging for it. I leave
that primarily up to the Mavenites :)


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