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Posted to by Doug Bloebaum <> on 1998/09/25 13:16:02 UTC

hits/second strip chart

We humbly submit the following perl/Tk script which draws a strip
chart of apache's hits per second.  Is there something better out
there that does a similar thing?

#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w

# Usage: hitmeter <server> <interval>

# using Tk, draw a simple strip chart showing an Apache httpd's
# hits/second over a given interval and a high water mark over the
# life of the chart.  Requires mod_status.o, and makes gross
# assumptions about the format of its output.

use strict;

use Tk; 
use LWP::Simple;

my $usage = "Usage: $0 <server> [<interval>]\n";
my $server = shift or die $usage;

# Things you might want to change...
my $width = 200;		# width of chart in pixels
my $height = 100;		# height of chart in pixels
my $scale = 1;			# multiplier for line height
my $interval = shift;		# seconds between checks
$interval = 1 unless defined $interval;
my $serverStatusUrl = "http://$server/server-status?auto";

# Things you can ignore...
my $lastSec = 0;
my $lastAcc = 0;

$SIG{ALRM} = \&catch_alarm;

my $mw = MainWindow->new;
my $c = $mw->Canvas(-width => $width,
		    -height => $height,
		    -bg => 'white');
my $t = $c->createText(5,5,
		       -anchor => 'nw',
		       -text => "Starting ...");
alarm 1;

my (%l, $i, $high, $ave, $res, $sec, $acc, $secDelta, $accDelta);
my $highWaterMark = $c->createLine(0,0,0,0);

sub catch_alarm {
  $_ = LWP::Simple::get($serverStatusUrl);
  ($sec) = /Uptime: ([0-9]+)/;
  ($acc) = /Total Accesses: ([0-9]+)/;

  unless (defined($sec) && defined($acc)) {
    warn "$0: Couldn't find my data from $serverStatusUrl\n";
    die "$0: Here's what $serverStatusUrl returned: \n$_\n";

  $secDelta = $sec - $lastSec;
  $accDelta = $acc - $lastAcc;
  $ave = int(($accDelta / $secDelta) + 0.5);
  $high = 0 unless defined $high;
  $high = $ave if $high < $ave;


  for ($i=0;$i<$width;$i++) {
  $l{$width} = $c->createLine($width,$height,
		    -text => "hits/sec: " . $ave . " high: " . $high);
  $highWaterMark = $c->createLine(0,$height-$scale*$high,
				  -fill => 'blue');
  $lastSec = $sec;
  $lastAcc = $acc;
  alarm $interval;