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[1/2] samza git commit: SAMZA-1915: Added docs for table API

Repository: samza
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 11471672d -> 6c9715fbc
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+           dx="0">TableReadFunction</tspan></tspan></text>
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+layout: page
+title: Samza Table API
+   Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+   contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+   this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+   The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
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+   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+   WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+   limitations under the License.
+# Introduction
+Samza Table API is an abstraction for data sources that support random 
+access by key, which simplifies stream-table-join. It is the natural 
+evolution of the existing [storage API] (, 
+and it offers support for both local and remote data sources and 
+composition through hybrid tables.
+For various reasons, a real-time stream often only contain minimal or a 
+small amount of information, and may need to be augmented with richer 
+information fetched from adjunct data sources through joining. This is 
+quite common in advertising, relevance ranking, fraud detection, and 
+other domains. However, there exists a wide variety of data stores with 
+different characteristics and levels of sophistication. Samza Table API 
+simplifies the application developer experience by hiding the details of 
+individual technologies, while making it easier to migrate from one 
+technology to another.
+For remote data sources, the Samza remote table provides optimized access 
+such as caching, rate-limiting, retry and batching (future) support.
+In addition, more advanced functionalities can be provided through table 
+composition. For example, bootstrapping a stream is often used to build 
+an authoritative local cache, and today stream processing has to wait 
+until bootstrap is completed. A hybrid table can provide access to remote 
+data source while the local cache is being built, so that stream processing 
+could begin earlier.
+Application developers can now take advantage of the aforementioned benefits, 
+which are all encapsulated under the Samza Table API.
+# Sample Applications
+Sample applications demonstrating how to use Samza Table API can be found 
+[here] (
+# Architecture and Concepts
+The diagram below illustrates the overall architecture of Samza Table API. 
+Let’s look at a few concepts before diving into the API.
+[`Table`] ( - 
+This interface represents a dataset that can be accessed by key. We support 
+two types of tables: read-only and read-write. A table can be accessed either 
+synchronously or asynchronously and a request may contain one or more keys. 
+There are three broad categories of tables: local, remote and hybrid.
+[`ReadableTable`] ( - 
+Interface that represents a read-only table. It implements Table.
+[`ReadWriteTable`] ( - 
+Interface that represents a read-write table. It implements Table.
+[`TableDescriptor`] ( - 
+User-facing object that contains metadata that completely describes a table. 
+It may include identifier, serialization, provider, configuration, etc. 
+Example implementations of this interface are
+* [`RemoteTableDescriptor`] ( 
+ facilitates access to remotely stored data, 
+* [`InMemoryTableDescriptor`] ( 
+ describes a table stored in-memory, and 
+* [`RocksDbTableDescriptor`] ( 
+ describes a table stored in RocksDB.
+# Table Sync and Async API
+Samza Table supports both synchronous and asynchronous API. Below is an example for 
+the **`get`** operation.
+{% highlight java %}
+ /**
+   * Gets the value associated with the specified {@code key}.
+   *
+   * @param key the key with which the associated value is to be fetched.
+   * @return if found, the value associated with the specified {@code key}; 
+   * otherwise, {@code null}.
+   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code key} is {@code null}.
+   */
+  V get(K key);
+ /**
+   * Asynchronously gets the value associated with the specified {@code key}.
+   *
+   * @param key the key with which the associated value is to be fetched.
+   * @return completableFuture for the requested value
+   * @throws NullPointerException if the specified {@code key} is {@code null}.
+   */
+  CompletableFuture<V> getAsync(K key);
+{% endhighlight %}
+# Using Table with Samza High Level API
+The code snippet below illustrates the usage of table in Samza high level API.
+{% highlight java %}
+ 1  class SamzaStreamApplication implements StreamApplication {
+ 2    @Override
+ 3    public void describe(StreamApplicationDescriptor appDesc) {
+ 4      TableDescriptor<Integer, Profile> desc = new InMemoryTableDescriptor(
+ 5          "t1", KVSerde.of(new IntegerSerde(), new ProfileJsonSerde()));
+ 6 
+ 7      Table<KV<Integer, Profile>> table = appDesc.getTable(desc);
+ 8 
+ 9      appDesc.getInputStream("PageView", new NoOpSerde<PageView>())
+10          .map(new MyMapFunc())
+11          .join(table, new MyJoinFunc())
+12          .sendTo(anotherTable);
+13    }
+14  }
+16  static class MyMapFunc implements MapFunction<PageView, KV<Integer, PageView>> {
+17    private ReadableTable<Integer, Profile> profileTable;
+19    @Override
+20    public void init(Config config, TaskContext context) {
+21      profileTable = (ReadableTable<Integer, Profile>) context.getTable("t1");
+22    }
+24    @Override
+25    public KV<Integer, PageView> apply(PageView message) {
+26      return new KV.of(message.getId(), message);
+27    }
+28  }
+30  static class MyJoinFunc implements StreamTableJoinFunction
+31      <Integer, KV<Integer, PageView>, KV<Integer, Profile>, EnrichedPageView> {
+33    @Override
+34    public EnrichedPageView apply(KV<Integer, PageView> m, KV<Integer, Profile> r) {
+35      counterPerJoinFn.get(this.currentSeqNo).incrementAndGet();
+36        return r == null ? null : new EnrichedPageView(
+37            m.getValue().getPageKey(), m.getKey(), r.getValue().getCompany());
+38    }
+39  }
+{% endhighlight %}
+In the code snippet above, we read from an input stream, perform transformation, 
+join with a table and finally write the output to another table.
+1. Line 4-5: A `TableDescriptor` for an in-memory table is created, and then 
+   the serde is set. 
+2. Line 7: A table object is created from the `TableDescriptor`; internally, 
+   the `TableDescriptor` is converted to a `TableSpec`, and registered with the 
+   `TaskApplicationDescriptor`. The table object has a reference to the `TableSpec`.
+3. Line 9: creates an `InputStream`
+4. Line 10: applies a map operator defined in line 16-28, all table instances 
+   can be accessed from the task context in `Task.init()`. In this example, 
+   it is stored in a local variable.
+5. Line 11: joins the mapped stream with the table using the supplied join 
+   function defined in lines 30-39.
+6. Line 12: writes the join result stream to another table
+# Using Table with Samza Low Level API
+The code snippet below illustrates the usage of table in Samza low level API.
+{% highlight java %}
+ 1  class SamzaTaskApplication implements TaskApplication {
+ 2  
+ 3  @Override
+ 4  public void describe(TaskApplicationDescriptor appDesc) {
+ 5    DelegatingSystemDescriptor ksd = new DelegatingSystemDescriptor("mySystem");
+ 6 
+ 7    TableDescriptor<Integer, Profile> tableDesc = new InMemoryTableDescriptor(
+ 8        "T1", KVSerde.of(new IntegerSerde(), new ProfileJsonSerde()));
+ 9    GenericInputDescriptor<Profile> profileISD = ksd.getInputDescriptor("Profile", new NoOpSerde<>());
+11   appDesc.addTable(tableDesc); 
+12   appDesc.addInputStream(profileISD);  
+13 }
+16  public class MyStreamTask implements StreamTask, InitableTask {
+17    private ReadWriteTable<Integer, Profile> profileTable;
+19    @Override
+20    public void init(Config config, TaskContext context) {
+21      profileTable = (ReadWriteTable<Integer, Profile>) context.getTable("t1");
+22    }
+24    @Override
+25    public void process(IncomingMessageEnvelope envelope, MessageCollector collector, TaskCoordinator coordinator) {
+26      String key = (String)message.getKey();
+27      Profile profile = (Profile)message.getMessage();
+28      profileTable.put(key, profile);
+29    }
+30  }
+{% endhighlight %}
+In the code snippet above, we read from an input stream, perform transformation, 
+join with a table and finally write the output to another table.
+1. Line 7-8: A `TableDescriptor` for an in-memory table is created with tableId “t1”, 
+     and then the serde is set. 
+2. Line 9: creates an `InputStreamDescriptor`.
+3. Line 11-12: adds `TableDescriptor` and `InputStreamDescriptor` to the `TaskApplicationDescriptor`.
+4. Line 16: `InitiableStreamTask` is implemented.
+5. Line 21: A reference to table “t1” is obtained in the `Task.init()` method.
+6. Line 26-28: gets the profile key and record from the incoming stream and writes to the table. 
+[`ReadableTable`] ( 
+or [`ReadWriteTable`] ( 
+can be used in the 
+[`StreamTask.process()`] ( 
+method on the table reference obtained 
+in the 
+[`InitableTask.init()`] ( 
+# Table Metrics
+The table below summarizes table metrics:
+| Metrics | Class | Description |
+|`get-ns`|`ReadableTable`|Average latency of `get/getAsync()` operations|
+|`getAll-ns`|`ReadableTable`|Average latency of `getAll/getAllAsync()` operations|
+|`num-gets`|`ReadableTable`|Count of `get/getAsync()` operations
+|`num-getAlls`|`ReadableTable`|Count of `getAll/getAllAsync()` operations
+|`put-ns`|`ReadWriteTable`|Average latency of `put/putAsync()` operations
+|`putAll-ns`|`ReadWriteTable`|Average latency of `putAll/putAllAsync()` operations
+|`num-puts`|`ReadWriteTable`|Count of `put/putAsync()` operations
+|`num-putAlls`|`ReadWriteTable`|Count of `putAll/putAllAsync()` operations
+|`delete-ns`|`ReadWriteTable`|Average latency of `delete/deleteAsync()` operations
+|`deleteAll-ns`|`ReadWriteTable`|Average latency of `deleteAll/deleteAllAsync()` operations
+|`delete-num`|`ReadWriteTable`|Count of `delete/deleteAsync()` operations
+|`deleteAll-num`|`ReadWriteTable`|Count of `deleteAll/deleteAllAsync()` operations
+|`flush-ns`|`ReadWriteTable`|Average latency of flush operations
+|`flush-num`|`ReadWriteTable`|Count of flush operations
+|`hit-rate`|`CachingTable`|Cache hit rate (%)
+|`miss-rate`|`CachingTable`|Cache miss rate (%)
+|`req-count`|`CachingTable`|Count of requests
+|`retry-count`|`TableRetryPolicy`|Count of retries executed (excluding the first attempt)
+|`success-count`|`TableRetryPolicy`|Count of successes at first attempt
+|`perm-failure-count`|`TableRetryPolicy`|Count of operations that failed permanently and exhausted all retries
+|`retry-timer`|`TableRetryPolicy`|Total time spent in each IO; this is updated only when at least one retry has been attempted.
+# Table Types
+## Remote Table
+provides a unified abstraction for Samza applications to access any remote data 
+store through stream-table join in high-level API or direct access in low-level 
+API. Remote Table is a store-agnostic abstraction that can be customized to 
+access new types of stores by writing pluggable I/O "Read/Write" functions, 
+implementations of 
+[`TableReadFunction`]( and 
+interfaces. Remote Table also provides common functionality, eg. rate limiting 
+(built-in) and caching (hybrid).
+The async APIs in Remote Table are recommended over the sync versions for higher 
+throughput. They can be used with Samza with low-level API to achieve the maximum 
+Remote Tables are represented by class 
+[`RemoteReadableTable`]( and 
+All configuration options of a Remote Table can be found in the 
+[`RemoteTableDescriptor`]( class. 
+### Rate Limiting
+Remote Table has built-in client-side rate limiting support in both of its sync 
+and async executions. This is useful when a remote data store does not have 
+server-side rate limiting or is not sophisticated enough to handle heavy 
+inbound requests. 
+#### Configuration
+Rate limiting can be enabled with [`RemoteTableDescriptor`]( in two ways:
+1. Default: `withReadRateLimit()` and `withWriteRateLimit()`. The 
+   [default implementation](
+   uses [Guava](
+   for rate limiting and provides basic throttling on read/write rates.
+2. User-defined instance: `withRateLimiter()`. Tailored for more advanced 
+   usages, eg. custom policies and/or rate limiter libraries
+#### Quota
+For the default rate limiter, a per-container quota needs to be specified, and 
+is divided evenly among all task instances. Application developers are expected 
+to calculate such quota from a global quota against the number of containers.
+### Retry
+I/O failures are not uncommon given the inherently unreliable network and complex 
+behaviors of distributed data stores. To be fault-tolerant, Remote Table provides 
+built-in support for retrying failed I/O operations originated from the data store 
+Retry capability can be added to a [`RemoteTableDescriptor`]( by providing a 
+[`TableRetryPolicy`] (,
+ which consists of three aspects: 
+* Backoff/Sleep policy - fixed, random, exponential with jitters
+* Termination policy - by total attempts and/or delay
+* Retriable exception classification - predicate on `Throwable`
+By default, retry is disabled as such failed I/O operations will propagate up and 
+the caller is expected to handle the exception. When enabled, retry is on a 
+per-request basis such that each individual request is retried independently. 
+Lastly, Remote Table retry provides a set of standard metrics for monitoring. 
+They can be found in 
+[`RetryMetrics`] (
+## Local Table
+A table is considered local when its data physically co-exists on the same host 
+machine as its running job, e.g. in memory or on disk. Local tables are particularly 
+useful when data needs to be accessed frequently with low latency, such as a cache. 
+Samza Table API supports in-memory and RocksDB-based local tables, which are based 
+on the current implementation of in-memory and RocksDB stores. Both tables provide 
+feature parity to existing in-memory and RocksDB-based stores. For more detailed 
+information please refer to 
+[`RocksDbTableDescriptor`] ( and 
+[`InMemoryTableDescriptor`] ( 
+## Hybrid Table
+Hybrid Table consists of one or more tables, and it orchestrates operations between 
+them to achieve more advanced functionality. Caching support for remote table is 
+currently built on top of hybrid Table because cache can be naturally abstracted 
+as a table, eg. local table is also a durable cache.
+### Caching
+Despite the convenience of remote table, it still incurs the same latency as accessing 
+the remote store directly. Whenever eventual consistency is acceptable, Samza 
+applications can leverage the caching support in Table API to reduce such latency 
+in addition to using the async methods. 
+[`CachingTable`] ( 
+is the generic table type for combining a cache table (Guava, RocksDb, Couchbase) 
+with a remote table. Both the cache and data tables are pluggable, and `CachingTable`
+handles the interactions between them for caching semantics.
+#### Write Policies
+Caching Table supports below write policies and you can configure them with 
+[`CachingTableDescriptor`] ( 
+* Write-through: records are written to both the data store and cache
+* Write-around: records are written only to data store bypassing the cache
+   * Useful when read-path has no locality with read-path
+#### Synchronization
+No synchronization is done between data store and cache in `CachingTable` because 
+it is very cumbersome in the async code paths. Given eventual consistency is a 
+presumed trade-off for enabling caching, it should be acceptable for the table 
+and cache to not always be in-sync. Last but not least, unsynchronized operations 
+in `CachingTable` deliver much higher throughput.
+#### Configuration
+Similar to 
+configuration in remote table, caching can be configured in two ways: 
+1. Default: `withCacheSize()`, `withReadTtl()`, `withWriteTtl()`
+2. Custom `CacheTable` instance: `withCache()`
+The default 
+[`CacheTable`] ( 
+is an in-memory cache implemented on top of 
+[Guava Cache] ( 
+# Implementing Your Own Tables
+## More Concepts
+[`TableSpec`] ( 
+- Internal representation of a table, containing all information about a table.
+[`TableProvider`] ( 
+- Provides the underlying table implementation that conforms to Table API.
+[`TableManager`] ( 
+- Responsible for lifecycle of all table instances within a task; it is 
+created during instantiation of Samza container.
+## Lifecycle of a Table
+The life of a table goes through a few phases
+1. **Declaration** - at first one declares the table by creating a `TableDescriptor`. In both 
+   Samza high level and low level API, the `TableDescriptor` is registered with stream 
+   graph, internally converted to `TableSpec` and in return a reference to a `Table` 
+   object is obtained that can participate in the building of the DAG.
+2. **Instantiation** - during planning stage, configuration is 
+   [generated] ( 
+   from `TableSpec`, 
+   and the actual tables are instantiated during initialization of 
+   [Samza container] (
+3. **Usage** - there are a few ways to access a table instance
+   * In Samza high level API, a reference to Table can be obtained from a `TableDescriptor`, 
+     which can be used to participate in the DAG operations such as 
+     [`join()`] ( and 
+     [`sendTo()`] (
+   * In Samza high level API, all table instances can be retrieved from `TaskContext` using 
+     table-id during initialization of a 
+     [`InitableFunction`] (
+   * In Samza low level API, all table instances can be retrieved from `TaskContext` using 
+     table-id during initialization of a 
+   [`InitableTask`] (
+4. **Cleanup** - 
+   [`close()`] ( 
+   is invoked on all tables when a job is stopped.
+## Developing a Local Table
+Developing a local table involves implementing a new table descriptor, provider and provider factory.
+1. [`TableDescriptor`] ( - this is the user facing object that contains primarily configuration parameters. 
+   In addition, a few internal methods need to be implemented
+   * `generateTableSpecConfig()` should convert parameters in the table descriptor 
+     to a `Map<String, String>`, so that information about a table can be transferred 
+     to a `TableSpec`.
+   * `getTableSpec()` creates a `TableSpec` object, which is the internal representation 
+     of a table.
+2. [`TableProvider`] ( - provides the implementation for a table. It ensures a table is
+   properly constructed and also manages its lifecycle. Methods to implement are
+   * `generateConfig()` generates all Samza configuration relevant to the table. 
+     Note in the case of RocksDB, store configuration is also generated here.
+* Since the current local table implementation relies on Samza store implementation, 
+  adding a local table requires providing the store implementation first.
+## Developing a Remote Table
+The generic design of remote table abstracts away mach common functionality. 
+Therefore, adding a new remote table type is much more straightforward than 
+writing a Samza table from scratch. You only need to implement the 
+[`TableReadFunction`]( and
+(if supported) interfaces, and the new table type is readily usable with the 
+Remote Table framework.
+Since the interfaces have sufficient javadocs and are self-explanatory, we present a 
+high-level guideline to call out some less obvious aspects and help ensure consistency 
+among future I/O (Read/Write) function implementations in the following sections. 
+### Serializability
+Samza Remote Table I/O function interfaces extend ``, which imposes 
+a serializability expectation on their implementations, i.e.
+1. All fields within I/O function classes must be serializable.
+2. Non-serializable fields must be marked transient. Otherwise, serialization 
+   of I/O function will fail. Typical examples of such fields are store client 
+   objects.
+3. Consequently, non-serializable fields must be initialized within the 
+   implementation of the init() method of the InitableFunction interface extended 
+   by both TableReadFunction and TableWriteFunction interfaces. Otherwise, 
+   non-serializable fields will be null after I/O function is deserialized.
+{% highlight java %}
+class ReadFunction implements TableReadFunction {
+  @Override
+  public void init(Config config, TaskContext context) {
+    /* Initialize all transient fields here. */
+  }
+class WriteFunction implements TableWriteFunction {
+  @Override
+  public void init(Config config, TaskContext context) {
+    /* Initialize all transient fields here. */
+  }
+{% endhighlight %}
+### Logging
+Our recommendation is to:
+1. Avoid doing any informational logging in I/O functions that are typically 
+   invoked extensively in Samza applications, e.g.
+   * `TableReadFunction.get[All]()`
+   * `TableWriteFunction.put[All]()`
+   * `TableWriteFunction.delete[All]()`
+2. Log all initialization-related successes/failures occurring in overrides of 
+`InitableFunction.init()` to improve diagnosability.
+### Handling Client Exceptions and Retrying Failed Requests
+Implementations of I/O functions for remote stores are likely to utilize a 
+client object for communicating with their corresponding store endpoints. 
+In this setup, it is possible for an I/O function to run into situations 
+where the client it uses throws, e.g. in response to networking or logical 
+We recommend:
+1. Catching all such errors, wrapping and throwing them in a 
+[`SamzaException`] (
+2. Attempting no retry in the face of client errors or failed requests. The 
+   intent of the current design of Samza Remote Table API is to handle 
+   retries at a higher and more abstract Remote Table level, which implies 
+   retrying is not a responsibility of I/O functions.
+### Caching
+Samza Remote Table API can be configured to utilize user-supplied caches. 
+You may refer to the [Caching](#caching) section under Hybrid Table for more details.
+### Rate Limiting
+Samza Remote Table API offers generic rate limiting capabilities that can 
+be used with all I/O function implementations. You may refer to the 
+[Rate Limiting](#rate-limiting) section under Remote Table for more details.
+### Separate vs Combined Read/Write Implementations
+It is up to the developer whether to implement both `TableReadFunction` and 
+`TableWriteFunction` in one class or two separate classes. Defining them in 
+separate classes can be cleaner if their implementations are elaborate and 
+extended, whereas keeping them in a single class may be more practical if 
+they share a considerable amount of code or are relatively short.
diff --git a/docs/learn/documentation/versioned/index.html b/docs/learn/documentation/versioned/index.html
index 193297c..b37b616 100644
--- a/docs/learn/documentation/versioned/index.html
+++ b/docs/learn/documentation/versioned/index.html
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@ title: Documentation
 <ul class="documentation-list">
   <li><a href="comparisons/introduction.html">Low-level API</a></li>
   <li><a href="comparisons/mupd8.html">Streams DSL</a></li>
+  <li><a href="api/table-api.html">Table API</a></li>
   <li><a href="comparisons/storm.html">Samza SQL</a></li>
   <li><a href="comparisons/spark-streaming.html">Apache BEAM</a></li>
 <!-- TODO comparisons pages

[2/2] samza git commit: SAMZA-1915: Added docs for table API

Posted by
SAMZA-1915: Added docs for table API

As per subject

Author: Wei Song <>

Reviewers: Jagadish Venkatraman <>

Closes #666 from weisong44/SAMZA-1915 and squashes the following commits:

b7794af5 [Wei Song] Updated table section in CSS
396d5e8a [Wei Song] Merged from master
1e5de45a [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
e0e70acf [Wei Song] Merge branch 'master' into SAMZA-1915
c85604e0 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
d687f716 [Wei Song] SAMZA-1915: Added docs for table API
242d8442 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
ec7d8409 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
e19b4dc9 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
8ee78441 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
1c6a2eae [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
a6c94add [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
41299b5b [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
239a0950 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
eca00204 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
51562391 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
de708f5e [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
df2f8d7b [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
f28b491d [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
4782c61d [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
0440f75f [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
aae0f380 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
a15a7c9a [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
5cbf9af9 [Wei Song] Merge remote-tracking branch 'upstream/master'
3f7ed71f [Wei Song] Added self to committer list


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 6c9715fbc85f973907807cccc26c9d7d3ed983df
Parents: 1147167
Author: Wei Song <>
Authored: Fri Sep 28 22:59:19 2018 -0700
Committer: Wei Song <>
Committed: Fri Sep 28 22:59:19 2018 -0700

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