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Posted to by Nick Lothian <> on 2004/06/02 04:40:46 UTC

Add getScheme to DynamicInformationProvider interface

We're having trouble with redirects in Pluto using HTTPS.

At the moment org.apache.pluto.portalImpl.core.ResourceURLProviderImpl does 

public ResourceURLProviderImpl(DynamicInformationProviderImpl provider,
PortletWindow portletWindow)
   this.portletWindow = portletWindow;
   this.base = PortalURL.getBaseURLexcludeContext();

PortalURL.getBaseURLexcludeContext() looks like

static public String getBaseURLexcludeContext()
    StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer(256);


    return result.toString();

hostNameHTTP includes the "http://" scheme.

We'd like to modify ResourceURLProviderImpl to get the scheme from the

To do that we'd need to add a getScheme() method to the
DynamicInformationProvider interface.

I'm not too sure how that interface is used, so I wanted to check: does
anyone see any problems with that?
