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mesos git commit: Added tests for /weights endpoint.

Repository: mesos
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 79e28b614 -> 69b2ad528

Added tests for /weights endpoint.



Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 69b2ad528dd79979a8ee113a8edbbab2669e32e6
Parents: 79e28b6
Author: Yongqiao Wang <>
Authored: Mon Mar 14 03:19:07 2016 -0700
Committer: Adam B <>
Committed: Mon Mar 14 03:19:07 2016 -0700

 src/                     |   1 +
 src/tests/dynamic_weights_tests.cpp | 632 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 2 files changed, 633 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index f2a592d..7ee5a65 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1829,6 +1829,7 @@ mesos_tests_SOURCES =						\
   tests/cram_md5_authentication_tests.cpp			\
   tests/credentials_tests.cpp					\
   tests/disk_quota_tests.cpp					\
+  tests/dynamic_weights_tests.cpp				\
   tests/environment.cpp						\
   tests/examples_tests.cpp					\
   tests/exception_tests.cpp					\
diff --git a/src/tests/dynamic_weights_tests.cpp b/src/tests/dynamic_weights_tests.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a95663f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/tests/dynamic_weights_tests.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,632 @@
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+// WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+// limitations under the License.
+#include <string>
+#include <vector>
+#include <gmock/gmock.h>
+#include <mesos/mesos.hpp>
+#include <process/future.hpp>
+#include <process/http.hpp>
+#include <process/id.hpp>
+#include <process/pid.hpp>
+#include <stout/format.hpp>
+#include <stout/protobuf.hpp>
+#include <stout/strings.hpp>
+#include "master/flags.hpp"
+#include "master/master.hpp"
+#include "slave/slave.hpp"
+#include "tests/allocator.hpp"
+#include "tests/mesos.hpp"
+using google::protobuf::RepeatedPtrField;
+using mesos::internal::master::Master;
+using mesos::internal::slave::Slave;
+using process::Future;
+using process::PID;
+using process::UPID;
+using process::http::BadRequest;
+using process::http::CaseInsensitiveEqual;
+using process::http::CaseInsensitiveHash;
+using process::http::Conflict;
+using process::http::Forbidden;
+using process::http::Headers;
+using process::http::OK;
+using process::http::Response;
+using process::http::Unauthorized;
+using std::string;
+using std::vector;
+using testing::_;
+using testing::DoAll;
+using testing::Eq;
+namespace mesos {
+namespace internal {
+namespace tests {
+// The dynamic weights tests in this file are split into logical groups:
+//   * Request validation tests.
+//   * Sanity check tests.
+//   * Dynamic weights functionality tests.
+//   * Failover and recovery tests.
+//   * Authentication and authorization tests.
+class DynamicWeightsTest : public MesosTest
+  DynamicWeightsTest() {}
+  // Create WeightInfos from the specified weights flag.
+  RepeatedPtrField<WeightInfo> createWeightInfos(const string& weightsFlag)
+  {
+    RepeatedPtrField<WeightInfo> infos;
+    vector<string> tokens = strings::tokenize(weightsFlag, ",");
+    foreach (const string& token, tokens) {
+      vector<string> pair = strings::tokenize(token, "=");
+      EXPECT_EQ(2u, pair.size());
+      double weight = atof(pair[1].c_str());
+      WeightInfo weightInfo;
+      weightInfo.set_role(pair[0]);
+      weightInfo.set_weight(weight);
+      infos.Add()->CopyFrom(weightInfo);
+    }
+    return infos;
+  }
+  // Generates a weights update request from the specified weights.
+  string createUpdateRequestBody(
+      const RepeatedPtrField<WeightInfo>& infos) const
+  {
+    const string request = strings::format(
+        "%s",
+        JSON::protobuf(infos)).get();
+    return request;
+  }
+  void checkWithRolesEndpoint(
+      const Try<PID<Master>>& master,
+      const Option<string>& weights = None())
+  {
+    Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+        process::http::createRequest(
+            master.get(),
+            "GET",
+            false,
+            "roles",
+            createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL)));
+    AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(OK().status, response)
+      << response.get().body;
+    Try<JSON::Value> parse = JSON::parse(response.get().body);
+    ASSERT_SOME(parse);
+    Try<JSON::Value> expected = JSON::Null();
+    if (weights.isNone()) {
+      expected = JSON::parse(
+          "{"
+          "  \"roles\": ["
+          "    {"
+          "      \"frameworks\": [],"
+          "      \"name\": \"*\","
+          "      \"resources\": {"
+          "        \"cpus\": 0,"
+          "        \"disk\": 0,"
+          "        \"mem\":  0"
+          "      },"
+          "      \"weight\": 1.0"
+          "    }"
+          "  ]"
+          "}");
+    } else if (weights == DEFAULT_WEIGHTS) {
+      expected = JSON::parse(
+          "{"
+          "  \"roles\": ["
+          "    {"
+          "      \"frameworks\": [],"
+          "      \"name\": \"*\","
+          "      \"resources\": {"
+          "        \"cpus\": 0,"
+          "        \"disk\": 0,"
+          "        \"mem\":  0"
+          "      },"
+          "      \"weight\": 1.0"
+          "    },"
+          "    {"
+          "      \"frameworks\": [],"
+          "      \"name\": \"role1\","
+          "      \"resources\": {"
+          "        \"cpus\": 0,"
+          "        \"disk\": 0,"
+          "        \"mem\":  0"
+          "      },"
+          "      \"weight\": 1.0"
+          "    },"
+          "    {"
+          "      \"frameworks\": [],"
+          "      \"name\": \"role2\","
+          "      \"resources\": {"
+          "        \"cpus\": 0,"
+          "        \"disk\": 0,"
+          "        \"mem\":  0"
+          "      },"
+          "      \"weight\": 1.0"
+          "    }"
+          "  ]"
+          "}");
+    } else if (weights == UPDATED_WEIGHTS) {
+      expected = JSON::parse(
+          "{"
+          "  \"roles\": ["
+          "    {"
+          "      \"frameworks\": [],"
+          "      \"name\": \"*\","
+          "      \"resources\": {"
+          "        \"cpus\": 0,"
+          "        \"disk\": 0,"
+          "        \"mem\":  0"
+          "      },"
+          "      \"weight\": 1.0"
+          "    },"
+          "    {"
+          "      \"frameworks\": [],"
+          "      \"name\": \"role1\","
+          "      \"resources\": {"
+          "        \"cpus\": 0,"
+          "        \"disk\": 0,"
+          "        \"mem\":  0"
+          "      },"
+          "      \"weight\": 2.0"
+          "    },"
+          "    {"
+          "      \"frameworks\": [],"
+          "      \"name\": \"role2\","
+          "      \"resources\": {"
+          "        \"cpus\": 0,"
+          "        \"disk\": 0,"
+          "        \"mem\":  0"
+          "      },"
+          "      \"weight\": 4.0"
+          "    }"
+          "  ]"
+          "}");
+    } else {
+      expected = Error("Unexpected weights string.");
+    }
+    ASSERT_SOME(expected);
+    EXPECT_EQ(expected.get(), parse.get());
+  }
+  const string ROLE1 = "role1";
+  const string ROLE2 = "role2";
+  const string DEFAULT_WEIGHTS = "role1=1.0,role2=1.0";
+  const string UPDATED_WEIGHTS = "role1=2.0,role2=4.0";
+// Update weights requests with invalid JSON structure
+// should return a '400 Bad Request'.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, PutInvalidRequest)
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster();
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Tests whether an update weights request with invalid JSON fails.
+  string badRequest =
+    "[{"
+    "  \"weight\":3.2,"
+    "  \"role\""
+    "}]";
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          badRequest));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response)
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  // Tests whether an update weights request with an invalid field fails.
+  // In this case, the correct field name should be 'role'.
+  badRequest =
+    "[{"
+    "  \"weight\":3.2,"
+    "  \"invalidField\":\"role1\""
+    "}]";
+  response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          badRequest));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response)
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// A update weights request with zero value
+// should return a '400 Bad Request'.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, ZeroWeight)
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster();
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a weight update request to update the weight of 'role1' to 0.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos("role1=0"))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response)
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// A update weights request with negative value
+// should return a '400 Bad Request'.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, NegativeWeight)
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster();
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a weight update request to update the weight of 'role1' to -2.0.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos("role1=-2.0"))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response)
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// A update weights request with non-numeric value
+// should return a '400 Bad Request'.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, NonNumericWeight)
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster();
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a weight update request to update the weight of 'role1' to 'two'
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos("role1=two"))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response)
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// Updates must be explicit about what role they are updating,
+// and a missing role request should return a '400 Bad Request'.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, MissingRole)
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster();
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a missing role update request.
+  Future<Response> response1 = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          "weights=[{\"weight\":2.0}]"));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response1)
+    << response1.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  // Send an empty role (only a space) update request.
+  Future<Response> response2 = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos(" =2.0"))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response2)
+    << response2.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// Verifies that an update request for an unknown role (not specified
+// in --roles flag) is rejected when using the explicit roles (--roles flag
+// is specified when master is started).
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, UnknownRole)
+  // Specify --roles whitelist when starting master.
+  master::Flags flags = MesosTest::CreateMasterFlags();
+  flags.roles = strings::join(",", ROLE1, ROLE2);
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster(flags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a weight update request for 'unknown' role.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos("unknown=3.0"))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(BadRequest().status, response)
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master, DEFAULT_WEIGHTS);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// Verifies that a weights update request for a whitelisted role
+// (contained in --roles flag) succeeds when using the explicit
+// roles (--roles flag is specified when master is started).
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, UpdateWeightsWithExplictRoles)
+  // Specify --roles whitelist when starting master.
+  master::Flags flags = MesosTest::CreateMasterFlags();
+  flags.roles = strings::join(",", ROLE1, ROLE2);
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster(flags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master, DEFAULT_WEIGHTS);
+  // Send a weight update request for the specified roles in UPDATED_WEIGHTS.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos(UPDATED_WEIGHTS))));
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master, UPDATED_WEIGHTS);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// Checks that an update weight request is rejected
+// for unauthenticated principals.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, UnauthenticatedUpdateWeightRequest)
+  // The master is configured so that only requests from `DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL`
+  // are authenticated.
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster();
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  Credential credential;
+  credential.set_principal("unknown-principal");
+  credential.set_secret("test-secret");
+  // Send a weight update request for the specified roles in UPDATED_WEIGHTS.
+  Future<Response> response1 = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(credential),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos(UPDATED_WEIGHTS))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(Unauthorized({}).status, response1)
+    << response1.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  // The absence of credentials leads to authentication failure as well.
+  Future<Response> response2 = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          None(),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos(UPDATED_WEIGHTS))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(Unauthorized({}).status, response2)
+    << response2.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// Checks that an authorized principal can update weight with implicit roles.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, AuthorizedWeightUpdateRequest)
+  // Setup ACLs so that the default principal (DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL.principal())
+  // can update weight for `ROLE1` and `ROLE2`.
+  ACLs acls;
+  acls.set_permissive(false); // Restrictive.
+  mesos::ACL::UpdateWeights* acl = acls.add_update_weights();
+  acl->mutable_principals()->add_values(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL.principal());
+  acl->mutable_roles()->add_values(ROLE1);
+  acl->mutable_roles()->add_values(ROLE2);
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  masterFlags.acls = acls;
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a weight update request for the specified roles in UPDATED_WEIGHTS.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos(UPDATED_WEIGHTS))));
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master, UPDATED_WEIGHTS);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// Checks that update weight requests can be authorized without authentication
+// if an authorization rule exists that applies to anyone. The authorizer
+// will map the absence of a principal to "ANY".
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, AuthorizedUpdateWeightRequestWithoutPrincipal)
+  // Setup ACLs so that any principal can update weight
+  // for `ROLE1` and `ROLE2`.
+  ACLs acls;
+  acls.set_permissive(false); // Restrictive.
+  mesos::ACL::UpdateWeights* acl = acls.add_update_weights();
+  acl->mutable_principals()->set_type(mesos::ACL::Entity::ANY);
+  acl->mutable_roles()->add_values(ROLE1);
+  acl->mutable_roles()->add_values(ROLE2);
+  // Disable authentication and set acls.
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  masterFlags.authenticate_http = false;
+  masterFlags.acls = acls;
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a weight update request for the specified roles in UPDATED_WEIGHTS.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          None(),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos(UPDATED_WEIGHTS))));
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master, UPDATED_WEIGHTS);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+// Checks that an unauthorized principal cannot update weight.
+TEST_F(DynamicWeightsTest, UnauthorizedWeightUpdateRequest)
+  // Set ACLs to be non-permissive by default so that no principal can
+  // update weight for `ROLE1` and `ROLE2`.
+  ACLs acls;
+  acls.set_permissive(false); // Restrictive.
+  master::Flags masterFlags = CreateMasterFlags();
+  masterFlags.acls = acls;
+  Try<PID<Master>> master = StartMaster(masterFlags);
+  ASSERT_SOME(master);
+  // Send a weight update request for the specified roles in UPDATED_WEIGHTS.
+  Future<Response> response = process::http::request(
+      process::http::createRequest(
+          master.get(),
+          "PUT",
+          false,
+          "weights",
+          createBasicAuthHeaders(DEFAULT_CREDENTIAL),
+          createUpdateRequestBody(createWeightInfos(UPDATED_WEIGHTS))));
+  AWAIT_EXPECT_RESPONSE_STATUS_EQ(Forbidden().status, response)
+    << response.get().body;
+  checkWithRolesEndpoint(master);
+  ShutdownMasters();
+} // namespace tests {
+} // namespace internal {
+} // namespace mesos {