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Posted to by James Carman <> on 2003/01/07 17:23:16 UTC

Interface Serialization

Has anyone implemented interface serialization/deserialization yet?  Off the
top of my head, an implementation could do something like this (neglecting
namespaces of course)...

<my-interface concreteClassName="com.mycompany.mypackage.MyInterfaceImpl">
  <!-- In here, you would just allow a BeanSerializer to output the concrete
implementation as a bean -->

Basically, this would be a wrapper for the BeanSerializer that would
determine what the Java type is based upon the concreteClassName attribute
is.  The WSDL generation of this would be a little tricky.  We would have to
enumerate the concrete types supported by the serializer somehow so that it
could generate WSDL which uses a "choice" of possible sub-element types.
Does this sound feasible?  Has anyone done it?

James Carman, President
Carman Consulting, Inc.
1218 Bob White Ct.
Edgewood, KY 41018
(513) 325-7977