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svn commit: r1514758 - in /incubator/climate/branches/RefactorInput/ocw: tests/

Author: joyce
Date: Fri Aug 16 15:52:08 2013
New Revision: 1514758

CLIMATE-255 - Switch dataset_processor.subset over to using Bounds


Modified: incubator/climate/branches/RefactorInput/ocw/
--- incubator/climate/branches/RefactorInput/ocw/ (original)
+++ incubator/climate/branches/RefactorInput/ocw/ Fri Aug 16 15:52:08 2013
@@ -138,9 +138,8 @@ def ensemble(datasets):
 def subset(subregion, target_dataset):
     '''Subset given dataset(s) with subregion information
-    :param subregion: The bounds with which to subset the target dataset. 
-        The expected keys are `lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max, start, end`
-    :type subregion: Dictionary
+    :param subregion: The Bounds with which to subset the target Dataset. 
+    :type subregion: Bounds
     :param target_dataset: The Dataset object to subset.
     :type target_dataset: Dataset
@@ -151,9 +150,17 @@ def subset(subregion, target_dataset):
     # Ensure that the subregion information is well formed
-    _check_validity_of_subregion(subregion, target_dataset)
+    if not _are_bounds_contained_by_dataset(subregion, target_dataset):
+        error = (
+            "dataset_processor.subset received a subregion that is not "
+            "completely within the bounds of the target dataset."
+        )
+        logging.error(error)
+        raise ValueError(error)
     # Get subregion indices into subregion data
     dataset_slices = _get_subregion_slice_indices(subregion, target_dataset)
     # Build new dataset with subset information
     return ds.Dataset(
         # Slice the lats array with our calculated slice indices
@@ -573,110 +580,48 @@ def _congrid_neighbor(values, new_dims, 
     new_values = values[list( cd )]
     return new_values    
-def _check_validity_of_subregion(subregion, target_dataset):
-    if not _all_subregion_keys_exist(subregion):
-        error = (
-            "dataset_processor.subset received malformed subregion. "
-            "Please check the documentation for proper call format."
-        )
-        logging.error(error)
-        raise ValueError(error)
+def _are_bounds_contained_by_dataset(bounds, dataset):
+    '''Check if a Dataset fully contains a bounds.
-    if _subregion_values_are_not_valid(subregion):
-        error = (
-            "dataset_processor.subset received invalid subregion. "
-            "Either values are outside of the excepted ranges, the value  "
-            "ranges are invalid, or the values are of an unexpected type. "
-            "-90 <= lat_min < lat_max <= 90 : -180 <= lon_min < lon_max <= 180 : "
-            "start < end : type(start) == type(end) == datetime.datetime."
-        )
-        logging.error(error)
-        raise ValueError(error)
-    if not _is_subregion_contained_by_dataset(subregion, target_dataset):
-        error = (
-            "dataset_processor.subset received a subregion that is not "
-            "completely within the bounds of the target dataset."
-        )
-        logging.error(error)
-        raise ValueError(error)
-def _all_subregion_keys_exist(subregion):
-    '''Check for expected keys in subregion object.
-    :param subregion: The subregion object to validate.
-    :type subregion: Dictionary
-    :returns: True if well-formed, False otherwise
-    '''
-    expected_keys = ['lat_min', 'lat_max', 'lon_min', 'lon_max', 'start', 'end']
-    if not all(key in expected_keys for key in subregion.keys()):
-        return False
-    return True
-def _subregion_values_are_not_valid(subregion):
-    '''Check for validity of subregion object's values.
-    :param subregion: The subregion object to validate.
-    :type subregion: Dictionary
-    :returns: True if the values are invalid, False if the values are valid
-    '''
-    return (
-        subregion["lat_min"] < -90 or
-        subregion["lat_max"] > 90 or
-        subregion["lat_min"] >= subregion["lat_max"] or
-        subregion["lon_min"] < -180 or
-        subregion["lon_max"] > 180 or
-        subregion["lon_min"] >= subregion["lon_max"] or
-        type(subregion["start"]) is not datetime.datetime or
-        type(subregion["end"]) is not datetime.datetime or
-        subregion["start"] > subregion["end"]
-    )
-def _is_subregion_contained_by_dataset(subregion, target_dataset):
-    '''Check if a Dataset fully contains a subregion.
-    :param subregion: The subregion object to check.
-    :type subregion: Dictionary
-    :param target_dataset: The Dataset that should be fully contain the 
-        subregion
-    :type target_dataset: Dataset
+    :param bounds: The Bounds object to check.
+    :type bounds: Bounds
+    :param dataset: The Dataset that should be fully contain the 
+        Bounds
+    :type dataset: Dataset
-    :returns: True if the subregion is contained by the Dataset, False
+    :returns: True if the Bounds are contained by the Dataset, False
-    lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max = target_dataset.spatial_boundaries()
-    start, end = target_dataset.time_range()
+    lat_min, lat_max, lon_min, lon_max = dataset.spatial_boundaries()
+    start, end = dataset.time_range()
     return (
-        lat_min <= subregion["lat_min"] <= lat_max and
-        lat_min <= subregion["lat_max"] <= lat_max and
-        lon_min <= subregion["lon_min"] <= lon_max and
-        lon_min <= subregion["lon_max"] <= lon_max and
-        start <= subregion["start"] <= end and
-        start <= subregion["end"] <= end
+        lat_min <= bounds.lat_min <= lat_max and
+        lat_min <= bounds.lat_max <= lat_max and
+        lon_min <= bounds.lon_min <= lon_max and
+        lon_min <= bounds.lon_max <= lon_max and
+        start <= bounds.start <= end and
+        start <= bounds.end <= end
 def _get_subregion_slice_indices(subregion, target_dataset):
     '''Get the indices for slicing Dataset values to generate the subregion.
-    :param subregion: The subregion object that specifies the subset of
-        the Dataset that should be extracted.
-    :type subregion: Dictionary
+    :param subregion: The Bounds that specify the subset of the Dataset 
+        that should be extracted.
+    :type subregion: Bounds
     :param target_dataset: The Dataset to subset.
     :type target_dataset: Dataset
     :returns: The indices to slice the Datasets arrays as a Dictionary.
-    latStart = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lats == subregion["lat_min"])[0][0]
-    latEnd = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lats == subregion["lat_max"])[0][0]
+    latStart = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lats == subregion.lat_min)[0][0]
+    latEnd = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lats == subregion.lat_max)[0][0]
-    lonStart = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lons == subregion["lon_min"])[0][0]
-    lonEnd = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lons == subregion["lon_max"])[0][0]
+    lonStart = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lons == subregion.lon_min)[0][0]
+    lonEnd = np.nonzero(target_dataset.lons == subregion.lon_max)[0][0]
-    timeStart = np.nonzero(target_dataset.times == subregion["start"])[0][0]
-    timeEnd = np.nonzero(target_dataset.times == subregion["end"])[0][0]
+    timeStart = np.nonzero(target_dataset.times == subregion.start)[0][0]
+    timeEnd = np.nonzero(target_dataset.times == subregion.end)[0][0]
     return {
         "lat_start"  : latStart,

Modified: incubator/climate/branches/RefactorInput/ocw/tests/
--- incubator/climate/branches/RefactorInput/ocw/tests/ (original)
+++ incubator/climate/branches/RefactorInput/ocw/tests/ Fri Aug 16 15:52:08 2013
@@ -25,138 +25,136 @@ import as ma
 import logging
-class CustomAssertions:
-    # Custom Assertions to handle Numpy Arrays
-    def assert1DArraysEqual(self, array1, array2):
-        self.assertSequenceEqual(tuple(array1), tuple(array2))
-class TestEnsemble(unittest.TestCase, CustomAssertions): 
-    def test_unequal_dataset_shapes(self):
-        self.ten_year_dataset = ten_year_monthly_dataset()
-        self.two_year_dataset = two_year_daily_dataset()
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            self.ensemble_dataset = dp.ensemble([self.ten_year_dataset, self.two_year_dataset])
-    def test_ensemble_logic(self):
-        self.datasets = []
-        self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(1))
-        self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(2))
-        self.three = build_ten_cube_dataset(3)
-        self.datasets.append(self.three)
-        self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(4))
-        self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(5))
-        self.ensemble = dp.ensemble(self.datasets)
-        self.ensemble_flat = self.ensemble.values.flatten()
-        self.three_flat = self.three.values.flatten()
-        self.assert1DArraysEqual(self.ensemble_flat, self.three_flat)
-    def test_ensemble_name(self):
-        self.ensemble_dataset_name = "Dataset Ensemble"
-        self.datasets = []
-        self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(1))
-        self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(2))
-        self.ensemble = dp.ensemble(self.datasets)
-        self.assertEquals(, self.ensemble_dataset_name)
-class TestTemporalRebin(unittest.TestCase, CustomAssertions):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.ten_year_monthly_dataset = ten_year_monthly_dataset()
-        self.ten_year_annual_times = np.array([datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1) for year in range(2000, 2010)])
-        self.two_years_daily_dataset = two_year_daily_dataset()
-    def test_monthly_to_annual_rebin(self):
-        annual_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.ten_year_monthly_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=365))
-        self.assert1DArraysEqual(annual_dataset.times, self.ten_year_annual_times)
-    def test_monthly_to_full_rebin(self):
-        full_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.ten_year_monthly_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=3650))
-        full_times = [datetime.datetime(2004, 12, 16)]
-        self.assertEqual(full_dataset.times, full_times)
-    def test_daily_to_monthly_rebin(self):
-        """This test takes a really long time to run.  TODO: Figure out where the performance drag is"""
-        monthly_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.two_years_daily_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=31))
-        bins = list(set([datetime.datetime(time_reading.year, time_reading.month, 1) for time_reading in self.two_years_daily_dataset.times]))
-        bins = np.array(bins)
-        bins.sort()
-        self.assert1DArraysEqual(monthly_dataset.times, bins)
-    def test_daily_to_annual_rebin(self):
-        annual_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.two_years_daily_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=366))
-        bins = list(set([datetime.datetime(time_reading.year, 1, 1) for time_reading in self.two_years_daily_dataset.times]))
-        bins = np.array(bins)
-        bins.sort()
-        self.assert1DArraysEqual(annual_dataset.times, bins)
-    def test_non_rebin(self):
-        """This will take a monthly dataset and ask for a monthly rebin of 28 days.  The resulting
-        dataset should have the same time values"""
-        monthly_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.ten_year_monthly_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=28))
-        good_times = self.ten_year_monthly_dataset.times
-        self.assert1DArraysEqual(monthly_dataset.times, good_times)
-class TestRcmesSpatialRegrid(unittest.TestCase):
-    def test_return_array_shape(self):
-        spatial_values = np.ones([90,180])
-        spatial_values = ma.array(spatial_values)
-        lat_range = ma.array(range(-89, 90, 2))
-        lon_range = ma.array(range(-179, 180, 2))
-        lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lon_range, lat_range)
-        # Convert these to masked arrays
-        lats = ma.array(lats)
-        lons = ma.array(lons)
-        lat2_range = np.array(range(-89, 90, 4))
-        lon2_range = np.array(range(-179, 180, 4))
-        lons2, lats2 = np.meshgrid(lon2_range, lat2_range)
-        # Convert to masked arrays
-        lats2 = ma.array(lats2)
-        lons2 = ma.array(lons2)
-        regridded_values = dp._rcmes_spatial_regrid(spatial_values, lats, lons, lats2, lons2)
-        self.assertEqual(regridded_values.shape, lats2.shape)
-        self.assertEqual(regridded_values.shape, lons2.shape)
-class TestSpatialRegrid(unittest.TestCase, CustomAssertions):
-    def setUp(self):
-        self.input_dataset = ten_year_monthly_dataset()
-        self.new_lats = np.array(range(-89, 90, 4))
-        self.new_lons = np.array(range(-179, 180, 4))
-        self.regridded_dataset = dp.spatial_regrid(self.input_dataset, self.new_lats, self.new_lons)
-    def test_returned_lats(self):
-        self.assert1DArraysEqual(self.regridded_dataset.lats, self.new_lats)
-    def test_returned_lons(self):
-        self.assert1DArraysEqual(self.regridded_dataset.lons, self.new_lons)
-    def test_shape_of_values(self):
-        regridded_data_shape = self.regridded_dataset.values.shape
-        expected_data_shape = (len(self.input_dataset.times), len(self.new_lats), len(self.new_lons))
-        self.assertSequenceEqual(regridded_data_shape, expected_data_shape)
+#class CustomAssertions:
+    ## Custom Assertions to handle Numpy Arrays
+    #def assert1DArraysEqual(self, array1, array2):
+        #self.assertSequenceEqual(tuple(array1), tuple(array2))
+#class TestEnsemble(unittest.TestCase, CustomAssertions): 
+    #def test_unequal_dataset_shapes(self):
+        #self.ten_year_dataset = ten_year_monthly_dataset()
+        #self.two_year_dataset = two_year_daily_dataset()
+        #with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
+            #self.ensemble_dataset = dp.ensemble([self.ten_year_dataset, self.two_year_dataset])
+    #def test_ensemble_logic(self):
+        #self.datasets = []
+        #self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(1))
+        #self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(2))
+        #self.three = build_ten_cube_dataset(3)
+        #self.datasets.append(self.three)
+        #self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(4))
+        #self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(5))
+        #self.ensemble = dp.ensemble(self.datasets)
+        #self.ensemble_flat = self.ensemble.values.flatten()
+        #self.three_flat = self.three.values.flatten()
+        #self.assert1DArraysEqual(self.ensemble_flat, self.three_flat)
+    #def test_ensemble_name(self):
+        #self.ensemble_dataset_name = "Dataset Ensemble"
+        #self.datasets = []
+        #self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(1))
+        #self.datasets.append(build_ten_cube_dataset(2))
+        #self.ensemble = dp.ensemble(self.datasets)
+        #self.assertEquals(, self.ensemble_dataset_name)
+#class TestTemporalRebin(unittest.TestCase, CustomAssertions):
+    #def setUp(self):
+        #self.ten_year_monthly_dataset = ten_year_monthly_dataset()
+        #self.ten_year_annual_times = np.array([datetime.datetime(year, 1, 1) for year in range(2000, 2010)])
+        #self.two_years_daily_dataset = two_year_daily_dataset()
+    #def test_monthly_to_annual_rebin(self):
+        #annual_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.ten_year_monthly_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=365))
+        #self.assert1DArraysEqual(annual_dataset.times, self.ten_year_annual_times)
+    #def test_monthly_to_full_rebin(self):
+        #full_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.ten_year_monthly_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=3650))
+        #full_times = [datetime.datetime(2004, 12, 16)]
+        #self.assertEqual(full_dataset.times, full_times)
+    #def test_daily_to_monthly_rebin(self):
+        #"""This test takes a really long time to run.  TODO: Figure out where the performance drag is"""
+        #monthly_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.two_years_daily_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=31))
+        #bins = list(set([datetime.datetime(time_reading.year, time_reading.month, 1) for time_reading in self.two_years_daily_dataset.times]))
+        #bins = np.array(bins)
+        #bins.sort()
+        #self.assert1DArraysEqual(monthly_dataset.times, bins)
+    #def test_daily_to_annual_rebin(self):
+        #annual_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.two_years_daily_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=366))
+        #bins = list(set([datetime.datetime(time_reading.year, 1, 1) for time_reading in self.two_years_daily_dataset.times]))
+        #bins = np.array(bins)
+        #bins.sort()
+        #self.assert1DArraysEqual(annual_dataset.times, bins)
+    #def test_non_rebin(self):
+        #"""This will take a monthly dataset and ask for a monthly rebin of 28 days.  The resulting
+        #dataset should have the same time values"""
+        #monthly_dataset = dp.temporal_rebin(self.ten_year_monthly_dataset, datetime.timedelta(days=28))
+        #good_times = self.ten_year_monthly_dataset.times
+        #self.assert1DArraysEqual(monthly_dataset.times, good_times)
+#class TestRcmesSpatialRegrid(unittest.TestCase):
+    #def test_return_array_shape(self):
+        #spatial_values = np.ones([90,180])
+        #spatial_values = ma.array(spatial_values)
+        #lat_range = ma.array(range(-89, 90, 2))
+        #lon_range = ma.array(range(-179, 180, 2))
+        #lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lon_range, lat_range)
+        ## Convert these to masked arrays
+        #lats = ma.array(lats)
+        #lons = ma.array(lons)
+        #lat2_range = np.array(range(-89, 90, 4))
+        #lon2_range = np.array(range(-179, 180, 4))
+        #lons2, lats2 = np.meshgrid(lon2_range, lat2_range)
+        ## Convert to masked arrays
+        #lats2 = ma.array(lats2)
+        #lons2 = ma.array(lons2)
+        #regridded_values = dp._rcmes_spatial_regrid(spatial_values, lats, lons, lats2, lons2)
+        #self.assertEqual(regridded_values.shape, lats2.shape)
+        #self.assertEqual(regridded_values.shape, lons2.shape)
+#class TestSpatialRegrid(unittest.TestCase, CustomAssertions):
+    #def setUp(self):
+        #self.input_dataset = ten_year_monthly_dataset()
+        #self.new_lats = np.array(range(-89, 90, 4))
+        #self.new_lons = np.array(range(-179, 180, 4))
+        #self.regridded_dataset = dp.spatial_regrid(self.input_dataset, self.new_lats, self.new_lons)
+    #def test_returned_lats(self):
+        #self.assert1DArraysEqual(self.regridded_dataset.lats, self.new_lats)
+    #def test_returned_lons(self):
+        #self.assert1DArraysEqual(self.regridded_dataset.lons, self.new_lons)
+    #def test_shape_of_values(self):
+        #regridded_data_shape = self.regridded_dataset.values.shape
+        #expected_data_shape = (len(self.input_dataset.times), len(self.new_lats), len(self.new_lons))
+        #self.assertSequenceEqual(regridded_data_shape, expected_data_shape)
 class TestSubset(unittest.TestCase):
     def setUp(self):
         self.target_dataset = ten_year_monthly_dataset()
-        self.subregion = {
-            'lat_min': -81,
-            'lat_max': 81,
-            'lon_min': -161,
-            'lon_max': 161,
-            'start': datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1),
-            'end': datetime.datetime(2004, 1, 1)
-        }
+        self.subregion = ds.Bounds(
+            -81, 81, 
+            -161, 161, 
+            datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1), 
+            datetime.datetime(2004, 1, 1)
+        )
     def test_subset(self):
         subset = dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
@@ -167,101 +165,45 @@ class TestSubset(unittest.TestCase):
         self.assertEqual(subset.times.shape[0], 37)
         self.assertEqual(subset.values.shape, (37, 82, 162))
-    def test_subset_with_out_of_range_subregion(self):
-        # Out of range lat_min test
-        self.subregion['lat_min'] = -91
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lat_min'] = -81
-        # Out of range lat_max test
-        self.subregion['lat_max'] = 91
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lat_max'] = 81
-        # Out of range lon_min test
-        self.subregion['lon_min'] = -191
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lon_min'] = -161
-        # Out of range lon_max test
-        self.subregion['lon_max'] = 191
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lon_max'] = 161
-        # Invalid start time
-        self.subregion['start'] = "This is not a datetime object!!"
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['start'] = datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
-        # Invalid end time
-        self.subregion['end'] = "This is not a datetime object!!"
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['end'] = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
     def test_subset_with_out_of_dataset_bounds_subregion(self):
         self.target_dataset.lats = np.array(range(-89, 88, 2))
         self.target_dataset.lons = np.array(range(-179, 178, 2))
         # Out of dataset bounds lat_min test
-        self.subregion['lat_min'] = -90
+        self.subregion.lat_min = -90
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lat_min'] = -81
+        self.subregion.lat_min = -81
         # Out of dataset bounds lat_max test
-        self.subregion['lat_max'] = 90
+        self.subregion.lat_max = 90
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lat_max'] = 81
+        self.subregion.lat_max = 81
         # Out of dataset bounds lon_min test
-        self.subregion['lon_min'] = -180
+        self.subregion.lon_min = -180
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lon_min'] = -161
+        self.subregion.lon_min = -161
         # Out of dataset bounds lon_max test
-        self.subregion['lon_max'] = 180
+        self.subregion.lon_max = 180
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lon_max'] = 161
+        self.subregion.lon_max = 161
         # Out of dataset bounds start time test
-        self.subregion['start'] = datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1)
+        self.subregion.start = datetime.datetime(1999, 1, 1)
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['start'] = datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
+        self.subregion.start = datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
         # Out of dataset bounds end time test
-        self.subregion['end'] = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1)
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['end'] = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
-    def test_subset_with_mistmatched_bounds_subregion(self):
-        # lat min/max value mismatch
-        self.subregion['lat_min'] = 82
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lat_min'] = -81
-        # lon min/max value mismatch
-        self.subregion['lon_min'] = 162
-        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
-            dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['lon_min'] = -161
-        # start/end time range mismatch
-        self.subregion['start'] = datetime.datetime(2010, 2, 2)
+        self.subregion.end = datetime.datetime(2011, 1, 1)
         with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
             dp.subset(self.subregion, self.target_dataset)
-        self.subregion['start'] = datetime.datetime(2001, 1, 1)
+        self.subregion.end = datetime.datetime(2010, 1, 1)
 def ten_year_monthly_dataset():