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Posted to by Fabian Cretton <> on 2014/09/24 07:51:53 UTC

Rép. : Re: Marmotta 3.3.0 - SPARQL - error while evaluating query // logging

Thank you Sebastian.
I am currently running marmotta with the default H2 database.
(I will for sure move to postgreSQL soon).
This behaviour is odd, as it doesn't happen 'every' time. Sometimes the query runs just fine, sometimes not ("error while evaluating query"), and I couldn't find so far any way to reproduce this behavior for sure.
>From the Squeby interface, it did happen that the query failed, but then, removing the LIMIT made the query run fine. And then adding the LIMIT back was fine too.
About my logging problem (maybe I should post a new topic about that ?), do you have any hint ?
> Also my logging functionality seems to be altered:
> each day a new "marmotta-security.log" is generated as expected, but
> since the merge, no new "marmotta-main.log" was generated today.
It seems to me that my loggin settings, from the administrator interface, are the same as before merging the current 'Marmotta/developp', but the loggins seems odd. Even the console don't display most of the usual messages. And if, from the UI, I change the settings of the "Marmotta console" to 'Debug' instead of 'Info' -> no debug message appear in the console (they did appear before my last merge).
At startup, the console says:
07:44:30.856 INFO  - Apache Marmotta Logging Service starting up ...
07:44:31.017 INFO  - - configured logging modules: Caching, CDI/Weld, Configurat
ion, Data View, External Data Sources, KiWi Backend, KiWi Reasoner, LDCache, LDC
lient, LDP, LDPath, Linked Data, RestEasy, Security, Sesame, SPARQL, System, User
07:44:31.019 INFO  - - configured logging appenders: Syslog (LOCAL0), Marmotta M
ain Log, Marmotta Security Log, Marmotta Debug Log, Marmotta Console
07:44:31.025 WARN  - LOGGING: Switching to Apache Marmotta logging configuration
; further output will be found in C:\Users\FABIAN~1.CRE\AppData\Local\Temp\\marm
sept. 24, 2014 7:44:32 AM org.apache.coyote.AbstractProtocol start
INFO: Starting ProtocolHandler ["http-bio-8080"]
And still, in the output directory, every day a new "marmotta-security.log" is created as expected, but the "marmotta-main.log" hasn't been updated since two days (after my merge).
Any pointer is welcome.

>>> Sebastian Schaffert <> 23.09.2014 16:03 >>>
Hi Fabian,

I just checked, I cannot reproduce the bug, for me the query translates
just fine into SQL and gives the expected results:

SELECT P1.object AS V3, P1.predicate AS V2, P1.subject AS V1
FROM triples P1
    INNER JOIN nodes AS P1_subject_V1 ON P1.subject =
    INNER JOIN nodes AS P1_predicate_V2 ON P1.predicate =
    INNER JOIN nodes AS P1_object_V3 ON P1.object =
WHERE P1.deleted = false

There is one issue I discovered, though: in case your Marmotta database
user is not a PostgreSQL superuser you have to manually run
"CREATE EXTENSION pgcrypto" for the database you are using. Still thinking
about ways how to solve this (the extension is necessary for some SPARQL
functions like UUID and md5).



2014-09-23 15:57 GMT+02:00 Sebastian Schaffert <>:

> Hi Fabian,
> I will have a look, it might be an error in the translation.
> Greetings,
> Sebastian
> 2014-09-23 9:25 GMT+02:00 Fabian Cretton <>:
>>  Hi,
>> I did upgrade my fork from Marmotta/develop yesterday, and I now have a
>> "error while evaluating query" on the squebi interface for a query as
>> "SELECT * WHERE {?subject ?property ?object} LIMIT 10"
>> But that one works (not using the *): "SELECT ?subject WHERE {?subject
>> ?property ?object} LIMIT 10"
>> The sample query "select first 10 triples" gives the same error.
>> Is it a bug you can reproduce or did I do something wrong during the
>> merge process ?
>> Also my logging functionality seems to be altered:
>> each day a new "marmotta-security.log" is generated as expected, but
>> since the merge, no new "marmotta-main.log" was generated today.
>> Thank you
>> Fabian