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Posted to by on 2017/04/03 23:29:52 UTC

[38/59] [abbrv] [partial] isis-site git commit: ISIS-1521: deletes content-OLDSITE
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index 894c168..0000000
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index 8bc439c..0000000
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index c3610b5..0000000
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--- a/content-OLDSITE/contributors/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,182 +0,0 @@
-# parameterize
-if [ "$OS" == "Windows_NT" ]; then
-    ISISTMP=/c/tmp
-    ISISTMP=/tmp
-# artifact
-# releaseVersion
-# developmentVersion
-# release candidate
-# export ISISART=isis
-# export ISISREL=1.8.0
-# export ISISDEV=1.9.0-SNAPSHOT
-# export ISISRC=RC1
-read -p "ISISRC? ($ISISRC): " xISISRC
-if [ ! -z $xISISART ]; then ISISART=$xISISART; fi
-if [ ! -z $xISISREL ]; then ISISREL=$xISISREL; fi
-if [ ! -z $xISISDEV ]; then ISISDEV=$xISISDEV; fi
-if [ ! -z $xISISRC ]; then ISISRC=$xISISRC; fi
-echo "" 
-if [ -z $ISISART ]; then echo "ISISART is required">&2; exit; fi
-if [ -z $ISISREL ]; then echo "ISISREL is required">&2; exit; fi
-if [ -z $ISISDEV ]; then echo "ISISDEV is required">&2; exit; fi
-if [ -z $ISISRC ]; then echo "ISISRC is required">&2; exit; fi
-# derived
-export ISISCPT=$(echo $ISISART | cut -d- -f2)
-export ISISCPN=$(echo $ISISART | cut -d- -f3)
-if [ $(echo "$ISISART" | grep -v "-") ]; then export ISISCOR="Y"; else export ISISCOR="N"; fi
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "env vars"
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "" 
-env | grep ISIS | sort
-echo "" 
-# release prepare
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "release prepare" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-# eg isis-1.4.0-RC1
-git checkout $ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC 
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "git checkout $ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC  failed :-(" >&2
-    exit 1
-mvn release:prepare -P apache-release -D dryRun=true -DreleaseVersion=$ISISREL -DdevelopmentVersion=$ISISDEV -Dtag=$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "mvn release:prepare -DdryRun=true failed :-("  >&2
-    exit 1
-mvn release:prepare -P apache-release -D skipTests=true -Dresume=false -DreleaseVersion=$ISISREL -DdevelopmentVersion=$ISISDEV -Dtag=$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "mvn release:prepare failed :-("  >&2
-    exit 1
-# sanity check
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "sanity check" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-if [ "$ISISCOR" == "Y" ]; then
-    ZIPDIR="$M2_REPO/repository/org/apache/isis/core/$ISISART/$ISISREL"
-    ZIPDIR="$M2_REPO/repository/org/apache/isis/$ISISCPT/$ISISART/$ISISREL"
-unzip $ISISART-$
-mvn clean install
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "sanity check failed :-("  >&2
-    popd
-    exit 1
-# release perform
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "release perform" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-mvn release:perform -P apache-release -DworkingDirectory=$ISISTMP/$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC
-if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
-    echo "mvn release:perform failed :-("  >&2
-    exit 1
-# nexus
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "nexus staging" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-read -p "Hit enter when staged in nexus (else ^C): " CONFIRM
-# git push branch/tag
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "git push branch/tag" 
-echo "#################################################" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-echo "" 
-git push -u origin prepare/$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC
-git push origin refs/tags/$ISISART-$ISISREL:refs/tags/$ISISART-$ISISREL-$ISISRC
-git fetch
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deleted file mode 100644
index 5ed2a79..0000000
Binary files a/content-OLDSITE/contributors/resources/setting-up-git.png and /dev/null differ
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index 5ce4c37..0000000
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index 7f25089..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/contributors/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-# update the variables in this first section as required; 
-# format is "old_ver new_ver"
-# eg:
-# isis_core="1.4.0 1.5.0"   # update from 1.4.0 to 1.5.0
-# isis_core="1.4.0 1.4.0"   # don't update (since old_ver = new_ver)
-# isis_core=""              # also don't update (no versions provided)
-# It shouldn't be necessary to update anything else.
-isis_core="1.7.0 1.8.0"
-archetype_simpleapp="1.7.0 1.8.0"
-# constants
-# isis_core
-old_ver=`echo $isis_core | awk '{print $1}'`
-new_ver=`echo $isis_core | awk '{print $2}'`
-if [ "$old_ver" != "$new_ver" ]; then 
-	type="core"
-	fullname="isis"
-	pushd isis-core
-	curl -O $repo_root/$type/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$asc
-	svn add $fullname-$new_ver-$asc
-	curl -O $repo_root/$type/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$md5
-	svn add $fullname-$new_ver-$md5
-	curl -O $repo_root/$type/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$zip
-	svn add $fullname-$new_ver-$zip
-	svn delete $fullname-$old_ver-$asc
-	svn delete $fullname-$old_ver-$md5
-	svn delete $fullname-$old_ver-$zip
-	popd
-# archetype_simpleapp
-old_ver=`echo $archetype_simpleapp | awk '{print $1}'`
-new_ver=`echo $archetype_simpleapp | awk '{print $2}'`
-if [ "$old_ver" != "$new_ver" ]; then 
-	type="archetype"
-	fullname="simpleapp-archetype"
-	pushd $type/$fullname
-	curl -O $repo_root/$type/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$md5
-	svn add $fullname-$new_ver-$md5
-	curl -O $repo_root/$type/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$asc
-	svn add $fullname-$new_ver-$asc
-	curl -O $repo_root/$type/$fullname/$new_ver/$fullname-$new_ver-$zip
-	svn add $fullname-$new_ver-$zip
-	svn delete $fullname-$old_ver-$md5
-	svn delete $fullname-$old_ver-$asc
-	svn delete $fullname-$old_ver-$zip
-	popd
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deleted file mode 100644
index 20738f0..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/contributors/resources/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
-# Instructions:
-# -Create an empty directory
-# -Put a .txt file in it containing a list of all the urls of the zip files
-# -Run this script
-# TODO: enhance this script so it will stop when something is broken
-    for fil in `cat *.txt`
-    do
-        echo 'Downloading '$fil
-        curl -L -O $fil
-        curl -L -O $fil.asc
-    done
-    for zip in *.zip
-    do 
-        echo 'Verifying '$zip   
-        gpg --verify $zip.asc $zip 
-    done
-    echo 'Unpacking '
-    unzip -q '*.zip'
-    echo 'Removing Isis from local repo '$module
-    rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
-    COUNTER=0
-    for module in ./*/
-    do
-        COUNTER=$[COUNTER+1]
-        if [ $COUNTER -eq 1 ]
-        then
-            cd $module
-            echo 'Building Core '$module
-            mvn clean install -o
-            cd ..
-        else
-            cd $module
-            echo 'Building Module '$module
-            mvn clean install
-            cd ..
-        fi
-    done
-# The work starts here 
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deleted file mode 100644
index 49e06e2..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/contributors/
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@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-Title: Snapshot Release Process
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_xxx)
-Apache Isis consists of a number of separately releasable modules; see the main [release process](release-process.html) documentation for full details.  All the non-core components depend on the `core`, and use the `core`'s parent `pom.xml` as their parent pom.
-Unless otherwise stated, you should assume that the steps described here are performed in the base directory of the module being released.
-## Prerequisites
-Before you start, make sure you've defined the snapshots repo in your local `~/.m2/settings.xml` file:
-  &lt;servers&gt;
-    &lt;!-- To publish a snapshot of some part of Maven --&gt;
-    &lt;server&gt;
-      &lt;id&gt;apache.snapshots.https&lt;/id&gt;
-      &lt;username&gt;xxxxxxx&lt;/username&gt;
-      &lt;password&gt;yyyyyyy&lt;/password&gt;
-    &lt;/server&gt;
-    ...
-  &lt;/servers&gt;
-  ...
-where `xxxxxxx` and `yyyyyyy` are your Apache LDAP username and password.     For more information, see these [ASF docs](
-It is also possible to configure to use `.ssh` secure keys, and thereby avoid hardcoding your Apache LDAP password into your `.m2/settings.xml` file. A description of how to do this can be found, for example, [here](
-### Sanity Check
-Before deploying the snapshot, perform a quick sanity check.
-First, delete all Isis artifacts from your local Maven repo:
-rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
-Next, check that the releasable module builds independently. The build process depends on whether the artifact is of Isis core or of one of its components:
-* For Isis core, build using the `-o` offline flag:
-  `mvn clean install -o`
-  Confirm that the versions of the Isis artifacts now cached in your local repository are correct.
-* For an Isis component, build without the offline flag; Maven should pull down the component's dependencies from the Maven central repo:
-  `mvn clean install`
-  Confirm that the versions of the Isis artifacts now cached in your local repository are correct (both those pulled down from Maven central repo, as well as those of the component built locally).
-### Deploy All Modules
-Deploy all modules using:
-mvn -D deploy=snapshot deploy
-This will deploy all the modules that make up a release.
-To confirm that they are present, browse to Apache's [Nexus repository manager]( and search for "isis".
-Depending on the module being released, the deploy process could take a long time.  Go grab a bite of lunch.
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-Title: script
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_xxx)
-The `` script automates the downloading of the zip, asc and md5 scripts from the official Apache repository.
-To use:
-* download the [](./resources/ script to your local SVN workspace (corresponding to ``).  
-* edit the first section, to specify the old and new versions for each of the components.
-* run the script.
-* commit the changes.
-Note that the `` script must not itself be checked in to Subversion, hence the necessity to copy it down from here whenever needed.
diff --git a/content-OLDSITE/contributors/ b/content-OLDSITE/contributors/
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index d5dda38..0000000
--- a/content-OLDSITE/contributors/
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@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-Title: Updating the CMS site
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_xxx)
-Apache Isis uses the Apache CMS to manage this website.
-##About the Apache CMS
-A picture tells more then a thousands word so we recommend that you watch this [tutorial video]( before you start. Extended information can be found on the [Apache CMS documentation page](
-With the right karma you can edit both the live and staging site but it's recommended to use the staging site to be able to preview your changes before pushing them to the production site. Our staging site is located here here:
-* <>
-The content lives in SVN at <> in case you want to check it out and do offline edits.
-##Install Bookmarklet
-Please be sure to install the bookmarklet on your browser toolbar by either dragging and dropping this [ASF CMS][1] link to your toolbar or by creating a new bookmark by either right-clicking on that link and selecting "Bookmark this Link", or by opening a "New Bookmark" dialog screen from your browser's menu and typing the following into the Location/URL field:
-    javascript:void(location.href=''+escape(location.href))
-Without this bookmarklet installed you will not be able to browse the live site and instantly edit pages in the CMS by clicking on the bookmarklet. This is an essential component of the CMS and is therefore strongly recommended.
-To use the bookmarklet simply browse your live production or staging site (NOT the cms!), locate a page you'd like to edit, and click on the bookmarklet. You'll be taken to a page within the cms that allows you to edit the content by clicking on the [Edit] link.
-##Start editing
-If you just want to get started editing a page:
-* Install the bookmarklet from (see above). You only have to do this once.
-* Navigate to the page you wish to edit (on the live site, not in the cms).
-* Click the bookmarklet. There will be a short pause while the CMS system is initialised for you.
-* Click on Edit (to skip this step hack the bookmarklet to add an 'action=edit' param to the bookmarklet's query string)
-* The page editor should then be displayed.
-* Click Submit to save your edit to the workarea
-* Click Commit to save the updated file to SVN and trigger a staged build. (to skip this step click on the "Quick Commit" checkbox in the Edit form).
-* The results should appear shortly on the staging site. (You may have to force the page to refresh in order to see the updated content)
-* Once you are happy with the updated page, click on Publish Site to deploy.
-[1]: javascript:void(location.href=''+escape(location.href))
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index 42a72fe..0000000
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-Title: Verify releases using a script
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_xxx)
-To save some time in verifying an Isis release we've assembled a script to automate the process. The script is tested on Mac OSX and Linux.  Windows users can use Cygwin or [msysgit](
-It's **recommended** that you start this process in an empty directory:
-	mkdir ~/verify-isis-release
-	cd ~/verify-isis-release
-## Copy the script to your local machine 
-The script could be enhanced in many ways, feel free to do so! Copy (or [download](resources/ the `` script below:
-	#!/bin/bash
-	# Instructions:
-	# -Create an empty directory
-	# -Put a .txt file in it containing a list of all the urls of the zip files
-	# -Run this script
-	# TODO: enhance this script so it will stop when something is broken
-	_download(){
-		for fil in `cat *.txt`
-		do
-			echo 'Downloading '$fil
-			curl  -L -O $fil
-			curl  -L -O $fil.asc
-		done
-	}
-	_verify(){
-		for zip in *.zip
-		do 
-			echo 'Verifying '$zip	
-			gpg --verify $zip.asc $zip 
-		done
-	}
-	_unpack(){
-		echo 'Unpacking '
-		unzip -q '*.zip'
-	}
-	_build(){
-		echo 'Removing Isis from local repo '$module
-		rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
-		for module in ./*/
-		do
-			if [ $COUNTER -eq 1 ]
-			then
-				cd $module
-				echo 'Building Core '$module
-				mvn clean install -o
-				cd ..
-			else
-				cd $module
-				echo 'Building Module '$module
-				mvn clean install
-				cd ..
-			fi
-		done
-	}
-	# The work starts here 
-	_download
-	_verify
-	_unpack
-	_build
-Make sure the script is executable:
-	chmod +x
-## Create an input file
-The input file is a plain .txt file containing all urls to the packages to be verfied. Here's a sample of the release of Isis 1.0.0:
-The actual list of packages to be verified will be provided through the mailing list.
-## Clean out Isis from your local Maven repo
-    rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
-## Execute the script
-    ./
-\u2026and get yourself a cup of coffee.
-## Test the archetype
-Assuming that everything builds ok, then test the archetypes (adjust version as necessary):
-    mvn archetype:generate  \
-        -D archetypeGroupId=org.apache.isis.archetype \
-        -D archetypeArtifactId=simpleapp-archetype \
-        -D groupId=com.mycompany \
-        -D artifactId=myapp \
-        -D version=1.0-SNAPSHOT \
-        -B \
-        -o \
-        -D archetypeVersion=1.8.0   # adjust version as necessary
-    cd myapp
-    mvn clean install -o
-    mvn -P self-host antrun:run
-If it runs up ok, then it's time to [vote](verifying-releases.html)!
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-Title: Verifying Releases using Creadur Tools
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_xxx)
-The [Apache Creadur]( project exists to provide a set of tools to ensure compliance with Apache's licensing standards.  The main release auditing tool, [Apache RAT](, is used in the preparation of the release (as documented [here](release-process.html)).  Creadur's remaining tools are to support the verification process.
-At the time of writing, these additional tools are quite young and haven't been formally released; so to use them will take a little bit of work.  In the future we expect these tools to mature and ease the effort required to verify releases.
-## Using the Tentacles tool
-At the time of writing the Tentacles tool hasn't been released, so you'll need to build from source:
-mkdir /tmp/verify
-cd /tmp/verify
-svn co creadur-tentacles
-cd creadur-tentacles
-mvn clean install
-You can pull down a release, using a command such as:
-cd /tmp/verify
-java -jar creadur-tentacles/target/apache-tentacles-0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
-where `NNN` is the repository that has the staged artifacts requiring verification.
-As per the [tentacles documentation](, this command generates a report called `archives.html` (in the newly created `orgapacheisis-NNN` directory).  This lists all of the top-level binaires, their `LICENSE` and `NOTICE` files and any `LICENSE` and `NOTICE` files of any binaries they may contain.
-Validation of the output at this point is all still manual.  Things to check for include:
-* any binaries that contain no LICENSE and NOTICE files
-* any binaries that contain more than one LICENSE or NOTICE file
-In this report, each binary will have three links listed after its name '(licenses, notices, contents)'
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-Title: Verifying Releases
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_xxx)
-Whenever a committer announces a vote on a release on the [dev mailing list](../support.html), it is the responsibility of the project's PMC to cast their vote on the release.  Anyone else can also vote, but only members of the Apache Isis PMC's vote are binding.
-This page provides some guidance on what a voter is expected to verify before casting their vote. 
-Per this [ASF documentation](, the legal requirements for an ASF release are:
-* a source zip file + corresponding signature (signed by the release manager, which is in the ASF web of trust and in our KEYS file)
-* all source files have the Apache license (this is ensured by the running of the rat plugin prior to release; you could run it on the unzipped source)
-* all dependencies are appropriately licensed; see the `DEPENDENCIES` file which is automatically generated from the POMs plus the supplemental-models.xml file
-Note that the binaries are *not* an ASF release, they merely exist on the Maven central repo as a convenience.  That said, you might also want to verify the release by pulling the binaries from the Maven staging repository.  Details of how to do this are also documented below.
-## Prerequisites ##
-To verify the source ZIP files, you will need to have imported the public keys used for signing Isis releases.  These can be downloaded from the root of the Isis source tree.
-Since the Isis source is mirrored on, you can just use:
-curl > /tmp/KEYS
-gpg --import /tmp/KEYS
-## Verifying the source release artifacts ##
-> Note: to automate this next stage, there is also a [script](/contributors/verifying-releases-script.html) available; but read what follows first before using the script.
-Download both the ZIP and .ASC files from the location specified in the voting email. To verify that the signature is correct, use:
-    gpg --verify
-## Building the source release artifacts ##
-Assuming the ZIP file verifies, it should be unpacked, and then the artifact built from source.
-First, delete all Isis artifacts from your local Maven repo:
-    rm -rf ~/.m2/repository/org/apache/isis
-The build process depends on whether the artifact is of Isis core or of one of its components.
-#### Isis Core ####
-To build Isis core, first download any dependencies:
-    mvn dependency:go-offline
-Check that no Isis artifacts have yet been downloaded, ie there is no `~/.m2/org/repository/org/apache/isis` directory.  If there are, it could indicate that the release being verified incorrectly references previous versions of Isis core.
-Assuming all is ok, build using the `-o` offline flag:
-    mvn clean install -o
-Confirm that the versions of the Isis artifacts now cached in your local repository are correct.
-#### Isis Component ####
-To build an Isis component, build without the offline flag; Maven should pull down the component's dependencies from the Maven central repo:
-    mvn clean install
-Confirm that the versions of the Isis artifacts now cached in your local repository are correct (both those pulled down from Maven central repo, as well as those of the component built locally).
-The above steps are the bare minimum you should perform before casting a vote.  Ideally, you should also run an Isis application (eg one of the examples) against the new code (either against a new version of core, or configured to use the new version of the component).
-## Verifying the binary release artifacts (using the Maven staging repository) ##
-If you wish, you can verify the binary releases by configuring your local Maven install to point to the Maven Maven staging repository (or repositories) and then using them, eg to run the [simpleapp archetype](../intro/getting-started/simpleapp-archetype.html) and running the resultant app.
-Configuring your local Maven install amounts to updating the `~/.m2/settings.xml` file:
-    <profiles>
-        <profile>
-            <id>verify-isis</id>
-            <repositories>
-                <repository>
-                    <id>isis-core-staging</id>
-                    <name>Isis Core Staging</name>
-                    <releases>
-                        <enabled>true</enabled>
-                        <updatePolicy>always</updatePolicy>
-                        <checksumPolicy>warn</checksumPolicy>
-                    </releases>
-                    <url></url>
-                    <layout>default</layout>
-                </repository>
-                ...
-            </repositories>
-        </profile>
-        ...
-    </profiles>
-    <activeProfiles>
-        <activeProfile>verify-isis</activeProfile>
-        ...
-    </activeProfiles>
-where the repository URL is as provided in the VOTE email.  If there is more than one repository (as is sometimes the case if multiple components have been released), then repeat the <repository> section for each.
-Once the vote has completed, the staging repositories will be removed and so you should deactive the profile (comment out the `<activeProfile>` element).  If you forget to deactive the profile, there should be no adverse effects; Maven will just spend unnecessary cycles attempting to hit a non-existent repo.
-## Using the Creadur Tools
-The [Apache Creadur]( project exists to provide a set of tools to ensure compliance with Apache's licensing standards.  The main release auditing tool, [Apache RAT](, is used in the preparation of the release (as documented [here](release-process.html)).  Creadur's remaining tools are to support the verification process.
-At the time of writing, these additional tools are quite young and haven't been formally released; so to use them will take a little bit of work.  See [here](verifying-releases-using-creadur-tools.html) for more details.
-## Casting a Vote
-When you have made the above checks (and any other checks you think may be relevant), cast your vote by replying to the email thread on the mailing list.  If you are casting `-1`, please provide details of the problem(s) you have found.
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-Title: Versioning Policy
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_xxx)
-## Semantic Versioning
-Starting from v1.0.0, Isis has adopted [semantic versioning](
-for its versioning policy.
-Version numbers are in the form `x.y.z`:
-- x is bumped up whenever there a breaking API change
-- y is bumped up whenever there is a new feature that does not break API
-- z is bumped up for minor bug fixes.
-This scheme would be adopted for both core and components.  
-## Version numbers are not synchronized between Core and Components
-Version numbers are NOT kept in sync between core and components.  Therefore components should clearly indicate the version of core that they depend upon.
-For example, here is a possible flow of how versioning might evolve over a number of releases:
-* `core 1.0.0` is released
-* `isis-objectstore-jdo 1.0.0 is released, dependent on `core 1.0.0`
-* `isis-viewer-wicket 1.0.0` is released, dependent on `core 1.0.0`
-* `core 1.0.1` is released.  This is NOT picked up by either of the above components.
-* `isis-objectstore-jdo 1.0.1` is released, dependent on `core 1.0.1`.  This also incorporates a number of its own bug fixes
-* `core 1.1.0` is released, providing a new feature
-* `isis-viewer-wicket 1.1.0` is released, using the new feature provided by `core 1.1.0`.
-* `isis-viewer-wicket 1.2.0` is released, offering its own new feature.  It still depends on core `1.1.0`.
-* `isis-objectstore-jdo 1.0.2` is released.  This has some bug fixes and depends on `core 1.1.0` (even though it does not require the new feature introduced in `core 1.1.0`, it tracks the latest available version of `core`)
-* `core 2.0.0` is released, making breaking changes to the objectstore API
-* `isis-objectstore-jdo 2.0.0` is released, dependent on `core 2.0.0`.
-* `isis-objectstore-jdo 2.1.0` is released, providing a new feature.  It depends on `core 2.0.0`.
-* `isis-viewer-wicket 1.2.1` is released.  This has some bug fixes, and also updates to run against `core 2.0.0`.
-At the end of this sequence we have:
-- `core 2.0.0`
-- `isis-objectstore-jdo 2.1.0`, dependent upon `core 2.0.0`
-- `isis-wicket-viewer 1.2.1`, dependent upon `core 2.0.0`
-## Version numbers may not be used
-Version ranges may not be used.  If necessary, end-users can use `<dependencyManagement` elements to have combine components built against different versions of core.
-That said, this can introduce instability and so generally we recommend that end-users configure the `maven-enforcer-plugin` and its [DependencyConvergence]( rule.  This will avoid "jar hell" (components having conflicting dependencies of core).
-If there is a conflict, we would ask that end-users engage with Isis committers to have an updated version of the component(s) pushed out.
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-Title: Core Modules
-go back to: [documentation](../documentation.html)
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-Title: Bypass Security
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_security)
-This page is a stub.
-The bypass security component consists of an implementation of both the `AuthenticationManager` and `AuthorizationManager` APIs, and are intended for prototyping use only.
-The authentication manager allows access with any credentials (in a sense, "bypassing" authentication), while the authorization manager provides access to all class members (in a sense, "bypassing" authorization).
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-Title: Core (in-memory) Object Store
-As of 1.9.0 this module has been retired 
-The core in-memory object store provides a simple implementation of the `ObjectStore` API, suitable for prototyping and unit testing.  Objects state is stored only in-memory and is not persisted between runs.
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-Title: Core (in-memory) Profile Store
-As of 1.7.0 this module has been retired 
-The in-memory profile store provides an implementation of the `ProfileStore` API.
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-Title: Integration testing Support
-[//]: # (content copied to _user-guide_testing_integ-test-support)
-> See also Isis' [BDD support](specsupport-and-integtestsupport.html).
-The `isis-core-integtestsupport` module provides the ability to bootstrap Isis within a JUnit testing framework, using any object store.  This is done using a JUnit rule.
-In addition, the UI can be integration tested by "wrapping" each domain object in a proxy.  This proxy ensures that the "see it/use it/do it" rules (ie to hide, disable, or validate) are enforced.  The wrapping is performed using the [WrapperFactory](../reference/services/wrapper-factory.html), part of Isis core.
-To use, update the `pom.xml`:
-    <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.isis.core</groupId>
-        <artifactId>isis-core-integtestsupport</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
-    <dependency>
-        <groupId>org.apache.isis.core</groupId>
-        <artifactId>isis-core-wrapper</artifactId>
-    </dependency>
-A full example is provided in the [simpleapp archetype](../intro/getting-started/simpleapp-archetype.html).  But to briefly explain; the recommended approach is to create an abstract class for all your integration tests.  Here's an example derived from the Isis addons example [todoapp]( (not ASF):
-    public abstract class AbstractIntegTest {
-        @Inject
-        protected ToDoItems toDoItems;
-        @Inject
-        protected WrapperFactory wrapperFactory;
-        @Inject
-        protected DomainObjectContainer container;
-        @Rule
-        public JUnitRuleMockery2 context = JUnitRuleMockery2.createFor(Mode.INTERFACES_AND_CLASSES);
-        @Rule
-        public IsisSystemForTestRule bootstrapIsis = new IsisSystemForTestRule();
-        @Rule
-        public ExpectedException expectedExceptions = ExpectedException.none();
-        /**
-         * Same running system returned for all tests, set up with {@link ToDoItemsFixture}.
-         * 
-         * <p>
-         * The database is NOT reset between tests.
-         */
-        public IsisSystemForTest getIsft() {
-            return bootstrapIsis.getIsisSystemForTest();
-        }
-        protected <T> T wrap(T obj) {
-            return wrapperFactory.wrap(obj);
-        }
-        protected <T> T unwrap(T obj) {
-            return wrapperFactory.unwrap(obj);
-        }
-        // other boilerplate omitted
-    }    
-Each of the integration tests then inherit from this abstract class.  For example, here's a test of the `ToDoItem`'s `completed()` action:
-    public class ToDoItem_completed extends AbstractIntegTest {
-        private ToDoItem toDoItem;
-        private boolean isComplete;
-        @Before
-        public void setUp() throws Exception {
-            // given
-            final List<ToDoItem> all = wrap(toDoItems).notYetComplete();
-            toDoItem = wrap(all.get(0));
-            // to reset after
-            isComplete = toDoItem.isComplete();
-        }
-        @After
-        public void tearDown() throws Exception {
-            unwrap(toDoItem).setComplete(isComplete);
-        }
-        @Test
-        public void happyCase() throws Exception {
-            // given
-            assertThat(toDoItem.isComplete(), is(false));
-            // when
-            toDoItem.completed();
-            // then
-            assertThat(toDoItem.isComplete(), is(true));
-        }
-        @Test
-        public void cannotCompleteIfAlreadyCompleted() throws Exception {
-            // given
-            unwrap(toDoItem).setComplete(true);
-            // when, then should fail
-            expectedExceptions.expectMessage("Already completed");
-            toDoItem.completed();
-        }
-        @Test
-        public void cannotSetPropertyDirectly() throws Exception {
-            // given
-            // when, then should fail
-            expectedExceptions.expectMessage("Always disabled");
-            toDoItem.setComplete(true);
-        }
-    }
-Note that when the `ToDoItem` is wrapped, it is not possible to call `setComplete()` directly on the object; but when it is unwrapped then this call can be made as per normal.
-The full source code, plus other example tests, can be found [here](
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-Title: Release Notes
-Note that Core incorporates the Wicket viewer, the Restful Objects viewer, Shiro Security and the JDO/DataNucleus ObjectStore.  In earlier releases each of these were released as separate components.
-- [isis-1.8.0](isis-1.8.0.html) ([migrating from 1.7.0 to 1.8.0](migrating-to-1.8.0.html))
-- [isis-1.7.0](isis-1.7.0.html) ([migrating from 1.6.0 to 1.7.0](migrating-to-1.7.0.html))
-- [isis-1.6.0](isis-1.6.0.html) ([migrating from 1.5.0 to 1.6.0](migrating-to-1.6.0.html))
-- [isis-1.5.0](isis-1.5.0.html)
-- [isis-1.4.0](isis-1.4.0.html)
-- [isis-1.3.0](isis-1.3.0.html)
-- [isis-1.2.0](isis-1.2.0.html)
-- [isis-1.1.0](isis-1.1.0.html)
-- [isis-1.0.0](isis-1.0.0.html)
-See also release notes for previous releases of:
-* [Wicket Viewer](../../components/viewers/wicket/release-notes/about.html)
-* [Restful Objects Viewer](../../components/viewers/restfulobjects/release-notes/about.html)
-* [Shiro Security](../../components/security/shiro/release-notes/about.html)
-* [JDO/DataNucleus ObjectStore](../../components/objectstores/jdo/release-notes/about.html)
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-Title: isis-1.0.0
-<h2>        New Feature
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-240</a>] -         Provide a bookmark service in order to lookup any object
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-242</a>] -         Provide support for JODA LocalDate and LocalDateTime as value types.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-250</a>] -         Change MetaModelValidator such that multiple validation errors can be reported in a single shot....
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-263</a>] -         Introduce a new @CommonlyUsed annotation as a hint for the UI.  To be implemented by Wicket viewer (as a minimum)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-264</a>] -         Add @Paged annotation (for use by viewer-side paging as a minimum).  Implement in Wicket as a minimum
-<h2>        Improvement
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-89</a>] -         Finish off updating documentation post the first (pre 1.0) release of Isis.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-131</a>] -         Archive off (and no longer support) the default runtime&#39;s client/server remoting
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-188</a>] -         Stabilization for isis-1.0.0 release.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-192</a>] -         Change the default config files for file-based authentication and file-based authorization
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-202</a>] -         Rename @Stable to @ViewModel
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-203</a>] -         Improve the logging at startup
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-216</a>] -         Make OIDs immutable and self-describing (ie make OidWithSpecification the norm, using an ObjectTypeFacet as a way of determining the type).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-227</a>] -         Separate out Eclipse (m2e) target classes from Maven cli,so co-exist better.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-228</a>] -         Use JUnit categories to distinguish between tests that can be run on CI server and those that cannot.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-243</a>] -         Remove the Maybe type from the Isis applib.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-245</a>] -         Collapse the Version hierarchy
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-248</a>] -         Perform concurrency checking within the persistor (rather than rely on every viewer/client to do the check)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-252</a>] -         Use enums instead of booleans in FacetFactory&#39;s/Facets/ValueSemanticsProvider
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-253</a>] -         Get rid of DateValueFacet#getLevel(), since unused
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-257</a>] -         Remove the @Executed annotation from the applib (and corresponding metadata stuff) since remoting no longer supported.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-258</a>] -         Extend @Hidden and @Disabled to specify Where the object member should be hidden/disabled.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-259</a>] -         Replace @QueryOnly and @Idempotent with a new @ActionSemantics annotation.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-260</a>] -         If a property is annotated as @Title, then by default it should not appear as a column in tables.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-261</a>] -         Remove obsolete code (Enumeration interface, AnnotationBasedFacetFactory)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-262</a>] -         Real composite for ResourceSourceStream
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-267</a>] -         Handle &quot;recreating&quot; object adapters which are already resolved
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-274</a>] -         Simplify the bootstrapping of Isis so that there are fewer configuration properties to set in
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-280</a>] -         More consistent support for @Prototype and @Exploration, by utilizing the existing HidingInteractionAdvisor API
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-281</a>] -         Provide support for integration testing using a JUnit rule.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-283</a>] -         Provide the ability to use fixtures as domain objects, eg within demo apps
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-285</a>] -         Add additional MetaModelValidators so that orphaned prefixes are treated as a validation error.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-286</a>] -         Make sure pending changes are stored before issuing a query
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-288</a>] -         During start up the configuration files are read in repeatedly making it confusing to track down configuration issues
-<h2>        Bug
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-184</a>] -         PasswordValueSemanticsProvider.doEncode threw exception when I provided a defaultXXX method
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-255</a>] -         Test in Runtime TestSupport component fails due to TimeZone
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-265</a>] -         NullPointerException when storing new objects
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-266</a>] -         BoundedFacetAbstract was invalidating using disabledReason()
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@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-Title: isis-1.1.0
-<h2>        New Feature
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-282</a>] -         Add support for file uploads and downloads to Wicket viewer and JDO objectstore
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-304</a>] -         Contributed actions for collections (1-arg, no business rules) do not appear.
-<h2>        Improvement
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-305</a>] -         compareTo methods (when implement Comparable) should be automatically hidden
-<h2>        Bug
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-207</a>] -         Improve the message given when a field is too long (exceeds its @MaxLength value)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-312</a>] -         Guard in BaseFixture to allow fixtures to load in production mode was faulty
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-Title: isis-1.2.0
-<h2>New Feature
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-323</a>] -         Provide the capability to publish events, either changed objects or invoked actions
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-327</a>] -         Initialize and shutdown domain services
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-344</a>] -         Automatically exclude &quot;parent references&quot; from parented collections.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-351</a>] -         Provide the ability for certain runtime exceptions to be recognized as non-fatal, for rendering to the user.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-356</a>] -         Allow &#39;inject&#39; to be used as a prefix for injecting services into entities, fixtures or other services.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-360</a>] -         About page on wicket viewer should show version, build number and other details.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-367</a>] -         Refactor to support JTA transactions
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-377</a>] -         Publishing Service implementation that writes to a queue (using JDO).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-378</a>] -         IsisServices - a service for prototyping that allows access into the internals of the Isis runtime
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-380</a>] -         Enhance BookmarkService API to allow objects to be looked up directly (rather than by dint of a BookmarkHolder)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-407</a>] -         Annotation to automatically adjust end dates of ranges so that they are shown as inclusive vs exclusive.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-409</a>] -         Move the &#39;wrapper&#39; progmodel component into core, reworked as an optional service
-<h2>        Improvement
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-208</a>] -         If two services accidentally have the same Id, then should throw an exception.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-326</a>] -         Make Datanucleus JNDI aware
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-330</a>] -         Wicket viewer calls choices method while figuring out how to render properties.  Should call less often (if not at all).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-331</a>] -         Explicitly specify for both Isis and the quickstart archetype
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-343</a>] -         Introduce @Render annotation and deprecate @Resolve
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-345</a>] -         Move the Bookmark service in the applib to a different package
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-353</a>] -         compareTo methods (when implement Comparable) should be automatically hidden
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-358</a>] -         Should be able to delete objects even if they are not versioned.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-362</a>] -         Upgrade to JMock 2.6.0
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-364</a>] -         Suppress components of title when rendered in a parented collection.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-366</a>] -         Core unit testing support JUnitRuleMockery2 does not support autoinjection of setters
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-386</a>] -         Provide the ability to force a reload of an object by the JDO objectstore, and provide a domain service for clients.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-387</a>] -         Enhance PublishingService and AuditingService for created and deleted objects (as well as just updated objects).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-396</a>] -         Wicket/JDO handling of BigDecimal properties should honour the @Column&#39;s scale attribute.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-397</a>] -         Change default AuditingService impl to write to stderr, not stdout
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-398</a>] -         Extend applib&#39;s Clock interface to also return time as Joda LocalDate or LocalDateTime
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-403</a>] -         Improve the bookmarks in the Wicket viewer.
-<h2>        Bug
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-359</a>] -         Bulk actions being shown even if action is not a no-arg...
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-408</a>] -         Auditing should ignore non-persistable properties (annotated with @NotPersisted).
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-Title: isis-1.3.0
-<h2>        New Feature
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-420</a>] -         Application-level settings service and a user-level settings service.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-423</a>] -         Provide contract test utility for the automatic testing of 1:m and 1:1 bidirectional relationships
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-426</a>] -         Provide abstract contract test to easily verify Comparable implementations.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-427</a>] -         An application setting service (both global and user-specific), with JDO implementation.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-430</a>] -         Allow the sort order for SortedSet parented collections to be overridden with a new @SortedBy annotation.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-433</a>] -         Provide context-specific autoComplete through prefixed methods on actions parameters (cf choices method).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-434</a>] -         Provide context-specific autoComplete through prefixed methods on properties
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-440</a>] -         Contributed collections to allow decoupling
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-441</a>] -         Helper classes in the applib to implement common object contracts (toString, equals, hashCode, compareTo)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-446</a>] -         A new DeveloperUtilitiesService to download the metamodel as a CSV spreadsheet
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-450</a>] -         Provide an EventBusService (based on guava) for decoupled intra-session interaction between entities.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-452</a>] -         New @PostsPropertyChangedEvent annotation to post a PropertyChangedEvent via EventBusService
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-457</a>] -         New annotation @CssClass for class member, should render in the HTML markup for that member.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-461</a>] -         Provide the ability to run arbitrary fixtures (implementing the applib&#39;s InstallableFixture) in integration tests 
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-463</a>] -         Enhance unittestsupport and integtestsupport to enable Cucumber-JVM specs to be written (at  unit- or integration-scope, respectively)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-468</a>] -         Provide better layout management of pages in the Wicket viewer.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-469</a>] -         Provide implementations of certain layout facets that read from a &quot;; file
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-470</a>] -         Provide the ability to rebuild the metamodel for individual classes, thus allowing dynamic layout capability...
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-475</a>] -         Dynamic layout using JSON, using an Xxx.layout.json file
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-478</a>] -         Provide conditional choices, defaults and validation between action parameters
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-484</a>] -         Contract test for ensuring that injectXxx methods are final and not overridable
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-497</a>] -         Allow service actions to be rendered as contributed collections or as contributed properties.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-518</a>] -         Support Guava&#39;s Predicate API for allMatches etc in the applib; deprecate the Filter&lt;T&gt; API.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-553</a>] -         Provide view model support, as sketched out in the Restful Objects spec
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-554</a>] -         Automatically render a &quot;Dashboard&quot; service (perhaps one annotated with @Dashboard) as an object in the Wicket viewer.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-559</a>] -         When a @Bulk action is invoked, an interaction context (available via a ThreadLocal) should provide additional contextual information.
-<h2>        Improvement
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-51</a>] -         Standardize on just one collections API (either google-collections/guava or Apache collections)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-74</a>] -         Get rid of BoundedFacet (or keep only for information); instead replace with ChoicesFacetBecauseBounded.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-210</a>] -         Support parameter choices on contributed actions
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-425</a>] -         Factor out abstract contract test class to make it easier to write contract tests that apply to all entities.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-428</a>] -         JUnitMockery2 should automatically instantiate the @ClassUnderTest
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-436</a>] -         Extend the ApplicationSettings and UserSettings (read/write and listAll)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-444</a>] -         Autocomplete should allow minimum characters to be specified; choices should require no characters to be specified.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-453</a>] -         Extend @MemberGroups annotation so that it can provide a hint to lay out properties on either left or right hand side of the page (with respect to Wicket viewer&#39;s rendering)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-456</a>] -         ResourceServlet should set the contentType for common file types.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-458</a>] -         Allow services to be rendered in a different order than listed in
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-462</a>] -         Improve ValueTypeContractTestAbstract to also test for value types that implement Comparable.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-465</a>] -         Provide the ability to reuse FixtureInstallerDelegate to install demo fixtures (in running application).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-474</a>] -         hide operation in the sevice menu that are not invoke-able due to user role permission mapping.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-480</a>] -         With the new multiple columns for properties, should only be a single edit form, and should also allow collections to &quot;overflow&quot; underneath property columns if need be.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-482</a>] -         Allow as &quot;choices&quot; return type any descendant of &quot;Collection&quot;
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-485</a>] -         Clearer messages for validation exceptions (specially MandatoryExceptions)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-490</a>] -         Switch from log4j to using slf4j throughout
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-495</a>] -         Remove dependences to commons-lang and commons-collection
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-500</a>] -         Make EntityIconAndTitlePanel easier to subclass; minor tidy up ComponentFactory and PageRegistryDefault.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-503</a>] -         Refactor the way that members are ordered to allow contributee actions to be ordered within regular actions 
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-504</a>] -         Metamodel validator should throw a violation if discover any properties/collections on a service
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-509</a>] -         Tidy up and rationalize Util classes in core (and all dependents)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-519</a>] -         Delete applib&#39;s src-archived/old-valueholders (and the other src-archived stuff too, the never implemented searchable annotations/interfaces).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-528</a>] -         Allow framework to deal with transient objects not instantiated by newTransientInstance.  Improve javadoc.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-536</a>] -         Provide the capability to disable concurrency checking in core through a thread-local
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-539</a>] -         Allow a reason to be specified in @Disabled annotation
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-546</a>] -         OID marshalling should allow an &#39;@&#39; symbol for the version.getUser()
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-564</a>] -         The API for the AuditingService#audit omits the id of the property being changed.  Fix this (respecting semver)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-567</a>] -         Provide the capability to disable concurrency checking through a global property (in
-<h2>        Bug
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-236</a>] -         Classes that are not referenced in the DOM aren&#39;t found by the specification loader
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-435</a>] -         Problems with Enums implementing methods on values
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-442</a>] -         Fix error handling flow in IsisTransaction
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-449</a>] -         Error handling when transaction aborted incorrect
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-451</a>] -         Abstract methods (and perhaps synthetic methods) not being filtered out of metamodel
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-464</a>] -         Some trivial cleanup
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-467</a>] -         timezone difference issue in date test in org.apache.isis.objectstore.sql.HsqlTest
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-531</a>] -         Reinstate metamodel pseudo-&quot;API&quot; classes that are used by danhaywood&#39;s wicket extensions, was breaking backward compatibility
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-533</a>] -         When flushing transaction, allow for fact that flushing might cause additional persistence commands to be created, and iterate.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-545</a>] -         Test in error (Unparseable date)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-549</a>] -         RegisterEntities has two @PostConstruct methods...
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-565</a>] -         NullPointerException on OneToOneAssociation#clearValue
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-566</a>] -         Concurrency conflict on related entity that has not been edited
-<h2>        Task
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-437</a>] -         Tidy-up tasks for Isis 1.3.0 and associated components.
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-Title: isis-1.4.0
-<h2>        New Feature
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-592</a>] -         Make XmlSnapshot (in core.runtime) available as an applib service.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-593</a>] -         MementoService enhancements 
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-595</a>] -         Validate metamodel to ensure that any bookmarkable actions are explicitly annotated as having safe action semantics.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-601</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that the PagedFacet (@Paged annotation) can be specified for collections.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-602</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that RenderFacet (@Render annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-603</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that NamedFacet (@Named annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-604</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that TypicalLengthFacet (@TypicalLength annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-605</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that MultiLineFacet (@MultiLine annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-606</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that CssClassFacet (@CssClass annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-607</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that DescribedAsFacet (@DescribedAs annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-612</a>] -         Return a URL from an action opens a new browser window
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-613</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that HiddenFacet (@Hidden annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-614</a>] -         Extend the dynamic JSON layout so that DisabledFacet (@Disabled annotation) can be specified dynamically
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-624</a>] -         Use javax.validation.constraints.Digits to specify length and scale for BigDecimal action parameters (to avoid JDO exceptions later).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-625</a>] -         Better reporting of metamodel violation errors
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-648</a>] -         Improve support for bulk update
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-652</a>] -         Support @RequestScoped beans (registered as services)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-653</a>] -         Provide a &quot;Scratchpad&quot; request-scoped service, as a way of passing arbitrary user data from one place to another.  One use case is to coordinate the response of bulk actions.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-654</a>] -         Provide a request-scoped QueryResultsCache service, as a technique for performance tuning.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-655</a>] -         Deprecate Bulk.InteractionContext, instead use a new request-scoped Bulk.InteractionContextService bean.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-660</a>] -         Profiling support and also infrastructure for background (async job) support
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-661</a>] -         BackgroundService and BackgroundTaskService as a way of creating mementos to execute jobs asynchronously
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-662</a>] -         Provide a &quot;contributions&quot; service to add a PublishedEvents contributed collection for the Interaction entity.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-663</a>] -         Provide a &quot;contributions&quot; service for AuditEntry, so that audit entries are shown as a contributed collection to the Interaction entity.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-664</a>] -         Provide an abstract class for running &quot;sudo&quot; scheduler jobs
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-673</a>] -         AbstractIsisSessionTemplate as a way to run arbitrary &#39;runnable&#39; in an Isis session
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-685</a>] -         Add new @Command(async=true|false) flag, so that Command is automatically scheduled to run in the background
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-696</a>] -         Extra overload for BookmarkService for lookup with downcast (making more consistent with API of MementoService).
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-697</a>] -         Extend DeveloperUtilitiesService to be able to refresh services (for contributed actions)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-728</a>] -         Provide facet factory to enable auditing by default on all objects, unless explicitly opted out
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-729</a>] -         Provide facet factory to treat all actions by default as commands, unless explicitly opted out
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-730</a>] -         Provide a very simple ClockService, so all services accessed in same way via DI
-<h2>        Improvement
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-272</a>] -         Adding ValueSemanticProviders for UUID and URI
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-541</a>] -         Enhance contributed actions/associations to support hideXxx, disableXxx, validateXxx, defaultXxx and choices where the contributee is automatically populated.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-543</a>] -         title() should take precedence over @Title, or perhaps should fail eagerly?
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-579</a>] -         Add support for range queries in JDO objectstore
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-583</a>] -         Contributed collections ignore @Render annotation
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-597</a>] -         Services still not injected when entering @PostConstruct methods on a Service
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-598</a>] -         Add support for @Inject standard annotation
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-599</a>] -         Better message and diagnostics for Exception Recognizers
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-600</a>] -         Change format of facet properties file, scope by member then facet
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-623</a>] -         Make the default logging of JDO and IsisSytemForTest less verbose
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-626</a>] -         Recognize Wicket PageExpiredExceptions and display a friendlier error message
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-634</a>] -         Drop-downs (for enums/bounded and autocomplete) should honour TypicalLengthFacet.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-639</a>] -         Jetty webserver support long URLs
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-640</a>] -         Extend MementoService.Memento API so that can also return the set of keys held in the Memento
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-651</a>] -         Modifications to enable JRebel support
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-659</a>] -         Extend MementoServiceDefault service to handle Bookmarks and also enums (as well as simple values)
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-665</a>] -         ObjectActionImpl should escalate a thrown Isis ApplicationException to its underlying cause if the transaction is in a state of mustAbort.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-668</a>] -         Improve parsing of key in the file, to allow &quot;commented-out&quot; services.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-670</a>] -         Replace AuditingService and AuditingService2 with new AuditingService3 API, more consistent with other APIs
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-671</a>] -         Add a ReifiableActionFacet and @Reifiable annotation as a way to restrict which ReifiableActions are persisted.  Enable background task service to hint that an ReifiableAction should be persisted even if not annotated.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-672</a>] -         Unify BackgroundTask and Interaction into same entity, rename to &quot;ReifiableAction&quot;.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-684</a>] -         Rename ReifiableAction to simply &#39;Command&#39;, and update services also
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-693</a>] -         Minor extensions in support of Excel import/export functionality.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-708</a>] -         BookmarkService null handling
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-723</a>] -         BookmarkService should support lookup of domain services as well as domain entities (and throw an exception for view models)
-<h2>        Bug
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-234</a>] -         Persistence by reachability of aggregated instances fails.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-619</a>] -         Extend IsisActions to support easy mocking of the DOC#newTransientInstance
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-627</a>] -         Lazily loaded object cannot be deleted, throws an NPE
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-635</a>] -         JDO Publishing Service impl causes ConcurrentModificationException in core.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-636</a>] -         BookmarkServiceDefault throws NPE if the BookmarkHolder (to which it contributes a property) returns a null Bookmark
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-641</a>] -         Incompatibility of TreeSet for @Bulk. 
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-691</a>] -         In Wicket viewer, improve drop-down list&#39;s handling of null entity or values
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-700</a>] -         Bug in memento service - strings with double spaces get converted into single space  :-(
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-707</a>] -         Support Bulk.InteractionContext with contributed actions.
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-712</a>] -         Inconsistency in domain logic for validation of optional strings causes Wicket viewer to trip up.
-<h2>        Task
-<li>[<a href=''>ISIS-695</a>] -         Tidy-up tasks for Isis 1.4.0 release
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