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Posted to by George Voronoff <> on 2002/02/20 04:28:34 UTC

Serialize String[][]

I'm using BeanSerializer to serialize MyObject.

class MyObject
    public MyObject()
    public String[][] getFoo()
        return _foo;
    puboic void setFoo(String[][] foo)
        _foo =  foo;
    pirvate _foo = new String[0][];

I'm getting the exception:

[SOAPException: faultCode=SOAP-ENV:Client; msg=No mapping found for '
/encoding/:Array' using encoding style ''.]
        at com.grassroots.wizard.service.soap.client0_1.newsroom.NewsRoomSoap.invoke(
        at com.grassroots.wizard.service.soap.client0_1.newsroom.NewsRoomSoap.queryNewsReleases(
        at NewsRoomClient.queryNewsReleases(
        at NewsRoomClient.main(

I have a bunch of other primitive properties in MyObject that serialize just fine.  If I comment out the String[][] getters and setters
everything works correctly.  Does BeanSerializer know how to serialize/deserialize String[][] or do I have to write my own serializer

> George Voronoff
> Senior Software Engineer (Net Hack)
> Grassroots Enterprise, Inc