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[21/52] [abbrv] incubator-taverna-language git commit: XSDs are in taverna-scufl2-schemas

XSDs are in taverna-scufl2-schemas


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 8e7b67008569c1e40efd1a0c0e0684626ebe18c9
Parents: 0765cff
Author: Stian Soiland-Reyes <>
Authored: Tue Feb 10 15:50:02 2015 +0000
Committer: Stian Soiland-Reyes <>
Committed: Tue Feb 10 15:50:02 2015 +0000

 .../apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/owl.xsd    |  54 --
 .../apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/prov.xsd   |  44 --
 .../apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdf.xsd    |  64 ---
 .../apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdfs.xsd   |  38 --
 .../apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/roevo.xsd  | 101 ----
 .../apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/scufl2.xsd | 554 -------------------
 .../apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/xml.xsd    | 116 ----
 7 files changed, 971 deletions(-)
diff --git a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/owl.xsd b/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/owl.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index c5c0e3b..0000000
--- a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/owl.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
-	elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""
-	xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:scufl2=""
-	xmlns:owl="" xmlns:rdfs="">
-	<!-- 
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdf.xsd" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdfs.xsd" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="scufl2.xsd" />
-	<xs:element name="Class">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element minOccurs="0" ref="scufl2:configurationType" />
-				<xs:element ref="rdfs:subClassOf" />
-				<xs:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
-					processContents="lax" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-			<xs:anyAttribute />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="sameAs">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
-					processContents="lax" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attribute ref="rdf:parseType" fixed="Collection" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="DatatypeProperty">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="rdf:type" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:required" />
-				<xs:element ref="rdfs:domain" />
-				<xs:element ref="rdfs:label" />
-				<xs:element ref="rdfs:range" />
-				<xs:element ref="rdfs:subPropertyOf" />
-				<xs:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0"
-					processContents="lax" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	 -->
diff --git a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/prov.xsd b/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/prov.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index d885940..0000000
--- a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/prov.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
-	elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""
-	xmlns:rdf="" 
-	xmlns:prov=""
-	xmlns:jxb=""
-	jxb:version="1.0">
-	<xs:annotation>
-		<xs:appinfo>
-			<!-- See -->
-			<jxb:globalBindings />
-			<jxb:schemaBindings>
-				<jxb:package name="org.w3.prov.jaxb" />
-			</jxb:schemaBindings>
-		</xs:appinfo>
-	</xs:annotation>
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="owl.xsd" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdfs.xsd" />
- -->
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdf.xsd" />
-	<xs:element name="generatedAtTime">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:simpleContent>
-				<xs:extension base="xs:dateTime">
-					<xs:attribute ref="rdf:datatype" use="required"
-						fixed="" />
-				</xs:extension>
-			</xs:simpleContent>
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="wasRevisionOf" type="rdf:Resource"  />
-	<xs:element name="wasAssociatedWith" type="rdf:Resource"  />
-	<xs:element name="wasAttributedTo" type="rdf:Resource"  />
-	<xs:element name="hadOriginalSource" type="rdf:Resource"  />
diff --git a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdf.xsd b/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdf.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 2850d74..0000000
--- a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdf.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
-	elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""
-	xmlns:rdf="">
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="xml.xsd" />
-	<!-- schemaLocation="" /> -->
-	<xs:element name="RDF" type="rdf:RDF" />
-	<xs:complexType name="RDF">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attribute ref="xml:base" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:element name="Description"> 
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:any namespace="##any" maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" processContents="lax" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:attributeGroup name="about">	
-		<xs:attribute name="about" use="required" form="qualified"
-			type="xs:anyURI" />
-	</xs:attributeGroup>
-	<xs:attributeGroup name="aboutOptional">	
-		<xs:attribute name="about" use="optional" form="qualified"
-			type="xs:anyURI" />
-	</xs:attributeGroup>
-	<xs:attributeGroup name="resource">
-		<xs:attribute name="resource" use="required" form="qualified"
-			type="xs:anyURI" />
-	</xs:attributeGroup>
-	<xs:attribute name="parseType">
-		<xs:simpleType>
-			<xs:restriction base="xs:string">
-				<xs:enumeration value="Collection"></xs:enumeration>
-				<xs:enumeration value="Resource"></xs:enumeration>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:simpleType>
-	</xs:attribute>
-	<xs:attribute name="datatype" type="xs:anyURI" />
-	<xs:element name="type">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:attribute name="resource" use="required" form="qualified"
-				type="xs:anyURI" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:complexType name="Resource">
-		<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:resource" />
-	</xs:complexType>
diff --git a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdfs.xsd b/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdfs.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 72a734e..0000000
--- a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/rdfs.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
-	elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""
-	xmlns:rdf="" xmlns:rdfs="">
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdf.xsd" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="" />
- -->
-	<xs:element name="subClassOf">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:resource" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="domain">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:resource" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="label" type="xs:NCName" />
-	<xs:element name="range">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:resource" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="subPropertyOf">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:resource" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="seeAlso">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:resource" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
diff --git a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/roevo.xsd b/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/roevo.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index ffec0ed..0000000
--- a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/roevo.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
-	elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace="" 
-	xmlns:rdf=""
-	xmlns:roevo=""
-	xmlns:prov=""
-	xmlns:jxb=""
-	jxb:version="1.0">
-	<xs:annotation>
-		<xs:appinfo>
-			<!-- See -->
-			<jxb:globalBindings />
-			<jxb:schemaBindings>
-				<jxb:package name="org.purl.wf4ever.roevo.jaxb" />
-			</jxb:schemaBindings>
-		</xs:appinfo>
-	</xs:annotation>
-	<!-- 
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdfs.xsd" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="owl.xsd" />
-	 -->
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdf.xsd" />	
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-			schemaLocation="prov.xsd" />
-	<xs:complexType name="RoEvoDocument">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:restriction base="rdf:RDF">
-				<xs:sequence>
-					<xs:element ref="roevo:VersionableResource" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-				</xs:sequence>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:element name="VersionableResource">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element name="wasChangedBy" minOccurs="0">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="roevo:ChangeSpecification" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element ref="prov:generatedAtTime" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element ref="prov:wasRevisionOf" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element ref="prov:hadOriginalSource" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
-				<xs:element ref="prov:wasAttributedTo" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>							
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />			
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="ChangeSpecification">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="rdf:type" minOccurs="0"/>
-				<xs:element name="fromVersion" type="rdf:Resource" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="hasChange" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="3">
-					<xs:annotation>
-						<xs:documentation>
-							<p xmlns=''>
-							A ChangeSpecification can have up to 3 changes, 
-							one of Addition, one of Modificaton and one of Removal. 
-							Ironically, to 	avoid an 'non ambigious' XML Schema, this schema 
-							has to allow also say Addition, Addition, Removal. Clients MAY
-							parse additional changes of the same type, but SHOULD merge them 
-							to a single change per type when saving, ie. add the resources
-							from the second Addition to the resources of the first.							
-							</p>
-						</xs:documentation>
-					</xs:annotation>
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:choice>
-							<xs:element name="Addition" type="roevo:Change" />
-							<xs:element name="Modification" type="roevo:Change" />
-							<xs:element name="Removal" type="roevo:Change" />
-						</xs:choice>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>			
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:complexType name="Change">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="relatedResource" type="rdf:Resource" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
-		</xs:sequence>
-	</xs:complexType>
diff --git a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/scufl2.xsd b/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/scufl2.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 89d9294..0000000
--- a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/scufl2.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,554 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-<xs:schema xmlns:xs="" attributeFormDefault="qualified"
-	elementFormDefault="qualified" targetNamespace=""
-	xmlns:rdf=""
-	xmlns:scufl2=""
-	xmlns:rdfs="" xmlns:jxb=""
-	jxb:version="1.0">
-	<xs:annotation>
-		<xs:appinfo>
-			<!-- See -->
-			<jxb:globalBindings />
-			<jxb:schemaBindings>
-				<jxb:package name="org.apache.taverna.scufl2.rdfxml.jaxb" />
-			</jxb:schemaBindings>
-		</xs:appinfo>
-	</xs:annotation>
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="owl.xsd" />		
- -->
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdf.xsd" />
-	<xs:import namespace=""
-		schemaLocation="rdfs.xsd" />
-	<xs:complexType name="WorkflowBundleDocument">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:restriction base="rdf:RDF">
-				<xs:sequence>
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:WorkflowBundle"></xs:element>
-				</xs:sequence>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="WorkflowDocument">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:restriction base="rdf:RDF">
-				<xs:sequence>
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:Workflow"></xs:element>
-				</xs:sequence>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="ProfileDocument">
-		<xs:complexContent>
-			<xs:restriction base="rdf:RDF">
-				<xs:sequence>
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:Profile" />
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:Activity" minOccurs="0"
-						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:ProcessorBinding" minOccurs="0"
-						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:Configuration" minOccurs="0"
-						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-					<xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
-						processContents="lax" />
-				</xs:sequence>
-			</xs:restriction>
-		</xs:complexContent>
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:element name="WorkflowBundle">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="globalBaseURI" type="rdf:Resource"
-					minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="mainWorkflow" type="rdf:Resource"
-					minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="workflow" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element name="Workflow" type="scufl2:SeeAlsoType" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="mainProfile" type="rdf:Resource"
-					minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="profile" maxOccurs="unbounded"
-					minOccurs="0">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element name="Profile" type="scufl2:SeeAlsoType" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element ref="rdfs:seeAlso" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="Configuration">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="rdf:type" />
-                <xs:element ref="rdfs:seeAlso" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="configure" type="rdf:Resource" />
-				<xs:any namespace="##other" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"
-					processContents="lax" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="Activity">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="rdf:type" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="inputActivityPort" minOccurs="0"
-					maxOccurs="unbounded">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="scufl2:InputActivityPort" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="outputActivityPort" minOccurs="0"
-					maxOccurs="unbounded">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="scufl2:OutputActivityPort" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:complexType name="SeeAlsoType">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element ref="rdfs:seeAlso" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:element name="Profile">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-				<xs:element name="processorBinding" type="rdf:Resource"
-					minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-				<xs:element name="activateConfiguration" type="rdf:Resource"
-					minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="ProcessorBinding">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="bindActivity" type="rdf:Resource" />
-				<xs:element name="bindProcessor" type="rdf:Resource" />
-				<xs:element name="activityPosition" minOccurs="0">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:simpleContent>
-							<xs:extension base="xs:int">
-								<xs:attribute ref="rdf:datatype" use="required"
-									fixed="" />
-							</xs:extension>
-						</xs:simpleContent>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="inputPortBinding" minOccurs="0"
-					maxOccurs="unbounded">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element name="InputPortBinding" type="scufl2:InputPortBinding" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="outputPortBinding" minOccurs="0"
-					maxOccurs="unbounded">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element name="OutputPortBinding" type="scufl2:OutputPortBinding" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:complexType name="InputPortBinding">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="bindInputActivityPort" type="rdf:Resource" />
-			<xs:element name="bindInputProcessorPort" type="rdf:Resource" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:complexType name="OutputPortBinding">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="bindOutputActivityPort" type="rdf:Resource" />
-			<xs:element name="bindOutputProcessorPort" type="rdf:Resource" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:element name="InputActivityPort">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:portDepth" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="OutputActivityPort">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:portDepth" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:granularPortDepth" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="Workflow">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:sequence>
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-					<xs:element name="workflowIdentifier" type="rdf:Resource" />
-					<xs:element name="inputWorkflowPort" maxOccurs="unbounded"
-						minOccurs="0">
-						<xs:complexType>
-							<xs:sequence>
-								<xs:element ref="scufl2:InputWorkflowPort" />
-							</xs:sequence>
-						</xs:complexType>
-					</xs:element>
-					<xs:element name="outputWorkflowPort" minOccurs="0"
-						maxOccurs="unbounded">
-						<xs:complexType>
-							<xs:sequence>
-								<xs:element ref="scufl2:OutputWorkflowPort" />
-							</xs:sequence>
-						</xs:complexType>
-					</xs:element>
-					<xs:element name="processor" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-						<xs:complexType>
-							<xs:sequence>
-								<xs:element ref="scufl2:Processor" />
-							</xs:sequence>
-						</xs:complexType>
-					</xs:element>
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:datalink" minOccurs="0"
-						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-					<xs:element ref="scufl2:control" minOccurs="0"
-						maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-				</xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="rdfs:seeAlso" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="InputWorkflowPort">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:portDepth" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="OutputWorkflowPort">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="Processor">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-				<xs:element name="inputProcessorPort" minOccurs="0"
-					maxOccurs="unbounded">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="scufl2:InputProcessorPort" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="outputProcessorPort" minOccurs="0"
-					maxOccurs="unbounded">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="scufl2:OutputProcessorPort" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="dispatchStack" minOccurs="0">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="scufl2:DispatchStack" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-				<xs:element name="iterationStrategyStack" minOccurs="0">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="scufl2:IterationStrategyStack" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="InputProcessorPort">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence minOccurs="0">
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:portDepth" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="OutputProcessorPort">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:name" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:portDepth" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:granularPortDepth" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="DispatchStack">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="rdf:type" minOccurs="0" />
-				<xs:element name="dispatchStackLayers" minOccurs="0">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:element ref="scufl2:DispatchStackLayer" minOccurs="0"
-								maxOccurs="unbounded" />
-						</xs:sequence>
-						<xs:attribute ref="rdf:parseType" use="required"
-							fixed="Collection" />
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="DispatchStackLayer">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="rdf:type" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="IterationStrategyStack">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element name="iterationStrategies">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:sequence>
-							<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">
-								<xs:element ref="scufl2:DotProduct" />
-								<xs:element ref="scufl2:CrossProduct" />
-							</xs:choice>
-						</xs:sequence>
-						<xs:attribute ref="rdf:parseType" use="required"
-							fixed="Collection" />
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="CrossProduct">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:productOf" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="DotProduct">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:productOf" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="PortNode">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element name="iterateOverInputPort" type="rdf:Resource" />
-				<xs:element name="desiredDepth" minOccurs="0">
-					<xs:complexType>
-						<xs:simpleContent>
-							<xs:extension base="xs:int">
-								<xs:attribute ref="rdf:datatype" use="required"
-									fixed="" />
-							</xs:extension>
-						</xs:simpleContent>
-					</xs:complexType>
-				</xs:element>
-			</xs:sequence>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="productOf">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:choice maxOccurs="unbounded">
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:CrossProduct" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:DotProduct" />
-				<xs:element ref="scufl2:PortNode" />
-			</xs:choice>
-			<xs:attribute ref="rdf:parseType" use="required" fixed="Collection" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="datalink">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:annotation>
-				<xs:appinfo>
-					<jxb:class name="DataLinkEntry">
-					</jxb:class>
-				</xs:appinfo>
-			</xs:annotation>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element name="DataLink" type="scufl2:DataLink" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:complexType name="DataLink">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="receiveFrom" type="rdf:Resource" />
-			<xs:element name="sendTo" type="rdf:Resource" />
-			<xs:element name="mergePosition" minOccurs="0">
-				<xs:complexType>
-					<xs:simpleContent>
-						<xs:extension base="xs:int">
-							<xs:attribute ref="rdf:datatype" use="required"
-								fixed="" />
-						</xs:extension>
-					</xs:simpleContent>
-				</xs:complexType>
-			</xs:element>
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:element name="control">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:sequence>
-				<xs:element name="Blocking" type="scufl2:Blocking" />
-			</xs:sequence>
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:complexType name="Blocking">
-		<xs:sequence>
-			<xs:element name="block" type="rdf:Resource" />
-			<xs:element name="untilFinished" type="rdf:Resource" />
-		</xs:sequence>
-		<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:about" />
-	</xs:complexType>
-	<xs:element name="configurationType">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:attributeGroup ref="rdf:resource" />
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="required">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:simpleContent>
-				<xs:extension base="xs:boolean">
-					<xs:attribute ref="rdf:datatype" use="required"
-						fixed="" />
-				</xs:extension>
-			</xs:simpleContent>
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="name" type="xs:NCName" />
-	<xs:element name="granularPortDepth">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:simpleContent>
-				<xs:extension base="xs:int">
-					<xs:attribute ref="rdf:datatype" use="required"
-						fixed="" />
-				</xs:extension>
-			</xs:simpleContent>
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
-	<xs:element name="portDepth">
-		<xs:complexType>
-			<xs:simpleContent>
-				<xs:extension base="xs:int">
-					<xs:attribute ref="rdf:datatype" use="required"
-						fixed="" />
-				</xs:extension>
-			</xs:simpleContent>
-		</xs:complexType>
-	</xs:element>
diff --git a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/xml.xsd b/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/xml.xsd
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f13678..0000000
--- a/taverna-scufl2-rdfxml/src/main/resources/org/apache/taverna/scufl2/rdfxml/xsd/xml.xsd
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version='1.0'?>
-<xs:schema targetNamespace="" xmlns:xs="" xml:lang="en">
- <xs:annotation>
-  <xs:documentation>
-   See and
- for information about this namespace.
-    This schema document describes the XML namespace, in a form
-    suitable for import by other schema documents.  
-    Note that local names in this namespace are intended to be defined
-    only by the World Wide Web Consortium or its subgroups.  The
-    following names are currently defined in this namespace and should
-    not be used with conflicting semantics by any Working Group,
-    specification, or document instance:
-    base (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value
-         provides a URI to be used as the base for interpreting any
-         relative URIs in the scope of the element on which it
-         appears; its value is inherited.  This name is reserved
-         by virtue of its definition in the XML Base specification.
-    lang (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose value
-         is a language code for the natural language of the content of
-         any element; its value is inherited.  This name is reserved
-         by virtue of its definition in the XML specification.
-    space (as an attribute name): denotes an attribute whose
-         value is a keyword indicating what whitespace processing
-         discipline is intended for the content of the element; its
-         value is inherited.  This name is reserved by virtue of its
-         definition in the XML specification.
-    Father (in any context at all): denotes Jon Bosak, the chair of 
-         the original XML Working Group.  This name is reserved by 
-         the following decision of the W3C XML Plenary and 
-         XML Coordination groups:
-             In appreciation for his vision, leadership and dedication
-             the W3C XML Plenary on this 10th day of February, 2000
-             reserves for Jon Bosak in perpetuity the XML name
-             xml:Father
-  </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:annotation>
-  <xs:documentation>This schema defines attributes and an attribute group
-        suitable for use by
-        schemas wishing to allow xml:base, xml:lang or xml:space attributes
-        on elements they define.
-        To enable this, such a schema must import this schema
-        for the XML namespace, e.g. as follows:
-        &lt;schema . . .>
-         . . .
-         &lt;import namespace=""
-                    schemaLocation=""/>
-        Subsequently, qualified reference to any of the attributes
-        or the group defined below will have the desired effect, e.g.
-        &lt;type . . .>
-         . . .
-         &lt;attributeGroup ref="xml:specialAttrs"/>
-         will define a type which will schema-validate an instance
-         element with any of those attributes</xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:annotation>
-  <xs:documentation>In keeping with the XML Schema WG's standard versioning
-   policy, this schema document will persist at
-   At the date of issue it can also be found at
-   The schema document at that URI may however change in the future,
-   in order to remain compatible with the latest version of XML Schema
-   itself.  In other words, if the XML Schema namespace changes, the version
-   of this document at
- will change
-   accordingly; the version at
- will not change.
-  </xs:documentation>
- </xs:annotation>
- <xs:attribute name="lang" type="xs:language">
-  <xs:annotation>
-   <xs:documentation>In due course, we should install the relevant ISO 2- and 3-letter
-         codes as the enumerated possible values . . .</xs:documentation>
-  </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="space" default="preserve">
-  <xs:simpleType>
-   <xs:restriction base="xs:NCName">
-    <xs:enumeration value="default"/>
-    <xs:enumeration value="preserve"/>
-   </xs:restriction>
-  </xs:simpleType>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attribute name="base" type="xs:anyURI">
-  <xs:annotation>
-   <xs:documentation>See for
-                     information about this attribute.</xs:documentation>
-  </xs:annotation>
- </xs:attribute>
- <xs:attributeGroup name="specialAttrs">
-  <xs:attribute ref="xml:base"/>
-  <xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>
-  <xs:attribute ref="xml:space"/>
- </xs:attributeGroup>