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cvs commit: jakarta-log4j/contribs/JayFunnell NetSendAppender.txt NetSendAppender.dll NetSendAppender.cpp

mwomack     2002/12/12 23:12:42

  Added:       contribs/JayFunnell NetSendAppender.txt
                        NetSendAppender.dll NetSendAppender.cpp
  Added contribution from Jay Funnell.  All the license headers are in place.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-log4j/contribs/JayFunnell/NetSendAppender.txt
  Index: NetSendAppender.txt
  Appender        : NetSendAppender
  Creation Date   : December 12/2002
  Author          :
  What is NET SEND?  If you have a Windows (98,2k,XP) machine, try it:
  c:\> NET SEND %computername% This is a test
  If it worked, you should see a popup box on your screen with the message:
                |  Message from <computername> to <computername> on <date>  |
                |  This is a test                                           |
                |                                                           |
                |                            OK                             |
  The NetSendAppender is a log4j appender that uses the popular Windows NET SEND command to announce log events.
  This is handy for situations where immediate notification is required for critical log events.  It's extremely
  unhandy for low-priority log messages because it will quickly annoy the user(s) receiving them.
  This appender is like the NTEventLogAppender in that it requires a JNI Dll.  Make sure that "NetSendAppender.dll"
  is in your path or the appender will not work.
  There are three important files required to build the NetSendAppender.
     - This is the Java component of the Appender.  It has a native method that is implemented
       within the JNI Dll.
     - This file must be generated using javah against the NetSendAppender class.
     - This file is required to build the JNI NetSendAppender dll
  I used Visual Studio 6 to build the JNI component.  Specifically, a win32 DLL project was used.  It must include
  references to the Sun JDK "include" and "include\win32" directories.  It must also include a library reference to 
  This appender requires you to set some parameters.  
  - "from" is the user name that will be used for sending the message.
  - "to" is the destination user.
  - "computer" is the destination computer.
  Here is a sample configuration that creates an "emergency" category that announces log messages
  to Fred on machine sideshow-bob.
  log4j.logger.emergency=DEBUG, netsend
  log4j.appender.netsend.from=Emergency Monitor
  log4j.appender.netsend.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c{1} - %m%n
  1.1                  jakarta-log4j/contribs/JayFunnell/
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software
   * License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this
   * distribution in the LICENSE.txt file.  */
  import org.apache.log4j.Layout;
  import org.apache.log4j.spi.LoggingEvent;
  import org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton;
  import org.apache.log4j.helpers.LogLog;
    <p>The NetSendAppender is a log4j appender that uses the popular Windows NET SEND
       command to announce log events.  This is handy for situations where immediate
       notification is required for critical log events.  It's extremely unhandy for 
       low-priority log messages because it will quickly annoy the user(s) receiving them :)
    <p>A JNI component is used to perform the actual network communication.  It must be
       in your path when using this appender.  The source code for this component was
       originally found  
       <a href="">here</a>
    <p>Here is a list of the available configuration options:
    <table border=1>
     <th>Sample Value</th>
     <td>This parameter determines the destination computer for the messages.  This is the Windows machine name.</td>
     <td>This parameter determines the name of the user sending each log message.  This is a Windows user name.</td>
     <td>This parameter determines which user will receive the log messages.  This is a Windows user name.</td>
     <p>Here is a sample configuration.  It assigns a "netsend" appender to the emergency channel.  The destination computer
        is called "sideshow-bob" and the destination user is "fred".  Each time a message is logged to the emergency channel,
        fred is sent a copy to his machine, "sideshow-bob".
       log4j.logger.emergency=DEBUG, netsend
       log4j.appender.netsend.from=Emergency Monitor
       log4j.appender.netsend.layout.ConversionPattern=%-5p %c{1} - %m%n
     A common problem with NET SENDs is that the recipient can receive duplicates messages.  Note that this is because
     the message is sent on every available transport layer.  So if you have TCP/IP and IPX enabled, each will
     be used to send the message to the user.  This is not a problem with the NetSendAppender.
     @author <a HREF="">Jay Funnell</a>
  public class NetSendAppender extends AppenderSkeleton {
    String computer = null;
    String toUser = null;
    String fromUser = null; 
    boolean activated = false;
    /** This appender requires a layout to format the text to the
        attached client(s). */
    public boolean requiresLayout() {
      return true;
    /** Validates the configuration settings. */
    public void activateOptions() {
      activated = true;
      if (computer == null) {
         LogLog.error("'computer' setting not found.  You must provide a destination computer when configuring this appender.");
         activated = false;
      if (toUser == null) {
         LogLog.error("'to' setting not found.  You must provide a destination user when configuring this appender.");
         activated = false;
      if (fromUser == null) {
         LogLog.error("'from' setting not found.  You must provide a source user when configuring this appender.");
         activated = false;
    /** Assigns the name of the computer that will receive log messages. */
    public void setComputer(String computer) { = computer;
    /** Retrieves the name of the computer that will receive log messages. */
    public String getComputer() {
      return computer;
    /** Assigns the name of the user that will send the log messages. */
    public void setFrom(String fromUser) {
      this.fromUser = fromUser;
    /** Retrieves the name of the user that will send the log messages. */
    public String getFrom() {
      return fromUser;
    /** Assigns the name of the user that will receive log messages. */
    public void setTo(String toUser) {
      this.toUser = toUser;
    /** Retrieves the name of the user that will receive log messages. */
    public String getTo() {
      return toUser;
    /** Shuts down the appender. */
    public void close() {  
    /** Handles a log event.  For this appender, that means writing the
        message to a JNI component that can handle the NET SEND.  */
    protected void append(LoggingEvent event) {
      if (activated) {
        sendMessage(computer, fromUser, toUser, this.layout.format(event));
        if(layout.ignoresThrowable()) {
          String[] s = event.getThrowableStrRep();
          if (s != null) {
            int len = s.length;
            for(int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
              sendMessage(computer, fromUser, toUser, s[i]);
    /** This method is provided in NetSendAppender.dll and performs the actual network calls. */
    public native boolean sendMessage(String computer, String from, String to, String message);
  1.1                  jakarta-log4j/contribs/JayFunnell/NetSendAppender.dll
  	<<Binary file>>
  1.1                  jakarta-log4j/contribs/JayFunnell/NetSendAppender.cpp
  Index: NetSendAppender.cpp
   * Copyright (C) The Apache Software Foundation. All rights reserved.
   * This software is published under the terms of the Apache Software
   * License version 1.1, a copy of which has been included with this
   * distribution in the LICENSE.txt file.  
  #include <windows.h>
  #include "org_apache_log4j_net_NetSendAppender.h"
  #include "jni.h"
                         DWORD  ul_reason_for_call, 
                         LPVOID lpReserved
      return TRUE;
  JNIEXPORT jboolean JNICALL Java_org_apache_log4j_net_NetSendAppender_sendMessage(JNIEnv * env, jobject obj, jstring c, jstring f,jstring t, jstring m)
      BOOL success=false;
      DWORD msgLength;
      DWORD bytesWritten;
      const char * computer=env->GetStringUTFChars(c,0);
      const char * from=env->GetStringUTFChars(f,0);
      const char * to=env->GetStringUTFChars(t,0);
      const char * message=env->GetStringUTFChars(m,0);
      //Prepearing WinPopup message
      char * winPopMsg=new char[msgLength];
      //Prepearing Mailslot
      char mailslot[256];
      //Opening Mailslot
      HANDLE fileHandle=CreateFile(mailslot,GENERIC_WRITE,0,NULL,OPEN_EXISTING,0,NULL);
      delete winPopMsg;
           return JNI_TRUE;
           return JNI_FALSE;

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