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Posted to by on 2002/11/18 15:18:18 UTC

cvs commit: jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content book.xml features.xml for-developers-a-future.xml for-developers-alternate-kernel.xml for-developers-project-structure.xml getting-started.xml guide-administrator.xml guide-architecture.xml guide-deployers.xml guide-example-configuration.xml guide-management.xml guide-roles.xml index.xml install.xml jboss-setup.xml tabs.xml

nicolaken    2002/11/18 06:18:18

  Added:       src/documentation/content book.xml features.xml
                        getting-started.xml guide-administrator.xml
                        guide-architecture.xml guide-deployers.xml
                        guide-management.xml guide-roles.xml index.xml
                        install.xml jboss-setup.xml tabs.xml
  First step of migration of documentation to Forrest.
  New docs dir:
  New content dir:
  New resources and images dir:
  To build the documentation download Forrest from CVS
   install it as described here
  cd in the  jakarta-avalon-phoenix dir and run "forrest"
  To see the site real-time from a local embedded webserver run "forrest run"
  and point the browser to http://localhost:8888/
  The sources to change are in ./build/webapp, you will need to synch them with
  the actual docs manually.
  Or run the Phoenix build.xml with target "site".
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/book.xml
  Index: book.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE book PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Cocoon Documentation Book V1.0//EN" "book-cocoon-v10.dtd">
  <book title="Avalon Phoenix" copyright="Avalon Phoenix" software="Avalon Phoenix">
  <menu label="Essentials">
  <menu-item href="index.html" label="Overview"/>
  <menu-item href="features.html" label="Features"/>
  <menu-item href="getting-started.html" label="Getting started"/>
  <menu-item href="" label="Download"/>
  <menu-item href="install.html" label="Install"/>
  <menu label="Guide">
  <menu-item href="guide-architecture.html" label="Architectural Overview"/>
  <menu-item href="guide-roles.html" label="Development Roles"/>
  <menu-item href="guide-administrator.html" label="for Administrators"/>
  <menu-item href="guide-deployers.html" label="for Deployers"/>
  <menu-item href="assemblers/index.html" label="for Assemblers"/>
  <menu-item href="bdg/index.html" label="for Block Developers"/>
  <menu-item href="mx/index.html" label="Management Guide"/>
  <menu-item href="guide-example-configuration.html" label="Example configuration"/>
  <menu label="Reference">
  <menu-item href="api/index.html" label="API Docs"/>
  <menu-item href="assemblers/config-xml-specification.html" label="config.xml Specification"/>
  <menu-item href="assemblers/assembly-xml-specification.html" label="assembly.xml Specification"/>
  <menu-item href="assemblers/environment-xml-specification.html" label="environment.xml Specification"/>
  <menu-item href="bdg/blockinfo-specification.html" label="BlockInfo Specification"/>
  <menu label="For Developers">
  <menu-item href="changes.html" label="Changes"/>
  <menu-item href="" label="Coding standards"/>
  <menu-item href="for-developers-project-structure.html" label="Project Structure"/>
  <menu-item href="" label="CVS Repositories"/>
  <menu-item href="" label="Mailing Lists"/>
  <menu-item href=";bug_status=NEW&amp;bug_status=ASSIGNED&amp;bug_status=REOPENED&amp;bug_status=RESOLVED&amp;product=Avalon&amp;component=Phoenix" label="TODO"/>
  <menu-item href=";component=Phoenix" label="Bug Database"/>
  <menu-item href=";component=Phoenix&amp;bug_severity=Enhancement" label="Enhancement Requests"/>
  <menu-item href="for-developers-alternate-kernel.html" label="Alternate Kernels"/>
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  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
   <authors><person name="Leo Simons" email=""/></authors></header>
  <p>This document is not complete yet...</p>
  <section><title>Extensible architecture</title>
      <p>Phoenix is written as an extensible micro-kernel. This allows you to:</p>
          <li>Customise behaviour quickly</li>
          <li>Plug in extra functionality effortlessly</li>
          <li>remove unneeded functionality for a small footprint</li>
  <section><title>Flexible environment</title>
      <p>Phoenix has native support for use in the following environments:</p>
          <li>command-line stand-alone program</li>
          <li>Unix daemon</li>
          <li>Embedded in other programs (including servlet engines)</li>
  <section><title>Integrated management</title>
      <p>Phoenix enables JMX management of your software:</p>
          <li>All aspects of phoenix itself are manageable, including
          startup/shutdown, deployment, management and logging.</li>
          <li>Applications running in phoenix are manageable, exposing
          their lifecycle (configuration, startup/shutdown, etc) and
          everything else you mark as manageable.</li>
  <section><title>Ease and speed up application development</title>
      <p>Phoenix is a container for (server) applications. It can host
      multiple applications within the same JVM, while keeping them securely
      isolated from each other.</p>
      <p>Phoenix provides simple XML configuration files that allow you to
      rapidly assemble a customised server applications from readily available
      components (called blocks).</p>
      <p>Phoenix provides the following services to hosted applications:</p>
          <li>Lifecycle management</li>
          <li>Configuration management and persistence</li>
          <li>Resource management and sharing</li>
          <li>Management exposure through JMX</li>
          <li>Automatic (re)deployment</li>
          <li>An isolated environment</li>
      <p>Phoenix leverages the Avalon Framework, making it compatible with other
      Avalon-based projects like Excalibur and Cornerstone, enabling you to
      easily reuse their functionality.</p>
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/for-developers-a-future.xml
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  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>A future</title>
    <authors><person name="Paul Hammant" email=""/></authors></header>
          A long term aim of Phoenix is to provide a platform that hosts multiple third party applications written only in Java within a single virtual machine.  The Phoenix platform is currently hosted on an Operating System such as Unix, Windows or Mac.  It could function directly on top of a Java Operating System.  A CPU combined with a suitable amount of memory, a basic BIOS, a Kernal, a suitable JVM and runtime library, could mount Phoenix and hosted server applications.
      <section><title>One step further</title>
          Imagine Sun making such a box under their own name or as Cobalt, using low power chips from their own stable or perhaps a StrongARM. That machine could be rack mounted like their current X1:
        <figure src="" alt="Sun X1"/>
          If that rackable server had 32 such CPUs, each with 128Mb of memory all
          booting Phoenix. And if the CPUs shared a single hard drive, we might have
          a machine that was tuned to CPU intensive activities. Cocoon/Tomcat, EJB
          clusters, might be load balanced by one of the CPUs running a Phoenix load
          balancer.  Alternate scenarios are for virtual site hosting.  It could be
          a "1U" render or bean farm with each internal CPU having its own TCP/IP
      <section><title>Is all this possible?</title>
          Well there are already romable J2SE implementations that are available for
          StrongARM chips on Compaq's handheld iPAQ.  We are there already, but for
          the client side rather than the server side.
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/for-developers-alternate-kernel.xml
  Index: for-developers-alternate-kernel.xml
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  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>Alternate Kernels</title>
    <authors><person name="Paul Hammant" email=""/></authors></header>
            Phoenix can launch with alternate kernels.  Apart from the default 
            kernel which is suitable for deploying in live scenarios, we 
            supply a kernel which loads beanshell during startup.
      <section><title>Beanshell enabled kernel</title>
          This allows pretty much any anything to be done to applications 
          and blocks once started.  As such it is not suitable for live 
          deployment as it could be considered a bit of a hackers tool.
          The supplied commands are getblock, prtapps, prtblocks, resumeapp, 
          rmvapp, startapp, stopapp and suspendapp.  With getapp, you can 
          invoke any of the public methods on the implementation, including
          interacting with the block's methods from its service.
          To create a beanshell capable kernel, place the bsh-1.2b6.jar from
          <link href="">here</link> in the 
          lib directory of phoenix before building it.  You will need to edit the 
          'beanshell.jars' and 'kernel.impl.class' parts of the file.
          You may also want to add your own convenience bsh scripts to the 
          src/bsh/ directory.
      <section><title>Beanshell enabled, remotely accessible kernel</title>
          This is to-do.
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/for-developers-project-structure.xml
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  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>Project Structure</title>
    <authors><person name="Leo Simons" email=""/></authors></header>
  <p>Avalon Phoenix has seen lots of refactoring to create an intuitive
  code layout. It is usually quite easy to find what you need. This document
  provides an overview of the project structure. It is still under
        <section><title>Package structure</title>
  |- components
  |  |- application
  |  |- classloader
  |  |- configuration
  |  |- deployer
  |     |- installer
  |  |- embeddor
  |  |- extensions
  |  |- kernel
  |  |- logger
  |  |- manager
  |     |- rmiadaptor
  |- frontends
  |- interfaces
  |- launcher
  |- metadata
  |- metainfo
  |- tools
     |- assembler
     |- configuration
     |- infobuilder
     |- tasks
     |- verifier
     |- xdoclet
        <section><title>CVS Directory structure</title>
  |- lib : for third party libraries
  |- src
  |  |
  |  |- conf : jar manifest
  |  |- java : java sources
  |  |- manifest : jar manifest files
  |  |- pdk : sources for PDK
  |  |- schema : DTDs for XML files
  |  |- script : shell scripts for usage in a standalone setup
  |  |- test : unit tests
  |  |- xdocs : site documentation in xml format
  |- build.xml
  |- docs.xml
  |- BUILDING.txt
  |- LICENSE.txt
  |- README.txt
  |- WARNING.txt
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/getting-started.xml
  Index: getting-started.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
     <title>Getting Started</title>
   <authors><person name="Phoenix Documentation Team" email=""/><person name="Leo Simons" email=""/><person name="Paul Hammant" email=""/></authors></header>
      This document provides developers with simple documentation for getting
      started with Phoenix. For information about the overall structure of
      Avalon Framework (on which Phoenix is based), please refer to the
      <link href="">Framework documentation</link>.
      Instructions for downloading and installing Phoenix can be found on the
      <link href="install.html">Install</link> document.
      More detailed instructions will be added to this document in the future. Feel free
      to send in patches ;)
  <section><title>View Detailed API Documentation</title>
      To generate a full set of detailed API documentation for Avalon, go to the base
      directory of source distribution and run the appropriate build script for your
      platform with the parameter 'javadocs'.
      &gt; build.[bat|sh] javadocs
  <section><title>Run the HelloWorld example</title>
      After you have successfully built Phoenix, you can verify that it
      has compiled correctly by running the HelloWorld demo Service Application.
      Firstly you will need to get the demo-helloword.sar file and drop it into
      the apps directory of Phoenix.  Get it from <link href="TODO">TODO</link> or build
      it from its CVS - <link href=""></link>.
      Then fire up phoenix with the following command:
      &gt; bin/run.[bat|sh]
      Next, fire up your favorite webbrowser and point it to http://localhost:8999/,
      where localhost is the network name of your machine ("localhost") should
      work on all windows platforms.<br/>
      If all goes well, you will see something like the following:
      Hello World!
      Requests so far = 1
      you are at
      This shows that Phoenix has unpacked and launched the server application contained
      within the demo-helloworld.sar file.  If you close and relaunch Phoenix, it should
      restart the application.
      As examples go this is a fairly simple one.  You should ignore the altrmihelloworldserver,
      rmihelloworldserver and soaphelloworldserver packages as they are retrofitting the
      helloworld demo with remote capability using three technologies.  HelloWorld uses
      connection management from the Avalon-Cornerstone project, which is good as it allows us to
      share connection pooling across multiple servers.
  <section><title>The Phoenix Developer Kit - A different example</title>
      This self contained kit could be considered a starter project for someone wanting to make a
      Phoenix compatible application.  The idea is that you start with this skeleton including
      Ant build script and then add in more and more as your se code to copy from elsewhere.
      This  also demonstrates that it is possible to make a server application that is dual mode.
      Dual mode to us is the ability for the server application to run inside Phoenix and to
      stand-alone from the command line.  It is a little bit of a sleight of hand as the codebase
      would be zipped into two forms - the sar file for phoenix and a jar file for standalone.
      The Phoenix development kit originates in Phoenix's CVS, but for convenience is downloadable
      from <link href="TODO">TODO</link>.  When you have that file, unzip it and immediately launch
      ant to make the jars and sars.  There are four:
        <li>phoenix-demo.sar - the server app in Phoenix form</li>
        <li>phoenix-demo-block.sar - used inside the sar</li>
        <li>phoenix-demo-client.sar - a client app to test the server</li>
        <li>phoenix-demo-server.sar - the server app in standalone form</li>
      The Server app in standalone mode after being tested with the client app(see below):
  java -jar phoenix-demo-server.jar
  PDK Demo listening on port 7654
  Ctrl-C to exit
  String passed = Hello!!!!!
      The Server app running inside Phoenix and after being tested with the client app (see below):
  Phoenix 4.0a4
  Server started on port 1234
  String passed = Hello!!!!!
      The client application being used to poke the server :
  java -jar phoenix-demo-client.jar localhost 7654 Hello!!!!!
      (Change the port to 1234 from 7654 to poke the in-Phoenix server).
      Note - because of the need to make this dual mode, the PDK does not use Cornerstone
      components.  We normally recommend that people should reuse components from cornerstone as
      the potential for sharing will be much higher.
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/guide-administrator.xml
  Index: guide-administrator.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
          <title>Guide - for Administrators</title>
      <authors><person name="David W." email=""/></authors></header>
                Avalon is a Server Framework that provides or will provide for
                central administration, server pooling, and quicker time to market.
                The framework defines a standard method of piecing together server
                components and creating a server.
              <section><title>Target Audience</title>
                    This documentation will describe the care and feeding of the Avalon
                    Phoenix kernel from the point of view of the administrator.
          <section><title>Starting and Stopping</title>
              <section><title>Using Scripts</title>
                    You can start Phoenix with the following command:
                      &gt; bin/run.[bat|sh]
                    In Windows versions other than NT, you'll need to set
                    the PHOENIX_HOME environment variable first.
                    In UNIX environments, you can use the <code></code>
                    script to stop Phoenix.
                        &gt; stop
           accepts these commands:
                    start, stop, run, restart, check.
                    In Windows, typing CONTROL-C will cause a clean shutdown.
              <section><title>Using the Java Service Wrapper</title>
                  Another option for starting and stopping Phoenix is to build
                  it with support for the
                  <link href="">Java Service Wrapper</link>.
                  The main benifit of using the Java Service Wrapper is that it can
                  install Phoenix as an NT service.  It can also detect if the JVM
                  freezes up or crashes and restart the application immediately.
                  To build Phoenix with the Java Service Wrapper, download and
                  extract the latest version.  Next, in the root of the source tree,
                  create or modify <code></code> so that it looks
                  similar to this:
  # ${base.path} points to the root of the Phoenix source tree
  # If you're using Linux/Solaris:
  # If you're using Windows:
                  Then just build as usual.
                  For usage instructions, move to the <code>bin</code> directory and type
                        &gt; wrapper
                  The Wrapper configuration file is named <code>conf/wrapper.conf</code>.
          <section><title>Using JMX</title>
              <section><title>JMX Overview</title>
                  Phoenix is tightly integrated with Java Management Extensions (JMX).
                  TODO: say something else.  Integrate this section with the other
                  <link href="mx/index.html">JMX info</link>.
              <section><title>How to Make Your Block an MBean</title>
                  It's actually quite simple.  Suppose you wanted to expose the
                  interface from the WebServer block
                  <link href="bdg/making-phoenix-compatible-comps.html">described</link> in
                  the Block developer's guide.  You only need to do two things.
                  First, create an MBean interface.  It will look something like this:
  package examplecomp.block;
  public interface WebServerMBean {
      void mountWar(String contextName, URL pathToWar);
      void unMountWar(String contextName);
                  Notice that interface MBean is identical to interface WebServer.
                  In most cases, it should be.
                  Now just make WebServerBlock implement WebServerMBean
  package examplecomp.block;
   * TODO: describe PhoenixXDoclet setup.
   * @phoenix:mx name="examplecomp.block.WebServerMBean"
  public class WebServerBlock
      extends AbstractLoggable
      implements WebServer, WebServerMBean, Startable, Configurable, Initializable {
      // ...
              <section><title>Using Http Adaptor</title>
                  The MX4J Http Adaptor allows access to a running Phoenix server
                  with any web browser.
                  TODO: describe configuration methods when they settle down
                  Then just point your browser to
                  <link href="http://localhost:8082/">http://localhost:8082/</link>.
                  You should see a list of JMX MBeans you can control.
                  Under the section labled "Domain: Phoenix" you should see
                  a familier looking name or two.  They depend on the .sar
                  file packaging and configuration, but the web server above
                  would have a name similar to
                  If you click on the name, you'll find a form that allows you
                  to mount and unmount .war files through the web!
                  If your aren't familiar with the guts of Phoenix, you may
                  want to browse the source to understand what some of the other
                  MBeans listed do. For example,
                  <code>Phoenix:component=Embeddor,topic=Embeddor</code> allows
                  you to restart and shutdown Phoenix.  It also provides information,
                  such as the server's start time and uptime, home directory, version,
                  and build information.
              <section><title>Using RMI Adaptor</title>
                  If you would like to write an agent that can administrate Phoenix
                  programatically, you can use the MX4J RMI Adaptor.  This section
                  is basically duplicating information available in the MX4J
                  <link href="">
                  documentation</link>.  Phoenix uses the JRMP RMI Adaptor.
                  Ensure that the MX4J RMI Adaptor is enabled in kernal.xml
          &lt;component role="org.apache.avalon.phoenix.interfaces.SystemManager"
              logger="manager" &gt;
            [other enabled adaptors]
                  Place mx4j-jmx.jar, mx4j-tools.jar, and (TODO: include it)
                  in your classpath.  Suppose you wanted to shut down Phoenix.  Create the
                  following class:
  import mx4j.connector.rmi.jrmp.JRMPConnector;
  import mx4j.connector.RemoteMBeanServer;
  public class JrmpShutdown {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
          // Create a JRMPConnector
          JRMPConnector connector = new JRMPConnector();
          // Pass in the adaptor's JNDI name, no properties
          String jndiName = "jrmp";
          connector.connect(jndiName, null);
          // Get the remote MBeanServer from the connector
          // And use it as if it is an MBeanServer
          RemoteMBeanServer server = connector.getRemoteMBeanServer();
          ObjectName objName = new ObjectName("Phoenix:component=Embeddor,topic=Embeddor");
          server.invoke(objName, "shutdown", new Object[0], new String[0]);
                  Compile and run -- presto! The server stops.
              <strong>Phoenix stops immediatly after starting, with no error message</strong>
              Make sure you have a .sar file in the app/ directory.  If there isn't
              a service running, Phoenix quits immediately.  You can actually
              stop the server by undeploying all registered applications through
              JMX (although that would be a strange way of doing it).
              TODO: is this behavior a good thing?
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/guide-architecture.xml
  Index: guide-architecture.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
          <title>Guide - Architectural overview</title>
      <authors><person name="Leo Simons" email=""/></authors></header>
                This document briefly describes the Phoenix server architecture.
          <section><title>Multiple Server Application hosting</title>
                Phoenix hosts one or more server applications at the same time in the same Virtual machine.
                  <strong>Phoenix layer diagram</strong>
                  <figure src="images/phoenix-layers.jpg" alt="Phoenix Layers"/>
                Shown above are three hosted server applications.  A mail server that would implement
                multiple listeners for incoming and outgoing services (POP3, SMTP, IMAP etc).  Outlook,
                Eudora and other mail clients would be able to connect to the server.  As it happens,
                Apache has a project in progress called "James" that provides these services and Newsgroups.
                Also shown is a Web server.  That would respond to HTTP/HTTPS requests from similar standards
                based clients and be able to host it's own applications (web-apps and virtual websites). Lastly,
                and non-existant currently at Apache is an EJB Server.  This would be able to host it's own
                bean applications and might use the web server for it's HTTP needs.
          <section><title>Packaging of a Server Application</title>
                Phoenix application are distributed in a single archive.
              <section><title>Packaging in terms of blocks</title>
                    Phoenix hosts server applications made up of blocks.  The blocks may depend on libraries
                    to function correctly.  The blocks are tied together with Assembly instructions and Configured
                      <strong>Phoenix application in block view</strong>
                      <figure src="images/phoenix-app-block.jpg" alt="Phoenix App Block"/>
              <section><title>Packaging in terms of block jar files</title>
                    The server application is entirely contained withing one "sar" file.  Sar is "Server ARchive".
                    Each block is a jar file.  The dependant libraries are regular jars (placed
                    within a directory "lib" insde the sar file).  The Assembly and configuration instructions
                    are in xml form and contained within a "conf" directory inside the sar file.
                  <figure src="images/phoenix-app-blockjars.jpg" alt="Phoenix application in block jar view"/>
              <section><title>FtpServer as a Phoenix application</title>
                    FtpServer (part of the Avalon/Cornerstone project) is distributed in sar form.  Here is a
                    view of it's blocks.  It has no third party jars that it depends on.
                      <strong>FtpServer, a real Phoenix application</strong>
                      <figure src="images/phoenix-app-ftpserver.jpg" alt="Phoenix App FtpServer"/>
                Notes - Phoenix does not limit the number of blocks that it allows in a sar file.  We have taksdefs for Apache's Ant
                tool for making sar files.  See the "Block Developers Guide" (left
                margin of this page) for more what/how/why.
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  Index: guide-deployers.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>Guide - for Deployers</title>
    <authors><person name="Phoenix Documentation Team" email=""/></authors></header>
          Currently deploying a server application under Phoenix is simply a matter
          of dropping the .sar file into the appropriate directory (<code>apps/</code>)
          and restarting Phoenix. In the future there will be more advanced methods
          of deploying and undeploying Server Applications without restarting Phoenix.
        <section><title>Target Audience</title>
            This documentation describes the methods through which you can deploy
            Server Applications under the Phoenix kernel. It will be expanded as
            the system becomes more complete.
  1.1                  jakarta-avalon-phoenix/src/documentation/content/guide-example-configuration.xml
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  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN" "document-v11.dtd">
      <title>Guide - Example Configuration</title>
    <authors><person name="Stephen McConnell" email=""/><person name="Gerhard Froehlich" email=""/></authors></header>
        <p>This page contains a real production example of a block
        assembly and block .xinfo description based an extract from
        a B2B Enterprise Integration and Collaboration Platform developed by
        <link href="">OSM</link>.</p>
        <p>This example was originally a Mailing List response to a
        some user questions!</p>
        <p>The orginal post was written by Stephen McConnell from OSM.</p>
      <section><title>The example</title>
        <p>Each Block has an associated xinfo file and the xinfo file
        is stored alongside the block in a jar file. The <code>.xinfo</code>
        file contains a description of a reasonably simple block that serves
        as a factory for business processes that handle PKI certification
  &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
        This block could be declaring several services that it supports.
        Unlike a Java interface, the service includes a version tag. So
        it's possible for a block to have several services with possibly
        different versions. If there are multiple services then just
        declare them with multiple service entries here. Phoenix will make
        sure that the class with the same name as the .xinfo file
        implements these interfaces (if it doesn't then Phoenix will
        &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.hub.gateway.FactoryService"/&gt;
    So far, we have the definition of a class that supports possibly
    multiple version interfaces. But things get much more interesting, when
    we think about the services that this block requires in order to function
    properly. That's partly handled by the dependencies element and partly by
    the assembly.xml file (which I'll explain later). In the following
    dependency example there are seven "service" dependencies (i.e. 7 versioned
    interface dependencies that must be fulfilled for this block to function.
        Each dependency contains a declaration of a role name and a service
        interface and a version that can fulfil that role. The dependency
        does not say anything about where that service implementation should
        come from (that's the job the assembly.xml file). The role element
        is simply the label used in the implementation of your block configure
        method that distinguishes a particular instance of the service.
            &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.hub.gateway.GatewayContext"/&gt;
        This dependency declaration simply states that in order to function,
        this block requires a &lt;service/&gt; (in this case a wrapper to a CORBA
        ORB version 2.4) and that the block implementation will lookup this
        service using the "ORB" keyword.
            &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.hub.gateway.ORBService"
        This dependency declares a requirement for a PSS (Persistent State
        Service) Storage Home.
            &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.hub.gateway.ProcessorStorageHomeService"/&gt;
        This dependency enables the block to establish a call-back to the
        block supplying the service. This block uses the Registry interface
        to publish a business process description to a higher level manager.
            &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.hub.gateway.Registry"/&gt;
        &lt;!-- etc. --&gt;
            &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.hub.gateway.DomainService"/&gt;
            &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.hub.gateway.RandomService"/&gt;
            &lt;service name="org.apache.acme.service.time.TimeService"/&gt;
        <p>Next is the block declaration (an extract from an <code>assembly.xml</code>
        file). This enables the declaration of WHERE the services are coming from.
        I.e. you may have a system with many blocks and even the potential for matching
        services available from more that one block. The class attribute provides the
        link to the <code>.xinfo</code> file and the implementation class. The name
        is used a key within the <code>assembly.xml</code> file when wiring things together.
        E.g. the provide element references a block by its name - and declares that the
        named block will serve as the provider of the service. The role attribute matches
        the role element in the <code>.xinfo</code> dependency declaration.</p>
        <p>The name attribute also serves a the key to lookup a configuration element in
        the application configuration.xml file.</p>
  &lt;?xml version="1.0"?&gt;
    &lt;!-- other assembly information here --&gt;
    &lt;!-- Certification Request Processor Factory --&gt;
    &lt;block class="org.apache.acme.pki.process.CertificationRequestServer"
           name="certification" &gt;
      &lt;provide name="gateway" role="GATEWAY"/&gt;
      &lt;provide name="gateway" role="ORB"/&gt;
      &lt;provide name="gateway" role="PSS"/&gt;
      &lt;provide name="gateway" role="DOMAIN"/&gt;
      &lt;provide name="gateway" role="RANDOM"/&gt;
      &lt;provide name="pki" role="REGISTRY"/&gt;
      &lt;provide name="time" role="CLOCK"/&gt;
    &lt;!-- more assembly information here --&gt;
      <section><title>Why this seperation?</title></section>
        <li>It forces structure and separation</li>
        <li>It provides a way of managing possibly multiple versions of the
            same interface in a single environment</li>
        <li>It enables explicit declaration of the source of service provision</li>
      <p>For example you can have multiple blocks providing a TimeService.
      One of those blocks uses an external time reference while the others
      use a local time reference. The local time block
      declare dependencies on the external source time block and is periodically
      synchronised. In this example all of the TimeService services are exposing
      the same interface, same version (i.e. same service), but the decision as to
      which service is the provider to another can  be explicitly controlled.
      While the time example is perhaps trivial, there are significant policy
      security implications related to service provider selection.</p>
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      <title>Guide - JMX Management</title>
    <authors><person name="Huw Roberts" email=""/></authors></header>
      <section><title>Table of Contents</title>
            <td>Intended Audience</td>
              <link href="guide-mx-structure.html">Organizing Structure for Management Data</link>
              <link href="guide-mx-overview.html">Step by Step Overview</link>
              <link href="guide-mx-mxinfo.html">MXINFO files</link>
              Component Authors
              <link href="guide-mx-xdoctags.html">XDoclet Tagging</link>
              Component Authors
               [TODO] Container Responsibilities to Support Management
              Container Authors
               Link to javadocs
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          <title>Development Roles</title>
      <authors><person name="Leo Simons" email=""/></authors></header>
                In phoenix-based development, we identify several roles. Each of these has its own
         guide. If you plan to aid in the development of phoenix itself, or if you are
         responsible for all these aspects, you should read all the guides. Otherwise, you
         should be able to learn everything you need to know from the guide that fits your
          <section><title>The Administrator</title>
              <p>The administrator is responsible for getting phoenix to run and for keeping it
              running. He typically controls the startup and shutdown of the standalone server
              or daemon, and uses a management console to keep the server in top condition.</p>
                  <link href="guide-administrator.html">Administrator's Guide</link>
          <section><title>The Deployer</title>
              <p>The deployer manages (un/re)deployment of the applications hosted withing phoenix,
              typically through a management console. In real life, this is often the same person
               as the adminstrator.</p>
                  <link href="guide-deployers.html">Deployer's Guide</link>
          <section><title>The Assembler</title>
              <p>The assembler takes pre-written blocks and glues these together to create a
               server application. Assemblers usually work closely with block developers.</p>
                  <link href="assemblers/index.html">Assembler Guide</link>
          <section><title>The Block Developer</title>
              <p>The block developer creates reusable components (called blocks) that can be
               wired together to form a server applications.</p>
                  <link href="bdg/index.html">Block Developers Guide</link>
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    <authors><person name="Phoenix Documentation Team" email=""/></authors></header>
          Phoenix is a micro-kernel designed and implemented on top of the Avalon
          framework. It is both an API to program to and a reference implementation.
          The reference implementation provides a number of facilities to manage the
          environment of Server Applications. Such facilities include log management,
          classloading, thread management and security. In the future it will
          conditionally support extra facilities such as central server management,
          server pools, and other facilities aimed at reducing the time to market. The API
          defines a standard method of piecing together server components and creating a server.
      <section><title>Documentation is coming</title>
          Some of the information on this site is currently a bit out of date. We are
      working hard to fix this. If you come across any incosistencies or have a
      problem, please don't hesitate to contact us through the mailing list. Thank
      <section><title>Guide to Avalon Phoenix</title>
          This guide starts with an architectural overview of Phoenix. Then, we identify
      the different roles that typically exist in daily use of phoenix. For each of
      these, we provide a basic guide. We finish with a complete example.
          <section><title>Target Audience</title>
              This documentation is aimed towards people who:
            <li>wish to create applications that run within phoenix</li>
            <li>wish to create components (blocks) for use within phoenix</li>
            <li>wish to setup and administer phoenix</li>
                <li>are interested in the design principles of Avalon Phoenix</li>
                <li>wish to develop code that will be incorporated into Avalon Phoenix</li>
                <li>wish to reuse Avalon Phoenix concepts in their own application</li>
              <li><link href="guide-architecture.html">Architectural overview</link></li>
              <li><link href="guide-roles.html">Development roles</link></li>
              <li><link href="guide-administrator.html">Administrator Guide</link></li>
              <li><link href="guide-deployers.html">Application Deployer Guide</link></li>
              <li><link href="mx/index.html">JMX Management Guide</link></li>
              <li><link href="assemblers/index.html">Server Application Assembler Guide</link></li>
              <li><link href="bdg/index.html">Block Developer Guide</link></li>
              <li><link href="guide-example-configuration.html">Example Configuration.</link></li>
      <section><title>Avalon Phoenix Reference Documentation</title>
           Besides the
           <link href="api/index.html">Javadocs</link>, we have the
           <link href="guide-architecture.html">Architectural overview</link> to look at.
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   <authors><person name="Phoenix Documentation Team" email=""/></authors></header>
      Phoenix runs on a variety of platforms that have installed the Java 2 Virtual Machine.
      Everything required to run Phoenix and develope Phoenix based products comes with the
      <link href="">distribution</link>. If
      you wish to help develop Avalon/Phoenix then it is recomended that you obtain the full
      source tree from <link href="">CVS</link>
      or from the <link href="">nightly
      Execute the relevant platform specific script (build.[sh|bat]) in the base phoenix
      Executing this script will create a <em>dist</em> directory within the Phoenix
      directory. The <em>dist</em> directory will contain the
      compiled class files packaged into jars.
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    <authors><person name="Steve Short" email=""/></authors></header>
          This document describes the process for launching Phoenix in the
          JBoss application server.
          Setup instructions (Windows based, but *nix equivalent is obvious):
          <p>Copy phoenix distribution to Jboss directory:</p>
          <source>copy %PHOENIX_HOME%\* %JBOSS_HOME%\phoenix</source>
          <p>Copy phoenix loader to Jboss deployment dir (using Jboss
          'default' server as example):</p>
          <source>copy %PHOENIX_HOME%\bin\phoenix-loader.jar %JBOSS_HOME%\server\defaultdeploy</source>
          <p>Copy phoenix loader config file to Jboss deployment dir
          (using Jboss 'default' server as example):</p>
          <source>copy %PHOENIX_HOME%\conf\phoenix-service.xml %JBOSS_HOME%\server\defaultdeploy</source>
          <p>And don't forget to copy your app to the apps directory.
          I think that's everything - if I've forgotten anything just holler.</p>
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