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[01/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

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diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/index.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/index.adoc
index f9ffad6..03aeaf2 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/index.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/index.adoc
@@ -1,67 +1,70 @@
-* @@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@                                                         
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-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@ 
-= SQL Reference Manual
-:doctype: book
-:toc: left
-:toclevels: 3
-:toc-title: Table of Contents
-:icons: font
-:iconsdir: icons
-:source-language: text
-:revnumber: {project-version}
-:title-logo-image: {project-logo}
-:project-name: {project-name}
-:images: ../images
-:leveloffset: 1
-// The directory is called _chapters because asciidoctor skips direct
-// processing of files found in directories starting with an _. This
-// prevents each chapter being built as its own book.
+* @@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@                                                         
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
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+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@ 
+= SQL Reference Manual
+:doctype: book
+:toc: left
+:toclevels: 3
+:toc-title: Table of Contents
+:icons: font
+:iconsdir: icons
+:source-language: text
+:revnumber: {project-version}
+:title-logo-image: {project-logo}
+:project-name: {project-name}
+:images: ../images
+:leveloffset: 1
+// The directory is called _chapters because asciidoctor skips direct
+// processing of files found in directories starting with an _. This
+// prevents each chapter being built as its own book.

[04/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

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diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
index e00218d..4bd94e8 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_language_elements.adoc
@@ -1,4088 +1,4088 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
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-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= SQL Language Elements
-{project-name} SQL language elements, which include data types, expressions, functions, identifiers, literals, and
-predicates, occur within the syntax of SQL statements. The statement and command topics support the syntactical
-and semantic descriptions of the language elements in this section.
-== Authorization IDs
-An authorization ID is used for an authorization operation. Authorization is the process of validating that a
-database user has permission to perform a specified SQL operation. Externally, the authorization ID is a regular
-or delimited case-insensitive identifier that can have a maximum of 128 characters. See
-<<case_insensitive_delimited_identifiers,Case-Insensitive Delimited Identifiers>>.
-Internally, the authorization ID is associated with a 32-bit number that the database generates and uses for
-efficient access and storage.
-All authorization IDs share the same name space. An authorization ID can be a database user name or a role name.
-Therefore, a database user and a role cannot share the same name.
-An authorization ID can be the PUBLIC authorization ID, which represents all present and future authorization IDs.
-An authorization ID cannot be SYSTEM, which is the implicit grantor of privileges to the creator of objects.
-== Character Sets
-You can specify ISO88591 or UTF8 for a character column definition. The use of UTF8 permits you to store characters
-from many different languages.
-== Columns
-A column is a vertical component of a table and is the relational representation of a field in a record. A column
-contains one data value for each row of the table.
-A column value is the smallest unit of data that can be selected from or updated in a table. Each column has a name
-that is an SQL identifier and is unique within the table or view that contains the column.
-=== Column References
-A qualified column name, or column reference, is a column name qualified by the name of the table or view to which
-the column belongs, or by a correlation name.
-If a query refers to columns that have the same name but belong to different tables, you must use a qualified column
-name to refer to the columns within the query. You must also refer to a column by a qualified column name if you join
-a table with itself within a query to compare one row of the table with other rows in the same table.
-The syntax of a column reference or qualified column name is:
-{table-name | view-name | correlation-name}.column-name
-If you define a correlation name for a table in the FROM clause of a statement, you must use that correlation name if
-you need to qualify the column name within the statement.
-If you do not define an explicit correlation name in the FROM clause, you can qualify the column name with the name of
-the table or view that contains the column. See <<correlation_names,Correlation Names>>.
-=== Derived Column Names
-A derived column is an SQL value expression that appears as an item in the select list of a SELECT statement. An explicit
-name for a derived column is an SQL identifier associated with the derived column. The syntax of a derived column name is:
-column-expression [[AS] column-name]
-The column expression can simply be a column reference. The expression is optionally followed by the AS keyword and the
-name of the derived column.
-If you do not assign a name to derived columns, the headings for unnamed columns in query result tables appear as (EXPR).
-Use the AS clause to assign names that are meaningful to you, which is important if you have more than one derived column
-in your select list.
-==== Examples of Derived Column Names
-These two examples show how to use names for derived columns.
-* The first example shows (EXPR) as the column heading of the SELECT result table:
-SELECT AVG (salary) FROM persnl.employee; (EXPR)
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* The second example shows AVERAGE SALARY as the column heading:
-FROM persnl.employee; "AVERAGE SALARY"
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-=== Column Default Settings
-You can define specific default settings for columns when the table is created. The CREATE TABLE statement defines the
-default settings for columns within tables. The default setting for a column is the value inserted in a row when an INSERT
-statement omits a value for a particular column.
-== Constraints
-An SQL constraint is an object that protects the integrity of data in a table by specifying a condition that all the
-values in a particular column or set of columns of the table must satisfy.
-{project-name} SQL enforces these constraints on SQL tables:
-| CHECK       | Column or table constraint specifying a condition must be satisfied for each row in the table.
-| FOREIGN KEY | Column or table constraint that specifies a referential constraint for the table, declaring that a
-column or set of columns (called a foreign key) in a table can contain only values that match those in a column or
-set of columns in the table specified in the REFERENCES clause.
-| NOT NULL    | Column constraint specifying the column cannot contain nulls.
-| PRIMARY KEY | Column or table constraint specifying the column or set of columns as the primary key for the table.
-| UNIQUE      | Column or table constraint that specifies that the column or set of columns cannot contain more than
-one occurrence of the same value or set of values.
-=== Creating or Adding Constraints on SQL Tables
-To create constraints on an SQL table when you create the table, use the NOT NULL, UNIQUE, CHECK, FOREIGN KEY, or
-PRIMARY KEY clause of the CREATE TABLE statement.
-For more information on {project-name} SQL commands, see <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>> and
-<<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>.
-=== Constraint Names
-When you create a constraint, you can specify a name for it or allow a name to be generated by {project-name} SQL.
-You can optionally specify both column and table constraint names. Constraint names are ANSI logical names.
-See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>. Constraint names are in the same name space as tables and
-views, so a constraint name cannot have the same name s a table or view.
-The name you specify can be fully qualified or not. If you specify the schema parts of the name, they must match
-those parts of the affected table and must be unique among table, view, and constraint names in that schema. If you
-omit the schema portion of the name you specify, {project-name} SQL expands the name by using the schema for the table.
-If you do not specify a constraint name, {project-name} SQL constructs an SQL identifier as the name for the constraint
-and qualifies it with the schema of the table. The identifier consists of the table name concatenated with a
-system-generated unique identifier.
-== Correlation Names
-A correlation name is a name you can associate with a table reference that is a table, view, or subquery in a SELECT
-statement to:
-* Distinguish a table or view from another table or view referred to in a statement
-* Distinguish different uses of the same table
-* Make the query shorter
-A correlation name can be explicit or implicit.
-=== Explicit Correlation Names
-An explicit correlation name for a table reference is an SQL identifier associated with the table reference in the FROM
-clause of a SELECT statement. See <<identifiers,Identifiers>>. The correlation name must be unique within the FROM clause.
-For more information about the FROM clause, table references, and correlation names, see <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>.
-The syntax of a correlation name for the different forms of a table reference within a FROM clause is the same:
-{table | view | (query-expression)} [AS]correlation-name
-A table or view is optionally followed by the AS keyword and the correlation name. A derived table, resulting from the
-evaluation of a query expression, must be followed by the AS keyword and the correlation name. An explicit correlation
-name is known only to the statement in which you define it. You can use the same identifier as a correlation name in
-another statement.
-=== Implicit Correlation Names
-A table or view reference that has no explicit correlation name has an implicit correlation name. The implicit correlation
-name is the table or view name qualified with the schema names.
-You cannot use an implicit correlation name for a reference that has an explicit correlation name within the statement.
-=== Examples of Correlation Names
-This query refers to two tables, ORDERS and CUSTOMER, that contain columns named CUSTNUM. In the WHERE clause, one column
-reference is qualified by an implicit correlation name (ORDERS) and the other by an explicit correlation name (C):
-SELECT ordernum, custname FROM orders, customer c
-WHERE orders.custnum = c.custnum AND orders.custnum = 543;
-== Database Objects
-A database object is an SQL entity that exists in a name space. SQL statements can access {project-name} SQL database objects.
-The subsections listed below describe these {project-name} SQL database objects.
-* <<constraints,Constraints>>
-* <<indexes,Indexes>>
-* <<tables,Tables>>
-* <<views,Views>>
-=== Ownership
-In {project-name} SQL, the creator of an object owns the object defined in the schema and has all privileges on the object.
-In addition, you can use the GRANT and REVOKE statements to grant access privileges for a table or view to specified users.
-For more information, see the <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>> and <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>. For
-information on privileges on tables and views, see <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>> and
-<<create_view_statement,CREATE VIEW Statement>>.
-== Database Object Names
-DML statements can refer to {project-name} SQL database objects. To refer to a database object in a statement, use an appropriate
-database object name. For information on the types of database objects see <<database_objects,Database Objects>>.
-=== Logical Names for SQL Objects
-You may refer to an SQL table, view, constraint, library, function, or procedure by using a one-part, two-part, or three-part
-logical name, also called an ANSI name:
-In this three-part name, _catalog-name_ is the name of the catalog, which is TRAFODION for {project-name} SQL objects that map to
-HBase tables. _schema-name_ is the name of the schema, and _object-name_ is the simple name of the table, view, constraint,
-library, function, or procedure. Each of the parts is an SQL identifier. See <<identifiers,Identifiers>>.
-{project-name} SQL automatically qualifies an object name with a schema name unless you explicitly specify schema names with the
-object name. If you do not set a schema name for the session using a SET SCHEMA statement, the default schema is SEABASE,
-which exists in the TRAFODION catalog. See <<set_schema_statement,SET SCHEMA Statement>>. A one-part name _object-name_ is
-qualified implicitly with the default schema.
-You can qualify a column name in a {project-name} SQL statement by using a three-part, two-part, or one-part object name, or a
-correlation name.
-=== SQL Object Namespaces
-{project-name} SQL objects are organized in a hierarchical manner. Database objects exist in schemas, which are themselves
-contained in a catalog called TRAFODION. A catalog is a collection of schemas. Schema names must be unique within the catalog.
-Multiple objects with the same name can exist provided that each belongs to a different name space. {project-name} SQL supports these
-* Index
-* Functions and procedures
-* Library
-* Schema label
-* Table value object (table, view, constraint)
-Objects in one schema can refer to objects in a different schema. Objects of a given name space are required to have
-unique names within a given schema.
-== Data Types
-{project-name} SQL data types are character, datetime, interval, or numeric (exact or approximate):
-| <<character_string_data_types,Character String Data Types>> | Fixed-length and variable-length character data types.
-| <<datetime_data_types,Datetime Data Types>>                 | DATE, TIME, and TIMESTAMP data types.
-| <<interval_data_types,Interval Data Types>>                 | Year-month intervals (years and months) and day-time intervals (days,
-hours, minutes, seconds, and fractions of a second).
-| <<numeric_data_types_,Numeric Data Types >>                 | Exact and approximate numeric data types.
-Each column in a table is associated with a data type. You can use the CAST expression to convert data to the data type that you specify. For
-more information, see <<cast_expression,CAST Expression>>.
-The following table summarizes the {project-name} SQL data types:
-| Type | SQL Designation | Description | Size or Range^1^
-| Fixed-length character | CHAR[ACTER]          | Fixed-length character data            | 1 to 32707 characters^2^
-|                        | NCHAR                | Fixed-length character data in predefined national character set | 1 to 32707 bytes^3^ ^7^
-|                        | NATIONAL CHAR[ACTER] | Fixed-length character data in predefined national character set | 1 to 32707 bytes^3^ ^7^
-| Variable-length character | VARCHAR                      | Variable-length ASCII character string | 1 to 32703 characters^4^
-|                           | CHAR[ACTER] VARYING          | Variable-length ASCII character string | 1 to 32703 characters^4^
-|                           | NCHAR VARYING                | Variable-length ASCII character string | 1 to 32703 bytes^4^ ^8^
-|                           | NATIONAL CHAR[ACTER] VARYING | Variable-length ASCII character string | 1 to 32703 characters^4^ ^8^
-| Numeric
-| NUMERIC (1,_scale_) to +
-NUMERIC (128,_scale_)
-| Binary number with optional scale; signed or unsigned for 1 to 9 digits
-| 1 to 128 digits; stored: +
-1 to 4 digits in 2 bytes +
- +
-5 to 9 digits in 4 bytes +
- +
-10 to 128 digits in 8-64 bytes, depending on precision
-|                           | SMALLINT                      | Binary integer; signed or unsigned    | 0 to 65535 unsigned, -32768 to +32767 signed; stored in 2 bytes
-|                           | INTEGER                       | Binary integer; signed or unsigned    | 0 to 4294967295 unsigned, -2147483648 to +2147483647 signed; stored in 4 bytes
-|                           | LARGEINT                      | Binary integer; signed only           | -2**63 to +(2**63)-1; stored in 8 bytes
-| Numeric (extended numeric precision) | NUMERIC (precision 19 to 128) | Binary integer; signed or unsigned    | Stored as multiple chunks of 16-bit integers, with a minimum storage
-length of 8 bytes.
-| Floating point number
-| FLOAT[(_precision_)]
-| Floating point number; precision designates from 1 through 52 bits of precision
-| +/- 2.2250738585072014e-308 through +/-1.7976931348623157e+308; stored in 8 bytes
-|                                      | REAL                          | Floating point number (32 bits)        | +/- 1.17549435e-38 through +/ 3.40282347e+38; stored in 4 bytes
-| Floating-point numbers (64 bits) with 1 through 52 bits of precision (52 bits of binary precision and 1 bits of exponent)
-| +/- 2.2250738585072014e-308 through +/-1.7976931348623157e+308; stored in 8 byte
-| Decimal number
-| DECIMAL (1,_scale_) to DECIMAL (18,_scale_)
-| Decimal number with optional scale; stored as ASCII characters; signed or unsigned for 1 to 9 digits; signed required for 10 or more digits
-| 1 to 18 digits. Byte length equals the number of digits. Sign is stored as the first bit of the leftmost byte.
-| Date-Time
-| Point in time, using the Gregorian calendar and a 24 hour clock system. The five supported designations are listed below.
-| YEAR 0001-9999 +
-MONTH 1-12 +
-DAY 1-31 +
- +
-DAY constrained by MONTH and YEAR +
- +
-HOUR 0-23 +
-MINUTE 0-59 +
-SECOND 0-59 +
-FRACTION(n) 0-999999 +
- +
-in which n is the number of significant digits, from 1 to 6
-(default is 6; minimum is 1; maximum is 6). Actual database storage is
-incremental, as follows:
- +
-YEAR in 2 bytes +
-MONTH in 1 byte +
-DAY in 1 byte +
-HOUR in 1 byte +
-MINUTE in 1
-byte SECOND in 1 byte +
-FRACTION in 4 bytes +
-| | DATE                         | Date                                   | Format as YYYY-MM-DD; actual database storage size is 4 bytes
-| | TIME                         | Time of day, 24 hour clock, no time precision. Format as HH:MM:SS; actual database storage size is 3 bytes
-| | TIME (with time precision)   | Time of day, 24 hour clock, with time precision | Format as HH:MM:SS.FFFFFF; actual database storage size is 7 bytes
-| | TIMESTAMP                    | Point in time, no time precision | Format as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS; actual database storage size is 7 bytes
-| | TIMESTAMP (with time precision) Point in time, with time precision | Format as YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.FFFFFF; actual database storage size is 1 byte
-| Interval | INTERVAL | Duration of time; value is in the YEAR/MONTH range or the DAY/HOUR/MINUTE/YEAR/SECOND/FRACTION range
-| YEAR no constraint^6^ +
-MONTH 0-1 +
-DAY no contraint +
-HOUR 0-23 +
-MINUTE 0-59 +
-SECOND 0-59 +
-FRACTION(n) 0-999999 +
-in which n is the number of significant digits (default is 6; minimum is 1; maximum is 6); +
-stored in 2, 4, or 8 bytes depending on number of digits^2^
-* _scale_ is the number of digits to the right of the decimal.
-* _precision_ specifies the allowed number of decimal digits.
-1. The size of a column that allows null values is 2 bytes larger than the size for the defined data type.
-2.  The maximum row size is 32708 bytes, but the actual row size is less than that because of bytes used by
-null indicators, varchar column length indicators, and actual data encoding.
-3.  Storage size is the same as that required by CHAR data type but store only half as many characters depending
-on character set selection.
-4.  Storage size is reduced by 4 bytes for storage of the varying character length.
-5.  The maximum number of digits in an INTERVAL value is 18, including the digits in all INTERVAL fields of the value.
-Any INTERVAL field that is a starting field can have up to 18 digits minus the number of other digits in the INTERVAL value.
-6.  The maximum is 32707 if the national character set was specified at installation time to be ISO88591.
-The maximum is 16353 if the national character set was specified at installation time as UTF8.
-7.  The maximum is 32703 if the national character set was specified at installation time to be ISO88591.
-The maximum is 16351 if the national character set was specified at installation time as UTF8.
-=== Comparable and Compatible Data Types
-Two data types are comparable if a value of one data type can be compared to a value of the other data type.
-Two data types are compatible if a value of one data type can be assigned to a column of the other data type, and if
-columns of the two data types can be combined using arithmetic operations. Compatible data types are also comparable.
-Assignment and comparison are the basic operations of {project-name} SQL. Assignment operations are performed during the
-execution of INSERT and UPDATE statements. Comparison operations are performed during the execution of statements that
-include predicates, aggregate (or set) functions, and GROUP BY, HAVING, and ORDER BY clauses.
-The basic rule for both assignment and comparison is that the operands have compatible data types. Data types with
-different character sets cannot be compared without converting one character set to the other. However, the SQL compiler
-will usually generate the necessary code to do this conversion automatically.
-==== Character Data Types
-Values of fixed and variable length character data types of the same character set are all character strings and are
-all mutually comparable and mutually assignable.
-When two strings are compared, the comparison is made with a temporary copy of the shorter string that has been padded
-on the right with blanks to have the same length as the longer string.
-==== Datetime Data Types
-Values of type datetime are mutually comparable and mutually assignable only if the types have the same datetime fields.
-A DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP value can be compared with another value only if the other value has the same data type.
-All comparisons are chronological. For example, this predicate is true:
-TIMESTAMP '2008-09-28 00:00:00' > TIMESTAMP '2008-06-26 00:00:00'
-==== Interval Data Types
-Values of type INTERVAL are mutually comparable and mutually assignable only if the types are either both year-month
-intervals or both day-time intervals.
-For example, this predicate is true:
-The field components of the INTERVAL do not have to be the same. For example, this predicate is also true:
-==== Numeric Data Types
-Values of the approximate data types FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION, and values of the exact data types NUMERIC,
-DECIMAL, INTEGER, SMALLINT, and LARGEINT, are all numbers and are all mutually comparable and mutually assignable.
-When an approximate data type value is assigned to a column with exact data type, rounding might occur, and the
-fractional part might be truncated. When an exact data type value is assigned to a column with approximate data type,
-the result might not be identical to the original number.
-When two numbers are compared, the comparison is made with a temporary copy of one of the numbers, according to defined
-rules of conversion. For example, if one number is INTEGER and the other is DECIMAL, the comparison is made with a
-temporary copy of the integer converted to a decimal.
-===== Extended Numeric Precision
-{project-name} SQL provides support for extended numeric precision data type. Extended numeric precision is an extension to
-the NUMERIC(x,y) data type where no theoretical limit exists on precision. It is a software data type, which means that
-the underlying hardware does not support it and all computations are performed by software. Computations using this data
-type may not match the performance of other hardware supported data types.
-===== Considerations for Extended NUMERIC Precision Data Type
-Consider these points and limitations for extended NUMERIC precision data type:
-* May cost more than other data type options.
-* Is a software data type.
-* Cannot be compared to data types that are supported by hardware.
-* If your application requires extended NUMERIC precision arithmetic
-expressions, specify the required precision in the table DDL or as
-explicit extended precision type casts of your select list items. The
-default system behavior is to treat user-specified extended precision
-expressions as extended precision values. Conversely, non-user-specified
-(that is, temporary, intermediate) extended precision expressions may
-lose precision. In the following example, the precision appears to lose
-one digit because the system treats the sum of two NUMERIC(18,4) type
-columns as NUMERIC(18,4). NUMERIC(18) is the longest non-extended
-precision numeric type. NUMERIC(19) is the shortest extended precision
-numeric type. The system actually computes the sum of 2 NUMERIC(18,4)
-columns as an extended precision NUMERIC(19,4) sum. But because no
-user-specified extended precision columns exist, the system casts the
-sum back to the user-specified type of NUMERIC(18,4).
-INSERT INTO T VALUES (1.1234, 2.1234);
-If this behavior is not acceptable, you can use one of these options:
-** Specify the column type as NUMERIC(19,4). For example, CREATE TABLE T(A NUMERIC(19,4), B NUMERIC(19,4)); or
-** Cast the sum as NUMERIC(19,4). For example, SELECT CAST(A+B AS NUMERIC(19,4)) FROM T; or
-** Use an extended precision literal in the expression. For example, SELECT A+B*1.00000000000000000000 FROM T;.
-Note the result for the previous example when changing to NUMERIC(19,4):
-When displaying output results in the command interface of a
-client-based tool, casting a select list item to an extended precision
-numeric type is acceptable. However, when retrieving an extended
-precision select list item into an application program's host variable,
-you must first convert the extended precision numeric type into a string
-data type. For example:
-NOTE: An application program can convert an externalized extended
-precision value in string form into a numeric value it can handle. But,
-an application program cannot correctly interpret an extended precision
-value in internal form.
-===== Rules for Extended NUMERIC Precision Data Type
-These rules apply:
-* No limit on maximum precision.
-* Supported in all DDL and DML statements where regular NUMERIC data type is supported.
-* Allowed as part of key columns for hash partitioned tables only.
-* NUMERIC type with precision 10 through 18.
-** UNSIGNED is supported as extended NUMERIC precision data type
-** SIGNED is supported as 64-bit integer
-* CAST function allows conversion between regular NUMERIC and extended NUMERIC precision data type.
-* Parameters in SQL queries support extended NUMERIC precision data type.
-===== Example of Extended NUMERIC Precision Data Type
->>CREATE TABLE t( n NUMERIC(128,30));
---- SQL operation complete.
-  (
-      N NUMERIC(128, 30) DEFAULT NULL
-  )
---- SQL operation complete.
-=== Character String Data Types
-{project-name} SQL includes both fixed-length character data and variable-length character data. You cannot compare character data to
-numeric, datetime, or interval data.
-* `_character-type_` is:
-* `_char-set_` is
-CHARACTER SET char-set-name
-CHAR, NCHAR, and NATIONAL CHAR are fixed-length character types. CHAR
-varying-length character types.
-* `_length_`
-is a positive integer that specifies the number of characters allowed in
-the column. You must specify a value for _length_.
-* `_char-set-name_`
-is the character set name, which can be ISO88591 or UTF8.
-* `CHAR[ACTER] [(_length_ [CHARACTERS])] [_char-set_] [UPSHIFT] [[NOT]CASESPECIFIC]`
-specifies a column with fixed-length character data.
-specifies a column with varying-length character data. VARYING specifies
-that the number of characters stored in the column can be fewer than the
-Values in a column declared as VARYING can be logically and physically
-shorter than the maximum length, but the maximum internal size of a
-VARYING column is actually four bytes larger than the size required for
-an equivalent column that is not VARYING.
-* `VARCHAR (_length_) [_char-set_] [UPSHIFT] [[NOT]CASESPECIFIC]`
-specifies a column with varying-length character data. VARCHAR is
-equivalent to data type CHAR[ACTER] VARYING.
-specifies a column with data in the predefined national character set.
-specifies a column with varying-length data in the predefined national character set.
-==== Considerations for Character String Data Types
-===== Difference Between CHAR and VARCHAR
-You can specify a fixed-length character column as CHAR(_n_), where
-_n_ is the number of characters you want to store. However, if you store
-five characters into a column specified as CHAR(10), ten characters are
-stored where the rightmost five characters are blank.
-If you do not want to have blanks added to your character string, you
-can specify a variable-length character column as VARCHAR(_n_), where
-_n_ is the maximum number of characters you want to store. If you store
-five characters in a column specified as VARCHAR(10), only the five
-characters are stored logically\u2014without blank padding.
-===== NCHAR Columns in SQL Tables
-In {project-name} SQL, the NCHAR type specification is equivalent to:
-* CHAR &#8230; CHARACTER SET &#8230;, where the character set is the character set for NCHAR
-VARYING, and VARCHAR &#8230; CHARACTER SET &#8230; , where the character set is
-the character set for NCHAR. The character set for NCHAR is determined
-when {project-name} SQL is installed.
-=== Datetime Data Types
-A value of datetime data type represents a point in time according to
-the Gregorian calendar and a 24-hour clock in local civil time (LCT). A
-datetime item can represent a date, a time, or a date and time.
-When a numeric value is added to or subtracted from a date type, the
-numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL DAY value. When a
-numeric value is added to or subtracted from a time type or a timestamp
-type, the numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL SECOND
-value. For information on CAST, see <<cast
-{project-name} SQL accepts dates, such as October 5 to 14, 1582, that were
-omitted from the Gregorian calendar. This functionality is a {project-name}
-SQL extension.
-The range of times that a datetime value can represent is:
-January 1, 1 A.D., 00:00:00.000000 (low value) December 31, 9999, 23:59:59.999999 (high value)
-{project-name} SQL has three datetime data types:
-* `_datetime-type_` is:
-| TIME [(_time-precision_)]
-| TIMESTAMP [(_timestamp-precision_)]
-* `DATE`
-specifies a datetime column that contains a date in the external form
-yyyy-mm-dd and stored in four bytes.
-* `TIME [(_time-precision_)]`
-specifies a datetime column that, without the optional time-precision,
-contains a time in the external form hh:mm:ss and is stored in three
-bytes. _time-precision_ is an unsigned integer that specifies the number
-of digits in the fractional seconds and is stored in four bytes. The
-default for _time-precision_ is 0, and the maximum is 6.
-* `TIMESTAMP [(_timestamp-precision_)]`
-specifies a datetime column that, without the optional
-_timestamp-precision_, contains a timestamp in the external form
-yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss and is stored in seven bytes. _timestamp-precision_
-is an unsigned integer that specifies the number of digits in the
-fractional seconds and is stored in four bytes. The default for
-_timestamp-precision_ is 6, and the maximum is 6.
-==== Considerations for Datetime Data Types
-===== Datetime Ranges
-The range of values for the individual fields in a DATE, TIME, or
-TIMESTAMP column is specified as:
-| _yyyy_   | Year, from 0001 to 9999
-| _mm_     | Month, from 01 to 12
-| _dd_     | Day, from 01 to 31
-| _hh_     | Hour, from 00 to 23
-| _mm_     | Minute, from 00 to 59
-| _ss_     | Second, from 00 to 59
-| _msssss_ | Microsecond, from 000000 to 999999
-When you specify _datetime_value_ (FORMAT \u2018string\u2019) in the DML statement
-and the specified format is \u2018mm/dd/yyyy\u2019,\u2019MM/DD/YYYY\u2019, or \u2018yyyy/mm/dd\u2019
-or \u2018yyyy-mm-dd\u2019, the datetime type is automatically cast.
-=== Interval Data Types
-Values of interval data type represent durations of time in year-month
-units (years and months) or in day-time units (days, hours, minutes,
-seconds, and fractions of a second).
-* `_interval-type_ is:`
-INTERVAL[-] { start-field TO end-field | single-field }
-* `_start-field_ is:`
-{YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE} [(_leading-precision_)]
-* `_end-field_ is:
-YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND [(_fractional-precision_)]
-* `_single-field_ is:`
-_start-field_ | SECOND [(_leading-precision_, _fractional-precision_)]
-* `INTERVAL[-] { _start-field_ TO _end-field_ | _single-field_ }`
-specifies a column that represents a duration of time as a year-month or
-day-time range or a single-field. The optional sign indicates if this is
-a positive or negative integer. If you omit the sign, it defaults to
-If the interval is specified as a range, the _start-field_ and
-_end-field_ must be in one of these categories:
-* `{YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE} [(_leading-precision_)]`
-specifies the _start-field_. A _start-field_ can have a
-_leading-precision_ up to 18 digits (the maximum depends on the number
-of fields in the interval). The _leading-precision_ is the number of digits allowed in the
-_start-field_. The default for _leading-precision_ is 2.
-* `YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND [(_fractional-precision_)]`
-specifies the _end-field_. If the _end-field_ is SECOND, it can have a
-_fractional-precision_ up to 6 digits. The _fractional-precision_ is the
-number of digits of precision after the decimal point. The default for
-_fractional-precision_ is 6.
-* `start-field | SECOND [(_leading-precision_, _fractional-precision_)]`
-specifies the _single-field_. If the _single-field_ is SECOND, the
-_leading-precision_ is the number of digits of precision before the
-decimal point, and
-the _fractional-precision_ is the number of digits of precision after
-the decimal point. The default for _leading-precision_ is 2, and the
-default for _fractional-precision_
-is 6. The maximum for _leading-precision_ is 18, and the maximum for
-_fractional-precision_ is 6.
-==== Considerations for Interval Data Types
-===== Adding or Subtracting Imprecise Interval Values
-Adding or subtracting an interval that is any multiple of a MONTH, a
-YEAR, or a combination of these may result in a runtime error. For
-example, adding 1 MONTH to January 31, 2009 will result in an error
-because February 31 does not exist and it is not clear whether the user
-would want rounding back to February 28, 2009, rounding up to March 1,
-2009 or perhaps treating the interval 1 MONTH as if it were 30 days
-resulting in an answer of March 2, 2009. Similarly, subtracting 1 YEAR
-from February 29, 2008 will result in an error. See the descriptions for
-the <<add_months_function,ADD_MONTHS Function>>,
-<<date_add_function,DATE_ADD Function>>,
-<<date_sub_function,DATE_SUB Function>> , and <<dateadd_function,DATEADD Function>> for ways
-to add or subtract such intervals without getting errors at runtime.
-===== Interval Leading Precision
-The maximum for the _leading-precision_ depends on the number of fields
-in the interval and on the _fractional-precision_. The maximum is
-computed as:
-[[18 - _fractional-precision_ - 2 * (_n_ - 1)]]
-_max-leading-precision_ = 18 - _fractional-precision_ - 2 * (_N_ - 1)
-where _N_ is the number of fields in the interval.
-For example, the maximum number of digits for the _leading-precision_ in
-a column with data type INTERVAL YEAR TO MONTH is computed as: 18 \u2013 0 \u2013
-2 * (2 \u2013 1) = 16
-===== Interval Ranges
-Within the definition of an interval range (other than a single field),
-the _start-field_ and
-_end-field_ can be any of the specified fields with these restrictions:
-* An interval range is either year-month or day-time\u2014that is, if the
-_start-field_ is YEAR, the _end-field_ is MONTH; if the _start-field_ is
-DAY, HOUR, or MINUTE, the _end-field_ is also a time field.
-* The _start-field_ must precede the _end-field_ within the hierarchy:
-===== Signed Intervals
-To include a quoted string in a signed interval data type, the sign must
-be outside the quoted string. It can be before the entire literal or
-immediately before the duration enclosed in quotes.
-For example, for the interval \u201cminus (5 years 5 months) these formats
-are valid:
-===== Overflow Conditions
-When you insert a fractional value into an INTERVAL data type field, if
-the fractional value is 0 (zero) it does not cause an overflow.
-Inserting value INTERVAL '1.000000' SECOND(6) into a field SECOND(0)
-does not cause a loss of value. Provided that the value fits in the
-target column without a loss of precision, {project-name} SQL does not return
-an overflow error.
-However, if the fractional value is > 0, an overflow occurs. Inserting
-value INTERVAL '1.000001' SECOND(6) causes a loss of value.
-=== Numeric Data Types
-Numeric data types are either exact or approximate. A numeric data type
-is compatible with any other numeric data type, but not with character,
-datetime, or interval data types.
-* `_exact-numeric-type_` is:
-   NUMERIC [(_precision_ [,_scale_])] [SIGNED|UNSIGNED]
-| DEC[IMAL] [(_precision_ [,_scale_])] [SIGNED|UNSIGNED]
-* `_approximate-numeric-type_` is:
-   FLOAT [(_precision_)]
-Exact numeric data types are types that can represent a value exactly:
-Approximate numeric data types are types that do not necessarily
-represent a value exactly: FLOAT, REAL, and DOUBLE PRECISION.
-A column in a {project-name} SQL table declared with a floating-point data
-type is stored in IEEE floating-point format and all computations on it
-are done assuming that. {project-name} SQL tables can contain only IEEE
-floating-point data.
-* `NUMERIC [(_precision_ [,_scale_])] [SIGNED|UNSIGNED]`
-specifies an exact numeric column\u2014a two-byte binary number, SIGNED or
-UNSIGNED. _precision_ specifies the total number of digits and cannot
-exceed 128. If _precision_ is between 10 and 18, you must use a signed
-value to obtain the supported hardware data type. If precision is over
-18, you will receive the supported software data type. You will also
-receive the supported software data type if the precision type is
-between 10 and 18, and you specify UNSIGNED. _scale_ specifies the
-number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
-The default is NUMERIC (9,0) SIGNED.
-specifies an exact numeric column\u2014a two-byte binary integer, SIGNED or
-column stores integers in the range unsigned 0 to 65535 or signed -32768
-to +32767. The default is SIGNED.
-specifies an exact numeric column\u2014a 4-byte binary integer, SIGNED or
-UNSIGNED. The column stores integers in the range unsigned 0 to
-4294967295 or signed -2147483648 to +2147483647.
-The default is SIGNED.
-specifies an exact numeric column\u2014an 8-byte signed binary integer. The
-column stores integers
-in the range -2^63^ to +2^63^ -1 (approximately 9.223 times 10 to the
-eighteenth power).
-* `DEC[IMAL] [(_precision_ [,_scale_])] [SIGNED|UNSIGNED]`
-specifies an exact numeric column\u2014a decimal number, SIGNED or
-UNSIGNED,stored as ASCII characters. _precision_ specifies the total
-number of digits and cannot exceed 18. If _precision_ is 10 or more, the
-value must be SIGNED. The sign is stored as the first bit of the
-leftmost byte. _scale_ specifies the number of digits to the right of
-the decimal point.
-The default is DECIMAL (9,0) SIGNED.
-* `FLOAT [( precision )]`
-specifies an approximate numeric column. The column stores
-floating-point numbers and
-designates from 1 through 54 bits of _precision_.
-The range is from +/- 2.2250738585072014e-308 through +/-1.7976931348623157e+308 stored in 8 bytes.
-An IEEE FLOAT _precision_ data type is stored as an IEEE DOUBLE, that is, in 8 bytes, with the specified precision.
-The default _precision_ is 54.
-* `REAL`
-specifies a 4-byte approximate numeric column. The column stores 32-bit
-floating-point numbers with 23 bits of binary precision and 8 bits of
-The minimum and maximum range is from +/- 1.17549435e-38 through +/ 3.40282347e+38.
-specifies an 8-byte approximate numeric column.
-The column stores 64-bit floating-point numbers and designates from 1
-through 52 bits of _precision_.
-An IEEE DOUBLE PRECISION data type is stored in 8 bytes with 52 bits of
-binary precision and 1 bits of exponent. The minimum and maximum range
-is from +/- 2.2250738585072014e-308 through +/-1.7976931348623157e+308.
-== Expressions
-An SQL value expression, called an expression, evaluates to a value.
-{project-name} SQL supports these types of expressions:
-| <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Expressions>> | Operands can be combined with the concatenation operator (&#124;&#124;). +
- +
-Example: `'HOUSTON,' \|\| ' TEXAS'`
-| <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>> |  Operands can be combined in specific ways with arithmetic operators. +
- +
-| <<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>> | Operands can be combined in specific ways with addition and subtraction operators. +
- +
-| <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>> |  Operands can be combined in specific ways with arithmetic operators. +
- +
-Example: `SALARY * 1.10`
-The data type of an expression is the data type of the value of the
-A value expression can be a character string literal, a numeric literal,
-a dynamic parameter, or a column name that specifies the value of the
-column in a row of a table. A value expression can also include
-functions and scalar subqueries.
-=== Character Value Expressions
-The operands of a character value expression\u2014called character
-primaries\u2014can be combined with the concatenation operator (||). The data
-type of a character primary is character string.
-* `_character-expression_` is:
-   character-primary
-| character-expression || character-primary
-* `_character-primary_` is:
-   character-string-literal
-| column-reference
-| character-type-host-variable
-| dynamic parameter
-| character-value-function
-| aggregate-function
-| sequence-function
-| scalar-subquery
-| CASE-expression
-| CAST-expression
-| (character-expression)
-Character (or string) value expressions are built from operands that can be:
-* Character string literals
-* Character string functions
-* Column references with character values
-* Dynamic parameters
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return character values
-==== Examples of Character Value Expressions
-These are examples of character value expressions:
-| Expression                                | Description
-| 'ABILENE'                                 | Character string literal.
-| 'ABILENE ' \|\|' TEXAS'                   | The concatenation of two string literals.
-| 'ABILENE ' \|\|' TEXAS ' \|\| x\u201955 53 41' | The concatenation of three string literals to form the literal: 'ABILENE TEXAS USA'
-| 'Customer ' \|\| custname                 | The concatenation of a string literal with the value in column CUSTNAME.
-| CAST (order_date AS CHAR(10))             | CAST function applied to a DATE value.
-=== Datetime Value Expressions
-The operands of a datetime value expression can be combined in specific
-ways with arithmetic operators.
-In this syntax diagram, the data type of a datetime primary is DATE,
-TIME, or TIMESTAMP. The data type of an interval term is INTERVAL.
-* `_datetime-expression_` is:
-  datetime-primary
-| interval-expression + datetime-primary
-| datetime-expression + interval-term
-| datetime-expression - interval-term
-* `_datetime-primary_` is:
-  datetime-literal
-| column-reference
-| datetime-type-host-variable
-| dynamic parameter
-| datetime-value-function
-| aggregate-function
-| sequence-function
-| scalar-subquery
-| CASE-expression
-| CAST-expression
-| (datetime-expression)
-* `_interval-term_` is:
-  interval-factor
-| numeric-term * interval-factor
-* `_interval-factor_` is:
-[+|-] interval-primary
-* `_interval-primary_` is:
-  interval-literal
-| column-reference
-| interval-type-host-variable
-| dynamic parameter
-| aggregate-function
-| sequence-function
-| scalar-subquery
-| CASE-expression
-| CAST-expression
-| (interval-expression)
-Datetime value expressions are built from operands that can be:
-* Interval value expressions
-* Datetime or interval literals
-* Dynamic parameters
-* Column references with datetime or interval values
-* Dynamic parameters
-* Datetime or interval value functions
-* Any aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE
-expressions, or CAST expressions that return datetime or interval values
-==== Considerations for Datetime Value Expressions
-===== Data Type of Result
-In general, the data type of the result is the data type of the
-_datetime-primary_ part of the datetime expression. For example,
-datetime value expressions include:
-| Datetime Expression | Description | Result Data Type
-| CURRENT_DATE + INTERVAL '1' DAY | The sum of the current date and an interval value of one day. | DATE
-| CURRENT_DATE + est_complete | The sum of the current date and the interval value in column EST_COMPLETE. | DATE
-| ( SELECT ship_timestamp FROM project WHERE projcode=1000) + INTERVAL '07:04' DAY TO HOUR
-| The sum of the ship timestamp for the specified project and an interval value of seven days, four hours.
-The datetime primary in the first expression is CURRENT_DATE, a function
-that returns a value with DATE data type. Therefore, the data type of
-the result is DATE.
-In the last expression, the datetime primary is this scalar subquery:
-( SELECT ship_timestamp FROM project WHERE projcode=1000 )
-The preceding subquery returns a value with TIMESTAMP data type.
-Therefore, the data type of the result is TIMESTAMP.
-===== Restrictions on Operations With Datetime or Interval Operands
-You can use datetime and interval operands with arithmetic operators in
-a datetime value expression only in these combinations:
-| Operand 1 | Operator | Operand 2 | Result Type
-| Datetime  | + or \u2013   | Interval  | Datetime
-| Interval  | +        | Datetime  | Datetime
-When a numeric value is added to or subtracted from a DATE type, the
-numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL DAY value. When a
-numeric value is added to or subtracted from a time type or a timestamp
-type, the numeric value is automatically casted to an INTERVAL SECOND
-value. For information on CAST, see <<cast expression,CAST Expression>>.
-For more information on INTERVALS, see 
-<<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>
-When using these operations, note:
-* Adding or subtracting an interval of months to a DATE value results in
-a value of the same day plus or minus the specified number of months.
-Because different months have different lengths, this is an approximate
-* Datetime and interval arithmetic can yield unexpected results,
-depending on how the fields are used. For example, execution of this
-expression (evaluated left to right) returns an error:
-DATE '2007-01-30' + INTERVAL '1' MONTH + INTERVAL '7' DAY
-In contrast, this expression (which adds the same values as the previous
-expression, but in a different order) correctly generates the value
-DATE '2007-01-30' + INTERVAL '7' DAY + INTERVAL '1' MONTH
-You can avoid these unexpected results by using the <<add_months_function,ADD_MONTHS Function>>.
-==== Examples of Datetime Value Expressions
-The PROJECT table consists of five columns that use the data types
-have inserted values into the PROJECT table. For example:
-INSERT INTO persnl.project
-VALUES (1000,'SALT LAKE CITY',DATE '2007-04-10',
-TIMESTAMP '2007-04-21:08:15:00.00',INTERVAL '15' DAY);
-The next examples use these values in the PROJECT table:
-| 1000     | 2007-04-10 | 2007-04-21 08:15:00.00 | 15
-| 945      | 2007-10-20 | 2007-12-21 08:15:00.00 | 30
-| 920      | 2007-02-21 | 2007-03-12 09:45:00.00 | 20
-| 134      | 2007-1 -20 | 2008-01-01 00:00:00.00 | 30
-* Add an interval value qualified by YEAR to a datetime value:
-SELECT start_date + INTERVAL '1' YEAR FROM persnl.project
-WHERE projcode = 1000;
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* Subtract an interval value qualified by MONTH from a datetime value:
-SELECT ship_timestamp - INTERVAL '1' MONTH FROM persnl.project
-WHERE projcode = 134;
-2007-12-01 00:00:00.000000
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-The result is 2007-12-01 00:00:00.00. The YEAR value is decremented by 1
-because subtracting a month from January 1 causes the date to be in the
-previous year.
-* Add a column whose value is an interval qualified by DAY to a datetime
-SELECT start_date + est_complete FROM persnl.project
-WHERE projcode = 920;
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-The result of adding 20 days to 2008-02-21 is 2008-03-12. {project-name} SQL
-correctly handles 2008 as a leap year.
-* Subtract an interval value qualified by HOUR TO MINUTE from a datetime
-SELECT ship_timestamp - INTERVAL '15:30' HOUR TO MINUTE
-FROM persnl.project WHERE projcode = 1000;
-2008-04-20 16:45:00.000000
-The result of subtracting 15 hours and 30 minutes from 2007-04-21
-08:15:00.00 is 2007-04-20 16:45:00.00.
-=== Interval Value Expressions
-The operands of an interval value expression can be combined in specific
-ways with addition and subtraction operators. In this syntax diagram,
-the data type of a datetime expression is DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP; the
-data type of an interval term or expression is INTERVAL.
-* `_interval-expression_` is:
-  interval-term
-| interval-expression + interval-term
-| interval-expression - interval-term
-| (datetime-expression - datetime-primary)
-     [interval-qualifier]
-* `_interval-term_` is:
-  interval-factor
-| interval-term * numeric-factor
-| interval-term / numeric-factor
-| numeric-term * interval-factor
-* `_interval-factor_` is:
-[+|-] interval-primary
-* `_interval-primary_` is:
-| column-reference
-| interval-type-host-variable
-| dynamic-parameter
-| aggregate-function
-| sequence-function
-| scalar-subquery
-| CASE-expression
-| CAST-expression
-| (interval-expression)
-* `_numeric-factor_` is:
-  [+|-] numeric-primary
-| [+|-] numeric-primary ** numeric-factor
-Interval value expressions are built from operands that can be:
-* Integers
-* Datetime value expressions
-* Interval literals
-* Column references with datetime or interval values
-* Dynamic parameters
-* Datetime or interval value functions
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return interval values
-For _interval-term_, _datetime-expression_, and _datetime-primary_, see <<datetime_value_[expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-If the interval expression is the difference of two datetime expressions, by default, the result is expressed in the least
-significant unit of measure for that interval. For date differences, the interval is expressed in days. For timestamp differences, the interval
-is expressed in fractional seconds.
-If the interval expression is the difference or sum of interval
-operands, the interval qualifiers of the operands are either year-month
-or day-time. If you are updating or inserting a value that is the result
-of adding or subtracting two interval qualifiers, the interval qualifier
-of the result depends on the interval qualifier of the target column.
-==== Considerations for Interval Value Expressions
-===== Start and End Fields
-Within the definition of an interval range, the _start-field_ and
-_end-field_ can be any of the specified fields with these restrictions:
-* An interval is either year-month or day-time. If the _start-field_ is
-YEAR, the _end-field_ is MONTH; if the _start-field_ is DAY, HOUR, or
-MINUTE, the _end-field_ is also a time field.
-* The _start-field_ must precede the _end-field_ within the hierarchy
-Within the definition of an interval expression, the _start-field_ and
-_end-field_ of all operands in the expression must be either year-month
-or day-time.
-===== Interval Qualifier
-The rules for determining the interval qualifier of the result
-expression vary. For example, interval value expressions include:
-| Datetime Expression                    | Description                                                              | Result Data Type
-| CURRENT_DATE - start_date
-| By default, the interval difference between the current date and the value in column START_DATE is expressed
-in days. You are not required to specify the interval qualifier.
-| INTERVAL '3' DAY - INTERVAL '2' DAY    | The difference of two interval literals. The result is 1 day.            | INTERVAL DAY (3)
-| INTERVAL '3' DAY + INTERVAL '2' DAY    | The sum of two interval literals. The result is 5 days.                  | INTERVAL DAY (3)
-| INTERVAL '2' YEAR - INTERVAL '3' MONTH | The difference of two interval literals. The result is 1 year, 9 months. | INTERVAL YEAR (3) TO MONTH
-===== Restrictions on Operations
-You can use datetime and interval operands with arithmetic operators in
-an interval value expression only in these combinations:
-| Operand 1 | Operator | Operand 2 | Result Type
-| Datetime  | -        | Datetime  | Interval
-| Interval  | + or \u2013   | Interval  | Interval
-| Interval  | * or /   | Numeric   | Interval
-| Numeric   | *        | Interval  | Interval
-This table lists valid combinations of datetime and interval arithmetic operators, and the data type of the result:
-| Operands                                      | Result type
-| Date + Interval or Interval + Date            | Date
-| Date + Numeric or Numeric + Date              | Date
-| Date - Numeric                                | Date
-| Date \u2013 Interval                               | Date
-| Date \u2013 Date                                   | Interval
-| Time + Interval or Interval + Time            | Time
-| Time + Numeric or Numeric + Time              | Time
-| Time - Number                                 | Time
-| Time \u2013 Interval                               | Time
-| Timestamp + Interval or Interval + Timestamp  | Timestamp
-| Timestamp + Numeric or Numeric + Timestamp    | Timestamp
-| Timestamp - Numeric                           | Timestamp
-| Timestamp \u2013 Interval                          | Timestamp
-| year-month Interval + year-month Interval     | year-month Interval
-| day-time Interval + day-time Interval         | day-time Interval
-| year-month Interval \u2013 year-month Interval     | year-month Interval
-| day-time Interval \u2013 day-time Interval         | day-time Interval
-| Time \u2013 Time                                   | Interval
-| Timestamp \u2013 Timestamp                         | Interval
-| Interval * Number or Number * Interval        | Interval
-| Interval / Number                             | Interval
-| Interval \u2013 Interval or Interval + Interval    | Interval
-When using these operations, note:
-* If you subtract a datetime value from another datetime value, both
-values must have the same data type. To get this result, use the CAST
-expression. For example:
-CAST (ship_timestamp AS DATE) - start_date
-* If you subtract a datetime value from another datetime value, and you
-specify the interval qualifier, you must allow for the maximum number of
-digits in the result for the precision. For example:
-(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - ship_timestamp) DAY(4) TO SECOND(6)
-* If you are updating a value that is the result of adding or
-subtracting two interval values, an SQL error occurs if the source value
-does not fit into the target column's range of interval fields. For
-example, this expression cannot replace an INTERVAL DAY column:
-* If you multiply or divide an interval value by a numeric value
-expression, {project-name} SQL converts the interval value to its least
-significant subfield and then multiplies or divides it by the numeric
-value expression. The result has the same fields as the interval that
-was multiplied or divided. For example, this expression returns the
-value 5-02:
-==== Examples of Interval Value Expressions
-The PROJECT table consists of five columns using the data types NUMERIC,
-VARCHAR, DATE, TIMESTAMP, and INTERVAL DAY. Suppose that you have
-inserted values into the PROJECT table. For example:
-INSERT INTO persnl.project
-VALUES (1000,'SALT LAKE CITY',DATE '2007-04-10',
-        TIMESTAMP '2007-04-21:08:15:00.00',INTERVAL '15' DAY);
-The next example uses these values in the PROJECT table:
-| 1000     | 2007-04-10 | 2007-04-21:08:15:00.0000 | 15
-| 2000     | 2007-06-10 | 2007-07-21:08:30:00.0000 | 30
-| 2500     | 2007-10-10 | 2007-12-21:09:00:00.0000 | 60
-| 3000     | 2007-08-21 | 2007-10-21:08:10:00.0000 | 60
-| 4000     | 2007-09-21 | 2007-10-21:10:15:00.0000 | 30
-| 5000     | 2007-09-28 | 2007-10-28:09:25:01.1 1  | 30
-* Suppose that the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP is 2000-01-06 1 :14:41.748703. Find
-the number of days, hours, minutes, seconds, and fractional seconds in
-the difference of the current timestamp and the SHIP_TIMESTAMP in the
-PROJECT table:
-SELECT projcode,
-   (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP - ship_timestamp) DAY(4) TO SECOND(6)
-FROM samdbcat.persnl.project;
-Project/Code (EXPR)
------------- ---------------------
-        1000 1355 02:58:57.087086
-        2000 1264 02:43:57.087086
-        2500 1111 02:13:57.087086
-        3000 1172 03:03:57.087086
-        4000 1172 00:58:57.087086
-        5000 1165 01:48:55.975986
---- 6 row(s) selected.
-=== Numeric Value Expressions
-The operands of a numeric value expression can be combined in specific
-ways with arithmetic operators. In this syntax diagram, the data type of
-a term, factor, or numeric primary is numeric.
-numeric-expression` is:
-  numeric-term
-| numeric-expression + numeric-term
-| numeric-expression - numeric-term
-numeric-term is:
-  numeric-factor
-| numeric-term * numeric-factor
-| numeric-term / numeric-factor
-numeric-factor is:
-  [+|-] numeric-primary
-| [+|-] numeric-primary ** numeric-factor
-numeric-primary is:
-  unsigned-numeric-literal
-| column-reference
-| numeric-type-host-variable
-| dynamic parameter
-| numeric-value-function
-| aggregate-function
-| sequence-function
-| scalar-subquery
-| CASE-expression
-| CAST-expression
-| (numeric-expression)
-As shown in the preceding syntax diagram, numeric value expressions are
-built from operands that can be:
-* Numeric literals
-* Column references with numeric values
-* Dynamic parameters
-* Numeric value functions
-* Aggregate functions, sequence functions, scalar subqueries, CASE expressions, or CAST expressions that return numeric values
-==== Considerations for Numeric Value Expressions
-===== Order of Evaluation
-1.  Expressions within parentheses
-2.  Unary operators
-3.  Exponentiation
-4.  Multiplication and division
-5.  Addition and subtraction
-Operators at the same level are evaluated from left to right for all
-operators except exponentiation. Exponentiation operators at the same
-level are evaluated from right to left. For example,
-`X + Y + Z` is evaluated as `(X + Y) + Z`, whereas `X ** Y &#42;&#42; Z` is evaluated as `X &#42;&#42; (Y &#42;&#42; Z)`.
-===== Additional Rules for Arithmetic Operations
-Numeric expressions are evaluated according to these additional rules:
-* An expression with a numeric operator evaluates to null if any of the operands is null.
-* Dividing by 0 causes an error.
-* Exponentiation is allowed only with numeric data types. If the first
-operand is 0 (zero), the second operand must be greater than 0, and the
-result is 0. If the second operand is 0, the
-first operand cannot be 0, and the result is 1. If the first operand is
-negative, the second operand must be a value with an exact numeric data
-type and a scale of zero.
-* Exponentiation is subject to rounding error. In general, results of
-exponentiation should be considered approximate.
-===== Precision, Magnitude, and Scale of Arithmetic Results
-The precision, magnitude, and scale are computed during the evaluation
-of an arithmetic expression. Precision is the maximum number of digits
-in the expression. Magnitude is the number of digits to the left of the
-decimal point. Scale is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
-For example, a column declared as NUMERIC (18, 5) has a precision of 18,
-a magnitude of 13, and a scale of 5. As another example, the literal
-12345.6789 has a precision of 9, a magnitude of 5, and a scale of 4.
-The maximum precision for exact numeric data types is 128 digits. The
-maximum precision for the REAL data type is approximately 7 decimal
-digits, and the maximum precision for the DOUBLE PRECISION data type is
-approximately 16 digits.
-When {project-name} SQL encounters an arithmetic operator in an expression,
-it applies these rules (with the restriction that if the precision
-becomes greater than 18, the resulting precision is set to 18 and the
-resulting scale is the maximum of 0 and (18- (_resulted precision_ -
-_resulted scale_)).
-* If the operator is + or -, the resulting scale is the maximum of the
-scales of the operands. The resulting precision is the maximum of the
-magnitudes of the operands, plus the scale of the result, plus 1.
-* If the operator is *, the resulting scale is the sum of the scales of
-the operands. The resulting precision is the sum of the magnitudes of
-the operands and the scale of the result.
-* If the operator is /, the resulting scale is the sum of the scale of
-the numerator and the magnitude of the denominator. The resulting
-magnitude is the sum of the magnitude of the numerator and the scale of
-the denominator.
-For example, if the numerator is NUMERIC (7, 3) and the denominator is
-NUMERIC (7, 5), the resulting scale is 3 plus 2 (or 5), and the
-resulting magnitude is 4 plus 5 (or 9). The expression result is NUMERIC
-(14, 5).
-===== Conversion of Numeric Types for Arithmetic Operations
-{project-name} SQL automatically converts between floating-point numeric
-types (REAL and DOUBLE PRECISION) and other numeric types. All numeric
-values in the expression are first converted to binary, with the maximum
-precision needed anywhere in the evaluation.
-==== Examples of Numeric Value Expressions
-These are examples of numeric value expressions:
-| -57                      | Numeric literal.
-| salary * 1.10            | The product of the values in the SALARY column and a numeric literal.
-| unit_price * qty_ordered | The product of the values in the UNIT_PRICE and QTY_ORDERED columns.
-| 12 * (7 - 4)             | An expression whose operands are numeric literals.
-| COUNT (DISTINCT city)    | Function applied to the values in a column.
-== Identifiers
-SQL identifiers are names used to identify tables, views, columns, and
-other SQL entities. The two types of identifiers are regular and
-delimited. A delimited identifier is enclosed in double quotes (").
-Case-insensitive delimited identifiers are used only for user names and
-role names. Either regular, delimited, or case-sensitive delimited
-identifiers can contain up to 128 characters.
-=== Regular Identifiers
-Regular identifiers begin with a letter (A through Z and a through z),
-but can also contain digits (0 through 9) or underscore characters (_).
-Regular identifiers are not case-sensitive. You cannot use a reserved
-word as a regular identifier.
-=== Delimited Identifiers
-Delimited identifiers are character strings that appear within double
-quote characters (") and consist of alphanumeric characters, including
-the underscore character (_) or a dash (-). Unlike regular identifiers,
-delimited identifiers are case-sensitive. {project-name} SQL does not support
-spaces or special characters in delimited identifiers given the
-constraints of the underlying HBase file system. You can use reserved
-words as delimited identifiers.
-=== Case-Insensitive Delimited Identifiers
-Case-insensitive delimited identifiers, which are used for user names and
-roles, are character strings that appear within double quote characters
-(") and consist of alphanumeric characters
-(A through Z and a through z), digits (0 through 9), underscores (_), dashes (-), periods (.), at
-symbols (@), and forward slashes (/), except for the leading at sign (@)
-or leading forward slash (/) character.
-Unlike other delimited identifiers, case-insensitive-delimited
-identifiers are case-insensitive. Identifiers are up-shifted before
-being inserted into the SQL metadata. Thus, whether you specify a user's
-name as `""`, `""`, or
-`""`, the value stored in the metadata will be the
-You can use reserved words as case-insensitive delimited identifiers.
-=== Examples of Identifiers
-* These are regular identifiers:
-mytable SALES2006
-Because regular identifiers are case insensitive, SQL treats all these
-identifiers as alternative representations of mytable:
-mytable     MYTABLE     MyTable     mYtAbLe
-* These are delimited identifiers:
-Because delimited identifiers are case-sensitive, SQL treats the
-identifier "mytable" as different from the identifiers "MYTABLE" or
-You can use reserved words as delimited identifiers. For example, table
-is not allowed as a regular identifier, but "table" is allowed as a
-delimited identifier.
-== Indexes
-An index is an ordered set of pointers to rows of a table. Each index is
-based on the values in one or more columns. Indexes are transparent to
-DML syntax.
-A one-to-one correspondence always exists between index rows and base
-table rows.
-=== SQL Indexes
-Each row in a {project-name} SQL index contains:
-* The columns specified in the CREATE INDEX statement
-* The clustering key of the underlying table (the user-defined
-clustering key)
-An index name is an SQL identifier. Indexes have their own name space
-within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table or
-constraint name. However, no two indexes in a schema can have the same
-See <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>>.
-== Keys
-=== Clustering Keys
-Every table has a clustering key, which is the set of columns that
-determine the order of the rows on disk. {project-name} SQL organizes records
-of a table or index by using a b-tree based on this clustering key.
-Therefore, the values of the clustering key act as logical row-ids.
-When the STORE BY clause is specified with the _key-column-list_ clause,
-an additional column is appended to the _key-column-list_ called the
-A SYSKEY (or system-defined clustering key) is a clustering key column
-which is defined by {project-name} SQL rather than by the user. Its type is
-LARGEINT SIGNED. When you insert a record in a table, {project-name} SQL
-automatically generates a value for the SYSKEY column. You cannot supply
-the value.
-You cannot specify a SYSKEY at insert time and you cannot update it
-after it has been generated. To see the value of the generated SYSKEY,
-include the SYSKEY column in the select list:
-=== Index Keys
-A one-to-one correspondence always exists between index rows and base
-table rows. Each row in a {project-name} SQL index contains:
-* The columns specified in the CREATE INDEX statement
-* The clustering (primary) key of the underlying table (the user-defined clustering key)
-For a non-unique index, the clustering key of the index is composed of
-both items. The clustering key cannot exceed 2048 bytes. Because the
-clustering key includes all the columns in the table, each row is also
-limited to 2048 bytes.
-For varying-length character columns, the length referred to in these
-byte limits is the defined column length, not the stored length. (The
-stored length is the expanded length, which includes two extra bytes for
-storing the data length of the item.)
-See <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>>.
-=== Primary Keys
-A primary key is the column or set of columns that define the uniqueness
-constraint for a table. The columns cannot contain nulls, and only one
-primary key constraint can exist on a table.
-== Literals
-A literal is a constant you can use in an expression, in a statement, or
-as a parameter value. An SQL literal can be one of these data types:
-| <<character_string_literals,Character String Literals>> | A series of characters enclosed in single quotes. +
- +
-Example: 'Planning'
-| <<datetime_literals,Datetime Literals>> | Begins with keyword DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP and followed by a character string. +
- +
-Example: DATE '1990-01-22'
-| <<interval_literals,Interval Literals>> | Begins with keyword INTERVAL and followed by a character string and an interval qualifier. +
- +
-| <<numeric_literals,Numeric Literals>> | A simple numeric literal (one without an exponent) or a numeric literal in scientific notation. +
- +
-Example: 99E-2
-=== Character String Literals
-A character string literal is a series of characters enclosed in single
-You can specify either a string of characters or a set of hexadecimal
-code values representing the characters in the string.
-* `[_character-set_ | N]_'string'_
-| [_character-set_ | N] X'_hex-code-value_. . . '
-| [_character-set_ | N]
-X'[_space_. . .]_hex-code-value_[[_space_. . .]_hex-code-value_. . .][_space_. . .]'
-_ character-set_`
-specifies the character set ISO88591 or UTF8. The _character-set_
-specification of the string literal should correspond with the character
-set of the column definition, which is either ISO88591 or UTF8. If you
-omit the _character-set specification, {project-name} SQL initially assumes
-the ISO88591 character set if the string literal consists entirely of
-7-bit ASCII characters and UTF8 otherwise. (However, the initial
-assumption will later be changed if the string literal is used in a
-context that requires a character set different from the initial
-* `N`
-associates the string literal with the character set of the NATIONAL
-CHARACTER (NCHAR) data type. The character set for NCHAR is determined
-during the installation of {project-name} SQL. This value can be either UTF8
-(the default) or ISO88591.
-* `'_string_'`
-is a series of any input characters enclosed in single quotes. A single
-quote within a string is represented by two single quotes (''). A string
-can have a length of zero if you specify two single quotes ('') without
-a space in between.
-* `X`
-indicates the hexadecimal string.
-* `'_hex-code-value_'`
-represents the code value of a character in hexadecimal form enclosed in
-single quotes. It must contain an even number of hexadecimal digits. For
-ISO88591, each value must be two digits long. For UTF8, each value can
-be 2, 4, 6, or 8 hexadecimal digits long. If _hex-code-value_ is
-improperly formatted (for example, it contains an invalid hexadecimal
-digit or an odd number of hexadecimal digits), an error is returned.
-* `_space_`
-is space sequences that can be added before or after _hex-code-value_
-for readability. The encoding for _space_ must be the TERMINAL_CHARSET
-for an interactive interface and the SQL module character set for the
-programmatic interface.
-==== Considerations for Character String Literals
-===== Using String Literals
-A string literal can be as long as a character column. See
-<<character_string_data_types,Character String Data Types>>.
-You can also use string literals in string value expressions\u2014for
-example, in expressions that use the concatenation operator (||) or in
-expressions that use functions returning string values.
-When specifying string literals:
-* Do not put a space between the character set qualifier and the
-character string literal. If you use this character string literal in a
-statement, {project-name} SQL returns an error.
-* To specify a single quotation mark within a string literal, use two
-consecutive single quotation marks.
-* To specify a string literal whose length is more than one line,
-separate the literal into several smaller string literals, and use the
-concatenation operator (||) to concatenate them.
-* Case is significant in string literals. Lowercase letters are not
-equivalent to the corresponding uppercase letters.
-* Leading and trailing spaces within a string literal are significant.
-* Alternately, a string whose length is more than one line can be
-written as a literal followed by a space, CR, or tab character, followed
-by another string literal.
-==== Examples of Character String Literals
-* These data type column specifications are shown with examples of
-literals that can be stored in the columns.
-| Character String Data Type | Character String Literal Example
-| CHAR (12) UPSHIFT          | 'PLANNING'
-| VARCHAR (18)               | 'NEW YORK'
-* These are string literals:
-'This is a string literal.'
-'This literal contains '' a single quotation mark.'
-* This is a string literal concatenated over three lines:
-'This literal is' || '
-in three parts,' ||
-'specified over three lines.'
-* This is a hexadecimal string literal representing the VARCHAR pattern
-of the ISO88591 string 'Strau�':
-_ISO88591 X'53 74 72 61 75 DF'
-=== Datetime Literals
-A datetime literal is a DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP constant you can use in
-an expression, in a statement, or as a parameter value. Datetime
-literals have the same range of valid values as the corresponding
-datetime data types. You cannot use leading or trailing spaces within a
-datetime string (within the single quotes).
-A datetime literal begins with the DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP keyword and
-can appear in default, USA, or European format.
-DATE 'date' | TIME 'time' | TIMESTAMP 'timestamp'
-date is:
-  yyyy-mm-dd                              Default
-| mm/dd/yyyy                              USA
-|                              European
-time is:
-  hh:mm:ss.msssss                         Default
-| hh:mm:ss.msssss [am | pm]               USA
-|                         European
-timestamp is:
-  yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss.msssss              Default
-| mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss.msssss [am | pm]    USA
-|              European
-* `_date,time,timestamp_`
-specify the datetime literal strings whose component fields are:
-| yyyy   | Year, from 0001 to 9999
-| mm     | Month, from 01 to 12
-| dd     | Day, from 01 to 31
-| hh     | Hour, from 00 to 23
-| mm     | Minute, from 00 to 59
-| ss     | Second, from 00 to 59
-| msssss | Microsecond, from 000000 to 999999
-| am     | AM or am, indicating time from midnight to before noon
-| pm     | PM or pm, indicating time from noon to before midnight
-==== Examples of Datetime Literals
-* These are DATE literals in default, USA, and European formats, respectively:
-DATE '2008-01-22' DATE '01/22/2008' DATE '22.01.2008'
-* These are TIME literals in default, USA, and European formats, respectively:
-TIME '13:40:05'
-TIME '01:40:05 PM'
-TIME '13.40.05'
-* These are TIMESTAMP literals in default, USA, and European formats, respectively:
-TIMESTAMP '2008-01-22 13:40:05'
-TIMESTAMP '01/22/2008 01:40:05 PM'
-TIMESTAMP '22.01.2008 13.40.05'
-=== Interval Literals
-An interval literal is a constant of data type INTERVAL that represents
-a positive or negative duration of time as a year-month or day-time
-interval; it begins with the keyword INTERVAL optionally preceded or
-followed by a minus sign (for negative duration). You cannot include
-leading or trailing spaces within an interval string (within single
-[-]INTERVAL [-]{'year-month' | 'day:time'} interval-qualifier
-year-month is:
-  years [-months] | months
-day:time is:
-  days [[:]hours [:minutes [:seconds [.fraction]]]]
-| hours [:minutes [:seconds [.fraction]]]
-| minutes [:seconds [.fraction]]
-| seconds [.fraction]
-interval-qualifier is:
-  start-field TO end-field | single-field
-start-field is:
-  {YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE} [(leading-precision)]
-end-field is:
-  YEAR | MONTH | DAY | HOUR | MINUTE | SECOND [(fractional-precision)]
-single-field is:
-  start-field | SECOND [(leading-precision,fractional-precision)]
-* `_start-field_ TO _end-field_`
-must be year-month or day-time.The _start-field_ you specify must
-precede the _end-field_ you specify in the list of field names.
-* `{YEAR &#124; MONTH &#124; DAY &#124; HOUR &#124; MINUTE} [(_leading-precision_)]`
-specifies the _start-field_. A _start-field_ can have a
-_leading-precision_ up to 18 digits (the maximum depends on the number
-of fields in the interval). The
-_leading-precision_ is the number of digits allowed in the
-_start-field_. The default for _leading-precision_ is 2.
-* `YEAR &#124; MONTH &#124; DAY &#124; HOUR &#124; MINUTE &#124; SECOND [(_fractional-precision_)]`
-specifies the _end-field_. If the _end-field_ is SECOND, it can have a
-_fractional-precision_ up to 6 digits. The _fractional-precision_ is the
-of digits of precision after the decimal point. The default for
-_fractional-precision_ is 6.
-* `_start-field_ &#124; SECOND [(_leading-precision_, _fractional-precision_)]`
-specifies the _single-field_. If the _single-field_ is SECOND, the
-_leading-precision_ is the number of digits of precision before the
-decimal point, and the _fractional-precision_ is the number of digits of
-precision after the decimal point.
-The default for _leading-precision_ is 2, and the default for
-_fractional-precision_ is 1.  The maximum for _leading-precision_ is 18,
-and the maximum for _fractional-precision_ is 6.
-See <<interval_data_types,Interval Data Types>> and
-<<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>.
-* `'_year-month_' &#124; '_day:time_'`
-specifies the date and time components of an interval literal. The day
-and hour fields can be separated by a space or a colon. The interval
-literal strings are:
-| years | Unsigned integer that specifies a number of years. _years_ can be up to 18 digits, or 16 digits if _months_
-is the end-field. The maximum for the _leading-precision_ is specified within the interval qualifier by either YEAR(18)
-or YEAR(16) TO MONTH.
-| months | Unsigned integer that specifies a number of months. Used as a starting field, _months_ can have up to 18
-digits. The maximum for the _leading-precision_ is specified by MONTH(18). Used as an ending field, the value of _months_
-must be in the range 0 to 1 .
-| days | Unsigned integer that specifies number of days. _days_ can have up to 18 digits if no end-field exists; 16 digits
-if _hours_ is the end-field; 14 digits if _minutes_ is the end-field; and 13-_f_ digits if _seconds_ is the end-field, where
-f is the _fraction_ less than or equal to 6. These maximums are specified by DAY(18), DAY(16) TO HOUR, DAY(14) TO
-MINUTE, and DAY(13-_f_) TO SECOND(_f_).
-| hours | Unsigned integer that specifies a number of hours. Used as a starting field, _hours_ can have up to 18 digits if
-no end-field exists; 16 digits if _minutes_ is the end-field; and 14-_f_ digits if _seconds_ is the end-field, where f is
-the _fraction_ less than or equal to 6. These maximums are specified by HOUR(18), HOUR(16) TO MINUTE, and HOUR(14-f) TO
-SECOND(_f_). Used as an ending field, the value of _hours_ must be in the range 0 to 23.
-| minutes | Unsigned integer that specifies a number of minutes. Used as a starting field, _minutes_ can have up to 18 digits
-if no end-field exists; and 16-f digits if _seconds_ is the end-field, where _f_ is the _fraction_ less than or equal to 6.
-These maximums are specified by MINUTE(18), and MINUTE(16-_f_) TO SECOND(_f_). Used as an ending field, the value of _minutes_
-must be in the range 0 to 59.
-| seconds | Unsigned integer that specifies a number of seconds. Used as a starting field, _seconds_ can have up to 18 digits,
-minus the number of digits f in the _fraction_ less than or equal to 6. This maximum is specified by SECOND(18-_f_, _f_). The
-value of _seconds_ must be in the range 0 to 59.9(_n_), where _n_ is the number of digits specified for seconds precision.
-| fraction | Unsigned integer that specifies a fraction of a second. When _seconds_ is used as an ending field, _fraction_ is
-limited to the number of digits specified by the _fractional-precision_ field following the SECOND keyword.
-==== Considerations for Interval Literals
-===== Length of Year-Month and Day-Time Strings
-An interval literal can contain a maximum of 18 digits, in the string
-following the INTERVAL keyword, plus a hyphen (-) that separates the
-year-month fields, and colons (:) that separate the day-time fields. You
-can also separate day and hour with a space.
-==== Examples of Interval Literals
-| INTERVAL '1' MONTH                       | Interval of 1 month
-| INTERVAL '7' DAY                         | Interval of 7 days
-| INTERVAL '2-7' YEAR TO MONTH             | Interval of 2 years, 7 months
-| INTERVAL '5:2:15:36.33' DAY TO SECOND(2) | Interval of 5 days, 2 hours, 15 minutes, and 36.33 seconds
-| INTERVAL - '5' DAY                       | Interval that subtracts 5 days
-| INTERVAL '100' DAY(3)                    | Interval of 100 days. This 


[06/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

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-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-=  SQL Clauses
-Clauses are used by {project-name} SQL statements to specify default values,
-ways to sample or sort data, how to store physical data, and other
-This section describes:
-* <<default_clause,DEFAULT Clause>> specifies a default value for a column being created.
-* <<format_clause,FORMAT Clause>> specifies the format to use.
-* <<sample_clause,SAMPLE Clause>> specifies the sampling method used to select a subset of the intermediate result table of a SELECT statement.
-* <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>> specifies the order in which to sort rows of the intermediate result table for calculating sequence functions.
-* <<transpose_clause,TRANSPOSE Clause>> generates, for each row of the SELECT source table, a row for each item in the transpose item list.
-== DEFAULT Clause
-The DEFAULT option of the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE _table-name_ ADD
-COLUMN statement specifies a default value for a column being created.
-The default value is used when a row is inserted in the table without a value for the column.
-default is:
-  literal
-specifies the column has no default value. You cannot specify NO DEFAULT
-in an ALTER TABLE statement. See <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>.
-=== Syntax for Default Clause
-* `DEFAULT _literal_`
-is a literal of a data type compatible with the data type of the
-associated column.
-For a character column, _literal_ must be a string literal of no more
-than 240 characters or the length of the column, whichever is less. The
-maximum length of a default value for a character column is 240 bytes
-(minus control characters) or the length of the column, whichever is
-less. Control characters consist of character set prefixes and single
-quote delimiter found in the text itself.
-For a numeric column, _literal_ must be a numeric literal that does not
-exceed the defined length of the column. The number of digits to the
-right of the decimal point must not exceed the scale of the column, and
-the number of digits to the left of the decimal point must not exceed
-the number in the length (or length minus scale, if you specified scale
-for the column).
-For a datetime column, _literal_ must be a datetime literal with a
-precision that matches the precision of the column.
-For an INTERVAL column, _literal_ must be an INTERVAL literal that has
-the range of INTERVAL fields defined for the column.
-specifies NULL as the default. This default can occur only with a column
-that allows null.
-specifies the default value for the column as the value returned by the
-CURRENT_DATE function at the time of the operation that assigns a value
-to the column. This default can occur only with a column whose data type
-is DATE.
-specifies the default value for the column as the value returned by the
-CURRENT_TIME function at the time of the operation that assigns a value
-to the column. This default can occur only with a column whose data type
-is TIME.
-specifies the default value for the column as the value returned by the
-CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function at the time of the operation that assigns a
-value to the column. This default can occur only with a column whose
-data type is TIMESTAMP.
-=== Examples of DEFAULT
-* This example uses DEFAULT clauses on CREATE TABLE to specify default column values:
-( item_id CHAR(12) NO DEFAULT
-, description CHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL
-) ;
-* This example uses DEFAULT clauses on CREATE TABLE to specify default column values:
-CREATE TABLE persnl.project
-, projdesc VARCHAR (18) DEFAULT NULL
-, PRIMARY KEY (projcode)
-) ;
-== FORMAT Clause
-The FORMAT clause specifies the output format for DATE values. It can
-also be used to specify the length of character output or to specify
-separating the digits of integer output with colons.
-* Date Formats:
-(FORMAT 'format-string') |
-(DATE, FORMAT 'format-string')
-format-string for Date Formats is:
-* Other Formats:
-(FORMAT 'format-string')
-format-string for other formats is:
-  XXX
-  99:99:99:99
- -99:99:99:99
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _year-month-day_.
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _month/day/year_
-* `YY/MM/DD`
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _year/month/day_.
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _year/month/day_.
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _yearmonthday_.
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _day.month.year_.
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _day-month-year_.
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _day-month-year_.
-* `XXX`
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is a string format. The
-input must be a numeric or string value.
-* `99:99:99:99`
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is a timestamp. The input
-must be a numeric value.
-* `-99:99:99:99`
-specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is a timestamp. The input
-must be a numeric value.
-=== Considerations for Date Formats
-The expression preceding the (FORMAT \u201d_format-string_') clause must be
-a DATE value.
-The expression preceding the (DATE, FORMAT _'format-string_') clause
-must be a quoted string in the USA, EUROPEAN, or DEFAULT date format.
-==== Considerations for Other Formats
-For XXX, the expression preceding the (FORMAT _'format-string_')
-clause must be a numeric value or a string value.
-For 99:99:99:99 and -99:99:99:99, the expression preceding the (FORMAT
-_'format-string_') clause must be a numeric value.
-=== Examples of FORMAT
-* The format string 'XXX' in this example will yield a sample result of abc:
-SELECT 'abcde' (FORMAT 'XXX') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
-* The format string 'YYYY-MM_DD' in this example will yield a sample result of 2008-07-17.
-* The format string 'MM/DD/YYYY' in this example will yield a sample result of 07/17/2008.
-SELECT '2008-07-17' (DATE, FORMAT 'MM/DD/YYYY') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
-* The format string 'YY/MM/DD' in this example will yield a sample result of 08/07/17.
-SELECT '2008-07-17'(DATE, FORMAT 'YY/MM/DD') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
-* The format string 'YYYY/MM/DD' in this example will yield a sample result of 2008/07/17.
-SELECT '2008-07-17' (DATE, FORMAT 'YYYY/MM/DD') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
-* The format string 'YYYYMMDD' in this example will yield a sample result`of 20080717.
-* The format string 'DD.MM.YYYY' in this example will yield a sample result of 17.07.2008.
-SELECT '2008-07-17' (DATE, FORMAT 'DD.MM.YYYY') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
-* The format string 'DD-MMM-YYYY' in this example will yield a sample result of 17\u2013JUL-2008.
-* The format string '99:99:99:99' in this example will yield a sample result of 12:34:56:78.
-SELECT 12345678 (FORMAT '99:99:99:99') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
-* The format string '-99:99:99:99' in this example will yield a sample result of -12:34:56:78.
-SELECT (-12345678) (FORMAT '-99:99:99:99') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
-== SAMPLE Clause
-The SAMPLE clause of the SELECT statement specifies the sampling method
-used to select a subset of the intermediate result table of a SELECT
-statement. The intermediate result table consists of the rows returned
-by a WHERE clause or, if no WHERE clause exists, the FROM clause. See
-<<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>.
-SAMPLE is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-SAMPLE sampling-methodis:
-  RANDOM percent-size
-| FIRST rows-size
-        [SORT BY colname [ASC[ENDING]|DESC[ENDING]]
-          [,colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-| PERIODIC rows-size EVERY number-rows ROWS
-           [SORT BY colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]] 
-             [,colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-percent-size is:
-  percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]
-| BALANCE WHEN condition
-    THEN percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]
-    [WHEN condition THEN percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]]... 
-    [ELSE percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]] END
-rows-size is:
-  number-rows ROWS
-| BALANCE WHEN condition THEN number-rows ROWS 
-          [WHEN condition THEN number-rows ROWS]... 
-          [ELSE number-rows ROWS] END
-* `RANDOM _percent-size_`
-directs {project-name} SQL to choose rows randomly (each row having an
-unbiased probability of being chosen) without replacement from the
-result table. The sampling size is determined by the _percent-size_,
-defined as:
-* `_percent-result_ PERCENT [ROWS] | BALANCE WHEN _condition_ THEN
-_percent-result_ PERCENT [ROWS] [WHEN _condition_ THEN _percent-result_
-PERCENT [ROWS]]&#8230; [ELSE _percent-result_ PERCENT [ROWS]] END`
-specifies the value of the size for RANDOM sampling by using a percent
-of the result table. The value _percent-result_ must be a numeric
-You can determine the actual size of the sample. Suppose that _N_ rows
-exist in the intermediate result table. Each row is picked with a
-probability of _r_%, where _r_ is the sample size in PERCENT.
-Therefore, the actual size of the resulting sample is approximately _r_% of _N_. 
-The number of rows picked follows a binomial distribution with
-mean equal to _r_ *c_N_/100.
-If you specify a sample size greater than 100 PERCENT, {project-name} SQL
-returns all the rows in the result table plus duplicate rows. The
-duplicate rows are picked from the result table according to the
-specified sampling method. This technique is called oversampling.
-** `ROWS`
-specifies row sampling. Row sampling is the default.
-If you specify a BALANCE expression, {project-name} SQL performs stratified
-sampling. The intermediate result table is divided into disjoint strata
-based on the WHEN conditions.
-Each stratum is sampled independently by using the sampling size. For a
-given row, the stratum to which it belongs is determined by the first
-WHEN condition that is true for that row\u2014if a true condition exists. If
-no true condition exists, the row belongs to the ELSE stratum.
-* `FIRST _rows-size_ [SORT BY _colname_ [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]
-[,_colname_ [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]&#8230;]`
-directs {project-name} SQL to choose the first rows from the result table.
-You can specify the order of the rows to sample. Otherwise, {project-name}
-SQL chooses an arbitrary order. The sampling size is determined by the
-_rows-size_, defined as:
-* `_number-rows_ ROWS | BALANCE WHEN _condition_ THEN _number-rows_ ROWS
-[WHEN _condition_ THEN _number-rows_ ROWS]&#8230; [ELSE _number-rows_ ROWS] END`
-specifies the value of the size for FIRST sampling by using the number
-of rows intended in the sample. The value _number-rows_ must be an
-integer literal.
-You can determine the actual size of the sample. Suppose that _N_ rows
-exist in the intermediate result table. If the size _s_ of the sample is
-specified as a number of rows, the actual size of the resulting sample
-is the minimum of _s_ and _N_.
-* `PERIODIC _rows-size_ EVERY _number-rows_ ROWS [SORT BY _colname_
-[ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]] [,_colname_ [ASC[ENDING] |
-directs {project-name} SQL to choose the first rows from each block (or
-period) of contiguous rows. This sampling method is equivalent to a
-separate FIRST sampling for each period, and the _rows-size_ is defined
-as in FIRST sampling.
-The size of the period is specified as a number of rows. You can specify
-the order of the rows to sample. Otherwise, {project-name} SQL chooses an
-arbitrary order.
-You can determine the actual size of the sample. Suppose that _N_ rows
-exist in the intermediate result table. If the size _s_ of the sample is
-specified as a number of rows and the size _p_ of the period is
-specified as a number of rows, the actual size of the resulting sample
-is calculated as:
-FLOOR (N/p) * s + _minimum_ (MOD (N, p), s)
-_minimum_ in this expression is used simply as the mathematical
-minimum of two values.
-=== Considerations for SAMPLE
-==== Sample Rows
-In general, when you use the SAMPLE clause, the same query returns
-different sets of rows for each execution. The same set of rows is
-returned only when you use the FIRST and PERIODIC sampling methods with
-the SORT BY option, where no duplicates exist in the specified column
-combination for the sort.
-=== Examples of SAMPLE
-* Suppose that the data-mining tables SALESPER, SALES, and DEPT have been
-created as:
-CREATE TABLE trafodion.mining.salesper
-, salary NUMERIC (8,2) UNSIGNED
-, age INTEGER
-, sex CHAR (6)
-, PRIMARY KEY (empid) );
-CREATE TABLE trafodion.mining.sales
-, product VARCHAR (20)
-, region CHAR (4)
-, amount NUMERIC (9,2) UNSIGNED
-, PRIMARY KEY (empid) );
-CREATE TABLE trafodion.mining.dept
-, name VARCHAR (20)
-, PRIMARY KEY (dnum) );
-Suppose, too, that sample data is inserted into this database.
-* Return the SALARY of the youngest 50 sales people:
-SELECT salary 
-FROM salesperson
-SORT BY age;
-   90000.00
-   90000.00
-   28000.00
-   27000.12
-  136000.00
-   37000.40
---- 50 row(s) selected.
-* Return the SALARY of 50 sales people. In this case, the table is
-clustered on EMPID. If the optimizer chooses a plan to access rows using
-the primary access path, the result consists of salaries of the 50 sales
-people with the smallest employee identifiers.
-SELECT salary 
-FROM salesperson
-  175500.00
-  137000.10
-  136000.00
-  138000.40
-   75000.00
-   90000.00
---- 50 row(s) selected.
-* Return the SALARY of the youngest five sales people, skip the next 15
-rows, and repeat this process until no more rows exist in the
-intermediate result table. You cannot specify periodic sampling with the
-sample size larger than the period.
-SELECT salary 
-FROM salesperson
-SORT BY age;
-   90000.00
-   90000.00
-   28000.00
-   27000.12
-  136000.00
-   36000.00
---- 17 row(s) selected.
-In this example, 62 rows exist in the SALESPERSON table. For each set of
-20 rows, the first five rows are selected. The last set consists of two
-rows, both of which are selected.
-* Compute the average salary of a random 10 percent of the sales people.
-You will get a different result each time you run this query because it
-is based on a random sample.
-SELECT AVG(salary) 
-FROM salesperson
-            61928.57
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* This query illustrates sampling after execution of the WHERE clause
-has chosen the qualifying rows. The query computes the average salary of
-a random 10 percent of the sales people over 35 years of age. You will
-get a different result each time you run this query because it
-is based on a random sample.
-SELECT AVG(salary) 
-FROM salesperson 
-WHERE age > 35
-            58000.00
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* Compute the average salary of a random 10 percent of sales people
-belonging to the CORPORATE department. The sample is taken from the join
-of the SALESPERSON and DEPARTMENT tables. You will get a different
-result each time you run this query because it is based on a random
-SELECT AVG(salary)
-FROM salesperson S, department D 
-           106250.000
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* In this example, the SALESPERSON table is first sampled and then
-joined with the DEPARTMENT table. This query computes the average salary
-of all the sales people belonging to the CORPORATE department in a
-random sample of 10 percent of the sales employees.
-SELECT AVG(salary)
-  ( SELECT salary, dnum FROM salesperson SAMPLE RANDOM 10 PERCENT ) AS S
-  , department D 
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-The results of this query and some of the results of previous queries
-might return null:
-SELECT AVG(salary)
-  ( SELECT salary, dnum FROM salesperson SAMPLE RANDOM 10 PERCENT ) AS S
-  , department D 
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-For this query execution, the number of rows returned by the embedded
-query is limited by the total number of rows in the SALESPERSON table.
-Therefore, it is possible that no rows satisfy the search condition in
-the WHERE clause.
-* In this example, both the tables are sampled first and then joined.
-This query computes the average salary and the average sale amount
-generated from a random 10 percent of all the sales people and 20
-percent of all the sales transactions.
-SELECT AVG(salary), AVG(amount) 
-FROM ( SELECT salary, empid
-       FROM salesperson
-  ( SELECT amount, empid FROM sales
-WHERE S.empid = T.empid;
-(EXPR)    (EXPR)
---------- --------- 
- 45000.00  31000.00
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* This example illustrates oversampling. This query retrieves 150
-percent of the sales transactions where the amount exceeds $1000. The
-result contains every row at least once, and 50 percent of the rows,
-picked randomly, occur twice.
-FROM sales
-WHERE amount > 1000
------ -------------------- ------ ----------- 
-    1 PCGOLD, 30MB         E         30000.00
-   23 PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
-   23 PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
-   29 GRAPHICPRINTER, M1   N         11000.00
-   32 GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
-   32 GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
-  ... ...                  ...       ...
---- 88 row(s) selected.
-* The BALANCE option enables stratified sampling. Retrieve the age and
-salary of 1000 sales people such that 50 percent of the result are male
-and 50 percent female.
-SELECT age, sex, salary 
-FROM salesperson
-  WHEN sex = 'male' THEN 15 ROWS
-  WHEN sex = 'female' THEN 15 ROWS
-  END 
-ORDER BY age;
-AGE         SEX    SALARY
------------ ------ -----------
-         22 male      28000.00
-         22 male      90000.00
-         22 female   136000.00
-         22 male      37000.40
-        ... ...            ...
---- 30 row(s) selected.
-* Retrieve all sales records with the amount exceeding $10000 and a
-random sample of 10 percent of the remaining records:
-  WHEN amount > 10000 
--------------------- ------ -----------
-PCGOLD, 30MB         E         30000.00
-PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
-GRAPHICPRINTER, M1   N         11000.00
-GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
-...                  ...       ...
-MONITORCOLOR, M2     N         10500.00
-...                  ...       ...
---- 32 row(s) selected.
-* This query shows an example of stratified sampling where the
-conditions are not mutually exclusive:
-  WHEN amount > 10000 THEN 100 PERCENT
-  WHEN product = 'PCGOLD, 30MB' THEN 25 PERCENT 
-  WHEN region = 'W' THEN 40 PERCENT
--------------------- ------ -----------
-PCGOLD, 30MB         E         30000.00
-PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
-GRAPHICPRINTER, M1   N         11000.00
-GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
-GRAPHICPRINTER, M3   S         20000.00
-LASERPRINTER, X1     W         42000.00
-...                  ...       ...
---- 30 row(s) selected.
-== SEQUENCE BY Clause
-The SEQUENCE BY clause of the SELECT statement specifies the order in
-which to sort the rows
-of the intermediate result table for calculating sequence functions.
-This option is used for processing time-sequenced rows in data mining
-applications. See <<select_statement>>.
-Sequence by is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-   [,colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...
-* `_colname_`
-names a column in _select-list_ or a column in a table reference in the
-FROM clause of the SELECT statement. _colname_ is optionally qualified
-by a table, view, or correlation name; for example, CUSTOMER.CITY.
-* `ASC | DESC`
-specifies the sort order. ASC is the default. For ordering an
-intermediate result table on a column that can contain null, nulls are
-considered equal to one another but greater than all other non-null
-You must include a SEQUENCE BY clause if you include a sequence function
-in the select list of the SELECT statement. Otherwise, {project-name} SQL
-returns an error. Further, you cannot include a SEQUENCE BY clause if no
-sequence function exists in the select list. See
-<<sequence_functions,Sequence Functions>> .
-=== Considerations for SEQUENCE BY
-* Sequence functions behave differently from set (or aggregate)
-functions and mathematical (or scalar) functions.
-* If you include both SEQUENCE BY and GROUP BY clauses in the same
-SELECT statement, the values of the sequence functions must be evaluated
-first and then become input for aggregate functions in the statement.
-** For a SELECT statement that contains both SEQUENCE BY and GROUP BY
-clauses, you can nest the sequence function in the aggregate function:
-  ordernum
-, MAX(MOVINGSUM(qty_ordered, 3)) AS maxmovsum_qty
-, AVG(unit_price) AS avg_price
-FROM odetail 
-SEQUENCE BY partnum 
-GROUP BY ordernum;
-* To use a sequence function as a grouping column, you must use a
-derived table for the SEQUENCE BY query and use the derived column in
-the GROUP BY clause:
-  ordernum
-, movsum_qty
-, AVG(unit_price) 
-  ( SELECT ordernum, MOVINGSUM(qty_ordered, 3), unit_price 
-    FROM odetail SEQUENCE BY partnum ) 
-  AS tab2 (ordernum, movsum_qty, unit_price) 
-GROUP BY ordernum, movsum_qty;
-* To use an aggregate function as the argument to a sequence function,
-you must also use a derived table:
-SELECT MOVINGSUM(avg_price,2) 
-  ( SELECT ordernum, AVG(unit_price) FROM odetail
-    GROUP BY ordernum)
-AS tab2 (ordernum, avg_price) 
-SEQUENCE BY ordernum;
-* Like aggregate functions, sequence functions generate an intermediate
-result. If the query has a WHERE clause, its search condition is applied
-during the generation of the intermediate result. Therefore, you cannot
-use sequence functions in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.
-** This query returns an error:
-SELECT ordernum, partnum, RUNNINGAVG(unit_price) 
-FROM odetail
-WHERE ordernum > 800000 AND RUNNINGAVG(unit_price) > 350 
-SEQUENCE BY qty_ordered;
-** Apply a search condition to the result of a sequence function, use a
-derived table for the SEQUENCE BY query, and use the derived column in
-the WHERE clause:
-SELECT ordernum, partnum, runavg_price 
-  ( SELECT ordernum, partnum, RUNNINGAVG(unit_price) 
-    FROM odetail SEQUENCE BY qty_ordered)
-AS tab2 (ordernum, partnum, runavg_price) 
-WHERE ordernum > 800000 AND
-runavg_price > 350;
-=== Examples of SEQUENCE BY
-* Sequentially number each row for the entire result and also number the
-rows for each part number:
-, MOVINGCOUNT(*,ROWS SINCE (d.partnum<>THIS(d.partnum))) AS MCOUNT
-, d.partnum
-FROM orders o, odetail d 
-WHERE o.ordernum=d.ordernum
-SEQUENCE BY d.partnum, o.order_date, o.ordernum 
-ORDER BY d.partnum, o.order_date, o.ordernum;
-RCOUNT               MCOUNT                Part/Num
--------------------- --------------------- --------
-                   1                     1      212
-                   2                     2      212
-                   3                     1      244
-                   4                     2      244
-                   5                     3      244
-                 ...                   ...      ...
-                  67                     1     7301
-                  68                     2     7301
-                  69                     3     7301
-                  70                     4     7301
---- 70 row(s) selected.
-* Show the orders for each date, the amount for each order item and the
-moving total for each order, and the running total of all the orders.
-The query sequences orders by date, order number, and part number. (The
-CAST function is used for readability only.)
-  o.ordernum
-, CAST (MOVINGCOUNT(*,ROWS SINCE(THIS(o.ordernum) <> o.ordernum)) AS INT) AS MCOUNT
-, d.partnum
-, o.order_date
-, (d.unit_price * d.qty_ordered) AS AMOUNT
-, MOVINGSUM (d.unit_price * d.qty_ordered, SEQUENCE BY Clause 269 ROWS SINCE(THIS(o.ordernum)<>o.ordernum) ) AS ORDER_TOTAL
-, RUNNINGSUM (d.unit_price * d.qty_ordered) AS TOTAL_SALES
-FROM orders o, odetail d 
-WHERE o.ordernum=d.ordernum
-SEQUENCE BY o.order_date, o.ordernum, d.partnum 
-ORDER BY o.order_date, o.ordernum, d.partnum;
-Order/Num  MCOUNT      Part/Num Order/Date AMOUNT     ORDER_TOTAL    TOTAL_SALES
----------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------------- --------------
-    100250           1      244 2008-01-23   14000.00       14000.00       14000.00
-    100250           2     5103 2008-01-23    4000.00       18000.00       18000.00
-    100250           3     6500 2008-01-23     950.00       18950.00       18950.00
-    200300           1      244 2008-02-06   28000.00       28000.00       46950.00
-    200300           2     2001 2008-02-06   10000.00       38000.00       56950.00
-    200300           3     2002 2008-02-06   14000.00       52000.00       70950.00
-       ...         ...      ... ...          ...            ...                 ...
-    800660          18     7102 2008-10-09    1650.00      187360.00      113295.00             
-    800660          19     7301 2008-10-09    5100.00     192460.00      1118395.00
---- 69 row(s) selected.
-For example, for order number 200300, the ORDER_TOTAL is a moving sum
-within the order date 2008-02-06, and the TOTAL_SALES is a running sum
-for all orders. The current window for the moving sum is defined as ROWS
-SINCE (THIS(o.ordernum)<>o.ordernum), which restricts the ORDER_TOTAL to
-the current order number.
-* Show the amount of time between orders by calculating the interval between two dates:
-SELECT RUNNINGCOUNT(*),o.order_date,DIFF1(o.order_date) 
-FROM orders o
-SEQUENCE BY o.order_date, o.ordernum 
-ORDER BY o.order_date, o.ordernum ;
-(EXPR)               Order/Date (EXPR)
--------------------- ---------- -------------
-                   1 2008-01-23             ?
-                   2 2008-02-06            14
-                   3 2008-02-17            11
-                   4 2008-03-03            14
-                   5 2008-03-19            16
-                   6 2008-03-19             0
-                   7 2008-03-27             8
-                   8 2008-04-10            14
-                   9 2008-04-20            10
-                  10 2008-05-12            22
-                  11 2008-06-01            20
-                  12 2008-07-21            50
-                  13 2008-10-09            80
---- 13 row(s) selected.
-== TRANSPOSE Clause
-The TRANSPOSE clause of the SELECT statement generates for each row of
-the SELECT source table a row for each item in the transpose item list.
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE clause has all the columns of the
-source table plus, for each transpose item list, a value column or
-columns and an optional key column.
-TRANSPOSE is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-TRANSPOSE transpose-set [transpose-set]... 
-  [KEY BY key-colname]
-transpose-set is:
-   transpose-item-list AS transpose-col-list
-transpose-item-list is:
-  expression-list
-| (expression-list) [,(expression-list)]...
-expression-list is:
-  expression [,expression]...
-transpose-col-list is:
-  colname | (colname-list)
-colname-list is:
-  colname [,colname]...
-* `_transpose-item-list_ AS _transpose-col-list_`
-specifies a _transpose-set_, which correlates a _transpose-item-list_
-with a _transpose-col-list_. The _transpose-item-list_ can be a list
-of expressions or a list of expression lists enclosed in parentheses.
-The _transpose-col-list_ can be a single column name or a list of column
-names enclosed in parentheses.
-For example, in the _transpose-set_ TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS
-(V1,V2), the items in the _transpose-item-list_ are (A,X),(B,Y), and
-(C,Z), and the _transpose-col-list_ is (V1,V2). The number of
-expressions in each item must be the same as the number of value columns
-in the column list.
-In the example TRANSPOSE A,B,C AS V, the items are A,B, and C, and the
-value column is V. This form can be thought of as a shorter way of writing TRANSPOSE
-(A),(B),(C) AS (V).
-* `_transpose-item-list_`
-specifies a list of items. An item is a value expression or a list of
-value expressions enclosed in parentheses.
-** `_expression-list_`
-specifies a list of SQL value expressions, separated by commas. The
-expressions must have compatible data types.
-For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE A,B,C AS V, the expressions
-A,B, and C have compatible data types.
-** `(_expression-list_) [,(_expression-list_)]&8230;`
-specifies a list of expressions enclosed in parentheses, followed by
-another list of expressions enclosed in parentheses, and so on. The
-number of expressions within parentheses must be equal for each list.
-The expressions in the same ordinal position within the parentheses must
-have compatible data types.
-For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS
-(V1,V2), the expressions A,B, and C have compatible data types, and the
-expressions X,Y, and Z have compatible data types.
-* `_transpose-col-list_`
-specifies the columns that consist of the evaluation of expressions in
-the item list as the expressions are applied to rows of the source
-** `_colname_`
-is an SQL identifier that specifies a column name. It identifies the
-column consisting of the values in _expression-list_.
-For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE A,B,C AS V, the column V
-corresponds to the values of the expressions A,B, and C.
-** `(_colname-list_)`
-specifies a list of column names enclosed in parentheses. Each column
-consists of the values of the expressions in the same ordinal position
-within the parentheses in the transpose item list.
-For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS
-(V1,V2), the column V1 corresponds to the expressions A,B, and C, and
-the column V2 corresponds to the expressions X,Y, and Z.
-* `KEY BY _key-colname_`
-optionally specifies which expression (the value in the transpose column
-list corresponds to) by its position in the item list. _key-colname_ is
-an SQL identifier. The data type of the key column is exact numeric, and
-the value is NOT NULL.
-=== Considerations for TRANSPOSE
-==== Multiple TRANSPOSE Clauses and Sets
-* Multiple TRANSPOSE clauses can be used in the same query. For example:
-SELECT keycol1, valcol1, keycol2, valcol2 
-FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1 KEY BY keycol1
-TRANSPOSE d, e, f AS valcol2 KEY BY keycol2
-* A TRANSPOSE clause can contain multiple transpose sets. For example:
-SELECT keycol, valcol1, valcol2 
-FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1
-          d, e, f AS valcol2 
-KEY BY keycol
-==== Degree and Column Order of the TRANSPOSE Result
-The degree of the TRANSPOSE result is the degree of the source table
-(the result table derived from the table reference or references in the
-FROM clause and a WHERE clause if specified), plus one if the key column
-is specified, plus the cardinalities of all the transpose column lists.
-The columns of the TRANSPOSE result are ordered beginning with the
-columns of the source table, followed by the key column if specified,
-and then followed by the list of column names in the order in which they
-are specified.
-==== Data Type of the TRANSPOSE Result
-The data type of each of the value columns is the union compatible data
-type of the corresponding expressions in the _transpose-item-list_.
-You cannot have expressions with data types that are not compatible in a
-For example, in TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS (V1,V2), the data type of
-V1 is the union compatible type for A, B, and C, and the data type of V2
-is the union compatible type for X, Y, and Z.
-See <<comparable_and_compatible_data_types,Comparable and Compatible Data Types>>.
-==== Cardinality of the TRANSPOSE Result
-The items in each _transpose-item-list_ are enumerated from 1 to N,
-where N is the total number of items in all the item lists in the
-transpose sets.
-In this example with a single transpose set, the value of N is 3:
-TRANSPOSE (a,x),(b,y),(c,z) AS (v1,v2)
-In this example with two transpose sets, the value of N is 5:
-TRANSPOSE (a,x),(b,y),(c,z) AS (v1,v2) l,m AS v3
-The values 1 to N are the key values _k_i. The items in each
-_transpose-item-list_ are the expression values _v_i.
-The cardinality of the result of the TRANSPOSE clause is the cardinality
-of the source table times N, the total number of items in all the
-transpose item lists.
-For each row of the source table and for each value in the key values
-_k_i, the TRANSPOSE result contains a row with all the attributes of
-the source table, the key value _k_i in the key column, the expression
-values vi in the value columns of the corresponding transpose set, and
-NULL in the value columns of other transpose sets.
-For example, consider this TRANSPOSE clause:
-TRANSPOSE (a,x),(b,y),(c,z) AS (v1,v2) 
-           l,m AS v3
-The value of N is 5. One row of the SELECT source table produces this
-TRANSPOSE result:
-| _columns-of-source_ | K | V1           | V2 | V3
-| _source-row_        | 1 | _value-of-A_ | _value-of-X_ | NULL
-| _source-row_        | 2 | _value-of-B_ | _value-of-Y_ | NULL
-| _source-row_        | 3 | _value-of-C_ | _value-of-Z_ | NULL
-| _source-row_        | 4 | NULL         | NULL         | _value-of-L_
-| _source-row_        | 5 | NULL         | NULL         | _value-of-M_
-=== Examples of TRANSPOSE
-* Suppose that MYTABLE has been created as:
-CREATE TABLE mining.mytable
-The table MYTABLE has columns A, B, C, D, E, and F with related data.
-The columns A, B, and C are type INTEGER, and columns D, E, and F are
-type CHAR.
-| A | B  | C   | D  | E  | F
-| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1
-| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2
-* Suppose that MYTABLE has only the first three columns: A, B, and C.
-The result of the TRANSPOSE clause has three times as many rows (because
-three items exist in the transpose item list) as rows exist in MYTABLE:
-SELECT * FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol KEY BY keycol;
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
-| A | B  | C   | D  | E  | F  | KEYCOL | VALCOL
-| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 1      | 1
-| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 2      | 10
-| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 3      | 100
-| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 1      | 2
-| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 2      | 20
-| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 3      | 200
-* This query shows that the items in the transpose item list can be any
-valid scalar expressions:
-SELECT keycol, valcol, a, b, c FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a + b, c + 3, 6 AS valcol KEY BY keycol;
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
-| KEYCOL | VALCOL | A | B  | C
-| 1      | 1      | 1 | 10 | 100
-| 2      | 103    | 1 | 10 | 100
-| 3      | 6      | 1 | 10 | 100
-| 1      | 22     | 2 | 20 | 200
-| 2      | 203    | 2 | 20 | 200
-| 3      | 6      | 2 | 20 | 200
-* This query shows how the TRANSPOSE clause can be used with a GROUP BY
-clause. This query is typical of queries used to obtain cross-table
-information, where A, B, and C are the independent variables, and D is
-the dependent variable.
-SELECT keycol, valcol, d, COUNT(*) 
-FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol 
-KEY BY keycol 
-GROUP BY keycol, valcol, d;
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
-| 1      | 1      | d1 | 1
-| 2      | 10     | d1 | 1
-| 3      | 100    | d1 | 1
-| 1      | 2      | d2 | 1
-| 2      | 20     | d2 | 1
-| 3      | 200    | d2 | 1
-* This query shows how to use COUNT applied to VALCOL. The result table
-of the TRANSPOSE query shows the number of distinct values in VALCOL.
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol KEY BY keycol 
-GROUP BY keycol;
-                   2
-                   2
-                   2
---- 3 row(s) selected.
-* This query shows how multiple TRANSPOSE clauses can be used in the
-same query. The result table from this query has nine times as many rows
-as rows exist in MYTABLE:
-SELECT keycol1, valcol1, keycol2, valcol2 FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1 KEY BY keycol1
-TRANSPOSE d, e, f AS valcol2 KEY BY keycol2;
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
-| 1       | 1       | 1       | d1
-| 1       | 1       | 2       | e1
-| 1       | 1       | 3       | f1
-| 2       | 10      | 1       | d1
-| 2       | 10      | 2       | e1
-| 2       | 10      | 3       | f1
-| 3       | 100     | 1       | d1
-| 3       | 100     | 2       | e1
-| 3       | 100     | 3       | f1
-| 1       | 2       | 1       | d2
-| 1       | 2       | 2       | e2
-| 1       | 2       | 3       | f2
-| 2       | 20      | 1       | d2
-| 2       | 20      | 2       | e2
-| 2       | 20      | 3       | f2
-| 3       | 200     | 1       | d2
-| 3       | 200     | 2       | e2
-| 3       | 200     | 3       | f2
-* This query shows how a TRANSPOSE clause can contain multiple transpose
-sets\u2014that is, multiple _transpose-item-list_ AS _transpose-col-list_.
-The expressions A, B, and C are of type integer, and expressions D, E,
-and F are of type character.
-SELECT keycol, valcol1, valcol2 
-FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1
-          d, e, f AS valcol2 
-KEY BY keycol;
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
-| 1      | 1       | ?
-| 2      | 10      | ?
-| 3      | 100     | ?
-| 4      | ?       | d1
-| 5      | ?       | e1
-| 6      | ?       | f1
-| 1      | 2       | ?
-| 2      | 20      | ?
-| 3      | 200     | ?
-| 4      | ?       | d2
-| 5      | ?       | e2
-| 6      | ?       | f2
-A question mark (?) in a value column indicates no value for the given KEYCOL.
-* This query shows how the preceding query can include a GROUP BY clause:
-SELECT keycol, valcol1, valcol2, COUNT(*) 
-FROM mytable 
-TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1
-          d, e, f AS valcol2 
-KEY BY keycol
-GROUP BY keycol, valcol1, valcol2;
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
-| 1      | 1       | ?       | 1
-| 2      | 10      | ?       | 1
-| 3      | 100     | ?       | 1
-| 1      | 2       | ?       | 1
-| 2      | 20      | ?       | 1
-| 3      | 200     | ?       | 1
-| 4      | ?       | d2      | 1
-| 5      | ?       | e2      | 1
-| 6      | ?       | f2      | 1
-| 4      | ?       | d1      | 1
-| 5      | ?       | e1      | 1
-| 6      | ?       | f1      | 1
-* This query shows how an item in the transpose item list can contain a
-list of expressions and that the KEY BY clause is optional:
-SELECT * FROM mytable
-TRANSPOSE (1, A, 'abc'), (2, B, 'xyz') AS (VALCOL1, VALCOL2, VALCOL3);
-The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
-| A | B  | C   | D  | E  | F  | VALCOL1 | VALCOL2 | VALCOL3
-| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 1       | 1       | abc
-| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 2       | 10      | xyz
-| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 1       | 2       | abc
-| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 2       | 20      | xyz
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+=  SQL Clauses
+Clauses are used by {project-name} SQL statements to specify default values,
+ways to sample or sort data, how to store physical data, and other
+This section describes:
+* <<default_clause,DEFAULT Clause>> specifies a default value for a column being created.
+* <<format_clause,FORMAT Clause>> specifies the format to use.
+* <<sample_clause,SAMPLE Clause>> specifies the sampling method used to select a subset of the intermediate result table of a SELECT statement.
+* <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>> specifies the order in which to sort rows of the intermediate result table for calculating sequence functions.
+* <<transpose_clause,TRANSPOSE Clause>> generates, for each row of the SELECT source table, a row for each item in the transpose item list.
+== DEFAULT Clause
+The DEFAULT option of the CREATE TABLE or ALTER TABLE _table-name_ ADD
+COLUMN statement specifies a default value for a column being created.
+The default value is used when a row is inserted in the table without a value for the column.
+default is:
+  literal
+specifies the column has no default value. You cannot specify NO DEFAULT
+in an ALTER TABLE statement. See <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>.
+=== Syntax for Default Clause
+* `DEFAULT _literal_`
+is a literal of a data type compatible with the data type of the
+associated column.
+For a character column, _literal_ must be a string literal of no more
+than 240 characters or the length of the column, whichever is less. The
+maximum length of a default value for a character column is 240 bytes
+(minus control characters) or the length of the column, whichever is
+less. Control characters consist of character set prefixes and single
+quote delimiter found in the text itself.
+For a numeric column, _literal_ must be a numeric literal that does not
+exceed the defined length of the column. The number of digits to the
+right of the decimal point must not exceed the scale of the column, and
+the number of digits to the left of the decimal point must not exceed
+the number in the length (or length minus scale, if you specified scale
+for the column).
+For a datetime column, _literal_ must be a datetime literal with a
+precision that matches the precision of the column.
+For an INTERVAL column, _literal_ must be an INTERVAL literal that has
+the range of INTERVAL fields defined for the column.
+specifies NULL as the default. This default can occur only with a column
+that allows null.
+specifies the default value for the column as the value returned by the
+CURRENT_DATE function at the time of the operation that assigns a value
+to the column. This default can occur only with a column whose data type
+is DATE.
+specifies the default value for the column as the value returned by the
+CURRENT_TIME function at the time of the operation that assigns a value
+to the column. This default can occur only with a column whose data type
+is TIME.
+specifies the default value for the column as the value returned by the
+CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function at the time of the operation that assigns a
+value to the column. This default can occur only with a column whose
+data type is TIMESTAMP.
+=== Examples of DEFAULT
+* This example uses DEFAULT clauses on CREATE TABLE to specify default column values:
+( item_id CHAR(12) NO DEFAULT
+, description CHAR(50) DEFAULT NULL
+) ;
+* This example uses DEFAULT clauses on CREATE TABLE to specify default column values:
+CREATE TABLE persnl.project
+, projdesc VARCHAR (18) DEFAULT NULL
+, PRIMARY KEY (projcode)
+) ;
+== FORMAT Clause
+The FORMAT clause specifies the output format for DATE values. It can
+also be used to specify the length of character output or to specify
+separating the digits of integer output with colons.
+* Date Formats:
+(FORMAT 'format-string') |
+(DATE, FORMAT 'format-string')
+format-string for Date Formats is:
+* Other Formats:
+(FORMAT 'format-string')
+format-string for other formats is:
+  XXX
+  99:99:99:99
+ -99:99:99:99
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _year-month-day_.
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _month/day/year_
+* `YY/MM/DD`
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _year/month/day_.
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _year/month/day_.
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _yearmonthday_.
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _day.month.year_.
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _day-month-year_.
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is _day-month-year_.
+* `XXX`
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is a string format. The
+input must be a numeric or string value.
+* `99:99:99:99`
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is a timestamp. The input
+must be a numeric value.
+* `-99:99:99:99`
+specifies that the FORMAT clause output format is a timestamp. The input
+must be a numeric value.
+=== Considerations for Date Formats
+The expression preceding the (FORMAT \u201d_format-string_') clause must be
+a DATE value.
+The expression preceding the (DATE, FORMAT _'format-string_') clause
+must be a quoted string in the USA, EUROPEAN, or DEFAULT date format.
+==== Considerations for Other Formats
+For XXX, the expression preceding the (FORMAT _'format-string_')
+clause must be a numeric value or a string value.
+For 99:99:99:99 and -99:99:99:99, the expression preceding the (FORMAT
+_'format-string_') clause must be a numeric value.
+=== Examples of FORMAT
+* The format string 'XXX' in this example will yield a sample result of abc:
+SELECT 'abcde' (FORMAT 'XXX') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
+* The format string 'YYYY-MM_DD' in this example will yield a sample result of 2008-07-17.
+* The format string 'MM/DD/YYYY' in this example will yield a sample result of 07/17/2008.
+SELECT '2008-07-17' (DATE, FORMAT 'MM/DD/YYYY') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
+* The format string 'YY/MM/DD' in this example will yield a sample result of 08/07/17.
+SELECT '2008-07-17'(DATE, FORMAT 'YY/MM/DD') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
+* The format string 'YYYY/MM/DD' in this example will yield a sample result of 2008/07/17.
+SELECT '2008-07-17' (DATE, FORMAT 'YYYY/MM/DD') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
+* The format string 'YYYYMMDD' in this example will yield a sample result`of 20080717.
+* The format string 'DD.MM.YYYY' in this example will yield a sample result of 17.07.2008.
+SELECT '2008-07-17' (DATE, FORMAT 'DD.MM.YYYY') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
+* The format string 'DD-MMM-YYYY' in this example will yield a sample result of 17\u2013JUL-2008.
+* The format string '99:99:99:99' in this example will yield a sample result of 12:34:56:78.
+SELECT 12345678 (FORMAT '99:99:99:99') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
+* The format string '-99:99:99:99' in this example will yield a sample result of -12:34:56:78.
+SELECT (-12345678) (FORMAT '-99:99:99:99') FROM (VALUES(1)) t;
+== SAMPLE Clause
+The SAMPLE clause of the SELECT statement specifies the sampling method
+used to select a subset of the intermediate result table of a SELECT
+statement. The intermediate result table consists of the rows returned
+by a WHERE clause or, if no WHERE clause exists, the FROM clause. See
+<<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>.
+SAMPLE is a {project-name} SQL extension.
+SAMPLE sampling-methodis:
+  RANDOM percent-size
+| FIRST rows-size
+        [SORT BY colname [ASC[ENDING]|DESC[ENDING]]
+          [,colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+| PERIODIC rows-size EVERY number-rows ROWS
+           [SORT BY colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]] 
+             [,colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+percent-size is:
+  percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]
+| BALANCE WHEN condition
+    THEN percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]
+    [WHEN condition THEN percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]]... 
+    [ELSE percent-result PERCENT [ROWS]] END
+rows-size is:
+  number-rows ROWS
+| BALANCE WHEN condition THEN number-rows ROWS 
+          [WHEN condition THEN number-rows ROWS]... 
+          [ELSE number-rows ROWS] END
+* `RANDOM _percent-size_`
+directs {project-name} SQL to choose rows randomly (each row having an
+unbiased probability of being chosen) without replacement from the
+result table. The sampling size is determined by the _percent-size_,
+defined as:
+* `_percent-result_ PERCENT [ROWS] | BALANCE WHEN _condition_ THEN
+_percent-result_ PERCENT [ROWS] [WHEN _condition_ THEN _percent-result_
+PERCENT [ROWS]]&#8230; [ELSE _percent-result_ PERCENT [ROWS]] END`
+specifies the value of the size for RANDOM sampling by using a percent
+of the result table. The value _percent-result_ must be a numeric
+You can determine the actual size of the sample. Suppose that _N_ rows
+exist in the intermediate result table. Each row is picked with a
+probability of _r_%, where _r_ is the sample size in PERCENT.
+Therefore, the actual size of the resulting sample is approximately _r_% of _N_. 
+The number of rows picked follows a binomial distribution with
+mean equal to _r_ *c_N_/100.
+If you specify a sample size greater than 100 PERCENT, {project-name} SQL
+returns all the rows in the result table plus duplicate rows. The
+duplicate rows are picked from the result table according to the
+specified sampling method. This technique is called oversampling.
+** `ROWS`
+specifies row sampling. Row sampling is the default.
+If you specify a BALANCE expression, {project-name} SQL performs stratified
+sampling. The intermediate result table is divided into disjoint strata
+based on the WHEN conditions.
+Each stratum is sampled independently by using the sampling size. For a
+given row, the stratum to which it belongs is determined by the first
+WHEN condition that is true for that row\u2014if a true condition exists. If
+no true condition exists, the row belongs to the ELSE stratum.
+* `FIRST _rows-size_ [SORT BY _colname_ [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]
+[,_colname_ [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]&#8230;]`
+directs {project-name} SQL to choose the first rows from the result table.
+You can specify the order of the rows to sample. Otherwise, {project-name}
+SQL chooses an arbitrary order. The sampling size is determined by the
+_rows-size_, defined as:
+* `_number-rows_ ROWS | BALANCE WHEN _condition_ THEN _number-rows_ ROWS
+[WHEN _condition_ THEN _number-rows_ ROWS]&#8230; [ELSE _number-rows_ ROWS] END`
+specifies the value of the size for FIRST sampling by using the number
+of rows intended in the sample. The value _number-rows_ must be an
+integer literal.
+You can determine the actual size of the sample. Suppose that _N_ rows
+exist in the intermediate result table. If the size _s_ of the sample is
+specified as a number of rows, the actual size of the resulting sample
+is the minimum of _s_ and _N_.
+* `PERIODIC _rows-size_ EVERY _number-rows_ ROWS [SORT BY _colname_
+[ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]] [,_colname_ [ASC[ENDING] |
+directs {project-name} SQL to choose the first rows from each block (or
+period) of contiguous rows. This sampling method is equivalent to a
+separate FIRST sampling for each period, and the _rows-size_ is defined
+as in FIRST sampling.
+The size of the period is specified as a number of rows. You can specify
+the order of the rows to sample. Otherwise, {project-name} SQL chooses an
+arbitrary order.
+You can determine the actual size of the sample. Suppose that _N_ rows
+exist in the intermediate result table. If the size _s_ of the sample is
+specified as a number of rows and the size _p_ of the period is
+specified as a number of rows, the actual size of the resulting sample
+is calculated as:
+FLOOR (N/p) * s + _minimum_ (MOD (N, p), s)
+_minimum_ in this expression is used simply as the mathematical
+minimum of two values.
+=== Considerations for SAMPLE
+==== Sample Rows
+In general, when you use the SAMPLE clause, the same query returns
+different sets of rows for each execution. The same set of rows is
+returned only when you use the FIRST and PERIODIC sampling methods with
+the SORT BY option, where no duplicates exist in the specified column
+combination for the sort.
+=== Examples of SAMPLE
+* Suppose that the data-mining tables SALESPER, SALES, and DEPT have been
+created as:
+CREATE TABLE trafodion.mining.salesper
+, salary NUMERIC (8,2) UNSIGNED
+, age INTEGER
+, sex CHAR (6)
+, PRIMARY KEY (empid) );
+CREATE TABLE trafodion.mining.sales
+, product VARCHAR (20)
+, region CHAR (4)
+, amount NUMERIC (9,2) UNSIGNED
+, PRIMARY KEY (empid) );
+CREATE TABLE trafodion.mining.dept
+, name VARCHAR (20)
+, PRIMARY KEY (dnum) );
+Suppose, too, that sample data is inserted into this database.
+* Return the SALARY of the youngest 50 sales people:
+SELECT salary 
+FROM salesperson
+SORT BY age;
+   90000.00
+   90000.00
+   28000.00
+   27000.12
+  136000.00
+   37000.40
+--- 50 row(s) selected.
+* Return the SALARY of 50 sales people. In this case, the table is
+clustered on EMPID. If the optimizer chooses a plan to access rows using
+the primary access path, the result consists of salaries of the 50 sales
+people with the smallest employee identifiers.
+SELECT salary 
+FROM salesperson
+  175500.00
+  137000.10
+  136000.00
+  138000.40
+   75000.00
+   90000.00
+--- 50 row(s) selected.
+* Return the SALARY of the youngest five sales people, skip the next 15
+rows, and repeat this process until no more rows exist in the
+intermediate result table. You cannot specify periodic sampling with the
+sample size larger than the period.
+SELECT salary 
+FROM salesperson
+SORT BY age;
+   90000.00
+   90000.00
+   28000.00
+   27000.12
+  136000.00
+   36000.00
+--- 17 row(s) selected.
+In this example, 62 rows exist in the SALESPERSON table. For each set of
+20 rows, the first five rows are selected. The last set consists of two
+rows, both of which are selected.
+* Compute the average salary of a random 10 percent of the sales people.
+You will get a different result each time you run this query because it
+is based on a random sample.
+SELECT AVG(salary) 
+FROM salesperson
+            61928.57
+--- 1 row(s) selected.
+* This query illustrates sampling after execution of the WHERE clause
+has chosen the qualifying rows. The query computes the average salary of
+a random 10 percent of the sales people over 35 years of age. You will
+get a different result each time you run this query because it
+is based on a random sample.
+SELECT AVG(salary) 
+FROM salesperson 
+WHERE age > 35
+            58000.00
+--- 1 row(s) selected.
+* Compute the average salary of a random 10 percent of sales people
+belonging to the CORPORATE department. The sample is taken from the join
+of the SALESPERSON and DEPARTMENT tables. You will get a different
+result each time you run this query because it is based on a random
+SELECT AVG(salary)
+FROM salesperson S, department D 
+           106250.000
+--- 1 row(s) selected.
+* In this example, the SALESPERSON table is first sampled and then
+joined with the DEPARTMENT table. This query computes the average salary
+of all the sales people belonging to the CORPORATE department in a
+random sample of 10 percent of the sales employees.
+SELECT AVG(salary)
+  ( SELECT salary, dnum FROM salesperson SAMPLE RANDOM 10 PERCENT ) AS S
+  , department D 
+--- 1 row(s) selected.
+The results of this query and some of the results of previous queries
+might return null:
+SELECT AVG(salary)
+  ( SELECT salary, dnum FROM salesperson SAMPLE RANDOM 10 PERCENT ) AS S
+  , department D 
+--- 1 row(s) selected.
+For this query execution, the number of rows returned by the embedded
+query is limited by the total number of rows in the SALESPERSON table.
+Therefore, it is possible that no rows satisfy the search condition in
+the WHERE clause.
+* In this example, both the tables are sampled first and then joined.
+This query computes the average salary and the average sale amount
+generated from a random 10 percent of all the sales people and 20
+percent of all the sales transactions.
+SELECT AVG(salary), AVG(amount) 
+FROM ( SELECT salary, empid
+       FROM salesperson
+  ( SELECT amount, empid FROM sales
+WHERE S.empid = T.empid;
+(EXPR)    (EXPR)
+--------- --------- 
+ 45000.00  31000.00
+--- 1 row(s) selected.
+* This example illustrates oversampling. This query retrieves 150
+percent of the sales transactions where the amount exceeds $1000. The
+result contains every row at least once, and 50 percent of the rows,
+picked randomly, occur twice.
+FROM sales
+WHERE amount > 1000
+----- -------------------- ------ ----------- 
+    1 PCGOLD, 30MB         E         30000.00
+   23 PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
+   23 PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
+   29 GRAPHICPRINTER, M1   N         11000.00
+   32 GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
+   32 GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
+  ... ...                  ...       ...
+--- 88 row(s) selected.
+* The BALANCE option enables stratified sampling. Retrieve the age and
+salary of 1000 sales people such that 50 percent of the result are male
+and 50 percent female.
+SELECT age, sex, salary 
+FROM salesperson
+  WHEN sex = 'male' THEN 15 ROWS
+  WHEN sex = 'female' THEN 15 ROWS
+  END 
+ORDER BY age;
+AGE         SEX    SALARY
+----------- ------ -----------
+         22 male      28000.00
+         22 male      90000.00
+         22 female   136000.00
+         22 male      37000.40
+        ... ...            ...
+--- 30 row(s) selected.
+* Retrieve all sales records with the amount exceeding $10000 and a
+random sample of 10 percent of the remaining records:
+  WHEN amount > 10000 
+-------------------- ------ -----------
+PCGOLD, 30MB         E         30000.00
+PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
+GRAPHICPRINTER, M1   N         11000.00
+GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
+...                  ...       ...
+MONITORCOLOR, M2     N         10500.00
+...                  ...       ...
+--- 32 row(s) selected.
+* This query shows an example of stratified sampling where the
+conditions are not mutually exclusive:
+  WHEN amount > 10000 THEN 100 PERCENT
+  WHEN product = 'PCGOLD, 30MB' THEN 25 PERCENT 
+  WHEN region = 'W' THEN 40 PERCENT
+-------------------- ------ -----------
+PCGOLD, 30MB         E         30000.00
+PCDIAMOND, 60MB      W         40000.00
+GRAPHICPRINTER, M1   N         11000.00
+GRAPHICPRINTER, M2   S         15000.00
+GRAPHICPRINTER, M3   S         20000.00
+LASERPRINTER, X1     W         42000.00
+...                  ...       ...
+--- 30 row(s) selected.
+== SEQUENCE BY Clause
+The SEQUENCE BY clause of the SELECT statement specifies the order in
+which to sort the rows
+of the intermediate result table for calculating sequence functions.
+This option is used for processing time-sequenced rows in data mining
+applications. See <<select_statement>>.
+Sequence by is a {project-name} SQL extension.
+   [,colname [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...
+* `_colname_`
+names a column in _select-list_ or a column in a table reference in the
+FROM clause of the SELECT statement. _colname_ is optionally qualified
+by a table, view, or correlation name; for example, CUSTOMER.CITY.
+* `ASC | DESC`
+specifies the sort order. ASC is the default. For ordering an
+intermediate result table on a column that can contain null, nulls are
+considered equal to one another but greater than all other non-null
+You must include a SEQUENCE BY clause if you include a sequence function
+in the select list of the SELECT statement. Otherwise, {project-name} SQL
+returns an error. Further, you cannot include a SEQUENCE BY clause if no
+sequence function exists in the select list. See
+<<sequence_functions,Sequence Functions>> .
+=== Considerations for SEQUENCE BY
+* Sequence functions behave differently from set (or aggregate)
+functions and mathematical (or scalar) functions.
+* If you include both SEQUENCE BY and GROUP BY clauses in the same
+SELECT statement, the values of the sequence functions must be evaluated
+first and then become input for aggregate functions in the statement.
+** For a SELECT statement that contains both SEQUENCE BY and GROUP BY
+clauses, you can nest the sequence function in the aggregate function:
+  ordernum
+, MAX(MOVINGSUM(qty_ordered, 3)) AS maxmovsum_qty
+, AVG(unit_price) AS avg_price
+FROM odetail 
+SEQUENCE BY partnum 
+GROUP BY ordernum;
+* To use a sequence function as a grouping column, you must use a
+derived table for the SEQUENCE BY query and use the derived column in
+the GROUP BY clause:
+  ordernum
+, movsum_qty
+, AVG(unit_price) 
+  ( SELECT ordernum, MOVINGSUM(qty_ordered, 3), unit_price 
+    FROM odetail SEQUENCE BY partnum ) 
+  AS tab2 (ordernum, movsum_qty, unit_price) 
+GROUP BY ordernum, movsum_qty;
+* To use an aggregate function as the argument to a sequence function,
+you must also use a derived table:
+SELECT MOVINGSUM(avg_price,2) 
+  ( SELECT ordernum, AVG(unit_price) FROM odetail
+    GROUP BY ordernum)
+AS tab2 (ordernum, avg_price) 
+SEQUENCE BY ordernum;
+* Like aggregate functions, sequence functions generate an intermediate
+result. If the query has a WHERE clause, its search condition is applied
+during the generation of the intermediate result. Therefore, you cannot
+use sequence functions in the WHERE clause of a SELECT statement.
+** This query returns an error:
+SELECT ordernum, partnum, RUNNINGAVG(unit_price) 
+FROM odetail
+WHERE ordernum > 800000 AND RUNNINGAVG(unit_price) > 350 
+SEQUENCE BY qty_ordered;
+** Apply a search condition to the result of a sequence function, use a
+derived table for the SEQUENCE BY query, and use the derived column in
+the WHERE clause:
+SELECT ordernum, partnum, runavg_price 
+  ( SELECT ordernum, partnum, RUNNINGAVG(unit_price) 
+    FROM odetail SEQUENCE BY qty_ordered)
+AS tab2 (ordernum, partnum, runavg_price) 
+WHERE ordernum > 800000 AND
+runavg_price > 350;
+=== Examples of SEQUENCE BY
+* Sequentially number each row for the entire result and also number the
+rows for each part number:
+, MOVINGCOUNT(*,ROWS SINCE (d.partnum<>THIS(d.partnum))) AS MCOUNT
+, d.partnum
+FROM orders o, odetail d 
+WHERE o.ordernum=d.ordernum
+SEQUENCE BY d.partnum, o.order_date, o.ordernum 
+ORDER BY d.partnum, o.order_date, o.ordernum;
+RCOUNT               MCOUNT                Part/Num
+-------------------- --------------------- --------
+                   1                     1      212
+                   2                     2      212
+                   3                     1      244
+                   4                     2      244
+                   5                     3      244
+                 ...                   ...      ...
+                  67                     1     7301
+                  68                     2     7301
+                  69                     3     7301
+                  70                     4     7301
+--- 70 row(s) selected.
+* Show the orders for each date, the amount for each order item and the
+moving total for each order, and the running total of all the orders.
+The query sequences orders by date, order number, and part number. (The
+CAST function is used for readability only.)
+  o.ordernum
+, CAST (MOVINGCOUNT(*,ROWS SINCE(THIS(o.ordernum) <> o.ordernum)) AS INT) AS MCOUNT
+, d.partnum
+, o.order_date
+, (d.unit_price * d.qty_ordered) AS AMOUNT
+, MOVINGSUM (d.unit_price * d.qty_ordered, SEQUENCE BY Clause 269 ROWS SINCE(THIS(o.ordernum)<>o.ordernum) ) AS ORDER_TOTAL
+, RUNNINGSUM (d.unit_price * d.qty_ordered) AS TOTAL_SALES
+FROM orders o, odetail d 
+WHERE o.ordernum=d.ordernum
+SEQUENCE BY o.order_date, o.ordernum, d.partnum 
+ORDER BY o.order_date, o.ordernum, d.partnum;
+Order/Num  MCOUNT      Part/Num Order/Date AMOUNT     ORDER_TOTAL    TOTAL_SALES
+---------- ----------- -------- ---------- ---------- -------------- --------------
+    100250           1      244 2008-01-23   14000.00       14000.00       14000.00
+    100250           2     5103 2008-01-23    4000.00       18000.00       18000.00
+    100250           3     6500 2008-01-23     950.00       18950.00       18950.00
+    200300           1      244 2008-02-06   28000.00       28000.00       46950.00
+    200300           2     2001 2008-02-06   10000.00       38000.00       56950.00
+    200300           3     2002 2008-02-06   14000.00       52000.00       70950.00
+       ...         ...      ... ...          ...            ...                 ...
+    800660          18     7102 2008-10-09    1650.00      187360.00      113295.00             
+    800660          19     7301 2008-10-09    5100.00     192460.00      1118395.00
+--- 69 row(s) selected.
+For example, for order number 200300, the ORDER_TOTAL is a moving sum
+within the order date 2008-02-06, and the TOTAL_SALES is a running sum
+for all orders. The current window for the moving sum is defined as ROWS
+SINCE (THIS(o.ordernum)<>o.ordernum), which restricts the ORDER_TOTAL to
+the current order number.
+* Show the amount of time between orders by calculating the interval between two dates:
+SELECT RUNNINGCOUNT(*),o.order_date,DIFF1(o.order_date) 
+FROM orders o
+SEQUENCE BY o.order_date, o.ordernum 
+ORDER BY o.order_date, o.ordernum ;
+(EXPR)               Order/Date (EXPR)
+-------------------- ---------- -------------
+                   1 2008-01-23             ?
+                   2 2008-02-06            14
+                   3 2008-02-17            11
+                   4 2008-03-03            14
+                   5 2008-03-19            16
+                   6 2008-03-19             0
+                   7 2008-03-27             8
+                   8 2008-04-10            14
+                   9 2008-04-20            10
+                  10 2008-05-12            22
+                  11 2008-06-01            20
+                  12 2008-07-21            50
+                  13 2008-10-09            80
+--- 13 row(s) selected.
+== TRANSPOSE Clause
+The TRANSPOSE clause of the SELECT statement generates for each row of
+the SELECT source table a row for each item in the transpose item list.
+The result table of the TRANSPOSE clause has all the columns of the
+source table plus, for each transpose item list, a value column or
+columns and an optional key column.
+TRANSPOSE is a {project-name} SQL extension.
+TRANSPOSE transpose-set [transpose-set]... 
+  [KEY BY key-colname]
+transpose-set is:
+   transpose-item-list AS transpose-col-list
+transpose-item-list is:
+  expression-list
+| (expression-list) [,(expression-list)]...
+expression-list is:
+  expression [,expression]...
+transpose-col-list is:
+  colname | (colname-list)
+colname-list is:
+  colname [,colname]...
+* `_transpose-item-list_ AS _transpose-col-list_`
+specifies a _transpose-set_, which correlates a _transpose-item-list_
+with a _transpose-col-list_. The _transpose-item-list_ can be a list
+of expressions or a list of expression lists enclosed in parentheses.
+The _transpose-col-list_ can be a single column name or a list of column
+names enclosed in parentheses.
+For example, in the _transpose-set_ TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS
+(V1,V2), the items in the _transpose-item-list_ are (A,X),(B,Y), and
+(C,Z), and the _transpose-col-list_ is (V1,V2). The number of
+expressions in each item must be the same as the number of value columns
+in the column list.
+In the example TRANSPOSE A,B,C AS V, the items are A,B, and C, and the
+value column is V. This form can be thought of as a shorter way of writing TRANSPOSE
+(A),(B),(C) AS (V).
+* `_transpose-item-list_`
+specifies a list of items. An item is a value expression or a list of
+value expressions enclosed in parentheses.
+** `_expression-list_`
+specifies a list of SQL value expressions, separated by commas. The
+expressions must have compatible data types.
+For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE A,B,C AS V, the expressions
+A,B, and C have compatible data types.
+** `(_expression-list_) [,(_expression-list_)]&8230;`
+specifies a list of expressions enclosed in parentheses, followed by
+another list of expressions enclosed in parentheses, and so on. The
+number of expressions within parentheses must be equal for each list.
+The expressions in the same ordinal position within the parentheses must
+have compatible data types.
+For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS
+(V1,V2), the expressions A,B, and C have compatible data types, and the
+expressions X,Y, and Z have compatible data types.
+* `_transpose-col-list_`
+specifies the columns that consist of the evaluation of expressions in
+the item list as the expressions are applied to rows of the source
+** `_colname_`
+is an SQL identifier that specifies a column name. It identifies the
+column consisting of the values in _expression-list_.
+For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE A,B,C AS V, the column V
+corresponds to the values of the expressions A,B, and C.
+** `(_colname-list_)`
+specifies a list of column names enclosed in parentheses. Each column
+consists of the values of the expressions in the same ordinal position
+within the parentheses in the transpose item list.
+For example, in the transpose set TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS
+(V1,V2), the column V1 corresponds to the expressions A,B, and C, and
+the column V2 corresponds to the expressions X,Y, and Z.
+* `KEY BY _key-colname_`
+optionally specifies which expression (the value in the transpose column
+list corresponds to) by its position in the item list. _key-colname_ is
+an SQL identifier. The data type of the key column is exact numeric, and
+the value is NOT NULL.
+=== Considerations for TRANSPOSE
+==== Multiple TRANSPOSE Clauses and Sets
+* Multiple TRANSPOSE clauses can be used in the same query. For example:
+SELECT keycol1, valcol1, keycol2, valcol2 
+FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1 KEY BY keycol1
+TRANSPOSE d, e, f AS valcol2 KEY BY keycol2
+* A TRANSPOSE clause can contain multiple transpose sets. For example:
+SELECT keycol, valcol1, valcol2 
+FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1
+          d, e, f AS valcol2 
+KEY BY keycol
+==== Degree and Column Order of the TRANSPOSE Result
+The degree of the TRANSPOSE result is the degree of the source table
+(the result table derived from the table reference or references in the
+FROM clause and a WHERE clause if specified), plus one if the key column
+is specified, plus the cardinalities of all the transpose column lists.
+The columns of the TRANSPOSE result are ordered beginning with the
+columns of the source table, followed by the key column if specified,
+and then followed by the list of column names in the order in which they
+are specified.
+==== Data Type of the TRANSPOSE Result
+The data type of each of the value columns is the union compatible data
+type of the corresponding expressions in the _transpose-item-list_.
+You cannot have expressions with data types that are not compatible in a
+For example, in TRANSPOSE (A,X),(B,Y),(C,Z) AS (V1,V2), the data type of
+V1 is the union compatible type for A, B, and C, and the data type of V2
+is the union compatible type for X, Y, and Z.
+See <<comparable_and_compatible_data_types,Comparable and Compatible Data Types>>.
+==== Cardinality of the TRANSPOSE Result
+The items in each _transpose-item-list_ are enumerated from 1 to N,
+where N is the total number of items in all the item lists in the
+transpose sets.
+In this example with a single transpose set, the value of N is 3:
+TRANSPOSE (a,x),(b,y),(c,z) AS (v1,v2)
+In this example with two transpose sets, the value of N is 5:
+TRANSPOSE (a,x),(b,y),(c,z) AS (v1,v2) l,m AS v3
+The values 1 to N are the key values _k_i. The items in each
+_transpose-item-list_ are the expression values _v_i.
+The cardinality of the result of the TRANSPOSE clause is the cardinality
+of the source table times N, the total number of items in all the
+transpose item lists.
+For each row of the source table and for each value in the key values
+_k_i, the TRANSPOSE result contains a row with all the attributes of
+the source table, the key value _k_i in the key column, the expression
+values vi in the value columns of the corresponding transpose set, and
+NULL in the value columns of other transpose sets.
+For example, consider this TRANSPOSE clause:
+TRANSPOSE (a,x),(b,y),(c,z) AS (v1,v2) 
+           l,m AS v3
+The value of N is 5. One row of the SELECT source table produces this
+TRANSPOSE result:
+| _columns-of-source_ | K | V1           | V2 | V3
+| _source-row_        | 1 | _value-of-A_ | _value-of-X_ | NULL
+| _source-row_        | 2 | _value-of-B_ | _value-of-Y_ | NULL
+| _source-row_        | 3 | _value-of-C_ | _value-of-Z_ | NULL
+| _source-row_        | 4 | NULL         | NULL         | _value-of-L_
+| _source-row_        | 5 | NULL         | NULL         | _value-of-M_
+=== Examples of TRANSPOSE
+* Suppose that MYTABLE has been created as:
+CREATE TABLE mining.mytable
+The table MYTABLE has columns A, B, C, D, E, and F with related data.
+The columns A, B, and C are type INTEGER, and columns D, E, and F are
+type CHAR.
+| A | B  | C   | D  | E  | F
+| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1
+| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2
+* Suppose that MYTABLE has only the first three columns: A, B, and C.
+The result of the TRANSPOSE clause has three times as many rows (because
+three items exist in the transpose item list) as rows exist in MYTABLE:
+SELECT * FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol KEY BY keycol;
+The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
+| A | B  | C   | D  | E  | F  | KEYCOL | VALCOL
+| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 1      | 1
+| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 2      | 10
+| 1 | 10 | 100 | d1 | e1 | f1 | 3      | 100
+| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 1      | 2
+| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 2      | 20
+| 2 | 20 | 200 | d2 | e2 | f2 | 3      | 200
+* This query shows that the items in the transpose item list can be any
+valid scalar expressions:
+SELECT keycol, valcol, a, b, c FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a + b, c + 3, 6 AS valcol KEY BY keycol;
+The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
+| KEYCOL | VALCOL | A | B  | C
+| 1      | 1      | 1 | 10 | 100
+| 2      | 103    | 1 | 10 | 100
+| 3      | 6      | 1 | 10 | 100
+| 1      | 22     | 2 | 20 | 200
+| 2      | 203    | 2 | 20 | 200
+| 3      | 6      | 2 | 20 | 200
+* This query shows how the TRANSPOSE clause can be used with a GROUP BY
+clause. This query is typical of queries used to obtain cross-table
+information, where A, B, and C are the independent variables, and D is
+the dependent variable.
+SELECT keycol, valcol, d, COUNT(*) 
+FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol 
+KEY BY keycol 
+GROUP BY keycol, valcol, d;
+The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
+| 1      | 1      | d1 | 1
+| 2      | 10     | d1 | 1
+| 3      | 100    | d1 | 1
+| 1      | 2      | d2 | 1
+| 2      | 20     | d2 | 1
+| 3      | 200    | d2 | 1
+* This query shows how to use COUNT applied to VALCOL. The result table
+of the TRANSPOSE query shows the number of distinct values in VALCOL.
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol KEY BY keycol 
+GROUP BY keycol;
+                   2
+                   2
+                   2
+--- 3 row(s) selected.
+* This query shows how multiple TRANSPOSE clauses can be used in the
+same query. The result table from this query has nine times as many rows
+as rows exist in MYTABLE:
+SELECT keycol1, valcol1, keycol2, valcol2 FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1 KEY BY keycol1
+TRANSPOSE d, e, f AS valcol2 KEY BY keycol2;
+The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
+| 1       | 1       | 1       | d1
+| 1       | 1       | 2       | e1
+| 1       | 1       | 3       | f1
+| 2       | 10      | 1       | d1
+| 2       | 10      | 2       | e1
+| 2       | 10      | 3       | f1
+| 3       | 100     | 1       | d1
+| 3       | 100     | 2       | e1
+| 3       | 100     | 3       | f1
+| 1       | 2       | 1       | d2
+| 1       | 2       | 2       | e2
+| 1       | 2       | 3       | f2
+| 2       | 20      | 1       | d2
+| 2       | 20      | 2       | e2
+| 2       | 20      | 3       | f2
+| 3       | 200     | 1       | d2
+| 3       | 200     | 2       | e2
+| 3       | 200     | 3       | f2
+* This query shows how a TRANSPOSE clause can contain multiple transpose
+sets\u2014that is, multiple _transpose-item-list_ AS _transpose-col-list_.
+The expressions A, B, and C are of type integer, and expressions D, E,
+and F are of type character.
+SELECT keycol, valcol1, valcol2 
+FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1
+          d, e, f AS valcol2 
+KEY BY keycol;
+The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
+| 1      | 1       | ?
+| 2      | 10      | ?
+| 3      | 100     | ?
+| 4      | ?       | d1
+| 5      | ?       | e1
+| 6      | ?       | f1
+| 1      | 2       | ?
+| 2      | 20      | ?
+| 3      | 200     | ?
+| 4      | ?       | d2
+| 5      | ?       | e2
+| 6      | ?       | f2
+A question mark (?) in a value column indicates no value for the given KEYCOL.
+* This query shows how the preceding query can include a GROUP BY clause:
+SELECT keycol, valcol1, valcol2, COUNT(*) 
+FROM mytable 
+TRANSPOSE a, b, c AS valcol1
+          d, e, f AS valcol2 
+KEY BY keycol
+GROUP BY keycol, valcol1, valcol2;
+The result table of the TRANSPOSE query is:
+| 1      | 1       | ?       | 1
+| 2      | 10      | ?       | 1
+| 3      | 100     | ?       | 1
+| 1      | 2       | ?       | 1
+| 2      | 20      | ?       | 1
+| 3      | 200     | ?       | 1
+| 4      | ?       | d2      | 1
+| 5      | ?       | e2      | 1
+| 6      | ?       | f2      | 1
+| 4      | ?       | d1      | 1
+| 5      | ?       | e1      | 1
+| 6      | ?       | f1      | 1
+* This query shows how an item in the transpose item list can con


[10/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/basicsql.cpp b/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/basicsql.cpp
index 9215a5d..aa4f2d8 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/basicsql.cpp
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/basicsql.cpp
@@ -1,394 +1,456 @@
-// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-// distributed with this work for additional information
-// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-// specific language governing permissions and limitations
-// under the License.
-// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-#ifdef __linux
-    #include <unistd.h>
-    #include <windows.h>
-    #include <tchar.h>
-//#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <sql.h>
-#include <sqlext.h>
-SQLHENV henv;
-SQLHDBC hdbc;
-SQLHSTMT hstmt;
-#define MAX_SQLSTRING_LEN       1000
-#define STATE_SIZE              6
-#define MAX_CONNECT_STRING      256
-#define TRUE                    1
-#define FALSE                   0
-#define ARGS                    "d:u:p:"
-const char *SqlRetText(int rc)
-  static char buffer[80];
-  switch (rc)
-  {
-    case SQL_SUCCESS:
-      return("SQL_SUCCESS");
-      return("SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO");
-    case SQL_NO_DATA:
-      return("SQL_NO_DATA");
-    case SQL_ERROR:
-      return("SQL_ERROR");
-      return("SQL_INVALID_HANDLE");
-      return("SQL_STILL_EXECUTING");
-    case SQL_NEED_DATA:
-     return("SQL_NEED_DATA");
-  }
-  sprintf(buffer,"SQL Error %d",rc);
-  return(buffer);
-void CleanUp()
-  printf("\nConnect Test FAILED!!!\n");
-  if(hstmt != SQL_NULL_HANDLE)
-    SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT,hstmt);
-    if(hdbc != SQL_NULL_HANDLE)
-    {
-      SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
-      SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC,hdbc);
-    }
-    if(henv != SQL_NULL_HANDLE)
-      SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV,henv);
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-void LogDiagnostics(const char *sqlFunction, SQLRETURN rc, bool exitOnError=true)
-  SQLSMALLINT recordNumber;
-  SQLINTEGER nativeError;
-  SQLCHAR sqlState[6];
-  int diagsPrinted = 0;
-  bool printedErrorLogHeader = false;
-  printf("Function %s returned %s\n", sqlFunction, SqlRetText(rc));
-  /* Log any henv Diagnostics */
-  recordNumber = 1;
-  do
-  {
-    diagRC = SQLGetDiagRec( SQL_HANDLE_ENV
-                          , henv
-                          , recordNumber
-                          , sqlState
-                          , &nativeError
-                          , messageText
-                          , sizeof(messageText)
-                          , NULL
-                          );
-    if(diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-      if(!printedErrorLogHeader)
-      {
-        printf("Diagnostics associated with environment handle:\n");
-        printedErrorLogHeader = true;
-      }
-      printf("\n\tSQL Diag %d\n\tNative Error: %ld\n\tSQL State:    %s\n\tMessage:      %s\n",
-             recordNumber,nativeError,sqlState,messageText);
-    }
-    recordNumber++;
-  } while (diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS);
-  /* Log any hdbc Diagnostics */
-  recordNumber = 1;
-  printedErrorLogHeader = false;
-  do
-  {
-    diagRC = SQLGetDiagRec( SQL_HANDLE_DBC
-                          , hdbc
-                          , recordNumber
-                          , sqlState
-                          , &nativeError
-                          , messageText
-                          , sizeof(messageText)
-                          , NULL
-                          );
-    if(diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-      if(!printedErrorLogHeader)
-      {
-        printf("Diagnostics associated with connection handle:\n");
-        printedErrorLogHeader = true;
-      }
-      printf("\n\tSQL Diag %d\n\tNative Error: %ld\n\tSQL State:    %s\n\tMessage:      %s\n",
-             recordNumber,nativeError,sqlState,messageText);
-    }
-    recordNumber++;
-  } while (diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS);
-  /* Log any hstmt Diagnostics */
-  recordNumber = 1;
-  printedErrorLogHeader = false;
-  do
-  {
-    diagRC = SQLGetDiagRec( SQL_HANDLE_STMT
-                          , hstmt
-                          , recordNumber
-                          , sqlState
-                          , &nativeError
-                          , messageText
-                          , sizeof(messageText)
-                          , NULL
-                          );
-    if(diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS)
-    {
-      if(!printedErrorLogHeader)
-      {
-        printf("Diagnostics associated with statmement handle:\n");
-        printedErrorLogHeader = true;
-      }
-      printf("\n\tSQL Diag %d\n\tNative Error: %ld\n\tSQL State:    %s\n\tMessage:      %s\n",
-             recordNumber,nativeError,sqlState,messageText);
-    }
-    recordNumber++;
-  } while (diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS);
-  if(exitOnError && rc!=SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
-  CleanUp();
-// Main Program
-int main (int argc, char *argv[])
-  unsigned char dsnName[20];
-  unsigned char user[20];
-  unsigned char password[20];
-  SQLRETURN       returnCode;
-  bool            testPassed = true;
-  SQLSMALLINT     ConnStrLength;
-  int errflag = 0;
-  //optarg = NULL;
-  if (argc != 4)
-     errflag++;
-  if (!errflag )
-  {
-    strcpy ((char *)dsnName, argv[1]);
-    strcpy ((char *)dsnName, argv[1]);
-    strcpy ((char *)user, argv[2]);
-    strcpy ((char *)password, argv[3]);
-  }
-  if (errflag) 
-  {
-    printf("Command line error.\n");
-    printf("Usage: %s <datasource> <userid> <password>\n", argv[0] );
-    return FALSE;
-  }
-  // Initialize handles to NULL
-  henv = SQL_NULL_HANDLE;
-  hstmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE;
-  hdbc = SQL_NULL_HANDLE;
-  // Allocate Environment Handle
-  returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv)",returnCode);
-  // Set ODBC version to 3.0
-  returnCode = SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0); 
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics( "SQLSetEnvAttr(henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0)"
-                   , returnCode
-                   , false
-                   );
-  // Allocate Connection handle
-  returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc)", returnCode);
-  //Connect to the database
-  sprintf((char*)InConnStr,"DSN=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;%c",(char*)dsnName, (char*)user, (char*)password,'\0');
-  printf("Using Connect String: %s\n", InConnStr);
-  returnCode = SQLDriverConnect( hdbc
-                               , hWnd
-                               , InConnStr
-                               , SQL_NTS
-                               , OutConnStr
-                               , sizeof(OutConnStr)
-                               , &ConnStrLength
-                               , SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT
-                               );
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLDriverConnect",returnCode);
-  printf("Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.\n");
-  //Allocate Statement handle
-  returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt)", returnCode);
-  printf("Drop sample table if it exists...\n");
-  //Drop the test table if it exists
-  returnCode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR*)"DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TASKS", SQL_NTS);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLExecDirect of DROP", returnCode);
-  printf("Creating sample table TASKS...\n");
-  //Create a test table in default schema
-  returnCode =
-    SQLExecDirect
-    ( hstmt
-    , SQL_NTS
-    );
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLExecDirect of CREATE", returnCode);
-  printf("Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.\n");
-  printf("Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute\n");
-  //Insert few rows into test table using bound parameters
-  SQLLEN cbID = 0, cbTask = SQL_NTS, cbCompleted = 0;
-  SQLCHAR strTask[200];
-  SQL_DATE_STRUCT dsCompleted;
-  returnCode = SQLBindParameter( hstmt
-			       , 1
-			       , SQL_PARAM_INPUT
-			       , SQL_C_SHORT
-			       , SQL_INTEGER
-			       , 0
-			       , 0
-			       , &intID
-			       , 0
-			       , &cbID
-			       );
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLBindParameter 1", returnCode);
-  returnCode = SQLBindParameter(hstmt, 2, SQL_PARAM_INPUT, SQL_C_CHAR, SQL_CHAR, 0, 0, &strTask, 0, &cbTask);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLBindParameter 2", returnCode);
-  returnCode = SQLBindParameter( hstmt
-			       , 3
-			       , SQL_PARAM_INPUT
-			       , SQL_C_TYPE_DATE
-			       , SQL_DATE
-			       , sizeof(dsCompleted)
-			       , 0
-			       , &dsCompleted
-			       , 0
-			       , &cbCompleted
-			       );
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLBindParameter 3", returnCode);
-  returnCode = SQLPrepare(hstmt, (SQLCHAR*)"INSERT INTO TASKS VALUES (?, ?, ?)", SQL_NTS);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLPrepare of INSERT", returnCode);
-  intID = 1000;
-  strcpy ((char*)strTask, "CREATE REPORTS");
-  dsCompleted.year = 2014;
-  dsCompleted.month = 3;
- = 22;
-  returnCode = SQLExecute(hstmt);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLExecute", returnCode);
-  printf("Data inserted.\n");
-  //Select rows from test table and fetch the data
-  printf("Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData\n");
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-  LogDiagnostics("SQLExecDirect of SELECT", returnCode);
-  //loop thru resultset
-  while (TRUE) 
-  {
-    returnCode = SQLFetch(hstmt);
-    if (returnCode == SQL_ERROR || returnCode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO) 
-    {
-      LogDiagnostics("SQLFetch", returnCode);
-    }
-    if (returnCode == SQL_SUCCESS || returnCode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
-    {
-      SQLGetData(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_SHORT, &intID, 0, &cbID);
-      SQLGetData(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, strTask, 20, &cbTask);
-      SQLGetData(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_TYPE_DATE, &dsCompleted, sizeof(dsCompleted), &cbCompleted);
-      printf( "Data selected: %d %s %d-%d-%d\n"
-	    , intID
-	    , strTask
-	    , dsCompleted.year
-	    , dsCompleted.month
-	    ,
-	    );
-    } 
-    else 
-      break;
-  }
-  //Free Statement handle
-  returnCode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt)", returnCode);
-  hstmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE;
-  //Disconnect
-  returnCode = SQLDisconnect(hdbc);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLDisconnect(hdbc)", returnCode);
-  //Free Connection handle
-  returnCode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc)", returnCode);
-  hdbc = SQL_NULL_HANDLE;
-  //Free Environment handle
-  returnCode = SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv);
-  if (!SQL_SUCCEEDED(returnCode))
-     LogDiagnostics("SQLFreeHandle(SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv)", returnCode);
-  henv = SQL_NULL_HANDLE;
-  printf("Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!\n");
-  exit(EXIT_SUCCESS);
+// Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+// or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+// distributed with this work for additional information
+// regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+// to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+// "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+// with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+// software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+// KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+// specific language governing permissions and limitations
+// under the License.
+// @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+#ifdef __linux
+    #include <unistd.h>
+    #include <windows.h>
+    #include <tchar.h>
+//#include <stdarg.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <sql.h>
+#include <sqlext.h>
+SQLHENV henv ;
+SQLHDBC hdbc ;
+SQLHSTMT hstmt ;
+#define MAX_SQLSTRING_LEN       1000
+#define STATE_SIZE              6
+#define MAX_CONNECT_STRING      256
+#define TRUE                    1
+#define FALSE                   0
+#define ARGS                    "d:u:p:"
+const char *SqlRetText( int rc )
+  static char buffer[80] ;
+  switch ( rc )
+  {
+    case SQL_SUCCESS:           return( "SQL_SUCCESS" ) ;
+    case SQL_NO_DATA:           return( "SQL_NO_DATA" ) ;
+    case SQL_ERROR:             return( "SQL_ERROR" ) ;
+    case SQL_INVALID_HANDLE:    return( "SQL_INVALID_HANDLE" ) ;
+    case SQL_NEED_DATA:         return( "SQL_NEED_DATA" ) ;
+  }
+  sprintf( buffer, "SQL Error %d", rc ) ;
+  return( buffer ) ;
+void CleanUp()
+  printf( "\nConnect Test FAILED!!!\n" ) ;
+  if ( hstmt != SQL_NULL_HANDLE )
+     SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT,hstmt ) ;
+  if( hdbc != SQL_NULL_HANDLE )
+  {
+    SQLDisconnect( hdbc ) ;
+    SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc ) ;
+  }
+  if ( henv != SQL_NULL_HANDLE )
+     SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv ) ;
+  exit( EXIT_FAILURE ) ;
+void LogDiagnostics( const char *sqlFunction
+		   , SQLRETURN rc
+		   , bool exitOnError=true
+		   )
+  SQLSMALLINT recordNumber ;
+  SQLINTEGER nativeError ;
+  SQLCHAR sqlState[6] ;
+  int diagsPrinted = 0 ;
+  bool printedErrorLogHeader = false ;
+  printf( "Function %s returned %s\n"
+	, sqlFunction
+	, SqlRetText( rc )
+	) ;
+  /* Log any henv Diagnostics */
+  recordNumber = 1 ;
+  do
+  {
+    diagRC = SQLGetDiagRec( SQL_HANDLE_ENV
+                          , henv
+                          , recordNumber
+                          , sqlState
+                          , &nativeError
+                          , messageText
+                          , sizeof(messageText)
+                          , NULL
+                          ) ;
+    if ( diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS )
+    {
+      if( ! printedErrorLogHeader )
+      {
+        printf( "Diagnostics associated with environment handle:\n" ) ;
+        printedErrorLogHeader = true ;
+      }
+      printf( "\n\tSQL Diag %d\n\tNative Error: %ld\n\tSQL State:    %s\n\tMessage:      %s\n"
+	    , recordNumber
+	    , nativeError
+	    , sqlState
+	    , messageText
+	    ) ;
+    }
+    recordNumber++ ;
+  } while ( diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS ) ;
+  /* Log any hdbc Diagnostics */
+  recordNumber = 1 ;
+  printedErrorLogHeader = false ;
+  do
+  {
+    diagRC = SQLGetDiagRec( SQL_HANDLE_DBC
+                          , hdbc
+                          , recordNumber
+                          , sqlState
+                          , &nativeError
+                          , messageText
+                          , sizeof(messageText)
+                          , NULL
+                          ) ;
+    if ( diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS )
+    {
+      if( !printedErrorLogHeader )
+      {
+        printf( "Diagnostics associated with connection handle:\n" ) ;
+        printedErrorLogHeader = true ;
+      }
+      printf( "\n\tSQL Diag %d\n\tNative Error: %ld\n\tSQL State:    %s\n\tMessage:      %s\n"
+	    , recordNumber
+	    , nativeError
+	    , sqlState
+	    , messageText
+	    ) ;
+    }
+    recordNumber++ ;
+  } while (diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS) ;
+  /* Log any hstmt Diagnostics */
+  recordNumber = 1 ;
+  printedErrorLogHeader = false ;
+  do
+  {
+    diagRC = SQLGetDiagRec( SQL_HANDLE_STMT
+                          , hstmt
+                          , recordNumber
+                          , sqlState
+                          , &nativeError
+                          , messageText
+                          , sizeof(messageText)
+                          , NULL
+                          ) ;
+    if (diagRC == SQL_SUCCESS )
+    {
+      if ( !printedErrorLogHeader )
+      {
+        printf( "Diagnostics associated with statmement handle:\n" ) ;
+        printedErrorLogHeader = true ;
+      }
+      printf( "\n\tSQL Diag %d\n\tNative Error: %ld\n\tSQL State:    %s\n\tMessage:      %s\n"
+	    , recordNumber
+	    , nativeError
+	    , sqlState
+	    , messageText
+	    ) ;
+    }
+    recordNumber++ ;
+  } while ( diagRC==SQL_SUCCESS ) ;
+  if ( exitOnError && rc != SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO )
+     CleanUp() ;
+// Main Program
+int main (int argc, char *argv[])
+  unsigned char dsnName[20] ;
+  unsigned char user[20] ;
+  unsigned char password[20] ;
+  SQLRETURN     returnCode ;
+  bool          testPassed = true ;
+  SQLSMALLINT   ConnStrLength ;
+  int           errflag = 0 ;
+  //optarg = NULL ;
+  if ( argc != 4 )
+     errflag++ ;
+  if ( !errflag )
+  {
+    strcpy ( (char *) dsnName, argv[1] ) ;
+    strcpy ( (char *) user, argv[2] ) ;
+    strcpy ( (char *) password, argv[3] ) ;
+  }
+  if ( errflag ) 
+  {
+    printf( "Command line error.\n" ) ;
+    printf( "Usage: %s <datasource> <userid> <password>\n", argv[0] ) ;
+    return FALSE ;
+  }
+  // Initialize handles to NULL
+  henv = SQL_NULL_HANDLE ;
+  hstmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE ;
+  hdbc = SQL_NULL_HANDLE ;
+  // Allocate Environment Handle
+  returnCode = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, SQL_NULL_HANDLE, &henv )"
+		   , returnCode
+		   ) ;
+  // Set ODBC version to 3.0
+  returnCode = SQLSetEnvAttr( henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void*) SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0 ) ; 
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLSetEnvAttr( henv, SQL_ATTR_ODBC_VERSION, (void*)SQL_OV_ODBC3, 0 )"
+                   , returnCode
+                   , false
+                   ) ;
+  // Allocate Connection handle
+  returnCode = SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, henv, &hdbc )", returnCode ) ;
+  // Connect to the database
+  sprintf( (char*) InConnStr
+	 , "DSN=%s;UID=%s;PWD=%s;%c"
+	 , (char*) dsnName
+	 , (char*) user
+	 , (char*) password
+	 , '\0'
+	 ) ;
+  printf( "Using Connect String: %s\n", InConnStr ) ;
+  returnCode = SQLDriverConnect( hdbc
+                               , hWnd
+                               , InConnStr
+                               , SQL_NTS
+                               , OutConnStr
+                               , sizeof( OutConnStr )
+                               , &ConnStrLength
+                               , SQL_DRIVER_NOPROMPT
+                               ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLDriverConnect", returnCode ) ;
+  printf( "Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.\n" ) ;
+  // Allocate Statement handle
+  returnCode = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLAllocHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hdbc, &hstmt )", returnCode ) ;
+  printf( "Drop sample table if it exists...\n" ) ;
+  // Drop the test table if it exists
+  returnCode = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR*) "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS TASKS", SQL_NTS ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLExecDirect of DROP", returnCode ) ;
+  printf( "Creating sample table TASKS...\n" ) ;
+  // Create a test table in default schema
+  returnCode =
+    SQLExecDirect
+    ( hstmt
+    , SQL_NTS
+    ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLExecDirect of CREATE", returnCode ) ;
+  printf( "Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.\n" ) ;
+  printf( "Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute\n" ) ;
+  // Insert few rows into test table using bound parameters
+  // INSERT INTO TASKS VALUES (?, ?, ?) ;
+  SQLLEN cbID = 0, cbTask = SQL_NTS, cbCompleted = 0 ;
+  SQLCHAR strTask[200] ;
+  SQL_DATE_STRUCT dsCompleted ;
+  returnCode = SQLBindParameter( hstmt
+			       , 1
+			       , SQL_PARAM_INPUT
+			       , SQL_C_SHORT
+			       , SQL_INTEGER
+			       , 0
+			       , 0
+			       , &intID
+			       , 0
+			       , &cbID
+			       ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLBindParameter 1", returnCode ) ;
+  returnCode = SQLBindParameter( hstmt
+			       , 2
+			       , SQL_PARAM_INPUT
+			       , SQL_C_CHAR
+			       , SQL_CHAR
+			       , 0
+			       , 0
+			       , &strTask
+			       , 0
+			       , &cbTask
+			       ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLBindParameter 2", returnCode ) ;
+  returnCode = SQLBindParameter( hstmt
+			       , 3
+			       , SQL_PARAM_INPUT
+			       , SQL_C_TYPE_DATE
+			       , SQL_DATE
+			       , sizeof(dsCompleted)
+			       , 0
+			       , &dsCompleted
+			       , 0
+			       , &cbCompleted
+			       ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLBindParameter 3", returnCode ) ;
+  returnCode = SQLPrepare( hstmt
+			 , SQL_NTS
+			 ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLPrepare of INSERT", returnCode ) ;
+  intID = 1000 ;
+  strcpy ( (char*) strTask, "CREATE REPORTS" ) ;
+  dsCompleted.year = 2014 ;
+  dsCompleted.month = 3 ;
+ = 22 ;
+  returnCode = SQLExecute( hstmt ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLExecute", returnCode ) ;
+  printf( "Data inserted.\n" ) ;
+  // Select rows from test table and fetch the data
+  printf( "Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData\n" ) ;
+  returnCode = SQLExecDirect( hstmt
+			    , SQL_NTS
+			    ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLExecDirect of SELECT", returnCode ) ;
+  //loop thru resultset
+  while ( TRUE ) 
+  {
+    returnCode = SQLFetch( hstmt ) ;
+    if ( returnCode == SQL_ERROR || returnCode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO ) 
+    {
+      LogDiagnostics( "SQLFetch", returnCode ) ;
+    }
+    if ( returnCode == SQL_SUCCESS || returnCode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO )
+    {
+      SQLGetData( hstmt, 1, SQL_C_SHORT, &intID, 0, &cbID ) ;
+      SQLGetData( hstmt, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, strTask, 20, &cbTask ) ;
+      SQLGetData( hstmt
+		, 3
+		, &dsCompleted
+		, sizeof( dsCompleted )
+		, &cbCompleted
+		) ;
+      printf( "Data selected: %d %s %d-%d-%d\n"
+	    , intID
+	    , strTask
+	    , dsCompleted.year
+	    , dsCompleted.month
+	    ,
+	    ) ;
+    } 
+    else 
+      break ;
+  }
+  // Free Statement handle
+  returnCode = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_STMT, hstmt )", returnCode ) ;
+  hstmt = SQL_NULL_HANDLE ;
+  // Disconnect
+  returnCode = SQLDisconnect(hdbc) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLDisconnect( hdbc )", returnCode ) ;
+  // Free Connection handle
+  returnCode = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_DBC, hdbc )", returnCode ) ;
+  hdbc = SQL_NULL_HANDLE ;
+  // Free Environment handle
+  returnCode = SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv ) ;
+  if ( ! SQL_SUCCEEDED( returnCode ) )
+     LogDiagnostics( "SQLFreeHandle( SQL_HANDLE_ENV, henv )", returnCode ) ;
+  henv = SQL_NULL_HANDLE ;
+  printf( "Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!\n" ) ;
+  exit( EXIT_SUCCESS ) ;
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/build.bat b/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/build.bat
index d8ecdda..8fde588 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/build.bat
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/build.bat
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
-@echo off
-REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-REM or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-REM distributed with this work for additional information
-REM regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-REM with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-REM KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-REM specific language governing permissions and limitations
-REM under the License.
-CL /c /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_MBCS" /Gm /EHsc /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"./" /Gd /errorReport:queue basicsql.cpp 
-link /OUT:"./basicsql.exe" /NOLOGO "kernel32.lib" "user32.lib" "gdi32.lib" "winspool.lib" "comdlg32.lib" "advapi32.lib" "shell32.lib" "ole32.lib" "oleaut32.lib" "uuid.lib" "odbc32.lib" "odbccp32.lib" /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /MACHINE:X64 /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE basicsql.obj
+@echo off
+REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+REM or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+REM distributed with this work for additional information
+REM regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+REM with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+REM KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+REM specific language governing permissions and limitations
+REM under the License.
+CL /c /Zi /nologo /W3 /WX- /O2 /D "NDEBUG" /D "_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" /D "_MBCS" /Gm /EHsc /GS /fp:precise /Zc:wchar_t /Zc:forScope /Fo"./" /Gd /errorReport:queue basicsql.cpp 
+link /OUT:"./basicsql.exe" /NOLOGO "kernel32.lib" "user32.lib" "gdi32.lib" "winspool.lib" "comdlg32.lib" "advapi32.lib" "shell32.lib" "ole32.lib" "oleaut32.lib" "uuid.lib" "odbc32.lib" "odbccp32.lib" /TLBID:1 /DYNAMICBASE /NXCOMPAT /MACHINE:X64 /ERRORREPORT:QUEUE basicsql.obj
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/run.bat b/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/run.bat
index 98997b9..3b695d1 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/run.bat
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/resources/source/run.bat
@@ -1,23 +1,23 @@
-@echo off
-REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-REM or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-REM distributed with this work for additional information
-REM regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-REM with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-REM KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-REM specific language governing permissions and limitations
-REM under the License.
-basicsql.exe Default_Datasource user1 pwd1
+@echo off
+REM Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+REM or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+REM distributed with this work for additional information
+REM regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+REM to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+REM "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+REM with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+REM Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+REM software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+REM KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+REM specific language governing permissions and limitations
+REM under the License.
+basicsql.exe Default_Datasource user1 pwd1
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc b/docs/client_install/src/resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bfb1e1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
+<connection-customization class='genericodbc' enabled='true' version='9.3' dbname='TRAFODION' odbc-native-protocol='yes' odbc-use-connection-pooling='yes'> 
+  <vendor name='Trafodion' /> 
+  <driver name='TRAF ODBC 2.1' /> 
+  <customizations> 
+    <customization name='CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE' value='no'/> 
+    <customization name='CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED' value='yes' /> 
+    <customization name='CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_ODBC_API' value='no' /> 
+    <customization name='CAP_CREATE_TEMP_TABLES' value='no' />
+    <customization name='CAP_SUPPRESS_DISCOVERY_QUERIES' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_PREPARED_QUERY' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_SELECT_STAR' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_EXECUTED_QUERY' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPRESS_SQLSTATISTICS_API' value='yes' />
+  </customizations> 
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc.template b/docs/client_install/src/resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc.template
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8d71f39
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc.template
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8' ?>
+<connection-customization class='genericodbc' enabled='true' version='<tableau-version>' dbname='TRAFODION' odbc-native-protocol='yes' odbc-use-connection-pooling='yes'> 
+  <vendor name='Trafodion' /> 
+  <driver name='<trafodion-driver-name>' /> 
+  <customizations> 
+    <customization name='CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_SERIALIZABLE' value='no'/> 
+    <customization name='CAP_ISOLATION_LEVEL_READ_UNCOMMITTED' value='yes' /> 
+    <customization name='CAP_SET_ISOLATION_LEVEL_VIA_ODBC_API' value='no' /> 
+    <customization name='CAP_CREATE_TEMP_TABLES' value='no' />
+    <customization name='CAP_SUPPRESS_DISCOVERY_QUERIES' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_PREPARED_QUERY' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_SELECT_STAR' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPPRESS_EXECUTED_QUERY' value='yes' />
+    <customization name='CAP_ODBC_METADATA_SUPRESS_SQLSTATISTICS_API' value='yes' />
+  </customizations> 
diff --git a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
index a597202..b66b3d3 100644
--- a/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
+++ b/docs/messages_guide/src/asciidoc/_chapters/binder_msgs.adoc
@@ -2257,11 +2257,11 @@ statement.
 == SQL 4169
-Embedded delete statements are not allowed when using DECLARE ...
+Embedded delete statements are not allowed when using DECLARE . . .
 FOR UPDATE clause.
-*Cause:* You attempted to perform a DECLARE... FOR UPDATE clause that
+*Cause:* You attempted to perform a DECLARE. . . FOR UPDATE clause that
 included an embedded DELETE statement.
 *Effect:* {project-name} is unable to compile the
@@ -2797,7 +2797,7 @@ A CALL statement is not allowed within a compound statement.
 *Cause:* In the {project-name} database software statement being compiled, a
-CALL statement was present within a BEGIN...END block.
+CALL statement was present within a BEGIN. . . END block.
 *Effect:* {project-name} statement is not compiled.
diff --git a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc
index f4ce867..5606daa 100644
Binary files a/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc and b/docs/odb_user/src/asciidoc/_chapters/install.adoc differ
diff --git a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..88cdaae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+// The PARTLOCATIONS procedure accepts a part number and quantity and returns a
+// set of location codes that have the exact quantity and a set of location
+// codes that have more than that quantity.
+// See
+// for more documentation.
+public static void partLocations( int partNum
+				, int quantity
+				, ResultSet exactly[]
+				, ResultSet moreThan[]
+				) throws SQLException
+   Connection conn =
+      DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
+   PreparedStatement getLocationsExact =
+      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT L.loc_code, L.partnum, L.qty_on_hand "
+			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.partloc L "
+			   + "WHERE L.partnum = ? "
+			   + "  AND L.qty_on_hand = ? "
+			   + " ORDER BY L.partnum "
+			   ) ;
+   getLocationsExact.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
+   getLocationsExact.setInt( 2, quantity) ;
+   PreparedStatement getLocationsMoreThan =
+      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT L.loc_code, L.partnum, L.qty_on_hand "
+			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.partloc L "
+			   + "WHERE L.partnum = ? "
+			   + "  AND L.qty_on_hand > ? "
+			   + "ORDER BY L.partnum "
+			   ) ;
+   getLocationsMoreThan.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
+   getLocationsMoreThan.setInt( 2, quantity) ;
+   exactly[0]  = getLocationsExact.executeQuery() ;
+   moreThan[0] = getLocationsMoreThan.executeQuery() ;
diff --git a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
deleted file mode 100644
index 88cdaae..0000000
--- a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
-// The PARTLOCATIONS procedure accepts a part number and quantity and returns a
-// set of location codes that have the exact quantity and a set of location
-// codes that have more than that quantity.
-// See
-// for more documentation.
-public static void partLocations( int partNum
-				, int quantity
-				, ResultSet exactly[]
-				, ResultSet moreThan[]
-				) throws SQLException
-   Connection conn =
-      DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
-   PreparedStatement getLocationsExact =
-      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT L.loc_code, L.partnum, L.qty_on_hand "
-			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.partloc L "
-			   + "WHERE L.partnum = ? "
-			   + "  AND L.qty_on_hand = ? "
-			   + " ORDER BY L.partnum "
-			   ) ;
-   getLocationsExact.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
-   getLocationsExact.setInt( 2, quantity) ;
-   PreparedStatement getLocationsMoreThan =
-      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT L.loc_code, L.partnum, L.qty_on_hand "
-			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.partloc L "
-			   + "WHERE L.partnum = ? "
-			   + "  AND L.qty_on_hand > ? "
-			   + "ORDER BY L.partnum "
-			   ) ;
-   getLocationsMoreThan.setInt( 1, partNum ) ;
-   getLocationsMoreThan.setInt( 2, quantity) ;
-   exactly[0]  = getLocationsExact.executeQuery() ;
-   moreThan[0] = getLocationsMoreThan.executeQuery() ;
diff --git a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c98a392
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+// The SUPPLIERINFO procedure accepts a supplier number and returns the
+// supplier's name, street, city, state, and post code to separate output
+// parameters.
+// See
+// for more documentation.
+public static void supplierInfo( BigDecimal suppNum
+			       , String[] suppName
+			       , String[] streetAddr
+			       , String[] cityName
+			       , String[] stateName
+			       , String[] postCode
+			       ) throws SQLException
+   Connection conn =
+      DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
+   PreparedStatement getSupplier =
+      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT suppname, street, city, "
+			   + "       state, postcode "
+			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.supplier "
+			   + "WHERE suppnum = ?"  
+			   ) ;
+   getSupplier.setBigDecimal( 1, suppNum ) ;
+   ResultSet rs = getSupplier.executeQuery() ;
+ ;
+   suppName[0]   = rs.getString( 1 ) ;
+   streetAddr[0] = rs.getString( 2 ) ;
+   cityName[0]   = rs.getString( 3 ) ;
+   stateName[0]  = rs.getString( 4 ) ;
+   postCode[0]   = rs.getString( 5 ) ;
+   rs.close() ;
+   conn.close() ;
diff --git a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
deleted file mode 100644
index c98a392..0000000
--- a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
-// The SUPPLIERINFO procedure accepts a supplier number and returns the
-// supplier's name, street, city, state, and post code to separate output
-// parameters.
-// See
-// for more documentation.
-public static void supplierInfo( BigDecimal suppNum
-			       , String[] suppName
-			       , String[] streetAddr
-			       , String[] cityName
-			       , String[] stateName
-			       , String[] postCode
-			       ) throws SQLException
-   Connection conn =
-      DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
-   PreparedStatement getSupplier =
-      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT suppname, street, city, "
-			   + "       state, postcode "
-			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.supplier "
-			   + "WHERE suppnum = ?"  
-			   ) ;
-   getSupplier.setBigDecimal( 1, suppNum ) ;
-   ResultSet rs = getSupplier.executeQuery() ;
- ;
-   suppName[0]   = rs.getString( 1 ) ;
-   streetAddr[0] = rs.getString( 2 ) ;
-   cityName[0]   = rs.getString( 3 ) ;
-   stateName[0]  = rs.getString( 4 ) ;
-   postCode[0]   = rs.getString( 5 ) ;
-   rs.close() ;
-   conn.close() ;
diff --git a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..59a6911
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+// The SUPPLYQUANTITIES procedure returns the average, minimum, and maximum
+// quantities of available parts in inventory to separate output
+// parameters.
+// See
+// for more documentation.
+public static void supplyQuantities( int[] avgQty
+				   , int[] minQty
+				   , int[] maxQty
+				   ) throws SQLException
+   Connection conn =
+      DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
+   PreparedStatement getQty =
+      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT AVG(qty_on_hand), "
+			   + "       MIN(qty_on_hand), "
+			   + "       MAX(qty_on_hand) "
+			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.partloc"
+			   ) ;
+   ResultSet rs = getQty.executeQuery() ;
+ ;
+   avgQty[0] = rs.getInt( 1 ) ;
+   minQty[0] = rs.getInt( 2 ) ;
+   maxQty[0] = rs.getInt( 3 ) ;
+   rs.close() ;
+   conn.close() ;
diff --git a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/ b/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
deleted file mode 100644
index 59a6911..0000000
--- a/docs/spj_guide/src/resources/source/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
-// The SUPPLYQUANTITIES procedure returns the average, minimum, and maximum
-// quantities of available parts in inventory to separate output
-// parameters.
-// See
-// for more documentation.
-public static void supplyQuantities( int[] avgQty
-				   , int[] minQty
-				   , int[] maxQty
-				   ) throws SQLException
-   Connection conn =
-      DriverManager.getConnection( "jdbc:default:connection" ) ;
-   PreparedStatement getQty =
-      conn.prepareStatement( "SELECT AVG(qty_on_hand), "
-			   + "       MIN(qty_on_hand), "
-			   + "       MAX(qty_on_hand) "
-			   + "FROM trafodion.invent.partloc"
-			   ) ;
-   ResultSet rs = getQty.executeQuery() ;
- ;
-   avgQty[0] = rs.getInt( 1 ) ;
-   minQty[0] = rs.getInt( 2 ) ;
-   maxQty[0] = rs.getInt( 3 ) ;
-   rs.close() ;
-   conn.close() ;
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/pom.xml b/docs/sql_reference/pom.xml
index c79a6a0..c5ebf3c 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/pom.xml
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/pom.xml
@@ -1,301 +1,301 @@
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-* @@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@                                                       
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
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-  <version>${env.TRAFODION_VER}</version>
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-  <name>Trafodion SQL Reference Manual</name>
-  <description>This manual describes reference information about the syntax of SQL statements, 
-               functions, and other SQL language elements supported by the Trafodion project\u2019s 
-               database software.
-  </description>
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-                  - To ensure a known location, the base directory contains the LATEST version of the web book and the PDF files.
-                  - The know location is docs/target/docs/<document>
-                  - target/docs/<version>/<document> contains version-specific renderings of the documents.
-                  - target/docs/<version>/<document> contains the PDF version and the web book. The web book is named index.html
-                --> 
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+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
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+                  - The know location is docs/target/docs/<document>
+                  - target/docs/<version>/<document> contains version-specific renderings of the documents.
+                  - target/docs/<version>/<document> contains the PDF version and the web book. The web book is named index.html
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+      -->
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diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc
index b3b9ef6..7dc74ad 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc
@@ -1,212 +1,212 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= About This Document
-This manual describes reference information about the syntax of SQL statements, functions, and other
-SQL language elements supported by the {project-name} project\u2019s database software.
-{project-name} SQL statements and utilities are entered interactively or from script files using a client-based tool,
-such as the Trafodion Command Interface (TrafCI). To install and configure a client application that enables you
-to connect to and use a {project-name} database, see the
-{docs-url}/client_install/index.html[_{project-name} Client Installation Guide_].
-NOTE: In this manual, SQL language elements, statements, and clauses within statements are based on the
-ANSI SQL:1999 standard.
-== Intended Audience
-This manual is intended for database administrators and application programmers who are using SQL to read, update,
-and create {project-name} SQL tables, which map to HBase tables, and to access native HBase and Hive tables.
-You should be familiar with structured query language (SQL) and with the American National Standard Database Language SQL:1999.
-== New and Changed Information
-This edition includes updates for these new features:
-| New Feature                                           | Location in the Manual
-| Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS                         | <<update_statistics_statement,UPDATE STATISTICS Statement>>
-== Document Organization
-|Chapter or Appendix                                              | Description
-| <<Introduction,Introduction>>                                   | Introduces {project-name} SQL and covers topics such as data consistency,
-transaction management, and ANSI compliance.
-| <<SQL_Statements,SQL Statements>>                               | Describes the SQL statements supported by {project-name} SQL.
-| <<SQL_Utilities,SQL Utilities>>                                 | Describes the SQL utilities supported by {project-name} SQL.
-| <<SQL_Language Elements,SQL Language Elements>>                 | Describes parts of the language, such as database objects, data types,
-expressions, identifiers, literals, and predicates, which occur within the syntax of {project-name} SQL statements.
-| <<SQL_Clauses,SQL Clauses>>                                     | Describes clauses used by {project-name} SQL statements.
-| <<SQL_Functions_and_Expressions,SQL Functions and Expressions>> | Describes specific functions and expressions that you can use in
-{project-name} SQL statements.
-| <<SQL_Runtime_Statistics,SQL Runtime Statistics>>               | Describes how to gather statistics for active queries or for the Runtime
-Management System (RMS) and describes the RMS counters that are returned.
-| <<OLAP_Functions,OLAP Functions>>                               | Describes specific on line analytical processing functions.
-| <<Reserved_Words,Appendix A: Reserved Words>>                   | Lists the words that are reserved in {project-name} SQL.
-| <<Limits,Appendix B: Limits>>                                  | Describes limits in {project-name} SQL.
-== Notation Conventions
-This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
-Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. 
-* lowercase letters
-Lowercase letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
-* &#91; &#93; Brackets 
-Brackets enclose optional syntax items.
-DATETIME [start-field TO] end-field
-A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or none.
-The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines.
-For example: 
-* { } Braces 
-Braces enclose required syntax items.
-FROM { grantee [, grantee ] ... }
-A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to choose one item.
-The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines.
-For example:
-INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field }
-{ single-field } 
-INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field | single-field }
-* | Vertical Line 
-A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces.
-{expression | NULL} 
-* &#8230; Ellipsis
-An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times.
-ATTRIBUTE[S] attribute [, attribute] ...
-{, sql-expression } ...
-An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that syntax item any number of times.
-For example:
-expression-n ...
-* Punctuation
-Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown.
-DAY (datetime-expression)
-Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown.
-For example:
-"{" module-name [, module-name] ... "}"
-* Item Spacing
-Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma.
-DAY (datetime-expression) DAY(datetime-expression)
-If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items:
-* Line Spacing
-If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.
-This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections. 
-match-value [NOT] LIKE _pattern
-   [ESCAPE esc-char-expression] 
-== Comments Encouraged
-We encourage your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your
-needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to {project-support}.
-Include the document title and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= About This Document
+This manual describes reference information about the syntax of SQL statements, functions, and other
+SQL language elements supported by the {project-name} project\u2019s database software.
+{project-name} SQL statements and utilities are entered interactively or from script files using a client-based tool,
+such as the Trafodion Command Interface (TrafCI). To install and configure a client application that enables you
+to connect to and use a {project-name} database, see the
+{docs-url}/client_install/index.html[_{project-name} Client Installation Guide_].
+NOTE: In this manual, SQL language elements, statements, and clauses within statements are based on the
+ANSI SQL:1999 standard.
+== Intended Audience
+This manual is intended for database administrators and application programmers who are using SQL to read, update,
+and create {project-name} SQL tables, which map to HBase tables, and to access native HBase and Hive tables.
+You should be familiar with structured query language (SQL) and with the American National Standard Database Language SQL:1999.
+== New and Changed Information
+This edition includes updates for these new features:
+| New Feature                                           | Location in the Manual
+| Incremental UPDATE STATISTICS                         | <<update_statistics_statement,UPDATE STATISTICS Statement>>
+== Document Organization
+|Chapter or Appendix                                              | Description
+| <<Introduction,Introduction>>                                   | Introduces {project-name} SQL and covers topics such as data consistency,
+transaction management, and ANSI compliance.
+| <<SQL_Statements,SQL Statements>>                               | Describes the SQL statements supported by {project-name} SQL.
+| <<SQL_Utilities,SQL Utilities>>                                 | Describes the SQL utilities supported by {project-name} SQL.
+| <<SQL_Language Elements,SQL Language Elements>>                 | Describes parts of the language, such as database objects, data types,
+expressions, identifiers, literals, and predicates, which occur within the syntax of {project-name} SQL statements.
+| <<SQL_Clauses,SQL Clauses>>                                     | Describes clauses used by {project-name} SQL statements.
+| <<SQL_Functions_and_Expressions,SQL Functions and Expressions>> | Describes specific functions and expressions that you can use in
+{project-name} SQL statements.
+| <<SQL_Runtime_Statistics,SQL Runtime Statistics>>               | Describes how to gather statistics for active queries or for the Runtime
+Management System (RMS) and describes the RMS counters that are returned.
+| <<OLAP_Functions,OLAP Functions>>                               | Describes specific on line analytical processing functions.
+| <<Reserved_Words,Appendix A: Reserved Words>>                   | Lists the words that are reserved in {project-name} SQL.
+| <<Limits,Appendix B: Limits>>                                  | Describes limits in {project-name} SQL.
+== Notation Conventions
+This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
+Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. 
+* lowercase letters
+Lowercase letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
+* &#91; &#93; Brackets 
+Brackets enclose optional syntax items.
+DATETIME [start-field TO] end-field
+A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or none.
+The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines.
+For example: 
+* { } Braces 
+Braces enclose required syntax items.
+FROM { grantee [, grantee ] ... }
+A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to choose one item.
+The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines.
+For example:
+INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field }
+{ single-field } 
+INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field | single-field }
+* | Vertical Line 
+A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces.
+{expression | NULL} 
+* &#8230; Ellipsis
+An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times.
+ATTRIBUTE[S] attribute [, attribute] ...
+{, sql-expression } ...
+An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that syntax item any number of times.
+For example:
+expression-n ...
+* Punctuation
+Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown.
+DAY (datetime-expression)
+Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown.
+For example:
+"{" module-name [, module-name] ... "}"
+* Item Spacing
+Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma.
+DAY (datetime-expression) DAY(datetime-expression)
+If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items:
+* Line Spacing
+If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.
+This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections. 
+match-value [NOT] LIKE _pattern
+   [ESCAPE esc-char-expression] 
+== Comments Encouraged
+We encourage your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your
+needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to {project-support}.
+Include the document title and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.

[11/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/preparation.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/preparation.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..90b9ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/preparation.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= Preparation
+{project-name} provides JDBC and ODBC drivers plus clients that use those drivers.
+In addition, you can configure third-party JDBC- and ODBC-based tools to work
+with {project-name}.
+Typically, you install and configure the client software in the following order:
+. JDBC and/or ODBC drivers. (Depending on what clients you plan to use.)
+. {project-name} clients. For example, trafci and odb.
+. Third-party clients. For example, DBVisualizer, SQuirell, and/or Tableau.
+If you don't plan to use JDBC-based clients, then please skip ahead to
+<<download-client-software, Download Client Software>>.
+== Java Setup
+The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver requires Java 1.7 or higher. You need to set
+the Java path to the correct location.
+Depending on your planned usage, you install
+the Java Development Kit (JDK, if you plan to develop Java-based applications)
+or the Java Runtime Environment (JRE, if you plan to use packaged JDBC-based
+products only).
+=== Verify Java Version
+To display the Java version of the client workstation on the screen, enter:
+java -version
+.Example 1: Java Installed and PATH Variable Set Correctly
+C:\> java -version
+java version "1.7.0_45" # This is the version you need to check
+Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
+Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode, sharing)
+If the version is not 1.7 or higher, then please upgrade you Java installation
+See <<java-install, Install Java>>.
+If the version is 1.7 or higher, then skip ahead to <<download-client-software, Download Client Software>>.
+.Example 2: Path Not Set
+'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`
+If you have installed Java, then this message indicates that you've not included
+the Java directory in your search path. See <<howto-setup-path, Set Up PATH Variable>>.
+=== Install Java
+Refer to:
+Once installed, follow the instruction in <<howto-setup-path, Set Up PATH Variable>>
+to ensure that your Java environment has been set up properly.
+== Download Client Software
+The {project-name} client software is available from the {download-url}[{project-name} Download] page. There is one
+`{project-name} Clients` package per release listed under *<version> Binaries*.
+The `{project-name} Clients` package consists of a zipped tar file that contains the {project-name} Clients tar file.
+The {project-name} Client binaries are in the `clients` folder, which contains the following files:
+[cols="30%,70%", options="header"]
+| File                               | Usage
+| `DISCLAIMER`                       | {project-name} Apache incubation disclaimer.
+| ``                       | {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver.
+| `LICENCE`                          | Apache license.
+| `NOTICE`                           | Apache notice.
+| `odbc64_linux.tar.gz`              | {project-name} odb tool.
+| `TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz` | {project-name} ODBC driver for Linux.
+| ``                       | The {project-name} command interpreter `trafci`.
+| `TFODBC64-*.exe`                   | *[Not included in this release]*^1^ {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows.
+^1^ License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact 
+{project-support} for help obtaining the driver.
+=== Windows Download
+Do the following:
+. Create a download folder on the client workstation. For example, `c:\trafodion`.
+. Open a Web browser and navigate to the {project-name} downloads site {download-url}.
+.  Orient yourself to the binaries for the release you're installing.
+Click on the `{project-name} Clients` link to start downloading the {project-name} clients tar file to your workstation.
+.  Place the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar.gz` file into the download folder.
+*  Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-\*.tar.gz` file using an unzip program of your choice. This creates
+an `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar` file.
+* Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar` file using an unzip program of your choice.
+. Verify content of the `clients` directory:
+DISCLAIMER LICENSE NOTICE odb64_linux.tar.gz TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
+You use these files to install the different {project-name} clients.
+=== Linux Download
+Do the following:
+. Create a download directory on the client workstation. For example, `$HOME/trafodion`.
+. Open a Web browser and navigate to the {project-name} downloads site {download-url}.
+.  Orient yourself to the binaries for the release you're installing.
+Right-click on the `{project-name} Clients` link and select *Copy link address*.
+.  Go to the download directory on the client workstation and use `wget` to download the client package
+using the URL you copied in step 3 above.
+.  Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar.gz` using `tar`.
+$ mkdir $HOME/trafodion
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion
+$ wget <link to package>
+$ tar -xzvf apache-trafodion_clients-*-incubating.tar.gz
+$ cd clients
+$ ls
+DISCLAIMER  LICENSE  odb64_linux.tar.gz  TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz  NOTICE
+You use these files to install the different {project-name} clients.
+== Unpack Client Software
+The client packages are located on the `client` subdirectory where you unpacked
+the {project-name} distribution file. For example, `c:\trafodion\clients` (Windows)
+or `$HOME/trafodion/clients` (Linux).
+Unpack the client software and its dependencies you intend to use as follows.
+=== Unpack JDBC-Based Client Software
+[cols="30%,30%,40%a", options="header"]
+| File | Description | Recommended Target Directory 
+| `` | JDBC Type 4 Driver | * *Windows:* `c:\trafodion\jdbct4`
+* *Linux:* `$HOME/trafodion/jdbct4`
+| `` | Command Interface | * *Windows:* `c:\trafodion\trafci`
+* *Linux:* `$HOME/trafodion/trafci`
+Use your favorite compress/uncompress utility to unpack the file to the target directory
+defined in the table above.
+Unpack the `.zip` file using the `unzip <file> -d <target-directory>` command:
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/clients
+$ unzip -d $HOME/trafodion/jdbct4
+$ unzip -d $HOME/trafodion/trafci
+$ cd ..
+$ ls
+apache-trafodion_clients-2.0.1-incubating.tar.gz  clients  jdbct4  trafci
+Once complete, a fully-installed `c:\trafodion` (Windows) or
+`$HOME/trafodion` directory should contain the following directories:
+* `clients`: The compressed client software.
+* `jdbct4`: The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 driver installation directory.
+* `trafci`: The {project-name} Command Interpreter installation directory.
+=== Unpack ODBC-Based Client Software
+| File | Description | Recommended Target Directory 
+| `TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz` | Linux ODBC Driver | `$HOME/trafodion/odbc` 
+| `odb64_linux.tar.gz` | Linux odb Utility | `$HOME/trafodion/odb` 
+Unpack the `.tar.gz` file using the `tar -xzvf <file> -C <target-directory>` command.
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/clients
+$ mkdir $HOME/trafodion/odbc
+$ tar -xzvf TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz -C $HOME/trafodion/odbc
+$ mkdir $HOME/trafodion/odb
+$ tar -xzvf odb64_linux.tar.gz -C $HOME/trafodion/odb
+$ cd ..
+$ ls
+apache-trafodion_clients-2.0.1-incubating.tar.gz  clients  odb  odbc
+Once complete, a fully-installed `c:\trafodion` (Windows) or
+`$HOME/trafodion` directory should contain:
+* `clients`: The compressed client software.
+* `odb`: The {project-name} odb utility installation directory.
+* `odbc`: The {project-name} ODBC driver installation directory.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sample_prog.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sample_prog.adoc
index 138322c..2562319 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sample_prog.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sample_prog.adoc
@@ -1,75 +1,75 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-== `basicsql` (Sample ODBC Program)
-This appendix provides the source code for the ODBC sample program, `basicsql,` which is not currently bundled with the ODBC drivers.
-This appendix also provides the code for the script files that are needed to build and run the sample program on Windows. See
-<<basicsql_build, Windows Build and Run Files for 'basicsql'>>.
-Copy and paste the code from this appendix into the recommended files. To build and run the sample program, see these instructions:
-* On Windows: <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
-* On Linux:  <<linux_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
-=== `basicsql.cpp` Source Code
-You can download the `basicsql.cpp` example from
-Alternatively, copy and paste the following code into a file named `basicsql.cpp`:
-[source, cplusplus]
-=== Windows Build and Run Files for `basicsql`
-The script files that are needed to build and run the sample program on Windows are not currently bundled with the ODBC driver.
-Copy and paste the code from this appendix into the recommended files. To build and run the sample program on Windows,
-see the instructions in <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
-==== `build.bat` (Build Script)
-You can download the `build.bat` example from
-Alternatively, copy and paste the following code into a file named `build.bat`, which is used to build the sample program on Windows:
-To build the sample program on Windows, see the instructions in <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
-==== Run `run.bat`
-You can download the `run.bat` example from
-Alternatively, copy and paste the following code into a file named `run.bat`, which is used to run the sample program on Windows:
-To run the sample program on Windows, see the instructions in <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+== `basicsql` (Sample ODBC Program)
+This appendix provides the source code for the ODBC sample program, `basicsql,` which is not currently bundled with the ODBC drivers.
+This appendix also provides the code for the script files that are needed to build and run the sample program on Windows. See
+<<basicsql_build, Windows Build and Run Files for 'basicsql'>>.
+Copy and paste the code from this appendix into the recommended files. To build and run the sample program, see these instructions:
+* On Windows: <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
+* On Linux:  <<linux_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
+=== `basicsql.cpp` Source Code
+You can download the `basicsql.cpp` example from
+Alternatively, copy and paste the following code into a file named `basicsql.cpp`:
+[source, cplusplus]
+=== Windows Build and Run Files for `basicsql`
+The script files that are needed to build and run the sample program on Windows are not currently bundled with the ODBC driver.
+Copy and paste the code from this appendix into the recommended files. To build and run the sample program on Windows,
+see the instructions in <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
+==== `build.bat` (Build Script)
+You can download the `build.bat` example from
+Alternatively, copy and paste the following code into a file named `build.bat`, which is used to build the sample program on Windows:
+To build the sample program on Windows, see the instructions in <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
+==== Run `run.bat`
+You can download the `run.bat` example from
+Alternatively, copy and paste the following code into a file named `run.bat`, which is used to run the sample program on Windows:
+To run the sample program on Windows, see the instructions in <<win_odbc_run_basicsql, Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)>>.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/tableau.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/tableau.adoc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a9e615
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/tableau.adoc
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Configure Tableau Client
+== Prerequisite Software
+Make sure that you have this software installed on your workstation:
+* {project-name} Windows ODBC Driver. See <<install-windows-odbc-driver,Install Windows ODBC Driver>>.
+* Tableau Software. See the[_Tableau website_].
+== Tableau Datasource Configuration (.tdc) File
+=== Create .tdc File
+The Tableau Datasource Configuration (`.tdc`) file is used to customize and tune ODBC connections.
+NOTE: You can download each sample documented herein by clicking the link provided with the
+sample name. For example, click on link:{tableau}/trafodion.tdc[trafodion.tdc]
+to download a `.tdc` file for Tableau 9.3 using Trafodion ODBC 2.1. +
+ +
+You can access the complete source directory at: {docs-url}/client_install/resources/tableau/
+The `.tdc` file contains version-specific settings that you need to modify. 
+.Template: link:resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc.template[`trafodion.tdc.template`]
+[source, xml]
+include::{tableau}/trafodion.tdc.template[Trafodion `.tdc` template file]
+Save this file as `trafodion.tdc` and change the following placeholders:
+* `<tableau-version>` - Change to the version of Tableau you're using. For example: `9.3`
+* `<trafodion-driver-name>` - Change to the name of the Trafodion ODBC driver you're using. For example: `TRAF ODBC 2.1`
+Once edited, your `trafodion.tdc` file should look similar to the example below.
+.Example: link:resources/tableau/trafodion.tdc[`trafodion.tdc`]
+[source, xml]
+=== Install .tdc File
+Copy the `trafodion.tdc` file to the `C:\Users\%USERNAME%\Documents\My Tableau Repository\Datasources` folder.
+Restart Tableay if it's running to pick up the configuration change.
+== Connnect to {project-name}
+. Configure a ODBC data source using the MS ODBC Administrator. See <<win_odbc_setup_data_source, Set Up ODBC Data Source>>.
+. Start Tableau.
+. Create a *New Database Connection* by selecting *Other Databases (ODBC)*.
+. Select your data source in the *DSN* dropdown.
+. Enter *Trafodion* in the *Database:* field.
+. Enter your *Username* and *Password*.
+. Click *OK* to connect to your {project-name} database.
+image:{images}/tableau_connect.jpg[width=400,height=400,alt="Tableau Database Connection Screen"]
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc
index 3ab5f7a..32bdc7b 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/trafci.adoc
@@ -1,472 +1,512 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Install trafci
-== Installation Requirements
-The Trafodion Command Interface (trafci) runs on Windows and Linux. Before installing trafci on the client workstation, 
-ensure that you've installed the JDBC Type-4 driver. See the <<jdbct4, Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>> chapter above.
-=== Install Perl or Python
-If you plan to use Perl or Python scripts with trafci, verify that you have Perl or Python installed on the client workstation. trafci supports
-these versions of Perl and Python:
-* Perl version 5.8.8
-* Python version 2.3.4
-If you do not have Perl or Python, download it from any open-source software provider. You can perform this installation procedure anytime
-before or after installing trafci.
-If you plan to run the sample scripts provided with trafci, verify that you have the Perl JavaServer and Jython (Java implementation of Python)
-installed on your client workstation. Use the trafci Installation Wizard to automatically download and install both the Perl JavaServer and
-Jython open source extensions. To download them manually, see the `README` in the samples directory.
-== Installation Instructions
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-1.  Change the directory to the `clients` subdirectory.
-2.  Extract the contents of the `` file to a location on your client workstation (for example, a folder named `trafci`) by
-using the unzip command (or the extract function of your compression software):
-cd $HOME/trafodion-download/clients
-unzip -d trafci
-cd trafci
-The command extracts these files:
-* `trafciInstaller.jar`
-=== Run Executable JAR Installer
-When using the executable JAR file, `trafciInstaller.jar`, to install trafci, you have a choice of running the installer from the Installer
-Wizard Graphical User Interface (GUI) or from the command line:
-* <<trafci-wizard-install, Installer Wizard Steps>>
-* <<trafci-cmd-install, Command-Line Installation Steps>>
-==== Installer Wizard Steps
-NOTE: On Linux, to run the Installer Wizard, you must have the X Window system installed on the client workstation. If the client workstation
-does not have the X Window system, see <<trafci-cmd-install, Command-Line Installation Steps>>.
-===== Launching the Installer Wizard
-1.  Locate the `trafciInstaller.jar` file in the folder where you extracted the contents of the distribution (`.zip`) file.
-2.  Verify that the `trafciInstaller.jar` file appears as an executable JAR File. If not, skip the next two steps and go to Step 5.
-3.  Double-click the `trafciInstaller.jar` file to launch the Installer Wizard.
-4.  Proceed to <<trafci-using-wizard, Using the Installer Wizard>>.
-5.  At a command prompt, change to the directory where you extracted the installer files:
-cd installer-directory
-`_installer-directory_` is the directory where you extracted the installer file, `trafciInstaller.jar`.
-6.  Launch the Installer Wizard by entering:
-java -jar trafciInstaller.jar
-7.  Proceed to <<trafci-using-wizard, Using the Installer Wizard>>.
-===== Using the Installer Wizard
-When you execute `trafciInstaller.jar`, the Installer Wizard appears:
-image:{images}/InstallerWizardWelcome.jpg[trafci Installer Wizard welcome screen]
-1.  Click one of these buttons for the type of installation that you would like to perform:
-* *Standard Installation* to start the Installer Wizard, which guides you through installing both the core trafci components and the optional open
-source extensions
-* *Core Components* for a quick installation of the core trafci files
-* *Optional Components* if you have already installed the core trafci files but want to install only the optional open source extensions
-2.  After you have selected the components you wish to install, browse and select the JDBC JAR file and then specify an installation directory
-where you will install trafci.
-image:{images}/InstallerWizardPaths.jpg[trafci select path dialog]
-3.  To locate the JDBC driver JAR file, click *Browse* next to the *JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR File*.
-4.  In the *Select JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR File* dialog box, navigate to and select the lib folder of the {project-name} JDBC driver, and then click *Open*.
-5.  Select `jdbcT4.jar` so that it appears in the *File Name* box, and then click *Select*. 
-The Installer Wizard now displays the path of the JDBC driver JAR file.
-image:{images}/JDBC_JAR_Path.jpg[trafci path to JDBC driver JAR file]
-6.  To install in the default location, proceed to Step 9. To install in your own preferred location, proceed to Step 7.
-7.  To find an installation location for trafci, click *Browse* next to the *Trafodion Command Interface* installation directory.
-8.  In the *Select Trafodion Command Interface Installation Directory* dialog box, select the folder where you want to install trafci so that
-the directory path appears in the *File Name* box, and then click *Select*.
-The Installer Wizard displays the directory where trafci is installed.
-9.  Click *Next* to review the open-source legal disclaimer.
-10.  If you agree to the terms and conditions, select the check box, and click *Next*.
-The Installer Wizard dialog box shows which components are available for you to download and install.
-image:{images}/OptionalComponents.jpg[trafci component selection]
-11.  Select the optional components to be downloaded and installed. Each optional component is installed if the component box is checked.
-If you want to change the download URL for the extensions, click *Edit URL*, and this dialog box appears:
-image:{images}/PerlJavaServerURL.jpg[trafci edit download URL]
-Type a new path, and click *OK*.
-NOTE: Perl and Python must be installed for the respective extensions to work.
-12.  If you do not require a proxy server, proceed to Step 15.
-13.  If you require a proxy server, select *Use the following proxy settings* and enter the proxy server and port for downloading the open
-source extensions.
-image:{images}/ProxySettings.jpg[trafci proxy settings]
-14.  Click *Detect Proxy Server(s)* to try to auto-detect your proxy settings. If trafci detects one or more proxy servers, it displays
-them in a drop-down menu next to the *Detect Proxy Server(s)* button.
-15.  Click *Install* to start the installation.
-16.  After the core trafci files are installed, the *Installation Status* dialog box appears indicating how many files were extracted to the
-installation directory:
-image:{images}/Extracted_Files.jpg[trafci extracted files]
-Click *OK* to continue the installation.
-17.  If you chose to install the optional components, the installer attempts to download and install them. The progress bar indicates the
-download progress of each file. In addition, an installation log provides details about the status of the download and installation of
-the components.
-image:{images}/InstallComplete.jpg[trafci installation complete]
-18.  After all trafci files are installed, the Installer Wizard completes.
-19.  Click *Exit*.
-==== Command-Line Installation Steps
-1.  At a command prompt, change to the directory where you extracted the contents of the distribution (.zip) file:
-cd installer-directory
-`_installer-directory_` is the directory where you extracted the installer files.
-$ cd $HOME/trafodion-download/clients/trafci
-$ ls
-README  trafciInstaller.jar
-2.  Before launching the command-line installer, see the command options below:
-java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -help
-Usage: java -jar <installer jar> [ -help] | <-cm|-silent>
-   [-jdbcFile <jdbc filename>] [-installDir <install dir>] ]
-The `-silent` option installs the client without prompting you for options.
-java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -silent -jdbcFile "C:\JDBC\lib\jdbcT4.jar" -installDir C:\TRAFCI
-_-jdbcFile_ and _-installDir_ are optional parameters. If you do not specify those parameters, you will be prompted to enter them during
-3.  Launch the command-line installer by entering this command:
-java -jar trafciInstaller.jar cm
-The command-line installer starts and prompts you to enter the type of installation:
-/home/myname/trafcitemp>java -jar trafciInstaller.jar cm
-****                                                              **
-**** Welcome to Trafodion Command Interface Installer             **
-****                                                              **
-**** NOTE: The installer requires a the JDBC Type 4               **
-****       Driver to be installed a on your workstation.          **
-Type Y for a standard installation, or N for optional components only.
-Standard Installation [Y]:
-* For a standard installation, type *Y* and press *Enter*.
-* To install the optional components only, type *N*, press *Enter*, and proceed to Step 7.
-NOTE: All items in square brackets are default values. Press Enter to accept the default value.
-4.  Enter the full directory path and file name of the JDBC driver JAR file, `jdbcT4.jar`, which is located in the JDBC driver lib directory:
-JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR File
-Enter the location and file name:
-5.  Enter an existing directory where you would like to install trafci:
-Trafodion Command Interface
-Enter the installation directory:
-The installation status appears, indicating how many files are installed in the installation directory:
-Extracted 18 files from the
-/home/myname/trafcitemp/trafciInstaller.jar archive into the
-/usr/local/trafci directory.
-Core TRAFCI files installed.
-Do you want to install the optional components? [Y]:
-6.  If you do not wish to download and install the optional components, type *N* at the prompt and press Enter, and your installation
-is complete. Otherwise, type *Y*, press *Enter*, and proceed through the remainder of the installation.
-7.  Type *Y* and press *Enter* if you agree to the terms. If you are doing an optional install only, you are prompted to enter a valid trafci
-installation directory:
-Do you agree to these terms? (Y or N): Y
-Enter your installation directory:
-8.  If you do not require a proxy server, type *N*, press *Enter*, and proceed to Step 10. Otherwise, type *Y*, press *Enter*,
-and proceed to Step 9.
-Use a proxy server? [N]:
-9.  When prompted to auto-detect proxy servers, type *Y* and press *Enter* to direct trafci to detect your proxy settings.
-If trafci finds proxy servers, it displays them. If you type *N* and press *Enter*, trafci prompts you to enter the proxy server and port:
-Use a proxy server? [Y]: Y
-Attempt to auto-detect proxy server(s)? [Y]: N
-Enter the proxy server (do not include the port):
-Enter the proxy port: 8080
-10.  You are prompted to select which optional components you wish to download and install. You can also change the download URL.
-Install Perl JavaServer extensions? [Y]: Y
-Perl JavaServer requires 3 files:,, and JavaServer.jar
-[URL of the folder which contains these files []:]
-Install Perl XML SAX Module? [Y]: Y
-Perl SAX XML Module URL (
-Install Jython, a Java implementation of Python? [Y]: Y
-Jython URL (jython_installer-2.2.jar)
-11.  The setup proceeds to download and install the optional open-source components. As each component is retrieved, dots (.) are printed to
-indicate the progress of the download.
-Downloading Perl JavaServer [1 of 3] -
-......................... 100%
-Downloading Perl JavaServer [2 of 3] - JavaArray.pm1
-......................... 100%
-Downloading Perl JavaServer [3 of 3] - JavaServer.jar
-......................... 100%
-Successfully added
-Downloading Perl XML SAX Module [1 of 1] -
-......................... 100%
-Downloading Jython [1 of 1] - jython_installer-2.2.jar
-......................... 100%
-Successfully Installed Jython. Successfully added
-Trafodion Command Interface Installation Complete.
-== Post-Installation Instructions
-=== Verify Installed Software Files
-After downloading and running the installer file, verify that the trafci software files are installed in the correct locations:
-| Folder       | Files               | Description
-| bin          | trafci            |
-|              | trafci.cmd        | Windows launch file.
-|              |         | Perl wrapper script. _trafci-perl.pl_ is renamed _trafci.pl_. To run this script, see the
-{docs-url}/command_interface/index.html[_Trafodion Command Interface Guide_].
-|              |         | Python wrapper script. is renamed as To run this script, see the
-{docs-url}/command_interface/index.html[_Trafodion Command Interface Guide_].
-|              |         | Linux launch file.
-|              |    | Perl wrapper script. This script has been modified to invoke This script is retained for backward compatibility.
-|              |  | Python wrapper script. This script has been modified to invoke This script is retained for backward compatibility.
-| lib          | trafci.jar        | Product JAR file.
-| lib/perl     |        | Product file.
-| lib/python   |        | Product file.
-| samples      | README            | Readme file that describes how to use the sample scripts.
-|              |       | Sample Perl program that executes DML statements and returns results in an array format.
-|              |         | Sample Perl program that supports multiple sessions in one script. 
-|              | sample.sql        | Sample SQL script.
-|              |      | Sample Python file that uses Jython to execute DDL statements.
-|              |      | Sample Python file that uses Jython to execute DML statements.
-|              |   | Sample Perl file that lists all tables and respective row counts. The file accepts a wild-card argument on the command line.
-|              |   | Sample Python file that lists all tables and respective row counts. The file accepts a wild-card argument on the command line.
-== Test Launching trafci
-Before launching trafci, make sure that you have set the Java path to the correct location. For more information, see:
-* <<jdbct4-path-windows, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Windows>>
-* <<jdbct4-path-linux, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Linux>>
-If you did not set the Java path on your client workstation and you try to launch trafci, you might see the following error message appear
-momentarily in the trafci window before the trafci window disappears:
-'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
-For information about setting up and using trafci, such as choosing the look and feel of the interface or presetting launch parameters, see the
-{docs-url}/command_interface/index.html[Trafodion Command Interface Guide].
-=== Windows Example
-On Windows, do the following:
-1. Go to the directory where you installed trafci. For example, `c:\Trafodion\Trafodion Command Interface`
-2. Go to the `bin` directory
-3. Invoke the `trafci.cmd` file.
-4. Answer prompts.
-cd "c:\Trafodion\Trafodion Command Interface"
-cd bin
-<screen is cleared>
-Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
-Copyright (c) 2015 Apache Software Foundation
-Host Name/IP Address:
-User Name: usr
-Connected to Trafodion
-SQL> show schemas ;
-Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
-Copyright (c) 2015 Apache Software Foundation
-Host Name/IP Address:
-User Name: usr
-Connected to Trafodion
-SQL>show schemas;
-=== Linux Example
-On Linux, do the following:
-1. Go to the directory where you installed trafci. For example, `$HOME/trafci`
-2. Go to the `bin` directory
-3. Invoke the `` file.
-4. Answer prompts.
-$ cd $HOME/trafci/bin
-$ . ./ -h -u usr -p pwd
-Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
-Copyright (c) 2015 Apache Software Foundation
-Connected to Trafodion
-SQL>show schemas;
-== Uninstall trafci
-If you used the executable JAR file, `trafciInstaller.jar`, to install trafci, delete the entire
-folder/directory when you installed trafci.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Install trafci
+== Prerequisites
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have <<java-setup, setup your Java environment>>,
+<<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>>, and <<jdbct4, installed the JDBC Type-4 Driver>>.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the trafci installation file 
+to `c:\trafodion\trafci` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion/trafci` (Linux).
+== Install Perl or Python
+If you plan to use Perl or Python scripts with trafci, verify that you have Perl or Python installed on the client workstation. trafci supports
+these versions of Perl and Python:
+* Perl version 5.8.8
+* Python version 2.3.4
+If you do not have Perl or Python, download it from any open-source software provider. You can perform this installation procedure anytime
+before or after installing trafci.
+If you plan to run the sample scripts provided with trafci, verify that you have the Perl JavaServer and Jython (Java implementation of Python)
+installed on your client workstation. Use the trafci Installation Wizard to automatically download and install both the Perl JavaServer and
+Jython open source extensions. To download them manually, see the `README` in the samples directory.
+== Verify Installation
+Verify that `c:\trafodion\trafci` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion/trafci` (Linux) contains the following files:
+* `trafciInstaller.jar`
+== Run trafci Installer
+`trafciInstaller.jar` is used to install trafci.
+Two modes are supported:
+* <<trafci-wizard-install, GUI Wizard Install>>
+* <<trafci-cmd-install, Command-Line Install>>
+=== GUI Wizard Install
+NOTE: You must have the X Window system installed on your Linux client workstation to run the trafci Installer Wizard.
+If you do not, then use the <<trafci-cmd-install, Command-Line Install>> instructions below.
+==== Launch the Installer Wizard
+. Move to the trafci install directory.
+** *Windows:* `c:\trafodion\trafci`
+** *Linux:* `$HOME/trafodion/trafci`
+. Double-click on `trafciInstaller.jar`
+If the trafci Installer Wizard does not start, then do the following from a command prompt:
+. Change director to the trafci install directory.
+** *Windows:* `cd c:\trafodion\trafci`
+** *Linux:* `cd $HOME/trafodion/trafci`
+. Launch the trafci Installer Wizard: `java -jar trafciInstaller.jar`
+==== Using the Installer Wizard
+When you execute `trafciInstaller.jar`, the Installer Wizard appears:
+image:{images}/InstallerWizardWelcome.jpg[trafci Installer Wizard welcome screen]
+1.  Click one of the buttons for the type of installation that you would like to perform:
+* *Standard Installation* to start the Installer Wizard. Guides you through installing both the core trafci components and the optional open
+source extensions.
+* *Core Components* for a quick installation of the core trafci files.
+* *Optional Components* if you have already installed the core trafci files but want to install only the optional open source extensions.
+2.  After you have selected the components you wish to install, browse and select the JDBC JAR file and then specify an installation directory
+where you will install trafci.
+image:{images}/InstallerWizardPaths.jpg[trafci select path dialog]
+3.  To locate the *JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR file*, click *Browse* next to the *JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR File*.
+Navigate to the lib folder of the {project-name} JDBC driver and select the `jdbcT4.jar` file
+(`c:\trafodion\jdbct4\lib\jdbcT4.jar` on Windows, `$HOME/trafodion/jdbct4/lib/jdbcT4.jar` on Linux), and then click *Select*.
+The Installer Wizard now displays the path of the JDBC driver JAR file for *JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR File*.
+4. To select the *Trafodion Command Interface installation directory*, click *Browse* next to the *Trafodion Command Interface installation directory*   
+Navicate to `c:\trafodion` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion` (Linux)and click on *Select*.
+The Installer Wizard now displays the path of the installation directory for *Trafodion Command Interface installation directory*.
+image:{images}/trafci_Installation_Choices.jpg[trafci installation choices]
+5.  Click *Next* to review the open-source legal disclaimer.
+6.  If you agree to the terms and conditions, select the check box, and click *Next*.
+The Installer Wizard dialog box shows which components are available for you to download and install.
+image:{images}/OptionalComponents.jpg[trafci component selection]
+7.  Select the optional components to be downloaded and installed. Each optional component is installed if the component box is checked.
+If you want to change the download URL for the extensions, click *Edit URL*, and this dialog box appears:
+image:{images}/PerlJavaServerURL.jpg[trafci edit download URL]
+Type a new path, and click *OK*.
+NOTE: Perl and Python must be installed for the respective extensions to work.
+8.  If you do not require a proxy server, proceed to Step 12.
+9.  If you require a proxy server, select *Use the following proxy settings* and enter the proxy server and port for downloading the open
+source extensions.
+image:{images}/ProxySettings.jpg[trafci proxy settings]
+10.  Click *Detect Proxy Server(s)* to try to auto-detect your proxy settings. If trafci detects one or more proxy servers, it displays
+them in a drop-down menu next to the *Detect Proxy Server(s)* button.
+11.  Click *Install* to start the installation.
+12.  After the core trafci files are installed, the *Installation Status* dialog box appears indicating how many files were extracted to the
+installation directory:
+image:{images}/Extracted_Files.jpg[height=600,width=600,alt="trafci extracted files"]
+Click *OK* to continue the installation.
+13.  If you chose to install the optional components, the installer attempts to download and install them. The progress bar indicates the
+download progress of each file. In addition, an installation log provides details about the status of the download and installation of
+the components.
+image:{images}/InstallComplete.jpg[trafci installation complete]
+14.  After all trafci files are installed, the Installer Wizard completes.
+15.  Click *Exit*.
+=== Command-Line Installation Steps
+1.  At a command prompt, change to the directory where you extracted the contents of the distribution (.zip) file:
+c:\> cd c:\trafodion\trafci
+c:\trafodion\trafci> dir
+README  trafciInstaller.jar
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/trafci
+$ ls
+README  trafciInstaller.jar
+2.  Before launching the command-line installer, see the command options below:
+java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -help
+Usage: java -jar <installer jar> [ -help] | <-cm|-silent>
+   [-jdbcFile <jdbc filename>] [-installDir <install dir>] ]
+The `-silent` option installs the client without prompting you for options.
+java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -silent -jdbcFile "C:\trafodion\jdbct4\lib\jdbcT4.jar" -installDir C:\trafodion\trafci
+java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -silent -jdbcFile "$HOME/jdbct4/lib/jdbcT4.jar" -installDir $HOME/trafodion/trafci
+_-jdbcFile_ and _-installDir_ are optional parameters. If you do not specify those parameters, you will be prompted to enter them during
+3.  Launch the command-line installer by entering this command:
+java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -cm
+The command-line installer starts and prompts you to enter the type of installation:
+c:\> cd c:\trafodion\trafci 
+c:\trafodion\trafci> java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -cm
+****                                                              **
+**** Welcome to Trafodion Command Interface Installer             **
+****                                                              **
+**** NOTE: The installer requires a the JDBC Type 4               **
+****       Driver to be installed a on your workstation.          **
+Type Y for a standard installation, or N for optional components only.
+Standard Installation [Y]:
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/trafci 
+$ java -jar trafciInstaller.jar -cm
+****                                                              **
+**** Welcome to Trafodion Command Interface Installer             **
+****                                                              **
+**** NOTE: The installer requires a the JDBC Type 4               **
+****       Driver to be installed a on your workstation.          **
+Type Y for a standard installation, or N for optional components only.
+Standard Installation [Y]:
+* For a standard installation, type *Y* and press *Enter*.
+* To install the optional components only, type *N*, press *Enter*, and proceed to Step 7.
+NOTE: All items in square brackets are default values. Press Enter to accept the default value.
+4.  Enter the full directory path and file name of the JDBC driver JAR file, `jdbcT4.jar`, which is located in the JDBC driver lib directory:
+JDBC Type 4 Driver JAR File
+Enter the location and file name:
+* *Windows*: `c:\trafodion\jdbct4\lib\jdbcT4.jar`
+* *Linux*: `/opt/user/trafodion/lib/jdbcT4.jar`
+NOTE: Don't use environmental variables on Linux (such as `$HOME`). Instead, specify the full path to the
+`jdbcT4.jar` file.
+5.  Enter an existing directory where you would like to install trafci:
+Trafodion Command Interface
+Enter the installation directory:
+* *Windows*: `c:\trafodion\trafci`
+* *Linux*: `/opt/user/trafodion/trafci`
+The installation status appears, indicating how many files are installed in the installation directory:
+Extracted 18 files from the
+/opt/user/trafodion/trafci/trafciInstaller.jar archive into the
+/opt/user/trafodion/trafci directory.
+Core TRAFCI files installed.
+Do you want to install the optional components? [Y]:
+NOTE: Don't use environmental variables on Linux (such as `$HOME`). Instead, specify the full path to the
+`jdbcT4.jar` file.
+6.  If you do not wish to download and install the optional components, type *N* at the prompt and press Enter, and your installation
+is complete. Otherwise, type *Y*, press *Enter*, and proceed through the remainder of the installation.
+7.  Type *Y* and press *Enter* if you agree to the terms. If you are doing an optional install only, you are prompted to enter a valid trafci
+installation directory:
+Do you agree to these terms? (Y or N): Y
+Enter your installation directory:
+8.  If you do not require a proxy server, type *N*, press *Enter*, and proceed to Step 10. Otherwise, type *Y*, press *Enter*,
+and proceed to Step 9.
+Use a proxy server? [N]:
+9.  When prompted to auto-detect proxy servers, type *Y* and press *Enter* to direct trafci to detect your proxy settings.
+If trafci finds proxy servers, it displays them. If you type *N* and press *Enter*, trafci prompts you to enter the proxy server and port:
+Use a proxy server? [Y]: Y
+Attempt to auto-detect proxy server(s)? [Y]: N
+Enter the proxy server (do not include the port):
+Enter the proxy port: 8080
+10.  You are prompted to select which optional components you wish to download and install. You can also change the download URL.
+Install Perl JavaServer extensions? [Y]: Y
+Perl JavaServer requires 3 files:,, and JavaServer.jar
+[URL of the folder which contains these files []:]
+Install Perl XML SAX Module? [Y]: Y
+Perl SAX XML Module URL (
+Install Jython, a Java implementation of Python? [Y]: Y
+Jython URL (jython_installer-2.2.jar)
+11.  The setup proceeds to download and install the optional open-source components. As each component is retrieved, dots (.) are printed to
+indicate the progress of the download.
+Downloading Perl JavaServer [1 of 3] -
+......................... 100%
+Downloading Perl JavaServer [2 of 3] - JavaArray.pm1
+......................... 100%
+Downloading Perl JavaServer [3 of 3] - JavaServer.jar
+......................... 100%
+Successfully added
+Downloading Perl XML SAX Module [1 of 1] -
+......................... 100%
+Downloading Jython [1 of 1] - jython_installer-2.2.jar
+......................... 100%
+Successfully Installed Jython. Successfully added
+Trafodion Command Interface Installation Complete.
+== Verify Installed Software Files
+After downloading and running the installer file, verify that the trafci software files are installed in the correct locations.
+`c:\trafodion\trafci` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion/trafci` (Linux).
+| Folder         | Files               | Description
+| `bin`          | `trafci`            |
+|                | `trafci.cmd`        | Windows launch file.
+|                | ``         | Perl wrapper script. _trafci-perl.pl_ is renamed _trafci.pl_. To run this script, see the
+{docs-url}/command_interface/index.html[_Trafodion Command Interface Guide_].
+|                | ``         | Python wrapper script. is renamed as To run this script, see the
+{docs-url}/command_interface/index.html[_Trafodion Command Interface Guide_].
+|                | ``         | Linux launch file.
+|                | ``    | Perl wrapper script. This script has been modified to invoke This script is retained for backward compatibility.
+|                | ``  | Python wrapper script. This script has been modified to invoke This script is retained for backward compatibility.
+| `lib`          | `trafci.jar`        | Product JAR file.
+| `lib/perl`     | ``        | Product file.
+| `lib/python`   | ``        | Product file.
+| `samples`      | `README`            | Readme file that describes how to use the sample scripts.
+|                | ``       | Sample Perl program that executes DML statements and returns results in an array format.
+|                | ``         | Sample Perl program that supports multiple sessions in one script. 
+|                | `sample.sql`        | Sample SQL script.
+|                | ``      | Sample Python file that uses Jython to execute DDL statements.
+|                | ``      | Sample Python file that uses Jython to execute DML statements.
+|                | ``   | Sample Perl file that lists all tables and respective row counts. The file accepts a wild-card argument on the command line.
+|                | ``   | Sample Python file that lists all tables and respective row counts. The file accepts a wild-card argument on the command line.
+== Modify PATH variable
+Modify the PATH variable:
+* *Windows:* `c:\trafodion\trafci\bin\`
+* *Linux:* `$HOME/trafodion/trafci/bin`
+See <<howto-setup-path, Set Up Path Variable>> for further instructions.
+== Test Launching trafci
+NOTE: For information about setting up and using trafci, such as choosing the look and feel of the interface or presetting launch parameters, see the
+{docs-url}/command_interface/index.html[Trafodion Command Interface Guide].
+=== Windows Example
+On Windows, do the following:
+1. Go to the directory where you installed trafci. For example, `c:\trafodion\trafci`
+2. Go to the `bin` directory
+3. Invoke the `trafci.cmd` file.
+4. Answer prompts.
+cd "c:\trafodion\trafci\bin"
+<screen is cleared>
+Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
+Copyright (c) 2015 Apache Software Foundation
+Host Name/IP Address:
+User Name: usr
+Connected to Trafodion
+SQL> show schemas ;
+=== Linux Example
+On Linux, do the following:
+1. Go to the directory where you installed trafci. For example, `$HOME/trafodion/trafci`
+2. Go to the `bin` directory
+3. Invoke the `` file.
+4. Answer prompts.
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/trafci/bin
+$ . ./ -h -u usr -p pwd
+Welcome to Apache Trafodion Command Interface
+Copyright (c) 2015 Apache Software Foundation
+Connected to Trafodion
+SQL>show schemas;
+== Uninstall trafci
+If you used the executable JAR file, `trafciInstaller.jar`, to install trafci, delete the entire
+folder/directory when you installed trafci.
+* On Windows:
+rmdir /s /q <trafci-installation-directory>
+rmdir /s /q c:\trafodion\trafci
+* On Linux:
+rm -rf <jdbc-installation-directory>
+rm -rf $HOME/trafodion/trafci
+NOTE: Remember to remove the trafci reference in the PATH variable.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/index.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/index.adoc
index f8ae3b8..c6aa394 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/index.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/index.adoc
@@ -1,68 +1,70 @@
-* @@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@                                                         
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@ 
-= Client Installation Guide
-:doctype: book
-:toc: left
-:toclevels: 3
-:toc-title: Table of Contents
-:icons: font
-:iconsdir: icons
-:source-language: text
-:revnumber: {project-version}
-:title-logo-image: {project-logo}
-:project-name: {project-name}
-:images: ../images
-:sourcedir: ../../resources/source
-:leveloffset: 1
-// The directory is called _chapters because asciidoctor skips direct
-// processing of files found in directories starting with an _. This
-// prevents each chapter being built as its own book.
-= Appendix
+* @@@ START COPYRIGHT @@@                                                         
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@ 
+= Client Installation Guide
+:doctype: book
+:toc: left
+:toclevels: 3
+:toc-title: Table of Contents
+:icons: font
+:iconsdir: icons
+:source-language: text
+:revnumber: {project-version}
+:title-logo-image: {project-logo}
+:project-name: {project-name}
+:images: ../images
+:sourcedir: ../../resources/source
+:tableau: ../../resources/tableau
+:leveloffset: 1
+// The directory is called _chapters because asciidoctor skips direct
+// processing of files found in directories starting with an _. This
+// prevents each chapter being built as its own book.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/images/Database_Connection_in_DbVisualizer.jpg b/docs/client_install/src/images/Database_Connection_in_DbVisualizer.jpg
index 5cd345c..4dc5931 100644
Binary files a/docs/client_install/src/images/Database_Connection_in_DbVisualizer.jpg and b/docs/client_install/src/images/Database_Connection_in_DbVisualizer.jpg differ
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[13/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Posted by
Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Corresponding changes in the odb User's Guide to keep installation in one place.

Formatting changes in some guides.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: da748b4d887f20026d0afc1d137fc88a72cf717b
Parents: 9c712a4
Author: Gunnar Tapper <>
Authored: Tue Nov 1 20:37:58 2016 +0000
Committer: Gunnar Tapper <>
Committed: Tue Nov 1 20:37:58 2016 +0000

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--- a/core/conn/jdbcT4/src/main/samples/
+++ b/core/conn/jdbcT4/src/main/samples/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
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 catalog = TRAFODION
-schema  = SCH
+schema  = SEABASE
 url = jdbc:t4jdbc://server:port/:
 user = usr
 password = pwd
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-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
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+    <artifactId>trafodion</artifactId>
+    <version>1.3.0</version>
+    <relativePath>../../pom.xml</relativePath>
+  </parent>
+  <licenses>
+    <license>
+      <name>The Apache Software License, Version 2.0</name>
+      <url></url>
+      <distribution>repo</distribution>
+      <comments>A business-friendly OSS license</comments>
+    </license>
+  </licenses>
+  <organization>
+    <name>Apache Software Foundation</name>
+    <url></url>
+  </organization>
+  <issueManagement>
+    <system>JIRA</system>
+    <url></url>
+  </issueManagement>
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+    <connection>scm:git:</connection>
+    <developerConnection>scm:git:</developerConnection>
+    <url></url>
+    <tag>HEAD</tag>
+  </scm>
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+    <url></url>
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+    <asciidoctorj.version>1.5.4</asciidoctorj.version>
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+      <name> Proxy (Releases)</name>
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+        <enabled>false</enabled>
+      </snapshots>
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+      <groupId>rubygems</groupId>
+      <artifactId>prawn</artifactId>
+      <version>${rubygems.prawn.version}</version>
+      <type>gem</type>
+      <scope>provided</scope>
+    </dependency>
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+      <groupId>org.jruby</groupId>
+      <artifactId>jruby-complete</artifactId>
+      <version>${jruby.version}</version>
+    </dependency>
+    <dependency>
+      <groupId>org.asciidoctor</groupId>
+      <artifactId>asciidoctorj</artifactId>
+      <version>${asciidoctorj.version}</version>
+    </dependency>
+  </dependencies>
+  <build>
+    <plugins>
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+        <groupId>de.saumya.mojo</groupId>
+        <artifactId>gem-maven-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>1.0.10</version>
+        <configuration>
+          <!-- align JRuby version with AsciidoctorJ to avoid redundant downloading -->
+          <jrubyVersion>${jruby.version}</jrubyVersion>
+          <gemHome>${}/gems</gemHome>
+          <gemPath>${}/gems</gemPath>
+        </configuration>
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+            <goals>
+              <goal>initialize</goal>
+            </goals>
+          </execution>
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+          </dependency>
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+                <project-support></project-support>
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+                <project-name>Trafodion</project-name>
+                <project-logo>${basedir}/../shared/trafodion-logo.jpg</project-logo>
+                <project-support></project-support>
+                <docs-url></docs-url>
+                <download-url>http://</download-url>
+                <build-date>${}</build-date>
+              </attributes>
+            </configuration>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin> 
+      <!-- Rename target/site/index.pdf to client-install-guide.pdf -->
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-antrun-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>1.8</version>
+        <inherited>false</inherited>
+        <executions>
+          <execution>
+            <id>populate-release-directories</id>
+            <phase>post-site</phase>
+            <configuration>
+              <target name="Populate Release Directories">
+                <!-- The website uses the following organization for the docs/target/docs directory:
+                  - To ensure a known location, the base directory contains the LATEST version of the web book and the PDF files.
+                  - The know location is docs/target/docs/<document>
+                  - target/docs/<version>/<document> contains version-specific renderings of the documents.
+                  - target/docs/<version>/<document> contains the PDF version and the web book. The web book is named index.html
+                --> 
+                <!-- Copy the PDF file to its target directories -->
+                <copy file="${basedir}/target/index.pdf" tofile="${basedir}/../target/docs/client_install/Trafodion_Client_Installation_Guide.pdf" />
+                <copy file="${basedir}/target/index.pdf" tofile="${basedir}/../target/docs/${project.version}/client_install/Trafodion_Client_Installation_Guide.pdf" />
+                <!-- Copy the Web Book files to their target directories -->
+                <copy todir="${basedir}/../target/docs/client_install">
+                  <fileset dir="${basedir}/target/site">
+                    <include name="**/*.*"/>  <!--All sub-directories, too-->
+                  </fileset>
+                </copy>
+                <copy todir="${basedir}/../target/docs/${project.version}/client_install">
+                  <fileset dir="${basedir}/target/site">
+                    <include name="**/*.*"/>  <!--All sub-directories, too-->
+                  </fileset>
+                </copy>
+              </target>
+            </configuration>
+            <goals>
+              <goal>run</goal>
+            </goals>
+          </execution>
+        </executions>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+  </build>
+  <!-- Included because this is required. No reports are generated. -->
+  <reporting>
+    <excludeDefaults>true</excludeDefaults>
+    <plugins>
+      <plugin>
+        <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
+        <artifactId>maven-project-info-reports-plugin</artifactId>
+        <version>2.8</version>
+        <reportSets>
+          <reportSet>
+            <reports>
+            </reports>
+          </reportSet>
+        </reportSets>
+      </plugin>
+    </plugins>
+  </reporting>
+  <distributionManagement>
+    <site>
+      <id></id>
+      <name>Trafodion Website at</name>
+      <!-- On why this is the tmp dir and not, see
+      -->
+      <url>file:///tmp</url>
+    </site>
+  </distributionManagement>
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/SQuirrel.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/SQuirrel.adoc
index 563993f..bde3a3f 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/SQuirrel.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/SQuirrel.adoc
@@ -1,72 +1,76 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Configure SQuirreL Client
-These configuration instructions apply to {project-name} Release 1.3.*_n_* and subsequent updates of {project-name} until otherwise indicated.
-== Prerequisite Software
-Make sure that you have this software installed on your workstation:
-* Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7 or higher. See <<jdbct4-java-environment, Java Environment>> in the <<jdbct4, Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>> chapter above.
-* {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver. See <<jdbct4,Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>> above.
-* SQuirreL SQL Client 3.5.0. See the[_SQuirreL SQL Client website_].
-== Configuration Instructions
-=== Register JDBC Type-4 Driver
-Use the *Add Driver* function and register the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver:
-1. Click on the *Add* button and locate the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver.
-2. Click on the *List Drivers* button to find the JDBC Driver Class Name.
-3. Set the properties as shown below:
-image:{images}/Add_Driver_SQuirreL.jpg[alt="SQuirreL Add Driver Dialog Box"]
-* Name: `{project-name}`
-* Example URL: `jdbc:t4jdbc://_host-name or ip-address_:37800/:` (Default port number: *23400*)
-=== Connect to {project-name}
-Use the Add Alias dialog box and create an alias for your {project-name} System:
-image:{images}/Add_Alias_SQuirreL.jpg[alt="SQuirreL Add Alias Dialog Box"]
-1. Edit the connection *URL* to match your {project-name} system's host name and port number:
-jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name or ip-address>:37800/:
-2. Click on the *Properties* button for the alias.
-3. In the *Schemas* tab, select the option *Load all and cache all Schemas*.
-image:{images}/Properties_for_Alias_SQuirreL.jpg[width=400,height=400,alt="SQuirreL Properties Dialog Box"]
-Once you have a successful connection, use the SQL tab and run a query to confirm the connection.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Configure SQuirreL Client
+== Prerequisites
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have <<java-setup, setup your Java environment>>,
+<<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>>, and <<jdbct4, installed the JDBC Type-4 Driver>>.
+You also need SQuirreL SQL Client 3.7.0 or later. See the[_SQuirreL SQL Client website_].
+== Configuration Instructions
+=== Register JDBC Type-4 Driver
+.  Start SQuirreL SQL Client
+.  Click in the rectangle box in the upper left of the window that has \u201cDrivers\u201d printed sideways.
+.  Select the "+ New Driver. . ." under "Drivers" from the top menu.
+image:{images}/SQuirrel_New_Driver.jpg[alt="SQuirreL New Driver Dialog Box"]
+. In the *Add Driver* dialog box:
+.. Enter `Trafodion` in the *Name* field.
+.. Enter `jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name or ip-address:23400/:` in the *Example URL* field.
+The default port number is 23400. If you have configured JDBC server on Trafodion with a different port number, 
+then you will need to change the 23400 value to match.
+.. Select the *Extra Class Path* tab and then click the *Add* button.  
+Use the file browser to navigate to the directory where you installed the 
+drivers and select the driver. (`jdbct4\lib\jdbcT4.jar`)
+.. Enter `org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver` in the Class Name field at the bottom of the dialog box and then click on *OK*.
+.. If configured correctly, you will see a message stating 
+"Driver class org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver successfully registered for driver definition: Trafodion" in the text box 
+at the bottom of the SQuirreL SQL window.
+image:{images}/SQuirrel_Extra_Class_Path.jpg[scaledwidth="75%",alt="SQuirreL Extra Class Path Dialog Box"]
+. Click in the rectangle box in the upper left of the window that has "Drivers" printed sideways.
+=== Connect to {project-name}
+Use the Add Alias dialog box and create an alias for your Trafodion System.
+.  Select the "+ New Alias. . ." under *Aliases* from the top menu.
+.  In the *Add Alias* dialog box:
+..  Enter `Trafodion Cluster` or however you want to identify the cluster in the Name field.
+..  Select *Trafodion* from the Driver select menu.
+..  Enter <your user name> in the User Name field.
+..  Enter <your password> in the Password field.
+..  Click on the *Properties* button.  In the Schema tab, select the *Load all and cache all Schemas* radio button.
+..  Click on the *OK* button to close the Properties dialog and then click on the *OK* button to close the *Add Aliases* window.
+image:{images}/SQuirrel_Add_Alias.jpg[alt="SQuirreL Add Alias Dialog Box"]
+. You will now be presented with a dialog to connect.  Click on the *Connect* button and then issue a query to test the connection.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc
index 25e220c..e64cc3a 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/about.adoc
@@ -1,166 +1,165 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= About This Document
-This manual describes how to install and configure client applications that enable you to connect to and use a {project-name} database.
-== Intended Audience
-This manual is intended for users who want to connect to and use a {project-name} database.
-== New and Changed Information
-This manual shows updated versions for {project-name} Release {project-version}. It also provides instructions on how to download and install <<odb,{project-name} odb>>, a
-new multi-threaded, ODBC-based command-line tool for parallel data loading and extracting.
-== Notation Conventions
-This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
-Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. 
-* lowercase letters
-Lowercase letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
-* &#91; &#93; Brackets 
-Brackets enclose optional syntax items.
-DATETIME [start-field TO] end-field
-A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or none.
-The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines.
-For example: 
-* { } Braces 
-Braces enclose required syntax items.
-FROM { grantee [, grantee ] ... }
-A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to choose one item.
-The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines.
-For example:
-INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field }
-{ single-field } 
-INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field | single-field }
-* | Vertical Line 
-A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces.
-{expression | NULL} 
-* &#8230; Ellipsis
-An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times.
-ATTRIBUTE[S] attribute [, attribute] ...
-{, sql-expression } ...
-An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that syntax item any number of times.
-For example:
-expression-n ...
-* Punctuation
-Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown.
-DAY (datetime-expression)
-Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown.
-For example:
-"{" module-name [, module-name] ... "}"
-* Item Spacing
-Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma.
-DAY (datetime-expression) DAY(datetime-expression)
-If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items:
-* Line Spacing
-If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.
-This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections. 
-match-value [NOT] LIKE _pattern
-   [ESCAPE esc-char-expression] 
-== Comments Encouraged
-We encourage your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your
-needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to {project-support}.
-Include the document title and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= About This Document
+This manual describes how to install and configure client applications that enable you to connect to and use a {project-name} database.
+== Intended Audience
+This manual is intended for users who want to connect to and use a {project-name} database.
+== New and Changed Information
+This manual shows updated versions for {project-name} Release {project-version}.
+== Notation Conventions
+This list summarizes the notation conventions for syntax presentation in this manual.
+Uppercase letters indicate keywords and reserved words. Type these items exactly as shown. Items not enclosed in brackets are required. 
+* lowercase letters
+Lowercase letters, regardless of font, indicate variable items that you supply. Items not enclosed in brackets are required.
+* &#91; &#93; Brackets 
+Brackets enclose optional syntax items.
+DATETIME [start-field TO] end-field
+A group of items enclosed in brackets is a list from which you can choose one item or none.
+The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned brackets on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of brackets and separated by vertical lines.
+For example: 
+* { } Braces 
+Braces enclose required syntax items.
+FROM { grantee [, grantee ] ... }
+A group of items enclosed in braces is a list from which you are required to choose one item.
+The items in the list can be arranged either vertically, with aligned braces on each side of the list, or horizontally, enclosed in a pair of braces and separated by vertical lines.
+For example:
+INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field }
+{ single-field } 
+INTERVAL { start-field TO end-field | single-field }
+* | Vertical Line 
+A vertical line separates alternatives in a horizontal list that is enclosed in brackets or braces.
+{expression | NULL} 
+* &#8230; Ellipsis
+An ellipsis immediately following a pair of brackets or braces indicates that you can repeat the enclosed sequence of syntax items any number of times.
+ATTRIBUTE[S] attribute [, attribute] ...
+{, sql-expression } ...
+An ellipsis immediately following a single syntax item indicates that you can repeat that syntax item any number of times.
+For example:
+expression-n ...
+* Punctuation
+Parentheses, commas, semicolons, and other symbols not previously described must be typed as shown.
+DAY (datetime-expression)
+Quotation marks around a symbol such as a bracket or brace indicate the symbol is a required character that you must type as shown.
+For example:
+"{" module-name [, module-name] ... "}"
+* Item Spacing
+Spaces shown between items are required unless one of the items is a punctuation symbol such as a parenthesis or a comma.
+DAY (datetime-expression) DAY(datetime-expression)
+If there is no space between two items, spaces are not permitted. In this example, no spaces are permitted between the period and any other items:
+* Line Spacing
+If the syntax of a command is too long to fit on a single line, each continuation line is indented three spaces and is separated from the preceding line by a blank line.
+This spacing distinguishes items in a continuation line from items in a vertical list of selections. 
+match-value [NOT] LIKE _pattern
+   [ESCAPE esc-char-expression] 
+== Comments Encouraged
+We encourage your comments concerning this document. We are committed to providing documentation that meets your
+needs. Send any errors found, suggestions for improvement, or compliments to {project-support}.
+Include the document title and any comment, error found, or suggestion for improvement you have concerning this document.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/dbviz.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/dbviz.adoc
index d064e2a..a982504 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/dbviz.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/dbviz.adoc
@@ -1,83 +1,110 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Configure DbVisualizer
-== Prerequisite Software
-Make sure that you have this software installed on your workstation:
-* Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.7 or higher. See <<jdbct4-java-environment, Java Environment>> in the <<jdbct4, Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>> chapter above.
-In addition, see DbVisualizer\u2019s FAQ \u201cHow to\u201d page:
-[_How do I change the Java version that DbVisualizer uses?_]
-* {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver. See <<jdbct4,Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>> above.
-* DbVisualizer 9.x.x. See the[_DbVisualizer website_].
-== Configuration Instructions
-=== Disable Connection Validation Select Option
-==== DbVisualizer 9.1 (or an earlier version)
-Edit the `_DbVisualizer-Install-Dir_\resources\dbvis-custom.prefs` file and
-disable the `ConnectionValidationSelect` option as shown below:
-==== DbVisualizer 9.2 (or a later version)
-Set the *Physical Connection* property to keep your connections alive. Follow these steps:
-1.  Double-click the database connection, select the *Properties* tab.
-2.  In the left navigation tree, expand the *Generic* connection properties, and select *Physical Connection*.
-3.  Under *Validation SQL*, enter `values(current_timestamp)` and click *Apply*.
-image:{images}/Physical_Connection.jpg[width=600,height=600,alt="DbVisualizer Physical Connection"]
-=== Register JDBC Type-4 Driver
-Use the DbVisualizer Driver Manager and register the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver.
-* Use the Open File icon and locate the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver.
-* Use the JDBC URL format:
-jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name or ip-address>:23400/:
-*NOTE*: This example uses a modified port number (*37800*) rather than the default port number (*23400*).
-=== Connect to {project-name}
-Create a new connection by selecting the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver and filling in the connection parameters. Edit the database URL to match
-your {project-name} system\u2019s host name and port number; for example: `jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name or ip-address>:37800/:` (default is: *23400*).
-Once you have connected successfully, execute a query using SQL Commander to confirm the connection.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Configure DBVisualizer
+== Prerequisites
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have <<java-setup, setup your Java environment>>,
+<<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>>, and <<jdbct4, installed the JDBC Type-4 Driver>>.
+You also need DBVisualizer 9.x.x. See the[_DbVisualizer website_].
+In addition, see DBVisualizer\u2019s FAQ \u201cHow to\u201d page:
+[_How do I change the Java version that DBVisualizer uses?_]
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the trafci installation file 
+to `c:\trafodion\trafci` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion/trafci` (Linux).
+== Configuration Instructions
+=== Register JDBC Type-4 Driver
+. Select *Tools>Driver Manager*.
+. Click on the green plus sign to add a new driver. 
+image:{images}/DbVisualizer_Driver_Manager.jpg[height=500,width=500,alt="DBVizualizer Add New Driver"]
+* Use the Open File icon and locate the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 Driver.
+`c:\trafodion\jdbct4\lib\jdbcT4.jar` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion/jdbct4/lib/jdbcT4.jar` (Linux).
+* Use the JDBC URL format (literary, do not replace the placeholders):
+jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name or ip-address>:23400/:
+. Close the dialog box to save the settings.
+=== Create Database Connection
+. Select *Database>Create Database Connection*.
+. Click on the *Driver (JDBC)* field. This presents you with a drop-down list of drivers.
+. Select the driver you created in the step above. (`Trafodion`)
+. Right-click the *Database URL* field. Select the URL format that pops up.
+The field should be populated with: `jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name or ip-address>:23400/:`
+. Edit (double-click the field) the database URL to match your target host name and port number.
+. Add your *Database Userid*.
+. Add your *Database Password*.
+image:{images}/Database_Connection_in_DbVisualizer.jpg[height=500,width=500,alt="DBVizualizer Make Connection"]
+=== Disable Connection Validation Select Option
+==== DBVisualizer 9.2 (or a later version)
+Set the *Physical Connection* property to keep your connections alive. Follow these steps:
+. Open the database connection you created earlier if it's not open.
+. Select the *Properties* tab.
+. In the left navigation tree, expand the *Generic* connection properties, and select *Physical Connection*.
+. Under *Validation SQL*, enter `values(current_timestamp)` and click *Apply*.
+image:{images}/Physical_Connection.jpg[height=500,width=500,alt="DBVisualizer Physical Connection"]
+==== DBVisualizer 9.1 (or an earlier version)
+Edit the `_DBVisualizer-Install-Dir_\resources\dbvis-custom.prefs` file and
+disable the `ConnectionValidationSelect` option as shown below:
+=== Connect to {project-name}
+. Right click on the database connection.
+. Select *Connect*.
+Once connected:
+. Select *SQL Commander>New SQL Commander*. (CTRL+T)
+. Browse the tree structure in the left pane under *Connections*.
+. Try a query.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/howto.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/howto.adoc
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@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= How To
+== Set Up Path Variable
+You need to update your PATH variable for Java and the {project-name} clients.
+The examples below show how to add Java to your PATH variable. The process
+is similar for the different {project-name} clients.
+NOTE: You typically point the PATH variable to the `bin` directory, if it exists.
+Otherwise, you point the PATH variable to the directory containing the client executable.
+The examples below point to the Java `bin` directory.
+=== Set PATH Variable on Windows
+==== Windows 10
+. Right-click on the Windows icon on the menu bar. Select *System*.
+. Click on *Advanced System Settings*.
+. In the *System Properties* dialog box, click the *Advanced* tab.
+. Click the *Environment Variables* button.
+. Under *System* variables, select the variable named *Path*, and then click *Edit. . .*:
+image:{images}/win10_edit_path.jpg[Windows 10 Edit Path Variable]
+. Click *Browse. . .*. Find the directory where you installed Java or the {project-name} client. Select the `bin` directory as applicable.
+.  Click *OK* to close the browse window. Click *OK* to close the edit window.
+.  Verify that the updated *Path* appears under *System* variables, and click *OK*.
+.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click *OK* to accept the changes.
+==== Windows 8
+. Right-click the *Computer* icon on your desktop, and then select *Properties*. The *Control Panel > System and Security > System* window appears.
+. In the left navigation bar, click the *Advanced* system settings link.
+.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click the *Environment Variables* button.
+.  Under *System* variables, select the variable named *Path*, and then click *Edit*:
+.  Place the cursor at the start of the *Variable* value field and
+enter the path of the Java or {project-name} client `bin` directory, ending with a semicolon (;):
+"c:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin";
+NOTE: Check that no space exists after the semicolon (;) in the path. If there are spaces in the directory name, delimit the entire directory path in double quotes (") before the semicolon.
+.  Click *OK*.
+.  Verify that the updated *Path* appears under *System* variables, and click *OK*.
+.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click *OK* to accept the changes.
+For a full installation, a sample PATH variable may contain:
+SET PATH=%PATH%;C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.8.0_101\;C:\trafodion\trafci\bin\;
+=== Set PATH Variable on Linux
+. Open the user profile (`.profile` or `.bash_profile` for the Bash shell) in the `$HOME` directory.
+cd $HOME
+vi .profile
+. In the user profile, set the `PATH` environment variable to include the path of the Java 
+or {project-name} client `bin` directory. 
+export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0/bin
+NOTE: Place the path of the Java bin directory after `$PATH` separated by colon (`:`). 
+.  To activate the changes, either log out and log in again or source in the user profile.
+source profile
+For a full installation, a sample PATH variable may contain:
+export PATH=$PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.7.0/bin:/opt/user/trafodion/trafci/bin
+=== Verify PATH Variable
+Ensure that you can access the Java or {project-name} client
+from the command line.
+Display the Java version.
+c:\trafodion> java -version
+java version "1.7.0_45" # This is the version you need to check
+Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
+Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode, sharing)
+Display the trafci version.
+c:\trafodion> trafci -version
+Welcome to EsgynDB Enterprise Command Interface
+Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Esgyn Corporation
+JDBC Type 4 Driver Build ID : Traf_JDBC_Type4_Build_439d96b
+Command Interface Build ID  : TrafCI_Build_439d96b
+If you cannot display the version information, then you need to 
+check your PATH variable settings again.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
index 8e9f06d..4b9172e 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
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@@ -1,147 +1,70 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
-* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-* limitations under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= Introduction
-This manual describes how to install and configure the following client applications, which enable you to connect to and use a {project-name}
-== Client Summary
-=== JDBC-Based Clients
-The following table lists JDBC-based clients supported by {project-name}.
-| Client Name | Description
-| *{project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver* | A driver that enables Java applications that run on a client workstation to connect to a {project-name} database. +
- +
-*NOTE:* The {project-name} Command Interface (TrafCI), DbVisualizer, and SQuirreL SQL Client require this driver to be installed on the client
-| *{project-name} Command Interface (TrafCI)* | A command-line interface that allows you to connect to a {project-name} database and run SQL statements and other commands interactively or from
-script files. For more information, see the[{project-name} Command Interface Guide].
-| *DbVisualizer* | A third-party database tool that allows you to connect to a {project-name} database. For more information, see the[DbVisualizer website].
-| *SQuirreL SQL Client* | A third-party database tool that allows you to connect to a {project-name} database. For more information, see the 
-[SQuirreL SQL Client website].
-=== ODBC-Based Clients
-The following table lists ODBC-based clients supported by {project-name}.
-| Client Name | Description
-| *{project-name} ODBC Driver for Linux* | A driver that enables applications, which were developed for the Microsoft ODBC API and run on a Linux workstation, to connect to a
-{project-name} database.
-| *{project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows* | *[Not included in this release]*^1^ +
- +
-A driver that enables applications, which were developed for the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) application programming
-interface (API) and which run on a Windows workstation, to connect to a {project-name} database.
-| *{project-name} odb tool* | A multi-threaded, ODBC-based command-line tool for parallel data loading and extracting. For more information, see the
-{docs-url}/odb/index.html[{project-name} odb User Guide].
-^1^ License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact
-{project-support} for help obtaining the driver.
-== Download Installation Package
-The {project-name} client software is available from the {download-url}[{project-name} Download] page. There is one
-`{project-name} Clients` package per release listed under *<version> Binaries*.
-The `{project-name} Clients` package consists of a zipped tar file that contains the {project-name} Clients tar file. The {project-name} Client
-binaries are located in the Clients folder, which contains the following files:
-[cols="30%l,70%", options="header"]
-| File                             | Usage
-| odbc64_linux.tar.gz              | {project-name} odb tool.
-| TFODBC64-*.exe                   | *[Not included in this release]*^1^ {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows.
-| TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz | {project-name} ODBC driver for Linux.
-|                       | The {project-name} command interpreter `trafci`.
-|                       | {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver.
-^1^ License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact 
-{project-support} for help obtaining the driver.
-=== Windows Download
-Do the following:
-1.  Create a download folder on the client workstation. For example, `{project-name} Downloads`.
-2.  Open a Web browser and navigate to the {project-name} downloads site {download-url}.
-3.  Orient yourself to the binaries for the release you're installing.
-Click on the `{project-name} Clients` link to start downloading the {project-name} clients tar file to your workstation.
-4.  Place the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar.gz` file into the download folder.
-5.  Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-\*.tar.gz` file using an unzip program of your choice. This creates
-an `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar` file.
-6. Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar` file using an unzip program of your choice. This creates
-the `clients` folder, which has the following content:
-``` odb64_linux.tar.gz TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
-You use these files to install the different {project-name} clients.
-=== Linux Download
-Do the following:
-1. Create a download directory on the client workstation. For example, `$HOME/trafodion-downloads`.
-2. Open a Web browser and navigate to the {project-name} downloads site {download-url}.
-3.  Orient yourself to the binaries for the release you're installing.
-Right-click on the `{project-name} Clients` link and select *Copy link address*.
-4.  Go to the download directory on the client workstation and use `wget` to download the client package
-using the link address you copied in step 3 above.
-5.  Unpack the `apache-trafodion-clients-*.tar.gz` using `tar`.
-$ mkdir $HOME/trafodion-downloads
-$ cd $HOME/trafodion-downloads
-$ wget <link to package>
-$ tar -xzf apache-trafodion-clients-1.3.0-incubating-bin.tar.gz
-$ cd clients
-$ ls  odb64_linux.tar.gz  TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
-You use these files to install the different {project-name} clients.
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+* limitations under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= Introduction
+This manual describes how to install and configure the following client applications, which enable you to connect to and use a {project-name}
+== Client Summary
+=== JDBC-Based Clients
+The following table lists JDBC-based clients supported by {project-name}.
+| Client Name | Description
+| *{project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver* | A driver that enables Java applications that run on a client workstation to connect to a {project-name} database. +
+ +
+*NOTE:* The {project-name} Command Interface (trafci), DBVisualizer, and SQuirreL SQL Client require this driver to be installed on the client
+| *{project-name} Command Interface (trafci)* | A command-line interface that allows you to connect to a {project-name} database and run SQL statements and other commands interactively or from
+script files. For more information, see the[{project-name} Command Interface Guide].
+| *DBVisualizer* | A third-party database tool that allows you to connect to a {project-name} database. For more information, see the[DbVisualizer website].
+| *SQuirreL SQL Client* | A third-party database tool that allows you to connect to a {project-name} database. For more information, see the 
+[SQuirreL SQL Client website].
+=== ODBC-Based Clients
+The following table lists ODBC-based clients supported by {project-name}.
+| Client Name | Description
+| *{project-name} ODBC Driver for Linux* | A driver that enables applications, which were developed for the Microsoft ODBC API and run on a Linux workstation, to connect to a
+{project-name} database.
+| *{project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows* | *[Not included in this release]*^1^ +
+ +
+A driver that enables applications, which were developed for the Microsoft Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) application programming
+interface (API) and which run on a Windows workstation, to connect to a {project-name} database.
+| *{project-name} odb tool* | A multi-threaded, ODBC-based command-line tool for parallel data loading and extracting. For more information, see the
+{docs-url}/odb/index.html[{project-name} odb User Guide].
+| *Tableau* | An interactive data visualization products focused on business intelligence
+For more information, see the[Tableau Software website].
+^1^ License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact
+{project-support} for help obtaining the driver.

[02/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_utilities.adoc
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@@ -1,1191 +1,1191 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= SQL Utilities
-A utility is a tool that runs within {project-name} SQL and performs tasks.
-This section describes the {project-name} SQL utilities:
-| <<load_statement,LOAD Statement>>                           | Uses the {project-name} Bulk Loader to load data from a source table, either
-a {project-name} table or a Hive table, into a target {project-name} table.
-| <<populate_index_utility,POPULATE INDEX Utility>>           | Loads indexes.
-| <<purgedata_utility,PURGEDATA Utility>>                     | Purges data from tables and indexes.
-| <<unload_statement,UNLOAD Statement>>                       | Unloads data from {project-name} tables into an HDFS location that you
-| <<update_statistics_statement,UPDATE STATISTICS Statement>> | Updates the histogram statistics for one or more groups of columns
-within a table. These statistics are used to devise optimized access plans.
-NOTE: {project-name} SQL utilities are entered interactively or from script
-files using a client-based tool, such as the {project-name} Command Interface
-(TrafCI). To install and configure a client application that enables you
-to connect to and issue SQL utilities, see the
-{docs-url}/client_installation/index.html[_{project-name} Client Installation Guide_].
-== LOAD Statement
-The LOAD statement uses the {project-name} Bulk Loader to load data from a
-source table, either a {project-name} table or a Hive table, into a target
-{project-name} table. The {project-name} Bulk Loader prepares and loads HFiles
-directly in the region servers and bypasses the write path and the cost
-associated with it. The write path begins at a client, moves to a region
-server, and ends when data eventually is written to an HBase data file
-called an HFile.
-The {project-name} bulk load process takes place in the following phases:
-* *Disable Indexes* (if incremental index build not used)
-* *Prepare* (takes most time, heart of the bulk load operation)
-** Read source files ({project-name} Table, Hive table, or Hive external table)
-** Data encoded in {project-name} encoding
-** Data repartitioned and sorted to match regions of target table
-** Data written to HFiles
-** Data repartitioned and written to index HFiles (if incremental index build IS used)
-* *Complete* (with or without Snapshot recovery)
-** Take a snapshot of the table
-** Merge HFiles into HBase table (very fast \u2013 move, not a copy)
-** Delete snapshot or restore from snapshot if merge fails
-* *Populate Indexes* (if incremental index build is NOT used)
-* *Cleanup*
-** HFiles temporary space cleanup
-LOAD is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-LOAD [WITH option[[,] option]...] INTO target-table SELECT ... FROM source-table
-option is:
-=== Syntax Description of LOAD
-* `_target-table_`
-is the name of the target {project-name} table where the data will be loaded.
-See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
-* `_source-table_`
-is the name of either a {project-name} table or a Hive table that has the
-source data. Hive tables can be accessed in {project-name} using the
-HIVE.HIVE schema (for example, hive.hive.orders). The Hive table needs
-to already exist in Hive before {project-name} can access it. If you want to
-load data that is already in an HDFS folder, then you need to create an
-external Hive table with the right fields and pointing to the HDFS
-folder containing the data. You can also specify a WHERE clause on the
-source data as a filter.
-* `[WITH _option_[[,] _option_]&#8230;]`
-is a set of options that you can specify for the load operation. You can
-specify one or more of these options:
-causes the Bulk Loader to truncate the target table before starting the
-load operation. By default, the Bulk Loader does not truncate the target
-table before loading data.
-specifies that the Bulk Loader not use HBase snapshots for recovery. By
-default, the Bulk Loader handles recovery using the HBase snapshots
-specifies that the Bulk Loader not handle index maintenance or populate
-the indexes. By default, the Bulk Loader handles index maintenance,
-disabling indexes before starting the load operation and populating them
-after the load operation is complete.
-causes the Bulk Loader to ignore duplicates in the source data. By
-default, the Bulk Loader checks if there are duplicates in the source
-data and generates an error when it detects duplicates.
-prevents the LOAD statement from displaying status messages. By default,
-the LOAD statement prints status messages listing the steps that the
-Bulk Loader is executing.
-specifies that the target table, which is an index, be populated with
-data from the parent table.
-specifies that the data be inserted into the target table using row set
-inserts without a transaction.
-=== Considerations for LOAD
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue a LOAD statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the target table.
-* You have these privileges:
-** SELECT and INSERT privileges on the target table
-** DELETE privilege on the target table if TRUNCATE TABLE is specified
-* You have the MANAGE_LOAD component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-==== Configuration Before Running LOAD
-Before running the LOAD statement, make sure that you have configured
-the staging folder, source table, and HBase according to these
-==== Staging Folder for HFiles
-The Bulk Loader uses an HDFS folder as a staging area for the HFiles
-before calling HBase APIs to merge them into the {project-name} table.
-By default, {project-name} uses /bulkload as the staging folder. This folder
-must be owned by the same user as the one under which {project-name} runs. {project-name}
-also must have full permissions on this folder. The HBase user (that is,
-the user under which HBase runs) must have read/write access to this
-drwxr-xr-x - trafodion trafodion 0 2014-07-07 09:49 /bulkload.
-==== Improving Throughput
-The following CQD (Control Query Default) settings help improve the Bulk Loader
-Specifies the HFile size limit beyond which the current file is closed and a
-new file is created for the same partition. Adjust this setting to minimize
-HBase splitting/merging.
-*Default*: 10GB
-Specifies the HDFS directory where HFiles are created during load.
-*Default*: `/bulkload`
-Also, consider using `NO DUPLICATE CHECK` to improve througput if your
-source data is clean.
-==== Hive Source Table
-To load data stored in HDFS, you need to create a Hive table with
-the right fields and types pointing to the HDFS folder containing the
-data before you start the load.
-==== HBase Snapshots
-If you do not specify the NO RECOVERY OPTION in the LOAD statement, the
-Bulk Loader uses HBase snapshots as a mechanism for recovery. Snapshots
-are a lightweight operation where some metadata is copied. (Data is not
-A snapshot is taken before the load starts and is removed after
-the load completes successfully. If something goes wrong and it is
-possible to recover, the snapshot is used to restore the table to its
-initial state before the load started. To use this recovery mechanism,
-HBase needs to be configured to allow snapshots.
-==== Incremental Loads
-The Bulk Loader allows for incremental loads by default. Snapshots are
-taken before second phase starts and deleted once the bulk load completes.
-If something goes wrong with the load, then the snapshot is restored to
-go to the previous state.
-==== Non-Incremental Loads
-These following bulk load options can be used to do non-incremental load:
-* `NO RECOVERY`: Do not take a snapshot of the table.
-* `TRUNCATE TABLE`: Truncates the table before starting the load.
-==== Space Usage
-The target table values for SYSKEY, SALT, identity, divisioning columns
-are created automatically the during transformation step. The size of the
-HBase files is determined based on encoding, compression, HDFS replication
-factor, and row format. Target table can be pre-split into regions using
-salting, a Java Program, by seeding the table with data.
-==== Performance
-The overall throughput is influenced by row format, row length, number of
-columns, skew in data, etc. LOAD sas upsert semantics (duplicate constraint
-not checked with existing data). LOAD has lower CPU abd disk activity than
-similar trickle load (INSERT, UPSERT, or UPSERT USING LOAD), Also, LOAD has
-lower compaction activity after completion than Trickle Load. 
-==== Hive Scans
-Direct access for Hive table data supports:
-* Only text input format and sequence files.
-* Only structured data types.
-Tables must be created/dropped/altered through Hive itself.
-* Reads Hive metadata to determine information about table.
-* UPDATE STATISTICS can be performed on Hive tables - improves performance! 
-* Can write to Hive tables in both Text and Sequence formats (used by UNLOAD).
-=== Examples of LOAD
-* For customer demographics data residing in
-`/hive/tpcds/customer_demographics`, create an external Hive table using
-the following Hive SQL:
-create external table customer_demographics
-    cd_demo_sk int
-  , cd_gender string
-  , cd_marital_status string
-  , cd_education_status string
-  , cd_purchase_estimate int
-  , cd_credit_rating string
-  , cd_dep_count int
-  , cd_dep_employed_count int
-  , cd_dep_college_count int
-row format delimited fields terminated by '|' location
-* The {project-name} table where you want to load the data is defined using
-this DDL:
-create table customer_demographics_salt
-    cd_demo_sk int not null
-  , cd_gender char(1)
-  , cd_marital_status char(1)
-  , cd_education_status char(20)
-  , cd_purchase_estimate int
-  , cd_credit_rating char(10)
-  , cd_dep_count int
-  , cd_dep_employed_count int
-  , cd_dep_college_count int
-  , primary key (cd_demo_sk)
-salt using 4 partitions on (cd_demo_sk);
-* This example shows how the LOAD statement loads the
-customer_demographics_salt table from the Hive table,
->>load into customer_demographics_salt
-+>select * from hive.hive.customer_demographics where cd_demo_sk <= 5000;
-       Rows Processed: 5000
-Task: PREPARATION Status: Ended ET: 00:00:03.199
-Task: COMPLETION Status: Ended ET: 00:00:00.331
-Task: POPULATE INDEX Status: Ended ET: 00:00:05.262
-The POPULATE INDEX utility performs a fast INSERT of data into an index
-from the parent table. You can execute this utility in a client-based
-tool like TrafCI.
-POPULATE INDEX index ON table [index-option]
-index-option is:
-=== Syntax Description of POPULATE INDEX
-* `_index_`
-is an SQL identifier that specifies the simple name for the index. You
-cannot qualify _index_ with its schema name. Indexes have their own
-name space within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table
-or constraint name. However, no two indexes in a schema can have the
-same name.
-* `_table_`
-is the name of the table for which to populate the index. See
-<<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
-specifies that the populate operation should be done on-line. That is,
-ONLINE allows read and write DML access on the base table while the
-populate operation occurs. Additionally, ONLINE reads the audit trail to
-replay updates to the base table during the populate phase. If a lot of
-audit is generated and you perform many CREATE INDEX operations, we
-recommend that you avoid ONLINE operations because they can add more
-contention to the audit trail. The default is ONLINE.
-specifies that the populate should be done off-line. OFFLINE allows only
-read DML access to the base table. The base table is unavailable for
-write operations at this time. OFFLINE must be specified explicitly.
-SELECT is allowed.
-=== Considerations for POPULATE INDEX
-When POPULATE INDEX is executed, the following steps occur:
-* The POPULATE INDEX operation runs in many transactions.
-* The actual data load operation is run outside of a transaction.
-If a failure occurs, the rollback is faster because it does not have to
-process a lot of audit. Also, if a failure occurs, the index remains
-empty, unaudited, and not attached to the base table (off-line).
-* When an off-line POPULATE INDEX is being executed, the base table is
-accessible for read DML operations. When an on-line POPULATE INDEX is
-being executed, the base table is accessible for read and write DML
-operations during that time period, except during the commit phase at
-the very end.
-* If the POPULATE INDEX operation fails unexpectedly, you may need to
-drop the index again and re-create and repopulate.
-* On-line POPULATE INDEX reads the audit trail to replay updates by
-allowing read/write access. If you plan to create many indexes in
-parallel or if you have a high level of activity on the audit trail, you
-should consider using the OFFLINE option.
-Errors can occur if the source base table or target index cannot be
-accessed, or if the load fails due to some resource problem or problem
-in the file system.
-==== Required Privileges
-To perform a POPULATE INDEX operation, one of the following must be
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the table.
-* You have the SELECT and INSERT (or ALL) privileges on the associated table.
-=== Examples of POPULATE INDEX
-* This example loads the specified index from the specified table:
-POPULATE INDEX myindex ON myschema.mytable;
-* This example loads the specified index from the specified table, which
-uses the default schema:
-POPULATE INDEX index2 ON table2;
-== PURGEDATA Utility
-The PURGEDATA utility performs a fast DELETE of data from a table and
-its related indexes. You can execute this utility in a client-based tool
-like TrafCI.
-=== Syntax Description of PURGEDATA
-is the name of the table from which to purge the data. See
-<<"database object names","Database Object Names">>.
-=== Considerations for PURGEDATA
-* The _object_ can be a table name.
-* Errors are returned if _table_ cannot be accessed or if a resource or
-file-system problem causes the delete to fail.
-* PURGEDATA is not supported for volatile tables.
-==== Required Privileges
-To perform a PURGEDATA operation, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the table.
-* You have the SELECT and DELETE (or ALL) privileges on the associated
-==== Availability
-PURGEDATA marks the table OFFLINE and sets the corrupt bit while
-processing. If PURGEDATA fails before it completes, the table and its
-dependent indexes will be unavailable, and you must run PURGEDATA again
-to complete the operation and remove the data. Error 8551 with an
-accompanying file system error 59 or error 1071 is returned in this
-=== Examples of PURGEDATA
-* This example purges the data in the specified table. If the table has
-indexes, their data is also purged.
-PURGEDATA myschema.mytable;
-== UNLOAD Statement
-The UNLOAD statement unloads data from {project-name} tables into an HDFS
-location that you specify. Extracted data can be either compressed or
-uncompressed based on what you choose.
-UNLOAD is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-UNLOAD [WITH option[ option]...] INTO 'target-location' SELECT ... FROM source-table ...
-option is:
-    DELIMITER { 'delimiter-string' | delimiter-ascii-value }
-  | RECORD_SEPARATOR { 'separator-literal' | separator-ascii-value }
-  | NULL_STRING 'string-literal'
-  | MERGE FILE merged_file-path [OVERWRITE]
-=== Syntax Description of UNLOAD
-* `'_target-location_'`
-is the full pathname of the target HDFS folder where the extracted data
-will be written. Enclose the name of folder in single quotes. Specify
-the folder name as a full pathname and not as a relative path. You must
-have write permissions on the target HDFS folder. If you run UNLOAD in
-parallel, multiple files will be produced under the _target-location_.
-The number of files created will equal the number of ESPs.
-* `SELECT &#8230; FROM _source-table_ &#8230;`
-is either a simple query or a complex one that contains GROUP BY, JOIN,
-or UNION clauses. _source-table_ is the name of a {project-name} table that
-has the source data. See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
-* `[WITH _option_[ _option_]&#8230;]`
-is a set of options that you can specify for the unload operation. If
-you specify an option more than once, {project-name} returns an error with
-SQLCODE -4489. You can specify one or more of these options:
-** `DELIMITER { '_delimiter-string_' | _delimiter-ascii-value_ }`
-specifies the delimiter as either a delimiter string or an ASCII value.
-If you do not specify this option, {project-name} uses the character "|" as
-the delimiter.
-*** _delimiter-string_ can be any ASCII or Unicode string. You can also
-specify the delimiter as an ASCII value. Valid values range from 1 to 255.
-Specify the value in decimal notation; hexadecimal or octal
-notation are currently not supported. If you are using an ASCII value,
-the delimiter can be only one character wide. Do not use quotes when
-specifying an ASCII value for the delimiter.
-** `RECORD_SEPARATOR { '_separator-literal_' | _separator-ascii-value_ }`
-specifies the character that will be used to separate consecutive
-records or rows in the output file. You can specify either a literal
-or an ASCII value for the separator. The default value is a newline character.
-*** _separator-literal_ can be any ASCII or Unicode character. You can also
-specify the separator as an ASCII value. Valid values range from 1 to 255.
-Specify the value in decimal notation; hexadecimal or octal
-notation are currently not supported. If you are using an ASCII value,
-the separator can be only one character wide. Do not use quotes when
-specifying an ASCII value for the separator.
-** `NULL_STRING '_string-literal_'`
-specifies the string that will be used to indicate a NULL value. The
-default value is the empty string ''.
-causes files in the target HDFS folder to be deleted before the unload
-uses gzip compression in the extract node, writing the data to disk in
-this compressed format. GZIP is currently the only supported type of
-compression. If you do not specify this option, the extracted data will
-be uncompressed.
-** `MERGE FILE _merged_file-path_ [OVERWRITE]`
-merges the unloaded files into one single file in the specified
-_merged-file-path_. If you specify compression, the unloaded data will
-be in compressed format, and the merged file will also be in compressed
-format. If you specify the optional OVERWRITE keyword, the file is
-overwritten if it already exists; otherwise, {project-name} raises an error
-if the file already exists.
-prevents the UNLOAD statement from displaying status messages. By
-default, the UNLOAD statement prints status messages listing the steps
-that the Bulk Unloader is executing.
-initiates an HBase snapshot scan during the unload operation. During a
-snapshot scan, the Bulk Unloader will get a list of the {project-name} tables
-from the query explain plan and will create and verify snapshots for the
-tables. Specify a suffix string, '_string_', which will be appended to
-each table name.
-=== Considerations for UNLOAD
-* You must have write permissions on the target HDFS folder.
-* If a WITH option is specified more than once, {project-name} returns an
-error with SQLCODE -4489.
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue an UNLOAD statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the target table.
-* You have the SELECT privilege on the target table.
-* You have the MANAGE_LOAD component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS
-=== Examples of UNLOAD
-* This example shows how the UNLOAD statement extracts data from a
-{project-name} table, `TRAFODION.HBASE.CUSTOMER_DEMOGRAPHICS`, into an HDFS
-folder, `/bulkload/customer_demographics`:
-+>MERGE FILE 'merged_customer_demogs.gz' OVERWRITE
-+>INTO '/bulkload/customer_demographics'
-+>select * from trafodion.hbase.customer_demographics
-+><<+ cardinality 10e10 ,+ cardinality 10e10 >>;
-Task: UNLOAD Status: Started
-Task: EMPTY TARGET Status: Started
-Task: EMPTY TARGET Status: Ended ET: 00:00:00.014
-Task: EXTRACT Status: Started
-       Rows Processed: 200000
-Task: EXTRACT Status: Ended ET: 00:00:04.743 Task: MERGE FILES Status: Started
-Task: MERGE FILES Status: Ended ET: 00:00:00.063
---- 200000 row(s) unloaded.
-The UPDATE STATISTICS statement updates the histogram statistics for one
-or more groups of columns within a table. These statistics are used to
-devise optimized access plans.
-UPDATE STATISTICS is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE table [CLEAR | on-clause | sample-table-clause ]
-on-clause is:
-    ON column-group-list CLEAR
-  | ON column-group-list [histogram-option]...
-  | ON column-group-list INCREMENTAL WHERE predicate
-column-group-list is:
-    column-list [,column-list]...
-  | EVERY COLUMN [,column-list]...
-  | EVERY KEY [,column-list]...
-  | EXISTING COLUMN[S] [,column-list]...
-  | NECESSARY COLUMN[S] [,column-list]...
-column-list for a single-column group is:
-    column-name
-  | (column-name)
-  | column-name TO column-name
-  | (column-name) TO (column-name)
-  | column-name TO (column-name)
-  | (column-name) TO column-name
-column-list for a multicolumn group is:
-    (column-name, column-name [,column-name]...)
-histogram-option is:
-  | SAMPLE [sample-option]
-sample-option is:
-    [r ROWS]
-sample-table-clause is:
-=== Syntax Description of UPDATE STATISTICS
-* `_table_`
-names the table for which statistics are to be updated. To refer to a
-table, use the ANSI logical name.
-See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
-* `CLEAR`
-deletes some or all histograms for the table _table_. Use this option
-when new applications no longer use certain histogram statistics.
-If you do not specify _column-group-list_, all histograms for _table_
-are deleted. If you specify _column-group-list_, only columns in the
-group list are deleted.
-* `ON _column-group-list_`
-specifies one or more groups of columns for which to generate histogram
-statistics with the option of clearing the histogram statistics. You
-must use the ON clause to generate statistics stored in histogram
-* `_column-list_`
-specifies how _column-group-list_ can be defined. The column list
-represents both a single-column group and a multi-column group.
-** Single-column group:
-*** `_column-name_ | (_column-name_) | _column-name_ TO _column-name_ |
-(_column-name_) TO (_column-name_)`
-specifies how you can specify individual columns or a group of
-individual columns.
-To generate statistics for individual columns, list each column. You can
-list each single column name within or without parentheses.
-** Multicolumn group:
-*** `(_column-name_, _column-name_ [,_column-name_]&#8230;)`
-specifies a multi-column group.
-To generate multi-column statistics, group a set of columns within
-parentheses, as shown. You cannot specify the name of a column more than
-once in the same group of columns.
-One histogram is generated for each unique column group. Duplicate
-groups, meaning any permutation of the same group of columns, are
-ignored and processing continues. When you run UPDATE STATISTICS again
-for the same user table, the new data for that table replaces the data
-previously generated and stored in the table\u2019s histogram tables.
-Histograms of column groups not specified in the ON clause remain
-unchanged in histogram tables.
-For more information about specifying columns, see
-<<generating_and_clearing_statistics_for_columns,Generating and Clearing Statistics for Columns>>.
-The EVERY COLUMN keyword indicates that histogram statistics are to be
-generated for each individual column of _table_ and any multi-columns
-that make up the primary key and indexes. For example, _table_ has
-columns A, B, C, D defined, where A, B, C compose the primary key. In
-this case, the ON EVERY COLUMN option generates a single column
-histogram for columns A, B, C, D, and two multi-column histograms of (A,
-B, C) and (A, B).
-The EVERY COLUMN option does what EVERY KEY does, with additional
-statistics on the individual columns.
-The EVERY KEY keyword indicates that histogram statistics are to be
-generated for columns that make up the primary key and indexes. For
-example, _table_ has columns A, B, C, D defined. If the primary key
-comprises columns A, B, statistics are generated for (A, B), A and B. If
-the primary key comprises columns A, B, C, statistics are generated for
-(A,B,C), (A,B), A, B, C. If the primary key comprises columns A, B, C,
-D, statistics are generated for (A, B, C, D), (A, B, C), (A, B), and A,
-B, C, D.
-The EXISTING COLUMN keyword indicates that all existing histograms of
-the table are to be updated. Statistics must be previously captured to
-establish existing columns.
-The NECESSARY COLUMN[S] keyword generates statistics for histograms that
-the optimizer has requested but do not exist. Update statistics
-automation must be enabled for NECESSARY COLUMN[S] to generate
-statistics. To enable automation, see <<update_statistics_automating_update_statistics,
-Automating Update Statistics>>.
-* `_histogram-option_`
-The GENERATE _n_ INTERVALS option for UPDATE STATISTICS accepts values
-between 1 and 10,000. Keep in mind that increasing the number of
-intervals per histograms may have a negative impact on compile time.
-Increasing the number of intervals can be used for columns with small
-set of possible values and large variance of the frequency of these
-values. For example, consider a column \u2018CITY\u2019 in table SALES, which
-stores the city code where the item was sold, where number of cities in
-the sales data is 1538. Setting the number of intervals to a number
-greater or equal to the number of cities (that is, setting the number of
-intervals to 1600) guarantees that the generated histogram captures the
-number of rows for each city. If the specified value n exceeds the
-number of unique values in the column, the system generates only as many
-intervals as the number of unique values.
-** `SAMPLE [_sample-option_]`
-is a clause that specifies that sampling is to be used to gather a
-subset of the data from the table. UPDATE STATISTICS stores the sample
-results and generates histograms.
-If you specify the SAMPLE clause without additional options, the result
-depends on the number of rows in the table. If the table contains no
-more than 10,000 rows, the entire table will be read (no sampling). If
-the number of rows is greater than 10,000 but less than 1 million,
-10,000 rows are randomly sampled from the table. If there are more than
-1 million rows in the table, a random row sample is used to read 1
-percent of the rows in the table, with a maximum of 1 million rows
-TIP: As a guideline, the default sample of 1 percent of the rows in the
-table, with a maximum of 1 million rows, provides good statistics for
-the optimizer to generate good plans.
-If you do not specify the SAMPLE clause, if the table has fewer rows
-than specified, or if the sample size is greater than the system limit,
-{project-name} SQL reads all rows from _table_. See <<sample_clause,SAMPLE Clause>>.
-*** `_sample-option_`
-**** `r_ rows`
-A row sample is used to read _r_ rows from the table. The value _r_ must
-be an integer that is greater than zero 
-**** `RANDOM _percent_ PERCENT`
-directs {project-name} SQL to choose rows randomly from the table. The value
-percent must be a value between zero and 100 (0 < percent &#60;= 100). In
-addition, only the first four digits to the right of the decimal point
-are significant. For example, value 0.00001 is considered to be 0.0000,
-Value 1.23456 is considered to be 1.2345.
-directs {project-name} SQL to create a persistent sample table and store the
-random sample in it. This table can then be used later for updating statistics
-**** `PERIODIC _size_ ROWS EVERY _period_ ROW`
-directs {project-name} SQL to choose the first _size_ number of rows from
-each _period_ of rows. The value _size_ must be an integer that is
-greater than zero and less than or equal to the value _period_. (0 <
-_size_ &#60;= _period_). The size of the _period_ is defined by the number
-of rows specified for _period_. The value _period_ must be an integer
-that is greater than zero (_period_ > 0).
-* `INCREMENTAL WHERE _predicate_`
-directs {project-name} SQL to update statistics incrementally. That is, instead
-of taking a fresh sample of the entire table, {project-name} SQL will use a previously
-created persistent sample table. {project-name} SQL will update the persistent sample
-by replacing any rows satisfying the _predicate_ with a fresh sample of rows from
-the original table satisfying the _predicate_. The sampling rate used is the
-_percent_ specified when the persistent sample table was created. Statistics
-are then generated from this updated sample. See also
-Incremental Update Statistics>>.
-Creates a persistent sample table associated with this table. The sample is
-created using a random sample of _percent_ percent of the rows. The table
-can then be used for later incremental statistics update.
-Drops the persistent sample table associated with this table.
-=== Considerations for UPDATE STATISTICS
-==== Using Statistics
-Use UPDATE STATISTICS to collect and save statistics on columns. The SQL
-compiler uses histogram statistics to determine the selectivity of
-predicates, indexes, and tables. Because selectivity directly influences
-the cost of access plans, regular collection of statistics increases the
-likelihood that {project-name} SQL chooses efficient access plans.
-While UPDATE STATISTICS is running on a table, the table is active and
-available for query access.
-When a user table is changed, either by changing its data significantly
-or its definition, re-execute the UPDATE STATISTICS statement for the
-==== Histogram Statistics
-Histogram statistics are used by the compiler to produce the best plan
-for a given SQL query. When histograms are not available, default
-assumptions are made by the compiler and the resultant plan might not
-perform well. Histograms that reflect the latest data in a table are
-The compiler does not need histogram statistics for every column of a
-table. For example, if a column is only in the select list, its
-histogram statistics will be irrelevant. A histogram statistic is useful
-when a column appears in:
-* A predicate
-* A GROUP BY column
-* An ORDER BY clause
-* A HAVING clause
-* Or similar clause
-In addition to single-column histogram statistics, the compiler needs
-multi-column histogram statistics, such as when group by column-5,
-column-3, column-19 appears in a query. Then, histogram statistics for
-the combination (column-5, column-3, column-19) are needed.
-==== Required Privileges
-To perform an UPDATE STATISTICS operation, one of the following must be
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the target table.
-* You have the MANAGE_STATISTICS component privilege for the
-SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-==== Locking
-UPDATE STATISTICS momentarily locks the definition of the user table
-during the operation but not the user table itself. The UPDATE
-STATISTICS statement uses READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level for the user
-==== Transactions
-Do not start a transaction before executing UPDATE STATISTICS. UPDATE
-STATISTICS runs multiple transactions of its own, as needed. Starting
-your own transaction in which UPDATE STATISTICS runs could cause the
-transaction auto abort time to be exceeded during processing.
-==== Generating and Clearing Statistics for Columns
-To generate statistics for particular columns, name each column, or name
-the first and last columns of a sequence of columns in the table. For
-example, suppose that a table has consecutive columns CITY, STATE, ZIP.
-This list gives a few examples of possible options you can specify:
-| Single-Column Group   | Single-Column Group Within Parentheses | Multicolumn Group
-| ON CITY, STATE, ZIP   | ON (CITY),(STATE),(ZIP)                | ON (CITY, STATE) or ON (CITY,STATE,ZIP)
-| ON CITY TO ZIP        | ON (CITY) TO (ZIP)                     |
-| ON ZIP TO CITY        | ON (ZIP) TO (CITY)                     |
-| ON CITY, STATE TO ZIP | ON (CITY), (STATE) TO (ZIP)            |
-| ON CITY TO STATE, ZIP | ON (CITY) TO (STATE), (ZIP)            |
-The TO specification is useful when a table has many columns, and you
-want histograms on a subset of columns. Do not confuse (CITY) TO (ZIP)
-with (CITY, STATE, ZIP), which refers to a multi-column histogram.
-You can clear statistics in any combination of columns you specify, not
-necessarily with the _column-group-list_ you used to create statistics.
-However, those statistics will remain until you clear them.
-==== Column Lists and Access Plans
-Generate statistics for columns most often used in data access plans for
-a table\u2014that is, the primary key, indexes defined on the table, and any
-other columns frequently referenced in predicates in WHERE or GROUP BY
-clauses of queries issued on the table. Use the EVERY COLUMN option to
-generate histograms for every individual column or multi columns that
-make up the primary key and indexes.
-The EVERY KEY option generates histograms that make up the primary key
-and indexes.
-If you often perform a GROUP BY over specific columns in a table, use
-multi-column lists in the UPDATE STATISTICS statement (consisting of the
-columns in the GROUP BY clause) to generate histogram statistics that
-enable the optimizer to choose a better plan. Similarly, when a query
-joins two tables by two or more columns, multi-column lists (consisting
-of the columns being joined) help the optimizer choose a better plan.
-==== Automating Update Statistics
-To enable update statistics automation, set the Control Query Default
-(CQD) attribute, USTAT_AUTOMATION_INTERVAL, in a session where you will
-run update statistics operations. For example:
-control query default USTAT_AUTOMATION_INTERVAL '1440';
-The value of USTAT_AUTOMATION_INTERVAL is intended to be an automation
-interval (in minutes), but, in {project-name} Release 1.0, this value does
-not act as a timing interval. Instead, any value greater than zero
-enables update statistics automation.
-After enabling update statistics automation, prepare each of the queries
-that you want to optimize. For example:
-prepare s from select...;
-The PREPARE statement causes the {project-name} SQL compiler to compile and
-optimize a query without executing it. When preparing queries with
-update statistic automation enabled, any histograms needed by the
-optimizer that are not present will cause those columns to be marked as
-needing histograms.
-Next, run this UPDATE STATISTICS statement against each table, using ON
-NECESSARY COLUMN[S] to generate the needed histograms:
-update statistics for table _table-name_ on necessary columns sample;
-==== Incremental Update Statistics
-UPDATE STATISTICS processing time can be lengthy for very large tables.
-One strategy for reducing the time is to create histograms only for
-columns that actually need them (for example, using the ON NECESSARY COLUMNS 
-column group). Another strategy is to update statistics incrementally. These
-strategies can be used together if desired.
-To use the incremental update statistics feature, you must first create
-statistics for the table and create a persistent sample table. One way to
-do this is to perform a normal update statistics command, adding the
-PERSISTENT keyword to the _sample-option_. Another way to do this if you
-already have reasonably up-to-date statistics for the table, is to create
-a persistent sample table separately using the CREATE SAMPLE option.
-You can then perform update statistics incrementally by using the INCREMENTAL
-WHERE _predicate_ syntax in the on-clause. The _predicate_ should be chosen
-to describe the set of rows that have changed since the last statistics update
-was performed. For example, if your table contains a column with a timestamp
-giving the date and time of last update, this is a particularly useful column
-to use in the _predicate_.
-If you decide later that you wish to change the _percent_ sampling rate used
-for the persistent sample table, you can do so by dropping the persistent
-sample table (using REMOVE SAMPLE) and creating a new one (by using the
-CREATE SAMPLE option). Using a higher _percent_ results in more accurate
-histograms, but at the price of a longer-running operation.
-=== Examples of UPDATE STATISTICS
-* This example generates four histograms for the columns jobcode,
-empnum, deptnum, and (empnum, deptnum) for the table EMPLOYEE. Depending
-on the table\u2019s size and data distribution, each histogram should contain
-ten intervals.
-ON (jobcode),(empnum, deptnum) GENERATE 10 INTERVALS;
---- SQL operation complete.
-* This example generates histogram statistics using the ON EVERY COLUMN
-option for the table DEPT. This statement performs a full scan, and
-{project-name} SQL determines the default number of intervals.
---- SQL operation complete.
-* Suppose that a construction company has an ADDRESS table of potential
-sites and a DEMOLITION_SITES table that contains some of the columns of
-the ADDRESS table. The primary key is ZIP. Join these two tables on two
-of the columns in common:
-SELECT COUNT(AD.number), AD.street,
-,, AD.state
-FROM address AD, demolition_sites DS
-WHERE = AND AD.type = DS.type
-GROUP BY AD.street,,, AD.state;
-To generate statistics specific to this query, enter these statements:
-ON (street), (city), (state), (zip, type);
-UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE demolition_sites ON (zip, type);
-* This example removes all histograms for table DEMOLITION_SITES:
-* This example selectively removes the histogram for column STREET in
-table ADDRESS:
-* This example generates statistics but also creates a persistent 
-sample table for use when updating statistics incrementally:
-ON (street), (city), (state), (zip, type)
-* This example updates statistics incrementally. It assumes that
-a persistent sample table has already been created. The predicate
-in the WHERE clause describes the set of rows that have changed
-since statistics were last updated. Here we assume that rows
-with a state of California are the only rows that have changed:
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= SQL Utilities
+A utility is a tool that runs within {project-name} SQL and performs tasks.
+This section describes the {project-name} SQL utilities:
+| <<load_statement,LOAD Statement>>                           | Uses the {project-name} Bulk Loader to load data from a source table, either
+a {project-name} table or a Hive table, into a target {project-name} table.
+| <<populate_index_utility,POPULATE INDEX Utility>>           | Loads indexes.
+| <<purgedata_utility,PURGEDATA Utility>>                     | Purges data from tables and indexes.
+| <<unload_statement,UNLOAD Statement>>                       | Unloads data from {project-name} tables into an HDFS location that you
+| <<update_statistics_statement,UPDATE STATISTICS Statement>> | Updates the histogram statistics for one or more groups of columns
+within a table. These statistics are used to devise optimized access plans.
+NOTE: {project-name} SQL utilities are entered interactively or from script
+files using a client-based tool, such as the {project-name} Command Interface
+(TrafCI). To install and configure a client application that enables you
+to connect to and issue SQL utilities, see the
+{docs-url}/client_installation/index.html[_{project-name} Client Installation Guide_].
+== LOAD Statement
+The LOAD statement uses the {project-name} Bulk Loader to load data from a
+source table, either a {project-name} table or a Hive table, into a target
+{project-name} table. The {project-name} Bulk Loader prepares and loads HFiles
+directly in the region servers and bypasses the write path and the cost
+associated with it. The write path begins at a client, moves to a region
+server, and ends when data eventually is written to an HBase data file
+called an HFile.
+The {project-name} bulk load process takes place in the following phases:
+* *Disable Indexes* (if incremental index build not used)
+* *Prepare* (takes most time, heart of the bulk load operation)
+** Read source files ({project-name} Table, Hive table, or Hive external table)
+** Data encoded in {project-name} encoding
+** Data repartitioned and sorted to match regions of target table
+** Data written to HFiles
+** Data repartitioned and written to index HFiles (if incremental index build IS used)
+* *Complete* (with or without Snapshot recovery)
+** Take a snapshot of the table
+** Merge HFiles into HBase table (very fast \u2013 move, not a copy)
+** Delete snapshot or restore from snapshot if merge fails
+* *Populate Indexes* (if incremental index build is NOT used)
+* *Cleanup*
+** HFiles temporary space cleanup
+LOAD is a {project-name} SQL extension.
+LOAD [WITH option[[,] option]...] INTO target-table SELECT ... FROM source-table
+option is:
+=== Syntax Description of LOAD
+* `_target-table_`
+is the name of the target {project-name} table where the data will be loaded.
+See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
+* `_source-table_`
+is the name of either a {project-name} table or a Hive table that has the
+source data. Hive tables can be accessed in {project-name} using the
+HIVE.HIVE schema (for example, hive.hive.orders). The Hive table needs
+to already exist in Hive before {project-name} can access it. If you want to
+load data that is already in an HDFS folder, then you need to create an
+external Hive table with the right fields and pointing to the HDFS
+folder containing the data. You can also specify a WHERE clause on the
+source data as a filter.
+* `[WITH _option_[[,] _option_]&#8230;]`
+is a set of options that you can specify for the load operation. You can
+specify one or more of these options:
+causes the Bulk Loader to truncate the target table before starting the
+load operation. By default, the Bulk Loader does not truncate the target
+table before loading data.
+specifies that the Bulk Loader not use HBase snapshots for recovery. By
+default, the Bulk Loader handles recovery using the HBase snapshots
+specifies that the Bulk Loader not handle index maintenance or populate
+the indexes. By default, the Bulk Loader handles index maintenance,
+disabling indexes before starting the load operation and populating them
+after the load operation is complete.
+causes the Bulk Loader to ignore duplicates in the source data. By
+default, the Bulk Loader checks if there are duplicates in the source
+data and generates an error when it detects duplicates.
+prevents the LOAD statement from displaying status messages. By default,
+the LOAD statement prints status messages listing the steps that the
+Bulk Loader is executing.
+specifies that the target table, which is an index, be populated with
+data from the parent table.
+specifies that the data be inserted into the target table using row set
+inserts without a transaction.
+=== Considerations for LOAD
+==== Required Privileges
+To issue a LOAD statement, one of the following must be true:
+* You are DB ROOT.
+* You are the owner of the target table.
+* You have these privileges:
+** SELECT and INSERT privileges on the target table
+** DELETE privilege on the target table if TRUNCATE TABLE is specified
+* You have the MANAGE_LOAD component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
+==== Configuration Before Running LOAD
+Before running the LOAD statement, make sure that you have configured
+the staging folder, source table, and HBase according to these
+==== Staging Folder for HFiles
+The Bulk Loader uses an HDFS folder as a staging area for the HFiles
+before calling HBase APIs to merge them into the {project-name} table.
+By default, {project-name} uses /bulkload as the staging folder. This folder
+must be owned by the same user as the one under which {project-name} runs. {project-name}
+also must have full permissions on this folder. The HBase user (that is,
+the user under which HBase runs) must have read/write access to this
+drwxr-xr-x - trafodion trafodion 0 2014-07-07 09:49 /bulkload.
+==== Improving Throughput
+The following CQD (Control Query Default) settings help improve the Bulk Loader
+Specifies the HFile size limit beyond which the current file is closed and a
+new file is created for the same partition. Adjust this setting to minimize
+HBase splitting/merging.
+*Default*: 10GB
+Specifies the HDFS directory where HFiles are created during load.
+*Default*: `/bulkload`
+Also, consider using `NO DUPLICATE CHECK` to improve througput if your
+source data is clean.
+==== Hive Source Table
+To load data stored in HDFS, you need to create a Hive table with
+the right fields and types pointing to the HDFS folder containing the
+data before you start the load.
+==== HBase Snapshots
+If you do not specify the NO RECOVERY OPTION in the LOAD statement, the
+Bulk Loader uses HBase snapshots as a mechanism for recovery. Snapshots
+are a lightweight operation where some metadata is copied. (Data is not
+A snapshot is taken before the load starts and is removed after
+the load completes successfully. If something goes wrong and it is
+possible to recover, the snapshot is used to restore the table to its
+initial state before the load started. To use this recovery mechanism,
+HBase needs to be configured to allow snapshots.
+==== Incremental Loads
+The Bulk Loader allows for incremental loads by default. Snapshots are
+taken before second phase starts and deleted once the bulk load completes.
+If something goes wrong with the load, then the snapshot is restored to
+go to the previous state.
+==== Non-Incremental Loads
+These following bulk load options can be used to do non-incremental load:
+* `NO RECOVERY`: Do not take a snapshot of the table.
+* `TRUNCATE TABLE`: Truncates the table before starting the load.
+==== Space Usage
+The target table values for SYSKEY, SALT, identity, divisioning columns
+are created automatically the during transformation step. The size of the
+HBase files is determined based on encoding, compression, HDFS replication
+factor, and row format. Target table can be pre-split into regions using
+salting, a Java Program, by seeding the table with data.
+==== Performance
+The overall throughput is influenced by row format, row length, number of
+columns, skew in data, etc. LOAD sas upsert semantics (duplicate constraint
+not checked with existing data). LOAD has lower CPU abd disk activity than
+similar trickle load (INSERT, UPSERT, or UPSERT USING LOAD), Also, LOAD has
+lower compaction activity after completion than Trickle Load. 
+==== Hive Scans
+Direct access for Hive table data supports:
+* Only text input format and sequence files.
+* Only structured data types.
+Tables must be created/dropped/altered through Hive itself.
+* Reads Hive metadata to determine information about table.
+* UPDATE STATISTICS can be performed on Hive tables - improves performance! 
+* Can write to Hive tables in both Text and Sequence formats (used by UNLOAD).
+=== Examples of LOAD
+* For customer demographics data residing in
+`/hive/tpcds/customer_demographics`, create an external Hive table using
+the following Hive SQL:
+create external table customer_demographics
+    cd_demo_sk int
+  , cd_gender string
+  , cd_marital_status string
+  , cd_education_status string
+  , cd_purchase_estimate int
+  , cd_credit_rating string
+  , cd_dep_count int
+  , cd_dep_employed_count int
+  , cd_dep_college_count int
+row format delimited fields terminated by '|' location
+* The {project-name} table where you want to load the data is defined using
+this DDL:
+create table customer_demographics_salt
+    cd_demo_sk int not null
+  , cd_gender char(1)
+  , cd_marital_status char(1)
+  , cd_education_status char(20)
+  , cd_purchase_estimate int
+  , cd_credit_rating char(10)
+  , cd_dep_count int
+  , cd_dep_employed_count int
+  , cd_dep_college_count int
+  , primary key (cd_demo_sk)
+salt using 4 partitions on (cd_demo_sk);
+* This example shows how the LOAD statement loads the
+customer_demographics_salt table from the Hive table,
+>>load into customer_demographics_salt
++>select * from hive.hive.customer_demographics where cd_demo_sk <= 5000;
+       Rows Processed: 5000
+Task: PREPARATION Status: Ended ET: 00:00:03.199
+Task: COMPLETION Status: Ended ET: 00:00:00.331
+Task: POPULATE INDEX Status: Ended ET: 00:00:05.262
+The POPULATE INDEX utility performs a fast INSERT of data into an index
+from the parent table. You can execute this utility in a client-based
+tool like TrafCI.
+POPULATE INDEX index ON table [index-option]
+index-option is:
+=== Syntax Description of POPULATE INDEX
+* `_index_`
+is an SQL identifier that specifies the simple name for the index. You
+cannot qualify _index_ with its schema name. Indexes have their own
+name space within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table
+or constraint name. However, no two indexes in a schema can have the
+same name.
+* `_table_`
+is the name of the table for which to populate the index. See
+<<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
+specifies that the populate operation should be done on-line. That is,
+ONLINE allows read and write DML access on the base table while the
+populate operation occurs. Additionally, ONLINE reads the audit trail to
+replay updates to the base table during the populate phase. If a lot of
+audit is generated and you perform many CREATE INDEX operations, we
+recommend that you avoid ONLINE operations because they can add more
+contention to the audit trail. The default is ONLINE.
+specifies that the populate should be done off-line. OFFLINE allows only
+read DML access to the base table. The base table is unavailable for
+write operations at this time. OFFLINE must be specified explicitly.
+SELECT is allowed.
+=== Considerations for POPULATE INDEX
+When POPULATE INDEX is executed, the following steps occur:
+* The POPULATE INDEX operation runs in many transactions.
+* The actual data load operation is run outside of a transaction.
+If a failure occurs, the rollback is faster because it does not have to
+process a lot of audit. Also, if a failure occurs, the index remains
+empty, unaudited, and not attached to the base table (off-line).
+* When an off-line POPULATE INDEX is being executed, the base table is
+accessible for read DML operations. When an on-line POPULATE INDEX is
+being executed, the base table is accessible for read and write DML
+operations during that time period, except during the commit phase at
+the very end.
+* If the POPULATE INDEX operation fails unexpectedly, you may need to
+drop the index again and re-create and repopulate.
+* On-line POPULATE INDEX reads the audit trail to replay updates by
+allowing read/write access. If you plan to create many indexes in
+parallel or if you have a high level of activity on the audit trail, you
+should consider using the OFFLINE option.
+Errors can occur if the source base table or target index cannot be
+accessed, or if the load fails due to some resource problem or problem
+in the file system.
+==== Required Privileges
+To perform a POPULATE INDEX operation, one of the following must be
+* You are DB ROOT.
+* You are the owner of the table.
+* You have the SELECT and INSERT (or ALL) privileges on the associated table.
+=== Examples of POPULATE INDEX
+* This example loads the specified index from the specified table:
+POPULATE INDEX myindex ON myschema.mytable;
+* This example loads the specified index from the specified table, which
+uses the default schema:
+POPULATE INDEX index2 ON table2;
+== PURGEDATA Utility
+The PURGEDATA utility performs a fast DELETE of data from a table and
+its related indexes. You can execute this utility in a client-based tool
+like TrafCI.
+=== Syntax Description of PURGEDATA
+is the name of the table from which to purge the data. See
+<<"database object names","Database Object Names">>.
+=== Considerations for PURGEDATA
+* The _object_ can be a table name.
+* Errors are returned if _table_ cannot be accessed or if a resource or
+file-system problem causes the delete to fail.
+* PURGEDATA is not supported for volatile tables.
+==== Required Privileges
+To perform a PURGEDATA operation, one of the following must be true:
+* You are DB ROOT.
+* You are the owner of the table.
+* You have the SELECT and DELETE (or ALL) privileges on the associated
+==== Availability
+PURGEDATA marks the table OFFLINE and sets the corrupt bit while
+processing. If PURGEDATA fails before it completes, the table and its
+dependent indexes will be unavailable, and you must run PURGEDATA again
+to complete the operation and remove the data. Error 8551 with an
+accompanying file system error 59 or error 1071 is returned in this
+=== Examples of PURGEDATA
+* This example purges the data in the specified table. If the table has
+indexes, their data is also purged.
+PURGEDATA myschema.mytable;
+== UNLOAD Statement
+The UNLOAD statement unloads data from {project-name} tables into an HDFS
+location that you specify. Extracted data can be either compressed or
+uncompressed based on what you choose.
+UNLOAD is a {project-name} SQL extension.
+UNLOAD [WITH option[ option]...] INTO 'target-location' SELECT ... FROM source-table ...
+option is:
+    DELIMITER { 'delimiter-string' | delimiter-ascii-value }
+  | RECORD_SEPARATOR { 'separator-literal' | separator-ascii-value }
+  | NULL_STRING 'string-literal'
+  | MERGE FILE merged_file-path [OVERWRITE]
+=== Syntax Description of UNLOAD
+* `'_target-location_'`
+is the full pathname of the target HDFS folder where the extracted data
+will be written. Enclose the name of folder in single quotes. Specify
+the folder name as a full pathname and not as a relative path. You must
+have write permissions on the target HDFS folder. If you run UNLOAD in
+parallel, multiple files will be produced under the _target-location_.
+The number of files created will equal the number of ESPs.
+* `SELECT &#8230; FROM _source-table_ &#8230;`
+is either a simple query or a complex one that contains GROUP BY, JOIN,
+or UNION clauses. _source-table_ is the name of a {project-name} table that
+has the source data. See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
+* `[WITH _option_[ _option_]&#8230;]`
+is a set of options that you can specify for the unload operation. If
+you specify an option more than once, {project-name} returns an error with
+SQLCODE -4489. You can specify one or more of these options:
+** `DELIMITER { '_delimiter-string_' | _delimiter-ascii-value_ }`
+specifies the delimiter as either a delimiter string or an ASCII value.
+If you do not specify this option, {project-name} uses the character "|" as
+the delimiter.
+*** _delimiter-string_ can be any ASCII or Unicode string. You can also
+specify the delimiter as an ASCII value. Valid values range from 1 to 255.
+Specify the value in decimal notation; hexadecimal or octal
+notation are currently not supported. If you are using an ASCII value,
+the delimiter can be only one character wide. Do not use quotes when
+specifying an ASCII value for the delimiter.
+** `RECORD_SEPARATOR { '_separator-literal_' | _separator-ascii-value_ }`
+specifies the character that will be used to separate consecutive
+records or rows in the output file. You can specify either a literal
+or an ASCII value for the separator. The default value is a newline character.
+*** _separator-literal_ can be any ASCII or Unicode character. You can also
+specify the separator as an ASCII value. Valid values range from 1 to 255.
+Specify the value in decimal notation; hexadecimal or octal
+notation are currently not supported. If you are using an ASCII value,
+the separator can be only one character wide. Do not use quotes when
+specifying an ASCII value for the separator.
+** `NULL_STRING '_string-literal_'`
+specifies the string that will be used to indicate a NULL value. The
+default value is the empty string ''.
+causes files in the target HDFS folder to be deleted before the unload
+uses gzip compression in the extract node, writing the data to disk in
+this compressed format. GZIP is currently the only supported type of
+compression. If you do not specify this option, the extracted data will
+be uncompressed.
+** `MERGE FILE _merged_file-path_ [OVERWRITE]`
+merges the unloaded files into one single file in the specified
+_merged-file-path_. If you specify compression, the unloaded data will
+be in compressed format, and the merged file will also be in compressed
+format. If you specify the optional OVERWRITE keyword, the file is
+overwritten if it already exists; otherwise, {project-name} raises an error
+if the file already exists.
+prevents the UNLOAD statement from displaying status messages. By
+default, the UNLOAD statement prints status messages listing the steps
+that the Bulk Unloader is executing.
+initiates an HBase snapshot scan during the unload operation. During a
+snapshot scan, the Bulk Unloader will get a list of the {project-name} tables
+from the query explain plan and will create and verify snapshots for the
+tables. Specify a suffix string, '_string_', which will be appended to
+each table name.
+=== Considerations for UNLOAD
+* You must have write permissions on the target HDFS folder.
+* If a WITH option is specified more than once, {project-name} returns an
+error with SQLCODE -4489.
+==== Required Privileges
+To issue an UNLOAD statement, one of the following must be true:
+* You are DB ROOT.
+* You are the owner of the target table.
+* You have the SELECT privilege on the target table.
+* You have the MANAGE_LOAD component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS
+=== Examples of UNLOAD
+* This example shows how the UNLOAD statement extracts data from a
+{project-name} table, `TRAFODION.HBASE.CUSTOMER_DEMOGRAPHICS`, into an HDFS
+folder, `/bulkload/customer_demographics`:
++>MERGE FILE 'merged_customer_demogs.gz' OVERWRITE
++>INTO '/bulkload/customer_demographics'
++>select * from trafodion.hbase.customer_demographics
++><<+ cardinality 10e10 ,+ cardinality 10e10 >>;
+Task: UNLOAD Status: Started
+Task: EMPTY TARGET Status: Started
+Task: EMPTY TARGET Status: Ended ET: 00:00:00.014
+Task: EXTRACT Status: Started
+       Rows Processed: 200000
+Task: EXTRACT Status: Ended ET: 00:00:04.743 Task: MERGE FILES Status: Started
+Task: MERGE FILES Status: Ended ET: 00:00:00.063
+--- 200000 row(s) unloaded.
+The UPDATE STATISTICS statement updates the histogram statistics for one
+or more groups of columns within a table. These statistics are used to
+devise optimized access plans.
+UPDATE STATISTICS is a {project-name} SQL extension.
+UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE table [CLEAR | on-clause | sample-table-clause ]
+on-clause is:
+    ON column-group-list CLEAR
+  | ON column-group-list [histogram-option]...
+  | ON column-group-list INCREMENTAL WHERE predicate
+column-group-list is:
+    column-list [,column-list]...
+  | EVERY COLUMN [,column-list]...
+  | EVERY KEY [,column-list]...
+  | EXISTING COLUMN[S] [,column-list]...
+  | NECESSARY COLUMN[S] [,column-list]...
+column-list for a single-column group is:
+    column-name
+  | (column-name)
+  | column-name TO column-name
+  | (column-name) TO (column-name)
+  | column-name TO (column-name)
+  | (column-name) TO column-name
+column-list for a multicolumn group is:
+    (column-name, column-name [,column-name]...)
+histogram-option is:
+  | SAMPLE [sample-option]
+sample-option is:
+    [r ROWS]
+sample-table-clause is:
+=== Syntax Description of UPDATE STATISTICS
+* `_table_`
+names the table for which statistics are to be updated. To refer to a
+table, use the ANSI logical name.
+See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
+* `CLEAR`
+deletes some or all histograms for the table _table_. Use this option
+when new applications no longer use certain histogram statistics.
+If you do not specify _column-group-list_, all histograms for _table_
+are deleted. If you specify _column-group-list_, only columns in the
+group list are deleted.
+* `ON _column-group-list_`
+specifies one or more groups of columns for which to generate histogram
+statistics with the option of clearing the histogram statistics. You
+must use the ON clause to generate statistics stored in histogram
+* `_column-list_`
+specifies how _column-group-list_ can be defined. The column list
+represents both a single-column group and a multi-column group.
+** Single-column group:
+*** `_column-name_ | (_column-name_) | _column-name_ TO _column-name_ |
+(_column-name_) TO (_column-name_)`
+specifies how you can specify individual columns or a group of
+individual columns.
+To generate statistics for individual columns, list each column. You can
+list each single column name within or without parentheses.
+** Multicolumn group:
+*** `(_column-name_, _column-name_ [,_column-name_]&#8230;)`
+specifies a multi-column group.
+To generate multi-column statistics, group a set of columns within
+parentheses, as shown. You cannot specify the name of a column more than
+once in the same group of columns.
+One histogram is generated for each unique column group. Duplicate
+groups, meaning any permutation of the same group of columns, are
+ignored and processing continues. When you run UPDATE STATISTICS again
+for the same user table, the new data for that table replaces the data
+previously generated and stored in the table\u2019s histogram tables.
+Histograms of column groups not specified in the ON clause remain
+unchanged in histogram tables.
+For more information about specifying columns, see
+<<generating_and_clearing_statistics_for_columns,Generating and Clearing Statistics for Columns>>.
+The EVERY COLUMN keyword indicates that histogram statistics are to be
+generated for each individual column of _table_ and any multi-columns
+that make up the primary key and indexes. For example, _table_ has
+columns A, B, C, D defined, where A, B, C compose the primary key. In
+this case, the ON EVERY COLUMN option generates a single column
+histogram for columns A, B, C, D, and two multi-column histograms of (A,
+B, C) and (A, B).
+The EVERY COLUMN option does what EVERY KEY does, with additional
+statistics on the individual columns.
+The EVERY KEY keyword indicates that histogram statistics are to be
+generated for columns that make up the primary key and indexes. For
+example, _table_ has columns A, B, C, D defined. If the primary key
+comprises columns A, B, statistics are generated for (A, B), A and B. If
+the primary key comprises columns A, B, C, statistics are generated for
+(A,B,C), (A,B), A, B, C. If the primary key comprises columns A, B, C,
+D, statistics are generated for (A, B, C, D), (A, B, C), (A, B), and A,
+B, C, D.
+The EXISTING COLUMN keyword indicates that all existing histograms of
+the table are to be updated. Statistics must be previously captured to
+establish existing columns.
+The NECESSARY COLUMN[S] keyword generates statistics for histograms that
+the optimizer has requested but do not exist. Update statistics
+automation must be enabled for NECESSARY COLUMN[S] to generate
+statistics. To enable automation, see <<update_statistics_automating_update_statistics,
+Automating Update Statistics>>.
+* `_histogram-option_`
+The GENERATE _n_ INTERVALS option for UPDATE STATISTICS accepts values
+between 1 and 10,000. Keep in mind that increasing the number of
+intervals per histograms may have a negative impact on compile time.
+Increasing the number of intervals can be used for columns with small
+set of possible values and large variance of the frequency of these
+values. For example, consider a column \u2018CITY\u2019 in table SALES, which
+stores the city code where the item was sold, where number of cities in
+the sales data is 1538. Setting the number of intervals to a number
+greater or equal to the number of cities (that is, setting the number of
+intervals to 1600) guarantees that the generated histogram captures the
+number of rows for each city. If the specified value n exceeds the
+number of unique values in the column, the system generates only as many
+intervals as the number of unique values.
+** `SAMPLE [_sample-option_]`
+is a clause that specifies that sampling is to be used to gather a
+subset of the data from the table. UPDATE STATISTICS stores the sample
+results and generates histograms.
+If you specify the SAMPLE clause without additional options, the result
+depends on the number of rows in the table. If the table contains no
+more than 10,000 rows, the entire table will be read (no sampling). If
+the number of rows is greater than 10,000 but less than 1 million,
+10,000 rows are randomly sampled from the table. If there are more than
+1 million rows in the table, a random row sample is used to read 1
+percent of the rows in the table, with a maximum of 1 million rows
+TIP: As a guideline, the default sample of 1 percent of the rows in the
+table, with a maximum of 1 million rows, provides good statistics for
+the optimizer to generate good plans.
+If you do not specify the SAMPLE clause, if the table has fewer rows
+than specified, or if the sample size is greater than the system limit,
+{project-name} SQL reads all rows from _table_. See <<sample_clause,SAMPLE Clause>>.
+*** `_sample-option_`
+**** `r_ rows`
+A row sample is used to read _r_ rows from the table. The value _r_ must
+be an integer that is greater than zero 
+**** `RANDOM _percent_ PERCENT`
+directs {project-name} SQL to choose rows randomly from the table. The value
+percent must be a value between zero and 100 (0 < percent &#60;= 100). In
+addition, only the first four digits to the right of the decimal point
+are significant. For example, value 0.00001 is considered to be 0.0000,
+Value 1.23456 is considered to be 1.2345.
+directs {project-name} SQL to create a persistent sample table and store the
+random sample in it. This table can then be used later for updating statistics
+**** `PERIODIC _size_ ROWS EVERY _period_ ROW`
+directs {project-name} SQL to choose the first _size_ number of rows from
+each _period_ of rows. The value _size_ must be an integer that is
+greater than zero and less than or equal to the value _period_. (0 <
+_size_ &#60;= _period_). The size of the _period_ is defined by the number
+of rows specified for _period_. The value _period_ must be an integer
+that is greater than zero (_period_ > 0).
+* `INCREMENTAL WHERE _predicate_`
+directs {project-name} SQL to update statistics incrementally. That is, instead
+of taking a fresh sample of the entire table, {project-name} SQL will use a previously
+created persistent sample table. {project-name} SQL will update the persistent sample
+by replacing any rows satisfying the _predicate_ with a fresh sample of rows from
+the original table satisfying the _predicate_. The sampling rate used is the
+_percent_ specified when the persistent sample table was created. Statistics
+are then generated from this updated sample. See also
+Incremental Update Statistics>>.
+Creates a persistent sample table associated with this table. The sample is
+created using a random sample of _percent_ percent of the rows. The table
+can then be used for later incremental statistics update.
+Drops the persistent sample table associated with this table.
+=== Considerations for UPDATE STATISTICS
+==== Using Statistics
+Use UPDATE STATISTICS to collect and save statistics on columns. The SQL
+compiler uses histogram statistics to determine the selectivity of
+predicates, indexes, and tables. Because selectivity directly influences
+the cost of access plans, regular collection of statistics increases the
+likelihood that {project-name} SQL chooses efficient access plans.
+While UPDATE STATISTICS is running on a table, the table is active and
+available for query access.
+When a user table is changed, either by changing its data significantly
+or its definition, re-execute the UPDATE STATISTICS statement for the
+==== Histogram Statistics
+Histogram statistics are used by the compiler to produce the best plan
+for a given SQL query. When histograms are not available, default
+assumptions are made by the compiler and the resultant plan might not
+perform well. Histograms that reflect the latest data in a table are
+The compiler does not need histogram statistics for every column of a
+table. For example, if a column is only in the select list, its
+histogram statistics will be irrelevant. A histogram statistic is useful
+when a column appears in:
+* A predicate
+* A GROUP BY column
+* An ORDER BY clause
+* A HAVING clause
+* Or similar clause
+In addition to single-column histogram statistics, the compiler needs
+multi-column histogram statistics, such as when group by column-5,
+column-3, column-19 appears in a query. Then, histogram statistics for
+the combination (column-5, column-3, column-19) are needed.
+==== Required Privileges
+To perform an UPDATE STATISTICS operation, one of the following must be
+* You are DB ROOT.
+* You are the owner of the target table.
+* You have the MANAGE_STATISTICS component privilege for the
+SQL_OPERATIONS component.
+==== Locking
+UPDATE STATISTICS momentarily locks the definition of the user table
+during the operation but not the user table itself. The UPDATE
+STATISTICS statement uses READ UNCOMMITTED isolation level for the user
+==== Transactions
+Do not start a transaction before executing UPDATE STATISTICS. UPDATE
+STATISTICS runs multiple transactions of its own, as needed. Starting
+your own transaction in which UPDATE STATISTICS runs could cause the
+transaction auto abort time to be exceeded during processing.
+==== Generating and Clearing Statistics for Columns
+To generate statistics for particular columns, name each column, or name
+the first and last columns of a sequence of columns in the table. For
+example, suppose that a table has consecutive columns CITY, STATE, ZIP.
+This list gives a few examples of possible options you can specify:
+| Single-Column Group   | Single-Column Group Within Parentheses | Multicolumn Group
+| ON CITY, STATE, ZIP   | ON (CITY),(STATE),(ZIP)                | ON (CITY, STATE) or ON (CITY,STATE,ZIP)
+| ON CITY TO ZIP        | ON (CITY) TO (ZIP)                     |
+| ON ZIP TO CITY        | ON (ZIP) TO (CITY)                     |
+| ON CITY, STATE TO ZIP | ON (CITY), (STATE) TO (ZIP)            |
+| ON CITY TO STATE, ZIP | ON (CITY) TO (STATE), (ZIP)            |
+The TO specification is useful when a table has many columns, and you
+want histograms on a subset of columns. Do not confuse (CITY) TO (ZIP)
+with (CITY, STATE, ZIP), which refers to a multi-column histogram.
+You can clear statistics in any combination of columns you specify, not
+necessarily with the _column-group-list_ you used to create statistics.
+However, those statistics will remain until you clear them.
+==== Column Lists and Access Plans
+Generate statistics for columns most often used in data access plans for
+a table\u2014that is, the primary key, indexes defined on the table, and any
+other columns frequently referenced in predicates in WHERE or GROUP BY
+clauses of queries issued on the table. Use the EVERY COLUMN option to
+generate histograms for every individual column or multi columns that
+make up the primary key and indexes.
+The EVERY KEY option generates histograms that make up the primary key
+and indexes.
+If you often perform a GROUP BY over specific columns in a table, use
+multi-column lists in the UPDATE STATISTICS statement (consisting of the
+columns in the GROUP BY clause) to generate histogram statistics that
+enable the optimizer to choose a better plan. Similarly, when a query
+joins two tables by two or more columns, multi-column lists (consisting
+of the columns being joined) help the optimizer choose a better plan.
+==== Automating Update Statistics
+To enable update statistics automation, set the Control Query Default
+(CQD) attribute, USTAT_AUTOMATION_INTERVAL, in a session where you will
+run update statistics operations. For example:
+control query default USTAT_AUTOMATION_INTERVAL '1440';
+The value of USTAT_AUTOMATION_INTERVAL is intended to be an automation
+interval (in minutes), but, in {project-name} Release 1.0, this value does
+not act as a timing interval. Instead, any value greater than zero
+enables update statistics automation.
+After enabling update statistics automation, prepare each of the queries
+that you want to optimize. For example:
+prepare s from select...;
+The PREPARE statement causes the {project-name} SQL compiler to compile and
+optimize a query without executing it. When preparing queries with
+update statistic automation enabled, any histograms needed by the
+optimizer that are not present will cause those columns to be marked as
+needing histograms.
+Next, run this UPDATE STATISTICS statement against each table, using ON
+NECESSARY COLUMN[S] to generate the needed histograms:
+update statistics for table _table-name_ on necessary columns sample;
+==== Incremental Update Statistics
+UPDATE STATISTICS processing time can be lengthy for very large tables.
+One strategy for reducing the time is to create histograms only for
+columns that actually need them (for example, using the ON NECESSARY COLUMNS 
+column group). Another strategy is to update statistics incrementally. These
+strategies can be used together if desired.
+To use the incremental update statistics feature, you must first create
+statistics for the table and create a persistent sample table. One way to
+do this is to perform a normal update statistics command, adding the
+PERSISTENT keyword to the _sample-option_. Another way to do this if you
+already have reasonably up-to-date statistics for the table, is to create
+a persistent sample table separately using the CREATE SAMPLE option.
+You can then perform update statistics incrementally by using the INCREMENTAL
+WHERE _predicate_ syntax in the on-clause. The _predicate_ should be chosen
+to describe the set of rows that have changed since the last statistics update
+was performed. For example, if your table contains a column with a timestamp
+giving the date and time of last update, this is a particularly useful column
+to use in the _predicate_.
+If you decide later that you wish to change the _percent_ sampling rate used
+for the persistent sample table, you can do so by dropping the persistent
+sample table (using REMOVE SAMPLE) and creating a new one (by using the
+CREATE SAMPLE option). Using a higher _percent_ results in more accurate
+histograms, but at the price of a longer-running operation.
+=== Examples of UPDATE STATISTICS
+* This example generates four histograms for the columns jobcode,
+empnum, deptnum, and (empnum, deptnum) for the table EMPLOYEE. Depending
+on the table\u2019s size and data distribution, each histogram should contain
+ten intervals.
+ON (jobcode),(empnum, deptnum) GENERATE 10 INTERVALS;
+--- SQL operation complete.
+* This example generates histogram statistics using the ON EVERY COLUMN
+option for the table DEPT. This statement performs a full scan, and
+{project-name} SQL determines the default number of intervals.
+--- SQL operation complete.
+* Suppose that a construction company has an ADDRESS table of potential
+sites and a DEMOLITION_SITES table that contains some of the columns of
+the ADDRESS table. The primary key is ZIP. Join these two tables on two
+of the columns in common:
+SELECT COUNT(AD.number), AD.street,
+,, AD.state
+FROM address AD, demolition_sites DS
+WHERE = AND AD.type = DS.type
+GROUP BY AD.street,,, AD.state;
+To generate statistics specific to this query, enter these statements:
+ON (street), (city), (state), (zip, type);
+UPDATE STATISTICS FOR TABLE demolition_sites ON (zip, type);
+* This example removes all histograms for table DEMOLITION_SITES:
+* This example selectively removes the histogram for column STREET in
+table ADDRESS:
+* This example generates statistics but also creates a persistent 
+sample table for use when updating statistics incrementally:
+ON (street), (city), (state), (zip, type)
+* This example updates statistics incrementally. It assumes that
+a persistent sample table has already been created. The predicate
+in the WHERE clause describes the set of rows that have changed
+since statistics were last updated. Here we assume that rows
+with a state of California are the only rows that have changed:

[12/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc
index 3714472..43dbf73 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/jdbct4.adoc
@@ -1,413 +1,329 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- * 
-= Install JDBC Type-4 Driver
-== Installation Requirements
-The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver requires a Java-enabled platform that supports the Java Development Kit (JDK) 1.7 or higher.
-=== Java Environment
-The {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver requires that a compatible Java version be installed on the client workstation and that the Java path be set to
-the correct location. The supported Java version is 1.7 or higher.
-NOTE: If you plan to do Java-based development, install the Java Development Kit (JDK) rather than the Java Runtime Environment (JRE).
-These examples use JRE.
-==== Verify Java Version
-To display the Java version of the client workstation on the screen, enter:
-java -version
-C:\> java -version
-java version "1.7.0_45" # This is the version you need to check
-Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.7.0_45-b18)
-Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 24.45-b08, mixed mode, sharing)
-The Java version should be *1.7* or higher. If the returned version is not supported, please refer to
-<<jdbct4-install-java, Installing a Supported Java Version>> below.
-If you see this message:
-'java' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.`
-It indicates that the Java PATH is not set. Follow one of these sets of instructions, depending on the operating system of your client
-* <<jdbct4-path-windows, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Windows>>
-* <<jdbct4-path-linux, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Linux>>
-==== Install Supported Java Version
-The supported Java version is 1.7 or higher. To install one of the supported Java versions on the client workstation,
-go to this link:
-After installing the Java version, proceed with setting the Java path. Follow one of these sets of instructions, depending on the operating
-system of your client workstation:
-* <<jdbct4-path-windows, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Windows>>
-* <<jdbct4-path-linux, Setting the PATH to a Supported Java Version on Linux>>
-==== Set Windows PATH Variable
-===== Windows 10
-1. Right-click on the Windows icon on the menu bar. Select *System*.
-2. Click on *Advanced System Settings*.
-3.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click the *Advanced* tab.
-4.  Click the *Environment Variables* button.
-5.  Under *System* variables, select the variable named *Path*, and then click *Edit. . .*:
-image:{images}/win10_edit_path.jpg[Windows 10 Edit Path Variable]
-6.  Click *Browse. . .*. Find the directory where you installed Java and select it.
-7.  Click *OK* to close the browse window. Click *OK* to close the edit window.
-8.  Verify that the updated *Path* appears under *System* variables, and click *OK*.
-9.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click *OK* to accept the changes.
-===== Windows 8
-1.  Open system Right-click the *Computer* icon on your desktop, and then select *Properties*. The *Control Panel > System and Security > System* window
-2. In the left navigation bar, click the *Advanced* system settings link.
-3.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click the *Environment Variables* button.
-4.  Under *System* variables, select the variable named *Path*, and then click *Edit*:
-5.  Place the cursor at the start of the *Variable* value field and enter the path of the Java bin directory, ending with a semicolon (;):
-"C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin";
-NOTE: Check that no space exists after the semicolon (;) in the path. If there are spaces in the directory name, delimit the entire directory
-path in double quotes (") before the semicolon.
-6.  Click *OK*.
-7.  Verify that the updated *Path* appears under *System* variables, and click *OK*.
-8.  In the *System Properties* dialog box, click *OK* to accept the changes.
-==== Set Linux PATH Variable
-1.  Open the user profile (`.profile` or `.bash_profile` for the Bash shell) in the `$HOME` directory.
-cd $HOME
-vi .profile
-2.  In the user profile, set the `PATH` environment variable to include the path of the Java bin 
-export PATH=/opt/java1.7/jre/bin:$PATH
-NOTE: Place the path of the Java bin directory before `$PATH`, and check that no space exists after the colon (:) in the path. In the C shell,
-use the setenv command instead of export.
-3.  To activate the changes, either log out and log in again or execute the user profile.
-. .profile
-== Installation Instructions
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-=== Install JDBC Type-4 Driver
-1.  Change the directory to the `clients` subdirectory.
-2.  Extract the contents of the `` file by using the unzip command (or the extract function of your compression software):
-unzip -d $HOME/jdbc
-The content of the target directory is as follows:
-| Installation Folder                | Files                        | Description
-| /lib                               | jdbcT4.jar                   | Product JAR file.
-| /samples                           |            | Properties file that you can configure for your application environment.
-|                                    | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use the common sample set.
-| /samples/common                    |             | Sample source code for creating, populating, and dropping sample tables.
-| /samples/DBMetaSample              |            | Sample source code for getting metadata about the sample tables.
-|                                    | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-| /samples/PreparedStatementSample   | | Sample code for simple or parameterized SELECT statements that are prepared.
-|                                    | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-| /samples/ResultSetSample           | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-|                                    |         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a result set.
-| /samples/StatementSample           | README                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
-|                                    |         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a simple SELECT statement.
-== Set Up Client Environment
-=== Java Development
-If you plan to write and run Java applications that use the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver to connect to a {project-name} database, then set these
-environment variables on the client workstation, replacing `_jdk-directory_` with the location of your Java Development Kit and
-replacing `_jdbc-installation-directory_` with the name of the directory where you downloaded the JDBC Type 4 driver:
-| Environment Variable | On Windows                                                              | On Linux
-| JAVA_HOME            | set JAVA_HOME="_jdk-directory_"^1^                                      | export JAVA_HOME=_jdk-directory_
-| PATH                 | set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin                                         | export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin
-| CLASSPATH            | set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;_jdbc-installation-directory_\lib\jdbcT4.jar; | export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:_jdbc-installation-directory_/lib/jdbcT4.jar:
-^1^ Enclose the _jdk-directory_ in quotes to ensure that Windows can find the directory correctly. You can use the `set <variable>` command to verify the setting.
-=== Configure Applications
-Edit the `` file in the `samples` folder. Refer to the `README` file in the `samples` folder for instructions.
-Set these values for your environment:
-* _catalog_: Specify a catalog that exists in the database.
-* _schema_: Specify a schema that exists in the database.
-* _user_: Specify the name of a user who will be accessing the database.
-* _password_: Specify the password of a user who will be accessing the database.
-* _url_: Specify this string: _jdbc:t4jdbc://_host-name_:_port-number_/:_
-_host-name_ is the IP address or host name of the database platform, and _port-number_ is the location where the 
-{project-name} Database Connectivity Service (DCS) is running, which is *23400* by default. See the
-[{project-name} Database Connectivity Services Reference Guide]
-for information about how to configure the DCS port.
-In this example, {project-name} authentication has not been enabled. Therefore, you can use a dummy
-user and password. If authentication is enabled, then use your user and password information.
-catalog = TRAFODION
-schema = SEABASE
-user = usr
-password = pwd
-url = jdbc:t4jdbc://
-NOTE: The driver\u2019s class name is `org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver`.
-== Test Programs
-The `README` file in the `samples` folder provide information for how you build and run sample Java programs.
-You can use these programs to verify the setup of the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
-See the <<jdbct4-install-driver, Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>> section above for information on the different
-sample programs that are included with the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
-Build and run the StatementSample test program to verify the JDBC Type-4 driver installation.
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples>cd StatementSample
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples\StatementSample>%JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar *.java ..\common\*.java
-Note: ..\common\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
-Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples\StatementSample>%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar\ StatementSample
-Mar 16, 2016 9:36:54 PM common.sampleUtils getPropertiesConnection
-INFO: DriverManager.getConnection(url, props) passed
-Inserting TimeStamp
-Simple Select
-Printing ResultSetMetaData ...
-No. of Columns 12
-Column 1 Data Type: CHAR Name: C1
-Column 2 Data Type: SMALLINT Name: C2
-Column 3 Data Type: INTEGER Name: C3
-Column 4 Data Type: BIGINT Name: C4
-Column 5 Data Type: VARCHAR Name: C5
-Column 6 Data Type: NUMERIC Name: C6
-Column 7 Data Type: DECIMAL Name: C7
-Column 8 Data Type: DATE Name: C8
-Column 9 Data Type: TIME Name: C9
-Column 10 Data Type: TIMESTAMP Name: C10
-Column 11 Data Type: REAL Name: C11
-Column 12 Data Type: DOUBLE PRECISION Name: C12
-Fetching rows...
-Printing Row 1 using getString(), getObject()
-Column 1 - Row1                ,Row1
-Column 2 - 100,100
-Column 3 - 12345678,12345678
-Column 4 - 123456789012,123456789012
-Column 5 - Selva,Selva
-Column 6 - 100.12,100.12
-Column 7 - 100.12,100.12
-Column 8 - 2000-05-06,2000-05-06
-Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
-Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
-Column 11 - 100.12,100.12
-Column 12 - 100.12,100.12
-Printing Row 2 using getString(), getObject()
-Column 1 - Row2                ,Row2
-Column 2 - -100,-100
-Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
-Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
-Column 5 - Selva,Selva
-Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 8 - 2000-05-16,2000-05-16
-Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
-Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
-Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
-Printing Row 3 using getString(), getObject()
-Column 1 - TimeStamp           ,TimeStamp
-Column 2 - -100,-100
-Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
-Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
-Column 5 - Selva,Selva
-Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 8 - 2016-03-16,2016-03-16
-Column 9 - 21:37:03,21:37:03
-Column 10 - 2016-03-16 21:37:03.053,2016-03-16 21:37:03.053
-Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
-Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
-End of Data
-C:\Development Tools\Trafodion JDBCT4\samples\StatementSample>
-== Uninstall JDBC Type-4 Driver
-Run one of these sets of commands to remove the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver:
-* On Linux:
-rm -rf <jdbc-installation-directory>
-rm -rf ~/jdbc
-* On Windows:
-del <jdbc-installation-directory>
-rmdir <jdbc-installation-directory>
-Windows uninstall
-C:\>del /s JDBC
-C:\JDBC\, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-C:\JDBC\install\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\install\t4jdbcSanityCheck.class
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\install\t4jdbcUninstall.class
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\install\product.contents
-C:\JDBC\lib\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\lib\jdbcT4.jar
-C:\JDBC\samples\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\README
-C:\JDBC\samples\common\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\common\
-C:\JDBC\samples\DBMetaSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\DBMetaSample\
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\DBMetaSample\README
-C:\JDBC\samples\PreparedStatementSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y 
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\PreparedStatementSample\
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\PreparedStatementSample\README
-C:\JDBC\samples\ResultSetSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\ResultSetSample\README
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\ResultSetSample\
-C:\JDBC\samples\StatementSample\*, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\StatementSample\README
-Deleted file - C:\JDBC\samples\StatementSample\
-C:\>rmdir /s JDBC
-JDBC, Are you sure (Y/N)? Y
-== Reinstall JDBC Type-4 Driver
-1. Close all applications running on the workstation, except the Web browser.
-2. Download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-3. Install the new {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver. See <<jdbct4-install-driver, Install JDBC Type-4 Driver>>.
-4. Set up the client environment. Please refer to: <<jdbct4-setup-env, Set Up Client Environment>>.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ * 
+= Install JDBC Type-4 Driver
+== Prerequisites
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have <<java-setup, setup your Java environment>>
+and <<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>>.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the JDBC Type 4 driver installation files
+to `c:\trafodion\jdbct4` (Windows) or `$HOME/trafodion/jdbct4` (Linux).
+== Validate Install Directory
+The content of the `jdbct4` installation directory is as follows:
+| Installation Folder                  | Files                          | Description
+| `/lib`                               | `jdbcT4.jar`                   | Product JAR file.
+| `/samples`                           | ``            | Properties file that you can configure for your application environment.
+|                                      | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use the common sample set.
+| `/samples/common`                    | ``             | Sample source code for creating, populating, and dropping sample tables.
+| `/samples/DBMetaSample`              | ``            | Sample source code for getting metadata about the sample tables.
+|                                      | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+| `/samples/PreparedStatementSample`   | `` | Sample code for simple or parameterized SELECT statements that are prepared.
+|                                      | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+| `/samples/ResultSetSample`           | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+|                                      | ``         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a result set.
+| `/samples/StatementSample`           | `README`                       | Readme file that explains how to use this sample set.
+|                                      | ``         | Sample source code for fetching rows from a simple SELECT statement.
+== Set Up Client Environment
+=== Java Development
+If you plan to write and run Java applications that use the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver to connect to a {project-name} database, then set these
+environment variables on the client workstation, replacing `_jdk-directory_` with the location of your Java Development Kit and
+replacing `_jdbc-installation-directory_` with the name of the directory where you downloaded the JDBC Type 4 driver:
+| Environment Variable   | On Windows                                                                | On Linux
+| `JAVA_HOME`            | `set JAVA_HOME="_jdk-directory_"`^1^                                      | `export JAVA_HOME=_jdk-directory_`
+| `PATH`                 | `set PATH=%PATH%;%JAVA_HOME%\bin`                                         | `export PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_HOME/bin`
+| `CLASSPATH`            | `set CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;_jdbc-installation-directory_\lib\jdbcT4.jar;` | `export CLASSPATH=$CLASSPATH:_jdbc-installation-directory_/lib/jdbcT4.jar:`
+^1^ Enclose the _jdk-directory_ in quotes to ensure that Windows can find the directory correctly. You can use the `set <variable>` command to verify the setting.
+=== Configure Applications
+Edit the `` file in the `samples` folder. Refer to the `README` file in the `samples` folder for instructions.
+Set these values for your environment:
+* `catalog`: Specify a catalog that exists in the database.
+* `schema`: Specify a schema that exists in the database.
+* `user`: Specify the name of a user who will be accessing the database.
+* `password`: Specify the password of a user who will be accessing the database.
+* `url`: Specify this string: `jdbc:t4jdbc://<host-name>:<port-number>/:`
+`<host-name>` is the IP address or host name of the database platform.
+`<port-number>` is the location where the 
+{project-name} Database Connectivity Service (DCS) is running. (Default: *23400*).
+See the[{project-name} Database Connectivity Services Reference Guide]
+for information about how to configure the DCS port.
+In this example, {project-name} authentication has not been enabled. Therefore, you can use a dummy
+user and password. If authentication is enabled, then use your user and password information.
+catalog = TRAFODION
+schema = SEABASE
+user = usr
+password = pwd
+url = jdbc:t4jdbc://
+NOTE: The driver\u2019s class name is `org.trafodion.jdbc.t4.T4Driver`.
+== Test Programs
+NOTE: You must use JDK and set up the environmental variables as documented in
+<<jdbct4-java-development, Java Development>> to build the test programs.
+The `README` file in the `samples` folder provide information for how you build and run sample Java programs.
+You can use these programs to verify the setup of the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
+See the <<jdbct4-validate-install, Validate Install Directory>> section above for information on the different
+sample programs that are included with the {project-name} JDBC Type-4 driver.
+*Windows Example*
+Build and run the StatementSample test program to verify the JDBC Type-4 driver installation.
+C:\trafodion\jdbct4\samples> cd StatementSample
+C:\trafodion\jdbct4\samples\StatementSample> %JAVA_HOME%\bin\javac -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar *.java ..\common\*.java
+Note: ..\common\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
+Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
+C:\trafodion\jdbct4\samples\StatementSample> %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classpath ..\..\lib\jdbcT4.jar;..;.\ StatementSample
+Mar 16, 2016 9:36:54 PM common.sampleUtils getPropertiesConnection
+INFO: DriverManager.getConnection(url, props) passed
+Inserting TimeStamp
+Simple Select
+Printing ResultSetMetaData ...
+No. of Columns 12
+Column 1 Data Type: CHAR Name: C1
+Column 2 Data Type: SMALLINT Name: C2
+Column 3 Data Type: INTEGER Name: C3
+Column 4 Data Type: BIGINT Name: C4
+Column 5 Data Type: VARCHAR Name: C5
+Column 6 Data Type: NUMERIC Name: C6
+Column 7 Data Type: DECIMAL Name: C7
+Column 8 Data Type: DATE Name: C8
+Column 9 Data Type: TIME Name: C9
+Column 10 Data Type: TIMESTAMP Name: C10
+Column 11 Data Type: REAL Name: C11
+Column 12 Data Type: DOUBLE PRECISION Name: C12
+Fetching rows...
+Printing Row 1 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row1                ,Row1
+Column 2 - 100,100
+Column 3 - 12345678,12345678
+Column 4 - 123456789012,123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 7 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-06,2000-05-06
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 12 - 100.12,100.12
+Printing Row 2 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row2                ,Row2
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-16,2000-05-16
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+Printing Row 3 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - TimeStamp           ,TimeStamp
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2016-03-16,2016-03-16
+Column 9 - 21:37:03,21:37:03
+Column 10 - 2016-03-16 21:37:03.053,2016-03-16 21:37:03.053
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+End of Data
+*Linux Example*
+Build and run the StatementSample test program to verify the JDBC Type-4 driver installation.
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/jdbct4/samples/StatementSample
+$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/javac -classpath ../../lib/jdbcT4.jar *.java ../common/*.java
+Note: ..\common\ uses or overrides a deprecated API.
+Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details.
+$ $JAVA_HOME/bin/java -classpath ../../lib/jdbcT4.jar:..:. StatementSample
+Mar 16, 2016 9:36:54 PM common.sampleUtils getPropertiesConnection
+INFO: DriverManager.getConnection(url, props) passed
+Inserting TimeStamp
+Simple Select
+Printing ResultSetMetaData ...
+No. of Columns 12
+Column 1 Data Type: CHAR Name: C1
+Column 2 Data Type: SMALLINT Name: C2
+Column 3 Data Type: INTEGER Name: C3
+Column 4 Data Type: BIGINT Name: C4
+Column 5 Data Type: VARCHAR Name: C5
+Column 6 Data Type: NUMERIC Name: C6
+Column 7 Data Type: DECIMAL Name: C7
+Column 8 Data Type: DATE Name: C8
+Column 9 Data Type: TIME Name: C9
+Column 10 Data Type: TIMESTAMP Name: C10
+Column 11 Data Type: REAL Name: C11
+Column 12 Data Type: DOUBLE PRECISION Name: C12
+Fetching rows...
+Printing Row 1 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row1                ,Row1
+Column 2 - 100,100
+Column 3 - 12345678,12345678
+Column 4 - 123456789012,123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 7 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-06,2000-05-06
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - 100.12,100.12
+Column 12 - 100.12,100.12
+Printing Row 2 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - Row2                ,Row2
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2000-05-16,2000-05-16
+Column 9 - 10:11:12,10:11:12
+Column 10 - 2000-05-06 10:11:12.000000,2000-05-06 10:11:12.0
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+Printing Row 3 using getString(), getObject()
+Column 1 - TimeStamp           ,TimeStamp
+Column 2 - -100,-100
+Column 3 - -12345678,-12345678
+Column 4 - -123456789012,-123456789012
+Column 5 - Selva,Selva
+Column 6 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 7 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 8 - 2016-03-16,2016-03-16
+Column 9 - 21:37:03,21:37:03
+Column 10 - 2016-03-16 21:37:03.053,2016-03-16 21:37:03.053
+Column 11 - -100.12,-100.12
+Column 12 - -100.12,-100.12
+End of Data
+== Uninstall JDBC Type-4 Driver
+Run one of these sets of commands to remove the {project-name} JDBC Type 4 Driver:
+* On Windows:
+rmdir /s /q <jdbc-installation-directory>
+rmdir /s /q c:\trafodion\jdbct4
+* On Linux:
+rm -rf <jdbc-installation-directory>
+rm -rf $HOME/trafodion/jdbct4
+NOTE: Remember to update/remove environmental variables if you've created them in th 
+<<jdbct4-java-development, Java Development>>.
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc
index 512a0ea..c433513 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odb.adoc
@@ -1,66 +1,245 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Install odb
-== Installation Requirements
-The odb tool runs on 64-bit Linux. On a Linux workstation, odb requires `pthread` libraries, which are usually installed by default. It also
-requires the unixODBC Driver Manager to be installed and configured on the client workstation. For more information, see the
-{docs-url}/odb/index.html[_{project-name} odb User Guide_].
-== Installation Instructions
-NOTE: Before following these installation instructions, please make sure to install and configure unixODBC on the client workstation. For more
-information, see the {docs-url}/odb/index.html[_{project-name} odb User Guide_].
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-=== Install odb
-1.  Change the directory to the `clients` subdirectory.
-2.  Unpack the contents of the `odb64_linux.tar.gz` file to a location on your client workstation:
-mkdir $HOME/odb
-tar -xzf odb64_linux.tar.gz -C $HOME/odb
-The command extracts these files:
-* `/bin/odb64luo` (the odb executable)
-3.  You are now ready to run the odb executable. For more information, see the {docs-url}/odb/index.html[_{project-name} odb User Guide_].
-== Uninstall odb
-To uninstall odb, delete the `README` and `/bin/odb64luo` files from their installed location.
-rm -rf odb-installation-directory
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Install odb
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have
+<<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>> and
+<<odbc-linux-install, setup the {project-name} Linux ODBC Driver>>.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the odb installation file 
+to `$HOME/trafodion/odb`.
+== odb Requirements
+odb requires:
+* pthread libraries (Generally installed by default)
+* unixODBC. See installation instructions <<odb-install-unixodbc, below>>.
+== Install and Configure unixODBC
+This section explains how to install and configure `unixODBC`.
+Refer to the[unixODBC documentation] for additional
+configuration information.
+1.  Obtain the source code tar ball from Use version 2.3.*_x_* or later.
+2.  Unpack the tar ball:
+$ tar -xzvf unixODBC-2.3.1.tar.gz
+3.  Configure unixODBC installation (root access required):
+$ cd unixODBC-2.3.1
+$ sudo ./configure --disable-gui --enable-threads --disable-drivers
+unixODBC is installed under `/usr/local`.
+If you don't have root privileges or you want to install unixODBC somewhere else
+then `add --prefix=<installation_path>` to the `configure` command here above.
+*Example - Install unixODBC in Alternate Location*
+$ ./configure --prefix=$HOME/trafodion/unixodbc --disable-gui --enable-threads --disable-drivers
+4.  Compile unixODBC sources:
+$ make
+5.  Install unixODBC:
+$ make install
+=== Configure unixODBC
+1.  Define environment variables.
+2.  Define data sources.
+Start with the environment variables (which you can add to your profile script):
+1. Set the `ODBCHOME` variable to the unixODBC installation directory (the one configured via `--prefix` here above).
+$ export ODBCHOME=$HOME/trafodion/unixodbc
+2. Configure the system data sources directory (the one containing `odbc.ini` and `odbcinst.ini`).
+Normally, the `etc/` directory under `$ODBCHOME`:
+3. Configure the `ODBCINI` variable to the full path of the `odbc.ini` file:
+$ export ODBCINI=$ODBCSYSINI/odbc.ini
+4. Add the unixODBC lib directory to your `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` (Linux) or `LIBPATH` (IBM AIX) or `SHLIB_PATH` (HP/UX):
+=== Configure Data Sources
+==== `odbc.ini`
+Description = DSN Description
+Driver = <odbcinst.ini corresponding section>
+Other (Driver specific) parameters
+==== `odbcinst.ini`
+[<Driver name in odbc.ini>]
+Description = Driver description
+Driver = <ODBC driver>
+FileUsage = 1
+UsageCount = 1
+*{project-name} Example*
+$ cat odbc.ini
+Description = traf DSN 
+Driver = Trafodion 
+Catalog = TRAFODION 
+Schema = QA 
+DataLang = 0 
+FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT 
+Server = TCP:<server-name>:<port-no> 
+$ cat odbcinst.ini
+Description = {project-name} ODBC Stand Alone Driver
+Driver = /<dir-name>/conn/clients/odbc/
+FileUsage = 1 
+UsageCount = 1 
+Threading = 1 
+Trace = Off 
+Tracefile = uodbc.trc
+The `Threading` setting is defined as follows
+(extracted from unixODBC sources `DriverManager/handles.c`):
+* ...
+* If compiled with thread support the DM allows four different
+* thread strategies
+* Level 0 - Only the DM internal structures are protected
+* the driver is assumed to take care of it's self
+* Level 1 - The driver is protected down to the statement level
+* each statement will be protected, and the same for the connect
+* level for connect functions, note that descriptors are considered
+* equal to statements when it comes to thread protection.
+* Level 2 - The driver is protected at the connection level. only
+* one thread can be in a particular driver at one time
+* Level 3 - The driver is protected at the env level, only one thing
+* at a time.
+* By default the driver open connections with a lock level of 0,
+* drivers should be expected to be thread safe now.
+* this can be changed by adding the line
+* Threading = N
+* to the driver entry in odbcinst.ini, where N is the locking level
+== Verify odb Installation
+`$HOME/trafodion/odb` should contain the following files.
+* `/bin/odb64luo` (the odb executable)
+See the {docs-url}/odb/index.html[{project-name} odb User Guide] for information how to use odb.
+== Uninstall odb
+To uninstall odb, delete the `README` and `/bin/odb64luo` files from their installed location.
+rm -rf $HOME/trafodion/odb
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
index 6838df8..0321ace 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_linux.adoc
@@ -1,302 +1,399 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Install Linux ODBC Driver
-== Installation Requirements
-The driver for Linux requires `libgcc 3.4.3` and `libstd++ 6.0`.
-If you are building ODBC applications, please use the preferred build platform, RedHat 6.x or CentOS 6.x.
-== Installation Instructions
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-The package file contains the {project-name} ODBC distribution file, `TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz`, which is extracted to the `clients` subdirectory.
-It contains the following files:
-By default, a new version of the {project-name} ODBC driver is installed in the following directories unless you specify a different directory
-during installation:
-* `/usr/lib64`
-* `/etc/odbc`
-NOTE: The following header files are not packaged with the {project-name} ODBC driver: +
- +
-- `sql.h` +
-- `sqlext.h` +
-- `sqltypes.h` +
-- `sqlucode.h` +
- +
-To install those header files, <<win_odbc_client_env, Setting Up the Client Environment>>..
-=== Install/Reinstall Linux ODBC Driver
-NOTE: You must have root access to install the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Linux at the default system location.
-1.  Change the directory to the clients subdirectory, and decompress the `.tar.gz` distribution file:
-gunzip TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar.gz
-2.  Extract the contents of the `.tar` file. A directory called `PkgTmp` is created.
-tar \u2013xvf TRAF_ODBC_Linux_Driver_64.tar
-3.  Install the product by entering these commands:
-cd PkgTmp 
-sudo ./
-Except for the sample file, the `` script saves a copy (`.SAV`) of your previous installation files if they exist.
-4.  Accept the terms of the license agreement by entering *yes*.
-5.  Enter a directory for the library files, or press Enter to use the default directory (`/usr/lib64`).
-6.  Enter a directory for the data-source template file, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
-7.  Enter a directory for the sample program, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
-=== Set Up Client Environment
-If you selected default options during installation, ensure that:
-* The libraries are located in the `/usr/lib64` directory.
-* A `TRAFDSN` file is in the `/etc/odbc` directory.
-If you select non-default locations during installation, ensure that the files are installed in the directories that you specified during
-The driver expects the `TRAFDSN` file to be present in either the default location (`/etc/odbc`) or the current working directory (`CWD`) of the
-If you are building ODBC applications, you need to install these header files in your build environment:
-* `sql.h`
-* `sqlext.h`
-* `sqltypes.h`
-* `sqlucode.h`
-To install those header files from the latest packages, run this `yum` command:
-sudo yum -y install libiodbc libiodbc-devel
-The `yum` command automatically installs the header files in the `/usr/include` and `/usr/include/libiodbc` directories.
-=== Enable Compression
-When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
-the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
-To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
-* If you are using the {project-name} ODBC driver manager, add
-Compression = compression-level
-to the `DSN` section of `TRAFDSN` file.
-* If you are using a third-party driver manager, such as unixODBC, add
-Compression = compression-level
-to the `DSN` section of the `odbc.ini` file.
-The `_compression-level_` is one of these values:
-* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
-* `no compression`
-* `best speed`
-* `best compression`
-* `balance`
-* An integer from `0` to `9`, with `0` being `no compression` and `9` being the `maximum available compression`
-=== Use Third-Party Driver Manager
-NOTE: For better performance, we recommend that you use at least version `2.3._x_` of unixODBC.
-* If you are using an external driver manager, then you must point to `` and not to ``.
-* The driver, ``, has been verified with iODBC and unixODBC driver managers.
-* These driver managers, as well as documentation, can be found at these Web sites:
-* For information on the necessary data-source configuration options, you will need to add to the respective configuration files (for example,
-to `odbc.ini`).
-=== Run Sample Program (`connect_test`)
-NOTE: The examples after each step assume that you have default installation directories.
-If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed, you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
-the correct version of the driver. If you are unsure of the version, check the version of your application with this command:
-ldd object-file
-1.  Move to the directory where you installed the sample program:
-cd /etc/odbc
-2.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-library-files or /usr/lib64>
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64
-3.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`.
-Description = Default Data Source
-Catalog = TRAFODION
-Schema = SEABASE
-DataLang = 0
-FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
-Server = TCP: <- _Set IP Address_
-4.  Compile the sample program.
-sudo g++ -g connect_test.cpp -L/usr/lib64 -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o connect_test
-5.  Run the sample program:
-./connect_test -d Default_DataSource -u username -p password
-If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
-Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=username;PWD=****;
-Connect Test Passed...
-=== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
-NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Linux driver. To obtain the source code for this program, see
-<<odbc_sample_program, `basicsql` (Sample ODBC Program)>>.
-If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed, you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
-the correct version of the driver. If you are unsure of the version, check the version of your application with this command:
-ldd object-file
-1.  Move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` file.
-2.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
-export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-driver-dlls>
-3.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`. For example:
-Description = Default Data Source
-Catalog = TRAFODION
-Schema = SEABASE
-DataLang = 0
-FetchBufferSize = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
-Server = TCP: 
-4.  Compile the sample program.
-g++ -g basicsql.cpp -L. -I. -ltrafodbc64 -o basicsql
-5.  Run the sample program:
-basicsql Default_DataSource <username> <password>
-If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
-Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
-Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
-Drop sample table if it exists... Creating sample table TASKS...
-Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
-Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute Data
-Data inserted.
-Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
-Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
-Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Install Linux ODBC Driver
+== Installation Requirements
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have <<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name}
+client software>>.
+In addition, the ODBC driver for Linux requires `libgcc 3.4.3` and `libstd++ 6.0`.
+If you are building ODBC applications, please use the preferred build platform, RedHat 6.x or CentOS 6.x.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the JDBC Type for installation files
+to `$HOME/trafodion/odbc`.
+== Validate Install Directory
+`$HOME/trafodion/odbc/PkgTmp` should contain:
+By default, a new version of the {project-name} ODBC driver is installed in the following directories
+unless you specify a different directory during installation:
+* `/usr/lib64`
+* `/etc/odbc`
+NOTE: The following header files are not packaged with the {project-name} ODBC driver: +
+ +
+- `sql.h` +
+- `sqlext.h` +
+- `sqltypes.h` +
+- `sqlucode.h` +
+ +
+To install those header files, <<linux_odbc_client_env, Set Up Client Environment>> below.
+== Install/Reinstall Linux ODBC Driver
+NOTE: You must have root (`sudo`) access to install the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Linux at the default system location.
+If you don't have such access, the install the ODBC driver to an alternate location; for example: `$HOME/trafodion/odbc`.
+. Install the product by entering these commands:
+*With `sudo` Access*
+cd $HOME/trafodion/odbc/PkgTmp 
+sudo ./
+*Without `sudo` Access*
+cd $HOME/trafodion/odbc/PkgTmp 
+Except for the sample file, the `` script saves a copy (`.SAV`) of your previous installation files if they exist.
+.  Accept the terms of the license agreement by entering *yes*.
+NOTE: Don't use environmental variables when specifying alternative location. Instead, use
+the full path. For example, specify `/opt/user/trafodion/odbc` instead of `$HOME/trafodion/odbc`.
+. Enter a directory for the library files, or press Enter to use the default directory (`/usr/lib64`).
+. Enter a directory for the data-source template file, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
+. Enter a directory for the sample program, or press *Enter* to use the default directory (`/etc/odbc`).
+. If you installed the library files, data-source template file, and the sample program in an
+  alternative location, then verify the directory content:
+=== Set Up Client Environment
+If you selected default options during installation, ensure that:
+* The libraries are located in the `/usr/lib64` directory.
+* A `TRAFDSN` file is in the `/etc/odbc` directory.
+If you select non-default locations during installation, ensure that the files are installed
+in the directories that you specified during installation:
+$ cd $HOME/trafodion/odbc
+$ ls
+connect_test.cpp    PkgTmp  TRAFDSN  MD5SUM
+The driver expects the `TRAFDSN` file to be present in either the default location (`/etc/odbc`)
+or the current working direct or (`CWD`) of the application. As a best practice, copy
+the `TRAFDSN` file to the application directory.
+Edit the `TRAFDSN` file. Make changes to the `Default_DataSource` section. At a minimum,
+change the value for `Server` to the address of the host you are connecting to.
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      = TCP:
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      =
+If you are building ODBC applications, you need to install these header files in your build environment:
+* `sql.h`
+* `sqlext.h`
+* `sqltypes.h`
+* `sqlucode.h`
+To install those header files from the latest packages, run this `yum` command:
+sudo yum -y install libiodbc libiodbc-devel
+The `yum` command automatically installs the header files in the `/usr/include` and `/usr/include/libiodbc` directories.
+=== Enable Compression
+When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
+the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
+To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
+* If you are using the {project-name} ODBC driver manager, add
+Compression = compression-level
+to the `DSN` section of `TRAFDSN` file.
+* If you are using a third-party driver manager, such as unixODBC, add
+Compression = compression-level
+to the `DSN` section of the `odbc.ini` file.
+The `_compression-level_` is one of these values:
+* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
+* `no compression`
+* `best speed`
+* `best compression`
+* `balance`
+* An integer from `0` to `9`, with `0` being `no compression` and `9` being the `maximum available compression`
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      =
+Compression                 = Best Compression
+== Use Third-Party Driver Manager
+NOTE: For better performance, we recommend that you use at least version `2.3._x_` of unixODBC.
+* If you are using an external driver manager, then you must point to `` and not to ``.
+* The driver, ``, has been verified with iODBC and unixODBC driver managers.
+* These driver managers, as well as documentation, can be found at these Web sites:
+* For information on the necessary data-source configuration options, you will need to add to the respective configuration files (for example,
+to `odbc.ini`).
+== Run Sample Program (`connect_test`)
+NOTE: The examples after each step assume that you have default installation directories.
+If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed,
+you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
+the correct version of the driver. If you are unsure of the version,
+check the version of your application with this command:
+ldd object-file
+.  Move to the directory where you installed the sample program:
+cd /etc/odbc
+.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-library-files or /usr/lib64>
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib64
+.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`.
+*Example (connecting to ``)*
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      = 
+Compression                 = Best Compression
+.  Compile the sample program.
+*Default Installation*
+g++ -g connect_test.cpp -L/usr/lib64 -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o connect_test
+*Alterntiave Installation*
+g++ -g connect_test.cpp -L$HOME/trafodion/odbc -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o connect_test
+.  Run the sample program:
+./connect_test -d Default_DataSource -u username -p password
+If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
+Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=username;PWD=****;
+Connect Test Passed...
+== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
+NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Linux driver. To obtain the source code for this program, see
+<<odbc_sample_program, `basicsql` (Sample ODBC Program)>>.
+If you have a previous version of the {project-name} ODBC driver installed,
+you need to re-link your existing application to ensure that you pick up
+the correct version of the driver.
+If you are unsure of the version, check the version of your application with this command:
+ldd object-file
+.  Move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` file.
+.  Set the environment variable `LD_LIBRARY_PATH`:
+export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=<path-to-odbc-driver-dlls>
+.  In the `/etc/odbc/TRAFDSN` file, add the correct IP address to the `Server` parameter for the `Default_DataSource`. For example:
+*Example (connecting to ``)*
+Description                 = Default Data Source
+Catalog                     = TRAFODION
+Schema                      = SEABASE
+DataLang                    = 0
+FetchBufferSize             = SYSTEM_DEFAULT
+Server                      = 
+Compression                 = Best Compression
+.  Compile the sample program.
+*Default Installation*
+g++ -g basicsql.cpp -L/usr/lib64 -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o basicsql
+*Alterntiave Installation*
+g++ -g basicsql.cpp -L$HOME/trafodion/odbc -I/usr/include/odbc -ltrafodbc64 -o basicsql
+.  Run the sample program:
+./basicsql Default_DataSource <username> <password>
+If the sample program runs successfully, you should see output similar to the following:
+Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
+Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
+Drop sample table if it exists... Creating sample table TASKS...
+Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
+Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute Data
+Data inserted.
+Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
+Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
+Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
diff --git a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
index 48435ff..67e2d6d 100644
--- a/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
+++ b/docs/client_install/src/asciidoc/_chapters/odbc_windows.adoc
@@ -1,244 +1,246 @@
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
- * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
- * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
- * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
- * limitations under the License.
- * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
- */
-= Install Windows ODBC Driver
-WARNING: License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact the
-{project-name} user e-mail list ({project-support}) for help obtaining the driver.
-== Installation Requirements
-| Item             | Requirement
-| Computer         | Windows compatible PC workstation
-| Memory           | Recommended minimum 32 MB
-| Disk Space       | Minimum 30 MB additional free space
-| Operating System | x64 Edition of Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows Server 2008
-| Network Software | TCP/IP
-== Installation Instructions
-=== Install Windows ODBC Driver
-NOTE: To install the driver on your PC, you must be logged on with a user ID that has administrator privileges.
-You download and extract the {project-name} client package using the instructions in <<introduction-download, Download Installation Package>> above.
-The ODBC client installation file, `TFODBC64-*.exe`, which installs or links to multiple client components:
-| This client component&#8230; | Does this&#8230;
-| Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager | Manages access to ODBC drivers for applications. The driver manager loads and unloads drivers and passes calls for ODBC functions to the
-correct driver.
-| Trafodion ODBC driver | Implements ODBC function calls to enable an ODBC client application to access the {project-name} database.
-| Microsoft ODBC Administrator | Adds, configures, and removes ODBC data sources on client workstations.
-By default, a new version of the ODBC driver is installed in this directory and its folders unless you specify a different directory
-during installation:
-| Default Installation Directory    | Client Operating System
-| C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF   | ODBC _version_ Windows 64-bit
-=== Start the InstallShield wizard
-The InstallShield wizard walks you through the steps to install the client components ({project-name} ODBC 1.0) on your workstation. You can
-perform the installation in _interactive mode_, in which you provide input or accept defaults when prompted as ODBC is installed. 
-Please refer to <<win_odbc_interactive_mode,Interactive Mode Installation>> below.
-==== Interactive Mode Installation
-1.  Double-click the `TFODBC64-*.exe` distribution file to start the InstallShield wizard.
-2.  On the *Welcome* page, click *Next*.
-3.  Read and select the *I accept the agreement* radio button. Click *Next*. 
-4.  On the *Destination Folder* page, click *Install* to select the default location: `C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF ODBC _version_\` 
-This location is the installation directory for ODBC header and help files. All other ODBC files are installed in `%SYSTEMROOT%\system32`.
-5. Read and accept the Microsoft C++ license agreement by checking the *I agree to the license terms and conditions*. Click *Install*.
-6. Click *Close*.
-7. Click *Finish* to exit the installation wizard.
-=== Add a client data source
-1.  Start the Microsoft ODBC Administrator:
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
-2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, click *Add*.
-3.  Select *TRAF ODBC _version_*, and then click *Finish* to start the *Create a New {project-name} ODBC Data Source* wizard.
-4.  Enter the data source name (for example, `Default_DataSource_Schema1`) and an optional description, and click *Next*.
-5.  Enter the `IP address` or `host name` for the database platform. Enter the default port number as *23400*^1^. Leave the defaults as is, and click *Next*.
-6.  Enter the schema name. The default schema name is `SEABASE`. Click *Next*.
-7.  Enter the translate DLL name and its option, if you have one. If not, leave it blank. Leave the localization defaults as is.
-The Replacement Character replaces any character that is incompatible for translation when retrieving data. It is one character (one or two
-bytes long). The Replacement Character is assumed to be in the character set specified in the Client/Server Character Set Interaction. If it is not specified, `?` is used as the default.
-Click *Finish*.
-8.  The wizard gives you an opportunity to test the connection. Click *Test Connection* and click *OK*.
-9.  The server ID and schema are filled in for you. Enter a valid user name and password, and click *OK*.
-The wizard attempts to connect to the data source and displays a message stating whether it was successful or not.
-10.  Click *OK* to save the data source, or click *Cancel* _twice_ to quit the *Create Data Source* wizard.
-^1^ Your specific installation may use a different port number. Check with your {project-name} administrator.
-=== Set Up Client Environment
-All client data sources connect to the pre-configured server data source on the database platform, which is `Default_DataSource`. 
-You can configure one data source only, `Default_DataSource`, on the database platform, but you can create other data source 
-definitions on the workstation. 
-For example, if you have more than one schema on the database platform and you want to connect 
-to each of those schemas on the database platform, you can create a client data source for each of those schemas. 
-Instead of changing the schema definition in the data source definition on the workstation, you can create multiple data source 
-definitions with different schemas on the workstation. The client data source will use the specified schema but will connect to 
-`Default_DataSource` on the database platform.
-To create a data source on the client workstation, follow these steps:
-1.  Launch the *MS ODBC Administrator*. 
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
-2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, select the *User DSN* tab, and click *Add*.
-3.  Select the *TRAF ODBC _version_* driver, and then click *Finish*.
-A new dialog box appears, prompting you to create a new data source.
-4.  Enter the name of the data source, `Default_DataSource`, and click *Next* to continue.
-5.  Enter the IP address and port number of the {project-name} system to which will be connecting. By default, the port number is *23400*^1^. 
-Click *Next* to continue.
-6.  Select the default schema. If you do not select a schema, the default is `SEABASE`. Click *Next* to continue.
-7.  If desired, configure the *translate dll*, which translates data from one character set to another, and configure the localization. By
-default, the client error message language is English, and the client\u2019s local character set is used. Click *Finish* to continue.
-The *Test {project-name} ODBC Connection* dialog box appears, allowing you to test the connection using the data source that you created.
-8.  Click *Test Connection*.
-9.  When prompted, enter your user name and password, and, optionally, schema. Click *OK*.
-If the connection is successful, you will see `Connected Successfully` in the *Test {project-name} ODBC Connection* dialog box.
-10.  Click *OK* to save the data source, or click *Cancel* _twice_ to quit the *Create Data Source* wizard.
-^1^ Your specific installation may use a different port number. Check with your {project-name} administrator.
-=== Enable Compression
-When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
-the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
-To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
-1.  Launch the MS ODBC Administrator. 
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
-2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, select the *User DSN* tab, select the name of your data source under 
-*User Data Sources*, and click *Configure*. If you did not create a data source, please refer to 
-<<win_odbc_client_env, Setting Up the Client Environment>>.
-A new dialog box appears, showing the configuration of your data source.
-3.  Select the *Network* tab, and then select one of these values for *Compression*:
-* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
-* `no compression`
-* `best speed`
-* `best compression`
-* `balance`
-* An integer from 0 to 9, with 0 being no compression and 9 being the
-maximum available compression
-4.  Click *OK* to accept the change.
-5.  Click *OK* to exit the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box.
-=== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
-NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Windows driver. To obtain the source code and the build and run
-files for this program, please refer to  <<odbc_sample_program, ODBC Sample Program>>.
-To build and run the executable file, follow these steps:
-1.  Open a Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt. Make sure to select the x64 version of the command prompt. For example, on Windows 7, select
-*Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010>Visual Studio Tools>Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt*.
-2.  At the command prompt, move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` and build files.
-3.  Run build at the command prompt. You will see `basicsql.exe` created in the same directory as the source file.
-4.  Before running the sample program, create a {project-name} data source named `Default_DataSource` on the client workstation using MS ODBC
-Administrator. For instructions, please refer to <<win_odbc_client_env,Set Up Client Environment>>.
-5.  From the command prompt, run the sample program by entering either run or this command:
-basicsql DefaultDataSource <username> <password>
-If the sample program executes successfully, you should see this output:
-Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
-Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
-Drop sample table if it exists...
-Creating sample table TASKS...
-Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
-Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute
-Data inserted.
-Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
-Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
-Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
-== Reinstall Windows ODBC Driver
-To reinstall the driver, we recommend that you fully remove your ODBC driver and then install the new version. Please refer to
-<<win_odbc_uninstall,Uninstalling the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>> and then <<win_odbc_install, Installing the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>>.
-== Uninstalling Windows ODBC Driver
-1.  Start to remove the ODBC driver:
-* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*
-* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select *Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*.
-* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Control Panel*. Click on *Uninstall a program*. Locate *{project-name} ODBC64 _version_* and select it. Click on *Uninstall*.
-2.  When the *Windows Installer* dialog box asks you if you want to uninstall this product, click *Yes*.
-3.  The *{project-name} ODBC _version_* dialog box displays the status and asks you to wait while `Windows configures {project-name} ODBC _version_` (that is, removes
-the {project-name} ODBC Driver from your Windows workstation).
-After this dialog box disappears, {project-name} ODBC _version_ is no longer on your workstation.
-NOTE: Uninstalling the ODBC driver does not remove pre-existing data source definitions from the Windows registry.
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+ * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+ * distributed with this work for additional information
+ * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+ * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+ * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+ * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ * @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+ */
+= Install Windows ODBC Driver
+WARNING: License issues prevent us from including the ODBC Driver for Windows in this release. Contact the
+{project-name} user e-mail list ({project-support}) for help obtaining the driver.
+If you have not done so already, please ensure that you have unpackaged the
+<<download-software, unpackaged the {project-name} client software>>.
+The examples in this chapter assumes that you have unpackaged the installation files
+to `c:\trafodion\odbc`.
+== Installation Requirements
+| Item             | Requirement
+| Computer         | Windows compatible PC workstation
+| Memory           | Recommended minimum 32 MB
+| Disk Space       | Minimum 30 MB additional free space
+| Operating System | x64 Edition of Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, or Windows Server 2008
+| Network Software | TCP/IP
+== Installation Instructions
+NOTE: To install the driver on your PC, you must be logged on with a user ID that has administrator privileges.
+The ODBC client installation file (`c:\trafodion\odbc\TFODBC64-*.exe`) installs or links to
+multiple client components:
+| This client component&#8230; | Does this&#8230;
+| Microsoft ODBC Driver Manager | Manages access to ODBC drivers for applications. The driver manager loads and unloads drivers and passes calls for ODBC functions to the
+correct driver.
+| Trafodion ODBC driver | Implements ODBC function calls to enable an ODBC client application to access the {project-name} database.
+| Microsoft ODBC Administrator | Adds, configures, and removes ODBC data sources on client workstations.
+By default, a new version of the ODBC driver is installed in this directory and its folders unless you specify a different directory
+during installation:
+| Default Installation Directory    | Client Operating System
+| C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF   | ODBC _version_ Windows 64-bit
+To install the {project-name} ODBC driver, do the following:
+1.  Double-click the `TFODBC64-*.exe` distribution file to start the InstallShield wizard.
+2.  On the *Welcome* page, click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_welcome.jpg[Windows ODBC Installer Welcome Screen]
+3.  Read and select the *I accept the agreement* radio button. Click *Next*. 
+image:{images}/winodbc_license.jpg[Windows ODBC Installer License Screen]
+4.  On the *Destination Folder* page, click *Install* to select the default location: `C:\Program Files\Trafodion\TRAF ODBC _version_\` 
+image:{images}/winodbc_destination.jpg[Windows ODBC Installer Destination Screen]
+This location is the installation directory for ODBC header and help files. All other ODBC files are installed in `%SYSTEMROOT%\system32`.
+5. Validate the Destination and click *Install*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_ready_to_install.jpg[Windows ODBC Ready to Install Screen]
+6. The Windows ODBC driver is installed. Click *Finish* to exit the installation wizard.
+image:{images}/winodbc_install_finished.jpg[Windows ODBC Install Finished Screen]
+== Set Up ODBC Data Source
+1.  Start the Microsoft ODBC Administrator:
+* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
+* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
+* On Windows 10: Click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Type *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_intro.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Intro Screen]
+2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, click *Add*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Screen]
+3.  Select *TRAF ODBC _version_*, and then click *Finish* to start the *Create a New {project-name} ODBC Data Source* wizard.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_general.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source General Screen]
+4.  Enter the data source name (for example, `Default_DataSource_Schema1`) and an optional description, and click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_general_edited.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Edited General Screen]
+5.  Enter the `IP address` or `host name` for the database platform. Enter the default port number as *23400*^1^. Leave the defaults as is, and click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_network.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Network Screen]
+6.  Enter the schema name. The default schema name is `SEABASE`. Click *Next*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_schema.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Schema Screen]
+7.  Enter the translate DLL name and its option, if you have one. If not, leave it blank. Leave the localization defaults as is.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_translate_dll.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Translate DLL Screen]
+The Replacement Character replaces any character that is incompatible for translation when retrieving data. It is one character (one or two
+bytes long). The Replacement Character is assumed to be in the character set specified in the Client/Server Character Set Interaction. If it is not specified, `?` is used as the default.
+Click *Finish*.
+8.  The wizard gives you an opportunity to test the connection. Click *Test Connection* and click *OK*.
+9.  The server ID and schema are filled in for you. Enter a valid user name and password, and click *OK*.
+image:{images}/winodbc_admin_add_test_connection.jpg[Windows ODBC Admin Create Data Source Test Connection Screen]
+The wizard attempts to connect to the data source and displays a message stating whether it was successful or not.
+10.  Click *OK* to save the data source, or click *Cancel* _twice_ to quit the *Create Data Source* wizard.
+^1^ Your specific installation may use a different port number. Check with your {project-name} administrator.
+=== Enable Compression
+When compression is enabled in the ODBC driver, the ODBC driver can send and receive large volumes of data quickly and efficiently to and from
+the {project-name} Database Connectivity Services (DCS) server over a TCP/IP network. By default, compression is disabled.
+To enable compression in the ODBC driver or to change the compression setting, follow these steps:
+1.  Launch the MS ODBC Administrator. 
+* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>MS ODBC Administrator*
+* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select MS ODBC Administrator.
+* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Settings*. Search for *Set up ODBC data sources (64-bit)*. Click on the found item. 
+2.  In the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box, select the *User DSN* tab, select the name of your data source under 
+*User Data Sources*, and click *Configure*. If you did not create a data source, please refer to 
+<<win_odbc_client_env, Setting Up the Client Environment>>.
+A new dialog box appears, showing the configuration of your data source.
+3.  Select the *Network* tab, and then select one of these values for *Compression*:
+* `SYSTEM_DEFAULT`, which is the same as no compression
+* `no compression`
+* `best speed`
+* `best compression`
+* `balance`
+* An integer from 0 to 9, with 0 being no compression and 9 being the
+maximum available compression
+4.  Click *OK* to accept the change.
+5.  Click *OK* to exit the *ODBC Data Source Administrator* dialog box.
+== Run Sample Program (`basicsql`)
+NOTE: The Basic SQL sample program is not currently bundled with the ODBC Windows driver. To obtain the source code and the build and run
+files for this program, please refer to  <<odbc_sample_program, ODBC Sample Program>>.
+To build and run the executable file, follow these steps:
+1.  Open a Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt. Make sure to select the x64 version of the command prompt. For example, on Windows 7, select
+*Start>All Programs>Microsoft Visual Studio 2010>Visual Studio Tools>Visual Studio x64 Win64 Command Prompt*.
+2.  At the command prompt, move to the directory where you put the `basicsql.cpp` and build files.
+3.  Run build at the command prompt. You will see `basicsql.exe` created in the same directory as the source file.
+4.  Before running the sample program, create a {project-name} data source named `Default_DataSource` on the client workstation using MS ODBC
+Administrator. For instructions, please refer to <<win_odbc_client_env,Set Up Client Environment>>.
+5.  From the command prompt, run the sample program by entering either run or this command:
+basicsql DefaultDataSource <username> <password>
+If the sample program executes successfully, you should see this output:
+Using Connect String: DSN=Default_DataSource;UID=user1;PWD=pwd1;
+Successfully connected using SQLDriverConnect.
+Drop sample table if it exists...
+Creating sample table TASKS...
+Table TASKS created using SQLExecDirect.
+Inserting data using SQLBindParameter, SQLPrepare, SQLExecute
+Data inserted.
+Fetching data using SQLExecDirect, SQLFetch, SQLGetData
+Data selected: 1000 CREATE REPORTS 2014-3-22
+Basic SQL ODBC Test Passed!
+== Reinstall Windows ODBC Driver
+To reinstall the driver, we recommend that you fully remove your ODBC driver and then install the new version. Please refer to
+<<win_odbc_uninstall,Uninstalling the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>> and then <<win_odbc_install, Installing the {project-name} ODBC Driver for Windows>>.
+== Uninstalling Windows ODBC Driver
+1.  Start to remove the ODBC driver:
+* On Windows 7: *Start>All Programs>{project-name} ODBC _version_>Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*
+* On Windows 8: Right-click the *{project-name} ODBC _version_* icon on the desktop and select *Remove TRAF ODBC _version_*.
+* On Windows 10: Right-click the Windows icon in the menu bar. Select *Control Panel*. Click on *Uninstall a program*. Locate *{project-name} ODBC64 _version_* and select it. Click on *Uninstall*.
+2.  When the *Windows Installer* dialog box asks you if you want to uninstall this product, click *Yes*.
+3.  The *{project-name} ODBC _version_* dialog box displays the status and asks you to wait while `Windows configures {project-name} ODBC _version_` (that is, removes
+the {project-name} ODBC Driver from your Windows workstation).
+After this dialog box disappears, {project-name} ODBC _version_ is no longer on your workstation.
+NOTE: Uninstalling the ODBC driver does not remove pre-existing data source definitions from the Windows registry.

[07/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc
index 6f1e17d..bbde7cd 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/runtime_stats.adoc
@@ -1,1353 +1,1353 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= SQL Runtime Statistics
-The Runtime Management System (RMS) shows the status of queries while
-they are running. RMS can service on-demand requests from the {project-name}
-Command Interface (TrafCI) to get statistics for a given query ID or for
-active queries in a given process. RMS also provides information about
-itself to determine the health of the RMS infrastructure.
-RMS provides the summary statistics for each fragment instance and
-detailed statistics for each operator (TDB_ID) of a given active query.
-A query is considered active if either the compilation or execution is
-in progress. The variable_input column output is returned as a multiple
-value pair of the form _token=value_. For more information, see
-Considerations For Obtaining Statistics For Each Fragment-Instance of an Active Query>>.
-RMS is enabled and available all the time.
-== PERTABLE and OPERATOR Statistics
-The SQL database engine determines which type of statistics collection
-is appropriate for the query. The RMS infrastructure provides the
-runtime metrics about a query while a query is executing. You can
-identify queries that are using excessive resources, suspend a query to
-determine its impact on resources, and cancel a query, when necessary.
-PERTABLE statistics count rows and report rows estimated in the
-operators in the disk processes and time spent in the ESP processes.
-Although PERTABLE statistics can deduce when all the rows have been read
-from the disks, it is impossible to correctly assess the current state
-of the query.
-Complex queries such as joins, sorts, and group result sets are often
-too large to fit into memory, so intermediate results must overflow to
-scratch files. These operators are called Big Memory Operators (BMOs).
-Because of the BMOs, RMS provides OPERATOR statistics, which provide a
-richer set of statistics so that the current state of a query can be
-determined at any time.
-With OPERATOR statistics, all SQL operators are instrumented and the
-following statistics are collected:
-* Node time spent in the operator
-* Actual number of rows flowing to the parent operator
-* Estimated number of rows flowing to the parent operator (estimated by the optimizer)
-* Virtual memory used in the BMO
-* Amount of data overflowed to scratch files and read back to the query
-For more information,
-see <<displaying_sql_runtimestatistics,Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics>>.
-== Adaptive Statistics Collection
-The SQL database engine chooses the appropriate statistics collection
-type based on the type of query. By default, the SQL database engine
-statistics collection is OPERATOR statistics. You can view the
-statistics in different formats: PERTABLE, ACCUMULATED, PROGRESS, and
-DEFAULT. Statistics Collection is adaptive to ensure that sufficient
-statistics information is available without
-causing any performance impact to the query's execution. For some
-queries, either no statistics or PERTABLE statistics are collected.
-| Query Type                      | Statistics Collection Type
-| OLT optimized queries           | PERTABLE
-| Unique queries                  | PERTABLE
-| CQD                             | No statistics
-| SET commands                    | No statistics
-| EXPLAIN                         | No statistics
-| GET STATISTICS                  | No statistics
-| All other queries               | DEFAULT
-== Retrieving SQL Runtime Statistics
-=== Using the GET STATISTICS Command
-The GET STATISTICS command shows statistical information for:
-* A single query ID (QID)
-* Active queries for a process ID (PID)
-* RMS itself
-A query is considered active if either compilation or execution is in
-progress. In the case of a SELECT statement, a query is in execution
-until the statement or result set is closed. Logically, a query is
-considered to be active when the compile end time is -1 and the compile
-start time is not -1, or when the execute end time is -1 and the execute
-start time is not -1.
-=== Syntax of GET STATISTICS
-GET STATISTICS FOR QID { query-id | CURRENT } [stats-view-type] }
-               | PID { process-name | [ nodeid, pid ] } [ ACTIVE n ][ stats-view-type ]
-               | RMS node-num | ALL [ RESET ]
-stats-view-type is:
-* `QID`
-Required keyword if requesting statistics for a specific query.
-* `_query-id_`
-is the query ID. You must put the _query-id_ in double quotes if the
-user name in the query ID contains lower case letters or if the user
-name contains a period.
-NOTE: The _query-id_ is a unique identifier for the SQL statement
-generated when the query is compiled (prepared). The _query-id_ is
-visible for queries executed through certain TrafCI commands.
-provides statistics for the most recently prepared or executed statement
-in the same session where you run the GET STATISTICS FOR QID CURRENT
-command. You must issue the GET STATISTICS FOR QID CURRENT command
-immediately after the PREPARE or EXECUTE statement.
-* `PID`
-Required keyword if requesting statistics for an active query in a given
-* `_process-name_`
-is the name of the process ID (PID) in the format: $Z_nnn_. The
-process name can be for the master (MXOSRVR) or executor server process
-(ESP). If the process name corresponds to the ESP, the ACTIVE _n_ query
-is just the _n_th query in that ESP and might not be the currently
-active query in the ESP.
-* `ACTIVE _n_`
-describes which of the active queries for which RMS returns statistics.
-ACTIVE 1 is the default. ACTIVE 1 returns statistics for the first
-active query. ACTIVE 2 returns statistics for the second active query.
-* `_stats-view-type_`
-sets the statistics view type to a different format. Statistics are
-collected at the operator level by default. For exceptions, see
-<<adaptive_statistics_collection,Adaptive Statistics Collection>>.
-causes the statistics to be displayed in an aggregated summary across
-all tables in the query.
-displays statistics for each table in the query. This is the default
-_stats-view-type_ although statistics are collected at the operator
-level. If the collection occurs at a lower level due to Adaptive
-Statistics, the default is the lowered collection level. For more
-see <<adaptive_statistics_collection,Adaptive Statistics Collection>>.
-* `progress`
-displays rows of information corresponding to each of the big memory
-operators (BMO) operators involved in the query, in addition to pertable
-_stats-view-type_. For more information about BMOs,
-see <<pertable_and_operator_statistics,Pertable and Operator Statistics>>.
-displays rows of information corresponding to each of the big memory
-operators (BMO) operators involved in the query, in addition to pertable
-_stats-view-type_. For more information about BMOs, 
-see <<pertable_and_operator_statistics,Pertable and Operator Statistics>>.
-* `default`
-displays statistics in the same way as it is collected.
-* `RMS`
-required keyword if requesting statistics about RMS itself.
-* `_node-num_`
-returns the statistics about the RMS infrastructure for a given node.
-* `ALL`
-returns the statistics about the RMS infrastructure for every node in the cluster.
-* `RESET`
-resets the cumulative RMS statistics counters.
-=== Examples of GET STATISTICS
-These examples show the runtime statistics that various get statistics
-commands return. for more information about the runtime statistics and
-RMS counters,
-see <<displaying_sql_runtime_statistics,Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics>>.
-* This GET STATISTICS command returns PERTABLE statistics for the most
-recently executed statement in the same session:
-Qid                      MXID1100801837021216821167247667200000000030000_59_SQL_CUR_6
-Compile Start Time       2011/03/30 07:29:15.332216
-Compile End Time         2011/03/30 07:29:15.339467
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:00.007251
-Execute Start Time       2011/03/30 07:29:15.383077
-Execute End Time         2011/03/30 07:29:15.470222
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:00:00.087145
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            0
-SQL Error Code           100
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE Estimated Accessed Rows 0
-Estimated Used Rows      0
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  1
-Number of Cpus           1
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           -1
-Source String            SELECT
-SQL Source Length        548
-Rows Returned            1
-First Row Returned Time  2011/03/30 07:29:15.469778
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-SQL Process Busy Time    0
-UDR Process Busy Time    0
-SQL Space Allocated      32 KB
-SQL Space Used           3 KB
-SQL Heap Allocated       7 KB
-SQL Heap Used            1 KB
-EID Space Allocated      0 KB
-EID Space Used           0 KB
-EID Heap Allocated       0 KB
-EID Heap Used            0 KB
-Processes Created        0
-Process Create Time      0
-Request Message Count    0
-Request Message Bytes    0
-Reply Message Count      0
-Reply Message Bytes      0
-Scr. Overflow Mode       DISK
-Scr File Count           0
-Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
-Scr. Read Count          0
-Scr. Write Count         0
---- SQL operation complete.
-* This GET STATISTICS command returns PERTABLE statistics for the
-specified query ID (note that this command should be issued in the same
-+> "MXID1100800517921216818752807267200000000030000_48_SQL_CUR_2"
-+> ;
-Qid                      MXID1100800517921216818752807267200000000030000_48_SQL_CUR_2
-Compile Start Time       2011/03/30 00:53:21.382211
-Compile End Time         2011/03/30 00:53:22.980201
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:01.597990
-Execute Start Time       2011/03/30 00:53:23.079979
-Execute End Time         -1
-Execute Elapsed Time                 7:16:13.494563
-State                    OPEN
-Rows Affected            -1
-SQL Error Code           0
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  2,487,984
-Estimated Used Rows      2,487,984
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  129
-Number of Cpus           9
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           34359956800
-Source String            select count(*) from
-SQL Source Length        220
-Rows Returned            0
-First Row Returned Time  -1
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-SQL Process Busy Time    830,910,830,000
-UDR Process Busy Time    0
-SQL Space Allocated      179,049                  KB
-SQL Space Used           171,746                  KB
-SQL Heap Allocated       1,140,503                KB
-SQL Heap Used            1,138,033                KB
-EID Space Allocated      46,080                   KB
-EID Space Used           42,816                   KB
-EID Heap Allocated       18,624                   KB
-EID Heap Used            192                      KB
-Processes Created        32
-Process Create Time      799,702
-Request Message Count    202,214
-Request Message Bytes    27,091,104
-Reply Message Count      197,563
-Reply Message Bytes      1,008,451,688
-Scr. Overflow Mode       DISK
-Scr File Count           0
-Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
-Scr. Read Count          0
-Scr. Write Count         0 
-Table Name
-   Records Accessed       Records Used   Disk   Message     Message   Lock   Lock   Disk Process   Open   Open
-   Estimated/Actual   Estimated/Actual   I/Os     Count     Bytes     Escl   wait   Busy Time      Count  Time
-            621,996            621,996
-            621,998            621,998      0       441  10,666,384      0       0       303,955      32  15,967
-            621,996            621,996
-            621,998            621,998      0       439  10,666,384      0        0      289,949      32  19,680
-            621,996            621,996
-            621,998            621,998      0       439  10,666,384      0        0      301,956      32  14,419
-                  0            621,996
-                  0                  0      0       192   4,548,048      0         0           0      32  40,019
---- SQL operation complete.
-* This GET STATISTICS command returns ACCUMULATED statistics for the
-most recently executed statement in the same session:
-Qid                      MXID1100802517321216821277534304000000000340000_957_SQL_CUR_6
-Compile Start Time       2011/03/30 08:05:07.646667
-Compile End Time         2011/03/30 08:05:07.647622
-Compile Elapsed Time                0:00:00.000955
-Execute Start Time       2011/03/30 08:05:07.652710
-Execute End Time         2011/03/30 08:05:07.740461
-Execute Elapsed Time                0:00:00.087751
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            0
-SQL Error Code           100
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  0
-Estimated Used Rows      0
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  0
-Number of Cpus           0
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           -1
-Source String            SELECT
-SQL Source Length        548
-Rows Returned            1
-First Row Returned Time  2011/03/30 08:05:07.739827
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-Accessed Rows            0
-Used Rows                0
-Message Count            0
-Message Bytes            0
-Stats Bytes              0
-Disk IOs                 0
-Lock Waits               0
-Lock Escalations         0
-Disk Process Busy Time   0
-SQL Process Busy Time    0
-UDR Process Busy Time    0
-SQL Space Allocated      32                       KB
-SQL Space Used           3                        KB
-SQL Heap Allocated       7                        KB
-SQL Heap Used            1                        KB
-EID Space Allocated      0                        KB
-EID Space Used           0                        KB
-EID Heap Allocated       0                        KB
-EID Heap Used            0                        KB
-Opens                    0
-Open Time                0
-Processes Created        0
-Process Create Time      0
-Request Message Count    0
-Request Message Bytes    0
-Reply Message Count      0
-Reply Message Bytes      0
-Scr. Overflow Mode       UNKNOWN
-Scr. File Count          0
-Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
-Scr. Read Count          0
-Scr. Write Count         0
---- SQL operation complete.
-* These GET STATISTICS commands return PERTABLE statistics for the first
-active query in the specified process ID:
-== Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics
-By default, GET STATISTICS displays table-wise statistics (PERTABLE). If
-you want to view the statistics in a different format, use the
-appropriate view option of the GET STATISTICS command.
-RMS provides abbreviated statistics information for prepared statements
-and full runtime statistics for executed statements.
-The following table shows the RMS counters that are returned by GET
-STATISTICS, tokens from the STATISTICS table-valued function that relate
-to the RMS counters, and descriptions of the counters and tokens.
-| Counter Name         | Tokens in STATISTICS Table-Valued Function | Description
-| Qid                  | Qid                                        | A unique ID generated for each query. Each time a SQL statement is prepared, a new query ID is generated.
-| Compile Start Time   | CompStartTime                              | Time when the query compilation started or time when PREPARE for this query started.
-| Compile End Time     | CompEndTime                                | Time when the query compilation ended or time when PREPARE for this query ended.
-| Compile Elapsed Time | CompElapsedTime                            | Amount of actual time to prepare the query.
-| Execute Start Time   | ExeStartTime                               | Time when query execution started. 
-| Execute End Time     | ExeEndTime                                 | Time when query execution ended. When a query is executing, Execute End Time is -1.
-| Execute Elapsed Time | ExeElapsedTime                             | Amount of actual time used by the SQL executor to execute the query.
-| State                | State                                      | Internally used.
-| Rows Affected        | RowsAffected                               | Represents the number of rows affected by the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE (IUD) SQL statements.
-Value of -1 for SELECT statements or non-IUD SQL statements.
-| SQL Error Code       | SQLErrorCode                               | Top-level error code returned by the query, indicating whether the query completed with warnings, errors,
-or successfully. A positive number indicates a warning. A negative number indicates an error. The value returned may not be accurate up to the point GET STATISTICS was executed.
-| Stats Error Code     | StatsErrorCode                             | Error code returned to the statistics collector while obtaining statistics from RMS. If an error code,
-counter values may be incorrect. Reissue the GET STATISTICS command.
-| Query Type           | Estimated Accessed Rows                    |  Type of DML statement and enum value: +
- +
-- SQL_CAT_UTIL=17 +
-- SQL_EXE_UTIL=18 +
-- SQL_OTHER=1 +
-| QueryType            | EstRowsAccessed                            | Compiler's estimated number of rows accessed by the executor in TSE.
-| Estimated Used Rows  | EstRowsUsed                                | Compiler's estimated number of rows returned by the executor in TSE after applying the predicates.
-| Parent Qid           | parentQid                                  | A unique ID for the parent query. If there is no parent query ID associated with the query, RMS returns NONE.
-For more information, see <<using_the_parent_query_id,Using the Parent Query ID>>.
-| Child Qid            | childQid                                   | A unique ID for the child query. If there is no child query, then there will be no child query ID and
-RMS returns NONE. For more information, see <<child_query_id,Child Query ID>>.
-| Number of SQL Processes | numSqlProcs                             | Represents the number of SQL processes (excluding TSE processes) involved in executing the query.
-| Number of CPUs       | numCpus                                    | Represents the number of nodes that SQL is processing the query.
-| Transaction ID       | transId                                    | Represents the transaction ID of the transaction involved in executing the query. When no transaction exists,
-the Transaction ID is -1.
-| Source String        | sqlSrc                                     | Contains the first 254 bytes of source string.
-| SQL Source Length    | sqlSrcLen                                  | The actual length of the SQL source string.
-| Rows Returned        | rowsReturned                               | Represents the number of rows returned from the root operator at the master executor process.
-| First Row Returned Time | firstRowReturnTime                      | Represents the actual time that the first row is returned by the master root operator.
-| Last Error Before AQR | LastErrorBeforeAQR                        | The error code that triggered Automatic Query Retry (AQR) for the most recent retry. If the value is not 0,
-this is the error code that triggered the most recent AQR.
-| Number of AQR retries | AQRNumRetries                             | The number of retries for the current query until now.
-| Delay before AQR     | DelayBeforeAQR                             | Delay in seconds that SQL waited before initiating AQR.
-| No. of times reclaimed | reclaimSpaceCnt                          | When a process is under virtual memory pressure, the execution space occupied by the queries executed much
-earlier will be reclaimed to free up space for the upcoming queries. This counter represents how many times this particular query is reclaimed.
-|                      | statsRowType                               | statsRowType can be one of the following: +
- +
-| Stats Collection Type | StatsType                                 | Collection type, which is OPERATOR_STATS by default. StatsType can be one of the following: +
- +
-| Accessed Rows (Rows Accessed) | AccessedRows                      | Actual number of rows accessed by the executor in TSE.
-| Used Rows (Rows Used) | UsedRows                                  | Number of rows returned by TSE after applying the predicates. In a push down plan, TSE may not return all the used rows.
-| Message Count        | NumMessages                                | Count of the number of messages sent to TSE.
-| Message Bytes        | MessageBytes                               | Count of the message bytes exchanged with TSE.
-| Stats Bytes          | StatsBytes                                 | Number of bytes returned for statistics counters from TSE.
-| Disk IOs             | DiskIOs                                    | Number of physical disk reads for accessing the tables.
-| Lock Waits           | LockWaits                                  | Number of times this statement had to wait on a conflicting lock.
-| Lock Escalations     | Escalations                                | Number of times row locks escalated to a file lock during the execution of this statement.
-| Disk Process Busy Time | ProcessBusyTime                          | An approximation of the total node time in microseconds spent by TSE for executing the query.
-| SQL Process Busy Time | CpuTime                                   | An approximation of the total node time in microseconds spent in the master and ESPs involved in the query.
-| UDR Process Busy Time (same as UDR CPU Time) | udrCpuTime         | An approximation of the total node time in microseconds spent in the UDR server process.
-| UDR Server ID        | UDRServerId                                | MXUDR process ID.
-| Recent Request Timestamp |                                        | Actual timestamp of the recent request sent to MXUDR.
-| Recent Reply Timestamp |                                          | Actual timestamp of the recent request received by MXUDR.
-| SQL Space Allocated^1^ | SpaceTotal^1^                            | The amount of "space" type of memory in KB allocated in the master and ESPs involved in the query.
-| SQL Space Used^1^      | SpaceUsed^1^                             | Amount of "space" type of memory in KB used in master and ESPs involved in the query.
-| SQL Heap Allocated^2^  | HeapTotal^2^                             | Amount of "heap" type of memory in KB allocated in master and ESPs involved in the query.
-| SQL Heap Used^2^       | HeapUsed^2^                              | Amount of "heap" type of memory in KB used in master and ESPs involved in the query.
-| EID Space Allocated^1^ | Dp2SpaceTotal                            | Amount of "space" type of memory in KB allocated in the executor in TSEs involved in the query.
-| EID Space Used^1^      | Dp2SpaceUsed                             | Amount of "space" type of memory in KB used in the executor in TSEs involved in the query.
-| EID Heap Allocated^2^  | Dp2HeapTotal                             | Amount of "heap" memory in KB allocated in the executor in TSEs involved in the query.
-| EID Heap Used2         | Dp2HeapUsed                              | Amount of "heap" memory in KB used in the executor in TSEs involved in the query.
-| Opens                  | Opens                                    | Number of OPEN calls performed by the SQL executor on behalf of this statement.
-| Open Time              | OpenTime                                 | Time (in microseconds) this process spent doing opens on behalf of this statement.
-| Processes Created      | Newprocess                               | The number of processes (ESPs and MXCMPs) created by the master executor for this statement.
-| Process Create Time    | NewprocessTime                           | The elapsed time taken to create these processes.
-| Table Name             | AnsiName                                 | Name of a table in the query.
-| Request Message Count  | reqMsgCnt                                | Number of messages initiated from the master to ESPs or from the ESP to ESPs.
-| Request Message Bytes  | regMsgBytes                              | Number of message bytes that are sent from the master to ESPs or from the ESP to ESPs as part of the request messages.
-| Reply Message Count    | replyMsgCnt                              | Number of reply messages from the ESPs for the message requests.
-| Reply Message Bytes    | replyMsgBytes                            | Number of bytes sent as part of the reply messages.
-| Scr. Overflow Mode     | scrOverFlowMode                          | Represents the scratch overflow mode. Modes are DISK_TYPE or SSD_TYPE.
-| Scr. File Count        | scrFileCount                             | Number of scratch files created to execute the query. Default file size is 2 GB.
-| Scr. Buffer Blk Size   | scrBufferBlockSize                       | Size of buffer block that is used to read from/write to the scratch file.
-| Scr. Buffer Blks Read  | scrBufferRead                            | Number of scratch buffer blocks read from the scratch file.
-| Scr. Buffer Blks Written | scrBufferWritten                       | Number of scratch buffer blocks written to the scratch file. Exact size of scratch file can be obtained
-by multiplying Scr. Buffer Blk Size by this counter.
-| Scr. Read Count        | scrReadCount                             | Number of file-system calls involved in reading buffer blocks from scratch files. One call reads multiple
-buffer blocks at once.
-| Scr. Write Count       | scrWriteCount                            | Number of file-system calls involved in writing buffer blocks to scratch files. One call writes multiple
-buffer blocks at once.
-| BMO Heap Used          | bmoHeapUsed                              | Amount of "heap" type of memory in KB used in the BMO operator(s). The BMO operators are HASH_JOIN (and
-all varieties of HASH_JOIN), HASH_GROUPBY (and all varieties of HASH_GROUPBY), and SORT (and all varieties of SORT).
-| BMO Heap Total         | bmoHeapTotal                             | Amount of "heap" type of memory in KB allocated in the BMO operator(s).
-| BMO Heap High Watermark | bmoHeapWM                               | Maximum amount of memory used in the BMO operator.
-| BMO Space Buffer Size  | bmoSpaceBufferSize                       | Size in KB for space buffers allocated for the type of memory.
-| BMO Space Buffer Count | bmoSpaceBufferCount                      | Count of space buffers allocated for the type of memory.
-| Records Accessed (Estimated / Actual) |                           | Actual number of rows accessed by the executor in TSE. 
-| Records Used (Estimated / Actual) |                               | Number of rows returned by TSE after applying the predicates. In a push-down plan, TSE may not return all the used rows.
-| ID                     |                                          | TDB ID of the operator at the time of execution of the query.
-| LCID                   |                                          | Left child operator ID.
-| RCID                   |                                          | Right child operator ID.
-| PaID                   |                                          | Parent operator ID (TDB-ID).
-| ExID                   |                                          | Explain plan operator ID.
-| Frag                   |                                          | Fragment ID to which this operator belongs.
-| Dispatches             |                                          | Number of times the operator is scheduled in SQL executor.
-| Oper CPU Time          | OperCpuTime                              | Approximation of the node time spent by the operator to execute the query.
-| Est. Records Used      |                                          | Approximation of the number of tuples that would flow up to the parent operator.
-| Act. Records Used      |                                          | Actual number of tuples that flowed up to the parent operator.
-|                        | ProcessId                                | Name of the process ID (PID) in the format: $Znnn. The process name can be for the master (MXOSRVR) or executor
-server process (ESP).
-1. Space is memory allocated from a pool owned by the executor. The executor
-operators requesting the memory are not expected to return the memory until
-the statement is deallocated.
-2. Heap memory is used for temporary allocations. Operators may return heap memory before the statement is deallocated.
-This allows the memory to be reused as needed.
-=== Examples of Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics
-NOTE: Some of the output has been reformatted for better document readability.
-==== Statistics of a Prepared Statement
-* This example shows the output of the currently prepared statement:
-Qid                      MXID1100000649721215837305997952000000001930000_4200_Q1
-Compile Start Time       2010/12/06 10:55:40.931000
-Compile End Time         2010/12/06 10:55:42.131845
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:01.200845
-ExecuteStart Time        -1
-Execute End Time         -1
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:00:00.000000
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            -1
-SQL Error Code           0
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  100,010
-Estimated Used Rows      100,010
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  0
-Number of Cpus           0
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           -1
-Source String            select * from t100k where b in (select b from t10)
-SQL Source Length        50
-Rows Returned            0
-First Row Returned Time  -1
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type   OPERATOR_STATS
---- SQL operation complete.
-=== PERTABLE Statistics of an Executing Statement
-* This example shows the PERTABLE statistics of an executing statement:
-Qid                      MXID1100000649721215837305997952000000001930000_4200_Q1
-Compile Start Time       2010/12/06 10:55:40.931000
-Compile End Time         2010/12/06 10:55:42.131845
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:01.200845
-Execute Start Time       2010/12/06 10:56:16.254686
-Execute End Time         2010/12/06 10:56:18.434873
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:00:02.180187
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            0
-SQL Error Code           100
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  100,010
-Estimated Used Rows      100,010
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  7
-Number of Cpus           1
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           18121
-Source String            select * from t100k where b in (select b from t10)
-SQL Source Length        50
-Rows Returned            100
-First Row Returned Time  2010/12/06 10:56:18.150977
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-SQL Process Busy Time    600,000
-UDR Process Busy Time    0
-SQL Space Allocated      1,576                    KB
-SQL Space Used           1,450                    KB
-SQL Heap Allocated       199                      KB
-SQL Heap Used            30                       KB
-EID Space Allocated      704                      KB
-EID Space Used           549                      KB
-EID Heap Allocated       582                      KB
-EID Heap Used            6                        KB
-Processes Created        4
-Process Create Time      750,762
-Request Message Count    701
-Request Message Bytes    135,088
-Reply Message Count      667
-Reply Message Bytes      3,427,664
-Scr. Overflow Mode       DISK
-Scr File Count           0
-Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
-Table Name
-   Records Accessed       Records Used   Disk   Message     Message   Lock   Lock   Disk Process   Open   Open
-   Estimated/Actual   Estimated/Actual   I/Os     Count     Bytes     Escl   wait   Busy Time      Count  Time
-                 10                 10
-                 10                 10      0         2        5,280     0      0          2,000      32  15,967
-           100,000            100,000
-           100,000            100,000       0       110   3,235,720      0      0        351,941       4  48,747
---- SQL operation complete.
-=== ACCUMULATED Statistics of an Executing Statement
-* This example shows the ACCUMULATED statistics of an executing statement:
-Qid                      MXID1100000649721215837305997952000000001930000_4200_Q1
-Compile Start Time       2010/12/06 10:55:40.931000
-Compile End Time         2010/12/06 10:55:42.131845
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:01.200845
-Execute Start Time       2010/12/06 10:56:16.254686
-Execute End Time         2010/12/06 10:56:18.434873
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:00:02.180187
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            0
-SQL Error Code           100
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  100,010
-Estimated Used Rows      100,010
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  7
-Number of Cpus           1
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           18121
-Source String            select * from t100k where b in (select b from t10)
-SQL Source Length        50
-Rows Returned            100
-First Row Returned Time  2010/12/06 10:56:18.150977
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-Accessed Rows            100,010
-Used Rows                100,010
-Message Count            112
-Message Bytes            3,241,000
-Stats Bytes              2,904
-Disk IOs                 0
-Lock Waits               0
-Lock Escalations         0
-Disk Process Busy Time   353,941
-SQL Process Busy Time    600,000
-UDR Process Busy Time    0
-SQL Space Allocated      1,576                    KB
-SQL Space Used           1,450                    KB
-SQL Heap Allocated       199                      KB
-SQL Heap Used            30                       KB
-EID Space Allocated      704                      KB
-EID Space Used           549                      KB
-EID Heap Allocated       582                      KB
-EID Heap Used            6                        KB
-Opens                    4
-Open Time                48,747
-Processes Created        4
-Process Create Time      750,762
-Request Message Count    701
-Request Message Bytes    135,088
-Reply Message Count      667
-Reply Message Bytes      3,427,664
-Scr. Overflow Mode       DISK
-Scr. File Count          0
-Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
-Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
---- SQL operation complete.
-=== PROGRESS Statistics of an Executing Statement
-* This example shows the PROGRESS statistics of an executing statement:
-Qid                      MXID1100000649721215837305997952000000001930000_4200_Q1
-Compile Start Time       2010/12/06 10:55:40.931000
-Compile End Time         2010/12/06 10:55:42.131845
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:01.200845
-Execute Start Time       2010/12/06 10:56:16.254686
-Execute End Time         2010/12/06 10:56:18.434873
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:00:02.180187
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            0
-SQL Error Code           100
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  100,010
-Estimated Used Rows      100,010
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  7
-Number of Cpus           1
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           18121
-Source String            select * from t100k where b in (select b from t10)
-SQL Source Length        50
-Rows Returned            100
-First Row Returned Time  2010/12/06 10:56:18.150977
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-SQL Process Busy Time    600,000
-SQL Space Allocated      1,576                    KB
-SQL Space Used           1,450                    KB
-SQL Heap Allocated       199                      KB
-SQL Heap Used            30                       KB
-EID Space Allocated      704                      KB
-EID Space Used           549                      KB
-EID Heap Allocated       582                      KB
-EID Heap Used            6                        KB
-Processes Created        4
-Process Create Time      750,762
-Request Message Count    701
-Request Message Bytes    135,088
-Reply Message Count      667
-Reply Message Bytes      3,427,664
-Table Name
-   Records Accessed       Records Used   Disk   Message     Message   Lock   Lock   Disk Process   Open   Open
-   Estimated/Actual   Estimated/Actual   I/Os     Count     Bytes     Escl   wait   Busy Time      Count  Time
-                 10                 10
-                 10                 10       0        2       5,280      0      0          2,000        0 0
-            100,000            100,000
-            100,000            100,000       0      110   3,235,720      0      0        351,941        4 48,747
-Id TDB       Mode Phase  Phase  BMO   BMO    BMO   BMO    BMO     File   Scratch Buffer     Cpu 
-   Name      Phase       Start  Heap  Heap   Heap  Space  Spacez  Count  Size/Read/Written  Time
-                         Time   Used  Total  WM    BufSz  BufCnt
-16 EX_HASHJ  DISK        0      0     56     0     0      -1      0      0                  60,000
-=== DEFAULT Statistics of an Executing Statement
-* This example shows the DEFAULT statistics of an executing statement:
-Qid                      MXID1100000649721215837305997952000000001930000_4200_Q1
-Compile Start Time       2010/12/06 10:55:40.931000
-Compile End Time         2010/12/06 10:55:42.131845
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:01.200845
-Execute Start Time       2010/12/06 10:56:16.254686
-Execute End Time         2010/12/06 10:56:18.434873
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:00:02.180187
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            0
-SQL Error Code           100
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  100,010
-Estimated Used Rows      100,010
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  7
-Number of Cpus           1
-Execution Priority       -1
-Transaction Id           18121
-Source String            select * from t100k where b in (select b from t10)
-SQL Source Length        50
-Rows Returned            100
-First Row Returned Time  2010/12/06 10:56:18.150977
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type   OPERATOR_STATS
-Id  LCId  RCId PaId ExId Frag TDB Name         Dispatches  Oper CPU   Records    Records 
-                                                           Time Est.  Used Act.  Used Details
-21  20    .    .    10   0    EX_ROOT                  15          0          0           100
-20  19    .    21   9    0    EX_SPLIT_TOP             13          0        100           100
-19  18    .    20   9    0    EX_SEND_TOP              20          0        100           100
-18  17    .    19   9    2    EX_SEND_BOTTOM           72          0        100           100
-17  16    .    18   9    2    EX_SPLIT_BOTTOM          88          0        100           100
-16  15    .    17   8    2    EX_HASHJ              1,314     60,000        100           100
-15  14    .    16   7    2    EX_SPLIT_TOP          1,343     20,000    100,000       100,000
-14  13    .    15   7    2    EX_SEND_TOP           1,342    120,000    100,000       100,000
-13  12    .    14   7    5    EX_SEND_BOTTOM        1,534    200,000    100,000       100,000
-12  11    .    13   7    5    EX_SPLIT_BOTTOM         493     70,000    100,000       100,000
-11  10    .    12   6    5    EX_SPLIT_TOP            486     70,000    100,000       100,000
-10  9     .    11   5    5    EX_PARTN_ACCESS       1,634     60,000    100,000             0  
-9   8     .    10   5    6    EX_EID_ROOT              12          0    100,000       100,000
-8   7     .    9    4    6    EX_DP2_SUBS_OPER        160    170,000    100,000            10 
-7   6     .    8    3    2    EX_SPLIT_TOP             16          0         10            10
-6   5     .    7    3    2    EX_SEND_TOP              17          0         10            10
-5   4     .    6    3    3    EX_SEND_BOTTOM           17          0         10            10
-4   3     .    5    3    3    EX_SPLIT_BOTTOM           9          0         10            10
-3   2     .    4    2    3    EX_PARTN_ACCESS           6          0         10            10
-2   1     .    3    2    4    EX_EID_ROOT               3          0         10             0
-1   .     .    1    1    4    EX_DP2_SUBS_OPER          3    100,000         10            10
---- SQL operation complete.
-=== Using the Parent Query ID
-When executed, some SQL statements execute additional SQL statements,
-resulting in a parent-child relationship. For example, when executed,
-the UPDATE STATISTICS, MAINTAIN, and CALL statements execute other SQL
-statements called child queries. The child queries might execute even
-more child queries, thus introducing a hierarchy of SQL statements with
-parent-child relationships. The parent query ID maps the child query to
-the immediate parent SQL statement, helping you to trace the child SQL
-statement back to the user-issued SQL statement.
-The parent query ID is available as a counter, Parent Qid, in the
-runtime statistics output. See Table 1-1 . A query directly
-issued by a user will not have a parent query ID and the counter will
-indicate "None."
-=== Child Query ID
-In many cases, a child query will execute in the same node as its
-parent. In such cases, the GET STATISTICS report on the parent query ID
-will contain a query ID value for the child query which executed most
-recently. Conversely, if no child query exists, or the child query is
-executing in a different node, no child query ID will be reported.
-The following examples shows GET STATISTICS output for both the parent
-and one child query which are executed when the user issues a CREATE
-TABLE AS command:
-SQL> -- get statistics for the parent query
-+> MXID01001091200212164828759544076000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_34SQLCI_DML_LAST
-+> ;
-Qid                      MXID11001091200212164828759544076000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_34SQLCI_DML_LAST
-Compile Start Time       2011/02/18 14:49:04.606513
-Compile End Time         2011/02/18 14:49:04.631802
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:00.025289
-Execute Start Time       2011/02/18 14:49:04.632142
-Execute End Time         -1
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:03:29.473604
-State                    CLOSE
-Rows Affected            -1
-SQL Error Code           0
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_INSERT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  0
-Estimated Used Rows      0
-Parent Qid               NONE
-Child Qid                MXID11001091200212164828759544076000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_37_86
-Number of SQL Processes  1
-Number of Cpus           1
-Execution Priority       148
-Transaction Id           -1
-Source String            create table odetail hash partition by (ordernum, partnum)
-as select * from SALES.ODETAIL;
-SQL Source Length        91
-Rows Returned            0
-First Row Returned Time  -1
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0 
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-Id  LCId  RCId PaId ExId Frag TDB Name         Dispatches  Oper CPU   Records    Records 
-                                                           Time Est.  Used Act.  Used Details
- 2  1     .     .   2     0    EX_ROOT         0           0    0     0          
- 1  .     .     2   1     0    CREATE_TABLE_AS 0           0    0     0
---- SQL operation complete.
-SQL> --  get statistics for the child query
-+> MXID11001091200212164828759544076000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_37_86
-+> ;
-Qid                      MXID01001091200212164828759544076000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_37_86
-Compile Start Time       2011/02/18 14:49:07.632898
-Compile End Time         2011/02/18 14:49:07.987334 
-Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:00.354436
-Execute Start Time       2011/02/18 14:49:07.987539
-Execute End Time         -1
-Execute Elapsed Time                 0:02:33.173486
-State                    OPEN
-Rows Affected            -1
-SQL Error Code           0
-Stats Error Code         0
-Query Type               SQL_INSERT_NON_UNIQUE
-Estimated Accessed Rows  101
-Estimated Used Rows      101
-Parent Qid               MXID101001091200212164828759544076000000000217DEFAULT_MXCI_USER00_34SQLCI_DML_LAST
-Child Qid                NONE
-Number of SQL Processes  1
-Number of Cpus           1
-Execution Priority       148
-Transaction Id           \ARC0101(2).9.9114503
-Source String            insert using sideinserts into CAT.SCH.ODETAIL select * from SALES.ODETAIL;
-SQL Source Length        75
-Rows Returned            0
-First Row Returned Time  -1
-Last Error before AQR    0
-Number of AQR retries    0
-Delay before AQR         0
-No. of times reclaimed   0
-Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
-Id  LCId  RCId PaId ExId Frag TDB Name         Dispatches  Oper CPU   Records    Records 
-                                                           Time Est.  Used Act.  Used Details
- 4  3     .    9    3     0   EX_SPLIT_TOP     1           10,062     100        0
- 3  2     .    4    2     0   EX_PARTN_ACCESS  66          9,649      100        0
---- SQL operation complete.
-== Gathering Statistics About RMS
-Use the GET STATISTICS FOR RMS command to get information about RMS
-itself. The GET STATISTICS FOR RMS statement can be used to retrieve
-information about one node or all nodes. An individual report is
-provided for each node.
-| Counter                      | Description
-| CPU                          | The node number of the {project-name} cluster.
-| RMS Version                  | Internal version of RMS.
-| SSCP PID                     | SQL Statistics control process ID.
-| SSCP Creation Timestamp      | Actual timestamp when SQL statistics control process was created.
-| SSMP PID                     | SQL statistics merge process ID.
-| SSMP Creation Timestamp      | Timestamp when SQL statistics merge was created.
-| Source String Store Len      | Storage length of source string.
-| Stats Heap Allocated         | Amount of memory allocated by all the queries executing in the given node in the RMS shared segments at this instance of time.
-| Stats Heap Used              | Amount of memory used by all the queries executing in the given node in the RMS shared segment at this instance of time.
-| Stats Heap High WM           | High amount of memory used by all the queries executing in the given node in the RMS shared segment until now.
-| No. of Process Regd.         | Number of processes registered in the shared segment.
-| No. of Query Fragments Regd. | Number of query fragments registered in the shared segment.
-| RMS Semaphore Owner          | Process ID that locked the semaphore at this instance of time.
-| No. of SSCPs Opened          | Number of Statistics Control Processes opened. Normally, this should be equal to the number of nodes in the {project-name} cluster.
-| No. of SSCPs Open Deleted    | Number of Statistics Control Processes with broken communication. Usually, this should be 0.
-| Last GC Time                 | The recent timestamp at which the shared segment was garbage collected.
-| Queries GCed in Last Run     | Number of queries that were garbage collected in the recent GC run.
-| Total Queries GCed           | Total number of queries that were garbage collected since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSMP Request Message Count   | Count of the number of messages sent from the SSMP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSMP Request Message Bytes   | Number of messages bytes that are sent as part of the request from the SSMP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSMP Reply Message Count     | Count of the number of reply messages received by the SSMP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSMP Reply Message Bytes     | Number of messages bytes that are sent as part of the reply messages received by the SSMP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSCP Request Message Count   | Count of the number of messages sent from the SSCP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSCP Request Message Bytes   | Number of messages bytes are sent as part of the request from the SSCP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSCP Reply Message Count     | Count of the number of reply messages received by the SSCP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| SSCP Reply Message Bytes     | Number of messages bytes that are sent as part of the reply messages received by the SSCP process since the statistics reset timestamp.
-| RMS Stats Reset Timestamp    | Timestamp for resetting RMS statistics.
-Node name
-CPU                         0
-RMS Version                 2511
-SSCP PID                    19521
-SSCP Priority               0
-SSCP Creation Timestamp     2010/12/05 02:32:33.642752
-SSMP PID                    19527
-SSMP Priority               0
-SSMP Creation Timestamp     2010/12/05 02:32:33.893440
-Source String Store Len     254
-Stats Heap Allocated        0
-Stats Heap Used             3,002,416
-Stats Heap High WM          3,298,976
-No.of Process Regd.         157
-No.of Query Fragments Regd. 296 RMS Semaphore Owner -1
-No.of SSCPs Opened          1
-No.of SSCPs Open Deleted    0
-Last GC Time                2010/12/06 10:53:46.777432
-Queries GCed in Last Run    55
-Total Queries GCed          167
-SSMP Request Message Count  58,071
-SSMP Request Message Bytes  14,161,144
-SSMP Reply Message Count    33,466
-SSMP Reply Message Bytes    15,400,424
-SSCP Request Message Count  3,737
-SSCP Request Message Bytes  837,744
-SSCP Reply Message Count    3,736 SSCP
-Reply Message Bytes         5,015,176
-RMS Stats Reset Timestamp   2010/12/05 14:32:33.891083
---- SQL operation complete.
-== Using the QUERYID_EXTRACT Function
-Use the QUERYID_EXTRACT function within an SQL statement to extract
-components of a query ID for use in a SQL query. The query ID, or QID,
-is a unique, cluster-wide identifier for a query and
-is generated for dynamic SQL statements whenever a SQL string is
-=== Syntax of QUERYID_EXTRACT
-QUERYID_EXTRACT ('query-id', 'attribute')
-The syntax of the QUERYID_EXTRACT function is:
-* `_query-id_`
-is the query ID in string format.
-* `_attribute_`
-is the attribute to be extracted. The value of _attribute_ can be one of
-these parts of the query ID:
-| Attribute Value         | Description
-| SEGMENTNUM              | Logical node ID in {project-name} cluster
-| CPUNUM or CPU           | Logical node ID in {project-name} cluster
-| PIN                     | Linux process ID number
-| EXESTARTTIME            | Executor start time
-| SESSIONNUM              | Session number
-| USERNAME                | User name
-| SESSIONNAME             | Session name
-| SESSIONID               | Session ID
-| QUERYNUM                | Query number
-| STMTNAME                | Statement ID or handle
-NOTE: The SEGMENTNUM and CPUNUM attributes are the same.
-The result data type of the QUERYID_EXTRACT function is a VARCHAR with a
-length sufficient to hold the result. All values are returned in string
-format. Here is the QUERYID_EXTRACT function in a SELECT statement:
-SELECT QUERYID_EXTRACT('_query-id_', '_attribute-value_') FROM (VALUES(1)) AS t1;
-=== Examples of QUERYID_EXTRACT
-* This command returns the node number of the query ID:
-+>     'MXID11000022675212170554548762240000000000206U6553500_21_S1','CPU'
-+>   ), 1, 20
-+>  ) FROM (VALUES(1))
-+> AS t1;
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* This command returns the PIN of the query ID:
-+>     'MXID11000022675212170554548762240000000000206U6553500_21_S1','PIN'
-+>   ), 1, 20
-+> ) FROM (VALUES(1)) AS t1;
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-== Statistics for Each Fragment-Instance of an Active Query
-You can retrieve statistics for a query while it executes by using the
-STATISTICS table-valued function. Depending on the syntax used, you can
-obtain statistics summarizing each parallel fragment-instance of the
-query, or for any operator in each fragment-instance.
-=== Syntax of STATISTICS Table-Valued Function
-qid-str is:
-   QID=query-id [ ,{ TDBID_DETAIL=tdb-id | DETAIL=1 } ]
-* `_query-id_`
-is the system-generated query ID. For example:
-* `_tdb-id_`
-is the TDB ID of a given operator. TDB values can be obtained from the
-report returned from the GET STATISTICS command.
-=== Considerations For Obtaining Statistics For Each Fragment-Instance of an Active Query
-If the DETAIL=1 or TDBID_DETAIL=_tdb_id_ options are used when the
-query is not executing, the STATISTICS table-valued function will not
-return any results.
-The STATISTICS table-valued function can be used with a SELECT statement
-to return several columns. Many different counters exist in the
-_variable_info_ column. The counters in this column are formatted as
-token-value pairs and the counters reported will depend on which option
-is used: DETAIL=1 or TDBID_DETAIL=_tdb_id_. If the TDBID_DETAIL option
-is used, the counters reported will also depend on the type of operator
-specified by the _tdb_id_. The reported counters can also be
-determined by the statsRowType counter.
-The tokens for these counters are listed in the column 
-<<displaying_sql_runtime_statistics>>,Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics>>.
-* This query lists process names of all ESPs of an executing query
-identified by the given QID:
-+> POSITION('ProcessId:' IN variable_info), 20) AS processes
-+>GROUP BY 1;
-ProcessId: $Z0000GS
-ProcessId: $Z0000GT
-ProcessId: $Z0000GU
-ProcessId: $Z0000GV
-ProcessId: $Z0102IQ
-ProcessId: $Z000RNU
-ProcessId: $Z0102IR
-ProcessId: $Z0102IS
-ProcessId: $Z0102IT
---- 9 row(s) selected.
-* This query gives BMO heap used for the hash join identified as TDB #15
-in an executing query identified by the given QID:
-+> SUBSTR(variable_info,
-+> POSITION('bmoHeapUsed:' IN variable_info),
-+> POSITION('bmoHeapUsed:' in variable_info) +
-+> 13 + (POSITION(' ' IN
-+> SUBSTR(variable_info,
-+> 13 + POSITION('bmoHeapUsed:' IN variable_info))) -
-+> POSITION('bmoHeapUsed:' IN variable_info)))
-+> AS CHAR(25))
-+> FROM TABLE(statistics(NULL,
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
-bmoHeapUsed: 3147
---- 8 row(s) selected.
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= SQL Runtime Statistics
+The Runtime Management System (RMS) shows the status of queries while
+they are running. RMS can service on-demand requests from the {project-name}
+Command Interface (TrafCI) to get statistics for a given query ID or for
+active queries in a given process. RMS also provides information about
+itself to determine the health of the RMS infrastructure.
+RMS provides the summary statistics for each fragment instance and
+detailed statistics for each operator (TDB_ID) of a given active query.
+A query is considered active if either the compilation or execution is
+in progress. The variable_input column output is returned as a multiple
+value pair of the form _token=value_. For more information, see
+Considerations For Obtaining Statistics For Each Fragment-Instance of an Active Query>>.
+RMS is enabled and available all the time.
+== PERTABLE and OPERATOR Statistics
+The SQL database engine determines which type of statistics collection
+is appropriate for the query. The RMS infrastructure provides the
+runtime metrics about a query while a query is executing. You can
+identify queries that are using excessive resources, suspend a query to
+determine its impact on resources, and cancel a query, when necessary.
+PERTABLE statistics count rows and report rows estimated in the
+operators in the disk processes and time spent in the ESP processes.
+Although PERTABLE statistics can deduce when all the rows have been read
+from the disks, it is impossible to correctly assess the current state
+of the query.
+Complex queries such as joins, sorts, and group result sets are often
+too large to fit into memory, so intermediate results must overflow to
+scratch files. These operators are called Big Memory Operators (BMOs).
+Because of the BMOs, RMS provides OPERATOR statistics, which provide a
+richer set of statistics so that the current state of a query can be
+determined at any time.
+With OPERATOR statistics, all SQL operators are instrumented and the
+following statistics are collected:
+* Node time spent in the operator
+* Actual number of rows flowing to the parent operator
+* Estimated number of rows flowing to the parent operator (estimated by the optimizer)
+* Virtual memory used in the BMO
+* Amount of data overflowed to scratch files and read back to the query
+For more information,
+see <<displaying_sql_runtimestatistics,Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics>>.
+== Adaptive Statistics Collection
+The SQL database engine chooses the appropriate statistics collection
+type based on the type of query. By default, the SQL database engine
+statistics collection is OPERATOR statistics. You can view the
+statistics in different formats: PERTABLE, ACCUMULATED, PROGRESS, and
+DEFAULT. Statistics Collection is adaptive to ensure that sufficient
+statistics information is available without
+causing any performance impact to the query's execution. For some
+queries, either no statistics or PERTABLE statistics are collected.
+| Query Type                      | Statistics Collection Type
+| OLT optimized queries           | PERTABLE
+| Unique queries                  | PERTABLE
+| CQD                             | No statistics
+| SET commands                    | No statistics
+| EXPLAIN                         | No statistics
+| GET STATISTICS                  | No statistics
+| All other queries               | DEFAULT
+== Retrieving SQL Runtime Statistics
+=== Using the GET STATISTICS Command
+The GET STATISTICS command shows statistical information for:
+* A single query ID (QID)
+* Active queries for a process ID (PID)
+* RMS itself
+A query is considered active if either compilation or execution is in
+progress. In the case of a SELECT statement, a query is in execution
+until the statement or result set is closed. Logically, a query is
+considered to be active when the compile end time is -1 and the compile
+start time is not -1, or when the execute end time is -1 and the execute
+start time is not -1.
+=== Syntax of GET STATISTICS
+GET STATISTICS FOR QID { query-id | CURRENT } [stats-view-type] }
+               | PID { process-name | [ nodeid, pid ] } [ ACTIVE n ][ stats-view-type ]
+               | RMS node-num | ALL [ RESET ]
+stats-view-type is:
+* `QID`
+Required keyword if requesting statistics for a specific query.
+* `_query-id_`
+is the query ID. You must put the _query-id_ in double quotes if the
+user name in the query ID contains lower case letters or if the user
+name contains a period.
+NOTE: The _query-id_ is a unique identifier for the SQL statement
+generated when the query is compiled (prepared). The _query-id_ is
+visible for queries executed through certain TrafCI commands.
+provides statistics for the most recently prepared or executed statement
+in the same session where you run the GET STATISTICS FOR QID CURRENT
+command. You must issue the GET STATISTICS FOR QID CURRENT command
+immediately after the PREPARE or EXECUTE statement.
+* `PID`
+Required keyword if requesting statistics for an active query in a given
+* `_process-name_`
+is the name of the process ID (PID) in the format: $Z_nnn_. The
+process name can be for the master (MXOSRVR) or executor server process
+(ESP). If the process name corresponds to the ESP, the ACTIVE _n_ query
+is just the _n_th query in that ESP and might not be the currently
+active query in the ESP.
+* `ACTIVE _n_`
+describes which of the active queries for which RMS returns statistics.
+ACTIVE 1 is the default. ACTIVE 1 returns statistics for the first
+active query. ACTIVE 2 returns statistics for the second active query.
+* `_stats-view-type_`
+sets the statistics view type to a different format. Statistics are
+collected at the operator level by default. For exceptions, see
+<<adaptive_statistics_collection,Adaptive Statistics Collection>>.
+causes the statistics to be displayed in an aggregated summary across
+all tables in the query.
+displays statistics for each table in the query. This is the default
+_stats-view-type_ although statistics are collected at the operator
+level. If the collection occurs at a lower level due to Adaptive
+Statistics, the default is the lowered collection level. For more
+see <<adaptive_statistics_collection,Adaptive Statistics Collection>>.
+* `progress`
+displays rows of information corresponding to each of the big memory
+operators (BMO) operators involved in the query, in addition to pertable
+_stats-view-type_. For more information about BMOs,
+see <<pertable_and_operator_statistics,Pertable and Operator Statistics>>.
+displays rows of information corresponding to each of the big memory
+operators (BMO) operators involved in the query, in addition to pertable
+_stats-view-type_. For more information about BMOs, 
+see <<pertable_and_operator_statistics,Pertable and Operator Statistics>>.
+* `default`
+displays statistics in the same way as it is collected.
+* `RMS`
+required keyword if requesting statistics about RMS itself.
+* `_node-num_`
+returns the statistics about the RMS infrastructure for a given node.
+* `ALL`
+returns the statistics about the RMS infrastructure for every node in the cluster.
+* `RESET`
+resets the cumulative RMS statistics counters.
+=== Examples of GET STATISTICS
+These examples show the runtime statistics that various get statistics
+commands return. for more information about the runtime statistics and
+RMS counters,
+see <<displaying_sql_runtime_statistics,Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics>>.
+* This GET STATISTICS command returns PERTABLE statistics for the most
+recently executed statement in the same session:
+Qid                      MXID1100801837021216821167247667200000000030000_59_SQL_CUR_6
+Compile Start Time       2011/03/30 07:29:15.332216
+Compile End Time         2011/03/30 07:29:15.339467
+Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:00.007251
+Execute Start Time       2011/03/30 07:29:15.383077
+Execute End Time         2011/03/30 07:29:15.470222
+Execute Elapsed Time                 0:00:00.087145
+State                    CLOSE
+Rows Affected            0
+SQL Error Code           100
+Stats Error Code         0
+Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE Estimated Accessed Rows 0
+Estimated Used Rows      0
+Parent Qid               NONE
+Child Qid                NONE
+Number of SQL Processes  1
+Number of Cpus           1
+Execution Priority       -1
+Transaction Id           -1
+Source String            SELECT
+SQL Source Length        548
+Rows Returned            1
+First Row Returned Time  2011/03/30 07:29:15.469778
+Last Error before AQR    0
+Number of AQR retries    0
+Delay before AQR         0
+No. of times reclaimed   0
+Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
+SQL Process Busy Time    0
+UDR Process Busy Time    0
+SQL Space Allocated      32 KB
+SQL Space Used           3 KB
+SQL Heap Allocated       7 KB
+SQL Heap Used            1 KB
+EID Space Allocated      0 KB
+EID Space Used           0 KB
+EID Heap Allocated       0 KB
+EID Heap Used            0 KB
+Processes Created        0
+Process Create Time      0
+Request Message Count    0
+Request Message Bytes    0
+Reply Message Count      0
+Reply Message Bytes      0
+Scr. Overflow Mode       DISK
+Scr File Count           0
+Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
+Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
+Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
+Scr. Read Count          0
+Scr. Write Count         0
+--- SQL operation complete.
+* This GET STATISTICS command returns PERTABLE statistics for the
+specified query ID (note that this command should be issued in the same
++> "MXID1100800517921216818752807267200000000030000_48_SQL_CUR_2"
++> ;
+Qid                      MXID1100800517921216818752807267200000000030000_48_SQL_CUR_2
+Compile Start Time       2011/03/30 00:53:21.382211
+Compile End Time         2011/03/30 00:53:22.980201
+Compile Elapsed Time                 0:00:01.597990
+Execute Start Time       2011/03/30 00:53:23.079979
+Execute End Time         -1
+Execute Elapsed Time                 7:16:13.494563
+State                    OPEN
+Rows Affected            -1
+SQL Error Code           0
+Stats Error Code         0
+Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
+Estimated Accessed Rows  2,487,984
+Estimated Used Rows      2,487,984
+Parent Qid               NONE
+Child Qid                NONE
+Number of SQL Processes  129
+Number of Cpus           9
+Execution Priority       -1
+Transaction Id           34359956800
+Source String            select count(*) from
+SQL Source Length        220
+Rows Returned            0
+First Row Returned Time  -1
+Last Error before AQR    0
+Number of AQR retries    0
+Delay before AQR         0
+No. of times reclaimed   0
+Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
+SQL Process Busy Time    830,910,830,000
+UDR Process Busy Time    0
+SQL Space Allocated      179,049                  KB
+SQL Space Used           171,746                  KB
+SQL Heap Allocated       1,140,503                KB
+SQL Heap Used            1,138,033                KB
+EID Space Allocated      46,080                   KB
+EID Space Used           42,816                   KB
+EID Heap Allocated       18,624                   KB
+EID Heap Used            192                      KB
+Processes Created        32
+Process Create Time      799,702
+Request Message Count    202,214
+Request Message Bytes    27,091,104
+Reply Message Count      197,563
+Reply Message Bytes      1,008,451,688
+Scr. Overflow Mode       DISK
+Scr File Count           0
+Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
+Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
+Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
+Scr. Read Count          0
+Scr. Write Count         0 
+Table Name
+   Records Accessed       Records Used   Disk   Message     Message   Lock   Lock   Disk Process   Open   Open
+   Estimated/Actual   Estimated/Actual   I/Os     Count     Bytes     Escl   wait   Busy Time      Count  Time
+            621,996            621,996
+            621,998            621,998      0       441  10,666,384      0       0       303,955      32  15,967
+            621,996            621,996
+            621,998            621,998      0       439  10,666,384      0        0      289,949      32  19,680
+            621,996            621,996
+            621,998            621,998      0       439  10,666,384      0        0      301,956      32  14,419
+                  0            621,996
+                  0                  0      0       192   4,548,048      0         0           0      32  40,019
+--- SQL operation complete.
+* This GET STATISTICS command returns ACCUMULATED statistics for the
+most recently executed statement in the same session:
+Qid                      MXID1100802517321216821277534304000000000340000_957_SQL_CUR_6
+Compile Start Time       2011/03/30 08:05:07.646667
+Compile End Time         2011/03/30 08:05:07.647622
+Compile Elapsed Time                0:00:00.000955
+Execute Start Time       2011/03/30 08:05:07.652710
+Execute End Time         2011/03/30 08:05:07.740461
+Execute Elapsed Time                0:00:00.087751
+State                    CLOSE
+Rows Affected            0
+SQL Error Code           100
+Stats Error Code         0
+Query Type               SQL_SELECT_NON_UNIQUE
+Estimated Accessed Rows  0
+Estimated Used Rows      0
+Parent Qid               NONE
+Child Qid                NONE
+Number of SQL Processes  0
+Number of Cpus           0
+Execution Priority       -1
+Transaction Id           -1
+Source String            SELECT
+SQL Source Length        548
+Rows Returned            1
+First Row Returned Time  2011/03/30 08:05:07.739827
+Last Error before AQR    0
+Number of AQR retries    0
+Delay before AQR         0
+No. of times reclaimed   0
+Stats Collection Type    OPERATOR_STATS
+Accessed Rows            0
+Used Rows                0
+Message Count            0
+Message Bytes            0
+Stats Bytes              0
+Disk IOs                 0
+Lock Waits               0
+Lock Escalations         0
+Disk Process Busy Time   0
+SQL Process Busy Time    0
+UDR Process Busy Time    0
+SQL Space Allocated      32                       KB
+SQL Space Used           3                        KB
+SQL Heap Allocated       7                        KB
+SQL Heap Used            1                        KB
+EID Space Allocated      0                        KB
+EID Space Used           0                        KB
+EID Heap Allocated       0                        KB
+EID Heap Used            0                        KB
+Opens                    0
+Open Time                0
+Processes Created        0
+Process Create Time      0
+Request Message Count    0
+Request Message Bytes    0
+Reply Message Count      0
+Reply Message Bytes      0
+Scr. Overflow Mode       UNKNOWN
+Scr. File Count          0
+Scr. Buffer Blk Size     0
+Scr. Buffer Blks Read    0
+Scr. Buffer Blks Written 0
+Scr. Read Count          0
+Scr. Write Count         0
+--- SQL operation complete.
+* These GET STATISTICS commands return PERTABLE statistics for the first
+active query in the specified process ID:
+== Displaying SQL Runtime Statistics
+By default, GET STATISTICS displays table-wise statistics (PERTABLE). If
+you want to view the statistics in a different format, use the
+appropriate view option of the GET STATISTICS command.
+RMS provides abbreviated statistics information for prepared statements
+and full runtime statistics for executed statements.
+The following table shows the RMS counters that are returned by GET
+STATISTICS, tokens from the STATISTICS table-valued function that relate
+to the RMS counters, and descriptions of the counters and tokens.
+| Counter Name         | Tokens in STATISTICS Table-Valued Function | Description
+| Qid                  | Qid                                        | A unique ID generated for each query. Each time a SQL statement is prepared, a new query ID is generated.
+| Compile Start Time   | CompStartTime                              | Time when the query compilation started or time when PREPARE for this query started.
+| Compile End Time     | CompEndTime                                | Time when the query compilation ended or time when PREPARE for this query ended.
+| Compile Elapsed Time | CompElapsedTime                            | Amount of actual time to prepare the query.
+| Execute Start Time   | ExeStartTime                               | Time when query execution started. 
+| Execute End Time     | ExeEndTime                                 | Time when query execution ended. When a query is executing, Execute End Time is -1.
+| Execute Elapsed Time | ExeElapsedTime                             | Amount of actual time used by the SQL executor to execute the query.
+| State                | State                                      | Internally used.
+| Rows Affected        | RowsAffected                               | Represents the number of rows affected by the INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE (IUD) SQL statements.
+Value of -1 for SELECT statements or non-IUD SQL statements.
+| SQL Error Code       | SQLErrorCode                               | Top-level error code returned by the query, indicating whether the query completed with warnings, errors,
+or successfully. A positive number indicates a warning. A negative number indicates an error. The value returned may not be accurate up to the point GET STATISTICS was executed.
+| Stats Error Code     | StatsErrorCode                             | Error code returned to the statistics collector while obtaining statistics from RMS. If an error code,
+counter values may be incorrect. Reissue the GET STATISTICS command.
+| Query Type           | Estimated Accessed Rows                    |  Type of DML statement and enum value: +
+ +
+- SQL_CAT_UTIL=17 +
+- SQL_EXE_UTIL=18 +
+- SQL_OTHER=1 +
+| QueryType            | EstRowsAccessed                            | Compiler's estimated number of rows accessed by the executor in TSE.
+| Estimated Used Rows  | EstRowsUsed                                | Compiler's estimated number of rows returned by the executor in TSE after applying the predicates.
+| Parent Qid           | parentQid                                  | A unique ID for the parent query. If there is no parent query ID associated with the query, RMS returns NONE.
+For more information, see <<using_the_parent_query_id,Using the Parent Query ID>>.
+| Child Qid            | childQid                                   | A unique ID for the child query. If there is no child query, then there will be no child query ID and
+RMS returns NONE. For more information, see <<child_query_id,Child Query ID>>.
+| Number of SQL Processes | numSqlProcs                             | Represents the number of SQL processes (excluding TSE processes) involved in executing the query.
+| Number of CPUs       | numCpus                                    | Represents the number of nodes that SQL is processing the query.
+| Transaction ID       | transId                                    | Represents the transaction ID of the transaction involved in executing the query. When no transaction exists,
+the Transaction ID is -1.
+| Source String        | sqlSrc                                     | Contains the first 254 bytes of source string.
+| SQL Source Length    | sqlSrcLen                                  | The actual length of the SQL source string.
+| Rows Returned        | rowsReturned                               | Represents the number of rows returned from the root operator at the master executor process.
+| First Row Returned Time | firstRowReturnTime                      | Represents the actual time that the first row is returned by the master root operator.
+| Last Error Before AQR | LastErrorBeforeAQR                        | The error code that triggered Automatic Query Retry (AQR) for the most recent retry. If the value is not 0,
+this is the error code that triggered the most recent AQR.
+| Number of AQR retries | AQRNumRetries                             | The number of retries for the current query until now.
+| Delay before AQR     | DelayBeforeAQR                             | Delay in seconds that SQL waited before initiating AQR.
+| No. of times reclaimed | reclaimSpaceCnt                          | When a process is under virtual memory pressure, the execution space occupied by the queries executed much
+earlier will be reclaimed to free up space for the upcoming queries. This counter represents how many times this particular query is reclaimed.
+|                      | statsRowType                               | statsRowType can be one of the following: +
+ +
+| Stats Collection Type | StatsType                                 | Collection type, which is OPERATOR_STATS by default. StatsType can be one of the following: +
+ +
+| Accessed Rows (Rows Accessed) | AccessedRows                      | Actual number of rows accessed by the executor in TSE.
+| Used Rows (Rows Used) | UsedRows                                  | Number of rows returned by TSE after applying the predicates. In a push down plan, TSE may not return all the used rows.
+| Message Count        | NumMessages                                | Count of the number of messages sent to TSE.
+| Message Bytes        | MessageBytes                               | Count of the message bytes exchanged with TSE.
+| Stats Bytes          | StatsBytes                                 | Number of bytes returned for statistics counters from TSE.
+| Disk IOs             | DiskIOs                                    | Number of physical disk reads for accessing the tables.
+| Lock Waits           | LockWaits                                  | Number of times this statement had to wait on a conflicting lock.
+| Lock Escalations     | Escalations                                | Number of times row locks escalated to a file lock during the execution of this statement.
+| Disk Process Busy Time | ProcessBusyTime                          | An approximation of the total node time in microseconds spent by TSE for executing the query.
+| SQL Process Busy Time | CpuTime                                   | An approximation of the total node time in microseconds spent in the master and ESPs involved in the query.
+| UDR Process Busy Time (same as UDR CPU Time) | udrCpuTime         | An approximation of the total node time in microseconds spent in the UDR server process.
+| UDR Server ID        | UDRServerId                                | MXUDR process ID.
+| Recent Request Timestamp |                                        | Actual timestamp of the recent request sent to MXUDR.
+| Recent Reply Timestamp |                                          | Actual timestamp of the recent request received by MXUDR.
+| SQL Space Allocated^1^ | SpaceTotal^1^                            | The amount of "space" type of memory in KB allocated in the master and ESPs involved in the query.
+| SQL Space U


[05/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

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diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
index 1053033..221668a 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_functions_and_expressions.adoc
@@ -1,7885 +1,7885 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= SQL Functions and Expressions
-This section describes the syntax and semantics of specific functions
-and expressions that you can use in {project-name} SQL statements. The
-functions and expressions are categorized according to their
-== Standard Normalization
-For datetime functions, the definition of standard normalization is: If
-the ending day of the resulting date is invalid, the day will be rounded
-DOWN to the last day of the result month.
-== Aggregate (Set) Functions
-An aggregate (or set) function operates on a group or groups of rows
-retrieved by the SELECT statement or the subquery in which the aggregate
-function appears.
-| <<avg_function,AVG Function>>                 | Computes the average of a group of numbers derived from the evaluation
-of the expression argument of the function.
-| <<count_function,COUNT Function>>             | Counts the number of rows that result from a query (by using
-*) or the number of rows that contain a distinct value in the one-column
-table derived from the expression argument of the function (optionally
-distinct values).
-| <<max_function,MAX/MAXIMUM Function>> | Determines a maximum value from the group of values derived from the
-evaluation of the expression argument.
-| <<min_function,MIN Function>>                 | Determines a minimum value from the group of values derived from the
-evaluation of the expression argument.
-| <<stddev_function,STDDEV Function>>           | Computes the statistical standard deviation of a group of numbers
-derived from the evaluation of the expression argument of the function.
-The numbers can be weighted.
-| <<sum_function,SUM Function>>                 | Computes the sum of a group of numbers derived from the evaluation of
-the expression argument of the function.
-"VARIANCE Function" 
-Computes the statistical variance of a group of numbers derived from the
-evaluation of the expression argument of the function. The numbers can
-be weighted.
-Columns and expressions can be arguments of an aggregate function. The
-expressions cannot contain aggregate functions or subqueries.
-An aggregate function can accept an argument specified as DISTINCT,
-which eliminates duplicate values before the aggregate function is
-applied. See <<distinct_aggregate_functions,DISTINCT Aggregate Functions>>.
-If you include a GROUP BY clause in the SELECT statement, the columns
-you refer to in the select list must be either grouping columns or
-arguments of an aggregate function. If you do not include
-a GROUP BY clause but you specify an aggregate function in the select
-list, all rows of the SELECT result table form the one and only group.
-See the individual entry for the function.
-== Character String Functions
-These functions manipulate character strings and use a character value
-expression as an argument or return a result of a character data type.
-Character string functions treat each single-byte or multi-byte character
-in an input string as one character, regardless of the byte length of
-the character.
-| <<ascii_function,ASCII Function>>                       | Returns the ASCII code value of the first character of a character value
-| <<char_function,CHAR Function>>                         | Returns the specified code value in a character set.
-| <<char_length_function,CHAR_LENGTH Function>>           | Returns the number of characters in a string. You can also use
-| <<code_value_function,CODE_VALUE Function>>             | Returns an unsigned integer that is the code point of the first
-character in a character value expression that can be associated with
-one of the supported character sets.
-| <<concat_function,CONCAT Function>>                     | Returns the concatenation of two character value expressions as a string
-value. You can also use the concatenation operator (\|\|).
-| <<insert_function,INSERT Function>>                     | Returns a character string where a specified number of characters within
-the character string have been deleted and then a second character
-string has been inserted at a specified start position.
-| <<lcase_function,LCASE Function>>                       | Down-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use LOWER.
-| <<left_function,LEFT Function>>                         | Returns the leftmost specified number of characters from a character expression.
-| <<locate_function,LOCATE Function>>                     | Returns the position of a specified substring within a character string.
-You can also use POSITION.
-| <<lower_function,LOWER Function>>                       | Down-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use LCASE.
-| <<lpad_function,LPAD Function>>                         | Replaces the leftmost specified number of characters in a character
-expression with a padding character.
-| <<ltrim_function,LTRIM Function>>                       | Removes leading spaces from a character string.
-| <<octet_length_function,OCTET_LENGTH Function>>         | Returns the length of a character string in bytes.
-| <<position_function,POSITION Function>>                 | Returns the position of a specified substring within a character string.
-You can also use LOCATE.
-| <<repeat_function,REPEAT Function>>                     | Returns a character string composed of the evaluation of a character
-expression repeated a specified number of times.
-| <<replace_function,REPLACE Function>>                   | Returns a character string where all occurrences of a specified
-character string in the original string are replaced with another
-character string.
-| <<right_function,RIGHT Function>>                       | Returns the rightmost specified number of characters from a character
-| <<rpad_function,RPAD Function>>                         | Replaces the rightmost specified number of characters in a character
-expression with a padding character.
-| <<rtrim_function,RTRIM Function>>                       | Removes trailing spaces from a character string.
-| <<space_function,SPACE Function>>                       | Returns a character string consisting of a specified number of spaces.
-| <<substring_function,SUBSTRING/SUBSTR Function>>        | Extracts a substring from a character string.
-| <<translate_function,TRANSLATE Function>>               | Translates a character string from a source character set to a target
-character set.
-| <<trim_function,TRIM Function>>                         | Removes leading or trailing characters from a character string.
-| <<ucase_function,UCASE Function>>                       | Up-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPSHIFT or UPPER.
-| <<upper_function,UPPER Function>>                       | Up-shifts alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPSHIFT or UCASE.
-| <<upshift_function,UPSHIFT Function>>                   | Up-shift alphanumeric characters. You can also use UPPER or UCASE.
-See the individual entry for the function.
-== Datetime Functions
-These functions use either a datetime value expression as an argument or
-return a result of datetime data type:
-| <<add_months_function,ADD_MONTHS Function>>                               | Adds the integer number of months specified by _intr_expr_ 
-to _datetime_expr_ and normalizes the result.
-| <<converttimestamp_function,CONVERTTIMESTAMP Function>>                   | Converts a Julian timestamp to a TIMESTAMP value.
-| <<current_function,CURRENT Function>> | Returns the current timestamp. You can also use the
-<<current_timestamp_function,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Function>>. 
-| <<current_date_function,CURRENT_DATE Function>>                           | Returns the current date.
-| <<current_time_function,CURRENT_TIME Function>>                           | Returns the current time.
-| <<current_timestamp_function,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Function>> | Returns the current timestamp. You can also use the <<current_function,CURRENT Function>>.
-| <<date_add_function,DATE_ADD Function>>                                   | Adds the interval specified by _interval_expression_
-to _datetime_expr_.
-| <<date_part_function_of_an_interval,DATE_PART Function (of an Interval)>> | Extracts the datetime field specified by _text_ from the interval value
-specified by interval and returns the result as an exact numeric value.
-| <<date_part_function_of_a_timestamp,DATE_PART Function (of a Timestamp)>> | Extracts the datetime field specified by _text_ from the datetime value
-specified by timestamp and returns the result as an exact numeric value.
-| <<date_sub_function,DATE_SUB Function>>                                   | Subtracts the specified _interval_expression_ from
-| <<date_trunc_function,DATE_TRUNC Function>>                               | Returns the date with the time portion of the day truncated.
-| <<dateadd_function,DATEADD Function>>                                     | Adds the interval specified by _datepart_ and _num_expr_
-to _datetime_expr_.
-| <<datediff_function,DATEDIFF Function>>                                   | Returns the integer value for the number of _datepart_ units of time
-between _startdate_ and _enddate_.
-| <<dateformat_function,DATEFORMAT Function>>                               | Formats a datetime value for display purposes.
-| <<day_function,DAY Function>>                                             | Returns an integer value in the range 1 through 31 that represents the
-corresponding day of the month. You can also use DAYOFMONTH.
-| <<dayname_function,DAYNAME Function>>                                     | Returns the name of the day of the week from a date or timestamp
-| <<dayofmonth_function,DAYOFMONTH Function>>                               | Returns an integer value in the range 1 through 31 that represents the
-corresponding day of the month. You can also use DAY.
-| <<dayofweek_function,DAYOFWEEK Function>>                                 | Returns an integer value in the range 1 through 7 that represents the
-corresponding day of the week.
-| <<dayofyear_function,DAYOFYEAR Function>>                                 | Returns an integer value in the range 1 through 366 that represents the
-corresponding day of the year.
-| <<extract_function,EXTRACT Function>>                                     | Returns a specified datetime field from a datetime value expression or
-an interval value expression.
-| <<hour_function,HOUR Function>>                                           | Returns an integer value in the range 0 through 23 that represents the
-corresponding hour of the day.
-| <<juliantimestamp_function,JULIANTIMESTAMP Function>>                     | Converts a datetime value to a Julian timestamp.
-| <<minute_function,MINUTE Function>>                                       | Returns an integer value in the range 0 through 59 that represents the
-corresponding minute of the hour.
-| <<month_function,MONTH Function>>                                         | Returns an integer value in the range 1 through 12 that represents the
-corresponding month of the year.
-| <<monthname_function,MONTHNAME Function>>                                 | Returns a character literal that is the name of the month of the year
-(January, February, and so on).
-| <<quarter_function,QUARTER Function>>                                     | Returns an integer value in the range 1 through 4 that represents the
-corresponding quarter of the year.
-| <<second_function,SECOND Function>>                                       | Returns an integer value in the range 0 through 59 that represents the
-corresponding second of the minute.
-| <<timestampadd_function,TIMESTAMPADD Function>>                           | Adds the interval of time specified by _interval-ind_ and
-_num_expr_ to _datetime_expr_.
-| <<timestampdiff_function,TIMESTAMPDIFF Function>>                         | Returns the integer value for the number of _interval-ind_
-units of time between _startdate_ and _enddate_.
-| <<week_function,WEEK Function>>                                           | Returns an integer value in the range 1 through 54 that represents the
-corresponding week of the year.
-| <<year_function,YEAR Function>>                                           | Returns an integer value that represents the year.
-See the individual entry for the function.
-== Mathematical Functions
-Use these mathematical functions within an SQL numeric value expression:
-| <<abs_function,ABS Function>>         | Returns the absolute value of a numeric value expression. 
-| <<acos_function,ACOS Function>>       | Returns the arccosine of a numeric value expression as an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<asin_function,ASIN Function>>       | Returns the arcsine of a numeric value expression as an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<atan_function,ATAN Function>>       | Returns the arctangent of a numeric value expression as an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<atan2_function,ATAN2 Function>>     | Returns the arctangent of the x and y coordinates, specified by two numeric value expressions, as an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<ceiling_function,CEILING Function>> | Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a numeric value expression.
-| <<cos_function,COS Function>>         | Returns the cosine of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<cosh_function,COSH Function>>       | Returns the hyperbolic cosine of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<degrees_function,DEGREES Function>> | Converts a numeric value expression expressed in radians to the number of degrees.
-| <<exp_function,EXP Function>>         | Returns the exponential value (to the base e) of a numeric value expression.
-| <<floor_function,FLOOR Function>>     | Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a numeric value  expression.
-| <<log_function,LOG Function>>         | Returns the natural logarithm of a numeric value expression.
-| <<log10_function,LOG10 Function>>     | Returns the base 10 logarithm of a numeric value expression.
-| <<mod_function,MOD Function>>         | Returns the remainder (modulus) of an integer value expression divided by an integer value expression.
-| <<nullifzero_function,NULLIFZERO Function>> | Returns the value of the operand unless it is zero, in which case it returns NULL.
-| <<pi_function,PI Function>>           | Returns the constant value of pi as a floating-point value.
-| <<power_function,POWER Function>>     | Returns the value of a numeric value expression raised to the power of an integer value expression. You can also use the exponential operator \*\*.
-| <<radians_function,RADIANS Function>> | Converts a numeric value expression expressed in degrees to the number of radians.
-| <<round_function,ROUND Function>>     | Returns the value of _numeric_expr_ round to _num_ places to the right of the decimal point.
-| <<sign_function,SIGN Function>>       | Returns an indicator of the sign of a numeric value expression. If value is less than zero, returns -1 as the indicator. If value is zero,
-returns 0. If value is greater than zero, returns 1.
-| <<sin_function,SIN Function>>         | Returns the sine of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<sinh_function,SINH Function>>       | Returns the hyperbolic sine of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<sqrt_function,SQRT Function>>       | Returns the square root of a numeric value expression.
-| <<tan_function,TAN Function>>         | Returns the tangent of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<tanh_function,TANH Function>>       | Returns the hyperbolic tangent of a numeric value expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-| <<zeroifnull_function,ZEROIFNULL Function>> | Returns the value of the operand unless it is NULL, in which case it returns zero.
-See the individual entry for the function.
-== Sequence Functions
-Sequence functions operate on ordered rows of the intermediate result
-table of a SELECT statement that includes a SEQUENCE BY clause. Sequence
-functions are categorized generally as difference, moving, offset, or
-Some sequence functions, such as ROWS SINCE, require sequentially
-examining every row in the history buffer until the result is computed.
-Examining a large history buffer in this manner for a condition that has
-not been true for many rows could be an expensive operation. In
-addition, such operations may not be parallelized because the entire
-sorted result set must be available to compute the result of the
-sequence function.
-=== Difference sequence functions
-| <<diff1_function,DIFF1 Function>> | Calculates differences between values of a column expression in the current row and previous rows.
-| <<diff2_function,DIFF2 Function>> | Calculates differences between values of the result of DIFF1 of the current row and DIFF1 of previous rows.
-=== Moving sequence functions
-| <<movingcount_function,MOVINGCOUNT Function>>       | Returns the number of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingmax_function,MOVINGMAX Function>>           | Returns the maximum of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingmin_function,MOVINGMIN Function>>           | Returns the minimum of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingstddev_function,MOVINGSTDDEV Function>>     | Returns the standard deviation of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingsum_function,MOVINGSUM Function>>           | Returns the sum of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
-| <<movingvariance_function,MOVINGVARIANCE Function>> | Returns the variance of non-null values of a column expression in the current window.
-Offset sequence function
-=== Offset sequence function
-| <<offset_function,OFFSET Function>> | Retrieves columns from previous rows.
-=== Running sequence functions
-| <<runningavg_function,RUNNINGAVG Function>>             | Returns the average of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningcount_function,RUNNINGCOUNT Function>>         | Returns the number of rows up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningmax_function,RUNNINGMAX Function>>             | Returns the maximum of values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningmin_function,RUNNINGMIN Function>>             | Returns the minimum of values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningrank_function,RUNNINGRANK Function>>           | Returns the rank of the given value of an intermediate result table ordered by a SEQUENCE BY clause in a SELECT statement.
-| <<runningstddev_function,RUNNINGSTDDEV Function>>       | Returns the standard deviation of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningsum_function,RUNNINGSUM Function>>             | Returns the sum of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-| <<runningvariance_function,RUNNINGVARIANCE Function>>   | Returns the variance of non-null values of a column expression up to and including the current row.
-=== Other sequence functions
-| <<lastnotnull_function,LASTNOTNULL Function>>               | Returns the last non-null value for the specified column expression. If only null values have been returned, returns null.
-| <<rows_since_function,ROWS SINCE Function>>                 | Returns the number of rows counted since the specified condition was last true.
-| <<rows_since_changed_function,ROWS SINCE CHANGED Function>> | Returns the number of rows counted since the specified set of values last changed.
-| <<this_function,THIS Function>>                             | Used in ROWS SINCE to distinguish between the value of the column in the current row and the value of the column in previous rows.
-See <<sequence_by_clause,SEQUENCE BY Clause>> and the individual entry for each function.
-== Other Functions and Expressions
-Use these other functions and expressions in an SQL value expression:
-| <<authname_function,AUTHNAME Function>>                         | Returns the authorization name associated with the specified authorization ID number.
-| <<bitand_function,BITAND Function>>                             | Performs 'and' operation on corresponding bits of the two operands.
-| <<case_expression,CASE (Conditional) Expression>>               | A conditional expression. The two forms of the CASE expression are simple and searched.
-| <<cast_expression,CAST Expression>>                             | Converts a value from one data type to another data type that you specify.
-| <<coalesce_function,COALESCE Function>>                         | Returns the value of the first expression in the list that does not have a NULL value or if all 
-the expressions have NULL values, the function returns a NULL value.
-| <<converttohex_function,CONVERTTOHEX Function>>                 | Converts the specified value expression to hexadecimal for display purposes.
-| <<current_user_function,CURRENT_USER Function>>                 | Returns the database user name of the current user who invoked the function.
-| <<decode_function,DECODE Function>>                             | Compares _expr_ to each _test_expr_ value one by one in the order provided.
-| <<explain_function,EXPLAIN Function>>                           | Generates a result table describing an access plan for a SELECT, INSERT, DELETE, or UPDATE statement.
-| <<isnull_function,ISNULL Function>>                             | Returns the first argument if it is not null, otherwise it returns the second argument.
-| <<nullif_function,NULLIF Function>>                             | Returns the value of the first operand if the two operands are not equal, otherwise it returns NULL.
-| <<nvl_function,NVL Function>>                                   | Returns the value of the first operand unless it is NULL, in which case it returns the value of the second operand.
-| <<user_function,USER Function>>                                 | Returns either the database user name of the current user who invoked the function or the database user name 
-associated with the specified user ID number.
-See the individual entry for the function.
-== ABS Function
-The ABS function returns the absolute value of a numeric value
-expression. ABS is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-ABS (numeric-expression)
-* `_numeric-expression_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the ABS function. The result is returned as an unsigned
-numeric value if the precision of the argument is less than 10 or as a
-LARGEINT if the precision of the argument is greater than or equal to
-10. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of ABS
-* This function returns the value 8:
-ABS (-20 + 12)
-== ACOS Function
-The ACOS function returns the arccosine of a numeric value expression as
-an angle expressed in radians.
-ACOS is a {project-name} SQL extension. 
-ACOS (numeric-expression)
-* `_numeric-expression_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the ACOS  function. The range for the value of the argument is 
-from -1 to +1. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value_Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of ACOS
-* The ACOS function returns the value 3.49044274380724416E-001 or
-approximately 0.3491 in radians (which is 20 degrees).
-ACOS (0.9397)
-* This function returns the value 0.3491. The function ACOS is the
-inverse of the function COS.
-ACOS (COS (0.3491))
-=== ADD_MONTHS Function
-The ADD_MONTHS function adds the integer number of months specified by
-_int_expr_ to _datetime_expr_ and normalizes the result. ADD_MONTHS is a {project-name} SQL
-ADDMONTHS (datetimeexpr, intexpr [, int2 ])
-* `_datetime_expr_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. The return value is the same type as the _datetime_expr._ See
-<<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-* `_int_expr_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression of data type SMALLINT or INTEGER that
-specifies the number of months. See <<numeric_value_expressions,
-Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-* `_int2_`
-is an unsigned integer constant. If _int2_ is omitted or is the literal
-0, the normalization is the standard normalization. If _int2_ is the
-literal 1, the normalization includes the standard normalization and if
-the starting day (the day part of _datetime_expr_) is the last day of
-the starting month, then the ending day (the day part of the result
-value) is set to the last valid day of the result month. See
-<<standard_normalization,Standard Normalization>>. See
-<<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>> .
-=== Examples of ADD_MONTHS
-* This function returns the value DATE '2007-03-31':
-ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2007-02-28', 1, 1)
-* This function returns the value DATE '2007-03-28':
-ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2007-02-28', 1, 0)
-* This function returns the value DATE '2008-03-28':
-ADD_MONTHS(DATE '2008-02-28', 1, 1)
-* This function returns the timestamp '2009-02-28 00:00:00':
-ADD_MONTHS(timestamp'2008-02-29 00:00:00',12,1)
-== ASCII Function
-The ASCII function returns the integer that is the ASCII code of the
-first character in a character string expression associated with either
-the ISO8891 character set or the UTF8 character set.
-ASCII is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-ASCII (character-expression) 
-* `_character-expression`
-is an SQL character value expression that specifies a string of
-characters. See <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Expressions>>.
-=== Considerations For ASCII
-For a string expression in the UTF8 character set, if the value of the
-first byte in the string is greater than 127, {project-name} SQL returns this
-error message:
-ERROR[8428] The argument to function ASCII is not valid.
-=== Examples of ASCII
-* Select the column JOBDESC and return the ASCII code of the first
-character of the job description:
-SELECT jobdesc, ASCII (jobdesc) FROM persnl.job;
-JOBDESC           (EXPR)
------------------ --------
-MANAGER                 77
-ASSEMBLER               65
-SALESREP                83
-...                    ...
---- 10 row(s) selected.
-== ASIN Function
-The ASIN function returns the arcsine of a numeric value expression as
-an angle expressed in radians.
-ASIN is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-ASIN (numeric-expression)
-* `_numeric-expression_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the ASIN function. The range for the value of the argument is
-from -1 to +1. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Considerations for ASCII
-For a string expression in the UTF8 character set, if the value of the
-first byte in the string is greater than 127, {project-name} SQL returns this
-error message:
-ERROR[8428] The argument to function ASCII is not valid.
-=== Examples of ASCII
-* Select the column JOBDESC and return the ASCII code of the first
-character of the job description:
-SELECT jobdesc, ASCII (jobdesc) FROM persnl.job;
-JOBDESC           (EXPR)
------------------ --------
-MANAGER                 77
-ASSEMBLER               65
-SALESREP                83
-...                    ...
---- 10 row(s) selected.
-== ASIN Function
-The ASIN function returns the arcsine of a numeric value expression as
-an angle expressed in radians.
-ASIN is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-ASIN (numeric-expression)
-* `_numeric-expression_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the ASIN function. The range for the value of the argument
-is from -1 to +1. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of ASIN
-* This function returns the value 3.49044414403046400e-001 or
-approximately 0.3491 in radians (which is 20 degrees):
-* This function returns the value 0.3491. The function ASIN is the
-inverse of the function SIN.
-== ATAN Function
-The ATAN function returns the arctangent of a numeric value expression
-as an angle expressed in radians.
-ATAN is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-ATAN ( numeric-expression )
-* `_numeric-expression _`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the atan function. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of ATAN
-* This function returns the value 8.72766423249958272E-001 or
-approximately 0.8727 in radians (which is 50 degrees):
-ATAN (1.192)
-* This function returns the value 0.8727. The function ATAN is the
-inverse of the function TAN.
-ATAN (TAN (0.8727))
-== ATAN2 Function
-The ATAN2 function returns the arctangent of the x and y coordinates,
-specified by two numeric value expressions, as an angle expressed in
-ATAN2 is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-ATAN2 (numeric-expression-x,numeric-expression-y)
-* `_numeric-expression-x_, _numeric-expression-y_`
-are SQL numeric value expressions that specify the value for the x and y
-coordinate arguments of the ATAN2 function. See
-<<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of ATAN2
-* This function returns the value 2.66344329881899520E+000, or
-approximately 2.6634:
-ATAN2 (1.192,-2.3)
-== AUTHNAME Function
-The AUTHNAME function returns the name of the authorization ID that is
-associated with the specified authorization ID number.
-AUTHNAME (auth-id)
-* `_auth-id_`
-is the 32-bit number associated with an authorization ID. See
-<<authorization_ids,Authorization IDs>>.
-The AUTHNAME function is similar to the <<user function,USER Function>>.
-=== Considerations for AUTHNAME
-* This function can be specified only in the top level of a SELECT statement.
-* The value returned is string data type VARCHAR(128) and is in ISO8859-1 encoding.
-=== Examples of AUTHNAME
-* This example shows the authorization name associated with the
-authorization ID number, 33333:
->>SELECT AUTHNAME (33333) FROM (values(1)) x(a);
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-== AVG Function
-AVG is an aggregate function that returns the average of a set of
-AVG ([ALL | DISTINCT] expression)
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the AVG of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included. If you specify DISTINCT, duplicate
-values are eliminated before the AVG function is applied.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies a numeric or interval value _expression_ that determines the
-values to average. The _expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function
-or a subquery. The DISTINCT clause specifies that the AVG function
-operates on distinct values from the one-column table derived from the
-evaluation of _expression_.
-See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>> and
-<<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>.
-=== Considerations for AVG
-==== Data Type of the Result
-The data type of the result depends on the data type of the argument. If
-the argument is an exact numeric type, the result is LARGEINT. If the
-argument is an approximate numeric type, the result
-is DOUBLE PRECISION. If the argument is INTERVAL data type, the result
-is INTERVAL with the same precision as the argument.
-The scale of the result is the same as the scale of the argument. If the
-argument has no scale, the result is truncated.
-==== Operands of the Expression
-The expression includes columns from the rows of the SELECT result table but
-cannot include an aggregate function. These expressions are valid:
-AVG (SALARY * 1.1)
-==== Nulls
-All nulls are eliminated before the function is applied to the set of
-values. If the result table is empty, AVG returns NULL.
-==== Examples of AVG
-* Return the average value of the SALARY column:
-SELECT AVG (salary) FROM persnl.employee;
-             49441.52
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* Return the average value of the set of unique SALARY values:
-SELECT AVG(DISTINCT salary) AS Avg_Distinct_Salary FROM persnl.employee;
-             53609.89
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* Return the average salary by department:
-SELECT deptnum, AVG (salary) AS "AVERAGE SALARY"
-FROM persnl.employee
-WHERE deptnum < 3000 GROUP BY deptnum;
--------- ---------------------
-    1000              52000.17
-    2000              50000.10
-    1500              41250.00
-    2500              37000.00
---- 4 row(s) selected.
-== BITAND Function
-The BITAND function performs an AND operation on corresponding bits of
-the two operands. If both bits are 1, the result bit is 1. Otherwise the
-result bit is 0.
-BITAND (expression, expression)
-* `_expression_`
-The result data type is a binary number. Depending on the precision of
-the operands, the data type of the result can either be an INT (32-bit
-integer) or a LARGEINT (64-bit integer).
-If the max precision of either operand is greater than 9, LARGEINT is
-chosen (numbers with precision greater than 9 are represented by
-LARGEINT). Otherwise, INT is chosen.
-If both operands are unsigned, the result is unsigned. Otherwise, the
-result is signed. Both operands are converted to the result data type
-before performing the bit operation.
-=== Considerations for BITAND
-BITAND can be used anywhere in an SQL query where an expression could be
-used. This includes SELECT lists, WHERE predicates, VALUES clauses, SET
-statement, and so on.
-This function returns a numeric data type and can be used in arithmetic
-Numeric operands can be positive or negative numbers. All numeric data
-types are allowed with the exceptions listed in the
-<<restrictions_for_bitand,Restrictions for BITAND>> section.
-==== Restrictions for BITAND
-The following are BITAND restrictions:
-* Must have two operands
-* Operands must be binary or decimal exact numerics
-* Operands must have scale of zero
-* Operands cannot be floating point numbers
-* Operands cannot be an extended precision numeric (the maximum precision of an extended numeric data type is 128)
-=== Examples of BITAND
->>select bitand(1,3) from (values(1)) x(a);
-             1
---- 1 row(s) selected
->>select 1 & 3 from (values(1)) x(a);
-             1
---- 1 row(s) selected
->>select bitand(1,3) + 0 from (values(1)) x(a);
-             1
---- 1 row(s) selected
-== CASE (Conditional) Expression
-The CASE expression is a conditional expression with two forms: simple
-and searched.
-In a simple CASE expression, {project-name} SQL compares a value to a
-sequence of values and sets the CASE expression to the value associated
-with the first match &#8212; if a match exists. If no match exists, {project-name}
-SQL returns the value specified in the ELSE clause (which can be null).
-In a searched CASE expression, {project-name} SQL evaluates a sequence of
-conditions and sets the CASE expression to the value associated with the
-first condition that is true &#8212; if a true condition exists. If no true
-condition exists, {project-name} SQL returns the value specified in the ELSE
-clause (which can be null).
-*Simple CASE is*:
-CASE case-expression
-   WHEN expression-1 THEN {result-expression-1 | NULL}
-   WHEN expression-2 THEN {result-expression-2 | NULL}
-   ...
-   WHEN expression-n THEN {result-expression-n | NULL}
-                      [ELSE {result-expression | NULL}]
-*Searched CASE is*:
-   WHEN _condition-1_ THEN {_result-expression-1_ | NULL}
-   WHEN _condition-2_ THEN {_result-expression-2_ | NULL}
-   ...
-   WHEN _condition-n_ THEN {_result-expression-n_ | NULL}
-                     [ELSE {_result-expression_ | NULL}]
-* `_case-expression_`
-specifies a value expression that is compared to the value expressions
-in each WHEN clause of a simple CASE. The data type of each _expression_
-in the WHEN clause must be comparable to the data type of
-* `_expression-1_ &#8230; _expression-n_`
-specifies a value associated with each _result-expression_. If the
-value of an _expression_ in a WHEN clause matches the value of
-_case-expression_, simple CASE returns the associated
-_result-expression_ value. If no match exists, the CASE expression
-returns the value expression specified in the ELSE clause, or NULL if
-the ELSE value is not specified.
-* `_result-expression-1_ &#8230; _result-expression-n_`
-specifies the result value expression associated with each _expression_
-in a WHEN clause of a simple CASE, or with each _condition_ in a WHEN
-clause of a searched CASE. All of the _result-expressions_ must have
-comparable data types, and at least one of the
-_result-expressions_ must return non-null.
-* `_result-expression_`
-follows the ELSE keyword and specifies the value returned if none of the
-expressions in the WHEN clause of a simple CASE are equal to the case
-expression, or if none of the conditions in the WHEN clause of a
-searched CASE are true. If the ELSE _result-expression_ clause is not
-specified, CASE returns NULL. The data type of _result-expression_ must
-be comparable to the other results.
-* `_condition-1_ &#8230; _condition-n_`
-specifies conditions to test for in a searched CASE. If a _condition_ is
-true, the CASE expression returns the associated _result-expression_
-value. If no _condition_ is true, the CASE expression returns the value
-expression specified in the ELSE clause, or NULL if the ELSE value is
-not specified.
-=== Considerations for CASE
-==== Data Type of the CASE Expression
-The data type of the result of the CASE expression depends on the data
-types of the result expressions. If the results all have the same data
-type, the CASE expression adopts that data type. If the results have
-comparable but not identical data types, the CASE expression adopts the
-data type of the union of the result expressions. This result data type
-is determined in these ways.
-==== Character Data Type
-If any data type of the result expressions is variable-length character
-string, the result data type is variable-length character string with
-maximum length equal to the maximum length of the result expressions.
-Otherwise, if none of the data types is variable-length character
-string, the result data type is fixed-length character string with length
-equal to the maximum of the lengths of the result expressions.
-==== Numeric Data Type
-If all of the data types of the result expressions are exact numeric,
-the result data type is exact numeric with precision and scale equal to
-the maximum of the precisions and scales of the result expressions.
-For example, if _result-expression-1_ and _result-expression-2_ have
-data type NUMERIC(5) and _result-expression-3_ has data type
-NUMERIC(8,5), the result data type is NUMERIC(10,5).
-If any data type of the result expressions is approximate numeric, the
-result data type is approximate numeric with precision equal to the
-maximum of the precisions of the result expressions.
-==== Datetime Data Type
-If the data type of the result expressions is datetime, the result data
-type is the same datetime data type.
-==== Interval Data Type
-If the data type of the result expressions is interval, the result data
-type is the same interval data type (either year-month or day-time) with
-the start field being the most significant of the start fields of the
-result expressions and the end field being the least significant of the
-end fields of the result expressions.
-=== Examples of CASE
-* Use a simple CASE to decode JOBCODE and return NULL if JOBCODE does
-not match any of the listed values:
-  last_name
-, first_name
-, CASE jobcode
-  END
-FROM persnl.employee;
-LAST_NAME            FIRST_NAME      (EXPR)
--------------------- --------------- -----------------
-GREEN                ROGER           MANAGER
-HOWARD               JERRY           MANAGER
-RAYMOND              JANE            MANAGER
-CHOU                 JOHN            SECRETARY
-CONRAD               MANFRED         PROGRAMMER
-HERMAN               JIM             SALESREP
-CLARK                LARRY           ACCOUNTANT
-HALL                 KATHRYN         SYSTEM ANALYST
---- 62 row(s) selected.
-* Use a searched CASE to return LAST_NAME, FIRST_NAME and a value based
-on SALARY that depends on the value of DEPTNUM:
-  last_name
-, first_name
-, deptnum
-    WHEN deptnum = 9000 THEN salary * 1.10
-    WHEN deptnum = 1000 THEN salary * 1.12 ELSE salary
-  END
-FROM persnl.employee;
----------------- ------------ ------- -------------------
-GREEN            ROGER           9000         193050.0000
-HOWARD           JERRY           1000         153440.1120
-RAYMOND          JANE            3000         136000.0000
---- 62 row(s) selected.
-== CAST Expression
-The CAST expression converts data to the data type you specify.
-CAST ({expression | NULL} AS data-type) 
-* `_expression_ | NULL`
-specifies the operand to convert to the data type _data-type_.
-If the operand is an _expression_, then _data-type_ depends on the
-data type of _expression_ and follows the rules outlined in
-<<valid_conversions_for_cast,Valid Conversions for CAST >>.
-If the operand is NULL, or if the value of the _expression_ is null, the
-result of CAST is NULL, regardless of the data type you specify.
-* `_data-type_`
-specifies a data type to associate with the operand of CAST. See
-<<data_types,Data Types>>.
-When casting data to a CHAR or VARCHAR data type, the resulting data
-value is left justified. Otherwise, the resulting data value is right
-justified. Further, when you are casting to a CHAR or VARCHAR data type,
-you must specify the length of the target value.
-=== Considerations for CAST
-* Fractional portions are discarded when you use CAST of a numeric value to an INTERVAL type.
-* Depending on how your file is set up, using CAST might cause poor
-query performance by preventing the optimizer from choosing the most
-efficient plan and requiring the executor to perform a complete table or
-index scan.
-==== Valid Conversions for CAST
-* An exact or approximate numeric value to any other numeric data type.
-* An exact or approximate numeric value to any character string data type.
-* An exact numeric value to either a single-field year-month or day-time interval such as INTERVAL DAY(2).
-* A character string to any other data type, with one restriction:
-The contents of the character string to be converted must be consistent
-in meaning with the data type of the result. For example, if you are
-converting to DATE, the contents of the character string must be 10
-characters consisting of the year, a hyphen, the month, another hyphen,
-and the day.
-* A date value to a character string or to a TIMESTAMP ({project-name} SQL fills in the time part with 00:00:00.00).
-* A time value to a character string or to a TIMESTAMP ({project-name} SQL fills in the date part with the current date).
-* A timestamp value to a character string, a DATE, a TIME, or another TIMESTAMP with different fractional seconds precision.
-* A year-month interval value to a character string, an exact numeric,
-or to another year-month INTERVAL with a different start field precision.
-* A day-time interval value to a character string, an exact numeric, or
-to another day-time INTERVAL with a different start field precision.
-=== Examples of CAST
-* In this example, the fractional portion is discarded:
-CAST (123.956 as INTERVAL DAY(18))
-* This example returns the difference of two timestamps in minutes:
-CAST((d.step_end - d.step_start) AS INTERVAL MINUTE)
-* Suppose that your database includes a log file of user information.
-This example converts the current timestamp to a character string and
-concatenates the result to a character literal. Note the length must be
-INSERT INTO stats.logfile (user_key, user_info)
-VALUES (001, 'User JBrook, executed at ' || CAST (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS CHAR(26)));
-== CEILING Function
-The CEILING function returns the smallest integer, represented as a
-FLOAT data type, greater than or equal to a numeric value expression.
-CEILING is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-CEILING (numeric-expression)
-* `_numeric-expression_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the CEILING function.
-See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of CEILING
-* This function returns the integer value 3.00000000000000000E+000,
-represented as a FLOAT data type:
-CEILING (2.25)
-=== CHAR Function
-The CHAR function returns the character that has the specified code
-value, which must be of exact numeric with scale 0.
-CHAR is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-CHAR(code-value, [,char-set-name])
-* `_code-value_`
-is a valid code value in the character set in use.
-* `_char-set-name_`
-can be ISO88591 or UTF8. The returned character will be associated with
-the character set specified by _char-set-name_.
-The default for _char-set-name_ is ISO88591.
-=== Considerations for CHAR
-* For the ISO88591 character set, the return type is VARCHAR(1).
-* For the UTF8 character set, the return type is VARCHAR(1).
-=== Examples of CHAR
-* Select the column CUSTNAME and return the ASCII code of the first
-character of the customer name and its CHAR value:
-SELECT custname, ASCII (custname), CHAR (ASCII (custname))
-FROM sales.customer;
-CUSTNAME           (EXPR) ( EXPR)
------------------- ------- -------
-STEVENS SUPPLY          83 S
-...                    ... ...
---- 15 row(s) selected.
-== CHAR_LENGTH Function
-The CHAR_LENGTH function returns the number of characters in a string.
-You can also use CHARACTER_LENGTH. Every character, including multi-byte
-characters, counts as one character.
-CHAR[ACTER]_LENGTH (string-value-expression)
-* `_string-value-expression_`
-specifies the string value expression for which to return the length in
-characters. {project-name} SQL returns the result as a two-byte signed
-integer with a scale of zero. If _string-value-expression_ is null,
-{project-name} SQL returns a length of
-null. See <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Expressions>>.
-=== Considerations for CHAR_LENGTH
-==== CHAR and VARCHAR Operands
-For a column declared as fixed CHAR, {project-name} SQL returns the maximum
-length of that column. For a VARCHAR column, {project-name} SQL returns the
-actual length of the string stored in that column.
-=== Examples of CHAR_LENGTH
-* This function returns 12 as the result. The concatenation operator is
-denoted by two vertical bars (\|\|).
-* The string '' is the null (or empty) string. This function returns 0
-* The DEPTNAME column has data type CHAR(12). Therefore, this function
-always returns 12:
-CHAR_LENGTH (deptname)
-* The PROJDESC column in the PROJECT table has data type VARCHAR(18).
-This function returns the actual length of the column value &#8212; not 18 for
-shorter strings &#8212; because it is a VARCHAR value:
-SELECT CHAR_LENGTH (projdesc) FROM persnl.project;
-        14
-        13
-        13
-        17
-         9
-         9
---- 6 row(s) selected.
-== COALESCE Function
-The COALESCE function returns the value of the first expression in the
-list that does not have a NULL value or if all the expressions have NULL
-values, the function returns a NULL value.
-COALESCE (expr1, expr2, ...)
-* `_expr1_`
-an expression to be compared.
-* `_expr2_`
-an expression to be compared.
-=== Examples of COALESCE
-* COALESCE returns the value of the first operand that is not NULL:
-SELECT COALESCE (office_phone, cell_phone, home_phone, pager, fax_num, '411')
-from emptbl;
-== CODE_VALUE Function
-The CODE_VALUE function returns an unsigned integer (INTEGER UNSIGNED)
-that is the code point of the first character in a character value
-expression that can be associated with one of the supported character
-CODE_VALUE is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-   character-set
-* `_character-value-expression_`
-is a character string.
-=== Examples of CODE_VALUE Function
-* This function returns 97 as the result:
->>select code_value('abc') from (values(1))x;
-        97
-=== CONCAT Function
-The CONCAT function returns the concatenation of two character value
-expressions as a character string value. You can also use the
-concatenation operator (\|\|).
-CONCAT is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-CONCAT (character-expr-1, character-expr-2)
-* `_character-expr-1_, _character-expr-2_`
-are SQL character value expressions (of data type CHAR or VARCHAR) that
-specify two strings of characters. Both character value expressions must
-be either ISO8859-1 character expressions or UTF8 character expressions.
-The result of the CONCAT function is the concatenation of
-_character-expr-1_ with _character-expr-2_. The result type is CHAR if
-both expressions are of type CHAR and it is VARCHAR if either of the
-expressions is of type VARCHAR.
-See <<character_value_expressions,Character Value Expressions>>.
-=== Concatenation Operator (||)
-The concatenation operator, denoted by two vertical bars (||),
-concatenates two string values to form a new string value. To indicate
-that two strings are concatenated, connect the strings with two vertical
-bars (\|\|):
-character-expr-1 || character-expr-2
-An operand can be any SQL value expression of data type CHAR or VARCHAR.
-=== Considerations for CONCAT
-=== Operands
-A string value can be specified by any character value expression, such
-as a character string literal, character string function, column
-reference, aggregate function, scalar subquery, CASE expression, or CAST
-expression. The value of the operand must be of type CHAR or VARCHAR.
-If you use the CAST expression, you must specify the length of CHAR or
-=== SQL Parameters
-You can concatenate an SQL parameter and a character value expression.
-The concatenated parameter takes on the data type attributes of the
-character value expression. Consider this example, where ?p is assigned
-a string value of '5 March':
-?p || ' 2002'
-The type assignment of the parameter ?p becomes CHAR(5), the same data
-type as the character literal ' 2002'. Because you assigned a string
-value of more than five characters to ?p, {project-name} SQL returns a
-truncation warning, and the result of the concatenation is 5 Mar 2002.
-To specify the type assignment of the parameter, use the CAST expression
-on the parameter as:
-CAST(?p AS CHAR(7)) || '2002'
-In this example, the parameter is not truncated, and the result of the
-concatenation is 5 March 2002.
-=== Examples of CONCAT
-* Insert information consisting of a single character string. Use the
-CONCAT function to construct and insert the value:
-INSERT INTO stats.logfile (user_key, user_info)
-* Use the concatenation operator || to construct and insert the value:
-INSERT INTO stats.logfile (user_key, user_info)
-VALUES (002, 'Executed at ' || CAST (CURRENT_TIMESTAMP AS CHAR(26)));
-The CONVERTTOHEX function converts the specified value expression to
-hexadecimal for display purposes.
-CONVERTTOHEX is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-CONVERTTOHEX (expression)
-is any numeric, character, datetime, or interval expression.
-The primary purpose of the CONVERTTOHEX function is to eliminate any
-doubt as to the exact value in a column. It is particularly useful for
-character expressions where some characters may be from character sets
-that are not supported by the client terminal's locale or may be control
-codes or other non-displayable characters.
-=== Considerations for CONVERTTOHEX
-Although CONVERTTOHEX is usable on datetime and interval expressions,
-the displayed output shows the internal value and is, consequently, not
-particularly meaningful to general users and is subject to change in
-future releases.
-CONVERTTOHEX returns ASCII characters in ISO8859-1 encoding.
-=== Examples of CONVERTTOHEX
-* Display the contents of a smallint, integer, and largeint in
-CREATE TABLE EG (S1 smallint, I1 int, L1 largeint);
-INSERT INTO EG VALUES( 37, 2147483647, 2305843009213693951);
------- -------- ----------------
-* Display the contents of a CHAR(4) column, a VARCHAR(4) column, and a
-CHAR(4) column that uses the UTF8 character set. The varchar column does
-not have a trailing space character as the fixed-length columns have:
-INSERT INTO EG_CH values('ABC', 'abc', _UTF8'abc');
-(EXPR)   (EXPR)   (EXPR)
--------- -------- ----------------
-41424320   616263 0061006200630020
-* Display the internal values for a DATE column, a TIME column, a
-TIMESTAMP(2) column, and a TIMESTAMP(6) column:
-CREATE TABLE DT (D1 date, T1 time, TS1 timestamp(2), TS2 timestamp(6) );
-INSERT INTO DT values(current_date, current_time, current_timestamp, current_timestamp);
-(EXPR)      (EXPR)    (EXPR)                    (EXPR)
------------ --------- ------------------------- -------------------------
-   07D8040F    0E201E    07D8040F0E201E00000035    07D8040F0E201E00081ABB
-* Display the internal values for an INTERVAL YEAR column, an INTERVAL
-YEAR(2) TO MONTH column, and an INTERVAL DAY TO SECOND column:
-CREATE TABLE IVT ( IV1 interval year, IV2 interval year(2) to month, IV3 interval day to second);
-INSERT INTO IVT values( interval '1' year, interval '3-2' year(2) to
-month, interval '31:14:59:58' day to second);
------- -------- -----------------------
-  0001     0026        0000027C2F9CB780
-The CONVERTTIMESTAMP function converts a Julian timestamp to a value
-with data type TIMESTAMP.
-CONVERTTIMESTAMP is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-CONVERTTIMESTAMP (julian-timestamp)
-* `_julian-timestamp_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a Julian timestamp, which is a
-LARGEINT value.
-=== Considerations for CONVERTTIMESTAMP
-The _julian-timestamp_ value must be in the range from 148731
-63200000000 to 274927348799999999.
-==== Relationship to the JULIANTIMESTAMP Function
-The operand of CONVERTTIMESTAMP is a Julian timestamp, and the function
-result is a value of data type TIMESTAMP. The operand of the
-CONVERTTIMESTAMP function is a value of data type TIMESTAMP, and the
-function result is a Julian timestamp. That is, the two functions have
-an inverse relationship to one another.
-You can use the inverse relationship between the JULIANTIMESTAMP and
-CONVERTTIMESTAMP functions to insert Julian timestamp columns into your
-database and display these column values in a TIMESTAMP format.
-* Suppose that the EMPLOYEE table includes a column, named HIRE_DATE,
-which contains the hire date of each employee as a Julian timestamp.
-Convert the Julian timestamp into a TIMESTAMP value:
-SELECT CONVERTTIMESTAMP (hire_date) FROM persnl.employee;
-* This example illustrates the inverse relationship between
-If, for example, the value of SHIP_TIMESTAMP is 2008-04-03
-21:05:36.143000, the result of CONVERTTIMESTAMP(JULIANTIMESTAMP(ship_timestamp))
-is the same value, 2008-04-03 21:05:36.143000.
-== COS Function
-The COS function returns the cosine of a numeric value expression, where
-the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-COS is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-COS (numeric-expression)
-* `_numeric-expression_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the COS function.
-See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of COS
-* This function returns the value 9.39680940386503680E-001, or
-approximately 0.9397, the cosine of 0.3491 (which is 20 degrees):
-COS (0.3491)
-=== COSH Function
-The COSH function returns the hyperbolic cosine of a numeric value
-expression, where the expression is an angle expressed in radians.
-COSH is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-COSH (numeric-expression)
-* `_numeric-expression_`
-is an SQL numeric value expression that specifies the value for the
-argument of the COSH function.
-See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of COSH
-* This function returns the value 1.88842387716101568E+000, or
-approximately 1.8884, the hyperbolic cosine of 1.25 in radians:
-COSH (1.25)
-=== COUNT Function
-The COUNT function counts the number of rows that result from a query or
-the number of rows that contain a distinct value in a specific column.
-The result of COUNT is data type LARGEINT. The result can never be NULL.
-COUNT {(*) | ([ALL | DISTINCT] expression)}
-* `COUNT (*)`
-returns the number of rows in the table specified in the FROM clause of
-the SELECT statement that contains COUNT (\*). If the result table is
-empty (that is, no rows are returned by the query) COUNT (*) returns
-returns the number of all rows or the number of distinct rows in the
-one-column table derived from the evaluation of _expression_. The
-default option is ALL, which causes duplicate values to be included. If
-you specify DISTINCT, duplicate values are eliminated before the COUNT
-function is applied.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies a value expression that determines the values to count. The
-_expression_ cannot contain an aggregate function or a subquery. The
-DISTINCT clause specifies that the COUNT function operates on distinct
-values from the one-column table derived from the evaluation of
-_expression_. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
-=== Considerations for COUNT
-==== Operands of the Expression
-The operand of COUNT is either * or an expression that includes columns
-from the result table specified by the SELECT statement that contains
-COUNT. However, the expression cannot include an aggregate function or a
-subquery. These expressions are valid:
-COUNT (*)
-==== Nulls
-COUNT is evaluated after eliminating all nulls from the one-column table
-specified by the operand. If the table has no rows, COUNT returns zero.
-COUNT(\*) does not eliminate null rows from the table specified in the
-FROM clause of the SELECT statement. If all rows in a table are null,
-COUNT(\*) returns the number of rows in the table.
-=== Examples of COUNT
-* Count the number of rows in the EMPLOYEE table:
-SELECT COUNT (*) FROM persnl.employee;
-         62
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* Count the number of employees who have a job code in the EMPLOYEE
-SELECT COUNT (jobcode) FROM persnl.employee;
-         56
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-FROM persnl.employee
-         56
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-* Count the number of distinct departments in the EMPLOYEE table:
-SELECT COUNT (DISTINCT deptnum) FROM persnl.employee;
-         11
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-== CURRENT Function
-The CURRENT function returns a value of type TIMESTAMP based on the
-current local date and time.
-The function is evaluated once when the query starts execution and is
-not reevaluated (even if it is a long running query).
-You can also use <<current_timestamp_function,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP Function>>.
-CURRENT [(precision)]
-* `_precision_`
-is an integer value in the range 0 to 6 that specifies the precision of
-(the number of decimal places in) the fractional seconds in the returned
-value. The default is 6.
-For example, the function CURRENT (2) returns the current date and time
-as a value of data type TIMESTAMP, where the precision of the fractional
-seconds is 2, for example, 2008-06-26 09:01:20.89. The value returned is
-not a string value.
-=== Examples of CURRENT
-* The PROJECT table contains a column SHIP_TIMESTAMP of data type
-TIMESTAMP. Update a row by using the CURRENT value:
-UPDATE persnl.project
-SET ship_timestamp = CURRENT WHERE projcode = 1000;
-== CURRENT_DATE Function
-The CURRENT_DATE function returns the local current date as a value of
-type DATE.
-The function is evaluated once when the query starts execution and is
-not reevaluated (even if it is a long running query).
-The CURRENT_DATE function returns the current date, such as 2008-09-28.
-The value returned is a value of type DATE, not a string value.
-=== Examples of CURRENT_DATE
-* Select rows from the ORDERS table based on the current date:
-SELECT * FROM sales.orders
-WHERE deliv_date >= CURRENT_DATE;
-* The PROJECT table has a column EST_COMPLETE of type INTERVAL DAY. If
-the current date is the start date of your project, determine the
-estimated date of completion:
-SELECT projdesc, CURRENT_DATE + est_complete FROM persnl.project;
-Project/Description (EXPR)
-------------------- ----------
-SALT LAKE CITY      2008-01-18
-ROSS PRODUCTS       2008-02-02
-MONTANA TOOLS       2008-03-03
-AHAUS TOOL/SUPPLY   2008-03-03
-THE WORKS           2008-02-02
-THE WORKS           2008-02-02
---- 6 row(s) selected.
-== CURRENT_TIME Function
-The CURRENT_TIME function returns the current local time as a value of
-type TIME.
-The function is evaluated once when the query starts execution and is
-not reevaluated (even if it is a long running query).
-CURRENT_TIME [(precision)]
-* `_precision_`
-is an integer value in the range 0 to 6 that specifies the precision of
-(the number of decimal places in) the fractional seconds in the returned
-value. The default is 0.
-For example, the function CURRENT_TIME (2) returns the current time as a
-value of data type TIME, where the precision of the fractional seconds
-is 2, for example, 14:01:59.30. The value returned is not a string
-=== Examples of CURRENT_TIME
-* Use CURRENT_DATE and CURRENT_TIME as a value in an inserted row:
-INSERT INTO stats.logfile (user_key, run_date, run_time, user_name)
-The CURRENT_TIMESTAMP function returns a value of type TIMESTAMP based
-on the current local date and time.
-The function is evaluated once when the query starts execution and is
-not reevaluated (even if it is a long running query).
-You can also use the <<current_function,CURRENT Function>>.
-CURRENT_TIMESTAMP [(_precision_)]
-* `_precision_`
-is an integer value in the range 0 to 6 that specifies the precision of
-(the number of decimal places in) the fractional seconds in the returned
-value. The default is 6.
-For example, the function CURRENT_TIMESTAMP (2) returns the current date
-and time as a value of data type TIMESTAMP, where the precision of the
-fractional seconds is 2; for example, 2008-06-26 09:01:20.89. The value
-returned is not a string value.
-=== Examples of CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
-* The PROJECT table contains a column SHIP_TIMESTAMP of data type
-TIMESTAMP. Update a row by using the CURRENT_TIMESTAMP value:
-UPDATE persnl.project
-SET ship_timestamp = CURRENT_TIMESTAMP WHERE projcode = 1000;
-== CURRENT_USER Function
-The CURRENT_USER function returns the database user name of the current
-user who invoked the function. The current user is the authenticated
-user who started the session. That database user name is used for
-authorization of SQL statements in the current session.
-The CURRENT_USER function is similar to the <<user_function,USER Function>>.
-=== Considerations for CURRENT_USER
-* This function can be specified only in the top level of a SELECT statement.
-* The value returned is string data type VARCHAR(128) and is in ISO8859-1 encoding.
-=== Examples of CURRENT_USER
-* This example retrieves the database user name for the current user:
-SELECT CURRENT_USER FROM (values(1)) x(a);
---- 1 row(s) selected.
-== DATE_ADD Function
-The DATE_ADD function adds the interval specified by
-_interval_expression_ to _datetime_expr_. If the specified interval is
-in years or months, DATE_ADD normalizes the result. See
-<<standard_normalization,Standard Normalization>>. The type of the
-_datetime_expr_ is returned, unless the _interval_expression_ contains
-any time components, then a timestamp is returned.
-DATE_ADD is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DATE_ADD (datetime-expr, interval-expression)
-* `_datetime-expr_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-* `_interval-expression_`
-is an expression that can be combined in specific ways with addition
-operators. The _interval_expression_ accepts all interval expression
-types that the {project-name} database software considers as valid interval
-expressions. See <<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of DATE_ADD
-* This function returns the value DATE '2007-03-07'
-DATE_ADD(DATE '2007-02-28', INTERVAL '7' DAY)
-* This function returns the value DATE '2008-03-06'
-DATE_ADD(DATE '2008-02-28', INTERVAL '7' DAY)
-* This function returns the timestamp '2008-03-07 00:00:00'
-DATE_ADD(timestamp'2008-02-29 00:00:00', INTERVAL '7' DAY)
-* This function returns the timestamp '2008-02-28 23:59:59'
-DATE_ADD(timestamp '2007-02-28 23:59:59', INTERVAL '12' MONTH)
-NOTE: compare this example with the last example under DATE_SUB.
-== DATE_SUB Function
-The DATE_SUB function subtracts the specified _interval_expression_ from
-_datetime_expr_. If the specified interval is in years or months,
-DATE_SUB normalizes the result. See <<standard_normalization,Standard Normalization>>.
-The type of the _datetime_expr_ is returned, unless the _interval_expression_ contains
-any time components, then a timestamp is returned.
-DATE_SUB is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DATE_SUB (datetime-expr, interval-expression)
-* `_datetime-expr_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime_Value_Expression>>.
-* `_interval-expression_`
-is an expression that can be combined in specific ways with subtraction
-operators. The _interval_expression_  accepts all interval expression
-types that the {project-name} database software considers as valid interval
-expressions. see <<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of DATE_SUB
-* This function returns the value DATE '2009-02-28'
-DATE_SUB(DATE '2009-03-07', INTERVAL'7' DAY)
-* This function returns the value DATE '2008-02-29'
-DATE_SUB(DATE '2008-03-07', INTERVAL'7' DAY)
-* This function returns the timestamp '2008-02-29 00:00:00'
-DATE_SUB(timestamp '2008-03-31 00:00:00', INTERVAL '31' DAY)
-* This function returns the timestamp '2007-02-28 23:59:59'
-DATE_SUB(timestamp '2008-02-29 23:59:59', INTERVAL '12' MONTH)
-== DATEADD Function
-The DATEADD function adds the interval of time specified by _datepart_
-and _num-expr_ to _datetime-expr_. If the specified interval is in
-years or months, DATEADD normalizes the result. See
-<<standard_normalization,Standard Normalization>>. The type of the
-_datetime-expr_ is returned, unless the interval expression contains any
-time components, then a timestamp is returned.
-DATEADD is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DATEADD(datepart, num-expr, datetime-expr)
-* `_datepart_`
-following abbreviations:
-| YEAR    | _YY_ and _YYYY_
-| MONTH   | _M_ and _MM_
-| DAY     | _D_ and _DD_
-| HOUR    | _HH_
-| MINUTE  | _MI_ and _M_
-| SECOND  | _SS_ and _S_
-| QUARTER | _Q_ and _QQ_
-| WEEK    | _WW_ and _WK_
-* `_num-expr_`
-is an SQL exact numeric value expression that specifies how many
-_datepart_ units of time are to be added to _datetime_expr_. If
-_num_expr_ has a fractional portion, it is ignored. If _num_expr_ is
-negative, the return value precedes _datetime_expr_ by the specified
-amount of time. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>.
-* `_datetime-expr_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. The type of the _datetime_expression_ is returned, unless the
-interval expression contains any time components, then a timestamp is
-returned. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of DATEADD
-* This function adds seven days to the date specified in _start_date_
-DATEADD(DAY, 7,start_date)
-* This function returns the value DATE '2009-03-07'
-DATEADD(DAY, 7 , DATE '2009-02-28')
-* This function returns the value DATE '2008-03-06'
-DATEADD(DAY, 7, DATE '2008-02-28')
-* This function returns the timestamp '2008-03-07 00:00:00'
-DATEADD(DAY, 7, timestamp'2008-02-29 00:00:00')
-== DATEDIFF Function
-The DATEDIFF function returns the integer value for the number of
-_datepart_ units of time between _startdate_ and _enddate_. If
-_enddate_ precedes _startdate_, the return value is negative or zero.
-DATEDIFF is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DATEDIFF (datepart, startdate, enddate)
-* `datepart`
-following abbreviations:
-| YEAR    | _YY_ and _YYYY_
-| MONTH   | _M_ and _MM_
-| DAY     | _D_ and _DD_
-| HOUR    | _HH_
-| MINUTE  | _MI_ and _M_
-| SECOND  | _SS_ and _S_
-| QUARTER | _Q_ and QQ
-| WEEK    | _WW_ and _WK_
-* `startdate`
-may be of type DATE or TIMESTAMP.
-See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-* `enddate`
-may be of type DATE or TIMESTAMP.
-See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-The method of counting crossed boundaries such as days, minutes, and
-seconds makes the result given by DATEDIFF consistent across all data
-types. The result is a signed integer value equal to the number of
-datepart boundaries crossed between the first and second date.
-For example, the number of weeks between Sunday, January 4, and Sunday,
-January 1 , is 1. The number of months between March 31 and April 1
-would be 1 because the month boundary is crossed from March to April.
-The DATEDIFF function generates an error if the result is out of range
-for integer values. For seconds, the maximum number is equivalent to
-approximately 68 years. The DATEDIFF function generates an error if a
-difference in weeks is requested and one of the two dates precedes
-January 7 of the year 0001.
-=== Examples of DATEDIFF
-* This function returns the value of 0 because no one-second boundaries
-are crossed.
-        , TIMESTAMP '2006-09-12 11:59:58.999998'
-        , TIMESTAMP '2006-09-12 11:59:58.999999'
-        )
-* This function returns the value 1 because a one-second boundary is
-crossed even though the two timestamps differ by only one microsecond.
-        , TIMESTAMP '2006-09-12 11:59:58.999999'
-        , TIMESTAMP '2006-09-12 11:59:59.000000'
-        )
-* This function returns the value of 0.
-        , TIMESTAMP '2006-12-31 23:59:59.999998'
-        , TIMESTAMP '2006-12-31 23:59:59.999999'
-        )
-* This function returns the value of 1 because a year boundary is
-        , TIMESTAMP '2006-12-31 23:59:59.999999'
-        , TIMESTAMP '2007-01-01 00:00:00.000000'
-        )
-* This function returns the value of 2 because two WEEK boundaries are
-DATEDIFF(WEEK, DATE '2006-01-01', DATE '2006-01-09')
-* This function returns the value of -29.
-DATEDIFF(DAY, DATE '2008-03-01', DATE '2008-02-01')
-=== DATEFORMAT Function
-The DATEFORMAT function returns a datetime value as a character string
-literal in the DEFAULT, USA, or EUROPEAN format. The data type of the
-result is CHAR.
-DATEFORMAT is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DATEFORMAT (datetime-expression,{DEFAULT | USA | EUROPEAN})
-* `_datetime-expression_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE, TIME,
-or TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-specifies a format for a datetime value. See <<datetime_literals,Datetime Literals>>.
-=== Considerations for DATEFORMAT
-The DATEFORMAT function returns the datetime value in ISO8859-1
-=== Examples of DATEFORMAT
-* Convert a datetime literal in DEFAULT format to a string in USA
-format: DATEFORMAT (TIMESTAMP '2008-06-20 14:20:20.00', USA) The
-function returns this string literal:
-'06/20/2008 02:20:20.00 PM'
-* Convert a datetime literal in DEFAULT format to a string in European
-format: DATEFORMAT (TIMESTAMP '2008-06-20 14:20:20.00', EUROPEAN) The
-function returns this string literal:
-== DATE_PART Function (of an Interval)
-The DATE_PART function extracts the datetime field specified by _text_
-from the _interval_ value specified by _interval_ and returns the result
-as an exact numeric value. The DATE_PART function accepts the
-specification of 'YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY', 'HOUR', 'MINUTE', or 'SECOND'
-for text.
-DATE_PART is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DATEPART (text, interval)
-* `_text_`
-specifies YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTE, or SECOND. The value must be
-enclosed in single quotes.
-* `_interval_`
-_interval_ accepts all interval expression types that the {project-name}
-database software considers as valid interval expressions. See
-<<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>.
-The DATE_PART(_text_, _interval_) is equivalent to EXTRACT(_text_,
-_interval_), except that the DATE_PART function requires single quotes
-around the text specification, where EXTRACT does not allow single
-When SECOND is specified the fractional part of the second is returned.
-=== Examples of DATE_PART
-* This function returns the value of 7.
-* This function returns the value of 6.
-* This function returns the value of 36.33.
-== DATE_PART Function (of a Timestamp)
-The DATE_PART function extracts the datetime field specified by _text_
-from the datetime value specified by _datetime_expr_ and returns the
-result as an exact numeric value. The DATE_PART function accepts the
-specification of 'YEAR', 'YEARQUARTER', 'YEARMONTH', 'YEARWEEK',
-'MONTH', 'DAY', 'HOUR', 'MINUTE', or 'SECOND' for text.
-The DATE_PART function of a timestamp can be changed to DATE_PART
-function of a datetime because the second argument can be either a
-timestamp or a date expression.
-DATE_PART is a {project-name} extension.
-DATEPART(text, datetime-expr)
-* `_text_`
-MINUTE, or SECOND. The value must be enclosed in single quotes.
-** *YEARMONTH*: Extracts the year and the month, as a 6-digit integer of
-the form yyyymm (100 \* year + month).
-** *YEARQUARTER*: Extracts the year and quarter, as a 5-digit integer of
-the form yyyyq, (10 \* year + quarter) with q being 1 for the first
-quarter, 2 for the second, and so on.
-** *YEARWEEK*: Extracts the year and week of the year, as a 6-digit integer
-of the form yyyyww (100 \* year + week). The week number will be computed
-in the same way as in the WEEK function.
-* `_datetime-expr_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-DATE_PART(_text_, _datetime-expr_) is mostly equivalent to
-EXTRACT(_text_, _datetime-expr_), except that DATE_PART requires
-single quotes around the text specification where EXTRACT does not allow
-single quotes. In addition, you cannot use the YEARQUARTER, YEARMONTH,
-and YEARWEEK text specification with EXTRACT.
-=== Examples of DATE_PART
-* This function returns the value of 12.
-DATE_PART('month', date'12/05/2006')
-* This function returns the value of 2006.
-DATE_PART('year', date'12/05/2006')
-* This function returns the value of 31.
-DATE_PART('day', TIMESTAMP '2006-12-31 11:59:59.999999')
-* This function returns the value 201 07.
-DATE_PART('YEARMONTH', date '2011-07-25')
-== DATE_TRUNC Function
-The DATE_TRUNC function returns a value of type TIMESTAMP, which has all
-fields of lesser precision than _text_ set to zero (or 1 in the case of
-months or days).
-DATE_TRUNC is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DATE_TRUNC(text, datetime-expr)
-* `_text_`
-specifies 'YEAR', 'MONTH', 'DAY', 'HOUR', 'MINUTE', or 'SECOND'. The
-DATE_TRUNC function also accepts the specification of 'CENTURY' or 'DECADE'.
-* `_datetime_expr_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. DATE_TRUNC returns a value of type TIMESTAMP which has all
-fields of lesser precision than _text_ set to zero (or 1 in the case of
-months or days). See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of DATE_TRUNC
-* This function returns the value of TIMESTAMP '2006-12-31 00:00:00'.
-DATE_TRUNC('day', TIMESTAMP '2006-12-31 11:59:59')
-* This function returns the value of TIMESTAMP '2006-01-01 00:00:00'
-DATE_TRUNC('YEAR', TIMESTAMP '2006-12-31 11:59:59')
-* This function returns the value of TIMESTAMP '2006-12-01 00:00:00'
-DATE_TRUNC('MONTH', DATE '2006-12-31')
-* DATE_TRUNC( 'DECADE', &#8230;) cannot be used on years less than 10.
-* DATE_TRUNC( 'CENTURY', &#8230;) cannot be used on years less than 100.
-== DAY Function
-The DAY function converts a DATE or TIMESTAMP expression into an INTEGER
-value in the range 1 through 31 that represents the corresponding day of
-the month. The result returned by the DAY function is equal to the
-result returned by the DAYOFMONTH function.
-DAY is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DAY (datetime-expression)
-* `_datetime-expression_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-=== Examples of Day
-* Return an integer that represents the day of the month from the
-start date column of the project table:
-SELECT start_date, ship_timestamp, DAY(start_date)
-FROM persnl.project
-WHERE projcode = 1000;
-Start/Date Time/Shipped               (EXPR)
----------- -------------------------- ------
-2008-04-10 2008-04-21 08:15:00.000000     10
-== DAYNAME Function
-The DAYNAME function converts a DATE or TIMESTAMP expression into a
-character literal that is the name of the day of the week (Sunday,
-Monday, and so on).
-DAYNAME is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DAYNAME (datetime-expression)
-* `_datetime-expression_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or
-TIMESTAMP. See <<datetime_value_expressions,Datetime Value Expressions>>.
-=== Considerations for DAYNAME
-The DAYNAME function returns the name of the day in ISO8859-1.
-=== Examples of DAYNAME
-Return the name of the day of the week from the start date column in the
-project table:
-SELECT start_date, ship_timestamp, DAYNAME(start_date)
-FROM persnl.project
-WHERE projcode = 1000;
-Start/Date Time/Shipped               (EXPR)
----------- -------------------------- ---------
-2008-04-10 2008-04-21 08:15:00.000000 Thursday
-== DAYOFMONTH Function
-The DAYOFMONTH function converts a DATE or TIMESTAMP expression into an
-INTEGER value in the range 1 through 31 that represents the
-corresponding day of the month. The result returned by the DAYOFMONTH
-function is equal to the result returned by the DAY function.
-DAYOFMONTH is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-DAYOFMONTH (datetime-expression)
-* `_datetime-expression_`
-is an expression that evaluates to a datetime value of type DATE or


[14/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Added links to the QQ Chinese Trafodion discussion group.

Posted by
Added links to the QQ Chinese Trafodion discussion group.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 9d3ad45550524e27910f486c6417cae04a384bd6
Parents: da748b4
Author: Gunnar Tapper <>
Authored: Wed Nov 2 19:47:38 2016 +0000
Committer: Gunnar Tapper <>
Committed: Wed Nov 2 19:47:38 2016 +0000

 docs/src/site/markdown/ | 2 ++
 docs/src/site/site.xml          | 3 ++-
 2 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/docs/src/site/markdown/ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
index 875b8e5..4206129 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/markdown/
+++ b/docs/src/site/markdown/
@@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Trafodion provides SQL access to structured, semi-structured, and unstructured d
   <p><h5>We're working on release 2.1!</h5></p> 
   <p>Check out the <a href="">Roadmap</a> page for planned content.</p>
+  <p><h5>Want to disucss Trafodion in Chinese? Join the Trafodion discussion on Tencent QQ!</h5></p> 
+  <p><a href="">QQ</a> Group ID: 176011868.</p>
 <!-- 20160524 GTA Need more logos before using this part.
diff --git a/docs/src/site/site.xml b/docs/src/site/site.xml
index c7dfd8b..64328df 100644
--- a/docs/src/site/site.xml
+++ b/docs/src/site/site.xml
@@ -217,7 +217,8 @@
       <item href="team-redirect.html" name="Team"/>
       <item href="presentations.html" name="Presentations"/>
       <item href="logo.html" name="Logo"/>
-      <item href="mail-lists.html" name="Mailing List"/>
+      <item href="mail-lists.html" name="Mailing Lists"/>
+      <item href="" name="QQ (Group ID:176011868)"/>
       <item href="http:divider" name=""/>
       <item href="source-repository.html" name="Source Repository"/>
       <item href="issue-tracking.html" name="Issue Tracking"/>

[15/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Merge [TRAFODION-2323] PR-808 Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide

Posted by
Merge [TRAFODION-2323] PR-808 Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: e26b20601134e99bbb4a0986e8ec43153260c632
Parents: 6862bf7 9d3ad45
Author: Gunnar Tapper <>
Authored: Thu Nov 3 05:29:06 2016 +0000
Committer: Gunnar Tapper <>
Committed: Thu Nov 3 05:29:06 2016 +0000

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 docs/src/site/site.xml                          |     3 +-
 68 files changed, 30733 insertions(+), 29910 deletions(-)

[09/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

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diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
index b22f498..abbb0a3 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/introduction.adoc
@@ -1,518 +1,518 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= Introduction
-The {project-name} SQL database software allows you to use SQL statements, which comply closely to
-ANSI SQL:1999, to access data in {project-name} SQL tables, which map to HBase tables, and to access
-native HBase tables and Hive tables.
-This introduction describes:
-* <<sql_language,SQL Language>>
-* <<using_trafodion_sql_to_access_hbase_tables,Using {project-name} SQL to Access HBase Tables>>
-* <<using_trafodion_sql_to_access_hive_tables,Using {project-name} SQL to Access Hive Tables>>
-* <<data_consistency_and_access_options,Data Consistency and Access Options>>
-* <<transaction_management,Transaction Management>>
-* <<ansi_compliance_and_trafodion_sql_extensions,ANSI Compliance and {project-name} SQL Extensions>>
-* <<trafodion_sql_error_messages,{project-name} SQL Error Messages>>
-Other sections of this manual describe the syntax and semantics of individual statements, commands, and language elements.
-== SQL Language
-The SQL language consists of statements and other language elements that you can use to access SQL
-databases. For descriptions of individual SQL statements, see <<"sql_statements","SQL Statements">>.
-SQL language elements are part of statements and commands and include data types, expressions, functions,
-identifiers, literals, and predicates. For more information, see:
-* <<sql_language,SQL Language>>
-* <<elements,Elements>>
-* <<sql_clauses,SQL Clauses>>
-For information on specific functions and expressions, see:
-* <<sql_functions_and_expressions,SQL Functions and Expressions>>
-* <<olap_functions,OLAP Functions>>
-== Using {project-name} SQL to Access HBase Tables
-You can use {project-name} SQL statements to read, update, and create HBase tables.
-* <<initializing_the_trafodion_metadata,Initializing the {project-name} Metadata>>
-* <<ways_to_access_hbase_tables,Ways to Access HBase Tables>>
-* <<trafodion_sql_tables_versus_native_hbase_tables,{project-name} SQL Tables Versus Native HBase Tables>>
-* <<supported_sql_statements_with_hbase_tables,Supported SQL Statements With HBase Tables>>
-For a list of Control Query Default (CQD) settings for the HBase environment, see the
-{docs-url}/cqd_reference/index.hmtl[{project-name} Control Query Default (CQD) Reference Guide].
-=== Ways to Access HBase Tables
-{project-name} SQL supports these ways to access HBase tables:
-* <<accessing_trafodion_sql_tables,Accessing {project-name} SQL Tables>>
-* <<cell_per_row_access_to_hbase_tables,Cell-Per-Row Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)>>
-* <<rowwise_access_to_hbase_tables,Rowwise Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)>>
-==== Accessing {project-name} SQL Tables
-A {project-name} SQL table is a relational SQL table generated by a `CREATE TABLE` statement and mapped
-to an HBase table. {project-name} SQL tables have regular ANSI names in the catalog `TRAFODION`.
-A {project-name} SQL table name can be a fully qualified ANSI name of the form
-To access a {project-name} SQL table, specify its ANSI table name in a {project-name} SQL statement, similar
-to how you would specify an ANSI table name when running SQL statements in a relational database.
-CREATE TABLE trafodion.sales.odetail
-, unit_price NUMERIC (8,2) NO DEFAULT NOT NULL
-, PRIMARY KEY (ordernum, partnum)
-INSERT INTO trafodion.sales.odetail VALUES ( 900000, 7301, 425.00, 100 );
-SET SCHEMA trafodion.sales;
-SELECT * FROM odetail;
-For more information about {project-name} SQL tables, see
-<<trafodion_sql_tables_versus_native_hbase_tables,{project-name} SQL Tables Versus Native HBase Tables>>.
-==== Cell-Per-Row Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)
-NOTE: This is a _Technology Preview (Complete But Not Tested)_ feature, meaning that it is functionally
-complete but has not been tested or debugged. 
-To access HBase data using cell-per-row mode, specify the schema `HBASE."_CELL_"` and the full ANSI
-name of the table as a delimited table name. You can specify the name of any HBase table, regardless of whether
-it was created through {project-name} SQL.
-select * from hbase."_CELL_"."TRAFODION.MYSCH.MYTAB";
-select * from hbase."_CELL_"."table_created_in_HBase";
-All tables accessed through this schema have the same column layout:
->>invoke hbase."_CELL_"."table_created_in_HBase";
-  (
-  ROW_ID        VARCHAR(100)    ...
-, COL_FAMILY    VARCHAR(100)    ...
-, COL_NAME      VARCHAR(100)    ...
-, COL_VALUE     VARCHAR(1000) ...
->>select * from hbase."_CELL_"."mytab";
-==== Rowwise Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)
-NOTE: This is a _Technology Preview (Complete But Not Tested)_ feature, meaning that it is functionally
-complete but has not been tested or debugged.
-To access HBase data using rowwise mode, specify the schema `HBASE."_ROW_"` and the full ANSI name of the
-table as a delimited table name. You can specify the name of any HBase table, regardless of whether
-it was created through {project-name} SQL.
-select * from hbase."_ROW_"."TRAFODION.MYSCH.MYTAB";
-select * from hbase."_ROW_"."table_created_in_HBase";
-All column values of the row are returned as a single, big varchar:
->>invoke hbase."_ROW_"."mytab";
-  ROW_ID VARCHAR(100) ...
->>select * from hbase."_ROW_"."mytab";
-=== {project-name} SQL Tables Versus Native HBase Tables
-{project-name} SQL tables have many advantages over regular HBase tables:
-* They can be made to look like regular, structured SQL tables with fixed columns.
-* They support the usual SQL data types supported in relational databases.
-* They support compound keys, unlike HBase tables that have a single row key (a string).
-* They support indexes.
-* They support _salting_, which is a technique of adding a hash value of the row key as a
-key prefix to avoid hot spots for sequential keys. For the syntax,
-see the <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>>.
-The problem with {project-name} SQL tables is that they use a fixed format to represent column values,
-making it harder for native HBase applications to access them. Also, they have a fixed structure,
-so users lose the flexibility of dynamic columns that comes with HBase.
-=== Supported SQL Statements With HBase Tables
-You can use these SQL statements with HBase tables:
-| <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>             | <<insert_statement,INSERT Statement>>
-| <<update_statement,UPDATE Statement>>             | <<delete_statement,DELETE Statement>>
-| <<merge_statement,MERGE Statement>>               | <<get_statement,GET Statement>>
-| <<invoke_statement,INVOKE Statement>>             | <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>
-| <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>> | <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>>
-| <<create_view_statement,CREATE VIEW Statement>>   | <<drop_index_statement,DROP INDEX Statement>>
-| <<drop_table_statement,DROP TABLE Statement>>     | <<drop_view_statement,DROP VIEW Statement>>
-| <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>>               | <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>
-== Using {project-name} SQL to Access Hive Tables
-You can use {project-name} SQL statements to access Hive tables.
-* <<ansi_names_for_hive_tables,ANSI Names for Hive Tables>>
-* <<type_mapping_from_hive_to_trafodion_sql,Type Mapping From Hive to {project-name} SQL>>
-* <<supported_sql_statements_with_hive_tables,Supported SQL Statements With Hive Tables>>
-For a list of Control Query Default (CQD) settings for the Hive environment, see the
-{docs-url}/cqd_reference/index.hmtl[{project-name} Control Query Default (CQD) Reference Guide].
-=== ANSI Names for Hive Tables
-Hive tables appear in the {project-name} Hive ANSI name space in a special catalog and schema named `HIVE.HIVE`.
-To select from a Hive table named `T`, specify an implicit or explicit name, such as `HIVE.HIVE.T`,
-in a {project-name} SQL statement.
-This example should work if a Hive table named `T` has already been defined:
-set schema hive.hive;
-CQD HIVE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH '20'; -- creates a more readable display
-select * from t; -- implicit table name
-set schema trafodion.seabase;
-select * from hive.hive.t; -- explicit table name
-=== Type Mapping From Hive to {project-name} SQL
-{project-name} performs the following data-type mappings:
-| Hive Type             | {project-name} SQL Type
-| `tinyint`             | `smallint`
-| `smallint`            | `smallint`
-| `int`                 | `int`
-| `bigint`              | `largeint`
-| `string`              | `varchar(_n_ bytes) character set utf8`^1^
-| `float`               | `real`
-| `double`              | `float(54)`
-| `timestamp`           | `timestamp(6)`^2^
-1. The value `_n_` is determined by `CQD HIVE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH`. See the
-{docs-url}/cqd_reference/index.hmtl[{project-name} Control Query Default (CQD) Reference Guide].
-2. Hive supports timestamps with nanosecond resolution (precision of 9). {project-name} SQL supports only microsecond resolution (precision 6).
-=== Supported SQL Statements With Hive Tables
-You can use these SQL statements with Hive tables:
-* <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>
-* <<load_statement,LOAD Statement>>
-* GET TABLES (See the <<get_statement,GET Statement>>.)
-* <<invoke_statement,INVOKE Statement>>
-== Data Consistency and Access Options
-Access options for DML statements affect the consistency of the data that your query accesses.
-For any DML statement, you specify access options by using the `FOR _option_ ACCESS` clause and,
-for a `SELECT` statement, by using this same clause, you can also specify access options for individual
-tables and views referenced in the FROM clause.
-The possible settings for `_option_` in a DML statement are:
-* <<read_committed,READ COMMITTED>>
-Specifies that the data accessed by the DML statement must be from committed rows.
-The SQL default access option for DML statements is `READ COMMITTED`.
-For related information about transactions, see
-<<transaction_isolation_levels,Transaction Isolation Levels>>.
-This option allows you to access only committed data.
-The implementation requires that a lock can be acquired on the data requested by the DML statement\u2014but
-does not actually lock the data, thereby reducing lock request conflicts. If a lock cannot be granted
-(implying that the row contains uncommitted data), the DML statement request waits until the lock in
-place is released.
-READ COMMITTED provides the next higher level of data consistency (compared to READ UNCOMMITTED).
-A statement executing with this access option does not allow dirty reads, but both non-repeatable reads
-and phantoms are possible.
-READ COMMITTED provides sufficient consistency for any process that does not require a repeatable read
-READ COMMITTED is the default isolation level.
-== Transaction Management
-A transaction (a set of database changes that must be completed as a group) is the basic recoverable unit
-in case of a failure or transaction interruption. Transactions are controlled through client tools that
-interact with the database using ODBC or JDBC.
-The typical order of events is:
-1.  Transaction is started.
-2.  Database changes are made.
-3.  Transaction is committed.
-If, however, the changes cannot be made or if you do not want to complete the transaction, then you can abort
-the transaction so that the database is rolled back to its original state.
-This subsection discusses these considerations for transaction management:
-* <<user_defined_and_system_defined_transactions,User-Defined and System-Defined Transactions>>
-* <<rules_for_dml_statements,Rules for DML Statements>>
-* <<effect_of_autocommit_option,Effect of AUTOCOMMIT Option>>
-* <<concurrency,Concurrency>>
-* <<transaction_isolation_levels,Transaction Isolation Levels>>
-=== User-Defined and System-Defined Transactions
-Transactions you define are called _user-defined transactions_. To be sure that a sequence of statements executes
-successfully or not at all, you can define one transaction consisting of these statements by using the BEGIN WORK
-statement and COMMIT WORK statement. You can abort a transaction by using the ROLLBACK WORK statement.
-If AUTOCOMMIT is on, then you do not have to end the transaction explicitly as {project-name} SQL will end the transaction
-automatically. Sometimes an error occurs that requires the user-defined transaction to be aborted. {project-name} SQL
-will automatically abort the transaction and return an error indicating that the transaction was rolled back.
-==== System-Defined Transactions
-In some cases, {project-name} SQL defines transactions for you. These transactions are called _system-defined transactions_.
-Most DML statements initiate transactions implicitly at the start of execution.
-See <<implicit_transactions,Implicit Transactions>>.
-However, even if a transaction is initiated implicitly, you must end a transaction explicitly with the COMMIT WORK
-statement or the ROLLBACK WORK statement. If AUTOCOMMIT is on, you do not need to end a transaction explicitly.
-=== Rules for DML Statements
-If deadlock occurs, the DML statement times out and receives an error.
-=== Effect of AUTOCOMMIT Option
-AUTOCOMMIT is an option that can be set in a SET TRANSACTION statement. It specifies whether {project-name} SQL will commit
-automatically, or roll back if an error occurs, at the end of statement execution. This option applies to any statement
-for which the system initiates a transaction. See <<set_transaction_statement,SET TRANSACTION Statement>>.
-If this option is set to ON, {project-name} SQL automatically commits any changes, or rolls back any changes, made to the
-database at the end of statement execution.
-=== Concurrency
-Concurrency is defined by two or more processes accessing the same data at the same time. The degree of concurrency
-available &#8212; whether a process that requests access to data that is already being accessed is given access or placed
-in a wait queue &#8212; depends on the purpose of the access mode (read or update) and the isolation level. Currently, the only
-isolation level is READ COMMITTED.
-{project-name} SQL provides concurrent database access for most operations and controls database access through concurrency
-control and the mechanism for opening and closing tables. For DML operations, the access option affects the degree of
-concurrency. See <<data_consistency_and_access_options,Data Consistency and Access Options>>.
-=== Transaction Isolation Levels
-A transaction has an isolation level that is <<read_committed,READ COMMITTED>>.
-This option, which is ANSI compliant, allows your transaction to access only committed data. No row locks are acquired
-when READ COMMITTED is the specified isolation level.
-READ COMMITTED provides the next level of data consistency. A transaction executing with this isolation level does not
-allow dirty reads, but both non-repeatable reads and phantoms are possible.
-READ COMMITTED provides sufficient consistency for any transaction that does not require a repeatable-read capability.
-The default isolation level is READ COMMITTED.
-== ANSI Compliance and {project-name} SQL Extensions
-{project-name} SQL complies most closely with Core SQL 99. {project-name} SQL also includes some features from SQL 99 and part of
-the SQL 2003 standard, and special {project-name} SQL extensions to the SQL language.
-Statements and SQL elements in this manual are ANSI compliant unless specified as {project-name} SQL extensions.
-=== ANSI-Compliant Statements
-These statements are ANSI compliant, but some might contain {project-name} SQL extensions:
-| <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>           | <<call_statement,CALL Statement>>
-| <<commit_work_statement,COMMIT WORK Statement>>           | <<create_function_statement,CREATE FUNCTION Statement>>
-| <<create_procedure_statement,CREATE PROCEDURE Statement>> | <<create_role_statement,CREATE ROLE Statement>>
-| <<create_schema_statement,CREATE SCHEMA Statement>>       | <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>>
-| <<create_view_statement,CREATE VIEW Statement>>           | <<delete_statement,DELETE Statement>>
-| <<drop_function_statement,DROP FUNCTION Statement>>       | <<drop_procedure_statement,DROP PROCEDURE Statement>>
-| <<drop_role_statement,DROP ROLE Statement>>               | <<drop_schema_statement,DROP SCHEMA Statement>>
-| <<drop_table_statement,DROP TABLE Statement>>             | <<drop_view_statement,DROP VIEW Statement>>
-| <<execute_statement,EXECUTE Statement>>                   | <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>>
-| <<grant_role_statement,GRANT ROLE Statement>>             | <<insert_statement,INSERT Statement>>
-| <<merge_statement,MERGE Statement>>                       | <<prepare_statement,PREPARE Statement>>
-| <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>                     | <<revoke_role_statement,REVOKE ROLE Statement>>
-| <<rollback_work_statement,ROLLBACK WORK Statement>>       | <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>
-| <<set_schema_statement,SET SCHEMA Statement>>             | <<set_transaction_statement,SET TRANSACTION Statement>>
-| <<table_statement,TABLE Statement>>                       | <<update_statement,UPDATE Statement>>
-| <<values_statement,VALUES Statement>>
-=== Statements That Are {project-name} SQL Extensions
-These statements are {project-name} SQL extensions to the ANSI standard.
-| <<alter_library_statement,ALTER LIBRARY Statement>>                           | <<alter_user_statement,ALTER USER Statement>>
-| <<begin_work_statement,BEGIN WORK Statement>>                                 | <<control_query_cancel_statement,CONTROL QUERY CANCEL Statement>>
-| <<control_query_default_statement,CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT Statement>>           | <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>>
-| <<create_library_statement,CREATE LIBRARY Statement>>                         | <<drop_index_statement,DROP INDEX Statement>>
-| <<drop_library_statement,DROP LIBRARY Statement>>                             | <<explain_statement,EXPLAIN Statement>>
-| <<get_statement,GET Statement>>                                               | <<get_hbase_objects_statement,GET HBASE OBJECTS Statement>>
-| <<get_version_of_metadata_statement,GET VERSION OF METADATA Statement>>       | <<get_version_of_software_statement,GET VERSION OF SOFTWARE Statement>>
-| <<grant_component_privilege_statement,GRANT COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>>   | <<invoke_statement,INVOKE Statement>>
-| <<load_statement,LOAD Statement>>                                             | <<register_user_statement,REGISTER USER Statement>>
-| <<revoke_component_privilege_statement,REVOKE COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>> | <<showcontrol_statement,SHOWCONTROL Statement>>
-| <<showddl_statement,SHOWDDL Statement>>                                       | <<showddl_schema_statement,SHOWDDL SCHEMA Statement>>
-| <<showstats_statement,SHOWSTATS Statement>>                                   | <<unload_statement,UNLOAD Statement>>
-| <<unregister_user_statement,UNREGISTER USER Statement>>                       | <<update_statistics_statement,UPDATE STATISTICS Statement>>
-| <<upsert_statement,UPSERT Statement>>
-=== ANSI-Compliant Functions
-These functions are ANSI compliant, but some might contain {project-name} SQL extensions:
-| <<avg,AVG function>>          | <<case, CASE expression>>
-| <<cast,CAST expression>>      | <<char_length,CHAR_LENGTH>>
-| <<coalesce,COALESCE>>         | <<count,COUNT Function>>
-| <<current,CURRENT>>           | <<current_date,CURRENT_DATE>>
-| <<current_time,CURRENT_TIME>> | <<current_timestamp,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP>>
-| <<current_user,CURRENT_USER>> | <<extract,EXTRACT>>
-| <<lower,LOWER>>               | <<max,MAX>>
-| <<min,MIN>>                   | <<nullif,NULLIF>>
-| <<octet_length,OCTET_LENGTH>> | <<position,POSITION>>
-| <<session_user,SESSION_USER>> | <<substring,SUBSTRING>>
-| <<sum,SUM>>                   | <<trim,TRIM>>
-| <<upper,UPPER>>
-All other functions are {project-name} SQL extensions.
-== {project-name} SQL Error Messages
-{project-name} SQL reports error messages and exception conditions. When an error condition occurs,
-{project-name} SQL returns a message number and a brief description of the condition.
-{project-name} SQL might display this error message:
-*** ERROR[1000] A syntax error occurred.
-The message number is the SQLCODE value (without the sign). In this example, the SQLCODE value is `1000`.
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= Introduction
+The {project-name} SQL database software allows you to use SQL statements, which comply closely to
+ANSI SQL:1999, to access data in {project-name} SQL tables, which map to HBase tables, and to access
+native HBase tables and Hive tables.
+This introduction describes:
+* <<sql_language,SQL Language>>
+* <<using_trafodion_sql_to_access_hbase_tables,Using {project-name} SQL to Access HBase Tables>>
+* <<using_trafodion_sql_to_access_hive_tables,Using {project-name} SQL to Access Hive Tables>>
+* <<data_consistency_and_access_options,Data Consistency and Access Options>>
+* <<transaction_management,Transaction Management>>
+* <<ansi_compliance_and_trafodion_sql_extensions,ANSI Compliance and {project-name} SQL Extensions>>
+* <<trafodion_sql_error_messages,{project-name} SQL Error Messages>>
+Other sections of this manual describe the syntax and semantics of individual statements, commands, and language elements.
+== SQL Language
+The SQL language consists of statements and other language elements that you can use to access SQL
+databases. For descriptions of individual SQL statements, see <<"sql_statements","SQL Statements">>.
+SQL language elements are part of statements and commands and include data types, expressions, functions,
+identifiers, literals, and predicates. For more information, see:
+* <<sql_language,SQL Language>>
+* <<elements,Elements>>
+* <<sql_clauses,SQL Clauses>>
+For information on specific functions and expressions, see:
+* <<sql_functions_and_expressions,SQL Functions and Expressions>>
+* <<olap_functions,OLAP Functions>>
+== Using {project-name} SQL to Access HBase Tables
+You can use {project-name} SQL statements to read, update, and create HBase tables.
+* <<initializing_the_trafodion_metadata,Initializing the {project-name} Metadata>>
+* <<ways_to_access_hbase_tables,Ways to Access HBase Tables>>
+* <<trafodion_sql_tables_versus_native_hbase_tables,{project-name} SQL Tables Versus Native HBase Tables>>
+* <<supported_sql_statements_with_hbase_tables,Supported SQL Statements With HBase Tables>>
+For a list of Control Query Default (CQD) settings for the HBase environment, see the
+{docs-url}/cqd_reference/index.hmtl[{project-name} Control Query Default (CQD) Reference Guide].
+=== Ways to Access HBase Tables
+{project-name} SQL supports these ways to access HBase tables:
+* <<accessing_trafodion_sql_tables,Accessing {project-name} SQL Tables>>
+* <<cell_per_row_access_to_hbase_tables,Cell-Per-Row Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)>>
+* <<rowwise_access_to_hbase_tables,Rowwise Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)>>
+==== Accessing {project-name} SQL Tables
+A {project-name} SQL table is a relational SQL table generated by a `CREATE TABLE` statement and mapped
+to an HBase table. {project-name} SQL tables have regular ANSI names in the catalog `TRAFODION`.
+A {project-name} SQL table name can be a fully qualified ANSI name of the form
+To access a {project-name} SQL table, specify its ANSI table name in a {project-name} SQL statement, similar
+to how you would specify an ANSI table name when running SQL statements in a relational database.
+CREATE TABLE trafodion.sales.odetail
+, unit_price NUMERIC (8,2) NO DEFAULT NOT NULL
+, PRIMARY KEY (ordernum, partnum)
+INSERT INTO trafodion.sales.odetail VALUES ( 900000, 7301, 425.00, 100 );
+SET SCHEMA trafodion.sales;
+SELECT * FROM odetail;
+For more information about {project-name} SQL tables, see
+<<trafodion_sql_tables_versus_native_hbase_tables,{project-name} SQL Tables Versus Native HBase Tables>>.
+==== Cell-Per-Row Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)
+NOTE: This is a _Technology Preview (Complete But Not Tested)_ feature, meaning that it is functionally
+complete but has not been tested or debugged. 
+To access HBase data using cell-per-row mode, specify the schema `HBASE."_CELL_"` and the full ANSI
+name of the table as a delimited table name. You can specify the name of any HBase table, regardless of whether
+it was created through {project-name} SQL.
+select * from hbase."_CELL_"."TRAFODION.MYSCH.MYTAB";
+select * from hbase."_CELL_"."table_created_in_HBase";
+All tables accessed through this schema have the same column layout:
+>>invoke hbase."_CELL_"."table_created_in_HBase";
+  (
+  ROW_ID        VARCHAR(100)    ...
+, COL_FAMILY    VARCHAR(100)    ...
+, COL_NAME      VARCHAR(100)    ...
+, COL_VALUE     VARCHAR(1000) ...
+>>select * from hbase."_CELL_"."mytab";
+==== Rowwise Access to HBase Tables (Technology Preview)
+NOTE: This is a _Technology Preview (Complete But Not Tested)_ feature, meaning that it is functionally
+complete but has not been tested or debugged.
+To access HBase data using rowwise mode, specify the schema `HBASE."_ROW_"` and the full ANSI name of the
+table as a delimited table name. You can specify the name of any HBase table, regardless of whether
+it was created through {project-name} SQL.
+select * from hbase."_ROW_"."TRAFODION.MYSCH.MYTAB";
+select * from hbase."_ROW_"."table_created_in_HBase";
+All column values of the row are returned as a single, big varchar:
+>>invoke hbase."_ROW_"."mytab";
+  ROW_ID VARCHAR(100) ...
+>>select * from hbase."_ROW_"."mytab";
+=== {project-name} SQL Tables Versus Native HBase Tables
+{project-name} SQL tables have many advantages over regular HBase tables:
+* They can be made to look like regular, structured SQL tables with fixed columns.
+* They support the usual SQL data types supported in relational databases.
+* They support compound keys, unlike HBase tables that have a single row key (a string).
+* They support indexes.
+* They support _salting_, which is a technique of adding a hash value of the row key as a
+key prefix to avoid hot spots for sequential keys. For the syntax,
+see the <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>>.
+The problem with {project-name} SQL tables is that they use a fixed format to represent column values,
+making it harder for native HBase applications to access them. Also, they have a fixed structure,
+so users lose the flexibility of dynamic columns that comes with HBase.
+=== Supported SQL Statements With HBase Tables
+You can use these SQL statements with HBase tables:
+| <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>             | <<insert_statement,INSERT Statement>>
+| <<update_statement,UPDATE Statement>>             | <<delete_statement,DELETE Statement>>
+| <<merge_statement,MERGE Statement>>               | <<get_statement,GET Statement>>
+| <<invoke_statement,INVOKE Statement>>             | <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>
+| <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>> | <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>>
+| <<create_view_statement,CREATE VIEW Statement>>   | <<drop_index_statement,DROP INDEX Statement>>
+| <<drop_table_statement,DROP TABLE Statement>>     | <<drop_view_statement,DROP VIEW Statement>>
+| <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>>               | <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>
+== Using {project-name} SQL to Access Hive Tables
+You can use {project-name} SQL statements to access Hive tables.
+* <<ansi_names_for_hive_tables,ANSI Names for Hive Tables>>
+* <<type_mapping_from_hive_to_trafodion_sql,Type Mapping From Hive to {project-name} SQL>>
+* <<supported_sql_statements_with_hive_tables,Supported SQL Statements With Hive Tables>>
+For a list of Control Query Default (CQD) settings for the Hive environment, see the
+{docs-url}/cqd_reference/index.hmtl[{project-name} Control Query Default (CQD) Reference Guide].
+=== ANSI Names for Hive Tables
+Hive tables appear in the {project-name} Hive ANSI name space in a special catalog and schema named `HIVE.HIVE`.
+To select from a Hive table named `T`, specify an implicit or explicit name, such as `HIVE.HIVE.T`,
+in a {project-name} SQL statement.
+This example should work if a Hive table named `T` has already been defined:
+set schema hive.hive;
+CQD HIVE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH '20'; -- creates a more readable display
+select * from t; -- implicit table name
+set schema trafodion.seabase;
+select * from hive.hive.t; -- explicit table name
+=== Type Mapping From Hive to {project-name} SQL
+{project-name} performs the following data-type mappings:
+| Hive Type             | {project-name} SQL Type
+| `tinyint`             | `smallint`
+| `smallint`            | `smallint`
+| `int`                 | `int`
+| `bigint`              | `largeint`
+| `string`              | `varchar(_n_ bytes) character set utf8`^1^
+| `float`               | `real`
+| `double`              | `float(54)`
+| `timestamp`           | `timestamp(6)`^2^
+1. The value `_n_` is determined by `CQD HIVE_MAX_STRING_LENGTH`. See the
+{docs-url}/cqd_reference/index.hmtl[{project-name} Control Query Default (CQD) Reference Guide].
+2. Hive supports timestamps with nanosecond resolution (precision of 9). {project-name} SQL supports only microsecond resolution (precision 6).
+=== Supported SQL Statements With Hive Tables
+You can use these SQL statements with Hive tables:
+* <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>
+* <<load_statement,LOAD Statement>>
+* GET TABLES (See the <<get_statement,GET Statement>>.)
+* <<invoke_statement,INVOKE Statement>>
+== Data Consistency and Access Options
+Access options for DML statements affect the consistency of the data that your query accesses.
+For any DML statement, you specify access options by using the `FOR _option_ ACCESS` clause and,
+for a `SELECT` statement, by using this same clause, you can also specify access options for individual
+tables and views referenced in the FROM clause.
+The possible settings for `_option_` in a DML statement are:
+* <<read_committed,READ COMMITTED>>
+Specifies that the data accessed by the DML statement must be from committed rows.
+The SQL default access option for DML statements is `READ COMMITTED`.
+For related information about transactions, see
+<<transaction_isolation_levels,Transaction Isolation Levels>>.
+This option allows you to access only committed data.
+The implementation requires that a lock can be acquired on the data requested by the DML statement\u2014but
+does not actually lock the data, thereby reducing lock request conflicts. If a lock cannot be granted
+(implying that the row contains uncommitted data), the DML statement request waits until the lock in
+place is released.
+READ COMMITTED provides the next higher level of data consistency (compared to READ UNCOMMITTED).
+A statement executing with this access option does not allow dirty reads, but both non-repeatable reads
+and phantoms are possible.
+READ COMMITTED provides sufficient consistency for any process that does not require a repeatable read
+READ COMMITTED is the default isolation level.
+== Transaction Management
+A transaction (a set of database changes that must be completed as a group) is the basic recoverable unit
+in case of a failure or transaction interruption. Transactions are controlled through client tools that
+interact with the database using ODBC or JDBC.
+The typical order of events is:
+1.  Transaction is started.
+2.  Database changes are made.
+3.  Transaction is committed.
+If, however, the changes cannot be made or if you do not want to complete the transaction, then you can abort
+the transaction so that the database is rolled back to its original state.
+This subsection discusses these considerations for transaction management:
+* <<user_defined_and_system_defined_transactions,User-Defined and System-Defined Transactions>>
+* <<rules_for_dml_statements,Rules for DML Statements>>
+* <<effect_of_autocommit_option,Effect of AUTOCOMMIT Option>>
+* <<concurrency,Concurrency>>
+* <<transaction_isolation_levels,Transaction Isolation Levels>>
+=== User-Defined and System-Defined Transactions
+Transactions you define are called _user-defined transactions_. To be sure that a sequence of statements executes
+successfully or not at all, you can define one transaction consisting of these statements by using the BEGIN WORK
+statement and COMMIT WORK statement. You can abort a transaction by using the ROLLBACK WORK statement.
+If AUTOCOMMIT is on, then you do not have to end the transaction explicitly as {project-name} SQL will end the transaction
+automatically. Sometimes an error occurs that requires the user-defined transaction to be aborted. {project-name} SQL
+will automatically abort the transaction and return an error indicating that the transaction was rolled back.
+==== System-Defined Transactions
+In some cases, {project-name} SQL defines transactions for you. These transactions are called _system-defined transactions_.
+Most DML statements initiate transactions implicitly at the start of execution.
+See <<implicit_transactions,Implicit Transactions>>.
+However, even if a transaction is initiated implicitly, you must end a transaction explicitly with the COMMIT WORK
+statement or the ROLLBACK WORK statement. If AUTOCOMMIT is on, you do not need to end a transaction explicitly.
+=== Rules for DML Statements
+If deadlock occurs, the DML statement times out and receives an error.
+=== Effect of AUTOCOMMIT Option
+AUTOCOMMIT is an option that can be set in a SET TRANSACTION statement. It specifies whether {project-name} SQL will commit
+automatically, or roll back if an error occurs, at the end of statement execution. This option applies to any statement
+for which the system initiates a transaction. See <<set_transaction_statement,SET TRANSACTION Statement>>.
+If this option is set to ON, {project-name} SQL automatically commits any changes, or rolls back any changes, made to the
+database at the end of statement execution.
+=== Concurrency
+Concurrency is defined by two or more processes accessing the same data at the same time. The degree of concurrency
+available &#8212; whether a process that requests access to data that is already being accessed is given access or placed
+in a wait queue &#8212; depends on the purpose of the access mode (read or update) and the isolation level. Currently, the only
+isolation level is READ COMMITTED.
+{project-name} SQL provides concurrent database access for most operations and controls database access through concurrency
+control and the mechanism for opening and closing tables. For DML operations, the access option affects the degree of
+concurrency. See <<data_consistency_and_access_options,Data Consistency and Access Options>>.
+=== Transaction Isolation Levels
+A transaction has an isolation level that is <<read_committed,READ COMMITTED>>.
+This option, which is ANSI compliant, allows your transaction to access only committed data. No row locks are acquired
+when READ COMMITTED is the specified isolation level.
+READ COMMITTED provides the next level of data consistency. A transaction executing with this isolation level does not
+allow dirty reads, but both non-repeatable reads and phantoms are possible.
+READ COMMITTED provides sufficient consistency for any transaction that does not require a repeatable-read capability.
+The default isolation level is READ COMMITTED.
+== ANSI Compliance and {project-name} SQL Extensions
+{project-name} SQL complies most closely with Core SQL 99. {project-name} SQL also includes some features from SQL 99 and part of
+the SQL 2003 standard, and special {project-name} SQL extensions to the SQL language.
+Statements and SQL elements in this manual are ANSI compliant unless specified as {project-name} SQL extensions.
+=== ANSI-Compliant Statements
+These statements are ANSI compliant, but some might contain {project-name} SQL extensions:
+| <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>           | <<call_statement,CALL Statement>>
+| <<commit_work_statement,COMMIT WORK Statement>>           | <<create_function_statement,CREATE FUNCTION Statement>>
+| <<create_procedure_statement,CREATE PROCEDURE Statement>> | <<create_role_statement,CREATE ROLE Statement>>
+| <<create_schema_statement,CREATE SCHEMA Statement>>       | <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>>
+| <<create_view_statement,CREATE VIEW Statement>>           | <<delete_statement,DELETE Statement>>
+| <<drop_function_statement,DROP FUNCTION Statement>>       | <<drop_procedure_statement,DROP PROCEDURE Statement>>
+| <<drop_role_statement,DROP ROLE Statement>>               | <<drop_schema_statement,DROP SCHEMA Statement>>
+| <<drop_table_statement,DROP TABLE Statement>>             | <<drop_view_statement,DROP VIEW Statement>>
+| <<execute_statement,EXECUTE Statement>>                   | <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>>
+| <<grant_role_statement,GRANT ROLE Statement>>             | <<insert_statement,INSERT Statement>>
+| <<merge_statement,MERGE Statement>>                       | <<prepare_statement,PREPARE Statement>>
+| <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>                     | <<revoke_role_statement,REVOKE ROLE Statement>>
+| <<rollback_work_statement,ROLLBACK WORK Statement>>       | <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>>
+| <<set_schema_statement,SET SCHEMA Statement>>             | <<set_transaction_statement,SET TRANSACTION Statement>>
+| <<table_statement,TABLE Statement>>                       | <<update_statement,UPDATE Statement>>
+| <<values_statement,VALUES Statement>>
+=== Statements That Are {project-name} SQL Extensions
+These statements are {project-name} SQL extensions to the ANSI standard.
+| <<alter_library_statement,ALTER LIBRARY Statement>>                           | <<alter_user_statement,ALTER USER Statement>>
+| <<begin_work_statement,BEGIN WORK Statement>>                                 | <<control_query_cancel_statement,CONTROL QUERY CANCEL Statement>>
+| <<control_query_default_statement,CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT Statement>>           | <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>>
+| <<create_library_statement,CREATE LIBRARY Statement>>                         | <<drop_index_statement,DROP INDEX Statement>>
+| <<drop_library_statement,DROP LIBRARY Statement>>                             | <<explain_statement,EXPLAIN Statement>>
+| <<get_statement,GET Statement>>                                               | <<get_hbase_objects_statement,GET HBASE OBJECTS Statement>>
+| <<get_version_of_metadata_statement,GET VERSION OF METADATA Statement>>       | <<get_version_of_software_statement,GET VERSION OF SOFTWARE Statement>>
+| <<grant_component_privilege_statement,GRANT COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>>   | <<invoke_statement,INVOKE Statement>>
+| <<load_statement,LOAD Statement>>                                             | <<register_user_statement,REGISTER USER Statement>>
+| <<revoke_component_privilege_statement,REVOKE COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>> | <<showcontrol_statement,SHOWCONTROL Statement>>
+| <<showddl_statement,SHOWDDL Statement>>                                       | <<showddl_schema_statement,SHOWDDL SCHEMA Statement>>
+| <<showstats_statement,SHOWSTATS Statement>>                                   | <<unload_statement,UNLOAD Statement>>
+| <<unregister_user_statement,UNREGISTER USER Statement>>                       | <<update_statistics_statement,UPDATE STATISTICS Statement>>
+| <<upsert_statement,UPSERT Statement>>
+=== ANSI-Compliant Functions
+These functions are ANSI compliant, but some might contain {project-name} SQL extensions:
+| <<avg,AVG function>>          | <<case, CASE expression>>
+| <<cast,CAST expression>>      | <<char_length,CHAR_LENGTH>>
+| <<coalesce,COALESCE>>         | <<count,COUNT Function>>
+| <<current,CURRENT>>           | <<current_date,CURRENT_DATE>>
+| <<current_time,CURRENT_TIME>> | <<current_timestamp,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP>>
+| <<current_user,CURRENT_USER>> | <<extract,EXTRACT>>
+| <<lower,LOWER>>               | <<max,MAX>>
+| <<min,MIN>>                   | <<nullif,NULLIF>>
+| <<octet_length,OCTET_LENGTH>> | <<position,POSITION>>
+| <<session_user,SESSION_USER>> | <<substring,SUBSTRING>>
+| <<sum,SUM>>                   | <<trim,TRIM>>
+| <<upper,UPPER>>
+All other functions are {project-name} SQL extensions.
+== {project-name} SQL Error Messages
+{project-name} SQL reports error messages and exception conditions. When an error condition occurs,
+{project-name} SQL returns a message number and a brief description of the condition.
+{project-name} SQL might display this error message:
+*** ERROR[1000] A syntax error occurred.
+The message number is the SQLCODE value (without the sign). In this example, the SQLCODE value is `1000`.
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/limits.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/limits.adoc
index 5bbe2f4..6c107da 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/limits.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/limits.adoc
@@ -1,37 +1,37 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= Limits
-This section lists limits for various parts of {project-name} SQL.
-| Column Names | Up to 128 characters long, or 256 bytes of UTF8 text, whichever is less.
-| Schema Names | Up to 128 characters long, or 256 bytes of UTF8 text, whichever is less.
-| Table Names  | ANSI names are of the form _schema.object_, where each part can be up to 128 characters long,
-or 256 bytes of UTF8 text, whichever is less.
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= Limits
+This section lists limits for various parts of {project-name} SQL.
+| Column Names | Up to 128 characters long, or 256 bytes of UTF8 text, whichever is less.
+| Schema Names | Up to 128 characters long, or 256 bytes of UTF8 text, whichever is less.
+| Table Names  | ANSI names are of the form _schema.object_, where each part can be up to 128 characters long,
+or 256 bytes of UTF8 text, whichever is less.

[03/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

Posted by
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
index 85e27f9..2bc2a6d 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/sql_statements.adoc
@@ -1,8495 +1,8509 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= SQL Statements
-This section describes the syntax and semantics of {project-name} SQL statements.
-{project-name} SQL statements are entered interactively or from script files using a client-based tool, such as the
-{project-name} Command Interface (TrafCI). To install and configure a client application that enables you to connect
-to and use a {project-name} database, see the
-{docs-url}/client_install/index.html[_{project-name} Client Installation_ _Guide_].
-== Categories
-The statements are categorized according to their functionality:
-* <<data_definition_language_statements,Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements>>
-* <<data_manipulation_language_statements,Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements>>
-* <<transaction_control_statements,Transaction Control Statements>>
-* <<data_control_and_security_statements,Data Control and Security Statements>>
-* <<stored_procedure_and_user_defined_function_statements,Stored Procedure and User-Defined Function Statements>>
-* <<prepared_statements,Prepared Statements>>
-* <<control_statements,Control Statements>>
-* <<object_naming_statements,Object Naming Statements>>
-* <<show_get_and_explain_statements,"SHOW, GET, and EXPLAIN Statements">>
-=== Data Definition Language (DDL) Statements
-Use these DDL statements to create, drop, or alter the definition of a {project-name} SQL schema or object.
-NOTE: DDL statements are not currently supported in transactions. That means that you cannot run DDL statements inside a user-defined
-transaction (BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK) or when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. To run these statements, AUTOCOMMIT must be turned ON
-(the default) for the session.
-[cols="2*", options="head{docs-url}/sql_reference/index.html#limitser"]
-| Statement                                                  | What It Does
-// | <<alter_library_statement,ALTER LIBRARY Statement>>        | Updates the physical filename for a library object in a {project-name} database.
-| <<alter_table_statement,ALTER TABLE Statement>>            | Changes attributes for a table.
-| <<alter_user_statement,ALTER USER Statement>>              | Changes attributes for a user.
-| <<create_function_statement,CREATE FUNCTION Statement>>    | Registers a user-defined function (UDF) written in C as a function within a {project-name} database.
-| <<create_index_statement,CREATE INDEX Statement>>          | Creates an index on a table.
-| <<create_library_statement,CREATE LIBRARY Statement>>      | Registers a library object in a {project-name} database.
-| <<create_procedure_statement,CREATE PROCEDURE Statement>>  | Registers a Java method as a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) within a {project-name} database.
-| <<create_role_statement,CREATE ROLE Statement>>            | Creates a role.
-| <<create_schema_statement,CREATE SCHEMA Statement>>        | Creates a schema in the database.
-| <<create_table_statement,CREATE TABLE Statement>>          | Creates a table.
-| <<create_view_statement,CREATE VIEW Statement>>            | Creates a view.
-| <<drop_function_statement,DROP FUNCTION Statement>>        | Removes a user-defined function (UDF) from the {project-name} database.
-| <<drop_index_statement,DROP INDEX Statement>>              | Drops an index.
-| <<drop_library_statement,DROP LIBRARY Statement>>          | Removes a library object from the {project-name} database and also removes the library file
-referenced by the library object.
-| <<drop_procedure_statement,DROP PROCEDURE Statement>>      | Removes a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) from the {project-name} database.
-| <<drop_role_statement,DROP ROLE Statement>>                | Drops a role.
-| <<drop_schema_statement,DROP SCHEMA Statement>>            | Drops a schema from the database.
-| <<drop_table_statement,DROP TABLE Statement>>              | Drops a table.
-| <<drop_view_statement,DROP VIEW Statement>>                | Drops a view.
-| <<register_user_statement,REGISTER USER Statement>>        | Registers a user in the SQL database, associating the user's login name
-with a database user name.
-| <<unregister_user_statement, UNREGISTER USER Statement>>   | Removes a database user name from the SQL database.
-=== Data Manipulation Language (DML) Statements
-Use these DML statements to delete, insert, select, or update rows in one or more tables:
-[cols="2*", options="header"]
-| Statement                               | What It Does
-| <<delete_statement,DELETE Statement>> | Deletes rows from a table or view.
-| <<insert_statement,INSERT Statement>> | Inserts data into tables and views.
-| <<merge_statement,MERGE Statement>>   | Either performs an upsert operation (that is, updates a table if the row
-exists or inserts into a table if the row does not exist) or updates (merges) matching rows from one table to another.
-| <<select_statement,SELECT Statement>> | Retrieves data from tables and views.
-| <<table_statement,TABLE Statement>>   | Equivalent to the query specification SELECT * FROM _table_
-| <<update_statement,UPDATE Statement>> | Updates values in columns of a table or view.
-| <<upsert_statement,UPSERT Statement>> | Updates a table if the row exists or inserts into a table if the row does not exist.
-| <<values_statement,VALUES Statement>> | Displays the results of the evaluation of the expressions and the results of row subqueries
-within the row value constructors.
-=== Transaction Control Statements
-Use these statements to specify user-defined transactions and to set attributes for the next transaction:
-| Statement                                                 | What It Does
-| <<begin_work_statement,BEGIN WORK Statement>>           | Starts a transaction.
-| <<commit_work_statement,COMMIT WORK Statement>>         | Commits changes made during a transaction and ends the transaction.
-| <<rollback_work_statement,ROLLBACK WORK Statement>>     | Undoes changes made during a transaction and ends the transaction.
-| <<set_transaction_statement,SET TRANSACTION Statement>> | Sets attributes for the next SQL transaction \u2014 whether to automatically
-commit database changes.
-=== Data Control and Security Statements
-Use these statements to register users, create roles, and grant and revoke privileges:
-| Statement                                                                     | What It Does
-| <<alter_user_statement,ALTER USER Statement>>                                 | Changes attributes associated with a user who is registered in the database.
-| <<create_role_statement,CREATE ROLE Statement>>                               | Creates an SQL role.
-| <<drop_role_statement,DROP ROLE Statement>>                                   | Deletes an SQL role.
-| <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>>                                           | Grants access privileges on an SQL object to specified users or roles.
-| <<grant_component_privilege_statement,GRANT COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>>   | Grants one or more component privileges to a user or role.
-| <<grant_role_statement,GRANT ROLE Statement>>                                 | Grants one or more roles to a user.
-| <<register_user_statement,REGISTER USER Statement>>                           | Registers a user in the SQL database, associating the user's login name with a database user name.
-| <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>                                         | Revokes access privileges on an SQL object from specified users or roles.
-| <<revoke_component_privilege_statement,REVOKE COMPONENT PRIVILEGE Statement>> | Removes one or more component privileges from a user or role.
-| <<revoke_role_statement,REVOKE ROLE Statement>>                               | Removes one or more roles from a user.
-| <<unregister_user_statement,UNREGISTER USER Statement>>                       | Removes a database user name from the SQL database.
-=== Stored Procedure and User-Defined Function Statements
-Use these statements to create and execute stored procedures in Java (SPJs) or create user-defined functions (UDFs) and to modify
-authorization to access libraries or to execute SPJs or UDFs:
-| Statement                                                 | What It Does
-// | <<alter_library_statement,ALTER LIBRARY Statement>>       | Updates the physical filename for a library object in a {project-name} database.
-| <<call_statement,CALL Statement>>                         | Initiates the execution of a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) in a {project-name} database.
-| <<create_function_statement,CREATE FUNCTION Statement>>   | Registers a user-defined function (UDF) written in C as a function within a {project-name} database.
-| <<create_library_statement,CREATE LIBRARY Statement>>     | Registers a library object in a {project-name} database.
-| <<create_procedure_statement,CREATE PROCEDURE Statement>> | Registers a Java method as a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) within a {project-name} database.
-| <<drop_function_statement,DROP FUNCTION Statement>>       | Removes a user-defined function (UDF) from the {project-name} database.
-| <<drop_library_statement,DROP LIBRARY Statement>>         | Removes a library object from the {project-name} database and also removes the library file
-referenced by the library object.
-| <<drop_procedure_statement,DROP PROCEDURE Statement>>     | Removes a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) from the {project-name} database.
-| <<grant_statement,GRANT Statement>>                       | Grants privileges for accessing a library object or executing an SPJ or UDF to specified users.
-| <<revoke_statement,REVOKE Statement>>                     | Revokes privileges for accessing a library object or executing an SPJ or UDF from specified users.
-UDF from specified users.
-=== Prepared Statements
-Use these statements to prepare and execute an SQL statement:
-| Statement                                                 | What It Does
-| <<execute_statement,EXECUTE Statement>>                   | Executes an SQL statement previously compiled by a PREPARE statement.
-| <<prepare_statement,PREPARE Statement>>                   | Compiles an SQL statement for later use with the EXECUTE statement in the same session.
-=== Control Statements
-Use these statements to control the execution, default options, plans, and performance of DML statements:
-| Statement                                                                     | What It Does
-| <<control_query_cancel_statement,CONTROL QUERY CANCEL Statement>>             | Cancels an executing query that you identify with a query ID.
-| <<control_query_default_statement,CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT Statement>>           | Changes a default attribute to influence a query plan.
-=== Object Naming Statements
-Use this statements to specify default ANSI names for the schema:
-| Statement                                        | What It Does
-| <<set_schema_statement,SET SCHEMA Statement>>    | Sets the default ANSI schema for unqualified object names for the current session.
-=== SHOW, GET, and EXPLAIN Statements
-Use these statements to display information about database objects or query execution plans:
-| Statement                                                               | What It Does
-| <<explain_statement,EXPLAIN Statement>>                                 | Displays information contained in the query execution plan.
-| <<get_statement,GET Statement>>                                         | Displays the names of database objects, components, component
-privileges, roles, or users that exist in the {project-name} instance.
-| <<get_hbase_objects_statement,GET HBASE OBJECTS Statement>>             | Displays a list of HBase objects through an SQL interface
-| <<get_version_of_metadata_statement,GET VERSION OF METADATA Statement>> | Displays the version of the metadata in the {project-name} instance and
-indicates if the metadata is current.
-| <<get_version_of_software_statement,GET VERSION OF SOFTWARE Statement>> | Displays the version of the {project-name} software that is installed on the
-system and indicates if it is current.
-| <<invoke_statement,INVOKE Statement>>                                   | Generates a record description that corresponds to a row in the
-specified table or view.
-| <<showcontrol_statement,SHOWCONTROL Statement>>                         | Displays the CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT attributes in effect.
-| <<showddl_statement,SHOWDDL Statement>>                                 | Describes the DDL syntax used to create an object as it exists in the
-metadata, or it returns a description of a user, role, or component in the form of a GRANT statement.
-| <<showddl_schema_statement,SHOWDDL SCHEMA Statement>>                   | Displays the DDL syntax used to create a schema as it exists in the
-metadata and shows the authorization ID that owns the schema.
-| <<showstats_statement,SHOWSTATS Statement>>                             | Displays the histogram statistics for one or more groups of columns
-within a table. These statistics are used to devise optimized access plans.
-== ALTER LIBRARY Statement
-The ALTER LIBRARY statement updates the physical filename for a library object in a {project-name} database.
-A library object can be an SPJ's JAR file or a UDF's library file.
-ALTER LIBRARY is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-NOTE: DDL statements are not currently supported in transactions. That means that you cannot run this statement inside 
-user-defined transaction (`BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK`) or when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. To run this statement, AUTOCOMMIT must be
-turned ON (the default) for the session.
-ALTER LIBRARY [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]library-name
-   file library-filename
-   [host name host-name]
-   [local file host-filename]
-=== Syntax Description of ALTER LIBRARY
-* `\[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ANSI logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a maximum of 128 characters.
-specify the name of a library object that has already been registered in the schema. if you do not fully qualify the library name, trafodion sql
-qualifies it according to the schema of the current session. for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>> and
-<<_database_object_names,database object names>>.
-* `file _library-filename_`
-specifies the full path of the redeployed library file, which either an SPJ's jar file or a UDF's library file.
-* `host name _host-name_`
-specifies the name of the client host machine where the deployed file resides.
-* `local file _host-filename_`
-specifies the path on the client host machine where the deployed file is stored.
-=== Considerations for ALTER LIBRARY
-* HOST NAME and LOCAL FILE are position dependent.
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue an ALTER LIBRARY statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the library.
-* You have the ALTER or ALTER_LIBRARY component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-=== Examples of ALTER LIBRARY
-* This ALTER LIBRARY statement updates the JAR file (SPJs) for a library named SALESLIB in the SALES schema:
-ALTER LIBRARY sales.saleslib FILE Sales2.jar;`
-* This ALTER LIBRARY statement updates the library file (UDFs) for a library named MYUDFS in the default schema:
-== ALTER TABLE Statement
-The ALTER TABLE statement changes a {project-name} SQL table. See <<Tables,Tables>>.
-NOTE: DDL statements are not currently supported in transactions. That means that you cannot run this
-statement inside a user-defined transaction (BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK) or when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF.
-To run this statement, AUTOCOMMIT must be turned ON (the default) for the session.
-ALTER TABLE name alter-action
-alter-action is:
-     ADD [IF NOT EXISTS][COLUMN] column-definition
-   | ADD [CONSTRAINT constraint-name] table-constraint
-   | DROP CONSTRAINT constraint-name [RESTRICT]
-   | RENAME TO new-name
-   | DROP COLUMN [IF EXISTS] column-name
-column-definition is:
-   column-name data-type
-      ([DEFAULT default]
-         [[constraint constraint-name] column-constraint])
-data-type is:
-     char[acter] [(length)[characters]]
-         [CHARACTER SET char-set-name]
-         [UPSHIFT] [[not] casespecific]
-   | char[acter] varying (length)
-         [character set char-set-name]
-         [upshift] [[not] casespecific]
-   | varchar (length) [character set char-set-name]
-         [upshift] [[not] casespecific]
-   | numeric [(precision [,scale])] [signed|unsigned]
-   | nchar [(length) [character set char-set-name]
-         [upshift] [[not] casespecific]
-   | nchar varying(length) [character set char-set-name]
-         [upshift] [[not] casespecific]
-   | smallint [signed|unsigned]
-   | int[eger] [signed|unsigned]
-   | largeint
-   | dec[imal] [(precision [,scale])] [signed|unsigned]
-   | float [(precision)]
-   | real
-   | double precision
-   | date
-   | time [(time-precision)]
-   | timestamp [(timestamp-precision)]
-   | interval { start-field to end-field | single-field }
-default is:
-     literal
-   | null
-   | currentdate
-   | currenttime
-   | currenttimestamp }
-column-constraint is:
-     not null
-   | unique
-   | check (condition)
-   | references ref-spec
-table-constraint is:
-     unique (column-list)
-   | check (condition)
-   | foreign key (column-list) references ref-spec
-ref-spec is:
-   referenced-table [(column-list)]
-column-list is:
-   column-name[, column-name]...
-=== Syntax Description of ALTER TABLE
-* `_name_`
-specifies the current name of the object. See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
-* `ADD [COLUMN] _column-definition_`
-adds a column to _table_.
-The clauses for the _column-definition_ are:
-** `_column-name_`
-specifies the name for the new column in the table. _column-name_ is an SQL identifier. _column-name_ must be
-unique among column names in the table. If the column name is a {project-name} SQL reserved word, you must
-delimit it by enclosing it in double quotes. For example: `"sql".myview`. See <<Identifiers,Identifiers>>.
-** `_data-type_`
-specifies the data type of the values that can be stored in _column-name_. See <<Data_Types,Data Types>>
-If a default is not specified, NULL is used.
-** `DEFAULT _default_`
-specifies a default value for the column or specifies that the column does not have a default value. You can declare the default value
-explicitly by using the DEFAULT clause, or you can enable null to be used as the default by omitting both the DEFAULT and NOT NULL clauses.
-If you omit the DEFAULT clause and specify NOT NULL, {project-name} SQL returns an error. For existing rows of the table, the added column takes
-on its default value.
-If you set the default to the datetime value CURRENT_DATE, CURRENT_TIME, or CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, {project-name} SQL uses January 1, 1 A.D.
-12:00:00.000000 as the default date and time for the existing rows.
-For any row that you add after the column is added, if no value is specified for the column as part of the add row operation, the column
-receives a default value based on the current timestamp at the time the row is added.
-** `[[constraint _constraint-name_] _column-constraint_]`
-specifies a name for the column or table constraint. _constraint-name_ must have the same schema as _table_ and must be
-unique among constraint names in its schema. if you omit the schema portions of the name you specify in _constraint-name_,
-trafodion sql expands the constraint name by using the schema for _table_. see <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
-if you do not specify a constraint name, trafodion sql constructs an sql identifier as the name for the constraint in the schema
-for _table._ the identifier consists of the fully qualified table name concatenated with a system-generated unique identifier.
-for example, a constraint on table a.b.c might be assigned a name such as a.b.c_123&#8230;_01&#8230;.
-*** `_column-constraint_` options:
-**** `not null` 
-is a column constraint that specifies that the column cannot contain nulls. if you omit not null, nulls are allowed in the column.
-if you specify both not null and no default, then each row inserted in the table must include a value for the column. see <<null,null>>.
-**** `unique`
-is a column constraint that specifies that the column cannot contain more than one occurrence of the same value. if you omit unique,
-duplicate values are allowed unless the column is part of the primary key. columns that you define as unique must be specified as not null.
-**** `check (_condition_)`
-is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row in the table. see <<search_condition,search condition>>.
-you cannot refer to the current_date, current_time, or current_timestamp function in a check constraint, and you cannot use
-subqueries in a check constraint.
-**** `references _ref-spec_`
-specifies a references column constraint. the maximum combined length of the columns for a references constraint is 2048 bytes. +
-***** `_ref-spec_` is:
-`_referenced-table_ [(_column-list_)]`
-`_referenced-table_` is the table referenced by the foreign key in a referential constraint. _referenced-table_ cannot be a view.
-_referenced-table_ cannot be the same as _table_. _referenced-table_ corresponds to the foreign key in the _table_.
- +
-`_column-list_` specifies the column or set of columns in the _referenced-table_ that corresponds to the foreign key in _table_. the
-columns in the column list associated with references must be in the same order as the columns in the column list associated with foreign
-key. if _column-list_ is omitted, the referenced table's primary key columns are the referenced columns.
-a table can have an unlimited number of referential constraints, and you can specify the same foreign key in more than one referential
-constraint, but you must define each referential constraint separately. you cannot create self-referencing foreign key constraints.
-* `add [constraint _constraint-name_] _table-constraint_`
-adds a constraint to the table and optionally specifies _constraint-name_ as the name for the constraint. the new constraint
-must be consistent with any data already present in the table. 
-** `constraint _constraint-name_`
-specifies a name for the column or table constraint. _constraint-name_ must have the same schema as _table_ and must be unique among constraint
-names in its schema. if you omit the schema portions of the name you specify in _constraint-name_, trafodion sql expands the constraint
-name by using the schema for table. see <<database_object_names,database object names>>. 
-if you do not specify a constraint name, trafodion sql constructs an sql identifier as the name for the constraint in the schema for table. the
-identifier consists of the fully qualified table name concatenated with a system-generated unique identifier. for example, a constraint on table
-a.b.c might be assigned a name such as a.b.c_123&#8230;_01&#8230;.
-** `_table-constraint_` options:
-*** `unique (_column-list_)`
-is a table constraint that specifies that the column or set of columns cannot contain more 
-than one occurrence of the same value or set of values.
-`_column-list_` cannot include more than one occurrence of the same column. in addition, the set of columns that you specify on a unique
-constraint cannot match the set of columns on any other unique constraint for the table or on the primary key constraint for the table.
-all columns defined as unique must be specified as not null.
-a unique constraint is enforced with a unique index. if there is already a unique index on _column-list_, trafodion sql uses that index. if a
-unique index does not exist, the system creates a unique index.
-*** `check (_condition_)`
-is a constraint that specifies a condition that must be satisfied for each row in the table.
-see <<search_condition,search condition>>. you cannot refer to the current_date, current_time, or current_timestamp function in a check
-constraint, and you cannot use subqueries in a check constraint.
-*** `foreign key (_column-list_) references _ref-spec_ not enforced`
-is a table constraint that specifies a referential constraint for the table, declaring that a column or set of columns (called a foreign key)
-in _table_ can contain only values that match those in a column or set of columns in the table specified in the references
-clause. however, because not enforced is specified, this relationship is not checked.
-the two columns or sets of columns must have the same characteristics (data type, length, scale, precision). without the foreign key clause,
-the foreign key in _table_ is the column being defined; with the foreign key clause, the foreign key is the column or set of columns specified in
-the foreign key clause. for information about _ref-spec_, see references _ref-spec_ not enforced.
-* `drop constraint _constraint-name_ [restrict]`
-drops a constraint from the table. +
-if you drop a constraint, trafodion sql drops its dependent index if trafodion sql originally created the same index. if the constraint uses
-an existing index, the index is not dropped. +
-** `constraint _constraint-name_`
-specifies a name for the column or table constraint. _constraint-name_ must have the same schema as _table_ and must be unique among constraint
-names in its schema. if you omit the schema portions of the name you specify in _constraint-name_, trafodion sql expands the constraint
-name by using the schema for table. see <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
-if you do not specify a constraint name, trafodion sql constructs an sql identifier as the name for the constraint in the schema for table. the
-identifier consists of the fully qualified table name concatenated with a system-generated unique identifier. for example, a constraint on table
-a.b.c might be assigned a name such as a.b.c_123&#8230;_01&#8230;.
-* `rename to _new-name_`
-changes the logical name of the object within the same schema.
-** `_new-name_`
-specifies the new name of the object after the rename to operation occurs.
-* `add if not exists _column-definition_`
-adds a column to _table_ if it does not already exist in the table.
-the clauses for the _column-definition_ are the same as described in add [column] _column-definition_.
-* `drop column [if exists] _column-name_`
-drops the specified column from _table_, including the column\u2019s data. you cannot drop a primary key column.
-=== Considerations for ALTER TABLE
-==== Effect of Adding a Column on View Definitions
-The addition of a column to a table has no effect on existing view definitions. Implicit column references specified by SELECT * in view
-definitions are replaced by explicit column references when the definition clauses are originally evaluated.
-==== Authorization and Availability Requirements
-ALTER TABLE works only on user-created tables.
-===== Required Privileges
-To issue an ALTER TABLE statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the table.
-* You have the ALTER or ALTER_TABLE component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-===== Privileges Needed to Create a Referential Integrity Constraint
-To create a referential integrity constraint (that is, a constraint on the table that refers to a column in another table), one of the
-following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the referencing and referenced tables.
-* You have these privileges on the referencing and referenced table:
-** For the referencing table, you have the ALTER or ALTER_TABLE component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-** For the referenced table, you have the REFERENCES (or ALL) privilege on the referenced table through your user name or through a granted role.
-If the constraint refers to the other table in a query expression, you must also have SELECT privileges on the other table.
-===  Example of ALTER TABLE
-This example adds a column:
-ALTER TABLE persnl.project
-   ADD COLUMN projlead
-== ALTER USER Statement
-The ALTER USER statement changes attributes associated with a user who is registered in the database.
-ALTER USER is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-ALTER USER database-username alter-action[, alter-action]
-alter-action is:
-     SET EXTERNAL NAME directory-service-username
-=== Syntax Description of ALTER USER
-* `_database-username_`
-is the name of a currently registered database user.
-changes the name that identifies the user in the directory service. This is also the name the user specifies when
-connecting to the database.
-** `_directory-service-username_`
-specifies the new name of the user in the directory service.
-* _directory-service-username_ is a regular or delimited case-insensitive
-identifier. See <<Case_Insensitive_Delimited_Identifiers,Case-Insensitive Delimited Identifiers>>.
-changes the attribute that controls whether the user is allowed to connect to the database. +
-** `ONLINE`
-specifies that the user is allowed to connect to the database.
-specifies that the user is not allowed to connect to the database.
-=== Considerations for ALTER USER
-Only a user with user administrative privileges (that is, a user who has been granted the MANAGE_USERS component privilege)
-can do the following:
-* Set the EXTERNAL NAME for any user
-* Set the ONLINE | OFFLINE attribute for any user
-Initially, DB_ROOT is the only database user who has been granted the MANAGE_USERS component privilege.
-=== Examples of ALTER USER
-* To change a user's external name:
-ALTER USER ajones SET EXTERNAL NAME "Americas\ArturoJones";
-* To change a user's attribute to allow the user to connect to the database:
-== BEGIN WORK Statement
-The BEGIN WORK statement enables you to start a transaction explicitly\u2014where the transaction consists of the set of operations
-defined by the sequence of SQL statements that begins immediately after BEGIN WORK and ends with the next COMMIT or ROLLBACK
-statement. See <<Transaction_Management,Transaction Management>>. BEGIN WORK will raise an error if a transaction is currently active.
-BEGIN WORK is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-=== Considerations for BEGIN WORK
-BEGIN WORK starts a transaction. COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK ends a transaction.
-=== Example of BEGIN WORK
-Group three separate statements\u2014two INSERT statements and an UPDATE statement\u2014that update the database within a single transaction:
---- This statement initiates a transaction.
---- SQL operation complete.
-INSERT INTO sales.orders VALUES (125, DATE '2008-03-23', DAT '2008-03-30', 75, 7654);
---- 1 row(s) inserted.
-INSERT INTO sales.odetail VALUES (125, 4102, 25000, 2);
---- 1 row(s) inserted.
-UPDATE invent.partloc SET qty_on_hand = qty_on_hand - 2 WHERE partnum = 4102 AND loc_code = 'G45';
---- 1 row(s) updated.
---- This statement ends a transaction.
---- SQL operation complete.
-== CALL Statement
-The CALL statement invokes a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) in a {project-name} SQL database.
-CALL procedure-ref ([argument-list])
-procedure-ref is:
-   [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]procedure-name
-argument-list is:
-   sql-expression[, sql-expression]...
-=== Syntax Description of CALL
-* `_procedure-ref_`
-specifies an ANSI logical name of the form:
-where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a maximum of 128 characters. for more information, see
-<<identifiers,identifiers>> and <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
-if you do not fully qualify the procedure name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
-* `_argument-list_`
-accepts arguments for in, in-out, or out parameters. the arguments consist of sql expressions, including dynamic parameters,
-separated by commas:
-`_sql-expression_[{, _sql-expression_}&#8230;]`
-each expression must evaluate to a value of one of these data types:
-** character value
-** date-time value
-** numeric value
-interval value expressions are disallowed in SPJs. for more information, see
-<<call_input_parameter_arguments,input parameter arguments>> and
-<<call_output_parameter_arguments,output parameter arguments>>.
-do not specify result sets in the argument list.
-=== Considerations for CALL
-==== Usage Restrictions
-You can use a CALL statement as a stand-alone SQL statement in applications or command-line interfaces,
-such as TrafCI. You cannot use a CALL statement inside a compound statement or with row sets.
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue a CALL statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are the owner of the stored procedure.
-* You have the EXECUTE (or ALL) privileges, either directly through your username or through a granted role.
-For more information, see the <<GRANT_Statement,GRANT Statement>>.
-When the stored procedure executes, it executes as the {project-name} ID.
-==== Input Parameter Arguments
-You pass data to an SPJ by using IN or INOUT parameters. For an IN
-parameter argument, use one of these SQL expressions:
-* Literal
-* SQL function (including CASE and CAST expressions)
-* Arithmetic or concatenation operation
-* Scalar subquery
-* Dynamic parameter (for example, ?) in an application
-* Named (for example, ?param) or unnamed (for example, ?) parameter in TrafCI
-For an INOUT parameter argument, you can use only a dynamic, named, or unnamed parameter. For more information, see
-==== Output Parameter Arguments
-An SPJ returns values in OUT and INOUT parameters. Output parameter arguments must be dynamic parameters in an
-application (for example, ?) or named or unnamed parameters in DCI (for example, ?param or ?). Each
-calling application defines the semantics of the OUT and INOUT parameters in its environment.
-==== Data Conversion of Parameter Arguments
-{project-name} SQL performs an implicit data conversion when the data type of a parameter argument is compatible with
-but does not match the formal data type of the stored procedure. For stored procedure input values,
-the conversion is from the actual argument value to the formal parameter type. For stored procedure output values,
-the conversion is from the actual output value, which has the data type of the formal parameter, to the declared
-type of the dynamic parameter.
-==== Null Input and Output
-You can pass a null value as input to or output from an SPJ, provided that the corresponding Java data type of the
-parameter supports nulls. If a null is input or output for a parameter that does not support nulls, {project-name} SQL
-returns an error.
-==== Transaction Semantics
-The CALL statement automatically initiates a transaction if no active transaction exists. However, the failure of
-a CALL statement does not always automatically abort the transaction.
-=== Examples of CALL
-* In TrafCI, execute an SPJ named MONTHLYORDERS, which has one IN parameter represented by a literal and one OUT
-parameter represented by an unnamed parameter, ?:
-CALL sales.monthlyorders(3,?);
-* This CALL statement executes a stored procedure, which accepts one IN parameter (a date literal), returns one OUT
-parameter (a row from the column, NUM_ORDERS), and returns two result sets:
-CALL sales.ordersummary('01/01/2001', ?);
-                  13
----------- -------------- --------------- ---------- ------------------
-    100210              4        19020.00 2006-04-10 HUGHES
-    100250              4        22625.00 2006-01-23 HUGHES
-    101220              4        45525.00 2006-07-21 SCHNABL
-    200300              3        52000.00 2006-02-06 SCHAEFFER
-    200320              4         9195.00 2006-02-17 KARAJAN
-    200490              2         1065.00 2006-03-19 WEIGL
---- 13 row(s) selected.
----------- -------- ------------ ----------- ------------------
-    100210     2001      1100.00           3 GRAPHIC PRINTER,M1
-    100210     2403       620.00           6 DAISY PRINTER,T2
-    100210      244      3500.00           3 PC GOLD, 30 MB
-    100210     5100       150.00          10 MONITOR BW, TYPE 1
-    100250     6500        95.00          10 DISK CONTROLLER
-    100250     6301       245.00          15 GRAPHIC CARD, HR
---- 70 row(s) selected.
---- SQL operation complete.
-== COMMIT WORK Statement
-The COMMIT WORK statement commits any changes to objects made during the current transaction and ends
-the transaction. See <<Transaction_Management,Transaction Management>>.
-WORK is an optional keyword that has no effect.
-COMMIT WORK issued outside of an active transaction generates error 8605.
-=== Considerations for COMMIT WORK
-BEGIN WORK starts a transaction. COMMIT WORK or ROLLBACK WORK ends a transaction.
-=== Example of COMMIT WORK
-Suppose that your application adds information to the inventory. You have received 24 terminals from
-a new supplier and want to add the supplier and update the quantity on hand. The part number for the
-terminals is 5100, and the supplier is assigned supplier number 17. The cost of each terminal is $800.
-The transaction must add the order for terminals to PARTSUPP, add the supplier to the SUPPLIER table,
-and update QTY_ON_HAND in PARTLOC. After the INSERT and UPDATE statements execute successfully,
-you commit the transaction, as shown:
--- This statement initiates a transaction.
---- SQL operation complete.
--- This statement inserts a new entry into PARTSUPP.
-INSERT INTO invent.partsupp
-VALUES (5100, 17, 800.00, 24);
---- 1 row(s) inserted.
--- This statement inserts a new entry into SUPPLIER.
-INSERT INTO invent.supplier
-VALUES (17, 'Super Peripherals','751 Sanborn Way',
- 'Santa Rosa', 'California', '95405');
---- 1 row(s) inserted.
--- This statement updates the quantity in PARTLOC.
-UPDATE invent.partloc
-SET qty_on_hand = qty_on_hand + 24
-WHERE partnum = 5100 AND loc_code = 'G43';
---- 1 row(s) updated.
--- This statement ends a transaction.
---- SQL operation complete.
-The CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement cancels an executing query that you identify with a query ID.
-You can execute the CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement in a client-based tool like TrafCI or through any ODBC or JDBC
-CONTROL QUERY CANCEL is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-CONTROL QUERY CANCEL QID query-id [COMMENT 'comment-text']
-=== Syntax Description of CONTROL QUERY CANCEL
-* `_query-id_`
-specifies the query ID of an executing query, which is a unique identifier generated by the SQL compiler.
-* `'_comment-text_'`
-specifies an optional comment to be displayed in the canceled query\u2019s error message.
-=== Considerations for CONTROL QUERY CANCEL
-==== Benefits of CONTROL QUERY CANCEL
-For many queries, the CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement allows the termination of the query without stopping the
-master executor process (MXOSRVR). This type of cancellation has these benefits over standard ODBC/JDBC cancel
-* An ANSI-defined error message is returned to the client session, and SQLSTATE is set to HY008.
-* Important cached objects persist after the query is canceled, including the master executor process and its
-compiler, the compiled statements cached in the master, and the compiler\u2019s query cache and its cached metadata
-and histograms.
-* The client does not need to reestablish its connection, and its prepared statements are preserved.
-* When clients share connections using a middle-tier application server, the effects of canceling one client\u2019s
-executing query no longer affect other clients sharing the same connection.
-==== Restrictions on CONTROL QUERY CANCEL
-Some executing queries may not respond to a CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement within a 60-second interval. For those
-queries, {project-name} SQL stops their ESP processes if there are any. If this action allows the query to be canceled,
-you will see all the benefits listed above.
-If the executing query does not terminate within 120 seconds after the CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement is issued,
-{project-name} SQL stops the master executor process, terminating the query and generating a lost connection error.
-In this case, you will not see any of the benefits listed above. Instead, you will lose your connection and will
-need to reconnect and re-prepare the query. This situation often occurs with the CALL, DDL, and utility statements
-and rarely with other statements.
-The CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement does not work with these statements:
-* Unique queries, which operate on a single row and a single partition
-* Queries that are not executing, such as a query that is being compiled
-* Statically compiled metadata queries
-* Queries executed in anomalous conditions, such as queries without runtime statistics or without a query ID
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue a CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You own (that is, issued) the query.
-* You have the QUERY_CANCEL component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-This CONTROL QUERY CANCEL statement cancels a specified query and provides a comment concerning the cancel
-control query cancel qid
-MXID11000010941212288634364991407000000003806U3333300_156016_S1 comment
-'Query is consuming too many resources.';
-In a separate session, the client that issued the query will see this
-error message indicating that the query has been canceled:
->>execute s1;
-*** ERROR[8007] The operation has been canceled. Query is consuming too many resources.
-The CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT statement changes the default settings for the current process. You can execute
-the CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT statement in a client-based tool like TrafCI or through any ODBC or JDBC application.
-CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-{ CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT | CQD } control-default-option
-control-default-option is:
-  attribute {'attr-value' | RESET}
-=== Syntax Description of CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT
-* `_attribute_`
-is a character string that represents an attribute name. For descriptions of these attributes,
-see the {docs-url}/cqd_reference/index.html[{project-name} Control Query Default (CQD) Reference Guide].
-* `_attr-value_`
-is a character string that specifies an attribute value. You must specify _attr-value_ as a quoted string\u2014even
-if the value is a number.
-* `RESET`
-specifies that the attribute that you set by using a CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT statement in the current session is
-to be reset to the value or values in effect at the start of the current session.
-=== Considerations for CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT
-The result of the execution of a CONTROL QUERY DEFAULT statement stays in effect until the current process
-terminates or until the execution of another statement for the same attribute overrides it.
-CQDs are applied at compile time, so CQDs do not affect any statements that are already prepared. For example:
-EXECUTE x;                              -- uses the default schema SEABASE
-SELECT * FROM t2;                       -- uses MYSCHEMA;
-EXECUTE y;                              -- uses MYSCHEMA;
-* Increase the cache refresh time for the histogram cache to two hours (7,200 minutes).
-* Reset the CACHE_HISTOGRAMS_REFRESH_INTERVAL attribute to its initial value in the current process:
-The CREATE FUNCTION statement registers a user-defined function (UDF) written in C as a function within
-a {project-name} database. Currently, {project-name} supports the creation of _scalar UDFs_, which return a single
-value or row when invoked. Scalar UDFs are invoked as SQL expressions in the SELECT list or WHERE clause
-of a SELECT statement.
-NOTE: DDL statements are not currently supported in transactions. That means that you cannot run this
-statement inside a user-defined transaction (BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK) or when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. To run
-this statement, AUTOCOMMIT must be turned ON (the default) for the session.
-CREATE FUNCTION function-ref ([parameter-declaration[, parameter-declaration]...])
-       (return-parameter-declaration[, return-parameter-declaration]...)
-    EXTERNAL NAME 'character-string-literal'
-    LIBRARY [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]library-name
-    [language c]
-    [parameter style sql]
-    [no sql]
-    [not deterministic | deterministic]
-    [final call | no final call]
-    [no state area | state area size]
-    [no parallelism | allow any parallelism]
-function-ref is:
-   [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]function-name
-parameter-declaration is:
-   [in] [sql-parameter-name] sql-datatype
-return-parameter-declaration is:
-   [out] [sql-parameter-name] sql-datatype
-=== Syntax Description of CREATE FUNCTION
-* `_function-ref_ ( [_parameter-declaration_[,_parameter-declaration_]&#8230;] )`
-specifies the name of the function and any SQL parameters that correspond to the signature of the external function.
-** `_function-ref_`
-specifies an ANSI logical name of the form:
-where each part of the name is a valid sql identifier with a maximum of 128 characters. for more information, see
-<<identifiers,identifiers>> and <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
-specify a name that is unique and does not exist for any procedure or function in the same schema.
-if you do not fully qualify the function name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
-** `_parameter-declaration_`
-specifies an sql parameter that corresponds to the signature of the external function:
-`[in] [_sql-parameter-name_] _sql-datatype_`
-*** `in`
-specifies that the parameter passes data to the function.
-*** `_sql-parameter-name_`
-specifies an sql identifier for the parameter. for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>>.
-*** `_sql-datatype_`
-specifies an sql data type that corresponds to the data type of the parameter in the signature of the
-external function. _sql-datatype_ is one of the supported sql data types in trafodion. see
-<<data_types,data types>>.
-* `{return | returns} (_return-parameter-declaration_[,_return-parameter-declaration_]&#8230;)`
-specifies the type of output of the function.
-** `_return-parameter-declaration_`
-specifies an sql parameter for an output value:
-`[out] [_sql-parameter-name_] _sql-datatype_`
-*** `out`
-specifies that the parameter accepts data from the function.
-*** `_sql-parameter-name_`
-specifies an sql identifier for the return parameter. for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>>.
-*** `_sql-datatype_`
-specifies an sql data type for the return parameter. _sql-datatype_ is one of the supported sql data types in
-trafodion. see <<data_types,data types>>.
-* `external name '_method-name_'`
-specifies the case-sensitive name of the external function\u2019s method.
-* `library \[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ANSI logical name of a library containing the external function. if you do not fully qualify the
-library name, trafodion sql qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
-* `language c`
-specifies that the external function is written in the c language. this clause is optional.
-* `parameter style sql`
-specifies that the run-time conventions for arguments passed to the external function are those of the sql
-language. this clause is optional.
-* `no sql`
-specifies that the function does not perform sql operations. this clause is optional.
-* `deterministic | not deterministic`
-specifies whether the function always returns the same values for out parameters for a given set of argument
-values (deterministic, the default behavior) or does not return the same values (not deterministic). if the
-function is deterministic, trafodion sql is not required to execute the function each time to produce results;
-instead, trafodion sql caches the results and reuses them during subsequent executions, thus optimizing the execution.
-* `final call | no final call`
-specifies whether or not a final call is made to the function. a final call enables the function to free up
-system resources. the default is final call.
-* `no state area | state area _size_`
-specifies whether or not a state area is allocated to the function. _size_ is an integer denoting memory in
-bytes. acceptable values range from 0 to 16000. the default is no state area.
-* `no parallelism | allow any parallelism`
-specifies whether or not parallelism is applied when the function is invoked. the default is allow any parallelism.
-=== Considerations for CREATE FUNCTION
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue a CREATE FUNCTION statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are creating the function in a shared schema, and you have the USAGE (or ALL) privilege on the library that
-will be used in the creation of the function. The USAGE privilege provides you with read access to the library\u2019s
-underlying library file.
-* You are the private schema owner and have the USAGE (or ALL) privilege on the library that will be used in the
-creation of the function. The USAGE privilege provides you with read access to the library\u2019s underlying library file.
-* You have the CREATE or CREATE_ROUTINE component level privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component and have the
-USAGE (or ALL) privilege on the library that will be used in the creation of the function. The USAGE
-privilege provides you with read access to the library\u2019s underlying library file.
-NOTE: In this case, if you create a function in a private schema, it will be owned by the schema owner.
-=== Examples of CREATE FUNCTION
-* This CREATE FUNCTION statement creates a function that adds two integers:
-create function add2 (int, int)
-       returns (total_value int)
-       external name 'add2'
-       library myudflib;
-* This CREATE FUNCTION statement creates a function that returns the minimum, maximum, and average values of
-five input integers:
-create function mma5 (int, int, int, int, int)
-       returns (min_value int, max_value int, avg_value int)
-       external name 'mma5'
-       library myudflib;
-* This CREATE FUNCTION statement creates a function that reverses an input string of at most 32 characters:
-create function reverse (varchar(32))
-       returns (reversed_string varchar(32))
-       external name 'reverse'
-       library myudflib;
-== CREATE INDEX Statement
-The CREATE INDEX statement creates an SQL index based on one or more columns of a table or table-like object.
-The CREATE VOLATILE INDEX statement creates an SQL index with a lifespan that is limited to the SQL session that
-the index is created. Volatile indexes are dropped automatically when the session ends. See <<Indexes,Indexes>>.
-CREATE INDEX is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-NOTE: DDL statements are not currently supported in transactions. That means that you cannot run this statement
-inside a user-defined transaction (BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK) or when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. To run this statement,
-AUTOCOMMIT must be turned ON (the default) for the session.
-   (column-name [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]
-   [,column-name [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...)
-   [HBASE_OPTIONS (hbase-options-list)]
-hbase-options-list is:
-   hbase-option = 'value'[, hbase-option = 'value']...
-=== Syntax Description of CREATE INDEX
-* `_index_`
-is an SQL identifier that specifies the simple name for the new index. You cannot qualify _index_ with its schema
-name. Indexes have their own name space within a schema, so an index name might be the same as a table or constraint
-name. However, no two indexes in a schema can have the same name.
-* `_table_`
-is the name of the table for which to create the index. See <<database_object_names,Database Object Names>>.
-* `_column-name_ [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]] [,_column-name_ [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]&#8230;`
-specifies the columns in _table_ to include in the index. The order of the columns in the index need not correspond
-to the order of the columns in the table.
-ASCENDING or DESCENDING specifies the storage and retrieval order for rows in the index. The default is ASCENDING.
-Rows are ordered by values in the first column specified for the index. If multiple index rows share the same value
-for the first column, the values in the second column are used to order the rows, and so forth. If duplicate index
-rows occur in a non-unique index, their order is based on the sequence specified for the columns of the key of the
-underlying table. For ordering (but not for other purposes), nulls are greater than other values.
-* `HBASE_OPTIONS (_hbase-option_ = '_value_'[, _hbase-option_ = '_value_']&#8230;)`
-a list of HBase options to set for the index. These options are applied independently of any HBase options set for
-the index\u2019s table.
-// TODO: The Word document did not list all default values. 
-** `_hbase-option_ = '_value_'`
-is one of the these HBase options and its assigned value:
-| HBase Option           | Accepted Values^1^
-| BLOCKCACHE             | 'true' \| 'false'
-| BLOCKSIZE              | *'65536'( \| '_positive-integer_'
-| BLOOMFILTER            | 'NONE' \| 'ROW' \| 'ROWCOL'
-| CACHE_BLOOMS_ON_WRITE  | 'true' \| 'false'
-| CACHE_DATA_ON_WRITE    | 'true' \| 'false'
-| CACHE_INDEXES_ON_WRITE | 'true' \| 'false'
-| COMPACT                | 'true' \| 'false'
-| COMPACT_COMPRESSION    | 'GZ' \| 'LZ4' \| 'LZO' \| 'NONE' \| 'SNAPPY'
-| COMPRESSION            | 'GZ' \| 'LZ4' \| 'LZO' \| 'NONE' \| 'SNAPPY'
-| EVICT_BLOCKS_ON_CLOSE  | *'true'* \| 'false'
-| IN_MEMORY              | *'true'* \| 'false'
-| KEEP_DELETED_CELLS     | *'true'* \| 'false'
-| MAX_FILESIZE           | '_positive-integer_'
-| MAX_VERSIONS           | '1' \| '_positive-integer_'
-| MEMSTORE_FLUSH_SIZE    | '_positive-integer_'
-| MIN_VERSIONS           | '0' \| '_positive-integer_'
-| PREFIX_LENGTH_KEY      | '_positive-integer_', which should be less than maximum length of the key for the table.
-It applies only if the SPLIT_POLICY is `KeyPrefixRegionSplitPolicy`.
-| REPLICATION_SCOPE      | '0' \| *'1'*
-| SPLIT_POLICY           | 'org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver. +
-ConstantSizeRegionSplitPolicy' \| +
-'org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver. +
-IncreasingToUpperBoundRegionSplitPolicy' \| +
-'org.apache.hadoop.hbase.regionserver. +
-| TTL                    | '-1' (forever) \| '_positive-integer_'
-^1^ Values in boldface are default values.
-causes the index to use the same salting scheme (that is,
-`SALT USING _num_ PARTITIONS [ON (_column_[, _column_]&#8230;)])` as its base table.
-=== Considerations for CREATE INDEX
-Indexes are created under a single transaction. When an index is created, the following steps occur:
-* Transaction begins (either a user-started transaction or a system-started transaction).
-* Rows are written to the metadata.
-* Physical labels are created to hold the index (as non audited).
-* The base table is locked for read shared access which prevents inserts, updates, and deletes on the base table from occurring.
-* The index is loaded by reading the base table for read uncommitted access using side tree inserts.
-NOTE: A side tree insert is a fast way of loading data that can perform specialized optimizations because the
-partitions are not audited and empty.
-* After load is complete, the index audit attribute is turned on and it is attached to the base table (to bring the index on-line).
-* The transaction is committed, either by the system or later by the requester.
-If the operation fails after basic semantic checks are performed, the index no longer exists and the entire transaction
-is rolled back even if it is a user-started transaction.
-==== Authorization and Availability Requirements
-An index always has the same security as the table it indexes.
-CREATE INDEX locks out INSERT, DELETE, and UPDATE operations on the table being indexed. If other processes have rows in the table locked
-when the operation begins, CREATE INDEX waits until its lock request is granted or timeout occurs.
-You cannot access an index directly.
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue a CREATE INDEX statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are creating the table in a shared schema.
-* You are the private schema owner.
-* You are the owner of the table.
-* You have the ALTER, ALTER_TABLE, CREATE, or CREATE_INDEX component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component.
-NOTE: In this case, if you create an index in a private schema, it will be owned by the schema owner.
-==== Limits on Indexes
-For non-unique indexes, the sum of the lengths of the columns in the index plus the sum of the length of
-the clustering key of the underlying table cannot exceed 2048 bytes.
-No restriction exists on the number of indexes per table.
-=== Examples of CREATE INDEX
-* This example creates an index on two columns of a table:
-CREATE INDEX xempname
-ON persnl.employee (last_name, first_name);
-== CREATE LIBRARY Statement
-The CREATE LIBRARY statement registers a library object in a {project-name} database. A library object
-can be an SPJ's JAR file or a UDF's library file.
-CREATE LIBRARY is a {project-name} SQL extension.
-NOTE: DDL statements are not currently supported in transactions. That means that you cannot run
-this statement inside a user-defined transaction (BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK) or when AUTOCOMMIT
-is OFF. To run this statement, AUTOCOMMIT must be turned ON (the default) for the session.
-CREATE LIBRARY [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]library-name
-   file 'library-filename'
-   [host name 'host-name']
-   [local file 'host-filename']
-=== Syntax Description of CREATE LIBRARY
-* `\[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ANSI logical name of the library object, where each part of the name is a valid sql
-identifier with a maximum of 128 characters. specify a name that is unique and does not exist for
-libraries in the same schema. if you do not fully qualify the library name, trafodion sq qualifies
-it according to the schema of the current session. for more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>>
-and <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
-* `file '_library-filename_'`
-specifies the full path of a deployed library file, which either an SPJ's jar file or a UDF's library file.
-note: make sure to upload the library file to the trafodion cluster and then copy the library file to the
-same directory on all the nodes in the cluster before running the create library statement. otherwise, you
-will see an error message indicating that the jar or dll file was not found.
-* `host name '_host-name_'`
-specifies the name of the client host machine where the deployed file resides.
-* `local file '_host-filename_'`
-specifies the path on the client host machine where the deployed file is stored.
-=== Considerations for CREATE LIBRARY
-* A library object cannot refer to a library file referenced by another library object. If the _library-filename_
-is in use by another library object, the CREATE LIBRARY command will fail.
-* The _library-filename_ must specify an existing file. Otherwise, the CREATE LIBRARY command will fail.
-* The CREATE LIBRARY command does not verify that the specified _library-filename_ is a valid executable file.
-* HOST NAME and LOCAL FILE are position dependent.
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue a CREATE LIBRARY statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are creating the library in a shared schema and have the MANAGE_LIBRARY privilege.
-* You are the private schema owner and have the MANAGE_LIBRARY privilege.
-* You have the CREATE or CREATE_LIBRARY component privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component and have
-the MANAGE_LIBRARY privilege.
-NOTE: In this case, if you create a library in a private schema, it will be owned by the schema owner.
-=== Examples of CREATE LIBRARY
-* This CREATE LIBRARY statement registers a library named SALESLIB in the SALES schema for a JAR file (SPJs):
-CREATE LIBRARY sales.saleslib FILE '/opt/home/trafodion/spjjars/Sales.jar';
-* This CREATE LIBRARY statement registers a library named MYUDFS in the default schema for a library file (UDFs):
-The CREATE PROCEDURE statement registers a Java method as a stored procedure in Java (SPJ) within a {project-name} database.
-NOTE: DDL statements are not currently supported in transactions. That means that you cannot run this statement
-inside a user-defined transaction (BEGIN WORK&#8230;COMMIT WORK) or when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF. To run this statement,
-AUTOCOMMIT must be turned ON (the default) for the session.
-CREATE PROCEDURE procedure-ref([sql-parameter-list])
-   EXTERNAL NAME 'java-method-name [java-signature]'
-   LIBRARY [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]library-name
-   [external security external-security-type]
-   language java
-   parameter style java
-   [no sql | contains sql | modifies sql data | reads sql data]
-   [dynamic result sets integer]
-   [transaction required | no transaction required]
-   [deterministic | not deterministic]
-   [no isolate | isolate]
-procedure-ref is:
-   [[catalog-name.]schema-name.]procedure-name
-sql-parameter-list is:
-   sql-parameter[, sql-parameter]...
-sql-parameter is:
-   [parameter-mode] [sql-identifier] sql-datatype
-parameter-mode is:
-   in
- | out
- | inout
-java-method-name is:
-   [package-name.]class-name.method-name
-java-signature is:
-   ([java-parameter-list])
-java-parameter-list is:
-   java-datatype[, java-datatype]...
-external-security-type is:
-   definer
- | invoker
-NOTE: delimited variables in this syntax diagram are case-sensitive. case-sensitive variables include _java-method-name_,
-_java-signature_, and _class-file-path_, and any delimited part of the _procedure-ref_.
-the remaining syntax is not case-sensitive.
-=== Syntax Description of CREATE PROCEDURE
-* `_procedure-ref_([_sql-parameter_[, _sql-parameter_]&#8230;])`
-specifies the name of the stored procedure in Java (SPJ) and any SQL parameters that correspond to the signature of
-the SPJ method.
-** `_procedure-ref_`
-specifies an ANSI logical name of the form:
-where each part of the name is a valid SQL identifier with a maximum of 128 characters. For more information,
-see <<identifiers,identifiers>> and <<database_object_names,database object names>>.
-specify a name that is unique and does not exist for any procedure or function in the same schema. {project-name}
-does not support the overloading of procedure names. That is, you cannot register the same procedure name more than
-once with different underlying SPJ methods.
-If you do not fully qualify the procedure name, then {project-name} qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
-** `_sql-parameter_`
-specifies an SQL parameter that corresponds to the signature of the SPJ method:
-`[_parameter-mode_] [_sql-identifier_] _sql-datatype_`
-*** `_parameter-mode_`
-specifies the mode `in`, `out`, or `inout` of a parameter. The default is `in`.
-**** `in`
-specifies a parameter that passes data to an SPJ.
-**** `out`
-specifies a parameter that accepts data from an SPJ. The parameter must be an array.
-**** `inout`
-specifies a parameter that passes data to and accepts data from an SPJ. The parameter must be an array.
-*** `_sql-identifier_`
-specifies an SQL identifier for the parameter. For more information, see <<identifiers,identifiers>>.
-*** `_sql-datatype_`
-specifies an SQL data type that corresponds to the Java parameter of the SPJ method.
-_sql-datatype_ can be:
-| sql data type | maps to java data type&#8230;
-| char[acter] +
-char[acter] varying +
-varchar +
-pic[ture] x^1^ +
-nchar +
-nchar varying +
-national char[acter] +
-national char[acter] varying | java.lang.string
-| date |
-| time | java.sql.time
-| timestamp | java.sql.timestamp
-| dec[imal]^2^ +
-pic[ture] s9^3^ +
-numeric (including numeric with a precision greater than eighteen)^2^ | java.math.bigdecimal
-| smallint^2^ | short
-| int[eger]^2^ | int or java.lang.integer^4^
-| largeint^2^ | long or java.lang.long^4^
-| float | double or java.lang.double^4^
-| real | float or java.lang.float^4^
-| double precision | double or java.lang.double^4^
-1. the trafodion database stores pic x as a char data type.
-2. numeric data types of sql parameters must be signed, which is the default in the trafodion database.
-3. the trafodion database stores pic s9 as a decimal or numeric data type.
-4. by default, the sql data type maps to a java primitive type. the sql data type maps to a java wrapper class
-only if you specify the wrapper class in the java signature of the external name clause.
-for more information, see <<data_types,data types>>.
-* `external name '_java-method-name_ [_java-signature_]'`
-** `_java-method-name_`
-specifies the case-sensitive name of the SPJ method of the form:
-The Java method must exist in a Java class file, _class-name_.class, within a library registered in the database.
-The Java method must be defined as `public` and `static` and have a return type of `void`.
-If the class file that contains the SPJ method is part of a package, then you must also specify the package name.
-If you do not specify the package name, the create procedure statement fails to register the SPJ.
-** `_java-signature_`
-specifies the signature of the SPJ method and consists of:
-`([_java-datatype_[, _java-datatype_]&#8230;])`
-The Java signature is necessary only if you want to specify a Java wrapper class (for example, `java.lang.integer`) instead of a java
-primitive data type (for example, `int`). An SQL data type maps to a Java primitive data type by default.
-The Java signature is case-sensitive and must be placed within parentheses, such as `(java.lang.integer, java.lang.integer`).
-The signature must specify each of the parameter data types in the order they appear in the Java method definition within
-the class file. Each Java data type that corresponds to an out or inout parameter must be followed by empty square
-brackets (`[ ]`), such as `java.lang.integer[]`.
-*** `_java-datatype_`
-Specifies a mappable Java data type. For the mapping of the Java data types to SQL data types, see _sql-datatype_.
-* `library \[[_catalog-name_.]_schema-name_.]_library-name_`
-specifies the ANSI logical name of a library containing the SPJ method. If you do not fully qualify the library name,
-then {project-name} qualifies it according to the schema of the current session.
-* `external security _external-security-type_`
-determines the privileges, or rights, that users have when executing (or calling) the SPJ. An SPJ can have one of these
-types of external security:
-** `invoker` determines that users can execute, or invoke, the stored procedure using the privileges of the user who invokes
-the stored procedure. This behavior is referred to as _invoker rights_ and is the default behavior if external security is
-not specified. Invoker rights allow a user who has the execute privilege on the SPJ to call the SPJ using his or her existing
-privileges. In this case, the user must be granted privileges to access the underlying database objects on which the SPJ operates.
-NOTE: Granting a user privileges to the underlying database objects gives the user direct access to those database objects,
-which could pose a risk to more sensitive or critical data to which users should not have access. For example, an SPJ
-might operate on a subset of the data in an underlying database object but that database object might contain other
-more sensitive or critical data to which users should not have access.
-** `definer` determines that users can execute, or invoke, the stored procedure using the privileges of the user who created
-the stored procedure. This behavior is referred to as _definer rights_. The advantage of definer rights is that users are
-allowed to manipulate data by invoking the stored procedure without having to be granted privileges to the underlying
-database objects. That way, users are restricted from directly accessing or manipulating more sensitive or critical data in
-the database. However, be careful about the users to whom you grant execute privilege on an SPJ with definer external security
-because those users will be able to execute the SPJ without requiring privileges to the underlying database objects.
-* `language java`
-specifies that the external user-defined routine is written in the java language.
-* `parameter style java`
-specifies that the run-time conventions for arguments passed to the external user-defined routine are those of the Java language.
-* `no sql`
-specifies that the SPJ cannot perform SQL operations.
-* `contains sql | modifies sql data | reads sql data`
-specifies that the SPJ can perform SQL operations. All these options behave the same as `contains sql`, meaning that the SPJ
-can read and modify SQL data. Use one of these options to register a method that contains SQL statements. Ff you do not specify
-an SQL access mode, then the default is `contains sql`.
-* `dynamic result sets _integer_`
-specifies the maximum number of result sets that the SPJ can return. This option is applicable only if the method signature
-contains a `java.sql.resultset[]` object. If the method contains a result set object, then the valid range is 1 to 255 inclusive.
-The actual number of result sets returned by the SPJ method can be fewer than or equal to this number. If you do not specify
-this option, then the default value is 0 (zero), meaning that the SPJ does not return result sets.
-* `transaction required | no transaction required`
-determines whether the SPJ must run in a transaction inherited from the calling application (`transaction required`, the default
-option) or whether the SPJ runs without inheriting the calling application\u2019s transaction (`no transaction required`). Typically,
-you want the stored procedure to inherit the transaction from the calling application. However, if the SPJ method does
-not access the database or if you want the stored procedure to manage its own transactions, then you should set the stored
-procedure\u2019s transaction attribute to no transaction required. For more information, see
-<<effects_of_the_transaction_attribute_on_spjs,effects of the transaction attribute on SPJs>>.
-* `deterministic | not deterministic`
-specifies whether the SPJ always returns the same values for out and inout parameters for a given set of argument values
-(`deterministic`) or does not return the same values (`not deterministic`, the default option). If you specify `deterministic`,
-{project-name} is not required to call the SPJ each time to produce results; instead, {project-name} caches the results and
-reuses them during subsequent calls, thus optimizing the CALL statement.
-* `no isolate | isolate`
-specifies that the SPJ executes either in the environment of the database server (`no isolate`) or in an isolated environment
-(`isolate`, the default option). {project-name} allows both options but always executes the SPJ in the UDR server process (`isolate`).
-=== Considerations for CREATE PROCEDURE
-==== Required Privileges
-To issue a CREATE PROCEDURE statement, one of the following must be true:
-* You are DB ROOT.
-* You are creating the procedure in a shared schema, and you have the USAGE (or ALL) privilege on the library that will be
-used in the creation of the stored procedure. The USAGE privilege provides you with read access to the library\u2019s underlying
-JAR file, which contains the SPJ Java method.
-* You are the private schema owner and have the USAGE (or ALL) privilege on the library that will be used in the creation of
-the stored procedure. The USAGE privilege provides you with read access to the library\u2019s underlying JAR file, which contains
-the SPJ Java method.
-* You have the CREATE or CREATE_ROUTINE component level privilege for the SQL_OPERATIONS component and have the USAGE (or ALL)
-privilege on the library that will be used in the creation of the stored procedure. The USAGE privilege provides you with read
-access to the library\u2019s underlying JAR file, which contains the SPJ Java method.
-NOTE: In this case, if you create a stored procedure in a private schema, it will be owned by the schema owner.
-==== Effects of the Transaction Attribute on SPJs
-===== Transaction Required
-_Using Transaction Control Statements or Methods_
-If you specify TRANSACTION REQUIRED (the default option), a CALL statement automatically initiates a transaction if there is
-no active transaction. In this case, you should not use transaction control statements (or equivalent JDBC transaction methods)
-in the SPJ method. Transaction control statements include COMMIT WORK and ROLLBACK WORK, and the equivalent JDBC transaction
-methods are `Connection.commit()` and `Connection.rollback()`. If you try to use transaction control statements or methods in an
-SPJ method when the stored procedure\u2019s transaction attribute is set to TRANSACTION REQUIRED, then the transaction control statements
-or methods in the SPJ method are ignored, and the Java virtual machine (JVM) does not report any errors or warnings. When the
-stored procedure\u2019s transaction attribute is set to TRANSACTION REQUIRED, then you should rely on the transaction control statements
-or methods in the application that calls the stored procedure and allow the calling application to manage the transactions.
-_Committing or Rolling Back a Transaction_
-If you do not use transaction control statements in the calling application, then the transaction initiated by the CALL statement
-might not automatically commit or roll back changes to the database. When AUTOCOMMIT is ON (the default setting), the database
-engine automatically commits or rolls back any changes made to the database at the end of the CALL statement execution. However,
-when AUTOCOMMIT is OFF, the current transaction remains active until the end of the client session or until you explicitly commit
-or roll back the transaction. To ensure an atomic unit of work when calling an SPJ, use the COMMIT WORK statement in the calling
-application to commit the transaction when the CALL statement succeeds, and use the ROLLBACK WORK statement to roll back the
-transaction when the CALL statement fails.
-===== No Transaction Required
-In some cases, you might not want the SPJ method to inherit the transaction from the calling application. Instead, you might want
-the stored procedure to manage its own transactions or to run without a transaction. Not inheriting the calling application\u2019s
-transaction is useful in these cases:
-* The stored procedure performs several long-running operations, such as multiple DDL or table maintenance operations, on the
-database. In this case, you might want to commit those operations periodically from within the SPJ method to avoid locking tables
-for a long time.
-* The stored procedure performs certain SQL operations that must run without an active transaction. For example, INSERT, UPDATE,
-and DELETE statements with the WITH NO ROLLBACK option are rejected when a transaction is already active, as is the case when a
-stored procedure inherits a transaction from the calling application. The PURGEDATA utility is also rejected when a transaction
-is already active.
-* The stored procedure does not access the database. In this case, the stored procedure does not need to inherit the transaction
-from the calling application. By setting the stored procedure\u2019s transaction attribute to NO TRANSACTION REQUIRED, you can avoid
-the overhead of the calling application\u2019s transaction being propagated to the stored procedure.
-In these cases, you should set the stored procedure\u2019s transaction attribute to NO TRANSACTION REQUIRED when creating the stored
-If you specify NO TRANSACTION REQUIRED and if the SPJ method creates a JDBC default connection, that connection will have autocommit
-enabled by default. You can either use the autocommit transactions or disable autocommit (conn.setAutoCommit(false);) and use the
-JDBC transaction methods, `Connection.commit()` and `Connection.rollback()`, to commit or roll back work where needed.
-=== Examples of CREATE PROCEDURE
-* This CREATE PROCEDURE statement registers an SPJ named LOWERPRICE, which does not accept any arguments:
-CREATE PROCEDURE lowerprice()
-   EXTERNAL NAME 'Sales.lowerPrice'
-   LIBRARY saleslib
-Because the procedure name is not qualified by a catalog and schema, {project-name} qualifies it according to the current
-session settings, where the catalog is TRAFODION (by default) and the schema is set to SALES. Since the procedure needs
-to be able to read and modify SQL data, MODIFIES SQL DATA is specified in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
-To call this SPJ, use this CALL statement:
-CALL lowerprice();
-The LOWERPRICE procedure lowers the price of items with 50 or fewer orders by 10 percent in the database.
-* This CREATE PROCEDURE statement registers an SPJ named TOTALPRICE, which accepts three input parameters and returns a numeric value, the
-total price to an INOUT parameter:
-CREATE PROCEDURE trafodion.sales.totalprice(IN qty NUMERIC (18),
-                                            IN rate VARCHAR (10),
-                                            INOUT price NUMERIC (18,2))
-   EXTERNAL NAME 'Sales.totalPrice'
-   LIBRARY sales.saleslib
-   NO SQL;
-To call this SPJ in TrafCI, use these statements:
-SET PARAM ?p 10.00;
-CALL sales.totalprice(23, 'standard', ?p);
-              253.97
---- SQL operation complete.
-Since the procedure does not read and modify any SQL data, NO SQL is specified in the CREATE PROCEDURE statement.
-* This CREATE PROCEDURE statement registers an SPJ named MONTHLYORDERS, which accepts an integer value for the month
-and returns the number of orders:
-CREATE PROCEDURE sales.monthlyorders(IN INT, OUT number INT)
-   EXTERNAL NAME 'Sales.numMonthlyOrders (int, java.lang.Integer[])'
-   LIBRARY sales.saleslib
-Because the OUT parameter is supposed to map to the Java wrapper class, java.lang.Integer, you must specify the Java
-signature in the EXTERNAL NAME clause. To invoke this SPJ, use this CALL statement:
-CALL sales.monthlyorders(3, ?);
-          4
---- SQL operation complete.
-* This CREATE PROCEDURE statement registers an SPJ named ORDERSUMMARY, which accepts a date (formatted as a string) and
-returns information about the orders on or after that date.
-CREATE PROCEDURE sales.ordersummary(IN on_or_after_date VARCHAR (20),
-                                    OUT num_orders LARGEINT)
-   EXTERNAL NAME 'Sales.orderSummary (int, long[])'
-   LIBRARY sales.saleslib
-To invoke this SPJ, use this CALL statement:
-CALL trafodion.sales.ordersummary('01-01-2014', ?);
-The ORDERSUMMARY procedure returns this information about the orders on or after the specified date, 01-01-2014:
-                  13
--------- -------------------- -------------------- ---------- --------------------
-  100210                    4             19020.00 2014-04-10 HUGHES
-  100250                    4             22625.00 2014-01-23 HUGHES
-  101220                    4             45525.00 2014-07-21 SCHNABL
-  ... ... ... ... ...
---- 13 row(s) selected.
--------- ------- ---------- ----------- ------------------
-  100210     244    3500.00           3 PC GOLD, 30 MB
-  100210    2001    1100.00           3 GRAPHIC PRINTER,M1
-  100210    2403     620.00           6 DAISY PRINTER,T2
-  ... ... ... ... ...
---- 70 row(s) selected.
---- SQL operation complete.
-== CREATE ROLE Statement
-The CREATE ROLE statement creates an SQL role. See <<Roles,Roles>>.
-CREATE ROLE role-name [ WITH ADMIN grantor ]
-grantor is:
-   database-username
-=== Syntax Description of CREATE ROLE
-* `_role-name_`
-is an SQL identifier that specifies the new role. _role-name_ is a regular or delimited
-case-insensitive identifier.
-See <<Case_Insensitive_Delimited_Identifiers,Case-Insensitive Delimited Identifiers>>.
-_role-name_ cannot be an existing role name, and it cannot be a registered database username. However,
-_role-name_ can be a configured directory-service username.
-* `WITH ADMIN _grantor_`
-specifies a role owner other than the current user. This is an optional clause.
-* `_grantor_`
-specifies a registered database username to whom you assign the role owner.
-=== Considerations for CREATE ROLE
-* To create a role, you must either be DB ROOT or have been granted the MANAGE_ROLES component privilege for SQL_OPERATIONS.
-* PUBLIC, _SYSTEM, NONE, and database user names beginning with DB are reserved. You cannot specify a _role-name_ with any such name.
-==== Role Ownership
-You can give role ownership to a user by specifying the user in the WITH ADMIN _grantor_ clause with the _grantor_ as the user.
-The role owner can perform these operations:
-* Grant and revoke the role to users.
-* Drop the role.
-Role ownership is permanent. After you create the role, the ownership of the role cannot b


[08/15] incubator-trafodion git commit: Major reorganization of the Client Installation Guide.

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diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/olap_functions.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/olap_functions.adoc
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-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= OLAP Functions
-This section describes the syntax and semantics of the On Line
-Analytical Process (OLAP) window functions. The OLAP window functions
-are ANSI compliant.
-== Considerations for Window Functions
-These considerations apply to all window functions.
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-The window defined by the _inline-window-specification_ consists of the
-rows specified by the _window-frame-clause_, bounded by the current
-partition. If no PARTITION BY clause is specified, the partition is
-defined to be all the rows of the intermediate result. If a PARTITION BY
-clause is specified, the partition is the set of rows which have the
-same values for the expressions specified in the PARTITION clause.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-DISTINCT is not supported for window functions.
-Use of a FOLLOWING term is not supported. Using a FOLLOWING term results
-in an error.
-If no _window-frame-clause_ is specified, "ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED
-PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING" is assumed. This clause is not
-supported because it involves a FOLLOWING term and will result in an
-"ROWS _preceding-row_" is equivalent to "ROWS BETWEEN _preceding-row_
-=== Nulls
-All nulls are eliminated before the function is applied to the set of
-values. If the window contains all NULL values, the result of the window
-function is NULL.
-If the specified window for a particular row consists of rows that are
-all before the first row of the partition (no rows in the window), the
-result of the window function is NULL.
-== ORDER BY Clause Supports Expressions For OLAP Functions
-The ORDER BY clause of the OLAP functions now supports expressions.
-However, use of multiple OLAP functions with different expressions in
-the same query is not supported. The following examples show how
-expressions may be used in the ORDER BY clause.
-  -1 * annualsalary neg_total
-, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY -1 * annualsalary) olap_rank
-FROM employee;
-Using an aggregate in the ORDER BY clause:
-  num
-, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)) olap_rank
-FROM employee
-GROUP BY num;
-Using multiple functions with the same expression in the ORDER BY clause:
-  num
-, workgroupnum
-, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM (annualsalary)*num) olap_rank
-, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM (annualsalary)*num) olap_drank
-, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SUM (annualsalary)*num) olap_mum
-FROM employee
-GROUP BY num, workgroupnum, annualsalary;
-Using more functions with the same expression in the ORDER BY clause:
-  num
-, workgroupnum
-, annualsalary
-, SUM(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
-, AVG(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
-, MIN(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
-, MAX(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
-FROM employee
-GROUP BY num, workgroupnum, annualsalary;
-== Limitations for Window Functions
-These limitations apply to all window functions.
-* The ANSI _window-clause_ is not supported by {project-name}. Only the
-_inline-window-specification_ is supported. An attempt to use an ANSI
-_window-clause_ will result in a syntax error.
-* The _window-frame-clause_ cannot contain a FOLLOWING term, either
-explicitly or implicitly. Because the default window frame clause
-UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING"), the default is not supported. So, practically,
-the _window-frame-clause_ is not optional. An attempt to use a FOLLOWING
-term, either explicitly or implicitly will result in the "4343" error
-* The window frame units can only be ROWS. RANGE is not supported by
-{project-name}. An attempt to use RANGE will result in a syntax error.
-* The ANSI _window-frame-exclusion-specification_ is not supported by
-{project-name}. An attempt to use a _window-frame-exclusion-specification_
-will result in a syntax error.
-* Multiple _inline-window-specifications_ in a single SELECT clause are
-not supported. For each window function within a SELECT clause, the
-ORDER BY clause and PARTITION BY specifications must be identical. The
-window frame can vary within a SELECT clause. An attempt to use multiple
-_inline-window-specifications_ in a single SELECT clause will result in
-the "4340" error message.
-* The ANSI _null-ordering-specification_ within the ORDER BY clause is
-not supported by {project-name}. Null values will always be sorted as if they
-are greater than all non-null values. This is slightly different than a
-null ordering of NULLS LAST. An attempt to use a
-_null-ordering-specification_ will result in a syntax error.
-* The ANSI _filter-clause_ is not supported for window functions by
-{project-name}. The _filter-clause_ applies to all aggregate functions
-(grouped and windowed) and that the _filter-clause_ is not currently
-supported for grouped aggregate functions. An attempt to use a
-_filter-clause_ will result in a syntax error.
-* The DISTINCT value for the _set-qualifier-clause_ within a window
-function is not supported. Only the ALL value is supported for the
-_set-qualifier-clause_ within a window function. An attempt to use
-DISTINCT in a window function will result in the "4341" error message.
-== AVG Window Function
-AVG is a window function that returns the average of non-null values of
-the given expression for the current window specified by the
-_inline-window specification_.
-AVG ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-                       [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-[ window-frame-clause ]
-* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
-| ROWS preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
-* `_preceding-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
-* `_following-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
-* `ALL`
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the AVG of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies a numeric or interval value _expression_ that determines the
-values to average. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>
-and <<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>.
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies_the_window_over_which_the_avg_is_computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional partition by
-clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
-The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
-partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
-within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the AVG is
-=== Examples of AVG Window Function
-* Return the running average value of the SALARY column:
-  empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the running average value of the SALARY column within each
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the moving average of salary within each department over a
-window of the last 4 rows:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-== COUNT Window Function
-COUNT is a window function that returns the count of the non null values
-of the given expression for the current window specified by the
-COUNT {(*) | ([ALL] expression) } OVER inline-window-specification
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-[ window-frame-clause ]
-* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
-| ROW preceding-row
-| ROW BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
-| ROW BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
-| ROW BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
-* `_preceding-row_` is:
-|  unsigned-integer PRECEDING
-* `_following-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
-* `ALL`
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the COUNT of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies a value _expression_ that is to be counted. See
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the COUNT is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
-The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
-partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
-within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the COUNT is
-=== Examples of COUNT Window Function
-* Return the running count of the SALARY column:
-  empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the running count of the SALARY column within each department:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the moving count of salary within each department over a window
-of the last 4 rows:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the running count of employees within each department:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-== DENSE_RANK Window Function
-DENSE_RANK is a window function that returns the ranking of each row of
-the current partition specified by the inline-window-specification. The
-ranking is relative to the ordering specified in the
-inline-window-specification. The return value of DENSE_RANK starts at 1
-for the first row of the window. Values of the given expression that are
-equal have the same rank. The value of DENSE_RANK advances 1 when the
-value of the given expression changes.
-DENSE_RANK() OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the DENSE_RANK is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause and an optional ORDER BY clause. The PARTITION BY clause
-specifies how the intermediate result is partitioned and the ORDER BY
-clause specifies how the rows are ordered within each partition.
-=== Examples of DENSE_RANK Window Function
-* Return the dense rank for each employee based on employee number:
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the dense rank for each employee within each department based
-on salary:
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-=== MAX Window Function
-MAX is a window function that returns the maximum value of all non null
-values of the given expression for the current window specified by the
-MAX ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-[ window-frame-clause ]
-* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
-| ROWS preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
-* `_preceding-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
-* `_following-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
-* `ALL`
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the MAX of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies an expression that determines the values over which the MAX is
-computed. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the MAX is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
-The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
-partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
-within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the MAX is
-=== Examples of MAX Window Function
-* Return the running maximum of the SALARY column:
-  empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the running maximum of the SALARY column within each department:
-  deptnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the moving maximum of salary within each department over a window of the last 4 rows:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-== MIN Window Function
-MIN is a window function that returns the minimum value of all non null
-values of the given expression for the current window specified by the
-MIN ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-[ window-frame-clause ]
-* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
-| ROWS preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
-* `_preceding-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
-* `_following-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
-* `ALL1
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the MIN of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies an expression that determines the values over which the MIN is
-computed See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the MIN is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
-The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
-partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
-within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the MIN is
-=== Examples of MIN Window Function
-* Return the running minimum of the SALARY column:
-  empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the running minimum of the SALARY column within each department:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the moving minimum of salary within each department over a window of the last 4 rows:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-== RANK Window Function
-RANK is a window function that returns the ranking of each row of the
-current partition specified by the inline-window-specification. The
-ranking is relative to the ordering specified in the
-_inline-window-specification_. The return value of RANK starts at 1 for
-the first row of the window. Values that are equal have the same rank.
-The value of RANK advances to the relative position of the row in the
-window when the value changes.
-RANK() OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the RANK is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause and an optional ORDER BY clause. The PARTITION BY clause
-specifies how the intermediate result is partitioned and the ORDER BY
-clause specifies how the rows are ordered within each partition.
-=== Examples of RANK Window Function
-* Return the rank for each employee based on employee number:
-  RANK() OVER (ORDER BY empnum)
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the rank for each employee within each department based on salary:
-  RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY deptnum ORDER BY salary)
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-=== ROW_NUMBER Window Function
-ROW_NUMBER is a window function that returns the row number of each row
-of the current window specified by the inline-window-specification.
-ROW_NUMBER () OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the ROW_NUMBER is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause and an optional ORDER BY clause. The PARTITION BY clause
-specifies how the intermediate result is partitioned and the ORDER BY
-clause specifies how the rows are ordered within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the ROW_NUMBER is
-=== Examples of ROW_NUMBER Window Function
-* Return the row number for each row of the employee table:
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the row number for each row within each department:
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-=== STDDEV Window Function
-STDDEV is a window function that returns the standard deviation of non
-null values of the given expression for the current window specified by
-the inline-window-specification.
-STDDEV ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-[ window-frame-clause ]
-* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
-| ROWS preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
-* `_preceding-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
-* `_following-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
-* `ALL`
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the STDDEV of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies a numeric or interval value _expression_ that determines the
-values over which STDDEV is computed.
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the STDDEV is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
-The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
-partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
-within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the STDDEV is
-=== Examples of STDDEV
-* Return the standard deviation of the salary for each row of the
-employee table:
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the standard deviation for each row within each department:
-, *
-FROM persnl.employee;
-== SUM Window Function
-SUM is a window function that returns the sum of non null values of the
-given expression for the current window specified by the
-SUM ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-[ window-frame-clause ]
-* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
-| ROWS preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
-* `_preceding-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
-* `_following-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
-* `ALL`
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the SUM of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies a numeric or interval value expression that determines the
-values to sum. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the SUM is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
-The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
-partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
-within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the SUM is computed.
-=== Examples of SUM Window Function
-* Return the running sum value of the SALARY column:
-  empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the running sum of the SALARY column within each department:
-  deptnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the moving sum of the SALARY column within each department over a window of the last 4 rows:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-, SUM (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY deptnum ORDER BY empnum ROWS 3 PRECEDING)
-FROM persnl.employee;
-== VARIANCE Window Function
-VARIANCE is a window function that returns the variance of non null
-values of the given expression for the current window specified by the
-VARIANCE ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
-* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
-[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
-          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
-[ window-frame-clause ]
-* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
-| ROWS preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
-| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
-* `_preceding-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
-* `_following-row_` is:
-| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
-* `ALL`
-specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
-the VARIANCE of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
-duplicate values to be included.
-* `_expression_`
-specifies a numeric or interval value expression that determines the
-values over which the variance is computed.
-See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
-* `_inline-window-specification_`
-specifies the window over which the VARIANCE is computed. The
-_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
-clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
-The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
-partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
-within each partition.
-* `_window-frame-clause_`
-specifies the window within the partition over which the VARIANCE is
-=== Examples of VARIANCE Window Function
-* Return the variance of the SALARY column:
-  empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
-* Return the variance of the SALARY column within each department:
-  deptnum
-, empnum
-FROM persnl.employee;
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= OLAP Functions
+This section describes the syntax and semantics of the On Line
+Analytical Process (OLAP) window functions. The OLAP window functions
+are ANSI compliant.
+== Considerations for Window Functions
+These considerations apply to all window functions.
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+The window defined by the _inline-window-specification_ consists of the
+rows specified by the _window-frame-clause_, bounded by the current
+partition. If no PARTITION BY clause is specified, the partition is
+defined to be all the rows of the intermediate result. If a PARTITION BY
+clause is specified, the partition is the set of rows which have the
+same values for the expressions specified in the PARTITION clause.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+DISTINCT is not supported for window functions.
+Use of a FOLLOWING term is not supported. Using a FOLLOWING term results
+in an error.
+If no _window-frame-clause_ is specified, "ROWS BETWEEN UNBOUNDED
+PRECEDING AND UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING" is assumed. This clause is not
+supported because it involves a FOLLOWING term and will result in an
+"ROWS _preceding-row_" is equivalent to "ROWS BETWEEN _preceding-row_
+=== Nulls
+All nulls are eliminated before the function is applied to the set of
+values. If the window contains all NULL values, the result of the window
+function is NULL.
+If the specified window for a particular row consists of rows that are
+all before the first row of the partition (no rows in the window), the
+result of the window function is NULL.
+== ORDER BY Clause Supports Expressions For OLAP Functions
+The ORDER BY clause of the OLAP functions now supports expressions.
+However, use of multiple OLAP functions with different expressions in
+the same query is not supported. The following examples show how
+expressions may be used in the ORDER BY clause.
+  -1 * annualsalary neg_total
+, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY -1 * annualsalary) olap_rank
+FROM employee;
+Using an aggregate in the ORDER BY clause:
+  num
+, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)) olap_rank
+FROM employee
+GROUP BY num;
+Using multiple functions with the same expression in the ORDER BY clause:
+  num
+, workgroupnum
+, RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM (annualsalary)*num) olap_rank
+, DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY SUM (annualsalary)*num) olap_drank
+, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY SUM (annualsalary)*num) olap_mum
+FROM employee
+GROUP BY num, workgroupnum, annualsalary;
+Using more functions with the same expression in the ORDER BY clause:
+  num
+, workgroupnum
+, annualsalary
+, SUM(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
+, AVG(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
+, MIN(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
+, MAX(AnnualSalary) OVER (ORDER BY SUM(annualsalary)*num ROWS UNBOUNDED PRECEDING)
+FROM employee
+GROUP BY num, workgroupnum, annualsalary;
+== Limitations for Window Functions
+These limitations apply to all window functions.
+* The ANSI _window-clause_ is not supported by {project-name}. Only the
+_inline-window-specification_ is supported. An attempt to use an ANSI
+_window-clause_ will result in a syntax error.
+* The _window-frame-clause_ cannot contain a FOLLOWING term, either
+explicitly or implicitly. Because the default window frame clause
+UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING"), the default is not supported. So, practically,
+the _window-frame-clause_ is not optional. An attempt to use a FOLLOWING
+term, either explicitly or implicitly will result in the "4343" error
+* The window frame units can only be ROWS. RANGE is not supported by
+{project-name}. An attempt to use RANGE will result in a syntax error.
+* The ANSI _window-frame-exclusion-specification_ is not supported by
+{project-name}. An attempt to use a _window-frame-exclusion-specification_
+will result in a syntax error.
+* Multiple _inline-window-specifications_ in a single SELECT clause are
+not supported. For each window function within a SELECT clause, the
+ORDER BY clause and PARTITION BY specifications must be identical. The
+window frame can vary within a SELECT clause. An attempt to use multiple
+_inline-window-specifications_ in a single SELECT clause will result in
+the "4340" error message.
+* The ANSI _null-ordering-specification_ within the ORDER BY clause is
+not supported by {project-name}. Null values will always be sorted as if they
+are greater than all non-null values. This is slightly different than a
+null ordering of NULLS LAST. An attempt to use a
+_null-ordering-specification_ will result in a syntax error.
+* The ANSI _filter-clause_ is not supported for window functions by
+{project-name}. The _filter-clause_ applies to all aggregate functions
+(grouped and windowed) and that the _filter-clause_ is not currently
+supported for grouped aggregate functions. An attempt to use a
+_filter-clause_ will result in a syntax error.
+* The DISTINCT value for the _set-qualifier-clause_ within a window
+function is not supported. Only the ALL value is supported for the
+_set-qualifier-clause_ within a window function. An attempt to use
+DISTINCT in a window function will result in the "4341" error message.
+== AVG Window Function
+AVG is a window function that returns the average of non-null values of
+the given expression for the current window specified by the
+_inline-window specification_.
+AVG ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+                       [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+[ window-frame-clause ]
+* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
+| ROWS preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
+* `_preceding-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
+* `_following-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
+* `ALL`
+specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
+the AVG of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
+duplicate values to be included.
+* `_expression_`
+specifies a numeric or interval value _expression_ that determines the
+values to average. See <<numeric_value_expressions,Numeric Value Expressions>>
+and <<interval_value_expressions,Interval Value Expressions>>.
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies_the_window_over_which_the_avg_is_computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional partition by
+clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
+The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
+partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
+within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the AVG is
+=== Examples of AVG Window Function
+* Return the running average value of the SALARY column:
+  empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the running average value of the SALARY column within each
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the moving average of salary within each department over a
+window of the last 4 rows:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+== COUNT Window Function
+COUNT is a window function that returns the count of the non null values
+of the given expression for the current window specified by the
+COUNT {(*) | ([ALL] expression) } OVER inline-window-specification
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+[ window-frame-clause ]
+* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
+| ROW preceding-row
+| ROW BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
+| ROW BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
+| ROW BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
+* `_preceding-row_` is:
+|  unsigned-integer PRECEDING
+* `_following-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
+* `ALL`
+specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
+the COUNT of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
+duplicate values to be included.
+* `_expression_`
+specifies a value _expression_ that is to be counted. See
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the COUNT is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
+The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
+partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
+within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the COUNT is
+=== Examples of COUNT Window Function
+* Return the running count of the SALARY column:
+  empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the running count of the SALARY column within each department:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the moving count of salary within each department over a window
+of the last 4 rows:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the running count of employees within each department:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+== DENSE_RANK Window Function
+DENSE_RANK is a window function that returns the ranking of each row of
+the current partition specified by the inline-window-specification. The
+ranking is relative to the ordering specified in the
+inline-window-specification. The return value of DENSE_RANK starts at 1
+for the first row of the window. Values of the given expression that are
+equal have the same rank. The value of DENSE_RANK advances 1 when the
+value of the given expression changes.
+DENSE_RANK() OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the DENSE_RANK is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause and an optional ORDER BY clause. The PARTITION BY clause
+specifies how the intermediate result is partitioned and the ORDER BY
+clause specifies how the rows are ordered within each partition.
+=== Examples of DENSE_RANK Window Function
+* Return the dense rank for each employee based on employee number:
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the dense rank for each employee within each department based
+on salary:
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+=== MAX Window Function
+MAX is a window function that returns the maximum value of all non null
+values of the given expression for the current window specified by the
+MAX ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+[ window-frame-clause ]
+* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
+| ROWS preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
+* `_preceding-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
+* `_following-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
+* `ALL`
+specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
+the MAX of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
+duplicate values to be included.
+* `_expression_`
+specifies an expression that determines the values over which the MAX is
+computed. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the MAX is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
+The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
+partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
+within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the MAX is
+=== Examples of MAX Window Function
+* Return the running maximum of the SALARY column:
+  empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the running maximum of the SALARY column within each department:
+  deptnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the moving maximum of salary within each department over a window of the last 4 rows:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+== MIN Window Function
+MIN is a window function that returns the minimum value of all non null
+values of the given expression for the current window specified by the
+MIN ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+[ window-frame-clause ]
+* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
+| ROWS preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
+* `_preceding-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
+* `_following-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
+* `ALL1
+specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
+the MIN of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
+duplicate values to be included.
+* `_expression_`
+specifies an expression that determines the values over which the MIN is
+computed See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the MIN is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
+The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
+partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
+within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the MIN is
+=== Examples of MIN Window Function
+* Return the running minimum of the SALARY column:
+  empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the running minimum of the SALARY column within each department:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the moving minimum of salary within each department over a window of the last 4 rows:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+== RANK Window Function
+RANK is a window function that returns the ranking of each row of the
+current partition specified by the inline-window-specification. The
+ranking is relative to the ordering specified in the
+_inline-window-specification_. The return value of RANK starts at 1 for
+the first row of the window. Values that are equal have the same rank.
+The value of RANK advances to the relative position of the row in the
+window when the value changes.
+RANK() OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the RANK is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause and an optional ORDER BY clause. The PARTITION BY clause
+specifies how the intermediate result is partitioned and the ORDER BY
+clause specifies how the rows are ordered within each partition.
+=== Examples of RANK Window Function
+* Return the rank for each employee based on employee number:
+  RANK() OVER (ORDER BY empnum)
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the rank for each employee within each department based on salary:
+  RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY deptnum ORDER BY salary)
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+=== ROW_NUMBER Window Function
+ROW_NUMBER is a window function that returns the row number of each row
+of the current window specified by the inline-window-specification.
+ROW_NUMBER () OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the ROW_NUMBER is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause and an optional ORDER BY clause. The PARTITION BY clause
+specifies how the intermediate result is partitioned and the ORDER BY
+clause specifies how the rows are ordered within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the ROW_NUMBER is
+=== Examples of ROW_NUMBER Window Function
+* Return the row number for each row of the employee table:
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the row number for each row within each department:
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+=== STDDEV Window Function
+STDDEV is a window function that returns the standard deviation of non
+null values of the given expression for the current window specified by
+the inline-window-specification.
+STDDEV ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+[ window-frame-clause ]
+* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
+| ROWS preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
+* `_preceding-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
+* `_following-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
+* `ALL`
+specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
+the STDDEV of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
+duplicate values to be included.
+* `_expression_`
+specifies a numeric or interval value _expression_ that determines the
+values over which STDDEV is computed.
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the STDDEV is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
+The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
+partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
+within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the STDDEV is
+=== Examples of STDDEV
+* Return the standard deviation of the salary for each row of the
+employee table:
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the standard deviation for each row within each department:
+, *
+FROM persnl.employee;
+== SUM Window Function
+SUM is a window function that returns the sum of non null values of the
+given expression for the current window specified by the
+SUM ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+[ window-frame-clause ]
+* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
+| ROWS preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
+* `_preceding-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
+* `_following-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
+* `ALL`
+specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
+the SUM of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
+duplicate values to be included.
+* `_expression_`
+specifies a numeric or interval value expression that determines the
+values to sum. See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the SUM is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
+The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
+partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
+within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the SUM is computed.
+=== Examples of SUM Window Function
+* Return the running sum value of the SALARY column:
+  empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the running sum of the SALARY column within each department:
+  deptnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the moving sum of the SALARY column within each department over a window of the last 4 rows:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+, SUM (salary) OVER (PARTITION BY deptnum ORDER BY empnum ROWS 3 PRECEDING)
+FROM persnl.employee;
+== VARIANCE Window Function
+VARIANCE is a window function that returns the variance of non null
+values of the given expression for the current window specified by the
+VARIANCE ([ALL] expression) OVER (inline-window-specification)
+* `_inline-window-specification_` is:
+[PARTITION BY expression [, expression]...]
+          [,expression [ASC[ENDING] | DESC[ENDING]]]...]
+[ window-frame-clause ]
+* `_window-frame-clause_` is:
+| ROWS preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND preceding-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN preceding-row AND following-row
+| ROWS BETWEEN following-row AND following-row
+* `_preceding-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer PRECEDING
+* `_following-row_` is:
+| unsigned-integer FOLLOWING
+* `ALL`
+specifies whether duplicate values are included in the computation of
+the VARIANCE of the _expression_. The default option is ALL, which causes
+duplicate values to be included.
+* `_expression_`
+specifies a numeric or interval value expression that determines the
+values over which the variance is computed.
+See <<expressions,Expressions>>.
+* `_inline-window-specification_`
+specifies the window over which the VARIANCE is computed. The
+_inline-window-specification_ can contain an optional PARTITION BY
+clause, an optional ORDER BY clause and an optional window frame clause.
+The PARTITION BY clause specifies how the intermediate result is
+partitioned and the ORDER BY clause specifies how the rows are ordered
+within each partition.
+* `_window-frame-clause_`
+specifies the window within the partition over which the VARIANCE is
+=== Examples of VARIANCE Window Function
+* Return the variance of the SALARY column:
+  empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
+* Return the variance of the SALARY column within each department:
+  deptnum
+, empnum
+FROM persnl.employee;
diff --git a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/reserved_words.adoc b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/reserved_words.adoc
index 0362601..0da11ce 100644
--- a/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/reserved_words.adoc
+++ b/docs/sql_reference/src/asciidoc/_chapters/reserved_words.adoc
@@ -1,286 +1,286 @@
-* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
-* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
-* distributed with this work for additional information
-* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
-* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
-* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
-* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
-* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
-* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
-* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
-* specific language governing permissions and limitations
-* under the License.
-* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
-= Reserved Words
-The words listed in this appendix are reserved for use by {project-name} SQL.
-To prevent syntax errors, avoid using these words as identifiers in
-{project-name} SQL. In {project-name} SQL, if an operating system name contains a
-reserved word, you must enclose the reserved word in double quotes (")
-to access that column or object.
-PATH, SPACE, STATE, STATEMENT, STATIC, and START are not reserved words.
-{project-name} SQL treats these words as reserved when they are part of
-{project-name} SQL stored text. They cannot be used as identifiers unless you
-enclose them in double quotes.
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: A
-| ACTION   | ADD   | ADMIN    | AFTER         | AGGREGATE
-| ALIAS|   | ALL   | ALLOCATE | ALTER         | AND
-| ANY      | ARE   | ARRAY    | AS            | ASC
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: B
-| BY         |       |         |        |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: C
-| CALL         | CASCADE      | CASCADED          | CASE             | CAST
-| CHECK        | CLASS        | CLOB              | CLOSE            | COALESCE
-| COLLATE      | COLLATION    | COLUMN            | COMMIT           | COMPLETION
-| CONTINUE     | CONVERT      | CORRESPONDING     | COUNT            | CREATE
-| CROSS        | CUBE         | CURRENT           | CURRENT_DATE     | CURRENT_PATH
-| CURSOR       | CYCLE        |                   |                  |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: D
-| DATE       | DATETIME   | DAY        | DEALLOCATE    | DEC
-| DELETE     | DEPTH      | DEREF      | DESC          | DESCRIBE
-| DROP       | DYNAMIC    |            |               |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: E
-| EACH    | ELSE   | ELSEIF   | END       | END-EXEC
-== Reserved SQL Identifers:  F
-| FALSE   | FETCH    | FIRST    | FLOAT | FOR
-| FULL    | FUNCTION |          |       |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers G
-| GRANT   | GROUP | GROUPING |    |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: H
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: I
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers J
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: K
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: L
-| LEAVE    | LEFT  | LESS      | LEVEL          | LIKE
-| LOOP     | LOWER |           |                |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: M
-| MODULE   | MONTH |        |          |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: N
-| NEW   | NEXT     | NO      | NONE  | NOT
-| NULL  | NULLIF   | NUMERIC |       |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: O
-| OCTET_LENGTH | OF    | OFF    | OID        | OLD
-| ON           | ONLY  | OPEN   | OPERATORS  | OPTION
-| OUT          | OUTER | OUTPUT | OVERLAPS   |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: P
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: Q
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: R
-| READ       | READS       | REAL     | RECURSIVE | REF
-| ROUTINE    | ROW         | ROWS     |           |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: S
-| SAVEPOINT    | SCHEMA         | SCOPE         | SCROLL      | SEARCH
-| SECOND       | SECTION        | SELECT        | SENSITIVE   | SESSION
-| SIMILAR      | SIZE           | SMALLINT      | SOME        | SPECIFIC
-| SUBSTRING    | SUM            | SYNONYM       | SYSTEM_USER |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: T
-| TABLE           | TEMPORARY | TERMINATE | TEST        | THAN
-| THEN            | THERE     | TIME      | TIMESTAMP   | TIMEZONE_HOUR
-| TRUE            |           |           |             |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: U
-| USING  |       |         |         |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: V
-| VIEW  | VIRTUAL | VISIBLE |          |
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: W
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers Y
-== Reserved SQL Identifiers: Z
+* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
+* or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
+* distributed with this work for additional information
+* regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
+* to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
+* "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
+* with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
+* software distributed under the License is distributed on an
+* KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
+* specific language governing permissions and limitations
+* under the License.
+* @@@ END COPYRIGHT @@@
+= Reserved Words
+The words listed in this appendix are reserved for use by {project-name} SQL.
+To prevent syntax errors, avoid using these words as identifiers in
+{project-name} SQL. In {project-name} SQL, if an operating system name contains a
+reserved word, you must enclose the reserved word in double quotes (")
+to access that column or object.
+PATH, SPACE, STATE, STATEMENT, STATIC, and START are not reserved words.
+{project-name} SQL treats these words as reserved when they are part of
+{project-name} SQL stored text. They cannot be used as identifiers unless you
+enclose them in double quotes.
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: A
+| ACTION   | ADD   | ADMIN    | AFTER         | AGGREGATE
+| ALIAS|   | ALL   | ALLOCATE | ALTER         | AND
+| ANY      | ARE   | ARRAY    | AS            | ASC
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: B
+| BY         |       |         |        |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: C
+| CALL         | CASCADE      | CASCADED          | CASE             | CAST
+| CHECK        | CLASS        | CLOB              | CLOSE            | COALESCE
+| COLLATE      | COLLATION    | COLUMN            | COMMIT           | COMPLETION
+| CONTINUE     | CONVERT      | CORRESPONDING     | COUNT            | CREATE
+| CROSS        | CUBE         | CURRENT           | CURRENT_DATE     | CURRENT_PATH
+| CURSOR       | CYCLE        |                   |                  |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: D
+| DATE       | DATETIME   | DAY        | DEALLOCATE    | DEC
+| DELETE     | DEPTH      | DEREF      | DESC          | DESCRIBE
+| DROP       | DYNAMIC    |            |               |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: E
+| EACH    | ELSE   | ELSEIF   | END       | END-EXEC
+== Reserved SQL Identifers:  F
+| FALSE   | FETCH    | FIRST    | FLOAT | FOR
+| FULL    | FUNCTION |          |       |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers G
+| GRANT   | GROUP | GROUPING |    |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: H
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: I
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers J
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: K
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: L
+| LEAVE    | LEFT  | LESS      | LEVEL          | LIKE
+| LOOP     | LOWER |           |                |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: M
+| MODULE   | MONTH |        |          |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: N
+| NEW   | NEXT     | NO      | NONE  | NOT
+| NULL  | NULLIF   | NUMERIC |       |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: O
+| OCTET_LENGTH | OF    | OFF    | OID        | OLD
+| ON           | ONLY  | OPEN   | OPERATORS  | OPTION
+| OUT          | OUTER | OUTPUT | OVERLAPS   |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: P
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: Q
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: R
+| READ       | READS       | REAL     | RECURSIVE | REF
+| ROUTINE    | ROW         | ROWS     |           |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: S
+| SAVEPOINT    | SCHEMA         | SCOPE         | SCROLL      | SEARCH
+| SECOND       | SECTION        | SELECT        | SENSITIVE   | SESSION
+| SIMILAR      | SIZE           | SMALLINT      | SOME        | SPECIFIC
+| SUBSTRING    | SUM            | SYNONYM       | SYSTEM_USER |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: T
+| TABLE           | TEMPORARY | TERMINATE | TEST        | THAN
+| THEN            | THERE     | TIME      | TIMESTAMP   | TIMEZONE_HOUR
+| TRUE            |           |           |             |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: U
+| USING  |       |         |         |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: V
+| VIEW  | VIRTUAL | VISIBLE |          |
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: W
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers Y
+== Reserved SQL Identifiers: Z