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Posted to by Dzmitry Rakavets <> on 2008/12/02 17:57:17 UTC

Problem with Tuscany calling an AXIS2 web service


I'm trying to investigate Tuscany possibilities to work with external web services (for example, provided by AXIS).

I created a very simple AXIS2 web service, which is deployed as POJO on Tomcat. Here is the interface it provides:

public interface DemoService {

    public void voidMethod();

    public void voidMethodWithParams(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal param3);

    public String echoMethod(String value);

    public String paramStructureMethod(samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure structure);

    public samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure resultStructureMethod(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal param3);

samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure is a simple java bean:

public class DemoParamStructure {

    private int integerParam;

    private String stringParam;

    private BigDecimal decimalParam;

    // ... getters and setters

At Tuscany side, I created a reference to this web service and placed WSDL file generated by AXIS somewhere under Tuscany domain:

<reference name="stub">
    < interface="com.sample.tuscany.test.DemoServiceStub"/>
    < wsdlElement="http://pojo.service.quickstart.samples#wsdl.port(DemoService/DemoServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint)"/>

The first 4 methods worked fine, however I was not able to get the correct result from the last method, which returned java bean as a result. I created the same java bean class (samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure) at Tuscany side and used this class in reference interface:

public interface DemoServiceStub {

    public void voidMethod();

    public void voidMethodWithParams(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal param3);

    public String echoMethod(String value);

    public String paramStructureMethod(samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure structure);

    public samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure resultStructureMethod(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal param3);

What I got from calling DemoServiceStub.resultStructureMethod(...) method was the instance of samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure class with EMPTY private fields. SOAP monitor showed the following SOAP result message, which had values provided for every field:

<?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
    <ns:resultStructureMethodResponse xmlns:ns="http://pojo.service.quickstart.samples">
        <ns:return xmlns:ax23="http://pojo.service.quickstart.samples/xsd" type="samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure">

I am not an experienced web service developer, so most probably I missed something... It looks like XML to Java mapping is not working correctly in my case and skips values for private fields.

I also generated AXIS2 client using ADB and it worked fine. The result SOAP message was almost the same, except that it used namespace which seems to be OK since AXIS2 client uses SOAP 1.2.

Can you please advice?

Thanks and kind regards,

Re: Problem with Tuscany calling an AXIS2 web service

Posted by Raymond Feng <>.

Tuscany follows the JAXWS/JAXB default Java/XML mapping rules for JavaBeans. 
For DemoParamStructure bean, the corresponding XML elements for the 
properties should not be qualified (i.e., <decimalParam> instead of 
<ax23:decimalParam>, see the xml below). Because the client side receives 
qualified XML elements and JAXB databinding fails to populate the 

<ns:return xmlns:ax23="http://pojo.service.quickstart.samples/xsd">

It seems that Axis2 uses different mapping rules for JavaBeans. It's also 
interesting that Axis2 produces an attribute: 

Can you try to annotate DemoParamStructure with JAXB annotations (such as 
@XmlElement) to make sure the Java/XML mapping is accurate. One thing you 
can try is to use "wsimport" to generate the Java classes out of the WSDL to 
see how it looks like.

From: "Dzmitry Rakavets" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2008 8:57 AM
To: <>
Subject: Problem with Tuscany calling an AXIS2 web service

> Hello,
> I'm trying to investigate Tuscany possibilities to work with external web 
> services (for example, provided by AXIS).
> I created a very simple AXIS2 web service, which is deployed as POJO on 
> Tomcat. Here is the interface it provides:
> public interface DemoService {
>    public void voidMethod();
>    public void voidMethodWithParams(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal 
> param3);
>    public String echoMethod(String value);
>    public String 
> paramStructureMethod(samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure 
> structure);
>    public samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure 
> resultStructureMethod(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal param3);
> }
> samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure is a simple java bean:
> public class DemoParamStructure {
>    private int integerParam;
>    private String stringParam;
>    private BigDecimal decimalParam;
>    // ... getters and setters
> }
> At Tuscany side, I created a reference to this web service and placed WSDL 
> file generated by AXIS somewhere under Tuscany domain:
> <reference name="stub">
>    < interface="com.sample.tuscany.test.DemoServiceStub"/>
>    < 
> wsdlElement="http://pojo.service.quickstart.samples#wsdl.port(DemoService/DemoServiceHttpSoap11Endpoint)"/>
> </reference>
> The first 4 methods worked fine, however I was not able to get the correct 
> result from the last method, which returned java bean as a result. I 
> created the same java bean class 
> (samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure) at Tuscany side and 
> used this class in reference interface:
> @Remotable
> public interface DemoServiceStub {
>    @Oneway
>    public void voidMethod();
>    @Oneway
>    public void voidMethodWithParams(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal 
> param3);
>    public String echoMethod(String value);
>    public String 
> paramStructureMethod(samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure 
> structure);
>    public samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure 
> resultStructureMethod(int param1, String param2, BigDecimal param3);
> }
> What I got from calling DemoServiceStub.resultStructureMethod(...) method 
> was the instance of samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure 
> class with EMPTY private fields. SOAP monitor showed the following SOAP 
> result message, which had values provided for every field:
> <?xml version='1.0' encoding='utf-8'?>
> <soapenv:Envelope 
> xmlns:soapenv="">
> <soapenv:Body>
>    <ns:resultStructureMethodResponse 
> xmlns:ns="http://pojo.service.quickstart.samples">
>        <ns:return xmlns:ax23="http://pojo.service.quickstart.samples/xsd" 
> type="samples.quickstart.service.pojo.DemoParamStructure">
>            <ax23:decimalParam>3</ax23:decimalParam>
>            <ax23:integerParam>1</ax23:integerParam>
>            <ax23:stringParam>2</ax23:stringParam>
>        </ns:return>
>    </ns:resultStructureMethodResponse>
> </soapenv:Body>
> </soapenv:Envelope>
> I am not an experienced web service developer, so most probably I missed 
> something... It looks like XML to Java mapping is not working correctly in 
> my case and skips values for private fields.
> I also generated AXIS2 client using ADB and it worked fine. The result 
> SOAP message was almost the same, except that it used 
> namespace which seems to be OK 
> since AXIS2 client uses SOAP 1.2.
> Can you please advice?
> Thanks and kind regards,
> Dzmitry