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Posted to by on 2007/07/03 06:13:38 UTC

[build-test alert] BUILD SUCCEEDED Windows 2003 x86_64 msvc debug: classlib tests


Date of build:	07/03/2007 10:29:22
Time to build:	43 minutes 43 seconds
Last changed:	07/03/2007 09:16:46
Last log entry:	HARMONY-3934 : comments by Vladimir Beliaev: 

The attached patch does the following things:

1. reports error if -XX propery format is broken (-XX:+key, -XX:-key or -XX:key=[value] is allowed), i.e. '-XX:gc.dll=' is a proper specification (of empty value) while '-XX:gc.dll' argument produces error ('initialize_properties' returnns the status code now).

2. renamed 'vm.dlls' to 'gc.dll'". This required to do the following:

    2.1 add a check that "gc.dll" property is always set (the vm_init code expects this property is set either to default value or it is set through command line)

   2.2 remove "parsing cycle" of gc.dll (previously "vm.dlls" may contain the list of DLLs)

I've tested DRLVM with different variants of related command line - works as expected. 

Execution log (errors/warnings messages):	

Testing class libraries...

Checking for depends/jars/yoko_M2-20070130/yoko.jar
Checking for depends/jars/yoko_M2-20070130/yoko-core.jar
Checking for depends/jars/yoko_M2-20070130/yoko-rmi-impl.jar
Checking for depends/jars/yoko_M2-20070130/yoko-rmi-spec.jar
Checking for depends/jars/bcel-5.2/bcel-5.2.jar
Checking for depends/jars/xalan-j_2.7.0/xalan.jar
Checking for depends/jars/xerces_2.9.0/
Checking for depends/jars/junit_3.8.2/junit.jar
Checking for depends/jars/bcprov-jdk15-136/bcprov.jar
Checking for depends/jars/icu4j_3.4.4/icu4j_3_4_4.jar
Checking for depends/jars/mx4j_3.0.2/
Checking for depends/jars/jetty/jetty-6.0.0.jar
Checking for depends/jars/jetty/jetty-util-6.0.0.jar
Checking for depends/jars/jetty/servlet-api-2.5-6.0.0.jar
Checking for depends/libs/windows.x86_64/msvcr80.dll
Checking for depends/libs/windows.x86_64/swing_awt_deps_win64_2007-02-08.tgz = drl
Compiling ACCESSIBILITY classes
Compiling ACCESSIBILITY tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling ANNOTATION classes
Compiling ANNOTATION tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
1. WARNING in C:\cruise\cc\projects\classlib\trunk\modules\annotation\src\test\java\org\apache\harmony\annotation\tests\java\lang\annotation\
 (at line 53)
	clazz, elementName);
Type safety: The expression of type Class needs unchecked conversion to conform to Class<? extends Annotation>
1 problem (1 warning)
Compiling APPLET classes
Compiling APPLET tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling ARCHIVE classes
Compiling ARCHIVE tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling AUTH classes
Compiling AUTH tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling AWT classes
Compiling AWT tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling BEANS classes
Compiling support classes for BEANS tests
Compiling internal BEANS tests
Compiling BEANS tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Running internal BEANS tests
Running BEANS tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling CRYPTO classes
Compiling CRYPTO test support files
Compiling CRYPTO api tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling CRYPTO api injected tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling CRYPTO impl injected tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling CRYPTO impl tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Running CRYPTO api tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running CRYPTO api.injected tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running CRYPTO impl tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running CRYPTO impl injected tests
Compiling ImageIO classes
Compiling ImageIO tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling INSTRUMENT classes
Compiling INSTRUMENT tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling JNDI classes
Compiling JNDI tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling LANG-MANAGEMENT classes
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling LANG-MANAGEMENT Implementation tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling LOGGING classes
Compiling LOGGING tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling LUNI classes
Compiling LUNI JUnit Tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Running LUNI JUnit Tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
2007-07-03 10:45:06.380::INFO:  Logging to STDERR via org.mortbay.log.StdErrLog
2007-07-03 10:45:06.739::INFO:  jetty-6.0.x
2007-07-03 10:45:07.114::INFO:  Started SocketConnector @
2007-07-03 10:46:20.671::INFO:  jetty-6.0.x
2007-07-03 10:46:20.671::INFO:  Started SocketConnector @
2007-07-03 10:46:22.061::INFO:  jetty-6.0.x
2007-07-03 10:46:22.061::INFO:  Started SocketConnector @
Compiling MATH classes
Compiling MATH tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling MISC classes
Compiling MISC tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling NIO classes
Compiling NIO tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling NIO_CHAR classes
Compiling NIO_CHAR tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Cannot find unmappable byte array for US-ASCII
Cannot find unmappable byte array for GB18030
Cannot find unmappable byte array for ISO-8859-1
Cannot find malform byte array for ISO-8859-1
Cannot find unmappable byte array for UTF-16BE
Cannot find malform byte array for UTF-16BE
Cannot find unmappable byte array for UTF-16
Cannot find malform byte array for UTF-16
Cannot find unmappable byte array for UTF-16LE
Cannot find malform byte array for UTF-16LE
Cannot find unmappable byte array for UTF-8
Compiling PACK200 classes
Compiling PACK200 tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Running PACK200 tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling PREFS classes
Compiling PREFS tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling PRINT classes
Compiling Print tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling REGEX classes
Compiling REGEX tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling RMI classes
Compiling RMI api tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Running RMI api tests
testDirectSocket_SingleVM starting
Test server started.
Object: MyRemoteObject[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65536, UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-8000]]]] created and exported.
Jul 3, 2007 10:54:45 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.server.RMIReference makeStrong
FINER: main: Strongly referenced RegistryImpl
Registry created.
Object bound in the registry.
Registry located.
Jul 3, 2007 10:54:48 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [localhost:1099] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7ffd]
Lookup object is: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65536, UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-8000]]]]]
Testing test_String_Void...
Testing test_Void_String...
Returned: MyRemoteObject.test_Void_String
Testing test_Int_Void...
Testing test_Void_Int...
Returned: 987654321
Testing test_Remote_Void...
Testing test_Remote_Void with remote object extending another remote object...
Testing test_Void_Remote...
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Jul 3, 2007 10:54:49 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7fe8]
Returned: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface2, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65539, UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7fe9]]]]]
Testing test_Long_Long...
Returned: 998877665544332211
Testing test_String_String...
Returned: MyRemoteObject.test_String_String
Testing test_Remote_Remote...
Jul 3, 2007 10:54:49 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7fde]
Returned: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface2, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65541, UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7fdf]]]]]
Testing test_RemoteString_Void...
Testing test_RemoteRemote_Remote...
Jul 3, 2007 10:54:50 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7fd0]
Returned: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface2, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65545, UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7fd1]]]]]
Testing test_BooleanStringRemote_Void...
Testing test_Proxy_Void...
Testing test_Array_Void...
Testing test_Void_Array...
Testing test_RemoteArray_Void...
Testing test_Void_RemoteArray...
Jul 3, 2007 10:54:50 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-7fbd]
Testing test_Exception...
org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyException: MyRemoteObject.test_Exception
Testing test_Error...
java.rmi.ServerError: Error occurred while remote method invocation; nested exception is:
	java.lang.Error: MyRemoteObject.test_Error
Testing test_RuntimeException...
java.lang.RuntimeException: MyRemoteObject.text_RuntimeException
Testing test_RemoteException...
java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred while remote method invocation; nested exception is:
	java.rmi.RemoteException: MyRemoteObject.text_RemoteException
Test server complete.
Test server closing.
Unexporting MyRemoteObject[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65536, UID[118f25b0:1138a3731ff:-8000]]]] ...
testDirectHTTP_SingleVM starting
Test server started.
Object: MyRemoteObject[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65536, UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-8000]]]] created and exported.
Jul 3, 2007 10:55:01 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.server.RMIReference makeStrong
FINER: main: Strongly referenced RegistryImpl
Registry created.
Object bound in the registry.
Registry located.
Jul 3, 2007 10:55:04 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [localhost:1099] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7ffd]
Lookup object is: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65536, UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-8000]]]]]
Testing test_String_Void...
Testing test_Void_String...
Returned: MyRemoteObject.test_Void_String
Testing test_Int_Void...
Testing test_Void_Int...
Returned: 987654321
Testing test_Remote_Void...
Testing test_Remote_Void with remote object extending another remote object...
Testing test_Void_Remote...
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Jul 3, 2007 10:55:05 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7fe8]
Returned: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface2, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65539, UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7fe9]]]]]
Testing test_Long_Long...
Returned: 998877665544332211
Testing test_String_String...
Returned: MyRemoteObject.test_String_String
Testing test_Remote_Remote...
Jul 3, 2007 10:55:05 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7fde]
Returned: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface2, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65541, UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7fdf]]]]]
Testing test_RemoteString_Void...
Testing test_RemoteRemote_Remote...
Jul 3, 2007 10:55:06 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7fd0]
Returned: Proxy[interf:[org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyRemoteInterface2, java.rmi.Remote], RemoteObjectInvocationHandler[UnicastRef[endpoint:[[]](remote), ObjID[65545, UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7fd1]]]]]
Testing test_BooleanStringRemote_Void...
Testing test_Proxy_Void...
Testing test_Array_Void...
Testing test_Void_Array...
Testing test_RemoteArray_Void...
Testing test_Void_RemoteArray...
Jul 3, 2007 10:55:06 AM org.apache.harmony.rmi.client.ClientConnection sendDGCAck
FINER: main: Sent DGC ack to [] for UID[118f25b0:1138a3770fb:-7fbd]
Testing test_Exception...
org.apache.harmony.rmi.test.MyException: MyRemoteObject.test_Exception
Testing test_Error...
java.rmi.ServerError: Error occurred while remote method invocation; nested exception is:
	java.lang.Error: MyRemoteObject.test_Error
Testing test_RuntimeException...
java.lang.RuntimeException: MyRemoteObject.text_RuntimeException
Testing test_RemoteException...
java.rmi.ServerException: RemoteException occurred while remote method invocation; nested exception is:
	java.rmi.RemoteException: MyRemoteObject.text_RemoteException
Test server complete.
Test server closing.
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65536, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff7]]]] ...
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65537, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff6]]]] ...
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65538, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff5]]]] ...
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65539, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff4]]]] ...
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65540, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff3]]]] ...
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65541, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff2]]]] ...
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65542, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff1]]]] ...
Unexporting MyRemoteObject1[UnicastServerRef[endpoint:[[]](local), ObjID[65543, UID[11ee9630:1138a37b268:-7ff0]]]] ...
Compiling SECURITY classes
Compiling SECURITY test support files
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling SECURITY api tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling SECURITY api injected tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling SECURITY impl injected tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling SECURITY impl tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Running SECURITY api tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running SECURITY api.injected tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running SECURITY impl tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running SECURITY impl injected tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling SOUND classes
Compiling SOUND tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling SQL classes
Compiling SQL tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling Sun Compat classes
Compiling SUNCOMPAT tests
Compiling TEXT classes
Compiling TEXT tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Compiling X-NET classes
Compiling X-NET test support files
Compiling X-NET api tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling X-NET impl injected tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Compiling X-NET impl tests
Since fork is false, ignoring memoryMaximumSize setting
Running X-NET api tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running X-NET impl tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
Running X-NET impl injected tests
The GC did not provide gc_add_weak_root_set_entry()
The test report is in C:\cruise\cc\projects\classlib\trunk\build\test_report\html\index.html

Unit Tests: (16725)

Modifications since last successful build:	(16)
modified xli  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/include/init.h 07/03/2007 09:16:46 HARMONY-3934 : comments by Vladimir Beliaev: The attached patch does the following things:1. reports error if -XX propery format is broken (-XX:+key, -XX:-key or -XX:key=[value] is allowed), i.e. '-XX:gc.dll=' is a proper specification (of empty value) while '-XX:gc.dll' argument produces error ('initialize_properties' returnns the status code now).2. renamed 'vm.dlls' to 'gc.dll'". This required to do the following:    2.1 add a check that "gc.dll" property is always set (the vm_init code expects this property is set either to default value or it is set through command line)   2.2 remove "parsing cycle" of gc.dll (previously "vm.dlls" may contain the list of DLLs)I've tested DRLVM with different variants of related command line - works as expected. 
modified xli  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/init/vm_init.cpp 07/03/2007 09:16:46 HARMONY-3934 : comments by Vladimir Beliaev: The attached patch does the following things:1. reports error if -XX propery format is broken (-XX:+key, -XX:-key or -XX:key=[value] is allowed), i.e. '-XX:gc.dll=' is a proper specification (of empty value) while '-XX:gc.dll' argument produces error ('initialize_properties' returnns the status code now).2. renamed 'vm.dlls' to 'gc.dll'". This required to do the following:    2.1 add a check that "gc.dll" property is always set (the vm_init code expects this property is set either to default value or it is set through command line)   2.2 remove "parsing cycle" of gc.dll (previously "vm.dlls" may contain the list of DLLs)I've tested DRLVM with different variants of related command line - works as expected. 
modified xli  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/init/ 07/03/2007 09:16:46 HARMONY-3934 : comments by Vladimir Beliaev: The attached patch does the following things:1. reports error if -XX propery format is broken (-XX:+key, -XX:-key or -XX:key=[value] is allowed), i.e. '-XX:gc.dll=' is a proper specification (of empty value) while '-XX:gc.dll' argument produces error ('initialize_properties' returnns the status code now).2. renamed 'vm.dlls' to 'gc.dll'". This required to do the following:    2.1 add a check that "gc.dll" property is always set (the vm_init code expects this property is set either to default value or it is set through command line)   2.2 remove "parsing cycle" of gc.dll (previously "vm.dlls" may contain the list of DLLs)I've tested DRLVM with different variants of related command line - works as expected. 
modified xli  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/vmcore/src/init/vm_properties.cpp 07/03/2007 09:16:46 HARMONY-3934 : comments by Vladimir Beliaev: The attached patch does the following things:1. reports error if -XX propery format is broken (-XX:+key, -XX:-key or -XX:key=[value] is allowed), i.e. '-XX:gc.dll=' is a proper specification (of empty value) while '-XX:gc.dll' argument produces error ('initialize_properties' returnns the status code now).2. renamed 'vm.dlls' to 'gc.dll'". This required to do the following:    2.1 add a check that "gc.dll" property is always set (the vm_init code expects this property is set either to default value or it is set through command line)   2.2 remove "parsing cycle" of gc.dll (previously "vm.dlls" may contain the list of DLLs)I've tested DRLVM with different variants of related command line - works as expected. 
modified ndbeyer  /harmony/enhanced/common_resources/build/ 07/03/2007 08:39:54 Update Eclipse dependencies to v3.3 (final)Synchronize common_resources and depends.xml with classlib's version
modified ndbeyer  /harmony/enhanced/common_resources/build/depends.xml 07/03/2007 08:39:54 Update Eclipse dependencies to v3.3 (final)Synchronize common_resources and depends.xml with classlib's version
modified ndbeyer  /harmony/enhanced/jdktools/trunk/make/ 07/03/2007 08:39:54 Update Eclipse dependencies to v3.3 (final)Synchronize common_resources and depends.xml with classlib's version
modified ndbeyer  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/make/ 07/03/2007 08:39:54 Update Eclipse dependencies to v3.3 (final)Synchronize common_resources and depends.xml with classlib's version
modified hindessm  /harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/modules/awt/src/main/native/fontlib/shared/T1Font.cpp 07/02/2007 21:51:43 Fixing compilation on g++ v3.2.3 (don't ask).
added mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H4267/ 07/02/2007 19:46:16 Fix for HARMONY-4267 with regression test.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/translator/java/JavaByteCodeTranslator.cpp 07/02/2007 19:46:16 Fix for HARMONY-4267 with regression test.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/shared/Type.cpp 07/02/2007 19:46:16 Fix for HARMONY-4267 with regression test.
added mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H4267 07/02/2007 19:46:16 Fix for HARMONY-4267 with regression test.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/vm/drl/DrlVMInterface.cpp 07/02/2007 19:46:16 Fix for HARMONY-4267 with regression test.
added mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/src/test/regression/H4267/run.test.xml 07/02/2007 19:46:16 Fix for HARMONY-4267 with regression test.
modified mfursov  /harmony/enhanced/drlvm/trunk/vm/jitrino/src/translator/java/JavaLabelPrepass.cpp 07/02/2007 19:46:16 Fix for HARMONY-4267 with regression test.