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Posted to by "Sobeck, David" <> on 2000/10/02 18:11:52 UTC

RE: Newbie Question

Copy foo.xml and foo.xsl from samples/SimpleTransform to your current
directory. The example code should have been written to discover these files
as resources.
 -----Original Message-----
From: Sills, David []
Sent: Saturday, September 30, 2000 12:06 PM
To: ''
Subject: Newbie Question

I just started trying Xalan today. I am working in a large project requiring
a good XSLT engine, and Xalan seemed just the ticket. However, I am
stumbling over the very first thing!
I followed instructions in Getting Started to the letter. Added xalan.jar
and xerces.jar to the classpath, as well as xalansamples.jar. (I can call
classes from them, so I'm not at all concerned that they aren't actually on
the classpath.) Using the command prompt (NT 4.0 SP5), I switched to the
samples\SimpleTransform directory. I tried to run "java SimpleTransform". I
received the following error message:
foo.xml; Line 0; Column 0
XSL Error: Could not parse foo.xml document!
XSL Error: SAX Exception
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.xalan.xslt.XSLProcessorException: File
"foo.xml" not found.
        at SimpleTransform.main(
I've tried including . in the path and in the classpath (the latter
hopeless, but who knows?). I've tried making sure the directory tree above
the Xalan installation didn't have spaces.
The command-line call to Xalan (with -IN foo.jar -XSL foo.xml) works fine.
I'd love some more ideas. Thanks.
David Sills