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Posted to by GitBox <> on 2020/06/06 18:18:38 UTC

[GitHub] [kafka] lbradstreet commented on a change in pull request #8807: KAFKA-10106: log time taken to handle LeaderAndIsr request

lbradstreet commented on a change in pull request #8807:

File path: core/src/main/scala/kafka/server/ReplicaManager.scala
@@ -1242,131 +1243,138 @@ class ReplicaManager(val config: KafkaConfig,
             s"epoch ${leaderAndIsrRequest.controllerEpoch}")
-      if (leaderAndIsrRequest.controllerEpoch < controllerEpoch) {
-        stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller $controllerId with " +
-          s"correlation id $correlationId since its controller epoch ${leaderAndIsrRequest.controllerEpoch} is old. " +
-          s"Latest known controller epoch is $controllerEpoch")
-        leaderAndIsrRequest.getErrorResponse(0, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH.exception)
-      } else {
-        val responseMap = new mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, Errors]
-        controllerEpoch = leaderAndIsrRequest.controllerEpoch
-        val partitionStates = new mutable.HashMap[Partition, LeaderAndIsrPartitionState]()
-        // First create the partition if it doesn't exist already
-        requestPartitionStates.foreach { partitionState =>
-          val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(partitionState.topicName, partitionState.partitionIndex)
-          val partitionOpt = getPartition(topicPartition) match {
-            case HostedPartition.Offline =>
-              stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
-                s"controller $controllerId with correlation id $correlationId " +
-                s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition as the local replica for the " +
-                "partition is in an offline log directory")
-              responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR)
-              None
+      val response = {
+        if (leaderAndIsrRequest.controllerEpoch < controllerEpoch) {
+          stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller $controllerId with " +
+            s"correlation id $correlationId since its controller epoch ${leaderAndIsrRequest.controllerEpoch} is old. " +
+            s"Latest known controller epoch is $controllerEpoch")
+          leaderAndIsrRequest.getErrorResponse(0, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH.exception)
+        } else {
+          val responseMap = new mutable.HashMap[TopicPartition, Errors]
+          controllerEpoch = leaderAndIsrRequest.controllerEpoch
-            case HostedPartition.Online(partition) =>
-              Some(partition)
+          val partitionStates = new mutable.HashMap[Partition, LeaderAndIsrPartitionState]()
-            case HostedPartition.None =>
-              val partition = Partition(topicPartition, time, this)
-              allPartitions.putIfNotExists(topicPartition, HostedPartition.Online(partition))
-              Some(partition)
-          }
+          // First create the partition if it doesn't exist already
+          requestPartitionStates.foreach { partitionState =>
+            val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(partitionState.topicName, partitionState.partitionIndex)
+            val partitionOpt = getPartition(topicPartition) match {
+              case HostedPartition.Offline =>
+                stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
+                  s"controller $controllerId with correlation id $correlationId " +
+                  s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition as the local replica for the " +
+                  "partition is in an offline log directory")
+                responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.KAFKA_STORAGE_ERROR)
+                None
+              case HostedPartition.Online(partition) =>
+                Some(partition)
+              case HostedPartition.None =>
+                val partition = Partition(topicPartition, time, this)
+                allPartitions.putIfNotExists(topicPartition, HostedPartition.Online(partition))
+                Some(partition)
+            }
-          // Next check partition's leader epoch
-          partitionOpt.foreach { partition =>
-            val currentLeaderEpoch = partition.getLeaderEpoch
-            val requestLeaderEpoch = partitionState.leaderEpoch
-            if (requestLeaderEpoch > currentLeaderEpoch) {
-              // If the leader epoch is valid record the epoch of the controller that made the leadership decision.
-              // This is useful while updating the isr to maintain the decision maker controller's epoch in the zookeeper path
-              if (partitionState.replicas.contains(localBrokerId))
-                partitionStates.put(partition, partitionState)
-              else {
-                stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller $controllerId with " +
-                  s"correlation id $correlationId epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition as itself is not " +
-                  s"in assigned replica list ${partitionState.replicas.asScala.mkString(",")}")
-                responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION)
+            // Next check partition's leader epoch
+            partitionOpt.foreach { partition =>
+              val currentLeaderEpoch = partition.getLeaderEpoch
+              val requestLeaderEpoch = partitionState.leaderEpoch
+              if (requestLeaderEpoch > currentLeaderEpoch) {
+                // If the leader epoch is valid record the epoch of the controller that made the leadership decision.
+                // This is useful while updating the isr to maintain the decision maker controller's epoch in the zookeeper path
+                if (partitionState.replicas.contains(localBrokerId))
+                  partitionStates.put(partition, partitionState)
+                else {
+                  stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from controller $controllerId with " +
+                    s"correlation id $correlationId epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition as itself is not " +
+                    s"in assigned replica list ${partitionState.replicas.asScala.mkString(",")}")
+                  responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.UNKNOWN_TOPIC_OR_PARTITION)
+                }
+              } else if (requestLeaderEpoch < currentLeaderEpoch) {
+                stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
+                  s"controller $controllerId with correlation id $correlationId " +
+                  s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition since its associated " +
+                  s"leader epoch $requestLeaderEpoch is smaller than the current " +
+                  s"leader epoch $currentLeaderEpoch")
+                responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH)
+              } else {
+      "Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
+                  s"controller $controllerId with correlation id $correlationId " +
+                  s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition since its associated " +
+                  s"leader epoch $requestLeaderEpoch matches the current leader epoch")
+                responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH)
-            } else if (requestLeaderEpoch < currentLeaderEpoch) {
-              stateChangeLogger.warn(s"Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
-                s"controller $controllerId with correlation id $correlationId " +
-                s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition since its associated " +
-                s"leader epoch $requestLeaderEpoch is smaller than the current " +
-                s"leader epoch $currentLeaderEpoch")
-              responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH)
-            } else {
-    "Ignoring LeaderAndIsr request from " +
-                s"controller $controllerId with correlation id $correlationId " +
-                s"epoch $controllerEpoch for partition $topicPartition since its associated " +
-                s"leader epoch $requestLeaderEpoch matches the current leader epoch")
-              responseMap.put(topicPartition, Errors.STALE_CONTROLLER_EPOCH)
-        }
-        val partitionsToBeLeader = partitionStates.filter { case (_, partitionState) =>
-          partitionState.leader == localBrokerId
-        }
-        val partitionsToBeFollower = partitionStates.filter { case (k, _) => !partitionsToBeLeader.contains(k) }
+          val partitionsToBeLeader = partitionStates.filter { case (_, partitionState) =>
+            partitionState.leader == localBrokerId
+          }
+          val partitionsToBeFollower = partitionStates.filter { case (k, _) => !partitionsToBeLeader.contains(k) }
-        val highWatermarkCheckpoints = new LazyOffsetCheckpoints(this.highWatermarkCheckpoints)
-        val partitionsBecomeLeader = if (partitionsToBeLeader.nonEmpty)
-          makeLeaders(controllerId, controllerEpoch, partitionsToBeLeader, correlationId, responseMap,
-            highWatermarkCheckpoints)
-        else
-          Set.empty[Partition]
-        val partitionsBecomeFollower = if (partitionsToBeFollower.nonEmpty)
-          makeFollowers(controllerId, controllerEpoch, partitionsToBeFollower, correlationId, responseMap,
-            highWatermarkCheckpoints)
-        else
-          Set.empty[Partition]
+          val highWatermarkCheckpoints = new LazyOffsetCheckpoints(this.highWatermarkCheckpoints)
+          val partitionsBecomeLeader = if (partitionsToBeLeader.nonEmpty)
+            makeLeaders(controllerId, controllerEpoch, partitionsToBeLeader, correlationId, responseMap,
+              highWatermarkCheckpoints)
+          else
+            Set.empty[Partition]
+          val partitionsBecomeFollower = if (partitionsToBeFollower.nonEmpty)
+            makeFollowers(controllerId, controllerEpoch, partitionsToBeFollower, correlationId, responseMap,
+              highWatermarkCheckpoints)
+          else
+            Set.empty[Partition]
-        /*
+          /*
          * KAFKA-8392
          * For topic partitions of which the broker is no longer a leader, delete metrics related to
          * those topics. Note that this means the broker stops being either a replica or a leader of
          * partitions of said topics
-        val leaderTopicSet =
-        val followerTopicSet =
-        followerTopicSet.diff(leaderTopicSet).foreach(brokerTopicStats.removeOldLeaderMetrics)
+          val leaderTopicSet =
+          val followerTopicSet =
+          followerTopicSet.diff(leaderTopicSet).foreach(brokerTopicStats.removeOldLeaderMetrics)
-        // remove metrics for brokers which are not followers of a topic
-        leaderTopicSet.diff(followerTopicSet).foreach(brokerTopicStats.removeOldFollowerMetrics)
+          // remove metrics for brokers which are not followers of a topic
+          leaderTopicSet.diff(followerTopicSet).foreach(brokerTopicStats.removeOldFollowerMetrics)
-        leaderAndIsrRequest.partitionStates.forEach { partitionState =>
-          val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(partitionState.topicName, partitionState.partitionIndex)
-          /*
+          leaderAndIsrRequest.partitionStates.forEach { partitionState =>
+            val topicPartition = new TopicPartition(partitionState.topicName, partitionState.partitionIndex)
+            /*
            * If there is offline log directory, a Partition object may have been created by getOrCreatePartition()
            * before getOrCreateReplica() failed to create local replica due to KafkaStorageException.
            * In this case ReplicaManager.allPartitions will map this topic-partition to an empty Partition object.
            * we need to map this topic-partition to OfflinePartition instead.
-          if (localLog(topicPartition).isEmpty)
-            markPartitionOffline(topicPartition)
-        }
-        // we initialize highwatermark thread after the first leaderisrrequest. This ensures that all the partitions
-        // have been completely populated before starting the checkpointing there by avoiding weird race conditions
-        startHighWatermarkCheckPointThread()
-        maybeAddLogDirFetchers(partitionStates.keySet, highWatermarkCheckpoints)
+            if (localLog(topicPartition).isEmpty)
+              markPartitionOffline(topicPartition)
+          }
-        replicaFetcherManager.shutdownIdleFetcherThreads()
-        replicaAlterLogDirsManager.shutdownIdleFetcherThreads()
-        onLeadershipChange(partitionsBecomeLeader, partitionsBecomeFollower)
-        val responsePartitions = { case (tp, error) =>
-          new LeaderAndIsrPartitionError()
-            .setTopicName(tp.topic)
-            .setPartitionIndex(tp.partition)
-            .setErrorCode(error.code)
-        }.toBuffer
-        new LeaderAndIsrResponse(new LeaderAndIsrResponseData()
-          .setErrorCode(Errors.NONE.code)
-          .setPartitionErrors(responsePartitions.asJava))
+          // we initialize highwatermark thread after the first leaderisrrequest. This ensures that all the partitions
+          // have been completely populated before starting the checkpointing there by avoiding weird race conditions
+          startHighWatermarkCheckPointThread()
+          maybeAddLogDirFetchers(partitionStates.keySet, highWatermarkCheckpoints)
+          replicaFetcherManager.shutdownIdleFetcherThreads()
+          replicaAlterLogDirsManager.shutdownIdleFetcherThreads()
+          onLeadershipChange(partitionsBecomeLeader, partitionsBecomeFollower)
+          val responsePartitions = { case (tp, error) =>
+            new LeaderAndIsrPartitionError()
+              .setTopicName(tp.topic)
+              .setPartitionIndex(tp.partition)
+              .setErrorCode(error.code)
+          }.toBuffer
+          new LeaderAndIsrResponse(new LeaderAndIsrResponseData()
+            .setErrorCode(Errors.NONE.code)
+            .setPartitionErrors(responsePartitions.asJava))
+        }
+      val endMs = time.milliseconds()

Review comment:
       For ease of review, it's worth mentioning in the PR body that the only lines that changed here are 1373-1377 and 1233, with the response being captured in 1246.

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