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Posted to by Lawrence Mandel <> on 2007/03/20 18:01:30 UTC

Minutes of the Woden Status Telecon, 2007-03-20

Attendees: Lawrence Mandel, John Kaputin, Graham Turrell
Regrets: Arthur Ryman


1. Open Action Items - Lawrence Mandel

2007-02-27 - Lawrence will create a PGP key in order to sign releases.
Lawrence: I haven't had a chance to do this yet.
Lawrence: I created a key and appended it to the KEYS file.

2007-02-27 - Graham will create a PGP key in order to sign releases.
Graham: I created my key. Next I've got to post it and get included in the 

Web of trust.
John: There are a couple of public key servers. I think you just need to 
post to one of those.
Graham: How does the keys file work into this?
John: Woden will have a keys file that lists all of the Woden committer 
Lawrence: I'm going to create a new action for all of us to work to get 
tied in to the Web of Trust.
[action] All Woden committers should try to get tied in to the Apache Web 
of Trust.

2007-03-06 - John will create an M8 plan this week.
John: I created a plan with our release defining criteria but haven't 
attached a list of Jiras.
[action] John will add Jiras to the M8 plan.

2. Milestone 8 (M8) Status - John Kaputin

No other progress has been made on M8 yet.

3. Development Discussion - All

John: I've finished Woden-148, which deals with HttpLocation, and am 
working on some tests to add to the suite today.

4. Other Business - All

Lawrence: I'm not available on Tuesday for the next 3 weeks. Is there 
another day we can hold the calls?
John: The implementor calls are finished. How about using that time slot? 
10am EST on Thursday.
Lawrence: That's fine for me.
Graham: That works for me.
[action] Lawrence will announce the change of day and time for the Woden 
calls for the next 3 weeks.


Lawrence Mandel

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