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Posted to by Tom Stewart <> on 2015/10/02 17:41:59 UTC

How to format html in email action element?

I have the following;
    <action name="email-me">
        <email xmlns="uri:oozie:email-action:0.2">
            <subject>Test email from Oozie</subject>
This is a test email from the Oozie email sample workflow in Hadoop. It was sent as HTML format. In
order to use HTML, you must set email-action:0.2 for the new versoin of this XML tag to pick up the
new content_type option that allows specification of HTML.

How do we embed <b>tags</b> into this?

Workflow Job:    ${wf:id()}
Workflow Name:   ${wf:name()}
Workflow Path:   ${wf:appPath()}

I get this error because it doesn't like my <b>tags</b> HTML code within the <body></body> tag. 

oozie job -config /hdfs/public/sample/oozie/email2/ -run
Error: E0701 : E0701: XML schema error, cvc-type.3.1.2: Element 'body' is a simple type, so it must have no element information item [children].

How does one actually format HTML tags within the <body> section when using text/html for the content_type? Do they need to be escaped in some manner?