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Posted to by Apache Jenkins Server <> on 2019/01/12 08:29:42 UTC

Build failed in Jenkins: beam_Release_NightlySnapshot #300

See <>


[ccy] Add workaround for buggy behavior in Python 3 email_generator class

[robertwb] Extract number of worker threads from pipeline options.

[robertwb] Add and use loopback mode for Beam Python Flink testing matrix.

[iemejia] [BEAM-6332] Lazy serialization of aggregation results in Spark runner.

[github] Remove the upper bound for pytz

[kenn] [BEAM-5918] Fix casting of non-numeric types

[mxm] [BEAM-6248] Disable tests for Flink 1.7 build target

[...truncated 2.85 MB...]
> Task :beam-vendor-guava-20_0:check
> Task :beam-vendor-guava-20_0:build
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:jar
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:packageTests
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:assemble
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:checkstyleMain NO-SOURCE
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:checkstyleTest NO-SOURCE
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:findbugsMain
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:javadoc NO-SOURCE
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:spotlessJava
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:spotlessJavaCheck
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:spotlessCheck
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:test NO-SOURCE
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:validateShadedJarDoesntLeakNonProjectClasses
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:check
> Task :beam-vendor-sdks-java-extensions-protobuf:build
> Task :beam-website:assemble UP-TO-DATE
> Task :beam-website:setupBuildDir

> Task :beam-website:buildDockerImage
Sending build context to Docker daemon  26.42MB
Step 1/7 : FROM ruby:2.5
2.5: Pulling from library/ruby
cd8eada9c7bb: Already exists
c2677faec825: Already exists
fcce419a96b1: Already exists
045b51e26e75: Already exists
3b969ad6f147: Already exists
f2db762ad32e: Pulling fs layer
16bcee912c6e: Pulling fs layer
c8e243389585: Pulling fs layer
f2db762ad32e: Download complete
c8e243389585: Verifying Checksum
c8e243389585: Download complete
f2db762ad32e: Pull complete
16bcee912c6e: Verifying Checksum
16bcee912c6e: Download complete
16bcee912c6e: Pull complete
c8e243389585: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:ddef42a0fea8aa8dc5ae9b835e1a3fdc6424a3ac3d457394c4b53e7d478e76a8
Status: Downloaded newer image for ruby:2.5
 ---> 60c3a1518797
Step 2/7 : WORKDIR /ruby
 ---> ee8db1bb8384
Removing intermediate container f727daf019a6
Step 3/7 : RUN gem install bundler
 ---> Running in d1324de2ca18
Successfully installed bundler-2.0.1
1 gem installed
 ---> 752f232137fe
Removing intermediate container d1324de2ca18
Step 4/7 : ADD Gemfile Gemfile.lock /ruby/
 ---> 783c8775cbb7
Removing intermediate container a01f7f8df09a
Step 5/7 : RUN bundle install --deployment --path $GEM_HOME
 ---> Running in 48a4b65276da
Fetching gem metadata from
Fetching rake 12.3.0
Installing rake 12.3.0
Fetching concurrent-ruby 1.1.4
Installing concurrent-ruby 1.1.4
Fetching i18n 0.9.5
Installing i18n 0.9.5
Fetching minitest 5.11.3
Installing minitest 5.11.3
Fetching thread_safe 0.3.6
Installing thread_safe 0.3.6
Fetching tzinfo 1.2.5
Installing tzinfo 1.2.5
Fetching activesupport 4.2.11
Installing activesupport 4.2.11
Fetching public_suffix 3.0.3
Installing public_suffix 3.0.3
Fetching addressable 2.5.2
Installing addressable 2.5.2
Using bundler 1.17.2
Fetching colorator 1.1.0
Installing colorator 1.1.0
Fetching colorize 0.8.1
Installing colorize 0.8.1
Fetching ffi 1.9.25
Installing ffi 1.9.25 with native extensions
Fetching ethon 0.11.0
Installing ethon 0.11.0
Fetching forwardable-extended 2.6.0
Installing forwardable-extended 2.6.0
Fetching mercenary 0.3.6
Installing mercenary 0.3.6
Fetching mini_portile2 2.3.0
Installing mini_portile2 2.3.0
Fetching nokogiri 1.8.5
Installing nokogiri 1.8.5 with native extensions
Fetching parallel 1.12.1
Installing parallel 1.12.1
Fetching typhoeus 1.3.1
Installing typhoeus 1.3.1
Fetching yell 2.0.7
Installing yell 2.0.7
Fetching html-proofer 3.9.3
Installing html-proofer 3.9.3
Fetching rb-fsevent 0.10.2
Installing rb-fsevent 0.10.2
Fetching rb-inotify 0.9.10
Installing rb-inotify 0.9.10
Fetching sass-listen 4.0.0
Installing sass-listen 4.0.0
Fetching sass 3.5.5
Installing sass 3.5.5
Fetching jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2
Installing jekyll-sass-converter 1.5.2
Fetching ruby_dep 1.5.0
Installing ruby_dep 1.5.0
Fetching listen 3.1.5
Installing listen 3.1.5
Fetching jekyll-watch 1.5.1
Installing jekyll-watch 1.5.1
Fetching kramdown 1.16.2
Installing kramdown 1.16.2
Fetching liquid 3.0.6
Installing liquid 3.0.6
Fetching pathutil 0.16.1
Installing pathutil 0.16.1
Fetching rouge 1.11.1
Installing rouge 1.11.1
Fetching safe_yaml 1.0.4
Installing safe_yaml 1.0.4
Fetching jekyll 3.2.0
Installing jekyll 3.2.0
Fetching jekyll-redirect-from 0.11.0
Installing jekyll-redirect-from 0.11.0
Fetching jekyll_github_sample 0.3.1
Installing jekyll_github_sample 0.3.1
Bundle complete! 7 Gemfile dependencies, 38 gems now installed.
Bundled gems are installed into `/usr/local/bundle`
 ---> b224de323478
Removing intermediate container 48a4b65276da
Step 6/7 : ENV LC_ALL C.UTF-8
 ---> Running in 35a3a4e5ee36
 ---> a63e8b7b9c19
Removing intermediate container 35a3a4e5ee36
Step 7/7 : CMD sleep 3600
 ---> Running in b2220acfaf3a
 ---> 1e4d70a8e53e
Removing intermediate container b2220acfaf3a
Successfully built 1e4d70a8e53e
Successfully tagged beam-website:latest

> Task :beam-website:createDockerContainer

> Task :beam-website:startDockerContainer

> Task :beam-website:buildLocalWebsite
`/` is not writable.
Bundler will use `/tmp/bundler/home/unknown' as your home directory temporarily.
Configuration file: /repo/website/_config.yml
Configuration file: /repo/website/_config_test.yml
            Source: /repo/website/src
       Destination: generated-local-content
 Incremental build: enabled
                    done in 13.236 seconds.
 Auto-regeneration: disabled. Use --watch to enable.

> Task :beam-website:testWebsite
`/` is not writable.
Bundler will use `/tmp/bundler/home/unknown' as your home directory temporarily.
Running ["HtmlCheck", "LinkCheck", "ImageCheck", "ScriptCheck"] on ["./generated-local-content"] on *.html... 

Checking 865 external links...
Ran on 189 files!

- ./generated-local-content/documentation/sdks/java/testing/nexmark/index.html
  *  External link failed: got a time out (response code 0)
rake aborted!
HTML-Proofer found 1 failure!
/usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/html-proofer-3.9.3/lib/html-proofer/runner.rb:167:in `print_failed_tests'
/usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/html-proofer-3.9.3/lib/html-proofer/runner.rb:48:in `run'
/repo/build/website/Rakefile:20:in `block in <top (required)>'
/usr/local/bundle/ruby/2.5.0/gems/rake-12.3.0/exe/rake:27:in `<top (required)>'
/usr/local/bundle/bin/bundle:23:in `load'
/usr/local/bundle/bin/bundle:23:in `<main>'
Tasks: TOP => test
(See full trace by running task with --trace)

> Task :beam-website:testWebsite FAILED

> Task :beam-website:stopAndRemoveDockerContainer

> Task :beam-website:buildWebsite
> Task :release:compileJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :release:compileGroovy FROM-CACHE
> Task :release:processResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :release:classes UP-TO-DATE
> Task :release:jar
> Task :release:assemble
> Task :release:compileTestJava NO-SOURCE
> Task :release:compileTestGroovy NO-SOURCE
> Task :release:processTestResources NO-SOURCE
> Task :release:testClasses UP-TO-DATE
> Task :release:test NO-SOURCE
> Task :release:check UP-TO-DATE
> Task :release:build

FAILURE: Build completed with 2 failures.

1: Task failed with an exception.
* Where:
Build file '<'> line: 60

* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':beam-sdks-python:testPython3'.
> Process 'command 'sh'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

2: Task failed with an exception.
* What went wrong:
Execution failed for task ':beam-website:testWebsite'.
> Process 'command 'docker'' finished with non-zero exit value 1

* Try:
Run with --stacktrace option to get the stack trace. Run with --info or --debug option to get more log output. Run with --scan to get full insights.

* Get more help at

Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build, making it incompatible with Gradle 5.0.
Use '--warning-mode all' to show the individual deprecation warnings.

BUILD FAILED in 1h 28m 57s
995 actionable tasks: 983 executed, 10 from cache, 2 up-to-date

Publishing build scan...

Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' changed build result to FAILURE
Build step 'Invoke Gradle script' marked build as failure

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Jenkins build is back to normal : beam_Release_NightlySnapshot #301

Posted by Apache Jenkins Server <>.
See <>

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