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Posted to by on 2013/03/04 20:32:52 UTC

[21/91] [abbrv] never ever check in node modules. baaad.
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/package.json b/node_modules/nodeunit/package.json
deleted file mode 100644
index 85b72ce..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/package.json
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-  "name": "nodeunit",
-  "description": "Easy unit testing for node.js and the browser.",
-  "maintainers": [
-    {
-      "name": "Caolan McMahon",
-      "url": ""
-    }
-  ],
-  "contributors": [
-    {
-      "name": "Romain Beauxis",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Alex Gorbatchev",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Alex Wolfe",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Carl Fürstenberg",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Gerad Suyderhoud",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Kadir Pekel",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Oleg Efimov",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Orlando Vazquez",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Ryan Dahl",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Sam Stephenson",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Thomas Mayfield",
-      "url": ""
-    },
-    {
-      "name": "Elijah Insua",
-      "email": "",
-      "url": ""
-    }
-  ],
-  "version": "0.7.4",
-  "repository": {
-    "type": "git",
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "devDependencies": {
-    "uglify-js": ">=1.1.0",
-    "should": ">=0.4.2"
-  },
-  "bugs": {
-    "url": ""
-  },
-  "licenses": [
-    {
-      "type": "MIT",
-      "url": ""
-    }
-  ],
-  "directories": {
-    "lib": "./lib",
-    "doc": "./doc",
-    "man": "./man1"
-  },
-  "bin": {
-    "nodeunit": "./bin/nodeunit"
-  },
-  "dependencies": {
-    "tap": ">=0.2.3"
-  },
-  "man": [
-    "/Users/mikereinstein/.npm/nodeunit/0.7.4/package/man1/nodeunit.1"
-  ],
-  "readme": "Nodeunit\n========\n\nSimple syntax, powerful tools. Nodeunit provides easy async unit testing for\nnode.js and the browser.\n\n* Simple to use\n* Just export the tests from a module\n* Works with node.js and in the browser.\n* Helps you avoid common pitfalls when testing asynchronous code\n* Easy to add test cases with setUp and tearDown functions if you wish\n* Flexible reporters for custom output, built-in support for HTML and jUnit XML\n* Allows the use of mocks and stubs\n\n__Contributors__\n\n* [alexgorbatchev](\n* [alexkwolfe](\n* [azatoth](\n* [kadirpekel](\n* [lambdalisue](\n* [luebken](\n* [orlandov](\n* [Sannis](\n* [sstephenson](\n* [thegreatape](\n* [mmalecki](https:/
 /\n* and thanks to [cjohansen]( for input and advice\n  on implementing setUp and tearDown functions. See\n  [cjohansen's fork](\n\nAlso, check out gerad's [nodeunit-dsl](\nproject, which implements a 'pretty dsl on top of nodeunit'.\n\nMore contributor information can be found in the\n[](\nfile.\n\nUsage\n-----\n\nHere is an example unit test module:\n\n    exports.testSomething = function(test){\n        test.expect(1);\n        test.ok(true, \"this assertion should pass\");\n        test.done();\n    };\n\n    exports.testSomethingElse = function(test){\n        test.ok(false, \"this assertion should fail\");\n        test.done();\n    };\n\nWhen run using the included test runner, this will output the following:\n\n<img src=\"
 mple_fail.png\" />\n\nInstallation\n------------\n\nThere are two options for installing nodeunit:\n\n1. Clone / download nodeunit from [github](,\n   then:\n\n    make && sudo make install\n\n2. Install via npm:\n\n    npm install nodeunit\n\nAPI Documentation\n-----------------\n\nNodeunit uses the functions available in the node.js\n[assert module](\n\n* __ok(value, [message])__ - Tests if value is a true value.\n* __equal(actual, expected, [message])__ - Tests shallow, coercive equality\n  with the equal comparison operator ( == ).\n* __notEqual(actual, expected, [message])__ - Tests shallow, coercive\n  non-equality with the not equal comparison operator ( != ).\n* __deepEqual(actual, expected, [message])__ - Tests for deep equality.\n* __notDeepEqual(actual, expected, [message])__ - Tests for any deep\n  inequality.\n* __strictEqual(actual, expected, [message])__ - Tests strict equality, as\n  de
 termined by the strict equality operator ( === )\n* __notStrictEqual(actual, expected, [message])__ - Tests strict non-equality,\n  as determined by the strict not equal operator ( !== )\n* __throws(block, [error], [message])__ - Expects block to throw an error.\n* __doesNotThrow(block, [error], [message])__ - Expects block not to throw an\n  error.\n* __ifError(value)__ - Tests if value is not a false value, throws if it is a\n  true value. Useful when testing the first argument, error in callbacks.\n\nNodeunit also provides the following functions within tests:\n\n* __expect(amount)__ - Specify how many assertions are expected to run within a\n  test. Very useful for ensuring that all your callbacks and assertions are\n  run.\n* __done()__ - Finish the current test function, and move on to the next. ALL\n  tests should call this!\n\nNodeunit aims to be simple and easy to learn. This is achieved through using\nexisting structures (such as node.js modules) to maximum effect, and red
 ucing\nthe API where possible, to make it easier to digest.\n\nTests are simply exported from a module, but they are still run in the order\nthey are defined.\n\n__Note:__ Users of old nodeunit versions may remember using ok, equals and same\nin the style of qunit, instead of the assert functions above. These functions\nstill exist for backwards compatibility, and are simply aliases to their assert\nmodule counterparts.\n\n\nAsynchronous Testing\n--------------------\n\nWhen testing asynchronous code, there are a number of sharp edges to watch out\nfor. Thankfully, nodeunit is designed to help you avoid as many of these\npitfalls as possible. For the most part, testing asynchronous code in nodeunit\n_just works_.\n\n\n### Tests run in series\n\nWhile running tests in parallel seems like a good idea for speeding up your\ntest suite, in practice I've found it means writing much more complicated\ntests. Because of node's module cache, running tests in parallel means mocking\nand stubbi
 ng is pretty much impossible. One of the nicest things about testing\nin javascript is the ease of doing stubs:\n\n    var _readFile = fs.readFile;\n    fs.readFile = function(path, callback){\n        // its a stub!\n    };\n    // test function that uses fs.readFile\n\n    // we're done\n    fs.readFile = _readFile;\n\nYou cannot do this when running tests in parallel. In order to keep testing as\nsimple as possible, nodeunit avoids it. Thankfully, most unit-test suites run\nfast anyway.\n\n\n### Explicit ending of tests\n\nWhen testing async code its important that tests end at the correct point, not\njust after a given number of assertions. Otherwise your tests can run short,\nending before all assertions have completed. Its important to detect too\nmany assertions as well as too few. Combining explicit ending of tests with\nan expected number of assertions helps to avoid false test passes, so be sure\nto use the test.expect() method at the start of your test functions, and\ntes
 t.done() when finished.\n\n\nGroups, setUp and tearDown\n--------------------------\n\nNodeunit allows the nesting of test functions:\n\n    exports.test1 = function (test) {\n        ...\n    }\n\n = {\n        test2: function (test) {\n            ...\n        },\n        test3: function (test) {\n            ...\n        }\n    }\n\nThis would be run as:\n\n    test1\n    group - test2\n    group - test3\n\nUsing these groups, Nodeunit allows you to define a `setUp` function, which is\nrun before each test, and a `tearDown` function, which is run after each test\ncalls `test.done()`:\n\n    module.exports = {\n        setUp: function (callback) {\n   = 'bar';\n            callback();\n        },\n        tearDown: function (callback) {\n            // clean up\n            callback();\n        },\n        test1: function (test) {\n            test.equals(, 'bar');\n            test.done();\n        }\n    };\n\nIn this way, its possible 
 to have multiple groups of tests in a module, each\ngroup with its own setUp and tearDown functions.\n\n\nRunning Tests\n-------------\n\nNodeunit comes with a basic command-line test runner, which can be installed\nusing 'sudo make install'. Example usage:\n\n    nodeunit testmodule1.js testfolder [...]\n\nThe default test reporter uses color output, because I think that's more fun :) I\nintend to add a no-color option in future. To give you a feeling of the fun you'll\nbe having writing tests, lets fix the example at the start of the README:\n\n<img src=\"\" />\n\nAhhh, Doesn't that feel better?\n\nWhen using the included test runner, it will exit using the failed number of\nassertions as the exit code. Exiting with 0 when all tests pass.\n\n\n### Command-line Options\n\n* __--reporter FILE__ - you can set the test reporter to a custom module or\non of the modules in nodeunit/lib/reporters, when omitted, the default
  test runner\nis used.\n* __--list-reporters__ - list available build-in reporters.\n* __--config FILE__ - load config options from a JSON file, allows\nthe customisation of color schemes for the default test reporter etc. See\nbin/nodeunit.json for current available options.\n* __--version__ or __-v__ - report nodeunit version\n* __--help__ - show nodeunit help\n\n\nRunning tests in the browser\n----------------------------\n\nNodeunit tests can also be run inside the browser. For example usage, see\nthe examples/browser folder. The basic syntax is as follows:\n\n__test.html__\n\n    <html>\n      <head>\n        <title>Example Test Suite</title>\n        <link rel=\"stylesheet\" href=\"nodeunit.css\" type=\"text/css\" />\n        <script src=\"nodeunit.js\"></script>\n        <script src=\"suite1.js\"></script>\n        <script src=\"suite2.js\"></script>\n      </head>\n      <body>\n        <h1 id=\"nodeunit-header>Example Test Suite</h1>\n        <script>\n
 n({\n            'Suite One': suite1,\n            'Suite Two': suite2\n          });\n        </script>\n      </body>\n    </html>\n\nHere, suite1 and suite2 are just object literals containing test functions or\ngroups, as would be returned if you did require('test-suite') in node.js:\n\n__suite1.js__\n\n    this.suite1 = {\n        'example test': function (test) {\n            test.ok(true, 'everything is ok');\n            test.done();\n        }\n    };\n\nIf you wish to use a commonjs format for your test suites (using exports), it is\nup to you to define the commonjs tools for the browser. There are a number of\nalternatives and its important it fits with your existing code, which is\nwhy nodeunit does not currently provide this out of the box.\n\nIn the example above, the tests will run when the page is loaded.\n\nThe browser-version of nodeunit.js is created in dist/browser when you do, 'make\nbrowser'. You'll need [UglifyJS]( installed 
 in\norder for it to automatically create nodeunit.min.js.\n\n\nAdding nodeunit to Your Projects\n--------------------------------\n\nIf you don't want people to have to install the nodeunit command-line tool,\nyou'll want to create a script that runs the tests for your project with the\ncorrect require paths set up. Here's an example test script, that assumes you\nhave nodeunit in a suitably located node_modules directory.\n\n    #!/usr/bin/env node\n    var reporter = require('nodeunit').reporters.default;\n['test']);\n\nIf you're using git, you might find it useful to include nodeunit as a\nsubmodule. Using submodules makes it easy for developers to download nodeunit\nand run your test suite, without cluttering up your repository with\nthe source code. To add nodeunit as a git submodule do the following:\n\n    git submodule add git:// node_modules/nodeunit\n\nThis will add nodeunit to the node_modules folder of your project. Now, whe
 n\ncloning the repository, nodeunit can be downloaded by doing the following:\n\n    git submodule init\n    git submodule update\n\nLet's update the test script above with a helpful hint on how to get nodeunit,\nif its missing:\n\n    #!/usr/bin/env node\n    try {\n        var reporter = require('nodeunit').reporters.default;\n    }\n    catch(e) {\n        console.log(\"Cannot find nodeunit module.\");\n        console.log(\"You can download submodules for this project by doing:\");\n        console.log(\"\");\n        console.log(\"    git submodule init\");\n        console.log(\"    git submodule update\");\n        console.log(\"\");\n        process.exit();\n    }\n\n    process.chdir(__dirname);\n['test']);\n\nNow if someone attempts to run your test suite without nodeunit installed they\nwill be prompted to download the submodules for your project.\n\n\nBuilt-in Test Reporters\n-----------------------\n\n* __default__ - The standard reporter seen in the no
 deunit screenshots\n* __minimal__ - Pretty, minimal output, shows errors and progress only\n* __html__ - Outputs a HTML report to stdout\n* __junit__ - Creates jUnit compatible XML reports, which can be used with\n  continuous integration tools such as [Hudson](\n* __machineout__ - Simple reporter for machine analysis. There is [nodeunit.vim](\n  which is useful for TDD on VIM\n\n\nWriting a Test Reporter\n---------------------\n\nNodeunit exports runTest(fn, options), runModule(mod, options) and\nrunFiles(paths, options). You'll most likely want to run test suites from\nfiles, which can be done using the latter function. The _options_ argument can\ncontain callbacks which run during testing. Nodeunit provides the following\ncallbacks:\n\n* __moduleStart(name)__ - called before a module is tested\n* __moduleDone(name, assertions)__ - called once all test functions within the\n  module have completed (see assertions o
 bject reference below)\n  ALL tests within the module\n* __testStart(name)__ - called before a test function is run\n* __testDone(name, assertions)__ - called once a test function has completed\n  (by calling test.done())\n* __log(assertion)__ - called whenever an assertion is made (see assertion\n  object reference below)\n* __done(assertions)__ - called after all tests/modules are complete\n\nThe __assertion__ object:\n\n* __passed()__ - did the assertion pass?\n* __failed()__ - did the assertion fail?\n* __error__ - the AssertionError if the assertion failed\n* __method__ - the nodeunit assertion method used (ok, same, equals...)\n* __message__ - the message the assertion method was called with (optional)\n\nThe __assertionList__ object:\n\n* An array-like object with the following new attributes:\n  * __failures()__ - the number of assertions which failed\n  * __duration__ - the time taken for the test to complete in msecs\n\nFor a reference implementation of a test reporter, se
 e lib/reporters/default.js in\nthe nodeunit project directory.\n\n\nSandbox utility\n---------------\n\nThis is a function which evaluates JavaScript files in a sandbox and returns the\ncontext. The sandbox function can be used for testing client-side code or private\nun-exported functions within a module.\n\n    var sandbox = require('nodeunit').utils.sandbox;\n    var example = sandbox('example.js');\n\n__sandbox(files, sandbox)__ - Evaluates JavaScript files in a sandbox, returning\nthe context. The first argument can either be a single filename or an array of\nfilenames. If multiple filenames are given their contents are concatenated before\nevalution. The second argument is an optional context to use for the sandbox.\n\n\nRunning the nodeunit Tests\n--------------------------\n\nThe tests for nodeunit are written using nodeunit itself as the test framework.\nHowever, the module test-base.js first does some basic tests using the assert\nmodule to ensure that test functions are a
 ctually run, and a basic level of\nnodeunit functionality is available.\n\nTo run the nodeunit tests do:\n\n    make test\n\n__Note:__ There was a bug in node v0.2.0 causing the tests to hang, upgrading\nto v0.2.1 fixes this.\n\n\n__machineout__ reporter\n----------------------------------------------\n\nThe default reporter is really readable for human but for machinally analysis. \nWhen you want to analyze the output of nodeunit, use __machineout__ reporter and you will get\n\n<img src=\"\" />\n\n\nnodeunit with vim\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~\nThere is [nodeunit.vim]( so you can use nodeunit with VIM.\nThat compiler use __machineout__ reporter and it is useful to use with [vim-makegreen](\n\n    \n\nContributing\n------------\n\nContributions to the project are most welcome, so feel free to fork and improve.\nWhen submi
 tting a pull request, please run 'make lint' first to ensure\nwe're following a consistent coding style.\n",
-  "_id": "nodeunit@0.7.4",
-  "_from": "nodeunit@0.7.x"
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/share/junit.xml.ejs b/node_modules/nodeunit/share/junit.xml.ejs
deleted file mode 100644
index c1db5bb..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/share/junit.xml.ejs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
-<% for (var i=0; i < suites.length; i++) { %>
-  <% var suite=suites[i]; %>
-  <testsuite name="<%= %>"
-             errors="<%= suite.errorCount %>"
-             failures="<%= suite.failureCount %>"
-             tests="<%= suite.tests %>">
-    <% for (var j=0; j < suite.testcases.length; j++) { %>
-      <% var testcase=suites[i].testcases[j]; %>
-      <testcase name="<%= %>">
-        <% if (testcase.failure) { %>
-          <failure message="<%= testcase.failure.message %>">
-            <% if (testcase.failure.backtrace) { %><%= testcase.failure.backtrace %><% } %>
-          </failure>
-        <% } %>
-      </testcase>
-    <% } %>
-  </testsuite>
-<% } %>
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/share/license.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/share/license.js
deleted file mode 100644
index f0f326f..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/share/license.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
- * Nodeunit
- *
- * Copyright (c) 2010 Caolan McMahon
- * MIT Licensed
- *
- * json2.js
- *
- * Public Domain.
- */
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/share/nodeunit.css b/node_modules/nodeunit/share/nodeunit.css
deleted file mode 100644
index 274434a..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/share/nodeunit.css
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
- * Styles taken from qunit.css
- */
-h1#nodeunit-header, h1.nodeunit-header {
-    padding: 15px;
-    font-size: large;
-    background-color: #06b;
-    color: white;
-    font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
-    margin: 0;
-h1#nodeunit-header a {
-    color: white;
-h2#nodeunit-banner {
-    height: 2em;
-    border-bottom: 1px solid white;
-    background-color: #eee;
-    margin: 0;
-    font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
-h2#nodeunit-banner.pass {
-    background-color: green;
-} {
-    background-color: red;
-h2#nodeunit-userAgent, h2.nodeunit-userAgent {
-    padding: 10px;
-    background-color: #eee;
-    color: black;
-    margin: 0;
-    font-size: small;
-    font-weight: normal;
-    font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
-    font-size: 10pt;
-div#nodeunit-testrunner-toolbar {
-    background: #eee;
-    border-top: 1px solid black;
-    padding: 10px;
-    font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
-    margin: 0;
-    font-size: 10pt;
-ol#nodeunit-tests {
-    font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
-    font-size: 10pt;
-ol#nodeunit-tests li strong {
-    cursor:pointer;
-ol#nodeunit-tests .pass {
-    color: green;
-ol#nodeunit-tests .fail {
-    color: red;
-p#nodeunit-testresult {
-    margin-left: 1em;
-    font-size: 10pt;
-    font-family: 'trebuchet ms', verdana, arial;
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/coffee/ b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/coffee/
deleted file mode 100644
index a1c069b..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/coffee/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-j = 0
-j += i for i in [0..5]
- = "mock_coffee_#{j}"
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/dir/mock_module3.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/dir/mock_module3.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 3021776..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/dir/mock_module3.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ = 'mock_module3';
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/dir/mock_module4.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/dir/mock_module4.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 876f9ca..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/dir/mock_module4.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ = 'mock_module4';
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/mock_module1.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/mock_module1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 4c093ad..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/mock_module1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ = 'mock_module1';
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/mock_module2.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/mock_module2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index a63d012..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/mock_module2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@ = 'mock_module2';
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode1.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode1.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 2ef7115..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode1.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-function hello_world(arg) {
-	return "_" + arg + "_";
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode2.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode2.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 55a764e..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode2.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
-function get_a_variable() {
-	return typeof a_variable;
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1fd1e78..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-var t=t?t+1:1;
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-base.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-base.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5335046..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-base.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
- *  This module is not a plain nodeunit test suite, but instead uses the
- *  assert module to ensure a basic level of functionality is present,
- *  allowing the rest of the tests to be written using nodeunit itself.
- *
- *  You can use @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER to remove code from the browser build.
- *  Only code on that line will be removed, its mostly to avoid requiring code
- *  that is node specific
- */
-var assert = require('assert'),             // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER
-    async = require('../deps/async'),       // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER
-    nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit');  // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER
-// NOT A TEST - util function to make testing faster.
-// retries the assertion until it passes or the timeout is reached,
-// at which point it throws the assertion error
-var waitFor = function (fn, timeout, callback, start) {
-    start = start || new Date().getTime();
-    callback = callback || function () {};
-    try {
-        fn();
-        callback();
-    }
-    catch (e) {
-        if (e instanceof assert.AssertionError) {
-            var now = new Date().getTime();
-            if (now - start >= timeout) {
-                throw e;
-            }
-            else {
-                async.nextTick(function () {
-                    waitFor(fn, timeout, callback, start);
-                });
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            throw e;
-        }
-    }
-// TESTS:
-// Are exported tests actually run? - store completed tests in this variable
-// for checking later
-var tests_called = {};
-// most basic test that should run, the tests_called object is tested
-// at the end of this module to ensure the tests were actually run by nodeunit
-exports.testCalled = function (test) {
-    tests_called.testCalled = true;
-    test.done();
-// generates test functions for nodeunit assertions
-var makeTest = function (method, args_pass, args_fail) {
-    return function (test) {
-        var test1_called = false;
-        var test2_called = false;
-        // test pass
-        nodeunit.runTest(
-            'testname',
-            function (test) {
-                test[method].apply(test, args_pass);
-                test.done();
-            },
-            {testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-                assert.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-                assert.equal(assertions.failures(), 0);
-            }},
-            function () {
-                test1_called = true;
-            }
-        );
-        // test failure
-        nodeunit.runTest(
-            'testname',
-            function (test) {
-                test[method].apply(test, args_fail);
-                test.done();
-            },
-            {testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-                assert.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-                assert.equal(assertions.failures(), 1);
-            }},
-            function () {
-                test2_called = true;
-            }
-        );
-        // ensure tests were run
-        waitFor(function () {
-            assert.ok(test1_called);
-            assert.ok(test2_called);
-            tests_called[method] = true;
-        }, 500, test.done);
-    };
-// ensure basic assertions are working:
-exports.testOk = makeTest('ok', [true], [false]);
-exports.testEquals = makeTest('equals', [1, 1], [1, 2]);
-exports.testSame = makeTest('same',
-    [{test: 'test'}, {test: 'test'}],
-    [{test: 'test'}, {monkey: 'penguin'}]
-// from the assert module:
-exports.testEqual = makeTest('equal', [1, 1], [1, 2]);
-exports.testNotEqual = makeTest('notEqual', [1, 2], [1, 1]);
-exports.testDeepEqual = makeTest('deepEqual',
-    [{one: 1}, {one: 1}], [{one: 1}, {two: 2}]
-exports.testNotDeepEqual = makeTest('notDeepEqual',
-    [{one: 1}, {two: 2}], [{one: 1}, {one: 1}]
-exports.testStrictEqual = makeTest('strictEqual', [1, 1], [1, true]);
-exports.testNotStrictEqual = makeTest('notStrictEqual', [true, 1], [1, 1]);
-exports.testThrows = makeTest('throws',
-    [function () {
-        throw new Error('test');
-    }],
-    [function () {
-        return;
-    }]
-exports.testThrowsWithReGex = makeTest('throws',
-    [function () {
-        throw new Error('test');
-    }, /test/],
-    [function () {
-        throw new Error('test');
-    }, /fail/]
-exports.testThrowsWithErrorValidation = makeTest('throws',
-    [function () {
-        throw new Error('test');
-    }, function(err) {
-        return true;
-    }],
-    [function () {
-        throw new Error('test');
-    }, function(err) {
-        return false;
-    }]
-exports.testDoesNotThrows = makeTest('doesNotThrow',
-    [function () {
-        return;
-    }],
-    [function () {
-        throw new Error('test');
-    }]
-exports.testIfError = makeTest('ifError', [false], [new Error('test')]);
-exports.testExpect = function (test) {
-    var test1_called = false,
-        test2_called = false,
-        test3_called = false;
-    // correct number of tests run
-    nodeunit.runTest(
-        'testname',
-        function (test) {
-            test.expect(2);
-            test.ok(true);
-            test.ok(true);
-            test.done();
-        },
-        {testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 2);
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0);
-        }},
-        function () {
-            test1_called = true;
-        }
-    );
-    // no tests run
-    nodeunit.runTest(
-        'testname',
-        function (test) {
-            test.expect(2);
-            test.done();
-        },
-        {testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 1);
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 1);
-        }},
-        function () {
-            test2_called = true;
-        }
-    );
-    // incorrect number of tests run
-    nodeunit.runTest(
-        'testname',
-        function (test) {
-            test.expect(2);
-            test.ok(true);
-            test.ok(true);
-            test.ok(true);
-            test.done();
-        },
-        {testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 4);
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 1);
-        }},
-        function () {
-            test3_called = true;
-        }
-    );
-    // ensure callbacks fired
-    waitFor(function () {
-        assert.ok(test1_called);
-        assert.ok(test2_called);
-        assert.ok(test3_called);
-        tests_called.expect = true;
-    }, 1000, test.done);
-// tests are async, so wait for them to be called
-waitFor(function () {
-    assert.ok(tests_called.testCalled);
-    assert.ok(tests_called.ok);
-    assert.ok(tests_called.equals);
-    assert.ok(tests_called.same);
-    assert.ok(tests_called.expect);
-}, 10000);
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-bettererrors.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-bettererrors.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d20ca24..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-bettererrors.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
- *   Test utils.betterErrors. utils.betterErrors should provide sensible error messages even when the error does not
- *   contain expected, actual or operator.
- */
-var assert = require("../lib/assert");
-var should = require("should");
-var types = require("../lib/types");
-var util = require('util');
-var utils = require("../lib/utils");
-function betterErrorStringFromError(error) {
-    var assertion = types.assertion({error: error});
-    var better = utils.betterErrors(assertion);
-    return better.error.stack.toString();
-function performBasicChecks(betterErrorString) {
-    betterErrorString.should.include("AssertionError");
-    betterErrorString.should.include("test-bettererrors");
-    betterErrorString.should.not.include("undefined");
- * Control test. Provide an AssertionError that contains actual, expected operator values.
- * @param test the test object from nodeunit
- */
-exports.testEqual = function (test) {
-    try {
-        assert.equal(true, false);
-    } catch (error) {
-        var betterErrorString = betterErrorStringFromError(error);
-        performBasicChecks(betterErrorString);
-        betterErrorString.should.include("true");
-        betterErrorString.should.include("false");
-        betterErrorString.should.include("==");
-        test.done();
-    }
- * Test an AssertionError that does not contain actual, expected or operator values.
- * @param test the test object from nodeunit
- */
-exports.testAssertThrows = function (test) {
-    try {
-        assert.throws(function () {
-        });
-    } catch (error) {
-        var betterErrorString = betterErrorStringFromError(error);
-        performBasicChecks(betterErrorString);
-        test.done();
-    }
- * Test with an error that is not an AssertionError.
- * @param test the test object from nodeunit
- */
-exports.testNonAssertionError = function (test) {
-    try {
-        throw new Error("test error");
-    } catch (error) {
-        var betterErrorString = betterErrorStringFromError(error);
-        betterErrorString.should.not.include("AssertionError");
-        betterErrorString.should.include("Error");
-        betterErrorString.should.include("test error");
-        betterErrorString.should.include("test-bettererrors");
-        betterErrorString.should.not.include("undefined");
-        test.done();
-    }
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-failing-callbacks.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-failing-callbacks.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 08f7eb5..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-failing-callbacks.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,114 +0,0 @@
-var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit');
-exports.testFailingLog = function (test) {
-    test.expect(3);
-    // this is meant to bubble to the top, and will be ignored for the purposes
-    // of testing:
-    var ignored_error = new Error('ignore this callback error');
-    var err_handler = function (err) {
-        if (err && err.message !== ignored_error.message) {
-            throw err;
-        }
-    };
-    process.addListener('uncaughtException', err_handler);
-    // A failing callback should not affect the test outcome
-    var testfn = function (test) {
-        test.ok(true, 'test.ok');
-        test.done();
-    };
-    nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, {
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            test.ok(true, 'log called');
-            throw ignored_error;
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total');
-            process.removeListener('uncaughtException', err_handler);
-        }
-    }, test.done);
-exports.testFailingTestDone = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var ignored_error = new Error('ignore this callback error');
-    var err_handler = function (err) {
-        if (err && err.message !== ignored_error.message) {
-            throw err;
-        }
-    };
-    process.addListener('uncaughtException', err_handler);
-    // A failing callback should not affect the test outcome
-    var testfn = function (test) {
-        test.done();
-    };
-    nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, {
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            test.ok(false, 'log should not be called');
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 0, 'total');
-            process.nextTick(function () {
-                process.removeListener('uncaughtException', err_handler);
-                test.done();
-            });
-            throw ignored_error;
-        }
-    }, function () {});
-exports.testAssertionObj = function (test) {
-    test.expect(4);
-    var testfn = function (test) {
-        test.ok(true, 'ok true');
-        test.done();
-    };
-    nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, {
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            test.ok(assertion.passed() === true, 'assertion.passed');
-            test.ok(assertion.failed() === false, 'assertion.failed');
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total');
-        }
-    }, test.done);
-exports.testLogOptional = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var testfn = function (test) {
-        test.ok(true, 'ok true');
-        test.done();
-    };
-    nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, {
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total');
-        }
-    }, test.done);
-exports.testExpectWithFailure = function (test) {
-    test.expect(3);
-    var testfn = function (test) {
-        test.expect(1);
-        test.ok(false, 'test.ok');
-        test.done();
-    };
-    nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, {
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            test.equals(assertion.method, 'ok', 'assertion.method');
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 1, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'total');
-        }
-    }, test.done);
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-httputil.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-httputil.js
deleted file mode 100644
index e5ee25c..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-httputil.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit');
-var httputil = require('../lib/utils').httputil;
-exports.testHttpUtilBasics = function (test) {
-    test.expect(6);
-    httputil(function (req, resp) {
-        test.equal(req.method, 'PUT');
-        test.equal(req.url, '/newpair');
-        test.equal(, 'bar');
-        resp.writeHead(500, {'content-type': 'text/plain'});
-        resp.end('failed');
-    }, function (server, client) {
-        client.fetch('PUT', '/newpair', {'foo': 'bar'}, function (resp) {
-            test.equal(resp.statusCode, 500);
-            test.equal(resp.headers['content-type'], 'text/plain');
-            test.equal(resp.body, 'failed');            
-            server.close();
-            test.done();
-        });
-    });
-exports.testHttpUtilJsonHandling = function (test) {
-    test.expect(9);
-    httputil(function (req, resp) {
-        test.equal(req.method, 'GET');
-        test.equal(req.url, '/');
-        test.equal(, 'bar');
-        var testdata = {foo1: 'bar', foo2: 'baz'};
-        resp.writeHead(200, {'content-type': 'application/json'});
-        resp.end(JSON.stringify(testdata));
-    }, function (server, client) {
-        client.fetch('GET', '/', {'foo': 'bar'}, function (resp) {
-            test.equal(resp.statusCode, 200);
-            test.equal(resp.headers['content-type'], 'application/json');
-            test.ok(resp.bodyAsObject);
-            test.equal(typeof resp.bodyAsObject, 'object');
-            test.equal(resp.bodyAsObject.foo1, 'bar');
-            test.equal(resp.bodyAsObject.foo2, 'baz');
-            server.close();
-            test.done();
-        });
-    });
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runfiles.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runfiles.js
deleted file mode 100644
index ce1a4cd..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runfiles.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,214 +0,0 @@
-var assert = require('assert'),
-    fs = require('fs'),
-    path = require('path'),
-    nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit');
-var setup = function (fn) {
-    return function (test) {
-        process.chdir(__dirname);
-        var env = {
-            mock_module1: require(__dirname + '/fixtures/mock_module1'),
-            mock_module2: require(__dirname + '/fixtures/mock_module2'),
-            mock_module3: require(__dirname + '/fixtures/dir/mock_module3'),
-            mock_module4: require(__dirname + '/fixtures/dir/mock_module4')
-        };
-, test);
-    };
-exports.testRunFiles = setup(function (test) {
-    test.expect(24);
-    var runModule_copy = nodeunit.runModule;
-    var runModule_calls = [];
-    var modules = [];
-    var opts = {
-        moduleStart: function () {
-            return 'moduleStart';
-        },
-        testDone: function () {
-            return 'testDone';
-        },
-        testStart: function () {
-            return 'testStart';
-        },
-        log: function () {
-            return 'log';
-        },
-        done: function (assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 4, 'length');
-            test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-            var called_with = function (name) {
-                return runModule_calls.some(function (m) {
-                    return === name;
-                });
-            };
-            test.ok(called_with('mock_module1'), 'mock_module1 ran');
-            test.ok(called_with('mock_module2'), 'mock_module2 ran');
-            test.ok(called_with('mock_module3'), 'mock_module3 ran');
-            test.ok(called_with('mock_module4'), 'mock_module4 ran');
-            test.equals(runModule_calls.length, 4);
-            nodeunit.runModule = runModule_copy;
-            test.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runModule = function (name, mod, options, callback) {
-        test.equals(options.testDone, opts.testDone);
-        test.equals(options.testStart, opts.testStart);
-        test.equals(options.log, opts.log);
-        test.ok(typeof name === "string");
-        runModule_calls.push(mod);
-        var m = [{failed: function () {
-            return false;
-        }}];
-        modules.push(m);
-        callback(null, m);
-    };
-    nodeunit.runFiles(
-        [__dirname + '/fixtures/mock_module1.js',
-         __dirname + '/fixtures/mock_module2.js',
-         __dirname + '/fixtures/dir'],
-        opts
-    );
-exports.testRunFilesEmpty = function (test) {
-    test.expect(3);
-    nodeunit.runFiles([], {
-        moduleStart: function () {
-            test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-        },
-        testDone: function () {
-            test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-        },
-        testStart: function () {
-            test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-        },
-        log: function () {
-            test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-        },
-        done: function (assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 0, 'length');
-            test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-            test.done();
-        }
-    });
-exports.testEmptyDir = function (test) {
-    var dir2 = __dirname + '/fixtures/dir2';
-    // git doesn't like empty directories, so we have to create one
-    path.exists(dir2, function (exists) {
-        if (!exists) {
-            fs.mkdirSync(dir2, 0777);
-        }
-        // runFiles on empty directory:
-        nodeunit.runFiles([dir2], {
-            moduleStart: function () {
-                test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-            },
-            testDone: function () {
-                test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-            },
-            testStart: function () {
-                test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-            },
-            log: function () {
-                test.ok(false, 'should not be called');
-            },
-            done: function (assertions) {
-                test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-                test.equals(assertions.length, 0, 'length');
-                test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-                test.done();
-            }
-        });
-    });
-var CoffeeScript;
-try {
-    CoffeeScript = require('coffee-script');
-} catch (e) {
-if (CoffeeScript) {
-    exports.testCoffeeScript = function (test) {
-        process.chdir(__dirname);
-        var env = {
-            mock_coffee_module: require(__dirname +
-                                        '/fixtures/coffee/mock_coffee_module')
-        };
-        test.expect(9);
-        var runModule_copy = nodeunit.runModule;
-        var runModule_calls = [];
-        var modules = [];
-        var opts = {
-            moduleStart: function () {
-                return 'moduleStart';
-            },
-            testDone: function () {
-                return 'testDone';
-            },
-            testStart: function () {
-                return 'testStart';
-            },
-            log: function () {
-                return 'log';
-            },
-            done: function (assertions) {
-                test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-                test.equals(assertions.length, 1, 'length');
-                test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-                var called_with = function (name) {
-                    return runModule_calls.some(function (m) {
-                        return === name;
-                    });
-                };
-                test.ok(
-                    called_with('mock_coffee_15'),
-                    'mock_coffee_module ran'
-                );
-                test.equals(runModule_calls.length, 1);
-                nodeunit.runModule = runModule_copy;
-                test.done();
-            }
-        };
-        nodeunit.runModule = function (name, mod, options, callback) {
-            test.equals(options.testDone, opts.testDone);
-            test.equals(options.testStart, opts.testStart);
-            test.equals(options.log, opts.log);
-            test.ok(typeof name === "string");
-            runModule_calls.push(mod);
-            var m = [{failed: function () {
-                return false;
-            }}];
-            modules.push(m);
-            callback(null, m);
-        };
-        nodeunit.runFiles(
-            [__dirname + 'fixtures/coffee/'],
-            opts
-        );
-    };
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runmodule.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runmodule.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 19fe5c7..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runmodule.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
- *  You can use @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER to remove code from the browser build.
- *  Only code on that line will be removed, its mostly to avoid requiring code
- *  that is node specific
- */
-var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER
-exports.testRunModule = function (test) {
-    test.expect(11);
-    var call_order = [];
-    var testmodule = {
-        test1: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test1');
-            test.ok(true, 'ok true');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        test2: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test2');
-            test.ok(false, 'ok false');
-            test.ok(false, 'ok false');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        test3: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test3');
-            test.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runModule('testmodule', testmodule, {
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            call_order.push('log');
-        },
-        testStart: function (name) {
-            call_order.push('testStart');
-            test.ok(
-                name.toString() === 'test1' ||
-                name.toString() === 'test2' ||
-                name.toString() === 'test3',
-                'testStart called with test name '
-            );
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            call_order.push('testDone');
-            test.ok(
-                name.toString() === 'test1' ||
-                name.toString() === 'test2' ||
-                name.toString() === 'test3',
-                'testDone called with test name'
-            );
-        },
-        moduleDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            call_order.push('moduleDone');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 3);
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 2);
-            test.equals(name, 'testmodule');
-            test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-            test.same(call_order, [
-                'testStart', 'test1', 'log', 'testDone',
-                'testStart', 'test2', 'log', 'log', 'testDone',
-                'testStart', 'test3', 'testDone',
-                'moduleDone'
-            ]);
-        }
-    }, test.done);
-exports.testRunModuleTestSpec = function (test) {
-    test.expect(6);
-    var call_order = [];
-    var testmodule = {
-        test1: function (test) {
-            test.ok(true, 'ok true');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        test2: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test2');
-            test.ok(false, 'ok false');
-            test.ok(false, 'ok false');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        test3: function (test) {
-            test.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runModule('testmodule', testmodule, {
-        testspec: "test2",
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            call_order.push('log');
-        },
-        testStart: function (name) {
-            call_order.push('testStart');
-            test.equals(
-                name,'test2',
-                'testStart called with test name '
-            );
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            call_order.push('testDone');
-            test.equal(
-                name, 'test2',
-                'testDone called with test name'
-            );
-        },
-        moduleDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            call_order.push('moduleDone');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 2);
-            test.equals(name, 'testmodule');
-            test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-            test.same(call_order, [
-                'testStart', 'test2', 'log', 'log', 'testDone',
-                'moduleDone'
-            ]);
-        }
-    }, test.done);
-exports.testRunModuleEmpty = function (test) {
-    nodeunit.runModule('module with no exports', {}, {
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            test.ok(false, 'log should not be called');
-        },
-        testStart: function (name) {
-            test.ok(false, 'testStart should not be called');
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.ok(false, 'testDone should not be called');
-        },
-        moduleDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 0);
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0);
-            test.equals(name, 'module with no exports');
-            test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-        }
-    }, test.done);
-exports.testNestedTests = function (test) {
-    var call_order = [];
-    var m = {
-        test1: function (test) {
-            test.done();
-        },
-        suite: {
-            t1: function (test) {
-                test.done();
-            },
-            t2: function (test) {
-                test.done();
-            },
-            another_suite: {
-                t3: function (test) {
-                    test.done();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runModule('modulename', m, {
-        testStart: function (name) {
-            call_order.push(['testStart'].concat(name));
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            call_order.push(['testDone'].concat(name));
-        }
-    }, function () {
-        test.same(call_order, [
-            ['testStart', 'test1'], ['testDone', 'test1'],
-            ['testStart', 'suite', 't1'], ['testDone', 'suite', 't1'],
-            ['testStart', 'suite', 't2'], ['testDone', 'suite', 't2'],
-            ['testStart', 'suite', 'another_suite', 't3'],
-            ['testDone', 'suite', 'another_suite', 't3']
-        ]);
-        test.done();
-    });
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runtest.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runtest.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8fc3d52..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-runtest.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
- *  You can use @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER to remove code from the browser build.
- *  Only code on that line will be removed, its mostly to avoid requiring code
- *  that is node specific
- */
-var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER
-exports.testArgs = function (test) {
-    test.ok(test.expect instanceof Function, 'test.expect');
-    test.ok(test.done instanceof Function, 'test.done');
-    test.ok(test.ok instanceof Function, 'test.ok');
-    test.ok(test.same instanceof Function, 'test.same');
-    test.ok(test.equals instanceof Function, 'test.equals');
-    test.done();
-exports.testDoneCallback = function (test) {
-    test.expect(4);
-    nodeunit.runTest('testname', exports.testArgs, {
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 0, 'failures');
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 5, 'length');
-            test.ok(typeof assertions.duration === "number");
-            test.equals(name, 'testname');
-        }
-    }, test.done);
-exports.testThrowError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(3);
-    var err = new Error('test');
-    var testfn = function (test) {
-        throw err;
-    };
-    nodeunit.runTest('testname', testfn, {
-        log: function (assertion) {
-            test.same(assertion.error, err, 'assertion.error');
-        },
-        testDone: function (name, assertions) {
-            test.equals(assertions.failures(), 1);
-            test.equals(assertions.length, 1);
-        }
-    }, test.done);
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-sandbox.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-sandbox.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1b249d7..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-sandbox.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
-var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit');
-var sandbox = require('../lib/utils').sandbox;
-var testCase = nodeunit.testCase;
-exports.testSimpleSandbox = function (test) {
-    var raw_jscode1 = sandbox(__dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode1.js');
-    test.equal(raw_jscode1.hello_world('foo'), '_foo_', 'evaluation ok');
-    test.done();
-exports.testSandboxContext = function (test) {
-    var a_variable = 42; // should not be visible in the sandbox
-    var raw_jscode2 = sandbox(__dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode2.js');
-    a_variable = 42; // again for the win
-    test.equal(
-        raw_jscode2.get_a_variable(),
-        'undefined',
-        'the variable should not be defined'
-    );
-    test.done();
-exports.testSandboxMultiple = function (test) {
-    var raw_jscode3 = sandbox([
-        __dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js',
-        __dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js',
-        __dirname + '/fixtures/raw_jscode3.js'
-    ]);
-    test.equal(raw_jscode3.t, 3, 'two files loaded');
-    test.done();
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-testcase-legacy.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-testcase-legacy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 1dfd9a7..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-testcase-legacy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
- *  You can use @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER to remove code from the browser build.
- *  Only code on that line will be removed, its mostly to avoid requiring code
- *  that is node specific
- */
-var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER
-var testCase = nodeunit.testCase;
-exports.testTestCase = function (test) {
-    test.expect(7);
-    var call_order = [];
-    var s = testCase({
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('setUp');
-            test.equals(, undefined);
-   = 1;
-            callback();
-        },
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('tearDown');
-            test.ok(true, 'tearDown called');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test1: function (t) {
-            call_order.push('test1');
-            test.equals(, 1);
-   = 2;
-            t.done();
-        },
-        test2: function (t) {
-            call_order.push('test2');
-            test.equals(, 1);
-            t.done();
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function () {
-        test.same(call_order, [
-            'setUp', 'test1', 'tearDown',
-            'setUp', 'test2', 'tearDown'
-        ]);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.tearDownAfterError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(1);
-    var s = testCase({
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            test.ok(true, 'tearDown called');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            throw new Error('some error');
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function () {
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.catchSetUpError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = testCase({
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            throw test_error;
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            test.ok(false, 'test function should not be called');
-            t.done();
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.setUpErrorCallback = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = testCase({
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            callback(test_error);
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            test.ok(false, 'test function should not be called');
-            t.done();
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.catchTearDownError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = testCase({
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            throw test_error;
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            t.done();
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.tearDownErrorCallback = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = testCase({
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            callback(test_error);
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            t.done();
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.testErrorAndtearDownError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(3);
-    var error1 = new Error('test error one');
-    var error2 = new Error('test error two');
-    var s = testCase({
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            callback(error2);
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            t.done(error1);
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 2);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, error1);
-        test.equal(assertions[1].error, error2);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.testCaseGroups = function (test) {
-    var call_order = [];
-    var s = testCase({
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('setUp');
-            callback();
-        },
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('tearDown');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test1: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test1');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        group1: {
-            test2: function (test) {
-                call_order.push('group1.test2');
-                test.done();
-            }
-        }
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.same(call_order, [
-            'setUp',
-            'test1',
-            'tearDown',
-            'setUp',
-            'group1.test2',
-            'tearDown'
-        ]);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.nestedTestCases = function (test) {
-    var call_order = [];
-    var s = testCase({
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('setUp');
-            callback();
-        },
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('tearDown');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test1: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test1');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        group1: testCase({
-            setUp: function (callback) {
-                call_order.push('group1.setUp');
-                callback();
-            },
-            tearDown: function (callback) {
-                call_order.push('group1.tearDown');
-                callback();
-            },
-            test2: function (test) {
-                call_order.push('group1.test2');
-                test.done();
-            }
-        })
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.same(call_order, [
-            'setUp',
-            'test1',
-            'tearDown',
-            'setUp',
-            'group1.setUp',
-            'group1.test2',
-            'group1.tearDown',
-            'tearDown'
-        ]);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.deepNestedTestCases = function (test) {
-    var val = 'foo';
-    var s = testCase({
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            val = 'bar';
-            callback();
-        },
-        group1: testCase({
-            test: testCase({
-                test2: function (test) {
-                    test.equal(val, 'bar');
-                    test.done();
-                }
-            })
-        })
-    });
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.ok(!assertions[0].failed());
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.done();
-    });
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-testcase.js b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-testcase.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d33b0b..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test-testcase.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +0,0 @@
- *  You can use @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER to remove code from the browser build.
- *  Only code on that line will be removed, its mostly to avoid requiring code
- *  that is node specific
- */
-var nodeunit = require('../lib/nodeunit'); // @REMOVE_LINE_FOR_BROWSER
-exports.testTestCase = function (test) {
-    test.expect(7);
-    var call_order = [];
-    var s = {
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('setUp');
-            test.equals(, undefined, 'in setUp, not set');
-   = 1;
-            callback();
-        },
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('tearDown');
-            test.ok(true, 'tearDown called');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test1: function (t) {
-            call_order.push('test1');
-            test.equals(, 1, 'in test1, is 1');
-   = 2;
-            t.done();
-        },
-        test2: function (t) {
-            call_order.push('test2');
-            test.equals(, 1, 'in test2, is still 1');
-            t.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function () {
-        test.same(call_order, [
-            'setUp', 'test1', 'tearDown',
-            'setUp', 'test2', 'tearDown'
-        ]);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.tearDownAfterError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(1);
-    var s = {
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            test.ok(true, 'tearDown called');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            throw new Error('some error');
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function () {
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.catchSetUpError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = {
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            throw test_error;
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            test.ok(false, 'test function should not be called');
-            t.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.setUpErrorCallback = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = {
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            callback(test_error);
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            test.ok(false, 'test function should not be called');
-            t.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.catchTearDownError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = {
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            throw test_error;
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            t.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.tearDownErrorCallback = function (test) {
-    test.expect(2);
-    var test_error = new Error('test error');
-    var s = {
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            callback(test_error);
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            t.done();
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, test_error);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.testErrorAndtearDownError = function (test) {
-    test.expect(3);
-    var error1 = new Error('test error one');
-    var error2 = new Error('test error two');
-    var s = {
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            callback(error2);
-        },
-        test: function (t) {
-            t.done(error1);
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 2);
-        test.equal(assertions[0].error, error1);
-        test.equal(assertions[1].error, error2);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.testCaseGroups = function (test) {
-    var call_order = [];
-    var s = {
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('setUp');
-            callback();
-        },
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('tearDown');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test1: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test1');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        group1: {
-            test2: function (test) {
-                call_order.push('group1.test2');
-                test.done();
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.same(call_order, [
-            'setUp',
-            'test1',
-            'tearDown',
-            'setUp',
-            'group1.test2',
-            'tearDown'
-        ]);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.nestedTestCases = function (test) {
-    var call_order = [];
-    var s = {
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('setUp');
-            callback();
-        },
-        tearDown: function (callback) {
-            call_order.push('tearDown');
-            callback();
-        },
-        test1: function (test) {
-            call_order.push('test1');
-            test.done();
-        },
-        group1: {
-            setUp: function (callback) {
-                call_order.push('group1.setUp');
-                callback();
-            },
-            tearDown: function (callback) {
-                call_order.push('group1.tearDown');
-                callback();
-            },
-            test2: function (test) {
-                call_order.push('group1.test2');
-                test.done();
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.same(call_order, [
-            'setUp',
-            'test1',
-            'tearDown',
-            'setUp',
-            'group1.setUp',
-            'group1.test2',
-            'group1.tearDown',
-            'tearDown'
-        ]);
-        test.done();
-    });
-exports.deepNestedTestCases = function (test) {
-    var val = 'foo';
-    var s = {
-        setUp: function (callback) {
-            val = 'bar';
-            callback();
-        },
-        group1: {
-            test: {
-                test2: function (test) {
-                    test.equal(val, 'bar');
-                    test.done();
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    };
-    nodeunit.runSuite(null, s, {}, function (err, assertions) {
-        test.ok(!assertions[0].failed());
-        test.equal(assertions.length, 1);
-        test.done();
-    });
diff --git a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test.html b/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test.html
deleted file mode 100644
index e0826de..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nodeunit/test/test.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-  <head>
-    <title>Nodeunit Test Suite</title>
-    <!--
-      Note this file is only used for 'make browser', when it is copied to
-      dist/browser/test.html for running the browser test suite
-    -->
-    <link rel="stylesheet" href="nodeunit.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
-    <script src="nodeunit.js"></script>
-    <script src="test-base.js"></script>
-    <script src="test-runmodule.js"></script>
-    <script src="test-runtest.js"></script>
-    <script src="test-testcase.js"></script>
-    <script src="test-testcase-legacy.js"></script>
-  </head>
-  <body>
-    <h1 id="nodeunit-header">Nodeunit Test Suite</h1>
-    <script>
-        'test-base': test_base,
-        'test-runmodule': test_runmodule,
-        'test-runtest': test_runtest,
-        'test-testcase': test_testcase,
-        'test-testcase-legacy': test_testcase_legacy
-      });
-    </script>
-  </body>
diff --git a/node_modules/nopt/.npmignore b/node_modules/nopt/.npmignore
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
diff --git a/node_modules/nopt/LICENSE b/node_modules/nopt/LICENSE
deleted file mode 100644
index 05a4010..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nopt/LICENSE
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2009, 2010, 2011 Isaac Z. Schlueter.
-All rights reserved.
-Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
-obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
-files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
-restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
-copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
-copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
-Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
-The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
-included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
diff --git a/node_modules/nopt/ b/node_modules/nopt/
deleted file mode 100644
index eeddfd4..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nopt/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,208 +0,0 @@
-If you want to write an option parser, and have it be good, there are
-two ways to do it.  The Right Way, and the Wrong Way.
-The Wrong Way is to sit down and write an option parser.  We've all done
-The Right Way is to write some complex configurable program with so many
-options that you go half-insane just trying to manage them all, and put
-it off with duct-tape solutions until you see exactly to the core of the
-problem, and finally snap and write an awesome option parser.
-If you want to write an option parser, don't write an option parser.
-Write a package manager, or a source control system, or a service
-restarter, or an operating system.  You probably won't end up with a
-good one of those, but if you don't give up, and you are relentless and
-diligent enough in your procrastination, you may just end up with a very
-nice option parser.
-    // my-program.js
-    var nopt = require("nopt")
-      , Stream = require("stream").Stream
-      , path = require("path")
-      , knownOpts = { "foo" : [String, null]
-                    , "bar" : [Stream, Number]
-                    , "baz" : path
-                    , "bloo" : [ "big", "medium", "small" ]
-                    , "flag" : Boolean
-                    , "pick" : Boolean
-                    , "many" : [String, Array]
-                    }
-      , shortHands = { "foofoo" : ["--foo", "Mr. Foo"]
-                     , "b7" : ["--bar", "7"]
-                     , "m" : ["--bloo", "medium"]
-                     , "p" : ["--pick"]
-                     , "f" : ["--flag"]
-                     }
-                 // everything is optional.
-                 // knownOpts and shorthands default to {}
-                 // arg list defaults to process.argv
-                 // slice defaults to 2
-      , parsed = nopt(knownOpts, shortHands, process.argv, 2)
-    console.log(parsed)
-This would give you support for any of the following:
-$ node my-program.js --foo "blerp" --no-flag
-{ "foo" : "blerp", "flag" : false }
-$ node my-program.js ---bar 7 --foo "Mr. Hand" --flag
-{ bar: 7, foo: "Mr. Hand", flag: true }
-$ node my-program.js --foo "blerp" -f -----p
-{ foo: "blerp", flag: true, pick: true }
-$ node my-program.js -fp --foofoo
-{ foo: "Mr. Foo", flag: true, pick: true }
-$ node my-program.js --foofoo -- -fp  # -- stops the flag parsing.
-{ foo: "Mr. Foo", argv: { remain: ["-fp"] } }
-$ node my-program.js --blatzk 1000 -fp # unknown opts are ok.
-{ blatzk: 1000, flag: true, pick: true }
-$ node my-program.js --blatzk true -fp # but they need a value
-{ blatzk: true, flag: true, pick: true }
-$ node my-program.js --no-blatzk -fp # unless they start with "no-"
-{ blatzk: false, flag: true, pick: true }
-$ node my-program.js --baz b/a/z # known paths are resolved.
-{ baz: "/Users/isaacs/b/a/z" }
-# if Array is one of the types, then it can take many
-# values, and will always be an array.  The other types provided
-# specify what types are allowed in the list.
-$ node my-program.js --many 1 --many null --many foo
-{ many: ["1", "null", "foo"] }
-$ node my-program.js --many foo
-{ many: ["foo"] }
-Read the tests at the bottom of `lib/nopt.js` for more examples of
-what this puppy can do.
-## Types
-The following types are supported, and defined on `nopt.typeDefs`
-* String: A normal string.  No parsing is done.
-* path: A file system path.  Gets resolved against cwd if not absolute.
-* url: A url.  If it doesn't parse, it isn't accepted.
-* Number: Must be numeric.
-* Date: Must parse as a date. If it does, and `Date` is one of the options,
-  then it will return a Date object, not a string.
-* Boolean: Must be either `true` or `false`.  If an option is a boolean,
-  then it does not need a value, and its presence will imply `true` as
-  the value.  To negate boolean flags, do `--no-whatever` or `--whatever
-  false`
-* NaN: Means that the option is strictly not allowed.  Any value will
-  fail.
-* Stream: An object matching the "Stream" class in node.  Valuable
-  for use when validating programmatically.  (npm uses this to let you
-  supply any WriteStream on the `outfd` and `logfd` config options.)
-* Array: If `Array` is specified as one of the types, then the value
-  will be parsed as a list of options.  This means that multiple values
-  can be specified, and that the value will always be an array.
-If a type is an array of values not on this list, then those are
-considered valid values.  For instance, in the example above, the
-`--bloo` option can only be one of `"big"`, `"medium"`, or `"small"`,
-and any other value will be rejected.
-When parsing unknown fields, `"true"`, `"false"`, and `"null"` will be
-interpreted as their JavaScript equivalents, and numeric values will be
-interpreted as a number.
-You can also mix types and values, or multiple types, in a list.  For
-instance `{ blah: [Number, null] }` would allow a value to be set to
-either a Number or null.
-To define a new type, add it to `nopt.typeDefs`.  Each item in that
-hash is an object with a `type` member and a `validate` method.  The
-`type` member is an object that matches what goes in the type list.  The
-`validate` method is a function that gets called with `validate(data,
-key, val)`.  Validate methods should assign `data[key]` to the valid
-value of `val` if it can be handled properly, or return boolean
-`false` if it cannot.
-You can also call `nopt.clean(data, types, typeDefs)` to clean up a
-config object and remove its invalid properties.
-## Error Handling
-By default, nopt outputs a warning to standard error when invalid
-options are found.  You can change this behavior by assigning a method
-to `nopt.invalidHandler`.  This method will be called with
-the offending `nopt.invalidHandler(key, val, types)`.
-If no `nopt.invalidHandler` is assigned, then it will console.error
-its whining.  If it is assigned to boolean `false` then the warning is
-## Abbreviations
-Yes, they are supported.  If you define options like this:
-{ "foolhardyelephants" : Boolean
-, "pileofmonkeys" : Boolean }
-Then this will work:
-node program.js --foolhar --pil
-node program.js --no-f --pileofmon
-# etc.
-## Shorthands
-Shorthands are a hash of shorter option names to a snippet of args that
-they expand to.
-If multiple one-character shorthands are all combined, and the
-combination does not unambiguously match any other option or shorthand,
-then they will be broken up into their constituent parts.  For example:
-{ "s" : ["--loglevel", "silent"]
-, "g" : "--global"
-, "f" : "--force"
-, "p" : "--parseable"
-, "l" : "--long"
-npm ls -sgflp
-# just like doing this:
-npm ls --loglevel silent --global --force --long --parseable
-## The Rest of the args
-The config object returned by nopt is given a special member called
-`argv`, which is an object with the following fields:
-* `remain`: The remaining args after all the parsing has occurred.
-* `original`: The args as they originally appeared.
-* `cooked`: The args after flags and shorthands are expanded.
-## Slicing
-Node programs are called with more or less the exact argv as it appears
-in C land, after the v8 and node-specific options have been plucked off.
-As such, `argv[0]` is always `node` and `argv[1]` is always the
-JavaScript program being run.
-That's usually not very useful to you.  So they're sliced off by
-default.  If you want them, then you can pass in `0` as the last
-argument, or any other number that you'd like to slice off the start of
-the list.
diff --git a/node_modules/nopt/bin/nopt.js b/node_modules/nopt/bin/nopt.js
deleted file mode 100755
index df90c72..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nopt/bin/nopt.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-var nopt = require("../lib/nopt")
-  , types = { num: Number
-            , bool: Boolean
-            , help: Boolean
-            , list: Array
-            , "num-list": [Number, Array]
-            , "str-list": [String, Array]
-            , "bool-list": [Boolean, Array]
-            , str: String }
-  , shorthands = { s: [ "--str", "astring" ]
-                 , b: [ "--bool" ]
-                 , nb: [ "--no-bool" ]
-                 , tft: [ "--bool-list", "--no-bool-list", "--bool-list", "true" ]
-                 , "?": ["--help"]
-                 , h: ["--help"]
-                 , H: ["--help"]
-                 , n: [ "--num", "125" ] }
-  , parsed = nopt( types
-                 , shorthands
-                 , process.argv
-                 , 2 )
-console.log("parsed", parsed)
-if ( {
-  console.log("")
-  console.log("nopt cli tester")
-  console.log("")
-  console.log("types")
-  console.log(Object.keys(types).map(function M (t) {
-    var type = types[t]
-    if (Array.isArray(type)) {
-      return [t, (type) { return })]
-    }
-    return [t, type &&]
-  }).reduce(function (s, i) {
-    s[i[0]] = i[1]
-    return s
-  }, {}))
-  console.log("")
-  console.log("shorthands")
-  console.log(shorthands)
diff --git a/node_modules/nopt/examples/my-program.js b/node_modules/nopt/examples/my-program.js
deleted file mode 100755
index 142447e..0000000
--- a/node_modules/nopt/examples/my-program.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-#!/usr/bin/env node
-//process.env.DEBUG_NOPT = 1
-// my-program.js
-var nopt = require("../lib/nopt")
-  , Stream = require("stream").Stream
-  , path = require("path")
-  , knownOpts = { "foo" : [String, null]
-                , "bar" : [Stream, Number]
-                , "baz" : path
-                , "bloo" : [ "big", "medium", "small" ]
-                , "flag" : Boolean
-                , "pick" : Boolean
-                }
-  , shortHands = { "foofoo" : ["--foo", "Mr. Foo"]
-                 , "b7" : ["--bar", "7"]
-                 , "m" : ["--bloo", "medium"]
-                 , "p" : ["--pick"]
-                 , "f" : ["--flag", "true"]
-                 , "g" : ["--flag"]
-                 , "s" : "--flag"
-                 }
-             // everything is optional.
-             // knownOpts and shorthands default to {}
-             // arg list defaults to process.argv
-             // slice defaults to 2
-  , parsed = nopt(knownOpts, shortHands, process.argv, 2)
-console.log("parsed =\n"+ require("util").inspect(parsed))