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Posted to by Mike Cepek <> on 2003/03/11 18:59:37 UTC

New ant script icons show as xml icons

When I create a new Ant script in a new directory (e.g. COPY then
PASTE), NetBeans doesn't seem to recognize it as such.  Instead it is
treated like an XML file.

The icon for this new file shows as an "XML Object", hovering my cursor
over it lists it as "XML Document (not parsed yet)", and the pop-up
shows XML actions (not Ant script options).

I looked in the FAQs (even searched the "NetBeans FAQs - All in One" for
the keywords "ant", "icon" and/or "xml").  I looked in Bugzilla.  I
searched the nbuser mailing list archive.

How can I get NetBeans to recognize a new Ant script as an Ant script
(instead of as an XML file)?

I'm using NB 3.4.1 with Java 1.3.0_02 under Windows 2000 SP3.

My Ant scripts start out like this:

	<?xml version="1.0"?>
	<project name="Bootstrap Builder" default="usage" basedir="..">
	 Creates the SMSI WebTeam Bootstrap JAR
	<property environment="env"/>

Note that they have both "name" and "default" attributes in the base
<project> tag (which has been noted as important in some mailing list
postings), as well as a <description> tag.

I have confirmed that my "Options -> IDE Configuration -> System ->
Object Types" shows "Ant Scripts" near the top of the list and "XML
Objects" near the bottom of the list.

So...   help?