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Posted to by "Beyer,Nathan" <NB...@CERNER.COM> on 2006/11/02 20:47:57 UTC

AuthzSVNAccessFile and trailing slashes don't mix

I have SVN 1.4.0 running on Apache httpd on Windows 2003 using LDAP
authentication against ActiveDirectory. I have multiple repos and I've
been able to individually configure each of the repos to restrict
read-write access to specific users, but I can't get more granular
access within a repo. I setup my SVN authz file like the book says, but
that didn't work very well. After hours of fiddling, I removed the
trailing slash from the path in the SVN authz file and everything
started working. Is the SVN book wrong???


Here's my setup.

This is the SVN authz file that doesn't work. User "dddd" can't get
access to "prod:/"
architects = xxxx, yyyy, zzzz
devs = aaaaa,  bbbb, cccc

* = rw

* = r
@architects = rw
@devs = rw

* = r
@architects = rw
@devs = rw
dddd = rw

This is the SVN authz file that does work. I just remove the trailing
slash and "ddd" now has access.
architects = xxxx, yyyy, zzzz
devs = aaaaa,  bbbb, cccc

* = rw

* = r
@architects = rw
@devs = rw

* = r
@architects = rw
@devs = rw
dddd = rw

For additional reference, here some more setup.

Here's my httpd.conf snippet:
<VirtualHost *>
    <Directory "C:/webserver/scm">
        Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
        AllowOverride None
    <Location /svn>
        DAV svn
        SVNParentPath "c:/svn/repos"
        #Setup Output compression
        SetOutputFilter DEFLATE
        #Setup input decompression
        SetInputFilter DEFLATE
            #LDAP authentication via Basic Auth
            AuthName "WHQ_NT_DOMAIN"
            AuthType Basic
            AuthLDAPURL "ldap://
(objectClass=person) (objectClass=user))"
            AuthLDAPBindDN "CN=XXXXXXX"
            AuthLDAPBindPassword XXXXXXX
            Require valid-user
        AuthzSVNAccessFile "c:/svn/svn-access.conf"

Here's the SVN repo folders:


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