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cvs commit: xml-forrest

mpo         2002/08/23 03:22:51

  Modified:    .
  [wip] Refactoring Build - first working version
  Still fleshing out more in this new build structure.
  Added, completed, modified tasks in and
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.3       +17 -10    xml-forrest/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-forrest/,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  ---	22 Aug 2002 16:07:49 -0000	1.2
  +++	23 Aug 2002 10:22:50 -0000	1.3
  @@ -255,10 +255,10 @@
       <copy todir="${bare-context.dir}">
         <fileset dir="${resource.dir}/conf">
           <include name="sitemap.xmap"/>
  -<!-- this is already in the WEB-INF, I think we don't need it any more?
  +        <!-- this is already in the WEB-INF, the webapp will find it there
  +             however we need it here in the cocoon CLI mode -->
           <include name="cocoon.xconf"/>
           <include name="logkit.xconf"/>
  @@ -353,14 +353,21 @@
     <!-- =================================================================== -->
     <!-- Generate project-site                                               -->
     <!-- =================================================================== -->
  -  <target name="site" >
  -      <echo>
  -      NOT DONE YET - probably depends on some compilation stuff (rather then on our distributions?) 
  -      ... this should set forrest.home and project.home and get the docs out.
  -      via the instead.
  -      should have some comment inside explaining THIS IS NOT the way to do it 
  -      for your own projects.
  -      </echo>
  +  <target name="docs" depends="dist-shbat" >
  +    <!-- warning to other projects:
  +       This target is using internally build productions for test.
  +       This is by no means an example of how you can use it inside your project 
  +      (although it will resemble it in many ways, to make the test meaningfull)
  +       The correct way of using forrest for your project is to build one of the
  +       forrest distribution-flavours and readup on how you should that in the 
  +       appropriate documentation. 
  +      (which is by the way generated by calling this very target) -->
  +    <property name="forrest.home" value="${dist-shbat.dir}" />
  +    <ant antfile="${forrest.home}/" target="site">
  +      <property name="project.home"     value="."            />
  +      <property name="" value="./build/docs" />
  +    </ant>
  1.3       +138 -55   xml-forrest/
  RCS file: /home/cvs/xml-forrest/,v
  retrieving revision 1.2
  retrieving revision 1.3
  diff -u -r1.2 -r1.3
  ---	22 Aug 2002 16:07:49 -0000	1.2
  +++	23 Aug 2002 10:22:50 -0000	1.3
  @@ -54,20 +54,21 @@
       <property name="project.siteplan"    value="${project.home}/siteplan.xml"  />
       <property name="project.temp-dir"    value="${project.home}/build/tmp"     />
  -    <property name=""    value="${project.temp-dir}/work"       />
  -    <property name="project.ctxt-dir"    value="${project.temp-dir}/context"    />
  -    <!-- use of this property should be removed when the siteplan becomes active -->
  -    <property name="" value="forrest-skin" />
  +    <property name=""    value="${project.temp-dir}/work"      />
  +    <property name="project.ctxt-dir"    value="${project.temp-dir}/context"   />
  +    <property name="project.logfile"     value="${project.temp-dir}/forrest.log"/>
  +    <property name="project.debuglevel"  value="ERROR"                         />
  +    <property name="project.start-uri"   value="index.html"                    />
  +    <!-- use of these property should be removed when the siteplan becomes active -->
  +    <property name=""        value="forrest-site" />
  +    <property name="project.content-dir" value="${project.home}/src/documentation" />
       <!-- checks for presence of required classes and/or resources -->
       <property name="tools.jar"             location="${java.home}/../lib/tools.jar"/>
       <available file="${tools.jar}"         property="tools.jar.present"/>
       <!-- echo settings in -Dforrest.echo=true mode -->
       <antcall target="echo-settings" />
  @@ -83,12 +84,30 @@
         | Running from $${forrest.home} = ${forrest.home}
         | Working on   $${project.home} = ${project.home}
  -      | = ${}
  -      | project.siteplan = ${project.siteplan}
  -      | project.temp-dir = ${project.temp-dir}
  -      | = ${}
  -      | project.ctxt-dir = ${project.ctxt-dir}
  -      | tools.jar.present= ${tools.jar.present}
  +      | //where to put the result
  +      |    = ${} 
  +      | //uri to start crawling/generation process
  +      | project.start-uri   = ${project.start-uri}
  +      | //masterplan for building site (dreamware)
  +      | project.siteplan    = ${project.siteplan} 
  +      | //temp dir to throw stuf in (i.e. work and ctxt)
  +      | project.temp-dir    = ${project.temp-dir} 
  +      | //temp working directory for generation process
  +      |    = ${} 
  +      | //temp context directory for generation process
  +      | project.ctxt-dir    = ${project.ctxt-dir} 
  +      | //debuglevel for logging (INFO, DEBUG, WARN, ERROR, FAIL)
  +      | project.debuglevel  = ${project.debuglevel}
  +      | //logfile location
  +      | project.logfile     = ${project.logfile}
  +      | //check if you have tools.jar installed.
  +      | tools.jar.present   = ${tools.jar.present} 
  +      ------------------------------------------------
  +      | Following could be removed from future builds
  +      | //which skin to apply
  +      |        = ${} 
  +      | //where your documentation xml is
  +      | project.content-dir = ${project.content-dir} 
  @@ -101,7 +120,7 @@
       <path id="forrest.cp">
         <fileset dir="${forrest.home}/WEB-INF/lib" includes="*.jar" />
         <pathelement location="${tools.jar}"/>
  -      <pathelement location="${}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
  +      <pathelement location="${forrest.home}/WEB-INF/classes"/>
  @@ -110,15 +129,43 @@
          Display the usage of this script. 
          =============================================================== -->
     <target name="usage" depends="init">
  -    <echo>
  +    <echo><![CDATA[
  +    Usage: This ant file holds the targets for letting the forrest 
  +    project work for your project.
  +    It is recommended that you have a FORREST_HOME environment variable
  +    that points to where this ant script (and the required directories) 
  +    is located.
  +    You can call these from your project ant file like this:
  +    <property environment="ENV" />
  +    <ant antfile="($forrest.home)/" 
  +         target="(your-target-of-choice)" >
  +      <property name="project.home" value="."/>
  +      <property name="forrest.home" value="${ENV.FORREST_HOME}"/>
  +    </ant>
  +    Relative to project.home there will be a number of default
  +    paths forrest will use to do the requested work.
  +    To see these (and there use), use the nested property:
  +      <property name="forrest.echo" value="true" />
  +    To override these you could do one of:
  +    - write them down in a file ${project.home}/
  +      (using Java Property file syntax)
  +    - set them as nested properties to the <ant> task.
  +    Targets to call:
  +    [site building targets]
  +    site ----------  Build your static project site.
  +    webapp --------  Bundle your documents in a dynamic cocoon-based webapp to deploy.
  +    `
  +    [project seeding targets]
  -      should explain the usage. 
  -        part of it being: refering to the shell or bat use
  -        part of it being: &lt;ant antfile=...&gt;
  -      setting FORREST_HOME and the like.
  -      description of the targets.
  -      starting with fresh-project and looking at the siteplan that comes out of it.
  -    </echo>
  +    ]]></echo>
  @@ -136,8 +183,8 @@
     <!-- ===============================================================
          Fills the Cocoon context dir to work in 
          with the forrest-predefines.
  -       param: location to make context-dir? 
  -              (we could just make up a temp one, and clean when done)
  +       param: name of the skin to use ${} (now)
  +       param: location to make temporary context-dir ${project.ctxt-dir} 
          =============================================================== -->
     <target name="bare-context" depends="init" >
       <!-- TODO get rid of this hackerism -->
  @@ -168,6 +215,8 @@
         <fileset dir="${forrest.home}/context" >
           <exclude name="sitemap.xmap" />
           <exclude name="skins/**" />
  +      </fileset>
  +      <fileset dir="${forrest.home}/context" >
           <include name="skins/**/images/**" />
  @@ -176,46 +225,51 @@
       <!-- everything in the skins, except the images , and the sitemap -->
         <fileset dir="${forrest.home}/context" >
           <include name="sitemap.xmap" />
  -        <exclude name="skins/**/images/**" />
           <include name="skins/**" />
  +        <exclude name="skins/**/images/**" />
     <!-- ===============================================================
  -       Makes the Cocoon context dir to work in. 
  -       Fills it with 
  -         forrest predefines.  
  -         site-content-parts
  -         derivatives from siteplan
  -       param: location of siteplan $project.siteplan
  -       param: location to make context-dir? 
  -              (we could just make up a temp one, and clean when done)
  +       Fills the Cocoon context dir to work in 
  +       with the project-content-parts 
  +         (now: copy stuff from param ${project.content-dir}
  +          with siteplan: based on that plan; should allow more different parts)
  +       param: location to find the content ${project.content-dir}(now)
  +       param: location of siteplan ${project.siteplan} (future)
  +       param: location to find project descriptors == ${project.home} 
  +       param: location to make temporary context-dir ${project.ctxt-dir} 
          =============================================================== -->
  -  <target name="prepare-context" depends="init, bare-context" >
  -    <echo>
  -      ... some style and copy tasks?
  -    </echo>
  +  <target name="project-context" depends="init, bare-context" >
  +    <copy toDir="${project.ctxt-dir}/" >
  +      <fileset dir="${project.content-dir}" />
  +    </copy>
  +    <copy todir="${project.ctxt-dir}" >
  +      <fileset dir="${project.home}">
  +        <include name="*.*ml"/>
  +      </fileset>
  +    </copy>
     <!-- ===============================================================
  -       Makes the site   
  -       param: location of siteplan ${project.siteplan}
  -       param: location to put generated site ${}
  +       Makes the Cocoon context dir to work in and fills it completely.
  +       That is by depending on:
  +         bare-context     // for forrest predefines.  
  +         project-context  // for project's actual content
  +           (now: copy stuff from extra param defining the content dir
  +            with siteplan: based on that)
  +         control-context  // for derivatives from siteplan 
  +           (now: no need, waiting on siteplan future)
  +            with siteplan: e.g. sitemap and catalog)
  +       param: name of the skin to use ${} (now)
  +       param: location to find the content ${project.content-dir}(now)
  +       param: location of siteplan ${project.siteplan} (future)
  +       param: location to make temporary context-dir ${project.ctxt-dir} 
          =============================================================== -->
  -  <target name="site" depends="init, prepare-context, clean-site, prepare-classpath">
  -    <echo>
  -      ... should call cocoon CLI on set forrest.cococontxt.dir
  -    </echo>
  -  </target>
  +  <target name="prepare-context" depends="init, bare-context, project-context" />
     <!-- ===============================================================
  @@ -228,6 +282,35 @@
     <!-- ===============================================================
  +       Makes the site.
  +       param: name of the skin to use ${} (now)
  +       param: location to find the content ${project.content-dir}(now)
  +       param: location of siteplan ${project.siteplan} (future)
  +       param: location to make temporary context-dir ${project.ctxt-dir} 
  +       param: location to make temporary work-dir ${project.content-dir}
  +       param: debuglevel for logging ${project.debuglevel}
  +       param: location of log-file ${project.logfile}
  +       =============================================================== -->
  +  <target name="site" depends="init, prepare-context, clean-site, prepare-classpath">
  +    <!-- clean out the temp space, if we don't cocoon fails on this
  +         actually clears the cache, not yet clear why it is really needed? -->
  +    <delete dir="${}"/>
  +    <mkdir dir="${}"/>
  +    <java classname="org.apache.cocoon.Main" fork="true"
  +          dir="." failonerror="true"
  +          classpathref="forrest.cp"
  +          >
  +      <arg value="-c${project.ctxt-dir}"/>   <!-- input to the process -->
  +      <arg value="-d${}"/>   <!-- output to be put -->
  +      <arg value="-w${}"/>   <!-- temp dir to use for e.g. cache -->
  +      <arg value="-l${project.logfile}"/>    <!-- log of processing -->
  +      <arg value="-u${project.debuglevel}"/> <!-- threshold for log messages -->
  +      <arg value="${project.start-uri}"/>              <!-- starting page -->
  +    </java>
  +  </target>
  +  <!-- ===============================================================
          Builds a cocoon webapp for your project based on the siteplan.
          param: location of siteplan ${forrest.siteplan}
          param: location to put generated war ${forrest.out.war}
  @@ -248,7 +331,7 @@
     <target name="validate-docs" depends="init, prepare-context">
  -      ... this should just war up the prepared context dir.
  +      ... this should validate the project-content-dir.