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Posted to by "Otto, Frank" <> on 2008/01/14 14:43:25 UTC

struts 2.0.11: autocompleter and notify-/listenTopics

I have 6 autocompleter combo boxes. The first refresh the second, the second the third and so one. I use notifyTopics and listenTopics:
<s:autocompleter id="cmb1" notifyTopics="refresh2" .../>
<s:autocompleter id="cmb2" notifyTopics="refresh3" listenTopics="refresh2" theme="ajax" url=%{myUrl)".../> 
<s:autocompleter id="cmb3" notifyTopics="refresh4" listenTopics="refresh3" theme="ajax" url=%{myUrl)" .../> 
<s:autocompleter id="cmb4" notifyTopics="refresh5" listenTopics="refresh4" theme="ajax" url=%{myUrl)" .../> 
<s:autocompleter id="cmb5" notifyTopics="refresh6" listenTopics="refresh5" theme="ajax" url=%{myUrl)" .../>
<s:autocompleter id="cmb6" listenTopics="refresh6" theme="ajax" url=%{myUrl)"  .../>
My problem is, that the topics were called more than one time, If I will select a value from the first combo box.  This is to many overhead. The loading of the combo box values is very slow.
I have no idea, how can I prevent this. Can someone help me, please?
kind regards,