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[GitHub] [nifi-minifi-cpp] szaszm commented on a change in pull request #940: MINIFICPP-1373 - Implement ConsumeKafka

szaszm commented on a change in pull request #940:

File path: extensions/librdkafka/ConsumeKafka.h
@@ -0,0 +1,175 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <string>
+#include <utility>
+#include <vector>
+#include <memory>
+#include "core/Processor.h"
+#include "core/logging/LoggerConfiguration.h"
+#include "rdkafka.h"
+#include "rdkafka_utils.h"
+#include "KafkaConnection.h"
+namespace org {
+namespace apache {
+namespace nifi {
+namespace minifi {
+namespace processors {
+class ConsumeKafka : public core::Processor {
+ public:
+  static constexpr char const* ProcessorName = "ConsumeKafka";
+  // Supported Properties
+  static core::Property KafkaBrokers;
+  static core::Property SecurityProtocol;
+  static core::Property TopicNames;
+  static core::Property TopicNameFormat;
+  static core::Property HonorTransactions;
+  static core::Property GroupID;
+  static core::Property OffsetReset;
+  static core::Property KeyAttributeEncoding;
+  static core::Property MessageDemarcator;
+  static core::Property MessageHeaderEncoding;
+  static core::Property HeadersToAddAsAttributes;
+  static core::Property DuplicateHeaderHandling;
+  static core::Property MaxPollRecords;
+  static core::Property MaxPollTime;
+  static core::Property SessionTimeout;
+  // Supported Relationships
+  static const core::Relationship Success;
+  // Security Protocol allowable values
+  static constexpr char const* SECURITY_PROTOCOL_PLAINTEXT = "PLAINTEXT";
+  static constexpr char const* SECURITY_PROTOCOL_SSL = "SSL";
+  static constexpr char const* SECURITY_PROTOCOL_SASL_PLAINTEXT = "SASL_PLAINTEXT";
+  static constexpr char const* SECURITY_PROTOCOL_SASL_SSL = "SASL_SSL";
+  // Topic Name Format allowable values
+  static constexpr char const* TOPIC_FORMAT_NAMES = "Names";
+  static constexpr char const* TOPIC_FORMAT_PATTERNS = "Patterns";
+  // Offset Reset allowable values
+  static constexpr char const* OFFSET_RESET_EARLIEST = "earliest";
+  static constexpr char const* OFFSET_RESET_LATEST = "latest";
+  static constexpr char const* OFFSET_RESET_NONE = "none";
+  // Key Attribute Encoding allowable values
+  static constexpr char const* KEY_ATTR_ENCODING_UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
+  static constexpr char const* KEY_ATTR_ENCODING_HEX = "Hex";
+  // Message Header Encoding allowable values
+  static constexpr char const* MSG_HEADER_ENCODING_UTF_8 = "UTF-8";
+  static constexpr char const* MSG_HEADER_ENCODING_HEX = "Hex";
+  // Duplicate Header Handling allowable values
+  static constexpr char const* MSG_HEADER_KEEP_FIRST = "Keep First";
+  static constexpr char const* MSG_HEADER_KEEP_LATEST = "Keep Latest";
+  static constexpr char const* MSG_HEADER_COMMA_SEPARATED_MERGE = "Comma-separated Merge";
+  // Flowfile attributes written
+  static constexpr char const* KAFKA_COUNT_ATTR = "kafka.count";  // Always 1 until we start supporting merging from batches
+  static constexpr char const* KAFKA_MESSAGE_KEY_ATTR = "kafka.key";
+  static constexpr char const* KAFKA_OFFSET_ATTR = "kafka.offset";
+  static constexpr char const* KAFKA_PARTITION_ATTR = "kafka.partition";
+  static constexpr char const* KAFKA_TOPIC_ATTR = "kafka.topic";
+  static constexpr const std::size_t DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_RECORDS{ 10000 };
+  static constexpr char const* DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_TIME = "4 seconds";
+  static constexpr const std::size_t METADATA_COMMUNICATIONS_TIMEOUT_MS{ 60000 };
+  explicit ConsumeKafka(std::string name, utils::Identifier uuid = utils::Identifier()) :
+      Processor(name, uuid),
+      logger_(logging::LoggerFactory<ConsumeKafka>::getLogger()) {}
+  virtual ~ConsumeKafka() = default;
+ public:
+  bool supportsDynamicProperties() override {
+    return true;
+  }
+  /**
+   * Function that's executed when the processor is scheduled.
+   * @param context process context.
+   * @param sessionFactory process session factory that is used when creating
+   * ProcessSession objects.
+   */
+  void onSchedule(core::ProcessContext* context, core::ProcessSessionFactory* /* sessionFactory */) override;
+  /**
+   * Execution trigger for the RetryFlowFile Processor
+   * @param context processor context
+   * @param session processor session reference.
+   */
+  void onTrigger(core::ProcessContext* context, core::ProcessSession* session) override;
+  // Initialize, overwrite by NiFi RetryFlowFile
+  void initialize() override;
+ private:
+  void create_topic_partition_list();
+  void extend_config_from_dynamic_properties(const core::ProcessContext* context);
+  void configure_new_connection(const core::ProcessContext* context);
+  std::string extract_message(const rd_kafka_message_t* rkmessage) const;
+  std::vector<std::unique_ptr<rd_kafka_message_t, utils::rd_kafka_message_deleter>> poll_kafka_messages();
+  utils::KafkaEncoding key_attr_encoding_attr_to_enum() const;
+  utils::KafkaEncoding message_header_encoding_attr_to_enum() const;
+  std::string resolve_duplicate_headers(const std::vector<std::string>& matching_headers) const;
+  std::vector<std::string> get_matching_headers(const rd_kafka_message_t* message, const std::string& header_name) const;
+  std::vector<std::pair<std::string, std::string>> get_flowfile_attributes_from_message_header(const rd_kafka_message_t* message) const;
+  void add_kafka_attributes_to_flowfile(std::shared_ptr<FlowFileRecord>& flow_file, const rd_kafka_message_t* message) const;
+  std::vector<std::shared_ptr<FlowFileRecord>> transform_messages_into_flowfiles(
+      const std::vector<std::unique_ptr<rd_kafka_message_t, utils::rd_kafka_message_deleter>>& messages, core::ProcessSession* session) const;
+ private:
+  std::string kafka_brokers_;
+  std::string security_protocol_;
+  std::vector<std::string> topic_names_;
+  std::string topic_name_format_;
+  bool honor_transactions_;
+  std::string group_id_;
+  std::string offset_reset_;
+  std::string key_attribute_encoding_;
+  std::string message_demarcator_;
+  std::string message_header_encoding_;
+  std::string duplicate_header_handling_;
+  std::vector<std::string> headers_to_add_as_attributes_;
+  std::size_t max_poll_records_;
+  std::chrono::milliseconds max_poll_time_milliseconds_;
+  std::chrono::milliseconds communications_timeout_milliseconds_;
+  std::chrono::milliseconds session_timeout_milliseconds_;

Review comment:
       I think the `_milliseconds` suffixes in the identifiers are unnecessary because the information is already part of the type.

File path: extensions/librdkafka/ConsumeKafka.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,553 @@
+ * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+ * contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+ * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+ * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+ * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+ * the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ *
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#include "ConsumeKafka.h"
+#include <algorithm>
+#include <limits>
+#include "core/PropertyValidation.h"
+#include "utils/ProcessorConfigUtils.h"
+#include "utils/gsl.h"
+namespace org {
+namespace apache {
+namespace nifi {
+namespace minifi {
+namespace core {
+// The upper limit for Max Poll Time is 4 seconds. This is because Watchdog would potentially start
+// reporting issues with the processor health otherwise
+class ConsumeKafkaMaxPollTimeValidator : public TimePeriodValidator {
+ public:
+  ConsumeKafkaMaxPollTimeValidator(const std::string &name) // NOLINT
+      : TimePeriodValidator(name) {
+  }
+  ~ConsumeKafkaMaxPollTimeValidator() override = default;
+  ValidationResult validate(const std::string& subject, const std::string& input) const override {
+    uint64_t value;
+    TimeUnit timeUnit;
+    uint64_t value_as_ms;
+    return ValidationResult::Builder::createBuilder().withSubject(subject).withInput(input).isValid(
+        core::TimePeriodValue::StringToTime(input, value, timeUnit) &&
+        org::apache::nifi::minifi::core::Property::ConvertTimeUnitToMS(value, timeUnit, value_as_ms) &&
+        0 < value_as_ms && value_as_ms <= 4000).build();
+  }
+}  // namespace core
+namespace processors {
+constexpr const std::size_t ConsumeKafka::DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_RECORDS;
+constexpr char const* ConsumeKafka::DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_TIME;
+constexpr char const* ConsumeKafka::TOPIC_FORMAT_NAMES;
+constexpr char const* ConsumeKafka::TOPIC_FORMAT_PATTERNS;
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::KafkaBrokers(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Kafka Brokers")
+  ->withDescription("A comma-separated list of known Kafka Brokers in the format <host>:<port>.")
+  ->withDefaultValue("localhost:9092", core::StandardValidators::get().NON_BLANK_VALIDATOR)
+  ->supportsExpressionLanguage(true)
+  ->isRequired(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::SecurityProtocol(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Security Protocol")
+  ->withDescription("This property is currently not supported. Protocol used to communicate with brokers. Corresponds to Kafka's 'security.protocol' property.")
+  ->isRequired(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::TopicNames(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Topic Names")
+  ->withDescription("The name of the Kafka Topic(s) to pull from. Multiple topic names are supported as a comma separated list.")
+  ->supportsExpressionLanguage(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::TopicNameFormat(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Topic Name Format")
+  ->withDescription("Specifies whether the Topic(s) provided are a comma separated list of names or a single regular expression.")
+  ->withAllowableValues<std::string>({TOPIC_FORMAT_NAMES, TOPIC_FORMAT_PATTERNS})
+  ->withDefaultValue(TOPIC_FORMAT_NAMES)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::HonorTransactions(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Honor Transactions")
+  ->withDescription(
+      "Specifies whether or not MiNiFi should honor transactional guarantees when communicating with Kafka. If false, the Processor will use an \"isolation level\" of "
+      "read_uncomitted. This means that messages will be received as soon as they are written to Kafka but will be pulled, even if the producer cancels the transactions. "
+      "If this value is true, MiNiFi will not receive any messages for which the producer's transaction was canceled, but this can result in some latency since the consumer "
+      "must wait for the producer to finish its entire transaction instead of pulling as the messages become available.")
+  ->withDefaultValue<bool>(true)
+  ->isRequired(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::GroupID(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Group ID")
+  ->withDescription("A Group ID is used to identify consumers that are within the same consumer group. Corresponds to Kafka's '' property.")
+  ->supportsExpressionLanguage(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::OffsetReset(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Offset Reset")
+  ->withDescription("Allows you to manage the condition when there is no initial offset in Kafka or if the current offset does not exist any more on the server (e.g. because that "
+      "data has been deleted). Corresponds to Kafka's 'auto.offset.reset' property.")
+  ->withDefaultValue(OFFSET_RESET_LATEST)
+  ->isRequired(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::KeyAttributeEncoding(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Key Attribute Encoding")
+  ->withDescription("FlowFiles that are emitted have an attribute named 'kafka.key'. This property dictates how the value of the attribute should be encoded.")
+  ->withAllowableValues<std::string>({KEY_ATTR_ENCODING_UTF_8, KEY_ATTR_ENCODING_HEX})
+  ->withDefaultValue(KEY_ATTR_ENCODING_UTF_8)
+  ->isRequired(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::MessageDemarcator(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Message Demarcator")
+  ->withDescription("Since KafkaConsumer receives messages in batches, you have an option to output FlowFiles which contains all Kafka messages in a single batch "
+      "for a given topic and partition and this property allows you to provide a string (interpreted as UTF-8) to use for demarcating apart multiple Kafka messages. "
+      "This is an optional property and if not provided each Kafka message received will result in a single FlowFile which time it is triggered. ")
+  ->supportsExpressionLanguage(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::MessageHeaderEncoding(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Message Header Encoding")
+  ->withDescription("Any message header that is found on a Kafka message will be added to the outbound FlowFile as an attribute. This property indicates the Character Encoding "
+      "to use for deserializing the headers.")
+  ->withAllowableValues<std::string>({MSG_HEADER_ENCODING_UTF_8, MSG_HEADER_ENCODING_HEX})
+  ->withDefaultValue(MSG_HEADER_ENCODING_UTF_8)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::HeadersToAddAsAttributes(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Headers To Add As Attributes")
+  ->withDescription("A Regular Expression that is matched against all message headers. Any message header whose name matches the regex will be added to the FlowFile "
+      "as an Attribute. If not specified, no Header values will be added as FlowFile attributes. If two messages have a different value for the same header and that "
+      "header is selected by the provided regex, then those two messages must be added to different FlowFiles. As a result, users should be cautious about using a "
+      "regex like \".*\" if messages are expected to have header values that are unique per message, such as an identifier or timestamp, because it will prevent MiNiFi "
+      "from bundling the messages together efficiently.")
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::DuplicateHeaderHandling(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Duplicate Header Handling")
+  ->withDescription("For headers to be added as attributes, this option specifies how to handle cases where multiple headers are present with the same key. "
+      "For example in case of receiving these two headers: \"Accept: text/html\" and \"Accept: application/xml\" and we want to attach the value of \"Accept\" "
+      "as a FlowFile attribute:\n"
+      " - \"Keep First\" attaches: \"Accept -> text/html\"\n"
+      " - \"Keep Latest\" attaches: \"Accept -> application/xml\"\n"
+      " - \"Comma-separated Merge\" attaches: \"Accept -> text/html, application/xml\"\n")
+  ->withDefaultValue(MSG_HEADER_KEEP_LATEST)  // Mirroring NiFi behaviour
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::MaxPollRecords(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Max Poll Records")
+  ->withDescription("Specifies the maximum number of records Kafka should return when polling each time the processor is triggered.")
+  ->withDefaultValue<unsigned int>(DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_RECORDS)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::MaxPollTime(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Max Poll Time")
+  ->withDescription("Specifies the maximum amount of time the consumer can use for polling data from the brokers. "
+      "Polling is a blocking operation, so the upper limit of this value is specified in 4 seconds.")
+  ->withDefaultValue(DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_TIME, std::make_shared<core::ConsumeKafkaMaxPollTimeValidator>(std::string("ConsumeKafkaMaxPollTimeValidator")))
+  ->isRequired(true)
+  ->build());
+core::Property ConsumeKafka::SessionTimeout(core::PropertyBuilder::createProperty("Session Timeout")
+  ->withDescription("Client group session and failure detection timeout. The consumer sends periodic heartbeats "
+      "to indicate its liveness to the broker. If no hearts are received by the broker for a group member within "
+      "the session timeout, the broker will remove the consumer from the group and trigger a rebalance. "
+      "The allowed range is configured with the broker configuration properties and")
+  ->withDefaultValue<core::TimePeriodValue>("60 seconds")
+  ->build());
+const core::Relationship ConsumeKafka::Success("success", "Incoming kafka messages as flowfiles. Depending on the demarcation strategy, this can be one or multiple flowfiles per message.");
+void ConsumeKafka::initialize() {
+  setSupportedProperties({
+    KafkaBrokers,
+    SecurityProtocol,
+    TopicNames,
+    TopicNameFormat,
+    HonorTransactions,
+    GroupID,
+    OffsetReset,
+    KeyAttributeEncoding,
+    MessageDemarcator,
+    MessageHeaderEncoding,
+    HeadersToAddAsAttributes,
+    DuplicateHeaderHandling,
+    MaxPollRecords,
+    MaxPollTime,
+    SessionTimeout
+  });
+  setSupportedRelationships({
+    Success,
+  });
+void ConsumeKafka::onSchedule(core::ProcessContext* context, core::ProcessSessionFactory* /* sessionFactory */) {
+  // Required properties
+  kafka_brokers_                = utils::getRequiredPropertyOrThrow(context, KafkaBrokers.getName());
+  security_protocol_            = utils::getRequiredPropertyOrThrow(context, SecurityProtocol.getName());
+  topic_names_                  = utils::listFromRequiredCommaSeparatedProperty(context, TopicNames.getName());
+  topic_name_format_            = utils::getRequiredPropertyOrThrow(context, TopicNameFormat.getName());
+  honor_transactions_           = utils::parseBooleanPropertyOrThrow(context, HonorTransactions.getName());
+  group_id_                     = utils::getRequiredPropertyOrThrow(context, GroupID.getName());
+  offset_reset_                 = utils::getRequiredPropertyOrThrow(context, OffsetReset.getName());
+  key_attribute_encoding_       = utils::getRequiredPropertyOrThrow(context, KeyAttributeEncoding.getName());
+  max_poll_time_milliseconds_   = utils::parseTimePropertyMSOrThrow(context, MaxPollTime.getName());
+  session_timeout_milliseconds_ = utils::parseTimePropertyMSOrThrow(context, SessionTimeout.getName());
+  // Optional properties
+  context->getProperty(MessageDemarcator.getName(), message_demarcator_);
+  context->getProperty(MessageHeaderEncoding.getName(), message_header_encoding_);
+  context->getProperty(DuplicateHeaderHandling.getName(), duplicate_header_handling_);
+  headers_to_add_as_attributes_ = utils::listFromCommaSeparatedProperty(context, HeadersToAddAsAttributes.getName());
+  max_poll_records_ = gsl::narrow<std::size_t>(utils::getOptionalUintProperty(context, MaxPollRecords.getName()).value_or(DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_RECORDS));
+  // For now security protocols are not yet supported
+  if (!utils::StringUtils::equalsIgnoreCase(SECURITY_PROTOCOL_PLAINTEXT, security_protocol_)) {
+    throw Exception(PROCESS_SCHEDULE_EXCEPTION, "Security protocols are not supported yet.");
+  }
+  if (!utils::StringUtils::equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_ATTR_ENCODING_UTF_8, key_attribute_encoding_) && !utils::StringUtils::equalsIgnoreCase(KEY_ATTR_ENCODING_HEX, key_attribute_encoding_)) {
+    throw Exception(PROCESS_SCHEDULE_EXCEPTION, "Unsupported key attribute encoding: " + key_attribute_encoding_);
+  }
+  if (!utils::StringUtils::equalsIgnoreCase(MSG_HEADER_ENCODING_UTF_8, message_header_encoding_) && !utils::StringUtils::equalsIgnoreCase(MSG_HEADER_ENCODING_HEX, message_header_encoding_)) {
+    throw Exception(PROCESS_SCHEDULE_EXCEPTION, "Unsupported message header encoding: " + key_attribute_encoding_);
+  }
+  configure_new_connection(context);
+void rebalance_cb(rd_kafka_t* rk, rd_kafka_resp_err_t trigger, rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_t* partitions, void* /*opaque*/) {
+  // Cooperative, incremental assignment is not supported in the current librdkafka version
+  std::shared_ptr<logging::Logger> logger{logging::LoggerFactory<ConsumeKafka>::getLogger()};
+  logger->log_debug("Rebalance triggered.");
+  rd_kafka_resp_err_t assign_error = RD_KAFKA_RESP_ERR_NO_ERROR;
+  switch (trigger) {
+      logger->log_debug("assigned");
+      utils::print_topics_list(logger, partitions);
+      assign_error = rd_kafka_assign(rk, partitions);
+      break;
+      logger->log_debug("revoked:");
+      rd_kafka_commit(rk, partitions, /* async = */ 0);  // Sync commit, maybe unneccessary
+      utils::print_topics_list(logger, partitions);
+      assign_error = rd_kafka_assign(rk, NULL);
+      break;
+    default:
+      logger->log_debug("failed: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(trigger));
+      assign_error = rd_kafka_assign(rk, NULL);
+      break;
+  }
+  logger->log_debug("assign failure: %s", rd_kafka_err2str(assign_error));
+void ConsumeKafka::create_topic_partition_list() {
+  kf_topic_partition_list_ = { rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_new(topic_names_.size()), utils::rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_deleter() };
+  // On subscriptions any topics prefixed with ^ will be regex matched
+  if (utils::StringUtils::equalsIgnoreCase(TOPIC_FORMAT_PATTERNS, topic_name_format_)) {
+    for (const std::string& topic : topic_names_) {
+      const std::string regex_format = "^" + topic;
+      rd_kafka_topic_partition_list_add(kf_topic_partition_list_.get(), regex_format.c_str(), RD_KAFKA_PARTITION_UA);

Review comment:
       The librdkafka api docs don't mention regex matching. Where is this documented?

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