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[6/7] allura git commit: [#8040] changes to support SimpleMDE dev version, including our code block contribution

[#8040] changes to support SimpleMDE dev version, including our code block contribution


Branch: refs/heads/db/8040
Commit: 643186242a33f87e21fcc617438773792e5d1099
Parents: 81546ab
Author: Dave Brondsema <>
Authored: Tue Jan 19 18:53:40 2016 -0500
Committer: Dave Brondsema <>
Committed: Mon Jan 25 17:53:14 2016 -0500

 .../lib/widgets/resources/css/markitup_sf.css   |   3 +
 .../lib/widgets/resources/js/sf_markitup.js     | 202 +------------------
 2 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 197 deletions(-)
diff --git a/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/css/markitup_sf.css b/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/css/markitup_sf.css
index 31c5730..55d11c7 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/css/markitup_sf.css
+++ b/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/css/markitup_sf.css
@@ -64,4 +64,7 @@
 .CodeMirror .CodeMirror-code .cm-url {
   color: #33d;
+.CodeMirror .CodeMirror-placeholder {
+    color: #999;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/js/sf_markitup.js b/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/js/sf_markitup.js
index 58593ce..b659b08 100644
--- a/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/js/sf_markitup.js
+++ b/Allura/allura/lib/widgets/resources/js/sf_markitup.js
@@ -27,15 +27,9 @@ $(window).load(function() {
             var $help_area = $('div.markdown_help', $container);
             var $help_contents = $('div.markdown_help_contents', $container);
-            // Override action for "preview" & "guide" tools
+            // Override action for a few buttons
             var toolbar = [
-              "bold", "italic", "heading", "|",
-              {
-                name: 'code',
-                action: function(editor) { return toggleCodeBlock(editor, '~~~~'); },
-                className: 'fa fa-code',
-                title: 'Code Block'
-              },
+              "bold", "italic", "heading", "|", "code",
               "quote", "unordered-list", "ordered-list",
                 name: 'table',
@@ -65,11 +59,13 @@ $(window).load(function() {
               toolbar: toolbar,
               previewRender: previewRender,
               parsingConfig: {
-                highlightFormatting: true,
                 allowAtxHeaderWithoutSpace: true,
                 strikethrough: false,
                 taskLists: false,
                 fencedCodeBlocks: true // override gfm's limited fencing regex
+              },
+              blockStyles: {
+                code: '~~~'
@@ -112,194 +108,6 @@ $(window).load(function() {
                 'Cell      | Cell       | Cell ');
-            function toggleCodeBlock(editor, fenceCharsToInsert) {
-              // NOTE: this requires highlightFormatting:true in the mode config
-              fenceCharsToInsert = fenceCharsToInsert || '```';
-              function fencing_line(line) {
-                /* return true, if this is a ``` or ~~~ line */
-                if (typeof line !== 'object') {
-                  throw 'fencing_line() takes a "line" object (not a line number, or line text).  Got: ' + typeof line + ': ' + line;
-                }
-                return line.styles && line.styles[2] && line.styles[2].indexOf('formatting-code-block') !== -1;
-              }
-              function code_type(cm, line_num, line, firstTok, lastTok) {
-                /*
-                 * Return 'single', 'indented', 'fenced' or false
-                 *
-                 * cm and line_num are required.  Others are optional for efficiency
-                 *   To check in the middle of a line, pass in firstTok yourself.
-                 */
-                line = line || cm.getLineHandle(line_num);
-                firstTok = firstTok || cm.getTokenAt({line: line_num, ch: 1});
-                lastTok = lastTok || (!!line.text && cm.getTokenAt({line: line_num, ch: line.text.length-1}));
-                var types = firstTok.type ? firstTok.type.split(' ') : [];
-                if (lastTok && lastTok.state.base.indentedCode) {
-                  // have to check last char, since first chars of first line aren't marked as indented
-                  return 'indented';
-                } else if (types.indexOf('comment') === -1) {
-                  // has to be after 'indented' check, since first chars of first indented line aren't marked as such
-                  return false;
-                } else if (firstTok.state.base.fencedChars || lastTok.state.base.fencedChars || fencing_line(line)) {
-                  return 'fenced';
-                } else {
-                  return 'single';
-                }
-              }
-              function insertFencingAtSelection(cm, cur_start, cur_end, fenceCharsToInsert) {
-                var start_line_sel = cur_start.line + 1,
-                  end_line_sel = cur_end.line + 1,
-                  sel_multi = cur_start.line !== cur_end.line,
-                  repl_start = fenceCharsToInsert + '\n',
-                  repl_end = '\n' + fenceCharsToInsert;
-                if (sel_multi) {
-                  end_line_sel++;
-                }
-                // handle last char including \n or not
-                if (sel_multi && === 0) {
-                  repl_end = fenceCharsToInsert + '\n';
-                  end_line_sel--;
-                }
-                _replaceSelection(cm, false, repl_start, repl_end);
-                cm.setSelection({line: start_line_sel, ch: 0},
-                                {line: end_line_sel, ch: 0});
-              }
-              var cm = editor.codemirror,
-                cur_start = cm.getCursor('start'),
-                cur_end = cm.getCursor('end'),
-                tok = cm.getTokenAt({line: cur_start.line, ch: || 1}), // avoid ch 0 which is a cursor pos but not token
-                line = cm.getLineHandle(cur_start.line),
-                is_code = code_type(cm, cur_start.line, line, tok);
-              var block_start, block_end, lineCount;
-              if (is_code === 'single') {
-                // similar to some SimpleMDE _toggleBlock logic
-                var start = line.text.slice(0,'`',''),
-                  end = line.text.slice('`', '');
-                cm.replaceRange(start + end, {
-                  line: cur_start.line,
-                  ch: 0
-                }, {
-                  line: cur_start.line,
-                  ch: 99999999999999
-                });
-      ;
-                if (cur_start !== cur_end) {
-        ;
-                }
-                cm.setSelection(cur_start, cur_end);
-                cm.focus();
-              } else if (is_code === 'fenced') {
-                if (cur_start.line !== cur_end.line || !== {
-                  // use selection
-                  for (block_start = cur_start.line; block_start >= 0; block_start--) {
-                    line = cm.getLineHandle(block_start);
-                    if (fencing_line(line)) {
-                      break;
-                    }
-                  }
-                  var fencedTok = cm.getTokenAt({line: block_start, ch: 1});
-                  insertFencingAtSelection(cm, cur_start, cur_end, fencedTok.state.base.fencedChars);
-                } else {
-                  // no selection, search for ends of this fenced block
-                  var search_from = cur_start.line;
-                  if (fencing_line(cm.getLineHandle(cur_start.line))) {  // gets a little tricky if cursor is right on a fenced line
-                    if (code_type(cm, cur_start.line + 1) === 'fenced') {
-                      block_start = cur_start.line;
-                      search_from = cur_start.line + 1; // for searching for "end"
-                    } else {
-                      block_end = cur_start.line;
-                      search_from = cur_start.line - 1; // for searching for "start"
-                    }
-                  }
-                  if (block_start === undefined) {
-                    for (block_start = search_from; block_start >= 0; block_start--) {
-                      line = cm.getLineHandle(block_start);
-                      if (fencing_line(line)) {
-                        break;
-                      }
-                    }
-                  }
-                  if (block_end === undefined) {
-                    lineCount = cm.lineCount();
-                    for (block_end = search_from; block_end < lineCount; block_end++) {
-                      line = cm.getLineHandle(block_end);
-                      if (fencing_line(line)) {
-                        break;
-                      }
-                    }
-                  }
-                  cm.operation(function () {
-                    cm.replaceRange('', {line: block_start, ch: 0}, {line: block_start + 1, ch: 0});
-                    cm.replaceRange('', {line: block_end - 1, ch: 0}, {line: block_end, ch: 0});
-                  });
-                  cm.focus();
-                }
-              } else if (is_code === 'indented') {
-                if (cur_start.line !== cur_end.line || !== {
-                  // use selection
-                  block_start = cur_start.line;
-                  block_end = cur_end.line;
-                  if ( === 0) {
-                    block_end--;
-                  }
-                } else {
-                  // no selection, search for ends of this indented block
-                  for (block_start = cur_start.line; block_start >= 0; block_start--) {
-                    line = cm.getLineHandle(block_start);
-                    if (line.text.match(/^\s*$/)) {
-                      // empty or all whitespace - keep going
-                      continue;
-                    } else {
-                      if (code_type(cm, block_start, line) !== 'indented') {
-                        block_start += 1;
-                        break;
-                      }
-                    }
-                  }
-                  lineCount = cm.lineCount();
-                  for (block_end = cur_start.line; block_end < lineCount; block_end++) {
-                    line = cm.getLineHandle(block_end);
-                    if (line.text.match(/^\s*$/)) {
-                      // empty or all whitespace - keep going
-                      continue;
-                    } else {
-                      if (code_type(cm, block_end, line) !== 'indented') {
-                        block_end -= 1;
-                        break;
-                      }
-                    }
-                  }
-                }
-                // if we are going to un-indent based on a selected set of lines, and the next line is indented too, we need to
-                // insert a blank line so that the next line(s) continue to be indented code
-                var next_line = cm.getLineHandle(block_end+1),
-                  next_line_last_tok = next_line && cm.getTokenAt({line: block_end+1, ch: next_line.text.length-1}),
-                  next_line_indented = next_line_last_tok && next_line_last_tok.state.base.indentedCode;
-                if (next_line_indented) {
-                  cm.replaceRange('\n', {line: block_end+1, ch:0});
-                }
-                for (var i = block_start; i <= block_end; i++) {
-                  cm.indentLine(i, 'subtract'); // TODO: this doesn't get tracked in the history, so can't be undone :(
-                }
-                cm.focus();
-              } else {
-                // insert code formatting
-                var no_sel_and_starting_of_line = (cur_start.line === cur_end.line && === && === 0);
-                var sel_multi = cur_start.line !== cur_end.line;
-                if (no_sel_and_starting_of_line || sel_multi) {
-                  insertFencingAtSelection(cm, cur_start, cur_end, fenceCharsToInsert);
-                } else {
-                  _replaceSelection(cm, false, '`', '`');
-                }
-              }
-            }
             function show_help(editor) {
               $.get($help_contents.attr('data-url'), function (data) {