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Posted to by OpenWhisk Team Slack <> on 2010/01/01 00:01:01 UTC

[slack-digest] [2022-03-24] #general

2022-03-24 00:24:11 UTC - Brendan Doyle: Hi I created a pretty simple wip pr to enable / disable running invokers on the old scheduler so that you can disable an invoker by stopping the scheduler to produce health pings so the controllers view it as offline and stop producing activations. You can then wait x time in your ci/cd after disabling before stopping such that the invoker will drain remaining activations off the message bus. It's not perfect since there's no way to know if you've worked through the activations on the message bus, but should get us much closer to zero downtime on rolling restarts of invokers.

Also added an `isEnabled` route for both invoker types since I think that's needed to be able to tell the state of a running invoker and that someone doesn't disable it and then not know what state it is left in.

Haven't added any tests would appreciate some feedback on if doing this is supported and then I'll add some tests.

eyes : Rodric Rabbah
2022-03-24 14:33:04 UTC - Areej: I have install lean openwhisk on raspberry pi but when I try to invoke my action through url wget wget <> it shows me this error : --2022-03-24 14:14:51-- <>
Connecting to connected.
GnuTLS: A TLS fatal alert has been received.
GnuTLS: received alert [42]: Certificate is bad
Unable to establish SSL connection.  how can I invoke my action using url