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Posted to by Scott Matheson <> on 2014/01/06 22:59:12 UTC

Aligning skinned button bar

   i have a button bar, that is centred on the page, when I addd the skinning, the icons/skin is left alined in the button, so I end up with an off centred button bar

How do I centre the skin in the button of the button bar

I can prove the issue is the position of the skin in the button, when I remove the skin the button bar is centred


<s:ButtonBar  id="activityBar" color="{_uofsModel.stageColour}"  dataProvider="{activities}" skinClass="com.peach.uofs.lesson.ActivityButtonBarSkin"  />


<s:Skin xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://"





         * @copy spark.skins.spark.ApplicationSkin#hostComponent






        <s:State name="normal" />

        <s:State name="disabled" />



        <fx:Component id="firstButton">

            <s:ButtonBarButton    skinClass="com.peach.uofs.lesson.ActivityButtonBarButton"  name="stage1"    />


        <fx:Component id="middleButton" >

            <s:ButtonBarButton    skinClass="com.peach.uofs.lesson.ActivityButtonBarButton"  name="stage1"     />


        <fx:Component id="lastButton" >

            <s:ButtonBarButton    skinClass="com.peach.uofs.lesson.ActivityButtonBarButton"   name="stage1"    />



    <!--- @copy spark.components.SkinnableDataContainer#dataGroup -->

    <s:DataGroup id="dataGroup" width="100%" height="100%"  horizontalCenter="0">


            <s:ButtonBarHorizontalLayout gap="-1"    />




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