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Posted to by on 2015/08/21 23:22:31 UTC

[07/51] [partial] incubator-geode git commit: GEODE-77 removing the old jgroups subproject
diff --git a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/ b/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
deleted file mode 100644
index c1bf78c..0000000
--- a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1043 +0,0 @@
-/** Notice of modification as required by the LGPL
- *  This file was modified by Gemstone Systems Inc. on
- *  $Date$
- **/
-// $Id:,v 1.15 2005/11/03 11:42:58 belaban Exp $
-import java.util.*;
- * Implementation of probabilistic broadcast. Sends group messages via unreliable multicast. Gossips regularly to
- * a random subset of group members to retransmit missing messages. Gossiping is used both for bringing all
- * members to the same state (having received the same messages) and to garbage-collect messages seen by all members
- * (gc is piggybacked in gossip messages). See DESIGN for more details.
- * @author Bela Ban
- */
-public class PBCAST extends Protocol implements Runnable {
-    boolean operational=false;
-    long seqno=1;                  // seqno for messages. 1 for the first message
-    long gossip_round=1;           // identifies the gossip (together with sender)
-    Address local_addr=null;
-    final Hashtable digest=new Hashtable();   // stores all messages from members (key: member, val: NakReceiverWindow)
-    // GemStoneAddition -- access synchronized on this
-    Thread gossip_thread=null;
-    GossipHandler gossip_handler=null;      // removes gossips and other requests from queue and handles them
-    final Queue gossip_queue=new Queue(); // (bounded) queue for incoming gossip requests
-    int max_queue=100;            // max elements in gossip_queue (bounded buffer)
-    long gossip_interval=5000;     // gossip every 5 seconds
-    double subset=0.1;               // send gossip messages to a subset consisting of 10% of the mbrship
-    long desired_avg_gossip=30000; // receive a gossip every 30 secs on average
-    final Vector members=new Vector();
-    final List gossip_list=new List();   // list of gossips received, we periodically purge it (FIFO)
-    int max_gossip_cache=100;     // number of gossips to keep until gossip list is purged
-    int gc_lag=30;                // how many seqnos should we lag behind (see DESIGN)
-    final Hashtable invalid_gossipers=new Hashtable(); // keys=Address, val=Integer (number of gossips from suspected mbrs)
-    static/*GemStoneAddition*/ final int max_invalid_gossips=2;    // max number of gossip from non-member before that member is shunned
-    Vector seen_list=null;
-    boolean shun=false;               // whether invalid gossipers will be shunned or not
-    boolean dynamic=true;             // whether to use dynamic or static gosssip_interval (overrides gossip_interval)
-    volatile /*GemStoneAddition*/ boolean skip_sleep=true;
-    boolean mcast_gossip=true;        // use multicast for gossips (subset will be ignored, send to all members)
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public String getName() {
-        return "PBCAST";
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public Vector providedUpServices() {
-        Vector retval=new Vector();
-        retval.addElement(Integer.valueOf(Event.GET_DIGEST));
-        retval.addElement(Integer.valueOf(Event.SET_DIGEST));
-        retval.addElement(Integer.valueOf(Event.GET_DIGEST_STATE));
-        return retval;
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void stop() {
-        stopGossipThread();
-        stopGossipHandler();
-        operational=false;
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void up(Event evt) {
-        Message m;
-        PbcastHeader hdr;
-        Address sender=null;
-        switch(evt.getType()) {
-            case Event.MSG:
-                m=(Message) evt.getArg();
-                if(m.getDest() != null && !m.getDest().isMulticastAddress()) {
-                    if(!(m.getHeader(getName()) instanceof PbcastHeader))
-                        break; // unicast address: not null and not mcast, pass up unchanged
-                }
-                // discard all multicast messages until we become operational (transition from joiner to member)
-                if(!operational) {
-                        if(log.isInfoEnabled())"event was discarded as I'm not yet operational. Event: " +
-                                                  Util.printEvent(evt));
-                    return;  // don't pass up
-                }
-                if(m.getHeader(getName()) instanceof PbcastHeader)
-                    hdr=(PbcastHeader) m.removeHeader(getName());
-                else {
-                    sender=m.getSrc();
-                        if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("PbcastHeader expected, but received header of type " +
-                                                   m.getHeader(getName()).getClass().getName() + " from " + sender +
-                                                   ". Passing event up unchanged");
-                    break;
-                }
-                switch(hdr.type) {
-                    case PbcastHeader.MCAST_MSG:  // messages are handled directly (high priority)
-                        handleUpMessage(m, hdr);
-                        return;
-                        // all other requests are put in the bounded gossip queue (discarded if full). this helps to ensure
-                        // that no 'gossip storms' will occur (overflowing the buffers and the network)
-                    case PbcastHeader.GOSSIP:
-                    case PbcastHeader.XMIT_REQ:
-                    case PbcastHeader.XMIT_RSP:
-                    case PbcastHeader.NOT_MEMBER:
-                        try {
-                            if(gossip_queue.size() >= max_queue) {
-                                    if(warn) log.warn("gossip request " +
-                                                              PbcastHeader.type2String(hdr.type) + " discarded because " +
-                                                              "gossip_queue is full (number of elements=" + gossip_queue.size() + ')');
-                                return;
-                            }
-                            gossip_queue.add(new GossipEntry(hdr, m.getSrc(), m.getBuffer()));
-                        }
-                        catch(Exception ex) {
-                            if(warn) log.warn("exception adding request to gossip_queue, details=" + ex);
-                        }
-                        return;
-                    default:
-                        if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.PBCAST_TYPE__0__OF_PBCASTHEADER_NOT_KNOWN_, hdr.type);
-                        return;
-                }
-            case Event.SET_LOCAL_ADDRESS:
-                local_addr=(Address) evt.getArg();
-                break;  // pass up
-        }
-        passUp(evt);  // pass up by default
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public void down(Event evt) {
-        PbcastHeader hdr;
-        Message m, copy;
-        View v;
-        Vector mbrs;
-        Address key;
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        switch(evt.getType()) {
-            case Event.MSG:
-                m=(Message) evt.getArg();
-                if(m.getDest() != null && !m.getDest().isMulticastAddress()) {
-                    break; // unicast address: not null and not mcast, pass down unchanged
-                }
-                else {      // multicast address
-                    hdr=new PbcastHeader(PbcastHeader.MCAST_MSG, seqno);
-                    m.putHeader(getName(), hdr);
-                    // put message in NakReceiverWindow (to be on the safe side if we don't receive it ...)
-                    synchronized(digest) {
-                        win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(local_addr);
-                        if(win == null) {
-                            if(log.isInfoEnabled())"NakReceiverWindow for sender " + local_addr +
-                                                        " not found. Creating new NakReceiverWindow starting at seqno=" + seqno);
-                            win=new NakReceiverWindow(local_addr, seqno);
-                            digest.put(local_addr, win);
-                        }
-                        copy=m.copy();
-                        copy.setSrc(local_addr);
-                        win.add(seqno, copy);
-                    }
-                    seqno++;
-                    break;
-                }
-            case Event.SET_DIGEST:
-                setDigest((Digest) evt.getArg());
-                return;  // don't pass down
-            case Event.GET_DIGEST:  // don't pass down
-                passUp(new Event(Event.GET_DIGEST_OK, getDigest()));
-                return;
-            case Event.GET_DIGEST_STATE:  // don't pass down
-                passUp(new Event(Event.GET_DIGEST_STATE_OK, getDigest()));
-                return;
-            case Event.VIEW_CHANGE:
-                v=(View) evt.getArg();
-                if(v == null) {
-                    if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.PBCAST_VIEW_IS_NULL_);
-                    break;
-                }
-                mbrs=v.getMembers();
-                // update internal membership list
-                synchronized(members) {
-                    members.removeAllElements();
-                    for(int i=0; i < mbrs.size(); i++)
-                        members.addElement(mbrs.elementAt(i));
-                }
-                // delete all members in digest that are not in new membership list
-                if(mbrs.size() > 0) {
-                    synchronized(digest) {
-                        for(Enumeration e=digest.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-                            key=(Address) e.nextElement();
-                            if(!mbrs.contains(key)) {
-                                win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(key);
-                                win.reset();
-                                digest.remove(key);
-                            }
-                        }
-                    }
-                }
-                // add all members from new membership list that are not yet in digest
-                for(int i=0; i < mbrs.size(); i++) {
-                    key=(Address) mbrs.elementAt(i);
-                    if(!digest.containsKey(key)) {
-                        digest.put(key, new NakReceiverWindow(key, 1));
-                    }
-                }
-                if(dynamic) {
-                    gossip_interval=computeGossipInterval(members.size(), desired_avg_gossip);
-                        if(log.isInfoEnabled()), gossip_interval);
-                    if(gossip_thread != null) {
-                        skip_sleep=true;
-                        gossip_thread.interrupt(); // wake up and sleep according to the new gossip_interval
-                    }
-                }
-                startGossipThread();  // will only be started if not yet running
-                startGossipHandler();
-                break;
-            case Event.BECOME_SERVER:
-                operational=true;
-                break;
-        }
-        passDown(evt);
-    }
-    /** Gossip thread. Sends gossips containing a message digest every <code>gossip_interval</code> msecs */
-    public void run() {
-      for (;;) { // GemStoneAddition remove coding anti-pattern
-        if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) break; // GemStoneAddition
-            if(dynamic) {
-                gossip_interval=computeGossipInterval(members.size(), desired_avg_gossip);
-                    if(log.isInfoEnabled()), gossip_interval);
-            }
-            try { // GemStoneAddition
-              Util.sleep(gossip_interval);
-            }
-            catch (InterruptedException e) {
-              break; // Exit loop and thread
-            }
-            if(skip_sleep)
-                skip_sleep=false;
-            else
-                sendGossip();
-        }
-    }
-    /** Setup the Protocol instance acording to the configuration string */
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-    public boolean setProperties(Properties props) {super.setProperties(props);
-        String str;
-        str=props.getProperty("dynamic");
-        if(str != null) {
-            dynamic=Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-            props.remove("dynamic");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("shun");
-        if(str != null) {
-            shun=Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-            props.remove("shun");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("gossip_interval");
-        if(str != null) {
-            gossip_interval=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("gossip_interval");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("mcast_gossip");
-        if(str != null) {
-            mcast_gossip=Boolean.valueOf(str).booleanValue();
-            props.remove("mcast_gossip");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("subset");
-        if(str != null) {
-            subset=Double.parseDouble(str);
-            props.remove("subset");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("desired_avg_gossip");
-        if(str != null) {
-            desired_avg_gossip=Long.parseLong(str);
-            props.remove("desired_avg_gossip");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("max_queue");
-        if(str != null) {
-            max_queue=Integer.parseInt(str);
-            props.remove("max_queue");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("max_gossip_cache");
-        if(str != null) {
-            max_gossip_cache=Integer.parseInt(str);
-            props.remove("max_gossip_cache");
-        }
-        str=props.getProperty("gc_lag");
-        if(str != null) {
-            gc_lag=Integer.parseInt(str);
-            props.remove("gc_lag");
-        }
-        if(props.size() > 0) {
-            return false;
-        }
-        return true;
-    }
-    /* --------------------------------- Private Methods --------------------------------------------- */
-    /**
-     Ensures that FIFO is observed for all messages for a certain member. The NakReceiverWindow corresponding
-     to a certain sender is looked up in a hashtable. Then, the message is added to the NakReceiverWindow.
-     As many messages as possible are then removed from the table and passed up.
-     */
-    void handleUpMessage(Message m, PbcastHeader hdr) {
-        Address sender=m.getSrc();
-        NakReceiverWindow win=null;
-        Message tmpmsg;
-        long tmp_seqno=hdr.seqno;
-        if(sender == null) {
-            if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.PBCAST_SENDER_IS_NULL);
-            return;
-        }
-        synchronized(digest) {
-            win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(sender);
-            if(win == null) {
-                if(warn) log.warn("NakReceiverWindow for sender " + sender +
-                                                       " not found. Creating new NakReceiverWindow starting at seqno=" + tmp_seqno);
-                win=new NakReceiverWindow(sender, tmp_seqno);
-                digest.put(sender, win);
-            }
-            // *************************************
-            // The header was removed before, so we add it again for the NakReceiverWindow. When there is a
-            // retransmission request, the header will already be attached to the message (both message and
-            // header are *copied* into delivered_msgs when a message is removed from NakReceiverWindow).
-            // *************************************
-            m.putHeader(getName(), hdr);
-            win.add(tmp_seqno, m);
-                if(log.isInfoEnabled()), new Object[] {sender, win});
-            // Try to remove as many message as possible and send them up the stack
-            while((tmpmsg=win.remove()) != null) {
-                tmpmsg.removeHeader(getName()); // need to remove header again, so upper protocols don't get confused
-                passUp(new Event(Event.MSG, tmpmsg));
-            }
-            // Garbage collect messages if singleton member (because then we won't receive any gossips, triggering
-            // garbage collection)
-            if(members.size() == 1) {
-                tmp_seqno=Math.max(tmp_seqno - gc_lag, 0);
-                if(tmp_seqno <= 0) {
-                }
-                else {
-                    if(trace) log.trace("deleting messages < " + tmp_seqno + " from " + sender);
-                    win.stable(tmp_seqno);
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Returns for each sender the 'highest seen' seqno from the digest. Highest seen means the
-     * highest seqno without any gaps, e.g. if for a sender P the messages 2 3 4 6 7 were received,
-     * then only 2, 3 and 4 can be delivered, so 4 is the highest seen. 6 and 7 cannot because there
-     * 5 is missing. If there are no message, the highest seen seqno is -1.
-     */
-    Digest getDigest() {
-        Digest ret=new Digest(digest.size());
-        long highest_seqno, lowest_seqno;
-        Address key;
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        for(Enumeration e=digest.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-            key=(Address) e.nextElement();
-            win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(key);
-            lowest_seqno=win.getLowestSeen();
-            highest_seqno=win.getHighestSeen();
-            ret.add(key, lowest_seqno, highest_seqno);
-        }
-        if(log.isInfoEnabled()), ret);
-        return ret;
-    }
-    /**
-     * Sets (or resets) the contents of the 'digest' table. Its current messages will be deleted and the
-     * NakReceiverTables reset.
-     */
-    void setDigest(Digest d) {
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        long tmp_seqno=1;
-        synchronized(digest) {
-            for(Enumeration e=digest.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-                win=(NakReceiverWindow) e.nextElement();
-                win.reset();
-            }
-            digest.clear();
-            Map.Entry entry;
-            Address sender;
-   val;
-            for(Iterator it=d.senders.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-                entry=(Map.Entry);
-                sender=(Address)entry.getKey();
-                if(sender == null) {
-                    if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.PBCAST_CANNOT_SET_ITEM_BECAUSE_SENDER_IS_NULL);
-                    continue;
-                }
-                val=(;
-                tmp_seqno=val.high_seqno;
-                digest.put(sender, new NakReceiverWindow(sender, tmp_seqno + 1)); // next to expect, digest had *last* seen !
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    String printDigest() {
-        long highest_seqno;
-        Address key;
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
-        for(Enumeration e=digest.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-            key=(Address) e.nextElement();
-            win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(key);
-            highest_seqno=win.getHighestSeen();
-            sb.append(key + ": " + highest_seqno + '\n');
-        }
-        return sb.toString();
-    }
-    String printIncomingMessageQueue() {
-        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(local_addr);
-        sb.append(win);
-        return sb.toString();
-    }
-    synchronized /* GemStoneAddition */ void startGossipThread() {
-        if(gossip_thread == null) {
-            gossip_thread=new Thread(this);
-            gossip_thread.setDaemon(true);
-            gossip_thread.start();
-        }
-    }
-    synchronized /* GemStoneAddition */ void stopGossipThread() {
-        Thread tmp;
-        if(gossip_thread != null) {
-            if(gossip_thread.isAlive()) {
-                tmp=gossip_thread;
-                gossip_thread=null;
-                tmp.interrupt();
-                tmp=null;
-            }
-        }
-//        gossip_thread=null; GemStoneAddition
-    }
-    void startGossipHandler() {
-        if(gossip_handler == null) {
-            gossip_handler=new GossipHandler(gossip_queue);
-            gossip_handler.start();
-        }
-    }
-    void stopGossipHandler() {
-        if(gossip_handler != null) {
-            gossip_handler.stop();
-            gossip_handler=null;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Send a gossip message with a message digest of the highest seqnos seen per sender to a subset
-     * of the current membership. Exclude self (I receive all mcasts sent by myself).
-     */
-    void sendGossip() {
-        Vector current_mbrs=(Vector) members.clone();
-        Vector subset_mbrs=null;
-        Gossip gossip=null;
-        Message msg;
-        Address dest;
-        PbcastHeader hdr;
-        if(local_addr != null)
-            current_mbrs.remove(local_addr); // don't pick myself
-        if(mcast_gossip) {  // send gossip to all members using a multicast
-            gossip=new Gossip(local_addr, gossip_round, getDigest().copy(), null); // not_seen list is null, prevents forwarding
-            for(int i=0; i < current_mbrs.size(); i++)  // all members have seen this gossip. Used for garbage collection
-                gossip.addToSeenList((Address) current_mbrs.elementAt(i));
-            hdr=new PbcastHeader(gossip, PbcastHeader.GOSSIP);
-            msg=new Message(); // null dest == multicast to all members
-            msg.putHeader(getName(), hdr);
-                if(log.isInfoEnabled())"(from " + local_addr +
-                           ") multicasting gossip " + gossip.shortForm() + " to all members");
-            passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-        }
-        else {
-            subset_mbrs=Util.pickSubset(current_mbrs, subset);
-            for(int i=0; i < subset_mbrs.size(); i++) {
-                gossip=new Gossip(local_addr, gossip_round, getDigest().copy(), (Vector) current_mbrs.clone());
-                gossip.addToSeenList(local_addr);
-                hdr=new PbcastHeader(gossip, PbcastHeader.GOSSIP);
-                dest=(Address) subset_mbrs.elementAt(i);
-                msg=new Message(dest, null, null);
-                msg.putHeader(getName(), hdr);
-                    if(log.isInfoEnabled())"(from " + local_addr +
-                               ") sending gossip " + gossip.shortForm() + " to " + subset_mbrs);
-                passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-            }
-        }
-        gossip_round++;
-    }
-    /**
-     * MOST IMPORTANT METHOD IN THIS CLASS !! This guy really decides how a gossip reaches all members,
-     * or whether it will flood the network !<p>
-     * Scrutinize the gossip received and request retransmission of messages that we haven't received yet.
-     * A gossip has a digest which carries for each sender the lowest and highest seqno seen. We check
-     * this range against our own digest and request retransmission of missing messages if needed.<br>
-     * <em>See DESIGN for a description of this method</em>
-     */
-    void handleGossip(Gossip gossip) {
-        long my_low=0, my_high=0, their_low, their_high;
-        Hashtable ht=null;
-        Digest their_digest;
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        Message msg;
-        Address dest;
-        Vector new_dests;
-        PbcastHeader hdr;
-        List missing_msgs; // list of missing messages (for retransmission) (List of Longs)
-        if(trace)
-            log.trace("(from " + local_addr + ") received gossip " + gossip.shortForm() + " from " + gossip.sender);
-        if(gossip == null || gossip.digest == null) {
-            if(warn) log.warn("gossip is null or digest is null");
-            return;
-        }
-        /* 1. If gossip sender is null, we cannot ask it for missing messages anyway, so discard gossip ! */
-        if(gossip.sender == null) {
-            if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("sender of gossip is null; " +
-                                                 "don't know where to send XMIT_REQ to. Discarding gossip");
-            return;
-        }
-        /* 2. Don't process the gossip if the sender of the gossip is not a member anymore. If it is a newly
-           joined member, discard it as well (we can't tell the difference). When the new member will be
-           added to the membership, then its gossips will be processed */
-        if(!members.contains(gossip.sender)) {
-            if(warn) log.warn("sender " + gossip.sender +
-                                                " is not a member. Gossip will not be processed");
-            if(shun)
-                shunInvalidGossiper(gossip.sender);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* 3. If this gossip was received before, just discard it and return (don't process the
-           same gossip twice). This prevents flooding of the gossip sender with retransmission reqs */
-        while(gossip_list.size() >= max_gossip_cache) // first delete oldest gossips
-            gossip_list.removeFromHead();
-        if(gossip_list.contains(gossip))         // already received, don't re-broadcast
-            return;
-        else
-            gossip_list.add(gossip.copy());      // add to list of received gossips
-        /* 4. Send a HEARD_FROM event containing all members in the gossip-chain down to the FD layer.
-           This ensures that we don't suspect them */
-        seen_list=gossip.getSeenList();
-        if(seen_list.size() > 0)
-            passDown(new Event(Event.HEARD_FROM, seen_list.clone()));
-        /* 5. Compare their digest against ours. Find out if some messages in the their digest are
-           not in our digest. If yes, put them in the 'ht' hashtable for retransmission */
-        their_digest=gossip.digest;
-        Map.Entry entry;
-        Address sender;
- val;
-        for(Iterator it=their_digest.senders.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-            entry=(Map.Entry);
-            sender=(Address)entry.getKey();
-            val=(;
-            their_low=val.low_seqno;
-            their_high=val.high_seqno;
-            if(their_low == 0 && their_high == 0)
-                continue; // won't have any messages for this sender, don't even re-send
-            win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(sender);
-            if(win == null) {
-                // this specific sender in this digest is probably not a member anymore, new digests
-                // won't contain it. for now, just ignore it. if it is a new member, it will be in the next
-                // gossips
-                    if(warn) log.warn("sender " + sender + " not found, skipping...");
-                continue;
-            }
-            my_low=win.getLowestSeen();
-            my_high=win.getHighestSeen();
-            if(my_high < their_high) {
-                // changed by Bela (June 26 2003) - replaced my_high with my_low (not tested though !)
-                if(my_low + 1 < their_low) {
-                }
-                else {
-                    missing_msgs=win.getMissingMessages(my_high, their_high);
-                    if(missing_msgs != null) {
-                        if(log.isInfoEnabled())
-                  "asking " + gossip.sender + " for retransmission of " +
-                                    sender + ", missing messages: " + missing_msgs + "\nwin for " + sender + ":\n" + win + '\n');
-                        if(ht == null) ht=new Hashtable();
-                        ht.put(sender, missing_msgs);
-                    }
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        /* 6. Send a XMIT_REQ to the sender of the gossip. The sender will then resend those messages as
-           an XMIT_RSP unicast message (the messages are in its buffer, as a List) */
-        if(ht == null || ht.size() == 0) {
-        }
-        else {
-            hdr=new PbcastHeader(PbcastHeader.XMIT_REQ);
-            hdr.xmit_reqs=ht;
-                if(log.isInfoEnabled()), gossip.sender);
-            msg=new Message(gossip.sender, null, null);
-            msg.putHeader(getName(), hdr);
-            passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-        }
-        /* 7. Remove myself from 'not_seen' list. If not_seen list is empty, we can garbage-collect messages
-           smaller than the digest. Since all the members have seen the gossip, it will not be re-sent */
-        gossip.removeFromNotSeenList(local_addr);
-        if(gossip.sizeOfNotSeenList() == 0) {
-            garbageCollect(gossip.digest);
-            return;
-        }
-        /* 8. If we make it to this point, re-send to subset of remaining members in 'not_seen' list */
-        new_dests=Util.pickSubset(gossip.getNotSeenList(), subset);
-            if(log.isInfoEnabled())"(from " + local_addr +
-                                                ") forwarding gossip " + gossip.shortForm() + " to " + new_dests);
-        gossip.addToSeenList(local_addr);
-        for(int i=0; i < new_dests.size(); i++) {
-            dest=(Address) new_dests.elementAt(i);
-            msg=new Message(dest, null, null);
-            hdr=new PbcastHeader(gossip.copy(), PbcastHeader.GOSSIP);
-            msg.putHeader(getName(), hdr);
-            passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * Find the messages indicated in <code>xmit_reqs</code> and re-send them to
-     * <code>requester</code>
-     */
-    void handleXmitRequest(Address requester, Hashtable xmit_reqs) {
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        Address sender;
-        List msgs, missing_msgs, xmit_msgs;
-        Message msg;
-        if(requester == null) {
-            if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.PBCAST_REQUESTER_IS_NULL);
-            return;
-        }
-        if(log.isInfoEnabled()), printXmitReqs(xmit_reqs));
-        for(Enumeration e=xmit_reqs.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-            sender=(Address) e.nextElement();
-            win=(NakReceiverWindow) digest.get(sender);
-            if(win == null) {
-                if(warn) log.warn("sender " + sender +
-                                                         " not found in my digest; skipping retransmit request !");
-                continue;
-            }
-            missing_msgs=(List) xmit_reqs.get(sender);
-            msgs=win.getMessagesInList(missing_msgs);  // msgs to be sent back to requester
-            // re-send the messages to requester. don't add a header since they already have headers
-            // (when added to the NakReceiverWindow, the headers were not removed)
-            xmit_msgs=new List();
-            for(Enumeration en=msgs.elements(); en.hasMoreElements();) {
-                msg=((Message) en.nextElement()).copy();
-                xmit_msgs.add(msg);
-            }
-            // create a msg with the List of xmit_msgs as contents, add header
-            msg=new Message(requester, null, xmit_msgs);
-            msg.putHeader(getName(), new PbcastHeader(PbcastHeader.XMIT_RSP));
-            passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-        }
-    }
-    void handleXmitRsp(List xmit_msgs) {
-        Message m;
-        PbcastHeader hdr;
-        for(Enumeration e=xmit_msgs.elements(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-            m=(Message) e.nextElement();
-            hdr=(PbcastHeader) m.removeHeader(getName());
-            if(hdr == null) {
-                log.warn("header is null, ignoring message");
-            }
-            else {
-                if(log.isInfoEnabled())"received #" + hdr.seqno + ", type=" +
-                        PbcastHeader.type2String(hdr.type) + ", msg=" + m);
-                handleUpMessage(m, hdr);
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    String printXmitReqs(Hashtable xmit_reqs) {
-        StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
-        Address key;
-        boolean first=true;
-        if(xmit_reqs == null)
-            return "<null>";
-        for(Enumeration e=xmit_reqs.keys(); e.hasMoreElements();) {
-            key=(Address) e.nextElement();
-            if(!first) {
-                sb.append(", ");
-            }
-            else
-                first=false;
-            sb.append(key + ": " + xmit_reqs.get(key));
-        }
-        return sb.toString();
-    }
-    void garbageCollect(Digest d) {
-        Address sender;
-        long tmp_seqno;
-        NakReceiverWindow win;
-        Map.Entry entry;
- val;
-        for(Iterator it=d.senders.entrySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) {
-            entry=(Map.Entry);
-            sender=(Address)entry.getKey();
-            val=(;
-            win=(NakReceiverWindow)digest.get(sender);
-            if(win == null) {
-                if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("sender " + sender +
-                                                   " not found in our message digest, skipping");
-                continue;
-            }
-            tmp_seqno=val.high_seqno;
-            tmp_seqno=Math.max(tmp_seqno - gc_lag, 0);
-            if(tmp_seqno <= 0) {
-                continue;
-            }
-            if(trace) log.trace("(from " + local_addr +
-                                               ") GC: deleting messages < " + tmp_seqno + " from " + sender);
-            win.stable(tmp_seqno);
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     * If sender of gossip is not a member, send a NOT_MEMBER to sender (after n gossips received).
-     * This will cause that member to leave the group and possibly re-join.
-     */
-    void shunInvalidGossiper(Address invalid_gossiper) {
-        int num_pings=0;
-        Message shun_msg;
-        if(invalid_gossipers.containsKey(invalid_gossiper)) {
-            num_pings=((Integer) invalid_gossipers.get(invalid_gossiper)).intValue();
-            if(num_pings >= max_invalid_gossips) {
-                    if(log.isInfoEnabled())"sender " + invalid_gossiper +
-                                                               " is not member of " + members + " ! Telling it to leave group");
-                shun_msg=new Message(invalid_gossiper, null, null);
-                shun_msg.putHeader(getName(), new PbcastHeader(PbcastHeader.NOT_MEMBER));
-                passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, shun_msg));
-                invalid_gossipers.remove(invalid_gossiper);
-            }
-            else {
-                num_pings++;
-                invalid_gossipers.put(invalid_gossiper, Integer.valueOf(num_pings));
-            }
-        }
-        else {
-            num_pings++;
-            invalid_gossipers.put(invalid_gossiper, Integer.valueOf(num_pings));
-        }
-    }
-    /** Computes the gossip_interval. See DESIGN for details */
-    long computeGossipInterval(int num_mbrs, double desired_avg_gossip) {
-        return getRandom((long) (num_mbrs * desired_avg_gossip * 2));
-    }
-    long getRandom(long range) {
-        return (long) ((Math.random() * range) % range);
-    }
-    /* ------------------------------- End of Private Methods ---------------------------------------- */
-    private static class GossipEntry  {
-        PbcastHeader hdr=null;
-        Address sender=null;
-        byte[] data=null;
-        GossipEntry(PbcastHeader hdr, Address sender, byte[] data) {
-            this.hdr=hdr;
-            this.sender=sender;
-  ;
-        }
-        @Override // GemStoneAddition  
-        public String toString() {
-            return "hdr=" + hdr + ", sender=" + sender + ", data=" + 
-//            data
-            (data == null ? "null" : "(" + data.length + " bytes)") // GemStoneAddition
-            ;
-        }
-    }
-    /**
-     Handles gossip and retransmission requests. Removes requests from a (bounded) queue.
-     */
-    private class GossipHandler implements Runnable {
-        Thread t=null;
-        final Queue queue;
-        GossipHandler(Queue q) {
-            queue=q;
-        }
-        synchronized /* GemStoneAddition */ void start() {
-            if(t == null) {
-                t=new Thread(this, "PBCAST.GossipHandlerThread");
-                t.setDaemon(true);
-                t.start();
-            }
-        }
-        synchronized /* GemStoneAddition */ void stop() {
-            Thread tmp;
-            if(t != null && t.isAlive()) {
-                tmp=t;
-                t=null;
-                if(queue != null)
-                    queue.close(false); // don't flush elements
-                tmp.interrupt();
-            }
-            t=null;
-        }
-        public void run() {
-            GossipEntry entry;
-            PbcastHeader hdr;
-            List xmit_msgs;
-            byte[] data;
-            for (;;) { // GemStoneAddition -- remove anti-pattern
-              if (Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) break; // GemStoneAddition
-                try {
-                    entry=(GossipEntry) queue.remove();
-                    hdr=entry.hdr;
-                    if(hdr == null) {
-                        if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.PBCAST_GOSSIP_ENTRY_HAS_NO_PBCASTHEADER);
-                        continue;
-                    }
-                    switch(hdr.type) {
-                        case PbcastHeader.GOSSIP:
-                            handleGossip(hdr.gossip);
-                            break;
-                        case PbcastHeader.XMIT_REQ:
-                            if(hdr.xmit_reqs == null) {
-                                if(warn) log.warn("request is null !");
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            handleXmitRequest(entry.sender, hdr.xmit_reqs);
-                            break;
-                        case PbcastHeader.XMIT_RSP:
-                  ;
-                            if(data == null) {
-                                if(warn) log.warn("buffer is null (no xmitted msgs)");
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            try {
-                                xmit_msgs=(List) Util.objectFromByteBuffer(data);
-                            }
-                            catch(Exception ex) {
-                                if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error(ExternalStrings.PBCAST_FAILED_CREATING_RETRANSMITTED_MESSAGES_FROM_BUFFER, ex);
-                                break;
-                            }
-                            handleXmitRsp(xmit_msgs);
-                            break;
-                        case PbcastHeader.NOT_MEMBER:  // we are shunned
-                            if(shun) {
-                                if(log.isInfoEnabled());
-                                passUp(new Event(Event.EXIT));
-                            }
-                            break;
-                        default:
-                            if(log.isErrorEnabled()) log.error("type (" + hdr.type +
-                                                                         ") of PbcastHeader not known !");
-                            return;
-                    }
-                }
-                catch (InterruptedException ie) { // GemStoneAddition
-                    // no need to reset interrupt; we're exiting
-                    break;
-                }
-                catch(QueueClosedException closed) {
-                    break;
-                }
-            }
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/ b/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
deleted file mode 100644
index 919f6e1..0000000
--- a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,371 +0,0 @@
-/** Notice of modification as required by the LGPL
- *  This file was modified by Gemstone Systems Inc. on
- *  $Date$
- **/
-// $Id:,v 1.17 2005/12/23 14:57:06 belaban Exp $
-import java.util.Collections;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import java.util.Iterator;
-import java.util.List;
-import java.util.Set;
-import java.util.Vector;
-public class ParticipantGmsImpl extends GmsImpl  {
-    private final Vector     suspected_mbrs=new Vector(11);
-    private final Set<Address> departed_mbrs = new HashSet<Address>(); // GemStoneAddition
-    private final Promise    leave_promise=new Promise();
-    public ParticipantGmsImpl(GMS g) {
-        super(g);
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void init() throws Exception {
-        super.init();
-        synchronized(suspected_mbrs) { // GemStoneAddition
-          suspected_mbrs.removeAllElements();
-        }
-        leave_promise.reset();
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public boolean join(Address mbr) { // GemStoneAddition - return boolean
-        wrongMethod("join");
-        return false;
-    }
-    @Override
-    public void handleJoinsAndLeaves(List joins, List leaves, List suspects, List suspectReasons, boolean forceInclusion) {
-      for (Iterator it=suspects.iterator(); it.hasNext(); ) {
-        handleSuspect((Address);
-      }
-      if (leaves != null && !leaves.isEmpty()) {
-        handleLeave(leaves, false, null, false);
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * This is used when we are shutting down to inform others
-     * Loop: determine coord. If coord is me --> handleLeave().
-     * Else send handleLeave() to coord until success
-     */
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void leave(Address mbr) {
-        Address coord;
-        int max_tries=3;
-        Object result;
-        leave_promise.reset();
-        if(mbr.equals(gms.local_addr))
-            leaving=true;
-        while ((coord=gms.determineCoordinator()) != null && max_tries-- > 0) {
-            if(gms.local_addr.equals(coord)) {            // I'm the coordinator
-              if (leaving) { // don't know who to tell that we're shutting down - bale out
-                break; // GemStoneAddition - bug #42969 hang during shutdown
-              }
-                gms.becomeCoordinator(this.suspected_mbrs);
-                // gms.getImpl().handleLeave(mbr, false);    // regular leave
-                gms.getImpl().leave(mbr);    // regular leave
-                return;
-            }
-            if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("sending LEAVE request to " + coord + " (local_addr=" + gms.local_addr + ")");
-            sendLeaveMessage(coord, mbr);
-            // GemStoneAddition - if I'm the coordinator
-            // don't wait for a response
-            // GemStoneAddition - scale up the leave_timeout if there are a lot of
-            // members
-            long leaveTimeout = gms.leave_timeout * gms.members.size() / 10;
-            synchronized(leave_promise) {
-                result=leave_promise.getResult(leaveTimeout);
-                if(result != null)
-                    break;
-            }
-            // GemStoneAddition - we used to only break out of the loop
-            // if wouldIBeCoordinator returned true, but we've already
-            // sent a ShutdownMessage in GemFire so the other members know
-            // that this process shut down normally, so no need to wait
-            // for a new view if the coordinator is probably gone
-            synchronized(this.suspected_mbrs) {
-              if (this.suspected_mbrs.contains(coord)) {
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            synchronized(this.departed_mbrs) {
-              if (this.departed_mbrs.contains(coord)) {
-                break;
-              }
-            }
-            // GemStoneAddition - also just quit if the coordinator hasn't
-            // changed after LEAVE has already been sent (and probably retransmitted)
-            // to it
-            if (gms.determineCoordinator() == coord) {
-              break;
-            }
-        }
-        gms.becomeClient();
-    }
-    public Vector getSuspects() { // GemStoneAddition
-      synchronized(this.suspected_mbrs) {
-        return new Vector(this.suspected_mbrs);
-      }
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void handleJoinResponse(JoinRsp join_rsp) {
-        // wrongMethod("handleJoinResponse");
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void handleLeaveResponse(String reason) {
-      if (reason != null && reason.length() > 0) {
-        gms.passUp(new Event(Event.EXIT,
-           gms.stack.gfBasicFunctions.getForcedDisconnectException(
-           "This member has been forced out of the distributed system.  Reason='"
-               + reason + "'")));
-      }
-        synchronized(leave_promise) {
-            leave_promise.setResult(Boolean.TRUE);  // unblocks thread waiting in leave()
-        }
-    }
-    public void suspect(Address mbr) {
-        handleSuspect(mbr);
-    }
-    /** Removes previously suspected member from list of currently suspected members */
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void unsuspect(Address mbr) {
-      synchronized(suspected_mbrs) { // GemStoneAddition
-        if(mbr != null)
-            suspected_mbrs.remove(mbr);
-      }
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void handleJoin(Address mbr) {
-    }
-//    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-//    public void handleJoin(List mbrList) { // GemStoneAddition
-//    }
-    public void handleLeave(Address mbr, boolean suspected) {
-      if (suspected) { // GemStoneAddition
-        handleSuspect(mbr);
-      } else {
-        handleLeave(Collections.singletonList(mbr), false, null, false);
-      }
-    }
-    // GemStoneAddition - list of mbrs and 'reason'
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void handleLeave(List members, boolean suspected, List reasons, boolean forceInclusion) {
-      if (suspected) { // GemStoneAddition
-        for (Iterator it=members.iterator(); it.hasNext() && (gms.getImpl() == this); ) {
-          handleSuspect((Address);
-        }
-      } else {
-        boolean becomeCoordinator = false;
-        Vector suspects = null;
-        Set departed = null;
-        synchronized(this.suspected_mbrs) {
-          suspects = new Vector(suspected_mbrs);
-        }
-        synchronized(this.departed_mbrs) {
-          this.departed_mbrs.addAll(members);
-          departed = new HashSet<Address>(this.departed_mbrs);
-        }
-        if (wouldIBeCoordinator(suspects, departed)) {
-          if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("suspected mbrs=" + suspected_mbrs + "; departed="+this.departed_mbrs
-                + "; members are " +
-                gms.members + ", coord=" + gms.local_addr + ": I'm the new coord !");
-          becomeCoordinator = true;
-        }
-        if (becomeCoordinator) {
-          synchronized(this.suspected_mbrs) {
-            suspected_mbrs.removeAll(suspects);
-          }
-          synchronized(this.departed_mbrs) {
-            this.departed_mbrs.removeAll(departed);
-          }
-          gms.incrementLtime(10);
-          gms.becomeCoordinator(suspects);
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    /**
-     * If we are leaving, we have to wait for the view change (last msg in the current view) that
-     * excludes us before we can leave.
-     * @param new_view The view to be installed
-     * @param digest   If view is a MergeView, digest contains the seqno digest of all members and has to
-     *                 be set by GMS
-     */
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void handleViewChange(View new_view, Digest digest) {
-        Vector mbrs=new_view.getMembers();
-         if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("view=" + new_view);
-         synchronized(suspected_mbrs) { // GemStoneAddition
-           suspected_mbrs.removeAllElements();
-         }
-         synchronized(this.departed_mbrs) {
-           this.departed_mbrs.clear();
-         }
-        if(!mbrs.contains(gms.local_addr)) { 
-            if (leaving) {
-              // received a view in which I'm not member: ignore
-              return;
-            }
-            else {
-              // GemStoneChange - if not leaving and we get a LEAVE_RSP, it means
-              // this process has been ousted as a suspect
-              gms.passUp(new Event(Event.EXIT,
-                  gms.stack.gfBasicFunctions.getForcedDisconnectException(
-                    ExternalStrings.
-                    .toLocalizedString(new_view.getCreator()))));
-            }
-        }
-        gms.installView(new_view, digest);
-    }
-    public void handleSuspect(Address mbr) {
-      boolean becomeCoordinator = false; // GemStoneAddition
-      Vector suspects = null;
-      if (mbr == null) return;
-      synchronized (suspected_mbrs) { // GemStoneAddition - bug 35063
-          // Both contains() and addElement() are synchronized, but
-          // there is a window between the two, so we must synchronize.
-          if(!suspected_mbrs.contains(mbr))
-            suspected_mbrs.addElement(mbr);
-        if(log.getLogWriter().fineEnabled()) log.getLogWriter().fine(
-            "PGMS: suspected mbr=" + mbr + ", suspected_mbrs=" + suspected_mbrs + ", members=" +
-            gms.members + ", local_addr=" + gms.local_addr);
-        if(wouldIBeCoordinator(this.suspected_mbrs, Collections.EMPTY_SET)) {
-            if(log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("suspected mbr=" + mbr + "), departed="+this.departed_mbrs
-                + "; members are " +
-                    gms.members + ", coord=" + gms.local_addr + ": I'm the new coord !");
-            becomeCoordinator = true;
-            suspects = new Vector(suspected_mbrs);
-            suspected_mbrs.removeAllElements();
-        }
-      } // synchronized
-      if (becomeCoordinator) {
-        synchronized(this.departed_mbrs) {
-          this.departed_mbrs.clear();
-        }
-        gms.incrementLtime(10);
-        gms.becomeCoordinator(suspects);
-        // gms.getImpl().suspect(mbr);
-      }
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void handleMergeRequest(Address sender, ViewId merge_id) {
-        // only coords handle this method; reject it if we're not coord
-        sendMergeRejectedResponse(sender, merge_id);
-    }
-    /* ---------------------------------- Private Methods --------------------------------------- */
-    /**
-     * Determines whether this member is the new coordinator given a list of suspected members.  This is
-     * computed as follows: the list of currently suspected members (suspected_mbrs) is removed from the current
-     * membership. If the first member of the resulting list is equals to the local_addr, then it is true,
-     * otherwise false. Example: own address is B, current membership is {A, B, C, D}, suspected members are {A,
-     * D}. The resulting list is {B, C}. The first member of {B, C} is B, which is equal to the
-     * local_addr. Therefore, true is returned.
-     * @param suspects members that have crashed
-     * @param departures members that have departed normally
-     */
-    boolean wouldIBeCoordinator(Vector suspects, Set<Address> departures) {
-        Address new_coord;
-        Vector mbrs=gms.members.getMembers(); // getMembers() returns a *copy* of the membership vector
-        if (log.isDebugEnabled()) {
-          log.debug("wouldIBeCoordinator:\nmembers = " + mbrs + "\ndeparted = " + this.departed_mbrs
-              + "\nsuspected = " + this.suspected_mbrs);
-        }
-        if (suspects != null) {
-          mbrs.removeAll(suspects);
-        }
-        if (departures != null) {
-          mbrs.removeAll(departures);
-        }
-        if(mbrs.size() < 1) return false;
-        // GemStoneAddition - revised for split-brain detection
-        new_coord = new Membership(mbrs).getCoordinator();
-//        log.getLogWriterI18n().info(JGroupsStrings.DEBUG, "pgms: of members " + mbrs + " the coordinator would be " + new_coord);
-        if (new_coord == null) { // oops - no eligable coordinators
-          return false;
-        }
-        return gms.local_addr.equals(new_coord);
-    }
-    void sendLeaveMessage(Address coord, Address mbr) {
-        Message msg=new Message(coord, null, null);
-        GMS.GmsHeader hdr=new GMS.GmsHeader(GMS.GmsHeader.LEAVE_REQ, mbr);
-        msg.putHeader(gms.getName(), hdr);
-        gms.passDown(new Event(Event.MSG, msg));
-    }
-//    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-//    public void suspect(Address mbr, String reason) {
-//      suspect(mbr);
-//    }
-    /* (non-Javadoc) GemStoneAddition
-     * @see
-     */
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public void handleAlreadyJoined(Address mbr) {
-    }
-    /* ------------------------------ End of Private Methods ------------------------------------ */
diff --git a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/ b/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f578ee..0000000
--- a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,110 +0,0 @@
-/** Notice of modification as required by the LGPL
- *  This file was modified by Gemstone Systems Inc. on
- *  $Date$
- **/
-// $Id:,v 1.3 2004/07/05 05:49:41 belaban Exp $
-import java.util.Hashtable;
-public class PbcastHeader extends Header {
-    public static final int MCAST_MSG  = 0;  // regular multicast message
-    public static final int GOSSIP     = 1;  // gossip message (unicast)
-    public static final int XMIT_REQ   = 2;  // retransmit request (unicast)
-    public static final int XMIT_RSP   = 3;  // retransmit response (unicast)
-    public static final int NOT_MEMBER = 4;  // shun message (unicast)
-    int       type=-1;
-    long      seqno=-1;        // we start out with 0 as first seqno for an mcast message
-    Gossip    gossip=null;     // used to identify gossips, implements the equals() and hashCode() methods
-    Hashtable xmit_reqs=null;  // for XMIT_REQs. keys=sender, vals=List of Longs (list of missing msgs)
-    public PbcastHeader() {
-	type=-1;
-    }
-    public PbcastHeader(int type) {
-	this.type=type;
-    }
-    public PbcastHeader(int type, long seqno) {
-	this.type=type; this.seqno=seqno;
-    }
-    public PbcastHeader(Gossip g, int type) {
-	this.type=type;	gossip=g;
-    }
-    public PbcastHeader(Gossip g, int type, long seqno) {
-	this.type=type; this.seqno=seqno;
-	gossip=g;
-    }
-    public long getSeqno() {return seqno;}
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public String toString() {
-	StringBuffer sb=new StringBuffer();
-	sb.append("[PBCAST(" + type2String(type) + "), seqno=" + seqno);
-	if(gossip != null) sb.append(", gossip=" + gossip);
-	sb.append(']');
-	return sb.toString();
-    }
-    @Override // GemStoneAddition
-    public long size(short version) {
-	return 500;
-    }
-    public static String type2String(int t) {
-	switch(t) {
-	case MCAST_MSG:  return "MCAST_MSG";
-	case GOSSIP:     return "GOSSIP";
-	case XMIT_REQ:   return "XMIT_REQ";
-	case XMIT_RSP:   return "XMIT_RSP";
-	case NOT_MEMBER: return "NOT_MEMBER";
-	default:         return "UNKNOWN";
-	}
-    }
-    public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out) throws IOException {
-	out.writeInt(type);
-	out.writeLong(seqno);
-	out.writeObject(gossip);
-	out.writeObject(xmit_reqs);
-    }
-    public void readExternal(ObjectInput in) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException {
-	type=in.readInt();
-	seqno=in.readLong();
-	gossip=(Gossip)in.readObject();
-	xmit_reqs=(Hashtable)in.readObject();
-    }
diff --git a/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/README b/gemfire-jgroups/src/main/java/com/gemstone/org/jgroups/protocols/pbcast/README
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-		Probabilistic Broadcast for JavaGroups
-		======================================
-JavaGroups currently uses virtual synchrony (VS) in its main protocol
-suite. VS is suited for tightly coupled, lockstep replication. Typical
-examples are clusters, replicated databases etc. Group size is 100
-max, and it is targeted to LANs rather than WANs.
-The problem with VS is that is has to enforce that all members have
-received all messages in a view before proceeding to the next
-view. This is done by a FLUSH protocol, which ensures (by
-retransmission) that each member has seen all messages in the current
-view. During the FLUSH protocol, all members are essentially
-blocked. Messages can be sent, but they will be sent only when the
-FLUSH protocol has terminated (in one of the subsequent view, not in
-the current one). The FLUSH protocol itself may need to be restarted,
-e.g. in the case when a participating member fails during the FLUSH.
-When one node (or a link) in a VS group is slow, it will bring the
-performance of the entire group down, as members proceed at the pace
-of the slowest members (at least during membership
-changes). (Otherwise, the likely result is just growing buffers and
-retransmissions, as messages waiting to be delivered are buffered).
-The bimodel multicast (or probabilistic broadcast) protocols (PBCAST)
-developed at Cornell try to solve this problem by providing
-probabilistic reliability guarantees rather than hard ones. In a
-nutshell, the probability of a very small number of members receiving
-a message is high and the probability of all members receiving it is
-high as well. The probability of some members receiving a message is
-very small, because the 'epidemic' nature of PBCAST infects the group
-exponentially, making sure every member receives a message, or none.
-PBCAST protocols therefore scale very well, both in terms of group
-member size as well as over WANs with intermittent link/node
-failures. By implementing a PBCAST protocol, JavaGroups can now be
-used in WAN settings. However, there are no hard reliability
-guarantees anymore, just probabilitic ones. Yes there are a number of
-applications, which don't need hard reliability, and can live with
-probabilistic guarantees, for example replicated naming services and
-publish-subscribe applications. In these settings, eventual
-convergence of replicated state and low-cost of the protocol is more
-important than lock-step replication.
-The JavaGroups API will not be changed at all. However, applications
-with a protocol stack configured to use PBCAST have to be aware that
-views are only an approximation of the membership, not a hard
-The PBCAST protocol is located in the ./pbcast subdirectory of
-./Protocols. The major changes are:
-Unlike VS, the JavaGroups implementation of PBCAST does not per se
-guarantee that the set of messages delivered in a view V is the same
-at all members. Therefore, applications cannot rely on the fact that
-when they send a message in view V, it will be received by all current
-non-faulty members in V.
-Views are delivered at each receiver at a certain position in the
-incoming message stream. However, as PBCAST only provides FIFO (which
-guarantees that messages from sender P are seen in the order sent by
-P), it is possible that messages sent by senders P and Q in view V1
-can be received in different views at each receiver. However, it is
-possible to add total order by implementing a TOTAL protocol and
-adding it on top of a given protocol stack. This would then
-essentially provide VS.
-Consider the following example: P send messages m1 and m2 in view V1
-(consisting of P, Q and R). While it sends the messages, a new member
-S joins the group. Since there is no FLUSH protocol that ensures that
-m1 and m2 are delivered in V1, the following could happen: m1 is
-delivered to Q and R in V1. Message m2 is delivered to Q, but is lost
-to R (e.g. dropped by a lossy link). Now, the new view V2 is installed
-by Q (which is the coordinator). Now, m2 is retransmitted by P to
-R. Clearly, VS would drop m2 because it was sent in a previous
-view. However, PBCAST faces two choices: either accept the message and
-deliver it or drop it as well. If we accept it, the FIFO properties
-for P are upheld, if we drop it, the next message m3 from P will not
-be delivered until m2 was seen by R. (Message IDs are not reset to 0
-because we have no total order over views beeing delivered at each
-member at the same location in the message stream, as shown
-above). Therefore, we have to accept the message.
-This leads to the conclusion that views are not used as a demarcation
-between message sets, but rather as indication that the group
-membership has changed. Therefore, protocols in the PBCAST suite will
-only use views to update their internal membership list, but never
-make the assumption that all members will see the view change at the
-same logical location in their message streams.
-Not used anymore, as we're not flushing messages when proceeding to
-the next view.
-Not used anymore. Functionality will be covered by PBCAST. NAKACK made
-assumptions about views and messages and can therefore not be used.
-Not used anymore. Messages sent in one view can be delivered in
-another one, although this usually doesn't happen. But we cannot make
-any assumptions about it.
-Not used anymore. New protocol for state transfer, especially geared
-towards big states (transfer in multiple transfers). However,
-STATE_TRANSFER could still be used (a TOTAL protocol has to be
-May be used by the new state transfer protocol
-Not used anymore. Functionality will be covered by PBCAST protocol.