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cordova-lib git commit: CB-8053: Including a project reference in a plugin fails on Windows platform.

Repository: cordova-lib
Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/master 67c486913 -> 623233d09

CB-8053: Including a project reference in a plugin fails on Windows platform.

When working with the Windows platform, the existing logic to add a project reference was expecting two things:

1. There would only be one solution file.
2. That solution file would only contain a single project.

This is no longer true - there are now two solution files (one for VS 2012 and one for VS 2013). The VS 2013 solution is for a universal project, and contains five projects.

The change here is to make the code (in cordova-lib/src/util/windows/jsproj.js) which modifies the solution file more versatile by:

1. Handling any number of solution files (iterate all solution files we find).
2. Handling any number of projects in the solution (add the build depedency to every jsproj in the solution).

Includes matching changes to removeProjectReference(), and fixes a call in cordova-lib/src/plugman/platforms/windows.js to pass the correct path for plugin_dir.


Branch: refs/heads/master
Commit: 623233d099d7874be134fe4a9e0b645a7426eb57
Parents: 67c4869
Author: Tim Barham <>
Authored: Thu Nov 20 19:51:39 2014 -0800
Committer: Tim Barham <>
Committed: Thu Nov 20 19:51:39 2014 -0800

 cordova-lib/src/plugman/platforms/windows.js |   6 +-
 cordova-lib/src/util/windows/jsproj.js       | 162 +++++++++++++---------
 2 files changed, 102 insertions(+), 66 deletions(-)
diff --git a/cordova-lib/src/plugman/platforms/windows.js b/cordova-lib/src/plugman/platforms/windows.js
index 347e6a3..c9cd5dc 100644
--- a/cordova-lib/src/plugman/platforms/windows.js
+++ b/cordova-lib/src/plugman/platforms/windows.js
@@ -130,10 +130,12 @@ module.exports = {
             // technically it is not possible to get here without isCustom == true -jm
             // var isCustom = el.attrib.custom == 'true';
             var type = el.attrib['type'];
-            // unfortunately we have to generate the plugin_dir path because it is not passed to uninstall
-            var plugin_dir = path.join(project_dir, 'cordova/plugins', plugin_id,src);
             if(type == 'projectReference') {
+                // unfortunately we have to generate the plugin_dir path because it is not passed to uninstall. Note
+                // that project_dir is the windows project directory ([project]\platforms\windows) - we need to get to
+                // [project]\plugins\[plugin_id]
+                var plugin_dir = path.join(project_dir, '..', '..', 'plugins', plugin_id, src);
             else {
diff --git a/cordova-lib/src/util/windows/jsproj.js b/cordova-lib/src/util/windows/jsproj.js
index ef1cb38..e5f342f 100644
--- a/cordova-lib/src/util/windows/jsproj.js
+++ b/cordova-lib/src/util/windows/jsproj.js
@@ -34,11 +34,14 @@ var xml_helpers = require('../../util/xml-helpers'),
     events = require('../../events'),
     path = require('path');
-var WindowsStoreProjectTypeGUID = "{BC8A1FFA-BEE3-4634-8014-F334798102B3}";  //any of the below, subtype
 var WinCSharpProjectTypeGUID = "{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}";  // .csproj
-var WinVBnetProjectTypeGUID = "{F184B08F-C81C-45F6-A57F-5ABD9991F28F}";  // who the ef cares?
 var WinCplusplusProjectTypeGUID = "{8BC9CEB8-8B4A-11D0-8D11-00A0C91BC942}";  // .vcxproj
+// Match a JavaScript Project
+var JsProjectRegEx = /(Project\("\{262852C6-CD72-467D-83FE-5EEB1973A190}"\)\s*=\s*"[^"]+",\s*"[^"]+",\s*"\{[0-9a-f\-]+}"[^\r\n]*[\r\n]*)/gi;
+// Chars in a string that need to be escaped when used in a RegExp
+var RegExpEscRegExp = /([.?*+\^$\[\]\\(){}|\-])/g;
 function jsproj(location) {
     if (!location) {
@@ -59,6 +62,7 @@ jsproj.prototype = {
     write:function() {
         fs.writeFileSync(this.location, this.xml.write({indent:4}), 'utf-8');
     // add/remove the item group for SDKReference
     // example :
     // <ItemGroup><SDKReference Include="Microsoft.VCLibs, version=12.0" /></ItemGroup>
@@ -78,8 +82,7 @@ jsproj.prototype = {
-    addReference:function(relPath,src) {
+    addReference:function(relPath) {
         events.emit('verbose','addReference::' + relPath);
         var item = new et.Element('ItemGroup');
@@ -170,51 +173,56 @@ jsproj.prototype = {
     // relative path must include the project file, so we can determine .csproj, .jsproj, .vcxproj...
-    addProjectReference:function(relative_path) {
-        events.emit('verbose','adding project reference to ' + relative_path);
+    addProjectReference: function (relative_path) {
+        events.emit('verbose', 'adding project reference to ' + relative_path);
         relative_path = relative_path.split('/').join('\\');
-        // read the solution path from the base directory
-        var solutionPath =,"*.sln"))[0];// TODO:error handling
-        // note we may not have a solution, in which case just add a project reference, I guess ..
-        // get the project extension to figure out project type
-        var projectExt = path.extname(relative_path);
         var pluginProjectXML = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(relative_path);
         // find the guid + name of the referenced project
         var projectGuid = pluginProjectXML.find("PropertyGroup/ProjectGuid").text;
         var projName = pluginProjectXML.find("PropertyGroup/ProjectName").text;
-        var preInsertText = "ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\n\r" +
-                             projectGuid + "=" + projectGuid + "\n\r" +
-                            "EndProjectSection\n\r";
-        // read in the solution file
-        var solText = fs.readFileSync(solutionPath,{encoding:"utf8"});
-        var splitText = solText.split("EndProject");
-        if(splitText.length != 2) {
-            throw new Error("too many projects in solution.");
-        }
-        var projectTypeGuid = null;
-        if(projectExt == ".vcxproj") {
-            projectTypeGuid = WinCplusplusProjectTypeGUID;
-        }
-        else if(projectExt == ".csproj") {
-            projectTypeGuid = WinCSharpProjectTypeGUID;
-        }
-        if(!projectTypeGuid) {
+        // get the project type
+        var projectTypeGuid = getProjectTypeGuid(relative_path);
+        if (!projectTypeGuid) {
             throw new Error("unrecognized project type");
-        var postInsertText = 'Project("' + projectTypeGuid + '") = "' +
-                         projName + '", "' + relative_path + '",' +
-                        '"' + projectGuid + '"\n\r EndProject\n\r';
+        var preInsertText = "\tProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\r\n" +
+            "\t\t" + projectGuid + "=" + projectGuid + "\r\n" +
+            "\tEndProjectSection\r\n";
+        var postInsertText = '\r\nProject("' + projectTypeGuid + '") = "' +
+            projName + '", "' + relative_path + '", ' +
+            '"' + projectGuid + '"\r\nEndProject';
+        // There may be multiple solutions (for different VS versions) - process them all
+        getSolutionPaths(this.location).forEach(function (solutionPath) {
+            var solText = fs.readFileSync(solutionPath, {encoding: "utf8"});
+            // Insert a project dependency into each jsproj in the solution.
+            var jsProjectFound = false;
+            solText = solText.replace(JsProjectRegEx, function (match) {
+                jsProjectFound = true;
+                return match + preInsertText;
+            });
-        solText = splitText[0] + preInsertText + "EndProject\n\r" + postInsertText + splitText[1];
-        fs.writeFileSync(solutionPath,solText,{encoding:"utf8"});
+            if (!jsProjectFound) {
+                throw new Error("no jsproj found in solution");
+            }
+            // Add the project after existing projects. Note that this fairly simplistic check should be fine, since the last
+            // EndProject in the file should actually be an EndProject (and not an EndProjectSection, for example).
+            var pos = solText.lastIndexOf("EndProject");
+            if (pos === -1) {
+                throw new Error("no EndProject found in solution");
+            }
+            pos += 10; // Move pos to the end of EndProject text
+            solText = solText.slice(0, pos) + postInsertText + solText.slice(pos);
+            fs.writeFileSync(solutionPath, solText, {encoding: "utf8"});
+        });
         // Add the ItemGroup/ProjectReference to the cordova project :
         // <ItemGroup><ProjectReference Include="blahblah.csproj"/></ItemGroup>
@@ -223,56 +231,82 @@ jsproj.prototype = {
         projRef.attrib.Include = relative_path;
-    removeProjectReference:function(relative_path) {
-        events.emit('verbose','removing project reference to ' + relative_path);
+    removeProjectReference: function (relative_path) {
+        events.emit('verbose', 'removing project reference to ' + relative_path);
         // find the guid + name of the referenced project
         var pluginProjectXML = xml_helpers.parseElementtreeSync(relative_path);
         var projectGuid = pluginProjectXML.find("PropertyGroup/ProjectGuid").text;
         var projName = pluginProjectXML.find("PropertyGroup/ProjectName").text;
-        // get the project extension to figure out project type
-        var projectExt = path.extname(relative_path);
         // get the project type
-        var projectTypeGuid = null;
-        if(projectExt == ".vcxproj") {
-            projectTypeGuid = WinCplusplusProjectTypeGUID;
-        }
-        else if(projectExt == ".csproj") {
-            projectTypeGuid = WinCSharpProjectTypeGUID;
-        }
-        if(!projectTypeGuid) {
+        var projectTypeGuid = getProjectTypeGuid(relative_path);
+        if (!projectTypeGuid) {
             throw new Error("unrecognized project type");
-        var preInsertText = "ProjectSection(ProjectDependencies) = postProject\n\r" +
-                             projectGuid + "=" + projectGuid + "\n\r" +
-                            "EndProjectSection\n\r";
+        var preInsertTextRegExp = getProjectReferencePreInsertRegExp(projectGuid);
+        var postInsertTextRegExp = getProjectReferencePostInsertRegExp(projName, projectGuid, relative_path, projectTypeGuid);
-        var postInsertText = 'Project("' + projectTypeGuid + '") = "' +
-                              projName + '", "' + relative_path + '",' +
-                              '"' + projectGuid + '"\n\r EndProject\n\r';
+        // There may be multiple solutions (for different VS versions) - process them all
+        getSolutionPaths(this.location).forEach(function (solutionPath) {
+            var solText = fs.readFileSync(solutionPath, {encoding: "utf8"});
-        // find and read in the solution file
-        var solutionPath =,"*.sln"))[0];  // TODO:error handling
-        var solText = fs.readFileSync(solutionPath,{encoding:"utf8"});
-        var splitText = solText.split(preInsertText);
+            // To be safe (to handle subtle changes in formatting, for example), use a RegExp to find and remove
+            // preInsertText and postInsertText
-        solText = splitText.join("").split(postInsertText);
-        solText = solText.join("");
+            solText = solText.replace(preInsertTextRegExp, function () {
+                return "";
+            });
-        fs.writeFileSync(solutionPath,solText,{encoding:"utf8"});
+            solText = solText.replace(postInsertTextRegExp, function () {
+                return "";
+            });
+            fs.writeFileSync(solutionPath, solText, {encoding: "utf8"});
+        });
         // select first ItemsGroups with a ChildNode ProjectReference
         // ideally select all, and look for @attrib 'Include'= projectFullPath
         var projectRefNodesPar = this.xml.find("ItemGroup/ProjectReference[@Include='" + relative_path + "']/..");
-        if(projectRefNodesPar) {
+        if (projectRefNodesPar) {
             this.xml.getroot().remove(0, projectRefNodesPar);
+function getProjectReferencePreInsertRegExp(projectGuid) {
+    projectGuid = escapeRegExpString(projectGuid);
+    return new RegExp("\\s*ProjectSection\\(ProjectDependencies\\)\\s*=\\s*postProject\\s*" + projectGuid + "\\s*=\\s*" + projectGuid + "\\s*EndProjectSection", "gi");
+function getProjectReferencePostInsertRegExp(projName, projectGuid, relative_path, projectTypeGuid) {
+    projName = escapeRegExpString(projName);
+    projectGuid = escapeRegExpString(projectGuid);
+    relative_path = escapeRegExpString(relative_path);
+    projectTypeGuid = escapeRegExpString(projectTypeGuid);
+    return new RegExp('\\s*Project\\("' + projectTypeGuid + '"\\)\\s*=\\s*"' + projName + '"\\s*,\\s*"' + relative_path + '"\\s*,\\s*"' + projectGuid + '"\\s*EndProject', 'gi');
+function getSolutionPaths(jsprojLocation) {
+    return, "*.sln")); // TODO:error handling
+function escapeRegExpString(regExpString) {
+    return regExpString.replace(RegExpEscRegExp, "\\$1");
+function getProjectTypeGuid(projectPath) {
+    switch (path.extname(projectPath)) {
+        case ".vcxproj":
+            return WinCplusplusProjectTypeGUID;
+        case ".csproj":
+            return WinCSharpProjectTypeGUID;
+    }
+    return null;
 module.exports = jsproj;

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