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[04/12] lucene-solr:master: LUCENE-2899: Add OpenNLP Analysis capabilities as a module
diff --git a/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/chunks.txt b/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/chunks.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f02c5b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/chunks.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,3566 @@
+Iran NNP B-NP
+announced VBD B-VP
+tonight NN B-NP
+that IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+major JJ B-NP
+offensive NN I-NP
+against IN B-PP
+Iraq NNP B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Gulf NNP I-NP
+war NN I-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+ended VBN I-VP
+after IN B-PP
+dealing VBG B-VP
+savage JJ B-NP
+blows NNS I-NP
+against IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Baghdad NNP I-NP
+government NN I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+Iranian JJ I-NP
+news NN I-NP
+agency NN I-NP
+, , O
+in IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+report NN I-NP
+received VBN B-VP
+in IN B-PP
+London NNP B-NP
+, , O
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+operation NN I-NP
+code-named VBN B-VP
+Karbala-5 CD B-NP
+launched VBD B-VP
+into IN B-PP
+Iraq NNP B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+January NNP B-NP
+9 CD I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+now RB B-ADVP
+over RP B-NP
+. . O
+quoted VBD B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+joint NN I-NP
+statewment NN I-NP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Iranian JJ I-NP
+Army NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Revolutionary NNP I-NP
+Guards NNPS I-NP
+Corps NNP I-NP
+as IN B-PP
+saying VBG B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+their DT B-NP
+forces NNS I-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+" JJ B-NP
+dealt VBD B-VP
+one CD B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+severest JJS I-NP
+blows NNS I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Iraqi JJ I-NP
+war NN I-NP
+machine NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+history NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Iraq-imposed JJ I-NP
+war NN I-NP
+. . O
+" NN B-VP
+The DT B-NP
+statement NN I-NP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Iranian JJ I-NP
+High NNP I-NP
+Command NNP I-NP
+appeared VBD B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+herald VB I-VP
+the DT B-NP
+close NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+an DT B-NP
+assault NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+port JJ I-NP
+city NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Basra NNP B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+southern JJ B-NP
+Iraq NNP I-NP
+. . O
+" NN B-VP
+The DT B-NP
+operation NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+launched VBN I-VP
+at IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+time NN I-NP
+when WRB B-ADVP
+the DT B-NP
+Baghdad NNP I-NP
+government NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+spreading VBG I-VP
+extensive JJ B-NP
+propaganda NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+resistance NN I-NP
+power NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+army NN I-NP
+... NNS I-NP
+, , O
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+statement NN I-NP
+quoted VBN B-VP
+by IN B-PP
+. . O
+claimed VBD B-VP
+massive JJ B-NP
+victories NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+seven-week NN I-NP
+offensive NN I-NP
+and CC O
+called VBN B-VP
+on IN B-PP
+supporters NNS B-NP
+Baghdad NNP B-NP
+to TO B-VP
+" VB I-VP
+come VBN I-VP
+to TO B-PP
+their IN B-NP
+senses JJ I-NP
+and CC O
+discontinue VB B-VP
+support NN B-NP
+for IN B-PP
+what WP B-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+called VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+tottering VBG I-NP
+regime NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+Iraq NNP B-NP
+. . I-NP
+Iran NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+its NNS B-NP
+forces NNS I-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+" CD B-NP
+liberated JJ I-NP
+" NN I-NP
+155 CD I-NP
+square JJ I-NP
+kilometers NNS I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+enemy-occupied JJ-occupied B-NP
+territory NN I-NP
+during IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+1987 CD I-NP
+offensive NN I-NP
+and CC O
+taken VBN B-VP
+over IN B-PP
+islands NNS B-NP
+, , O
+townships NNS B-NP
+, , O
+rivers NNS B-NP
+and CC O
+part NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+road NN I-NP
+leading VBG B-VP
+into IN B-PP
+Basra NNP B-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+Iranian JJ I-NP
+forces NNS I-NP
+are VBP B-VP
+in IN B-PP
+full JJ B-NP
+control NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+these DT B-NP
+areas NNS I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+statement NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+said VBD B-VP
+81 CD B-NP
+Iraqi JJ I-NP
+brigades NNS I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+battalions NNS I-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+totally RB I-VP
+destroyed VBN I-VP
+, , O
+along IN B-ADVP
+with IN B-PP
+700 CD B-NP
+tanks NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+1,500 CD B-NP
+other JJ I-NP
+vehicles NNS I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+victory NN I-NP
+list NN I-NP
+also RB B-ADVP
+included VBD B-VP
+80 CD B-NP
+warplanes NNS I-NP
+downed VBD B-VP
+, , O
+250 CD B-NP
+anti- - I-NP
+aircraft NN I-NP
+guns NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+400 CD B-NP
+pieces NNS I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+military JJ B-NP
+hardware NN I-NP
+destroyed VBN B-VP
+and CC O
+the DT B-NP
+seizure NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+220 CD B-NP
+tanks NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+armoured JJ B-NP
+personnel NNS I-NP
+carriers NNS I-NP
+. . O
+bank NN I-NP
+discount NN I-NP
+window RB I-NP
+borrowings NNS I-NP
+less NNS I-NP
+extended VBN B-NP
+credits NN I-NP
+averaged VBD B-VP
+310 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+Wednesday NNP B-NP
+February NNP I-NP
+25 CD I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+Federal JJ I-NP
+Reserve NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+Fed JJ I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+overall JJ B-NP
+borrowings NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+fell MD B-VP
+131 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+614 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+, , O
+with IN B-PP
+extended VBN B-NP
+credits NN I-NP
+up IN B-PP
+10 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+at IN B-PP
+304 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+second NN I-NP
+half NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+two-week NN I-NP
+statement NN I-NP
+period. NNS I-NP
+borrowings NNS B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+prior NN I-NP
+week NN I-NP
+averaged RB B-NP
+451 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+. . O
+Commenting NNP O
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+two-week NN I-NP
+statement NN I-NP
+period NNS I-NP
+ended VBD B-VP
+February NNP B-NP
+25 CD I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that NN B-SBAR
+banks NNS B-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+average JJ B-NP
+net NN I-NP
+free JJ I-NP
+reserves NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+644 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+a DT B-NP
+day NN I-NP
+, , O
+down IN B-PP
+from JJ B-NP
+1.34 NN I-NP
+billion NN I-NP
+two RB B-NP
+weeks NNS I-NP
+earlier IN B-ADVP
+. . O
+Federal JJ I-ADJP
+Reserve . B-NP
+spokesman NN B-VP
+told VBN I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+press NN I-NP
+briefing VBG B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+there EX B-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+no RB B-NP
+large JJ I-NP
+single NN I-NP
+day NN I-NP
+net RB I-NP
+misses NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Fed's default I-NP
+reserve NN I-NP
+projections NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+Wednesday NNP B-NP
+. . I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that NN B-NP
+natural JJ I-NP
+float NN I-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+been VBN I-VP
+" NN B-NP
+acting VBG B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+bit NN I-NP
+strangely RB B-VP
+for IN B-PP
+this DT B-NP
+time NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+year NN B-NP
+, , O
+noting VBG B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+there EX B-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+been VBN I-VP
+poor JJ B-NP
+weather NN I-NP
+during IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+latest JJ I-NP
+week NN I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+spokesman NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+natural JJ B-NP
+float NN I-NP
+ranged VBN B-VP
+from IN B-PP
+under IN B-NP
+500 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+Friday NNP B-NP
+, , O
+for IN B-PP
+which NNP B-NP
+he NN B-NP
+could VBN B-VP
+give JJ B-NP
+no RB I-NP
+reason NN I-NP
+, , O
+to TO B-PP
+nearly JJ B-NP
+one CD I-NP
+billion IN B-PP
+dlrs NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+both NN B-NP
+Thursday default B-NP
+and CC O
+Wednesday default B-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+Fed JJ I-NP
+spokeman NN I-NP
+could VBN B-VP
+give JJ B-NP
+no NN I-NP
+reason NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+Thursday's NNP B-NP
+high NN I-NP
+float NNS I-NP
+, , O
+but NNS B-NP
+he DT B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-PP
+about NN B-NP
+750 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Wednesday's NNP B-NP
+float NN I-NP
+figure NNS I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+due VBD I-VP
+to TO I-VP
+holdover VB I-VP
+and CC O
+transportation NN B-VP
+float IN B-PRT
+at IN B-PP
+two NN B-NP
+widely WDT I-NP
+separated VBN B-VP
+districts NNS I-NP
+. . O
+For NNP O
+the DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+as IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+whole NN I-NP
+, , O
+he DT B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+float NN B-NP
+related VBN B-VP
+as IN B-PP
+of NNP B-NP
+adjustments NNS I-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+small JJ I-ADJP
+, , O
+" IN B-PP
+adding VBG B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+they NN B-NP
+fell NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+negative JJ I-NP
+750 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+Tuesday NNP B-NP
+due NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+number NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+corrections NN B-NP
+for IN B-PP
+unrelated VBN B-NP
+cash NN I-NP
+letter IN B-PP
+errors NNS B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+six JJ B-NP
+districts NNS I-NP
+around IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+country NN I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+spokesman NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+both JJ B-NP
+Tuesday NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Wednesday NNP B-NP
+, , O
+two IN B-PP
+different JJ B-NP
+clearing NN I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+system JJ B-NP
+problems NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+the DT B-NP
+securities NNS I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Federal JJ I-NP
+funds NNS I-NP
+wires NNS I-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+be VB I-VP
+held VBN I-VP
+open JJ B-NP
+until NNS I-NP
+about IN B-PP
+2000 CD B-NP
+or NNP I-NP
+2100 CD I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+both JJ B-NP
+days NN I-NP
+. . O
+However NNP B-NP
+, , O
+he CD B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+both NNP B-NP
+problems NN I-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+cleared VBN I-VP
+during VBG B-VP
+both IN B-PP
+afternoons NNS B-NP
+and CC O
+there DT B-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+evidence JJ I-ADJP
+of IN B-PP
+any DT B-NP
+reserve JJ I-NP
+impact NN I-NP
+. . O
+During VBG B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+ended VBN B-VP
+Wednesday NNP B-NP
+, , O
+45 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+net JJ B-NP
+discount NN I-NP
+window NN I-NP
+borrowings NNS I-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+made JJ B-ADJP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+smallest NN I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+, , O
+with IN B-PP
+30 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+14 CD I-NP
+large RB I-NP
+money JJ I-NP
+center NN I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+25 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+by IN B-PP
+large JJ B-NP
+regional NN I-NP
+institutions NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Wednesday NNP I-NP
+, , O
+55 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+borrowing NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+accounted VBN I-VP
+for IN B-PP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+money NN I-NP
+center NN I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+, , O
+with IN B-PP
+30 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+large JJ I-NP
+regionals NN I-NP
+and CC O
+15 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+smallest JJ I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+Fed JJ I-NP
+spokesman NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+banking NN I-NP
+system IN B-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+excess VBZ B-NP
+reserves NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+Thursday NNP B-NP
+, , O
+Monday NNP B-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Tuesday NNP I-NP
+and CC O
+a DT B-NP
+deficit NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+Friday NNP B-NP
+and CC O
+Wedndsday NNP B-NP
+. . I-NP
+That NNP I-NP
+produced VBD B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+small JJ I-NP
+daily NN I-NP
+average JJ I-NP
+deficit NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+as IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+whole NN I-NP
+. . B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+two-week NN I-NP
+period NNS I-NP
+, , O
+he NNS B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+there EX B-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+relatively JJ B-NP
+high NN I-NP
+excess VBZ B-VP
+reserves NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+daily JJ I-NP
+avearge NN I-NP
+, , O
+almost IN B-PP
+all DT B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+which CD B-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+at IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+smallest JJ I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Reuter IN B-PP
+American RB I-NP
+Express JJ I-NP
+remained VBN I-NP
+silent NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+market NN B-NP
+rumors NN I-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+would VBD B-VP
+spinoff IN B-PP
+all DT B-NP
+or JJ I-NP
+part NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+Shearson NNP I-NP
+Lehman NNP I-NP
+Brothers NNS I-NP
+, , O
+but IN B-SBAR
+some DT B-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+company NN I-NP
+may NN I-NP
+be VB B-VP
+considering NN B-NP
+such IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+move JJ I-NP
+because NN I-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+unhappy NN B-NP
+with IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+market JJ I-NP
+value NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+. . B-ADVP
+American RB B-NP
+Express JJ I-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+got NN I-NP
+a DT B-NP
+lift NN I-NP
+from WRB B-ADVP
+the DT B-NP
+rumor NN I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+calculated VBN B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+partially JJ I-NP
+public NN I-NP
+Shearson IN B-PP
+may NN B-NP
+command VBN B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+good JJ I-NP
+market NN I-NP
+value NN I-NP
+, , O
+thereby IN B-PP
+boosting VBG B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+total JJ I-NP
+value NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+American NNP B-NP
+Express default I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+rumor NN I-NP
+also NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+accompanied VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+talk NN B-NP
+the DT B-NP
+financial JJ I-NP
+services NNS I-NP
+firm IN B-PP
+would JJ B-NP
+split NN I-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+stock IN B-PP
+and CC O
+boost JJ B-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+dividend VBD B-VP
+. . O
+American RB O
+Express VBZ B-VP
+closed VBN I-VP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+New JJ I-NP
+York NNP I-NP
+Stock NNP I-NP
+Exchange VBD B-VP
+at IN B-PP
+72-5/8 CD B-NP
+, , O
+up IN B-PP
+4-1/8 NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+heavy NN B-NP
+volume default I-NP
+. . B-ADVP
+American RB B-ADJP
+Express JJ I-ADJP
+would VBD B-VP
+not IN B-PP
+comment NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+rumors NN I-NP
+or IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+activity NN I-NP
+. . O
+Analysts NNS B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+comments VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+company NN I-NP
+at IN B-PP
+an DT B-NP
+analysts' NN I-NP
+meeting VBG B-VP
+Tuesday default B-NP
+helped VBN I-NP
+fuel JJ B-NP
+the DT I-NP
+rumors NN I-NP
+as IN B-PP
+did NN B-NP
+an DT B-NP
+announcement JJ I-NP
+yesterday NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+management JJ B-NP
+changes NNS I-NP
+. . O
+At RB O
+the DT B-NP
+meeting VBG I-NP
+, , I-NP
+company NN I-NP
+officials IN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+American RB B-NP
+Express JJ I-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+undervalued VBN I-VP
+and CC O
+does NNS B-VP
+not NN B-NP
+fully NN I-NP
+reflect NN B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+performance NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Shearson NNP B-NP
+, , O
+according IN B-PP
+to TO B-PP
+analysts NNS B-NP
+. . O
+Yesterday NNP B-NP
+, , O
+Shearson NNP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+it PRP B-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+elevating VBG I-VP
+its NNS B-NP
+chief NNP I-NP
+operating VBG I-NP
+officer IN I-NP
+, , O
+Jeffery NNP B-NP
+Lane NNP I-NP
+, , O
+to TO B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+added JJ I-NP
+position NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+president NN B-NP
+, , O
+which IN B-NP
+had VBD B-VP
+been VBN I-VP
+vacant NN B-NP
+. . O
+also RB I-VP
+created VBN I-VP
+four IN B-PP
+new JJ B-NP
+positions NNS I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+chairmen NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+operating VBG I-NP
+divisions NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Analysts NNS B-NP
+speculated VBD B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+partial JJ I-NP
+spinoff NNP I-NP
+would VBD B-VP
+make NN B-NP
+most NN I-NP
+sense NNS I-NP
+, , O
+contrary JJ B-ADJP
+to TO B-PP
+one CD B-NP
+variation NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+market JJ B-NP
+rumors NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+total JJ I-NP
+spinoff NNP I-NP
+. . O
+Some DT B-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+, , O
+however NNS B-NP
+, , O
+disagreed VBD B-VP
+that IN B-PP
+any JJ B-NP
+spinoff NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Shearson NNP B-NP
+would VBD B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+good NN B-NP
+since IN B-SBAR
+it PRP B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+strong VBG I-NP
+profit NN I-NP
+center NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+American NNP B-NP
+Express NNS I-NP
+, , O
+contributing VBG B-VP
+about IN B-NP
+20 CD I-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+earnings NNS B-NP
+last JJ B-NP
+year NN I-NP
+. . O
+" NN B-NP
+think NN B-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+highly RB O
+unlikely JJ B-NP
+that NN I-NP
+American RB B-NP
+Express JJ I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+going VBG I-VP
+to TO B-PP
+sell JJ B-NP
+shearson NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+Perrin CD B-NP
+Long VBG I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Lipper NNP B-NP
+Analytical default I-NP
+. . O
+questioned VBD I-VP
+what IN B-NP
+would VBN B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+better NN I-NP
+investment NN I-NP
+than NN I-NP
+" RB B-NP
+a DT I-NP
+very NN I-NP
+profitable NN I-NP
+securities NNS I-NP
+firm IN B-PP
+. . B-NP
+" NN I-NP
+Several JJ I-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+American RB B-ADJP
+Express JJ I-ADJP
+is VBZ B-VP
+not RB O
+in IN B-PP
+need JJ B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+cash NNP B-NP
+, , O
+which IN B-PP
+might NN B-NP
+be VB B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+only JJ I-NP
+reason NN I-NP
+to TO B-VP
+sell JJ I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+part NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+strong NN I-NP
+asset IN B-PP
+. . B-NP
+But JJ I-NP
+others NNS I-NP
+believe VBP B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+company NN I-NP
+could VBN B-VP
+very JJ B-ADVP
+well RB B-ADVP
+considered VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+option NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+spinning VBG B-VP
+out JJ B-NP
+part NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Shearson NNP B-NP
+, , O
+and CC O
+one JJ B-NP
+rumor NN I-NP
+suggests NNS I-NP
+selling VBG B-VP
+about IN B-NP
+20 CD I-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+it PRP B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+. . O
+Larry JJ O
+Eckenfelder . O
+of IN B-PP
+Prudential-Bache DT B-NP
+Securities NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+he DT B-NP
+believes NN I-NP
+American RB B-VP
+Express VBN I-VP
+could VBN I-VP
+have VBP B-VP
+considered VBN I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+partial JJ I-NP
+spinoff NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+past NN I-NP
+. . O
+" IN B-PP
+Shearson NNP B-NP
+being NN I-NP
+as IN B-PP
+profitable NN B-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+would VBD I-VP
+have VBP I-VP
+fetched VBN I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+big NN I-NP
+premium NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+place. NN I-NP
+Shearson's NNP I-NP
+book NN I-NP
+value NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+1.4 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlr IN B-PP
+range NN B-NP
+. . O
+Shearson NNP O
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+place NN I-NP
+would MD B-VP
+probably RB I-VP
+be VB I-VP
+worth RB B-ADVP
+three DT B-NP
+to TO I-NP
+3.5 CD I-NP
+bilion NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+terms NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+market JJ B-NP
+capitalization NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+Eckenfelder CD B-NP
+. . O
+Some DT B-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+American RB B-NP
+Express JJ I-NP
+could VBN B-VP
+use IN B-PP
+capital JJ B-NP
+since NN I-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+plans VBD B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+expand NNS B-NP
+globally JJ B-ADJP
+. . O
+They NNP B-NP
+have VBP B-VP
+enormous NNS B-NP
+internal JJ B-NP
+growth NNS I-NP
+plans NNS I-NP
+that IN B-PP
+takes NNS B-NP
+capital JJ B-ADJP
+. . O
+want NN I-NP
+your NN I-NP
+stock RB B-ADVP
+to TO B-PP
+reflect JJ B-NP
+realistic NN I-NP
+valuations NNS I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+enhance JJ B-NP
+your NN I-NP
+ability NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+make JJ B-NP
+all DT I-NP
+kinds NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+endeavors NNS B-NP
+down IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+road NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+Hutton NNP I-NP
+Group NNP I-NP
+analyst IN B-PP
+Michael default B-NP
+Lewis default I-NP
+. . B-NP
+" NN I-NP
+They've DT B-NP
+outlined VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+fact NN I-NP
+that IN B-SBAR
+they're DT B-NP
+investing VBG I-NP
+heavily NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+future NNS I-NP
+, , O
+which IN B-PP
+goes NNS B-NP
+heavily NN I-NP
+into IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+international JJ I-NP
+arena, NN I-NP
+" NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+Lewis CD B-NP
+. . O
+" default B-VP
+. . I-VP
+..That . O
+does NNS B-VP
+not NN B-NP
+preclude NN I-NP
+acquisitions NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+divestitures NNS B-NP
+along IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+way NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-PP
+he DT B-NP
+said VBD I-NP
+. . O
+Lewis VBZ O
+said VBD B-VP
+if CD B-NP
+American RB I-NP
+Express JJ I-NP
+reduced VBN I-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+exposure NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+brokerage NN I-NP
+business NNS I-NP
+by IN B-PP
+selling VBG B-VP
+part NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+shearson NN B-NP
+, , O
+its NNS B-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+might NN I-NP
+better IN B-PP
+reflect NN B-NP
+other IN B-PP
+assets NNS B-NP
+, , O
+such NNS B-NP
+as IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+travel NN I-NP
+related VBN I-NP
+services NNS I-NP
+business NNS I-NP
+. . O
+" NN B-VP
+could VBD B-VP
+find CD B-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+true VBD B-VP
+water IN B-PP
+mark NN B-NP
+with IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+lesser JJ I-NP
+exposure NN I-NP
+to TO B-VP
+brokerage VB I-VP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+value NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+other NN I-NP
+components NNP-named I-NP
+could VBN B-VP
+command VBN I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+higher NN I-NP
+multiple WRB B-ADVP
+because NN B-NP
+they NN I-NP
+constitute VBD B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+higher NN I-NP
+percentage NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+total NN I-NP
+operating IN B-PP
+earnings NNS B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+company NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-PP
+he DT B-NP
+said VBD I-NP
+. . O
+Lewis VBZ O
+said VBD B-VP
+Shearson CD B-NP
+contributed VBN B-VP
+316 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+after-tax JJ B-NP
+operating VBG I-NP
+earnings NNS I-NP
+, , O
+up NNS B-NP
+from IN B-PP
+about NN B-NP
+200 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+1985 default B-NP
+. . O
+Reuter IN B-PP
+Coleco NNP I-NP
+Industries NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+it PRP B-NP
+expects NNS B-VP
+to TO B-NP
+return JJ I-VP
+to TO B-PP
+profitability NN B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+1987 default B-NP
+. . O
+Earlier NNP B-NP
+, , O
+Coleco NNP B-NP
+reported VBN B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+net JJ I-NP
+loss CD I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+111.2 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+year NN I-NP
+ended VBN B-VP
+December IN B-PP
+31 CD B-NP
+compared VBN B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+profit NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+64.2 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+year NN I-NP
+earlier IN B-PP
+. . B-NP
+a DT B-NP
+prepared JJ I-NP
+statement NN I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+company NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+dramatic NN I-NP
+swing IN B-PP
+in IN B-PP
+operating VBG B-NP
+results NNS I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+due JJ B-NP
+primarily NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+steep NN I-NP
+decline NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+sales NNS B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Cabbage JJ B-NP
+Patch NNP I-NP
+Kids NNP I-NP
+products NNS I-NP
+from IN B-PP
+600 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+230 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+. . O
+Coleco NNP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+it PRP B-NP
+changed VBD B-VP
+from VBN I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+single JJ I-NP
+product NN I-NP
+company NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+more JJ I-NP
+diversified CD I-NP
+organization NN I-NP
+through IN B-PP
+four JJ B-NP
+major NN I-NP
+acquisitions NNS I-NP
+last JJ B-NP
+year NN I-NP
+. . O
+Products NNS B-NP
+from IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+new NN I-NP
+acquisitions NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+other VB B-VP
+new RB B-NP
+product NN I-NP
+introductions NNS I-NP
+are VBP B-VP
+expected VBN I-VP
+to TO I-VP
+enable NNS B-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+to TO B-VP
+return JJ B-NP
+to TO B-PP
+profitability NN B-NP
+, , O
+it PRP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+At RB O
+the DT B-NP
+annual JJ I-NP
+Fair NNP I-NP
+earlier IN B-PP
+this DT B-NP
+month JJ I-NP
+, , I-NP
+vice JJ I-NP
+president NN I-NP
+Morton NNP I-NP
+Handel NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+analysts' CD B-NP
+1987 NN I-NP
+projected VBN I-NP
+earnings NNS I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+90 CD B-NP
+cts NNS I-NP
+a DT B-NP
+share NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+sales NNS B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+600 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+are VBP B-VP
+reasonable NN B-NP
+. . O
+Venezuela NNP-5 B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+seeking VBG I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+'constructive JJ I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+flexible' NNS I-NP
+attitude IN B-PP
+from JJ B-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+creditor NN I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+current JJ B-NP
+talks NNS I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+reschedule JJ B-NP
+21 CD I-NP
+billion NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+foreign NN B-NP
+debt VBN B-VP
+, , O
+finance JJ B-NP
+minister NN I-NP
+manuel JJ I-NP
+azpurua NN I-NP
+told VBN B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+press NN I-NP
+conference. NN I-NP
+declined VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+comment NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+meetings NNS B-NP
+this DT B-NP
+week NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+new JJ B-NP
+york NN I-NP
+between VBN B-VP
+public IN B-PP
+finances NNS B-NP
+director IN B-PP
+jorge JJ B-NP
+marcano NN I-NP
+and CC O
+venezuela's VBN B-NP
+13-bank NN I-NP
+advisory NN I-NP
+committee NNP-named I-NP
+except NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+say NN B-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-PP
+they NN B-NP
+are VBP B-VP
+progressing NNS B-NP
+. . O
+Azpurua NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+venezuela NN B-NP
+has NNS I-NP
+shown IN B-PP
+solidarity JJ B-NP
+with IN B-PP
+brazil's NNS B-NP
+decision VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+suspend CD B-NP
+payments NNS I-NP
+, , O
+but NNS B-NP
+each IN B-PP
+country NN B-NP
+must VBZ B-VP
+negotiate RB I-VP
+according VBG I-VP
+to TO B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+own JJ I-NP
+interest NN I-NP
+. . O
+Asked VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+comment NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+chile's NN B-NP
+agreement NN I-NP
+with IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+creditors NN I-NP
+today NN I-NP
+, , O
+which IN B-PP
+includes NNS B-NP
+an DT B-NP
+interest JJ I-NP
+rate NN I-NP
+margin NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+one CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+over IN B-PP
+libor JJ B-NP
+, , O
+azpurua NNP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+only NN B-NP
+, , O
+that NN B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+good JJ B-NP
+news NNS I-NP
+. . O
+According VBG B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+banking VBG B-NP
+sources NNS I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+banks' NN I-NP
+latest NN I-NP
+offer IN B-PP
+to TO B-PP
+venezuela CD B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+also RB B-ADVP
+a DT B-NP
+one JJ I-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+margin JJ I-NP
+as IN B-PP
+against NN B-NP
+the DT B-NP
+last JJ I-NP
+february's NN I-NP
+1-1/8 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+rescheduling VBG I-NP
+accord NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+the DT B-NP
+7/8 NN I-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+Venezuela NNP I-NP
+wants NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Azpurua NNP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+four NN B-NP
+basic NN I-NP
+elements NNS I-NP
+are VBP B-VP
+being VBN I-VP
+negotiated VBN I-VP
+with IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+now: NN I-NP
+spread VBD B-VP
+reduction VBN I-VP
+, , O
+deferral JJ B-ADJP
+of IN B-PP
+principal JJ B-NP
+payments NNS I-NP
+due NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+1987 CD B-NP
+and CC I-NP
+1988 CD I-NP
+, , O
+lenghtening VBG B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+12-1/2 CD I-NP
+year NN I-NP
+repayment NN I-NP
+schedule NN I-NP
+, , O
+and CC O
+debt VBN B-VP
+capitalization IN B-PP
+schemes NNS B-NP
+. . O
+Azpurua NNP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+governent NN I-NP
+plans NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+pay NN B-NP
+2.1 CD I-NP
+billion NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+public NNP B-NP
+and CC O
+private JJ B-NP
+debt NN I-NP
+principal NN I-NP
+this DT B-NP
+year NN I-NP
+. . O
+was VBD B-VP
+due VBD I-VP
+to TO I-VP
+amortize VB I-VP
+1.05 CD B-NP
+billion NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+under IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+rescheduling NN I-NP
+, , O
+and CC O
+pay NN B-NP
+420 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+non-restructured JJ B-NP
+principal NN I-NP
+, , O
+both IN B-PP
+public JJ B-NP
+sector NN I-NP
+. . O
+said VBD B-VP
+venezuela's CD B-NP
+original JJ I-NP
+proposal NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+pay NN B-NP
+no RB I-NP
+principal JJ I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+restructured JJ B-NP
+debt NN I-NP
+this DT B-NP
+year NN I-NP
+, , O
+but IN B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+now RB I-VP
+insisting VBG I-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+if NNP B-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+makes VBZ B-VP
+payments NNS B-NP
+they IN B-PP
+be VB B-NP
+compensated VBN B-VP
+by IN B-PP
+new JJ B-NP
+bank NN I-NP
+loans NNS I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+banking VBG I-NP
+sources NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+committee NN I-NP
+has NNS B-VP
+been VBN I-VP
+prepared VBN I-VP
+to TO I-VP
+lower VB I-VP
+amortizations VBN I-VP
+to TO B-PP
+around IN B-NP
+400 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+this IN B-PP
+year NN B-NP
+, , O
+but IN B-PP
+that NN B-NP
+no RB B-NP
+direct JJ I-NP
+commitment NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+likely JJ B-ADJP
+on IN B-PP
+new JJ B-NP
+loans NNS I-NP
+. . O
+" CD B-NP
+debtors NNS I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+bank NNS I-NP
+creditors NN I-NP
+have VBP B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+joint JJ I-NP
+responsibility NN I-NP
+and CC O
+there DT B-NP
+will MD B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+no RB I-VP
+lasting VBG I-VP
+solution NN B-NP
+unless NNS I-NP
+a DT B-NP
+positive JJ I-NP
+flow NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+financing VBG B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+guaranteed NNS B-NP
+, , O
+azpurua DT B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+However IN B-ADVP
+, , O
+he NNS B-NP
+appeared VBD B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+discard VB I-VP
+earlier JJ B-NP
+venezuelan NN I-NP
+proposals NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+direct NN I-NP
+link NN I-NP
+between VBN B-VP
+oil JJ B-NP
+income NN I-NP
+and CC O
+debt VBN B-NP
+payments NNS I-NP
+, , O
+"because NNS B-NP
+circumstances NNS I-NP
+change VBD B-VP
+too RB B-ADJP
+quickly JJ I-ADJP
+. . O
+the DT B-NP
+same JJ I-NP
+time NN I-NP
+, , O
+he NN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+government NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+presently RB I-VP
+studying VBG I-VP
+possible JJ B-NP
+mechanisms NNS I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+capitlizing VBG B-VP
+public NN B-NP
+and CC O
+private RB B-NP
+sector JJ I-NP
+foreign NNS I-NP
+debt VBD B-VP
+, , O
+based NNS B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+experience NN B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+other JJ B-NP
+countries NNS I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+rules NN I-NP
+would MD B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+published VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+finance JJ I-NP
+ministry NN I-NP
+and CC O
+the DT B-NP
+central JJ I-NP
+bank NN I-NP
+. . O
+Thomson NNP B-NP
+McKinnon NNP I-NP
+Mortgage NNP I-NP
+Assets NNS I-NP
+Corp NNP I-NP
+, , O
+a DT B-NP
+unit NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Thomson NNP B-NP
+McKinnon NNP I-NP
+, , O
+is VBZ B-VP
+offering IN B-NP
+100 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+collateralized VBN B-NP
+mortgage NN I-NP
+obligations NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+three DT B-NP
+tranches NNS I-NP
+that IN B-PP
+include JJ B-NP
+floating NN I-NP
+rate NN I-NP
+and CC O
+inverse RB B-VP
+floating VBG I-VP
+rate JJ B-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+floating VBG I-NP
+rate NN I-NP
+class NN I-NP
+amounts NNS I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+60 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+. . O
+has VBZ B-VP
+an DT B-NP
+average JJ I-NP
+life NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+7.11 CD B-NP
+years NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+matures NNS B-NP
+2018. CD B-PP
+The DT B-NP
+have NN I-NP
+an DT B-NP
+initial JJ I-NP
+coupon NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+7.0375 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+, , O
+which IN B-NP
+will MD B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+reset NN B-NP
+60 CD I-NP
+basis NNS I-NP
+points NNS I-NP
+above VBP B-VP
+, , O
+said VBD B-VP
+sole CD B-NP
+manager NN I-NP
+Thomson NNP I-NP
+McKinnon NNP I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+inverse JJ I-NP
+floater NN I-NP
+totals IN B-PP
+4.8 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+. . O
+has VBZ B-VP
+an DT B-NP
+average JJ I-NP
+life NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+13.49 CD B-NP
+years NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+matures NNS B-NP
+2018. CD B-NP
+These NNP I-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+given JJ I-VP
+an DT B-NP
+initial JJ I-NP
+coupon NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+11-1/2 CD B-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+and CC O
+priced VBN B-VP
+at IN B-PP
+104.40. CD B-NP
+Subsequent JJ I-NP
+rates NNS I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+inverse NN I-NP
+floater IN B-PP
+will DT B-NP
+equal JJ I-NP
+11-1/2 CD I-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+minus VBZ B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+product NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+three DT B-NP
+times NNS I-NP
+minus NNS I-NP
+6-1/2 CD B-NP
+pct) NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Thomson NNP B-NP
+officer IN I-PRT
+explained VBN B-VP
+that IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+coupon NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+inverse NN I-NP
+floating IN B-PP
+rate JJ B-NP
+tranche NN I-NP
+would VBN B-VP
+increase IN B-PP
+if NNP B-NP
+LIBOR default I-NP
+declined VBD B-VP
+. . O
+" NN B-VP
+The DT B-NP
+yield JJ I-NP
+floats NN I-NP
+opposite NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+, , O
+" CD B-NP
+he NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+fixed-rate JJ I-NP
+tranche NN I-NP
+totals NNS I-NP
+35.2 IN B-PP
+mln NN B-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+. . O
+has VBZ B-VP
+an DT B-NP
+average JJ I-NP
+life NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+3.5 CD B-NP
+years NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+matures NNS B-NP
+2016. CD B-PP
+The DT B-NP
+were NN I-NP
+assigned VBN B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+7.65 NN I-NP
+pct NN I-NP
+coupon NN I-NP
+and CC O
+par RB B-VP
+pricing VBG I-VP
+. . B-PP
+The DT B-NP
+issue NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+rated VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+Standard NNP B-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Poor's NNP I-NP
+and CC O
+secured JJ B-ADVP
+Federal JJ B-NP
+Home . I-NP
+Loan NNP I-NP
+Mortgage NNP I-NP
+Corp NNP I-NP
+, , O
+Freddie NNP B-NP
+, , O
+certificates NNS B-NP
+. . O
+may NN I-NP
+be VB B-VP
+forced VBD I-VP
+to TO B-PP
+meet NN B-NP
+before NN I-NP
+a DT B-NP
+scheduled JJ I-NP
+June CD I-NP
+session NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+readdress JJ B-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+production NN I-NP
+cutting VBG I-NP
+agreement NN I-NP
+the DT B-NP
+organization NN I-NP
+wants NNS B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+halt VB I-VP
+the DT B-NP
+current NN I-NP
+slide NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+oil JJ B-NP
+prices NNS I-NP
+, , O
+oil JJ B-NP
+industry NN I-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+" NN B-VP
+The DT B-NP
+movement NN I-NP
+to TO B-VP
+higher VB I-VP
+oil JJ B-NP
+prices NNS I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+never IN B-ADVP
+to TO B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+as IN B-PP
+easy NN B-NP
+as IN B-PP
+thought IN B-PP
+. . B-NP
+They NNP I-NP
+may NN I-NP
+need VBD B-VP
+an DT B-NP
+emergency NN I-NP
+meeting VBG B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+sort NN B-NP
+out IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+problems NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+Daniel CD B-NP
+Yergin NNP I-NP
+, , O
+director IN B-PP
+of IN B-PP
+Cambridge JJ B-NP
+Energy NNP I-NP
+Research NNP I-NP
+Associates NNS I-NP
+, , O
+. . O
+Analysts NNS B-NP
+and CC O
+oil JJ B-NP
+industry NN I-NP
+sources NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+problem NN I-NP
+faces NNS B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+excess NNS B-NP
+oil JJ B-ADJP
+supply RB B-ADVP
+in IN B-PP
+world JJ B-NP
+oil NNS I-NP
+markets NNS I-NP
+. . O
+" NN B-NP
+problem NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+not RB O
+a DT B-NP
+price NN I-NP
+problem NN I-NP
+but NN B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+production NN I-NP
+issue NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+must JJ B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+addressed VBN I-VP
+in IN B-PP
+that DT B-NP
+way NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+Paul default B-NP
+Mlotok NNP I-NP
+, , O
+oil JJ B-NP
+analyst NN I-NP
+with IN B-PP
+Salomon NNP B-NP
+Brothers NNS I-NP
+. . O
+He JJ O
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+market's NN I-NP
+earlier IN B-PP
+optimism JJ B-NP
+about NN I-NP
+and CC O
+its NNS B-NP
+ability NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+keep CD B-NP
+production NN I-NP
+under IN B-PP
+control JJ B-NP
+have NN I-NP
+given NNS I-NP
+way NN B-ADJP
+to TO B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+pessimistic NN I-NP
+outlook NN I-NP
+that IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+organization NN I-NP
+must NN I-NP
+address NNS I-NP
+soon IN B-PP
+if NNP B-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+wishes VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+regain JJ B-NP
+the DT I-NP
+initiative JJ I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+oil JJ B-NP
+prices NNS I-NP
+. . O
+But JJ B-NP
+some NN I-NP
+other IN B-PP
+analysts NNS B-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+uncertain RB B-ADJP
+that IN B-PP
+even VBN B-NP
+an DT B-NP
+emergency NN I-NP
+meeting VBG B-VP
+would JJ B-NP
+address NNS I-NP
+the DT B-NP
+problem NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+production NN I-NP
+above IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+15.8 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+bpd NNS I-NP
+quota IN B-PP
+set NN B-NP
+last JJ B-NP
+December NNP I-NP
+. . O
+has NNS I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+learn JJ B-NP
+that NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+buyers NNS I-NP
+market NN I-NP
+you IN B-PP
+cannot NN B-NP
+have VBP B-VP
+deemed VBN I-VP
+quotas NNS B-NP
+, , O
+fixed NNS B-NP
+prices NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+set NN B-NP
+differentials NNS I-NP
+, , O
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+regional JJ I-NP
+manager NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+one NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+major NN I-NP
+oil NN I-NP
+companies NNS I-NP
+who IN B-PP
+spoke NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+condition NN B-NP
+that IN B-SBAR
+he DT B-NP
+not NN I-NP
+be VB B-VP
+named RB I-VP
+. . I-VP
+" NN I-VP
+The DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+now RB I-VP
+trying VBG I-VP
+to TO I-VP
+teach IN B-PP
+them DT B-NP
+that NN I-NP
+lesson IN B-PP
+again NN B-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-PP
+he DT B-NP
+added VBD I-NP
+. . O
+David VBD B-VP
+. . I-NP
+Mizrahi NNP I-NP
+, , O
+editor CD B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Mideast JJ B-NP
+reports NNS I-NP
+, , O
+expects NNS B-NP
+to TO B-PP
+meet JJ B-NP
+before NN I-NP
+June JJ I-NP
+, , O
+although IN B-SBAR
+not JJ B-NP
+immediately NN I-NP
+. . O
+However NNP B-NP
+, , O
+he CD B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+not RB O
+optimistic JJ B-NP
+that NN I-NP
+OPEC default I-NP
+can NN I-NP
+address NNS I-NP
+its NNS B-NP
+principal JJ I-NP
+problems NNS I-NP
+. . O
+" IN O
+They NNP B-NP
+will MD B-VP
+not JJ B-NP
+meet NN I-NP
+now NN I-NP
+as IN B-PP
+they NN B-NP
+try NN I-NP
+to TO B-VP
+take VB I-VP
+advantage NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+winter NN I-NP
+demand VBN B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+sell JJ B-NP
+their NN I-NP
+oil NNS I-NP
+, , O
+but NNS B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+late JJ B-NP
+March NNP I-NP
+and CC O
+April default B-NP
+when JJ I-NP
+demand VBN I-NP
+slackens NNS I-NP
+, , O
+Mizrahi NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+But JJ B-NP
+Mizrahi NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that NN B-SBAR
+OPEC default B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+unlikely RB B-ADJP
+to TO B-VP
+do VB I-VP
+anything VBG I-VP
+more JJ B-NP
+than NN I-NP
+reiterate NN I-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+agreement NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+keep CD B-NP
+output NN I-NP
+at IN B-PP
+15.8 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+bpd NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+the DT B-NP
+next NN I-NP
+two NN I-NP
+months VBZ B-VP
+will RB I-VP
+be VB I-VP
+critical NN B-NP
+for IN B-PP
+ability NN I-NP
+to TO B-VP
+hold VB I-VP
+together NN B-NP
+prices NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+output JJ B-NP
+. . O
+" IN B-PP
+must JJ I-NP
+hold VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+pact NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+next NN I-NP
+six IN B-PP
+to TO B-PP
+eight JJ B-NP
+weeks NNS I-NP
+since IN B-SBAR
+buyers NNS B-NP
+will MD B-VP
+come VBN I-VP
+back NN B-NP
+into IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+then VBN B-VP
+, , O
+said VBD B-VP
+Dillard CD B-NP
+Spriggs NNS I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Petroleum default B-NP
+Analysis RB B-VP
+in IN B-PP
+York NNP I-NP
+. . O
+But JJ B-NP
+Bijan NNP I-NP
+Moussavar-Rahmani NNP I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Harvard default B-NP
+University's NNS I-NP
+Energy NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Environment JJ I-NP
+Policy NNP I-NP
+Center NNP I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that NN B-SBAR
+the DT B-NP
+demand VBN B-VP
+for IN B-PP
+oil NN I-NP
+has NNS I-NP
+been VBN B-VP
+rising VBG I-VP
+through IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+first JJ I-NP
+quarter NN I-NP
+and CC O
+this DT B-NP
+may NN I-NP
+have VBP B-VP
+prompted VBN I-VP
+excesses NNS B-NP
+in IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+production NN I-NP
+. . O
+" CD B-NP
+Demand CD I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+their NN B-NP
+(OPEC) default I-NP
+oil JJ I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+clearly RB B-ADJP
+above JJ I-ADJP
+15.8 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+bpd NNS I-NP
+and CC O
+is VBZ B-VP
+probably RB B-NP
+closer NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+17 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+bpd NNS I-NP
+or IN B-PP
+higher NN B-NP
+now RB I-NP
+so JJ I-NP
+what NN I-NP
+we NNS I-NP
+are VBP B-VP
+seeing IN O
+characterized VBN B-VP
+as IN B-PP
+cheating VBG B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+meeting VBG I-NP
+this DT B-NP
+demand VBD B-VP
+through IN B-PP
+current NN B-NP
+production NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-PP
+he DT B-NP
+told JJ I-NP
+Reuters NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+telephone NN I-NP
+interview WRB B-ADVP
+. . O
+BankAmerica NNP B-NP
+Corp NNP I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+not RB O
+under IN B-PP
+pressure NN B-NP
+to TO B-PP
+act IN B-NP
+quickly JJ I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+proposed VBD B-VP
+equity JJ I-VP
+offering VBG I-VP
+and CC I-VP
+would VBN I-VP
+do IN B-PP
+well JJ B-NP
+to TO B-VP
+delay NN I-VP
+it PRP B-NP
+because NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+stock's NN I-NP
+recent NN I-NP
+poor NNS I-NP
+performance NNS I-NP
+, , O
+banking NNS B-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . B-NP
+Some JJ I-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+they IN B-PP
+have NN B-NP
+recommended VBN B-VP
+BankAmerica NNP B-NP
+delay NN I-NP
+its NNS I-NP
+up VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+one-billion-dlr CD B-NP
+equity NN I-NP
+offering VBG I-NP
+, , O
+which IN B-SBAR
+has NNS B-NP
+yet VBD B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+be VB I-VP
+approved VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Securities NNS I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Exchange JJ I-NP
+Commission NNP I-NP
+. . I-NP
+BankAmerica NNP I-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+fell NNS I-NP
+this IN B-PP
+week NN B-NP
+, , O
+along IN B-PP
+with IN B-PP
+other NN B-NP
+banking VBG I-NP
+issues NNS I-NP
+, , O
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+news NN I-NP
+that IN B-PP
+Brazil JJ B-NP
+has NNS I-NP
+suspended VBD B-VP
+interest IN B-PP
+payments NNS B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+large JJ I-NP
+portion NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+its NNS B-NP
+foreign IN B-PP
+debt NN B-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+traded VBN B-VP
+around IN B-PP
+12 CD B-NP
+, , O
+down IN B-PP
+1/8 NN B-NP
+, , O
+this IN B-PP
+afternoon NN B-NP
+, , O
+after IN B-PP
+falling VBG B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+11-1/2 CD B-NP
+earlier NN I-NP
+this IN B-PP
+week NN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+news NN I-NP
+. . O
+Banking NNP B-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+with IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+immediate JJ I-NP
+threat NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+First JJ I-NP
+Interstate NNP I-NP
+Bancorp NNP I-NP
+takeover IN B-PP
+bid NN B-NP
+gone NN I-NP
+, , O
+BankAmerica NNP B-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+under IN B-PP
+no NN B-NP
+pressure NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+sell JJ B-NP
+the DT I-NP
+securities NN I-NP
+into IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+that IN B-NP
+will MD B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+nervous RB B-ADJP
+on IN B-PP
+bank NN B-NP
+stocks NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+near JJ I-NP
+term NN I-NP
+. . O
+BankAmerica NNP O
+filed VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+offer NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+January NNP B-NP
+26. CD I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+seen JJ B-ADJP
+as IN B-PP
+one NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+major NN I-NP
+factors NNS I-NP
+leading VBG B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+First JJ I-NP
+Interstate NNP I-NP
+withdrawing VBG B-VP
+its NNS B-NP
+takeover IN B-PP
+bid VBN B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+February NNP B-NP
+9. CD I-NP
+BankAmerica NNP I-NP
+spokesman NN I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+approval JJ I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+taking IN B-PP
+longer JJ B-NP
+than NN I-NP
+expected VBN I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+market JJ I-NP
+conditions NN I-NP
+must JJ I-NP
+now RB B-ADVP
+be VB B-VP
+re-evaluated VBN I-VP
+. . O
+" IN B-PP
+The DT B-NP
+circumstances NNS I-NP
+at IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+time NN I-NP
+will MD B-VP
+determine NN I-VP
+what IN B-NP
+we JJ B-NP
+do NN I-NP
+, , O
+" IN B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+Arthur RB B-ADJP
+Miller JJ I-ADJP
+, , O
+BankAmerica's NNP B-NP
+Vice JJ I-NP
+President NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+Financial JJ B-NP
+Communications NNP I-NP
+, , O
+when JJ B-NP
+asked VBD B-VP
+if NNP B-NP
+BankAmerica NNP I-NP
+would VBD B-VP
+proceed NN B-NP
+with IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+offer NN I-NP
+immediately NN I-NP
+after IN B-PP
+it PRP B-NP
+receives NNS B-VP
+approval JJ I-NP
+. . O
+" IN B-PP
+put NN B-VP
+it PRP B-NP
+off NNP B-NP
+as IN B-PP
+long NN B-NP
+as IN B-PP
+they NN B-NP
+conceivably NN I-NP
+could VBN B-VP
+, , O
+said VBD B-VP
+Lawrence CD B-NP
+Cohn NNP I-NP
+, , I-NP
+analyst JJ I-NP
+with IN B-PP
+Merrill default B-NP
+Lynch NNP I-NP
+, , I-NP
+Pierce NNP I-NP
+, , I-NP
+Fenner NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Smith NNP I-NP
+. . O
+Cohn NNP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+longer NN I-NP
+BankAmerica NNP I-NP
+waits NNS I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+longer JJR I-NP
+they NN I-NP
+have VBP B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+show WRB I-VP
+the DT B-NP
+market NN I-NP
+an DT B-NP
+improved VBD B-VP
+financial JJ B-NP
+outlook NN I-NP
+. . O
+Although RB O
+BankAmerica NNP B-NP
+has NNS I-NP
+yet VBD B-VP
+to TO I-VP
+specify VB I-VP
+the DT B-NP
+types NNS I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+equities NNS B-NP
+it PRP B-NP
+would VBD B-VP
+offer IN B-ADVP
+, , O
+most JJ B-NP
+analysts NN I-NP
+believed VBN B-VP
+a DT B-NP
+convertible NN I-NP
+preferred VBN I-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+would VBD B-VP
+encompass VBN I-VP
+at IN B-PP
+least JJ B-NP
+part NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+it PRP B-NP
+. . O
+Such NNP O
+an DT B-NP
+offering VBG I-NP
+at IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+depressed JJ I-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+price NN I-NP
+would VBN B-VP
+mean VBN I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+lower JJ I-NP
+conversion NN I-NP
+price NN I-NP
+and CC O
+more RB B-VP
+dilution VBN I-VP
+to TO B-PP
+BankAmerica NNP B-NP
+stock NN I-NP
+holders NNS I-NP
+, , O
+noted JJ B-NP
+Daniel . I-NP
+Williams NNS I-NP
+, , O
+analyst JJ B-ADJP
+with IN B-PP
+Sutro NNP B-NP
+Group default I-NP
+. . O
+Several JJ B-NP
+analysts NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+that IN B-SBAR
+while NN B-NP
+they NN I-NP
+believe VB B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+Brazilian JJ I-NP
+debt NN I-NP
+problem NN I-NP
+will RB B-VP
+continue VBD I-VP
+to TO I-VP
+hang NNS B-NP
+over IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+banking VBG I-NP
+industry NN I-NP
+through IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+quarter NN I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+initial JJ I-NP
+shock NN I-NP
+reaction NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+likely RB B-ADVP
+to TO B-PP
+ease NNS B-NP
+over IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+coming VBG I-NP
+weeks NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Nevertheless NNP B-NP
+, , O
+BankAmerica, NNP B-NP
+which IN B-PP
+holds NN B-NP
+about IN B-PP
+2.70 CD B-NP
+billion NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+Brazilian JJ B-NP
+loans NNS I-NP
+, , O
+stands NNS B-NP
+to TO B-PP
+lose JJ B-NP
+15-20 CD I-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+if IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+interest NN I-NP
+rate NN I-NP
+is VBZ B-VP
+reduced VBN I-VP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+debt NN I-NP
+, , O
+and CC O
+as IN B-PP
+much NN B-NP
+as IN B-PP
+200 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+if NNP I-NP
+Brazil NNP I-NP
+pays NNS B-VP
+no RB B-NP
+interest NN I-NP
+for IN B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+year NN I-NP
+, , O
+said VBD B-VP
+Joseph NNP B-NP
+Arsenio RB I-NP
+, , O
+analyst JJ B-ADJP
+with IN B-PP
+Birr NNP B-NP
+, , I-NP
+Wilson NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+. . O
+noted VBN B-VP
+, , O
+however IN B-ADVP
+, , O
+that IN B-SBAR
+any NN B-NP
+potential JJ I-NP
+losses NNS I-NP
+would VBD B-VP
+not RB B-NP
+show JJ I-NP
+up NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+current NN I-NP
+quarter IN B-PP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+Federal JJ I-NP
+Deposit NN I-NP
+Insurance IN B-PP
+Corp NNP B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+three NN B-NP
+troubled VBD I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+Texas NNP B-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Louisiana NNP I-NP
+were VBD B-VP
+merged VBN I-VP
+with IN B-PP
+healthy NN B-NP
+financial JJ I-NP
+institutions NNS I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+it PRP B-NP
+subsidized VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+merger NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Central JJ B-NP
+Bank NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Trust JJ I-NP
+, , I-NP
+Glenmora NNP I-NP
+, , I-NP
+, , I-NP
+with IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+healthy NN I-NP
+Peoples NNS I-NP
+Bank NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Trust JJ I-NP
+, , O
+Natchitoches NNS B-NP
+, , O
+, , O
+after IN B-PP
+state NN B-NP
+regulators VBN B-VP
+notified VBN I-VP
+it PRP B-NP
+that IN B-PP
+Central JJ B-NP
+was NNS I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+danger NN B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+failing VBG B-NP
+. . O
+Central JJ O
+had VBD B-VP
+assets NNS B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+28.3 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+deposits NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+failed NN I-NP
+Farmers NNS I-NP
+State VBD B-VP
+Bank NNP B-NP
+, , O
+Hart NNP B-NP
+, , O
+. . O
+, , O
+were VBD B-VP
+assumed VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+Hale NNP B-NP
+County NNP I-NP
+State NNP I-NP
+Bank NNP I-NP
+, , O
+Plainview NNP B-NP
+, , O
+. . O
+Farmers NNS B-NP
+, , O
+with IN B-PP
+9.6 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+in IN B-PP
+assets NN B-NP
+, , O
+was VBD B-VP
+closed VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+Texas NNP B-NP
+bank NN I-NP
+regulators NNS I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+deposits NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+failed NN I-NP
+First IN B-PP
+National JJ B-NP
+Bank NNP I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+Crosby NNP B-NP
+, , O
+Crosby NNP B-NP
+, , O
+. . O
+, , O
+with IN B-PP
+total JJ B-NP
+assets NNS I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+8.2 CD B-NP
+mln NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+, , O
+were VBD B-VP
+assumed VBN I-VP
+by IN B-PP
+Central JJ B-NP
+Bancshares NNS I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+South NNP I-NP
+, , O
+Birmingham NNP B-NP
+, , O
+Ala. NNP B-NP
+, , O
+after IN B-PP
+First JJ B-NP
+National JJ I-NP
+was VBD I-NP
+closed VBN B-VP
+by IN B-PP
+federal JJ B-NP
+bank NN I-NP
+regulators NNS I-NP
+, , O
+the DT B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+Brazil's JJ O
+14-bank NN B-NP
+advisory NN I-NP
+committee NNP-named I-NP
+expressed VBN B-VP
+" IN B-PP
+grave JJ B-NP
+concern NN I-NP
+" NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+chief NNP B-NP
+debt VBD B-VP
+negotiator NN B-NP
+Antonio RB B-ADVP
+Padua NNP-5 B-NP
+de VBD B-VP
+Seixas NNS B-NP
+over IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+country's NN I-NP
+suspension NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+interest JJ B-NP
+payments NNS I-NP
+, , O
+according IN B-PP
+to TO B-PP
+a DT B-NP
+telex NN I-NP
+from IN B-PP
+committee NN B-NP
+chairman NN I-NP
+Citibank NNP I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+creditor NN B-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+worldwide VBD B-VP
+. . B-NP
+Bankers NNS I-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+diplomatic NN I-NP
+phrase NN I-NP
+belied VBN B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+deep NN I-NP
+anger IN B-PP
+and CC O
+frustration VBN B-VP
+on IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+committee NN I-NP
+over IN B-PP
+Brazil's NNP B-NP
+unilateral JJ I-NP
+move NN I-NP
+last JJ B-NP
+Friday NNP I-NP
+and CC O
+its NNS B-NP
+subsequent JJ I-NP
+freeze NNS I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+some DT B-NP
+15 CD I-NP
+billion NN I-NP
+dlrs NN I-NP
+of IN B-PP
+short-term NN B-NP
+trade NN I-NP
+and CC O
+interbank RB B-NP
+lines NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Seixas NNS B-NP
+, , O
+director NNS B-NP
+of IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+Brazilian JJ I-NP
+central NN I-NP
+bank's NNS I-NP
+foreign IN B-PP
+debt NN B-NP
+department NN I-NP
+, , O
+met IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+full JJ I-NP
+panel NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+Tuesday NNP B-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Wednesday NNP B-NP
+. . O
+Seixas NNS B-NP
+, , O
+who NNS B-NP
+met NN I-NP
+again IN B-PP
+this DT B-NP
+morning VBG I-NP
+with IN B-PP
+senior NNP B-NP
+Citibank NNP I-NP
+executive JJ I-NP
+William . I-NP
+Rhodes NNS I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+representatives NNS I-NP
+from IN B-PP
+committee NN B-NP
+vice-chairmen VBN I-NP
+Morgan NNP I-NP
+Guaranty NNP I-NP
+Trust JJ I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+Lloyds NNP I-NP
+Bank NNP I-NP
+, , O
+told JJ B-NP
+the DT I-NP
+banks NNS I-NP
+that IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+government NN I-NP
+was VBD B-VP
+preparing VBG I-VP
+a DT B-NP
+telex NN I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+explain NNS B-NP
+and CC O
+clarify VB B-VP
+the DT B-NP
+freeze NN I-NP
+on IN B-PP
+short-term JJ B-NP
+credits NN I-NP
+. . O
+The DT B-NP
+telex NN I-NP
+could VBN B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+sent NN B-NP
+to TO B-PP
+creditors NN B-NP
+as IN B-PP
+early NN B-NP
+as IN B-PP
+today NN B-NP
+, , O
+bankers NNS B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+. . O
+Despite JJ O
+the DT B-NP
+rising VBG I-NP
+tempers NNS I-NP
+, , O
+bankers NNS B-NP
+said VBD B-VP
+there EX B-NP
+are VBP B-VP
+no RB I-VP
+plans VBN I-VP
+for IN B-PP
+Brazilian NNP B-NP
+finance NN I-NP
+minister NN I-NP
+Dilson NNP I-NP
+Funaro NNP I-NP
+to TO B-PP
+meet JJ B-NP
+commercial NN I-NP
+bankers NNS I-NP
+during IN B-PP
+his NNS B-NP
+trip VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+Washington NNP B-NP
+on IN B-PP
+Friday NNP B-NP
+and CC O
+Saturday NNP B-NP
+. . I-NP
+Funaro NNP I-NP
+will MD B-VP
+be VB I-VP
+explaining VBG I-VP
+Brazil's NNS B-NP
+actions VBD B-VP
+to TO B-PP
+Treasury NNP I-NP
+Secretary NNP I-NP
+James NNP I-NP
+Baker NNP I-NP
+, , O
+Federal JJ B-NP
+Reserve . I-NP
+Board NNP I-NP
+chairman NN I-NP
+Paul default I-NP
+Volcker NNP I-NP
+and CC I-NP
+International JJ I-NP
+Monetary NNP I-NP
+Fund NNP I-NP
+managing VBG B-VP
+director IN B-PP
+Michel default B-NP
+Camdessus NNP I-NP
+before NN I-NP
+travelling IN B-NP
+to TO B-VP
+Europe VB I-VP
+at IN B-PP
+the DT B-NP
+weekend JJ I-NP
+. . O
+Sentence NN B-NP
+number NN I-NP
+1 CD I-NP
+has VBZ B-VP
+6 CD I-NP
+words NNS I-NP
+. . O
+Sentence NN B-NP
+number NN I-NP
+2 CD I-NP
+, , O
+5 CD B-NP
+words NNS I-NP
+. . O
diff --git a/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/lemmas.txt b/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/lemmas.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..be02176
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/lemmas.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,875 @@
+Showers	NNS	shower
+continued	VBD	continue
+throughout	IN	throughout
+the	DT	the
+week	NN	week
+in	IN	in
+the	DT	the
+Bahia	NNP	bahia
+cocoa	NN	cocoa
+zone	NN	zone
+,	,	,
+alleviating	VBG	alleviate
+the	DT	the
+drought	NN	drought
+since	IN	since
+early	JJ	early
+January	NNP	january
+and	CC	and
+improving	VBG	improve
+prospects	NNS	prospect
+for	IN	for
+the	DT	the
+coming	VBG	come
+temporao	NN	temporao
+,	,	,
+although	IN	although
+normal	JJ	normal
+humidity	NN	humidity
+levels	NNS	level
+have	VBP	have
+not	RB	not
+been	VBN	be
+restored	VBN	restore
+,	,	,
+Comissaria	NNP	comissaria
+Smith	NNP	smith
+said	VBD	say
+in	IN	in
+its	PRP$	its
+weekly	JJ	weekly
+review	NN	review
+.	.	.
+The	DT	the
+dry	JJ	dry
+period	NN	period
+means	VBZ	mean
+the	DT	the
+temporao	NN	temporao
+will	MD	will
+be	VB	be
+late	RB	late
+this	DT	this
+year	NN	year
+.	.	.
+Arrivals	NNS	arrival
+for	IN	for
+the	DT	the
+week	NN	week
+ended	VBN	end
+February	NNP	february
+22	CD	22
+were	VBD	be
+155	CD	155
+bags	NNS	bag
+of	IN	of
+60	CD	60
+kilos	NN	kilo
+making	VBG	make
+a	DT	a
+cumulative	JJ	cumulative
+total	NN	total
+for	IN	for
+the	DT	the
+season	NN	season
+of	IN	of
+5	CD	5
+mln	NN	mln
+against	IN	against
+5	CD	5
+at	IN	at
+the	DT	the
+same	JJ	same
+stage	NN	stage
+last	JJ	last
+year	NN	year
+.	.	.
+Again	RB	again
+it	PRP	it
+seems	VBZ	seem
+that	IN	that
+cocoa	NN	cocoa
+delivered	VBN	deliver
+earlier	RBR	early
+on	IN	on
+consignment	NN	consignment
+was	VBD	be
+included	VBN	include
+in	IN	in
+the	DT	the
+arrivals	NNS	arrival
+figures	NNS	figure
+.	.	.
+Comissaria	NNP	comissaria
+Smith	NNP	smith
+said	VBD	say
+there	EX	there
+is	VBZ	be
+still	RB	still
+some	DT	some
+doubt	NN	doubt
+as	IN	as
+to	TO	to
+how	WRB	how
+much	JJ	much
+old	JJ	old
+crop	NN	crop
+cocoa	NN	cocoa
+is	VBZ	be
+still	RB	still
+available	JJ	available
+as	IN	as
+harvesting	NN	harvesting
+has	VBZ	has
+practically	RB	practically
+come	VBN	come
+to	TO	to
+an	DT	an
+end	NN	end
+.	.	.
+With	IN	with
+total	JJ	total
+Bahia	NNP	bahia
+crop	NN	crop
+estimates	NNS	estimate
+around	IN	around
+6	CD	6
+mln	NN	mln
+bags	NNS	bag
+and	CC	and
+sales	NNS	sale
+standing	VBG	stand
+at	IN	at
+almost	RB	almost
+6	CD	6
+mln	NN	mln
+there	EX	there
+are	VBP	are
+a	DT	a
+few	JJ	few
+hundred	CD	hundred
+thousand	CD	thousand
+bags	NNS	bag
+still	RB	still
+in	IN	in
+the	DT	the
+hands	NNS	hand
+of	IN	of
+farmers	NNS	farmer
+,	,	,
+middlemen	NNS	middleman
+,	,	,
+exporters	NNS	exporter
+and	CC	and
+processors	NNS	processor
+.	.	.
+There	EX	there
+are	VBP	are
+doubts	NNS	doubt
+as	IN	as
+to	TO	to
+how	WRB	how
+much	RB	much
+of	IN	of
+this	DT	this
+cocoa	NN	cocoa
+would	MD	would
+be	VB	be
+fit	NN	fit
+for	IN	for
+export	NN	export
+as	IN	as
+shippers	NNS	shipper
+are	VBP	are
+now	RB	now
+experiencing	VBG	experience
+dificulties	NNS	dificulty
+in	IN	in
+obtaining	VBG	obtain
++	+	+
+Bahia	NNP	bahia
+superior	JJ	superior
++	+	+
+certificates	NNS	certificate
+.	.	.
+In	IN	in
+view	NN	view
+of	IN	of
+the	DT	the
+lower	JJR	low
+quality	NN	quality
+over	IN	over
+recent	JJ	recent
+weeks	NNS	week
+farmers	NNS	farmer
+have	VBP	have
+sold	VBN	sold
+a	DT	a
+good	JJ	good
+part	NN	part
+of	IN	of
+their	PRP$	their
+cocoa	NN	cocoa
+held	VBN	held
+on	IN	on
+consignment	NN	consignment
+.	.	.
+Comissaria	NNP	comissaria
+Smith	NNP	smith
+said	VBD	say
+spot	NN	spot
+bean	NN	bean
+prices	NNS	price
+rose	VBD	rise
+to	TO	to
+340	CD	340
+to	TO	to
+350	CD	350
+cruzados	NN	cruzado
+per	IN	per
+arroba	NN	arroba
+of	IN	of
+15	CD	15
+kilos	NN	kilo
+.	.	.
+Bean	NNP	bean
+shippers	NNS	shipper
+were	VBD	be
+reluctant	JJ	reluctant
+to	TO	to
+offer	VB	offer
+nearby	JJ	nearby
+shipment	NN	shipment
+and	CC	and
+only	RB	only
+limited	JJ	limited
+sales	NNS	sale
+were	VBD	be
+booked	VBN	book
+for	IN	for
+March	NNP	march
+shipment	NN	shipment
+at	IN	at
+1	CD	1
+to	TO	to
+1	CD	1
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+per	IN	per
+tonne	NN	tonne
+to	TO	to
+ports	NNS	port
+to	TO	to
+be	VB	be
+named	VBN	name
+.	.	.
+New	JJ	new
+crop	NN	crop
+sales	NNS	sale
+were	VBD	be
+also	RB	also
+light	JJ	light
+and	CC	and
+all	DT	all
+to	TO	to
+open	JJ	open
+ports	NNS	port
+with	IN	with
+June	NNP	june
+/	/	/
+July	NNP	july
+going	VBG	go
+at	IN	at
+1	CD	1
+and	CC	and
+1	CD	1
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+and	CC	and
+at	IN	at
+35	CD	35
+and	CC	and
+45	CD	45
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+under	IN	under
+New	NNP	New
+York	NNP	York
+july	NN	july
+,	,	,
+Aug	NNP	Aug
+/	/	/
+Sept	NNP	Sept
+at	IN	at
+1	CD	1
+,	,	,
+1	CD	1
+and	CC	and
+1	CD	1
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+per	IN	per
+tonne	NN	tonne
+.	.	.
+Routine	JJ	routine
+sales	NNS	sale
+of	IN	of
+butter	NN	butter
+were	VBD	be
+made	VBN	make
+.	.	.
+March	NNP	march
+/	/	/
+April	NNP	april
+sold	VBD	sell
+at	IN	at
+4	CD	4
+,	,	,
+4	CD	4
+and	CC	and
+4	CD	4
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+.	.	.
+April	NNP	april
+/	/	/
+May	NNP	may
+butter	NN	butter
+went	VBD	went
+at	IN	at
+2	CD	2
+times	NNS	time
+New	NNP	new
+York	NNP	york
+May	NNP	may
+,	,	,
+June	NNP	june
+/	/	/
+July	NNP	july
+at	IN	at
+4	CD	4
+and	CC	and
+4	CD	4
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+,	,	,
+Aug	NNP	aug
+/	/	/
+Sept	NNP	sept
+at	IN	at
+4	CD	4
+to	TO	to
+4	CD	4
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+and	CC	and
+at	IN	at
+2	CD	2
+and	CC	and
+2	CD	2
+times	NNS	time
+New	NNP	new
+York	NNP	york
+Sept	NNP	sept
+and	CC	and
+Oct	NNP	oct
+/	/	/
+Dec	NNP	dec
+at	IN	at
+4	CD	4
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+and	CC	and
+2	CD	2
+times	NNS	time
+New	NNP	new
+York	NNP	york
+Dec	NNP	dec
+,	,	,
+Comissaria	NNP	comissaria
+Smith	NNP	smith
+said	VBD	say
+.	.	.
+Destinations	NNS	destination
+were	VBD	be
+the	DT	the
+U.S.	NNP	u.s.
+,	,	,
+Covertible	JJ	covertible
+currency	NN	currency
+areas	NNS	area
+,	,	,
+Uruguay	NNP	uruguay
+and	CC	and
+open	JJ	open
+ports	NNS	port
+.	.	.
+Cake	NNP	cake
+sales	NNS	sale
+were	VBD	be
+registered	VBN	register
+at	IN	at
+785	CD	785
+to	TO	to
+995	CD	995
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+for	IN	for
+March	NNP	march
+/	/	/
+April	NNP	april
+,	,	,
+785	CD	785
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+for	IN	for
+May	NNP	may
+,	,	,
+753	CD	753
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+for	IN	for
+Aug	NNP	aug
+and	CC	and
+0	CD	0
+times	NNS	time
+New	NNP	new
+York	NNP	york
+Dec	NNP	dec
+for	IN	for
+Oct	NNP	oct
+/	/	/
+Dec	NNP	dec
+.	.	.
+Buyers	NNS	buyer
+were	VBD	be
+the	DT	the
+U.S.	NNP	u.s.
+,	,	,
+Argentina	NNP	argentina
+,	,	,
+Uruguay	NNP	uruguay
+and	CC	and
+convertible	JJ	convertible
+currency	NN	currency
+areas	NNS	area
+.	.	.
+Liquor	NNP	liquor
+sales	NNS	sale
+were	VBD	be
+limited	VBN	limit
+with	IN	with
+March	NNP	march
+/	/	/
+April	NNP	april
+selling	VBG	sell
+at	IN	at
+2	CD	2
+and	CC	and
+2	CD	2
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+,	,	,
+June	NNP	june
+/	/	/
+July	NNP	july
+at	IN	at
+2	CD	2
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+and	CC	and
+at	IN	at
+1	CD	1
+times	NNS	time
+New	NNP	new
+York	NNP	york
+July	NNP	july
+,	,	,
+Aug	NNP	aug
+/	/	/
+Sept	NNP	sept
+at	IN	at
+2	CD	2
+dlrs	NNS	dlr
+and	CC	and
+at	IN	at
+1	CD	1
+times	NNS	time
+New	NNP	new
+York	NNP	york
+Sept	NNP	sept
+and	CC	and
+Oct	NNP	oct
+/	/	/
+Dec	NNP	dec
+at	IN	at
+1	CD	1
+times	NNS	time
+New	NNP	new
+York	NNP	york
+Dec	NNP	dec
+,	,	,
+Comissaria	NNP	comissaria
+Smith	NNP	smith
+said	VBD	say
+.	.	.
+Total	JJ	total
+Bahia	NN	bahia
+sales	NNS	sale
+are	VBP	be
+currently	RB	currently
+estimated	VBN	estimate
+at	IN	at
+6	CD	6
+mln	NN	mln
+bags	NNS	bag
+against	IN	against
+the	DT	the
+1986/87	CD	1986/87
+crop	NN	crop
+and	CC	and
+1	CD	1
+mln	NN	mln
+bags	NNS	baga
+against	IN	against
+the	DT	the
+1987/88	CD	1987/88
+crop	NN	crop
+.	.	.
+Final	JJ	final
+figures	NNS	figure
+for	IN	for
+the	DT	the
+period	NN	period
+to	TO	to
+February	NNP	february
+28	CD	28
+are	VBP	be
+expected	VBN	expect
+to	TO	to
+be	VB	be
+published	VBN	publish
+by	IN	by
+the	DT	the
+Brazilian	JJ	brazilian
+Cocoa	NNP	cocoa
+Trade	NNP	trade
+Commission	NNP	commission
+after	IN	after
+carnival	NN	carnival
+which	WDT	which
+ends	VBZ	end
+midday	NN	midday
+on	IN	on
+February	NNP	february
+27	CD	27
+.	.	.
+Iran	NNP	iran
+announced	VBD	announce
+tonight	NN	tonight
+that	IN	that
+its	PRP$	its
+major	JJ	major
+offensive	NN	offensive
+against	IN	against
+Iraq	NNP	iraq
+in	IN	in
+the	DT	the
+Gulf	NNP	gulf
+war	NN	war
+had	VBD	have
+ended	VBN	end
+after	IN	after
+dealing	VBG	deal
+savage	JJ	savage
+blows	NNS	blow
+against	IN	against
+the	DT	the
+Baghdad	NNP	baghdad
+government	NN	government
+.	.	.
+The	DT	the
+Iranian	JJ	iranian
+news	NN	news
+agency	NN	agency
+IRNA	NNP	irna
+,	,	,
+in	IN	in
+a	DT	a
+report	NN	report
+received	VBN	receive
+in	IN	in
+London	NNP	London
+,	,	,
+said	VBD	say
+the	DT	the
+operation	NN	operation
+code	NNP-named	code
+Karbala-5	NNP	karbala-5
+launched	VBD	launch
+into	IN	into
+Iraq	NNP	iraq
+on	IN	on
+January	NNP	january
+9	CD	9
+was	VBD	be
+now	RB	now
+over	RP	over
+.	.	.
+It	PRP	it
+quoted	VBD	quote
+a	DT	a
+joint	NN	joint
+statewment	NN	statement
+by	IN	by
+the	DT	the
+Iranian	JJ	iranian
+Army	NNP	army
+and	CC	and
+Revolutionary	NNP	revolutionary
+Guards	NNPS	guards
+Corps	NNP	corps
+as	IN	as
+saying	VBG	say
+that	IN	that
+their	PRP$	their
+forces	NNS	force
+had	VBD	have
+dealt	VBD	deal
+one	CD	one
+of	IN	of
+the	DT	the
+severest	JJS	severe
+blows	NNS	blow
+on	IN	on
+the	DT	the
+Iraqi	JJ	iraqi
+war	NN	war
+machine	NN	machine
+in	IN	in
+the	DT	the
+history	NN	history
+of	IN	of
+the	DT	the
+Iraq-imposed	JJ	iraq-imposed
+war	NN	war
+.	.	.
+The	DT	the
+statement	NN	statement
+by	IN	by
+the	DT	the
+Iranian	JJ	iranian
+High	NNP	high
+Command	NNP	command
+appeared	VBD	appear
+to	TO	to
+herald	VB	herald
+the	DT	the
+close	NN	close
+of	IN	of
+an	DT	an
+assault	NN	assault
+on	IN	on
+the	DT	the
+port	JJ	port
+city	NN	city
+of	IN	of
+Basra	NNP	basra
+in	IN	in
+southern	JJ	southern
+Iraq	NNP	iraq
+.	.	.
+The	DT	the
+operation	NN	operation
+was	VBD	be
+launched	VBN	launch
+at	IN	at
+a	DT	a
+time	NN	time
+when	WRB	when
+the	DT	the
+Baghdad	NNP	baghdad
+government	NN	government
+was	VBD	be
+spreading	VBG	spread
+extensive	JJ	extensive
+propaganda	NN	propaganda
+on	IN	on
+the	DT	the
+resistance	NN	resistance
+power	NN	power
+of	IN	of
+its	PRP$	its
+army	NN	army
+:	...	:
+,	,	,
+said	VBD	say
+the	DT	the
+statement	NN	statement
+quoted	VBN	quot
+by	IN	by
+IRNA	NNP	irna
+.	.	.
+It	PRP	it
+claimed	VBD	claim
+massive	JJ	massive
+victories	NNS	victory
+in	IN	in
+the	DT	the
+seven-week	NN	seven-week
+offensive	JJ	offensive
+and	CC	and
+called	VBN	call
+on	IN	on
+supporters	NNS	supporter
+of	IN	of
+Baghdad	NNP	baghdad
+to	TO	to
+come	VB	come
+to	TO	to
+their	PRP$	their
+senses	NNS	sense
+and	CC	and
+discontinue	VB	discontinue
+support	NN	support
+for	IN	for
+what	WP	what
+it	PRP	it
+called	VBD	called
+the	DT	the
+tottering	VBG	totter
+regime	NN	regime
+in	IN	in
+Iraq	NNP	iraq
+.	.	.
+Iran	NNP	iran
+said	VBD	say
+its	PRP$	its
+forces	NNS	force
+had	VBD	have
+liberated	JJ	liberate
+155	CD	155
+square	JJ	square
+kilometers	NNS	kilometer
+of	IN	of
+enemy-occupied	JJ	enemy-occupied
+territory	NN	territory
+during	IN	during
+the	DT	the
+1987	CD	1987
+offensive	NN	offensive
+and	CC	and
+taken	VBN	take
+over	IN	over
+islands	NNS	island
+,	,	,
+townships	NNS	township
+,	,	,
+rivers	NNS	river
+and	CC	and
+part	NN	part
+of	IN	of
+a	DT	a
+road	NN	road
+leading	VBG	lead
+into	IN	into
+Basra	NNP	basra
+.	.	.
+The	DT	the
+Iranian	JJ	iranian
+forces	NNS	force
+are	VBP	be
+in	IN	in
+full	JJ	full
+control	NN	control
+of	IN	of
+these	DT	these
+areas	NNS	area
+,	,	,
+the	DT	the
+statement	NN	statement
+said	VBD	say
+.	.	.
+It	PRP	it
+said	VBD	say
+81	CD	81
+Iraqi	JJ	iraqi
+brigades	NNS	brigade
+and	CC	and
+battalions	NNS	battalion
+were	VBD	be
+totally	RB	totally
+destroyed	VBN	destroy
+,	,	,
+along	IN	along
+with	IN	with
+700	CD	700
+tanks	NNS	tank
+and	CC	and
+1	CD	1
+other	JJ	other
+vehicles	NNS	vehicle
+.	.	.
+The	DT	the
+victory	NN	victory
+list	NN	list
+also	RB	also
+included	VBD	include
+80	CD	80
+warplanes	NNS	warplane
+downed	VBD	down
+,	,	,
+250	CD	250
+anti	NN	anti
+:	-	:
+aircraft	NN	aircraft
+guns	NNS	gun
+and	CC	and
+400	CD	400
+pieces	NNS	piece
+of	IN	of
+military	JJ	military
+hardware	NN	hardware
+destroyed	VBN	destroy
+and	CC	and
+the	DT	the
+seizure	NN	seizure
+of	IN	of
+220	CD	220
+tanks	NNS	tank
+and	CC	and
+armoured	JJ	armoured
+personnel	NNS	personnel
+carriers	NNS	carrier
+.	.	.
+They	NNP	they
+sent	VBD	send
+him	PRP	he
+running	VBG	run
+in	IN	in
+the	DT	the
+evening	NN	evening
+.	.	.
+He	PRP	he
+did	VBD	do
+not	RB	not
+come	VB	come
+back	RB	back
+.	.	.
diff --git a/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/ner_TrainerParams.txt b/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/ner_TrainerParams.txt
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e01ad50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lucene/analysis/opennlp/src/tools/test-model-data/ner_TrainerParams.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# maxent won't work on small training set. Use perceptron, train on one word.