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[10/17] yetus git commit: YETUS-15. build environment
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..84a807b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+add_test_type findbugs
+function findbugs_usage
+  yetus_add_option "--findbugs-home=<path>" "Findbugs home directory (default \${FINDBUGS_HOME})"
+  yetus_add_option "--findbugs-strict-precheck" "If there are Findbugs warnings during precheck, fail"
+  yetus_add_option "--findbugs-skip-maven-source-check" "If the buildtool is maven, then skip the source check and run Findbugs for every module"
+function findbugs_parse_args
+  local i
+  for i in "$@"; do
+    case ${i} in
+    --findbugs-home=*)
+      FINDBUGS_HOME=${i#*=}
+    ;;
+    --findbugs-strict-precheck)
+    ;;
+    --findbugs-skip-maven-source-check)
+    ;;
+    esac
+  done
+## @description  initialize the findbugs plug-in
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function findbugs_initialize
+  if declare -f maven_add_install >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    maven_add_install findbugs
+  fi
+function findbugs_filefilter
+  local filename=$1
+  if [[ ${BUILDTOOL} == maven
+    || ${BUILDTOOL} == ant ]]; then
+    if [[ ${filename} =~ \.java$
+      || ${filename} =~ (^|/)findbugs-exclude.xml$ ]]; then
+      add_test findbugs
+    fi
+  fi
+function findbugs_precheck
+  declare exec
+  declare status=0
+  if [[ -z ${FINDBUGS_HOME} ]]; then
+    yetus_error "FINDBUGS_HOME was not specified."
+    status=1
+  else
+    for exec in findbugs \
+                computeBugHistory \
+                convertXmlToText \
+                filterBugs \
+                setBugDatabaseInfo; do
+      if ! verify_command "${exec}" "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/${exec}"; then
+        status=1
+      fi
+    done
+  fi
+  if [[ ${status} == 1 ]]; then
+    add_vote_table 0 findbugs "Findbugs executables are not available."
+    delete_test findbugs
+  fi
+## @description  Dequeue maven modules that lack java sources
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function findbugs_maven_skipper
+  declare -i i=0
+  declare skiplist=()
+  declare modname
+  start_clock
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2153
+  until [[ ${i} -eq ${#MODULE[@]} ]]; do
+    # If there are no java source code in the module,
+    # skip parsing output xml file.
+    if [[ ! -d "${MODULE[${i}]}/src/main/java" ]]; then
+       skiplist=("${skiplist[@]}" "${MODULE[$i]}")
+    fi
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  i=0
+  for modname in "${skiplist[@]}"; do
+    dequeue_personality_module "${modname}"
+  done
+  if [[ -n "${modname}" ]]; then
+    if [[ "${BUILDMODE}" = patch ]]; then
+      add_vote_table 0 findbugs "Skipped patched modules with no Java source: ${skiplist[*]}"
+    else
+      add_vote_table 0 findbugs "Skipped ${#skiplist[@]} modules in the source tree with no Java source."
+    fi
+  fi
+## @description  Run the maven findbugs plugin and record found issues in a bug database
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+## @param        repostatus
+function findbugs_runner
+  local name=$1
+  local module
+  local result=0
+  local fn
+  local warnings_file
+  local i=0
+  local savestop
+  personality_modules "${name}" findbugs
+  # strip out any modules that aren't actually java modules
+  # this can save a lot of time during testing
+  if [[ "${BUILDTOOL}" = maven && ${FINDBUGS_SKIP_MAVEN_SOURCE_CHECK} == false ]]; then
+    findbugs_maven_skipper
+  fi
+  "${BUILDTOOL}_modules_worker" "${name}" findbugs
+  if [[ ${UNSUPPORTED_TEST} = true ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2153
+  until [[ ${i} -eq ${#MODULE[@]} ]]; do
+    if [[ ${MODULE_STATUS[${i}]} == -1 ]]; then
+      ((result=result+1))
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    start_clock
+    offset_clock "${MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]}"
+    module="${MODULE[${i}]}"
+    fn=$(module_file_fragment "${module}")
+    case ${BUILDTOOL} in
+      maven)
+        file="${module}/target/findbugsXml.xml"
+      ;;
+      ant)
+        file="${ANT_FINDBUGSXML}"
+      ;;
+    esac
+    if [[ ! -f ${file} ]]; then
+      module_status ${i} -1 "" "${name}/${module} no findbugs output file (${file})"
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    warnings_file="${PATCH_DIR}/${name}-findbugs-${fn}-warnings"
+    cp -p "${file}" "${warnings_file}.xml"
+    if [[ ${name} == branch ]]; then
+      "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo" -name "${PATCH_BRANCH}" \
+          "${warnings_file}.xml" "${warnings_file}.xml"
+    else
+      "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/setBugDatabaseInfo" -name patch \
+          "${warnings_file}.xml" "${warnings_file}.xml"
+    fi
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+      savestop=$(stop_clock)
+      MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]=${savestop}
+      module_status ${i} -1 "" "${name}/${module} cannot run setBugDatabaseInfo from findbugs"
+      ((result=result+1))
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/convertXmlToText" -html \
+      "${warnings_file}.xml" \
+      "${warnings_file}.html"
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+      savestop=$(stop_clock)
+      MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]=${savestop}
+      module_status ${i} -1 "" "${name}/${module} cannot run convertXmlToText from findbugs"
+      ((result=result+1))
+    fi
+    if [[ -z ${FINDBUGS_VERSION}
+        && ${name} == branch ]]; then
+      FINDBUGS_VERSION=$(${GREP} -i "BugCollection version=" "${warnings_file}.xml" \
+        | cut -f2 -d\" \
+        | cut -f1 -d\" )
+      if [[ -n ${FINDBUGS_VERSION} ]]; then
+        add_footer_table findbugs "v${FINDBUGS_VERSION}"
+      fi
+    fi
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  return ${result}
+## @description  Track pre-existing findbugs warnings
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function findbugs_preapply
+  declare fn
+  declare module
+  declare modindex=0
+  declare warnings_file
+  declare module_findbugs_warnings
+  declare result=0
+  declare msg
+  if ! verify_needed_test findbugs; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  big_console_header "findbugs detection: ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+  findbugs_runner branch
+  result=$?
+  if [[ ${UNSUPPORTED_TEST} = true ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  until [[ ${modindex} -eq ${#MODULE[@]} ]]; do
+    if [[ ${MODULE_STATUS[${modindex}]} == -1 ]]; then
+      ((result=result+1))
+      ((modindex=modindex+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    module=${MODULE[${modindex}]}
+    start_clock
+    offset_clock "${MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${modindex}]}"
+    fn=$(module_file_fragment "${module}")
+    warnings_file="${PATCH_DIR}/branch-findbugs-${fn}-warnings"
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+    module_findbugs_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -first \
+        "${PATCH_BRANCH}" \
+        "${warnings_file}.xml" \
+        "${warnings_file}.xml" \
+        | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+    if [[ ${module_findbugs_warnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+      msg="${module} in ${PATCH_BRANCH} has ${module_findbugs_warnings} extant Findbugs warnings."
+      if [[ "${FINDBUGS_WARNINGS_FAIL_PRECHECK}" = "true" ]]; then
+        module_status ${modindex} -1 "branch-findbugs-${fn}-warnings.html" "${msg}"
+        ((result=result+1))
+      elif [[ "${BUILDMODE}" = full ]]; then
+        module_status ${modindex} -1 "branch-findbugs-${fn}-warnings.html" "${msg}"
+        ((result=result+1))
+        populate_test_table FindBugs "module:${module}"
+        #shellcheck disable=SC2162
+        while read line; do
+          firstpart=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f2 -d:)
+          secondpart=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f9- -d' ')
+          add_test_table "" "${firstpart}:${secondpart}"
+        done < <("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/convertXmlToText" "${warnings_file}.xml")
+      else
+        module_status ${modindex} 0 "branch-findbugs-${fn}-warnings.html" "${msg}"
+      fi
+    fi
+    savestop=$(stop_clock)
+    MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${modindex}]=${savestop}
+    ((modindex=modindex+1))
+  done
+  modules_messages branch findbugs true
+  if [[ ${result} != 0 ]]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+## @description  Verify patch does not trigger any findbugs warnings
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function findbugs_postinstall
+  declare module
+  declare fn
+  declare combined_xml
+  declare branchxml
+  declare patchxml
+  declare newbugsbase
+  declare fixedbugsbase
+  declare branch_warnings
+  declare patch_warnings
+  declare fixed_warnings
+  declare line
+  declare firstpart
+  declare secondpart
+  declare i=0
+  declare result=0
+  declare savestop
+  declare summarize=true
+  declare statstring
+  if ! verify_needed_test findbugs; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  big_console_header "findbugs detection: ${BUILDMODE}"
+  findbugs_runner patch
+  if [[ ${UNSUPPORTED_TEST} = true ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#MODULE[@]} ]]; do
+    if [[ ${MODULE_STATUS[${i}]} == -1 ]]; then
+      ((result=result+1))
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    start_clock
+    offset_clock "${MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]}"
+    module="${MODULE[${i}]}"
+    buildtool_cwd "${i}"
+    fn=$(module_file_fragment "${module}")
+    combined_xml="${PATCH_DIR}/combined-findbugs-${fn}.xml"
+    branchxml="${PATCH_DIR}/branch-findbugs-${fn}-warnings.xml"
+    patchxml="${PATCH_DIR}/patch-findbugs-${fn}-warnings.xml"
+    if [[ -f "${branchxml}" ]]; then
+      # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+      branch_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -first \
+          "${PATCH_BRANCH}" \
+          "${branchxml}" \
+          "${branchxml}" \
+          | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+    else
+      branchxml=${patchxml}
+    fi
+    newbugsbase="${PATCH_DIR}/new-findbugs-${fn}"
+    fixedbugsbase="${PATCH_DIR}/fixed-findbugs-${fn}"
+    "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/computeBugHistory" -useAnalysisTimes -withMessages \
+            -output "${combined_xml}" \
+            "${branchxml}" \
+            "${patchxml}"
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+      popd >/dev/null
+      module_status ${i} -1 "" "${module} cannot run computeBugHistory from findbugs"
+      ((result=result+1))
+      savestop=$(stop_clock)
+      MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]=${savestop}
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+    patch_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -first \
+        "patch" \
+        "${patchxml}" \
+        "${patchxml}" \
+        | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+    #shellcheck disable=SC2016
+    add_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -first patch \
+        "${combined_xml}" "${newbugsbase}.xml" | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+      popd >/dev/null
+      module_status ${i} -1 "" "${module} cannot run filterBugs (#1) from findbugs"
+      ((result=result+1))
+      savestop=$(stop_clock)
+      MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]=${savestop}
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    #shellcheck disable=SC2016
+    fixed_warnings=$("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/filterBugs" -fixed patch \
+        "${combined_xml}" "${fixedbugsbase}.xml" | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+      popd >/dev/null
+      module_status ${i} -1 "" "${module} cannot run filterBugs (#2) from findbugs"
+      ((result=result+1))
+      savestop=$(stop_clock)
+      MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]=${savestop}
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    statstring=$(generic_calcdiff_status "${branch_warnings}" "${patch_warnings}" "${add_warnings}")
+    "${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/convertXmlToText" -html "${newbugsbase}.xml" \
+        "${newbugsbase}.html"
+    if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+      popd >/dev/null
+      module_status ${i} -1 "" "${module} cannot run convertXmlToText from findbugs"
+      ((result=result+1))
+      savestop=$(stop_clock)
+      MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]=${savestop}
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    if [[ ${add_warnings} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+      populate_test_table FindBugs "module:${module}"
+      #shellcheck disable=SC2162
+      while read line; do
+        firstpart=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f2 -d:)
+        secondpart=$(echo "${line}" | cut -f9- -d' ')
+        add_test_table "" "${firstpart}:${secondpart}"
+      done < <("${FINDBUGS_HOME}/bin/convertXmlToText" "${newbugsbase}.xml")
+      module_status ${i} -1 "new-findbugs-${fn}.html" "${module} ${statstring}"
+      ((result=result+1))
+    elif [[ ${fixed_warnings} -gt 0 ]]; then
+      module_status ${i} +1 "" "${module} ${statstring}"
+      summarize=false
+    fi
+    savestop=$(stop_clock)
+    MODULE_STATUS_TIMER[${i}]=${savestop}
+    popd >/dev/null
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  modules_messages patch findbugs "${summarize}"
+  if [[ ${result} != 0 ]]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+function findbugs_rebuild
+  declare repostatus=$1
+  if [[ "${repostatus}" = branch || "${BUILDMODE}" = full ]]; then
+    findbugs_preapply
+  else
+    findbugs_postinstall
+  fi
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6b220f1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,601 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# no public APIs here
+# This bug system provides github integration
+add_bugsystem github
+# personalities can override the following settings:
+# Web interface URL.
+# API interface URL.
+# user/repo
+# user settings
+# private globals...
+# Simple function to set a default GitHub user after PROJECT_NAME has been set
+function github_set_github_user
+  if [[ -n "${PROJECT_NAME}" && ! "${PROJECT_NAME}" = unknown ]]; then
+  fi
+function github_usage
+  github_set_github_user
+  yetus_add_option "--github-api-url=<url>" "The URL of the API for github (default: '${GITHUB_API_URL}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--github-base-url=<url>" "The URL of the github server (default:'${GITHUB_BASE_URL}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--github-password=<pw>" "Github password"
+  yetus_add_option "--github-repo=<repo>" "github repo to use (default:'${GITHUB_REPO}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--github-token=<token>" "The token to use to write to github"
+  yetus_add_option "--github-user=<user>" "Github user [default: ${GITHUB_USER}]"
+function github_parse_args
+  declare i
+  github_set_github_user
+  for i in "$@"; do
+    case ${i} in
+      --github-api-url=*)
+        GITHUB_API_URL=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --github-base-url=*)
+        GITHUB_BASE_URL=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --github-repo=*)
+        GITHUB_REPO=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --github-token=*)
+        GITHUB_TOKEN=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --github-password=*)
+        GITHUB_PASSWD=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --github-user=*)
+        GITHUB_USER=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+## @description this gets called when JIRA thinks this
+## @description issue is just a pointer to github
+## @description WARNING: Called from JIRA plugin!
+function github_jira_bridge
+  declare fileloc=$1
+  declare jsonloc=$2
+  declare urlfromjira
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  urlfromjira=$(${AWK} "match(\$0,\"${GITHUB_BASE_URL}/[^ ]*patch[ &\\\"]\"){url=substr(\$0,RSTART,RLENGTH-1)}
+                        END{if (url) print url}" "${jsonloc}" )
+  if [[ -z $urlfromjira ]]; then
+    # This is currently the expected path, as github pull requests are not common
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # we use this to prevent loops later on
+  yetus_debug "github_jira_bridge: Checking url ${urlfromjira}"
+  github_breakup_url "${urlfromjira}"
+  github_locate_patch GH:"${GITHUB_ISSUE}" "${fileloc}"
+## @description given a URL, break it up into github plugin globals
+## @description this will *override* any personality or yetus defaults
+## @param url
+function github_breakup_url
+  declare url=$1
+  declare count
+  declare pos1
+  declare pos2
+  count=${url//[^\/]}
+  count=${#count}
+  ((pos2=count-3))
+  ((pos1=pos2))
+  GITHUB_BASE_URL=$(echo "${url}" | cut -f1-${pos2} -d/)
+  ((pos1=pos1+1))
+  ((pos2=pos1+1))
+  GITHUB_REPO=$(echo "${url}" | cut -f${pos1}-${pos2} -d/)
+  ((pos1=pos2+2))
+  unset pos2
+  GITHUB_ISSUE=$(echo "${url}" | cut -f${pos1}-${pos2} -d/ | cut -f1 -d.)
+## @description based upon a github PR, attempt to link back to JIRA
+function github_find_jira_title
+  declare title
+  declare maybe
+  declare retval
+  if [[ ! -f "${PATCH_DIR}/github-pull.json" ]]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  title=$(${GREP} title "${PATCH_DIR}/github-pull.json" \
+    | cut -f4 -d\")
+  # people typically do two types:  JIRA-ISSUE: and [JIRA-ISSUE]
+  # JIRA_ISSUE_RE is pretty strict so we need to chop that stuff
+  # out first
+  maybe=$(echo "${title}" | cut -f2 -d\[ | cut -f1 -d\])
+  jira_determine_issue "${maybe}"
+  retval=$?
+  if [[ ${retval} == 0 ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  maybe=$(echo "${title}" | cut -f1 -d:)
+  jira_determine_issue "${maybe}"
+  retval=$?
+  if [[ ${retval} == 0 ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+function github_determine_issue
+  declare input=$1
+  if [[ ${input} =~ ^[0-9]+$
+     && -n ${GITHUB_REPO} ]]; then
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+    ISSUE=${input}
+    if [[ -z ${GITHUB_ISSUE} ]]; then
+      GITHUB_ISSUE=${input}
+    fi
+  fi
+  # if JIRA didn't call us, should we call it?
+  if [[ ${GITHUB_BRIDGED} == false ]]; then
+    github_find_jira_title
+    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
+      return 0
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [[ -n ${GITHUB_ISSUE} ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+## @description  Try to guess the branch being tested using a variety of heuristics
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success, with PATCH_BRANCH updated appropriately
+## @return       1 on failure
+function github_determine_branch
+  if [[ ! -f "${PATCH_DIR}/github-pull.json" ]]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  PATCH_BRANCH=$(${AWK} 'match($0,"\"ref\": \""){print $2}' "${PATCH_DIR}/github-pull.json"\
+     | cut -f2 -d\"\
+     | tail -1  )
+  yetus_debug "Github determine branch: starting with ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+  verify_valid_branch "${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+## @description  Given input = GH:##, download a patch to output.
+## @description  Also sets GITHUB_ISSUE to the raw number.
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @param        input
+## @param        output
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function github_locate_pr_patch
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  declare githubauth
+  input=${input#GH:}
+  #
+  if [[ ${input} =~ ^${GITHUB_BASE_URL}.*/pull/[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+    github_breakup_url "${input}.patch"
+    input=${GITHUB_ISSUE}
+  fi
+  #
+  if [[ ${input} =~ ^${GITHUB_BASE_URL}.*patch$ ]]; then
+    github_breakup_url "${input}"
+    input=${GITHUB_ISSUE}
+  fi
+  #
+  if [[ ${input} =~ ^${GITHUB_BASE_URL}.*diff$ ]]; then
+    github_breakup_url "${input}"
+    input=${GITHUB_ISSUE}
+  fi
+  # if it isn't a number at this point, no idea
+  # how to process
+  if [[ ! ${input} =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "github: ${input} is not a pull request #"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # we always pull the .patch version (even if .diff was given)
+  # with the assumption that this way binary files work.
+  # The downside of this is that the patch files are
+  # significantly larger and therefore take longer to process
+  PATCHURL="${GITHUB_BASE_URL}/${GITHUB_REPO}/pull/${input}.patch"
+  echo "GITHUB PR #${input} is being downloaded at $(date) from"
+  echo "${GITHUB_BASE_URL}/${GITHUB_REPO}/pull/${input}"
+  if [[ -n "${GITHUB_USER}"
+     && -n "${GITHUB_PASSWD}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_PASSWD}"
+  elif [[ -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}"
+  else
+    githubauth="X-ignore-me: fake"
+  fi
+  # Let's pull the PR JSON for later use
+  ${CURL} --silent --fail \
+          -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.full+json" \
+          -H "${githubauth}" \
+          --output "${PATCH_DIR}/github-pull.json" \
+          --location \
+         "${GITHUB_API_URL}/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/pulls/${input}"
+  echo "Patch from GITHUB PR #${input} is being downloaded at $(date) from"
+  echo "${PATCHURL}"
+  # the actual patch file
+  if ! ${CURL} --silent --fail \
+          --output "${output}" \
+          --location \
+          -H "${githubauth}" \
+         "${PATCHURL}"; then
+    yetus_debug "github_locate_patch: not a github pull request."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  GITHUB_ISSUE=${input}
+  # github will translate this to be #(xx) !
+  add_footer_table "GITHUB PR" "${GITHUB_BASE_URL}/${GITHUB_REPO}/pull/${input}"
+  return 0
+## @description  a wrapper for github_locate_pr_patch that
+## @description  that takes a (likely checkout'ed) github commit
+## @description  sha and turns into the the github pr
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @param        input
+## @param        output
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function github_locate_sha_patch
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  declare gitsha
+  declare number
+  declare githubauth
+  gitsha=${input#GHSHA:}
+  # locate the PR number via GitHub API v3
+  #curl\&type:pr\&repo:apache/yetus
+  if [[ -n "${GITHUB_USER}"
+     && -n "${GITHUB_PASSWD}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_PASSWD}"
+  elif [[ -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}"
+  else
+    githubauth="X-ignore-me: fake"
+  fi
+   # Let's pull the PR JSON for later use
+  if ! "${CURL}" --silent --fail \
+          -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.full+json" \
+          -H "${githubauth}" \
+          --output "${PATCH_DIR}/github-search.json" \
+          --location \
+         "${GITHUB_API_URL}/search/issues?q=${gitsha}&type:pr&repo:${GITHUB_REPO}"; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  number=$("${GREP}" number "${PATCH_DIR}/github-search.json" | \
+           head -1 | \
+           "${AWK}" '{print $NF}')
+  number=${number//\s/}
+  number=${number%,}
+  github_locate_pr_patch "GH:${number}" "${output}"
+## @description  Handle the various ways to reference a github PR
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @param        input
+## @param        output
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function github_locate_patch
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  if [[ "${OFFLINE}" == true ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "github_locate_patch: offline, skipping"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  case "${input}" in
+      GH:*)
+        github_locate_pr_patch "${input}" "${output}"
+      ;;
+      GHSHA:*)
+        github_locate_sha_patch "${input}" "${output}"
+      ;;
+  esac
+function github_linecomments
+  declare plugin=$1
+  declare file=$2
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+  declare realline=$3
+  declare uniline=$4
+  declare text=$5
+  declare tempfile="${PATCH_DIR}/ghcomment.$$.${RANDOM}"
+  declare githubauth
+  if [[ "${file}" =~ ^./ ]]; then
+    file=${file##./}
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "${GITHUB_COMMITSHA}" ]]; then
+    GITHUB_COMMITSHA=$(${GREP} \"sha\" "${PATCH_DIR}/github-pull.json" 2>/dev/null \
+      | head -1 \
+      | cut -f4 -d\")
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "${uniline}" ]]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  # build our REST post
+  {
+    printf "{\"body\":\""
+    echo "${plugin}: ${text}" \
+      | ${SED} -e 's,\\,\\\\,g' \
+        -e 's,\",\\\",g' \
+        -e 's,$,\\r\\n,g' \
+      | tr -d '\n'
+    echo "\","
+    echo "\"commit_id\":\"${GITHUB_COMMITSHA}\","
+    echo "\"path\":\"${file}\","
+    echo "\"position\":${uniline}"
+    echo "}"
+  } > "${tempfile}"
+  if [[ -n "${GITHUB_USER}"
+     && -n "${GITHUB_PASSWD}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_PASSWD}"
+  elif [[ -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}"
+  else
+    return 0
+  fi
+  ${CURL} -X POST \
+    -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.full+json" \
+    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+    -H "${githubauth}" \
+    -d @"${tempfile}" \
+    --silent --location \
+    "${GITHUB_API_URL}/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/pulls/${GITHUB_ISSUE}/comments" \
+    >/dev/null
+  rm "${tempfile}"
+## @description Write the contents of a file to github
+## @param     filename
+## @stability stable
+## @audience  public
+function github_write_comment
+  declare -r commentfile=${1}
+  declare retval=0
+  declare restfile="${PATCH_DIR}/ghcomment.$$"
+  declare githubauth
+  if [[ "${OFFLINE}" == true ]]; then
+    echo "Github Plugin: Running in offline, comment skipped."
+    return 0
+  fi
+  {
+    printf "{\"body\":\""
+    ${SED} -e 's,\\,\\\\,g' \
+        -e 's,\",\\\",g' \
+        -e 's,$,\\r\\n,g' "${commentfile}" \
+    | tr -d '\n'
+    echo "\"}"
+  } > "${restfile}"
+  if [[ -n "${GITHUB_USER}"
+     && -n "${GITHUB_PASSWD}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="${GITHUB_USER}:${GITHUB_PASSWD}"
+  elif [[ -n "${GITHUB_TOKEN}" ]]; then
+    githubauth="Authorization: token ${GITHUB_TOKEN}"
+  else
+    echo "Github Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment."
+    return 0
+  fi
+  ${CURL} -X POST \
+       -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3.full+json" \
+       -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+       -H "${githubauth}" \
+       -d @"${restfile}" \
+       --silent --location \
+         "${GITHUB_API_URL}/repos/${GITHUB_REPO}/issues/${GITHUB_ISSUE}/comments" \
+        >/dev/null
+  retval=$?
+  rm "${restfile}"
+  return ${retval}
+## @description  Print out the finished details to the Github PR
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @param        runresult
+function github_finalreport
+  declare result=$1
+  declare i
+  declare commentfile=${PATCH_DIR}/gitcommentfile.$$
+  declare comment
+  rm "${commentfile}" 2>/dev/null
+  if [[ ${ROBOT} = "false"
+    || -z ${GITHUB_ISSUE} ]] ; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  big_console_header "Adding comment to Github"
+  if [[ ${result} == 0 ]]; then
+    echo ":confetti_ball: **+1 overall**" >> "${commentfile}"
+  else
+    echo ":broken_heart: **-1 overall**" >> "${commentfile}"
+  fi
+  printf "\n\n\n\n" >>  "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ ${i} -eq ${#TP_HEADER[@]} ]]; do
+    printf "%s\n\n" "${TP_HEADER[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  {
+    printf "\n\n"
+    echo "| Vote | Subsystem | Runtime | Comment |"
+    echo "|:----:|----------:|--------:|:--------|"
+  } >> "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ ${i} -eq ${#TP_VOTE_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+    ourstring=$(echo "${TP_VOTE_TABLE[${i}]}" | tr -s ' ')
+    vote=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f2 -d\| | tr -d ' ')
+    comment=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f5 -d\|)
+    if [[ "${vote}" = "H" ]]; then
+      echo "||| _${comment}_ |" >> "${commentfile}"
+    else
+      echo "${TP_VOTE_TABLE[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
+    fi
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  if [[ ${#TP_TEST_TABLE[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+    {
+      printf "\n\n"
+      echo "| Reason | Tests |"
+      echo "|-------:|:------|"
+    } >> "${commentfile}"
+    i=0
+    until [[ ${i} -eq ${#TP_TEST_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+      echo "${TP_TEST_TABLE[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
+      ((i=i+1))
+    done
+  fi
+  {
+    printf "\n\n"
+    echo "| Subsystem | Report/Notes |"
+    echo "|----------:|:-------------|"
+  } >> "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_FOOTER_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+    comment=$(echo "${TP_FOOTER_TABLE[${i}]}" |
+              ${SED} -e "s,@@BASE@@,${BUILD_URL}${BUILD_URL_ARTIFACTS},g")
+    printf "%s\n" "${comment}" >> "${commentfile}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  printf "\n\nThis message was automatically generated.\n\n" >> "${commentfile}"
+  github_write_comment "${commentfile}"
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8c78ab4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,297 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# there's nothing in here public, so don't publish docs
+add_build_tool gradle
+declare -a GRADLE_ARGS=()
+function gradle_usage
+  yetus_add_option "--gradle-cmd=<cmd>" "The 'gradle' command to use (default 'gradle')"
+  yetus_add_option "--gradlew-cmd=<cmd>" "The 'gradlew' command to use (default 'basedir/gradlew')"
+function gradle_parse_args
+  local i
+  for i in "$@"; do
+    case ${i} in
+      --gradle-cmd=*)
+        GRADLE=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --gradlew-cmd=*)
+        GRADLEW=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  # if we requested offline, pass that to mvn
+  if [[ ${OFFLINE} == "true" ]]; then
+    GRADLE_ARGS=("${GRADLE_ARGS[@]}" --offline)
+  fi
+  GRADLE=${GRADLE:-gradle}
+  GRADLEW=${GRADLEW:-"${BASEDIR}/gradlew"}
+function gradle_precheck
+  declare gradle_version
+  if ! verify_command gradle "${GRADLE}"; then
+    add_vote_table -1 gradle "ERROR: gradle is not available."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # finally let folks know what version they'll be dealing with.
+  gradle_version=$(${GRADLE} --version 2>/dev/null | grep Gradle 2>/dev/null)
+  add_footer_table gradle "version: ${gradle_version}"
+  return 0
+function gradle_initialize
+  if [[ "${BUILDTOOL}" = gradle ]]; then
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+    BUILDTOOLCWD=basedir
+  fi
+  # we need to do this before docker kicks in
+  if [[ -e "${HOME}/.gradle"
+     && ! -d "${HOME}/.gradle" ]]; then
+    yetus_error "ERROR: ${HOME}/.gradle is not a directory."
+    return 1
+  elif [[ ! -e "${HOME}/.gradle" ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "Creating ${HOME}/.gradle"
+    mkdir -p "${HOME}/.gradle"
+  fi
+function gradle_filefilter
+  declare filename=$1
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ build\.gradle$
+     || ${filename} =~ gradlew$
+     || ${filename} =~ gradle\.properties$
+     || ${filename} =~ wrapper\.gradle$ ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests/compile: ${filename}"
+    add_test compile
+  fi
+function gradle_buildfile
+  echo "gradlew"
+function gradle_executor
+  echo "${GRADLEW}" "${GRADLE_ARGS[@]}"
+## @description  Bootstrap gradle
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function gradle_precompile
+  declare repostatus=$1
+  declare result=0
+  if [[ ${BUILDTOOL} != gradle ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  if [[ "${repostatus}" = branch ]]; then
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2153
+    big_console_header "gradle boostrap: ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+  else
+    big_console_header "gradle bootstrap: ${BUILDMODE}"
+  fi
+  personality_modules "${repostatus}" gradleboot
+  pushd "${BASEDIR}" >/dev/null
+  echo_and_redirect "${PATCH_DIR}/${repostatus}-gradle-bootstrap.txt" gradle -b bootstrap.gradle
+  popd >/dev/null
+  modules_workers "${repostatus}" gradleboot
+  result=$?
+  modules_messages "${repostatus}" gradleboot true
+  if [[ ${result} != 0 ]]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+## @description  Helper for generic_logfilter
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function gradle_javac_logfilter
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046
+  ${GREP} "\.java" "${input}" > "${output}"
+## @description  Helper for generic_logfilter
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function gradle_javadoc_logfilter
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046
+  ${GREP} "javadoc.*\.java" "${input}" > "${output}"
+## @description  Helper for generic_logfilter
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function gradle_scaladoc_logfilter
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046
+  ${GREP} "^\[ant:scaladoc\] /.*\.scala" "${input}" > "${output}"
+function gradle_modules_worker
+  declare repostatus=$1
+  declare tst=$2
+  shift 2
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+  case ${tst} in
+    checkstyle)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" "${tst}" checkstyleMain checkstyleTest
+    ;;
+    compile)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" "${tst}"
+    ;;
+    distclean)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" clean
+    ;;
+    javadoc)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" "${tst}" javadoc
+    ;;
+    scaladoc)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" "${tst}" scaladoc
+    ;;
+    unit)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" "${tst}" test
+    ;;
+    *)
+      # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+      if [[ ${repostatus} = patch ]]; then
+        add_footer_table "${tst}" "not supported by the ${BUILDTOOL} plugin"
+      fi
+      yetus_error "WARNING: ${tst} is unsupported by ${BUILDTOOL}"
+      return 1
+    ;;
+  esac
+function gradle_builtin_personality_modules
+  local repostatus=$1
+  local testtype=$2
+  local module
+  yetus_debug "Using builtin personality_modules"
+  yetus_debug "Personality: ${repostatus} ${testtype}"
+  clear_personality_queue
+  for module in "${CHANGED_MODULES[@]}"; do
+    personality_enqueue_module "${module}"
+  done
+function gradle_builtin_personality_file_tests
+  local filename=$1
+  yetus_debug "Using builtin gradle personality_file_tests"
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ src/main/webapp ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests/webapp: ${filename}"
+  elif [[ ${filename} =~ \.sh
+       || ${filename} =~ \.cmd
+       || ${filename} =~ src/main/scripts
+       || ${filename} =~ src/test/scripts
+       ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests/shell: ${filename}"
+  elif [[ ${filename} =~ \.c$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.cc$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.h$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.hh$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.proto$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.cmake$
+       || ${filename} =~ CMakeLists.txt
+       ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests/units: ${filename}"
+    add_test cc
+    add_test unit
+  elif [[ ${filename} =~ \.scala$ ]]; then
+    add_test scalac
+    add_test scaladoc
+    add_test unit
+  elif [[ ${filename} =~ build.xml$
+       || ${filename} =~ pom.xml$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.java$
+       ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests/javadoc+units: ${filename}"
+    add_test javac
+    add_test javadoc
+    add_test unit
+  elif [[ ${filename} =~ src/main ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests/generic+units: ${filename}"
+    add_test compile
+    add_test unit
+  fi
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ src/test ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests"
+    add_test unit
+  fi
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ \.java$ ]]; then
+    add_test findbugs
+  fi
+function gradle_docker_support
+  DOCKER_EXTRAARGS=("${DOCKER_EXTRAARGS[@]}" "-v" "${HOME}/.gradle:/home/${USER_NAME}/.gradle")
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..2392e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# no public APIs here
+add_test_type hadolint
+HADOLINT=${HADOLINT:-$(command -v hadolint 2>/dev/null)}
+# files that are going to get hadolint'd
+function hadolint_filefilter
+  declare filename=$1
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ Dockerfile$ ]]; then
+    add_test hadolint
+    yetus_add_array_element HADOLINT_CHECKFILES "${filename}"
+  fi
+function hadolint_precheck
+  declare langs
+  if ! verify_command "hadolint" "${HADOLINT}"; then
+    add_vote_table 0 hadolint "hadolint was not available."
+    delete_test hadolint
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "${LANG}" ]]; then
+    langs=$(locale -a)
+    if [[ ${langs}  =~ C.UTF-8 ]]; then
+      yetus_error "WARNING: hadolint needs UTF-8 locale support. Forcing C.UTF-8."
+      export LANG=C.UTF-8
+      export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8
+    elif [[ ${langs}  =~ en_US.UTF-8 ]]; then
+      yetus_error "WARNING: hadolint needs UTF-8 locale support. Forcing en_US.UTF-8."
+      export LANG=en_US.UTF-8
+      export LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
+    else
+      for i in ${langs}; do
+        if [[ "${i}" =~ UTF-8 ]]; then
+          yetus_error "WARNING: hadolint needs UTF-8 locale support. Forcing ${i}."
+          export LANG="${i}"
+          export LC_ALL="${i}"
+          break
+        fi
+      done
+    fi
+  fi
+  if [[ ! "${LANG}" =~ UTF-8 ]]; then
+    yetus_error "WARNING: hadolint may fail without UTF-8 locale setting."
+  fi
+function hadolint_logic
+  declare repostatus=$1
+  declare i
+  pushd "${BASEDIR}" >/dev/null || return 1
+  for i in "${HADOLINT_CHECKFILES[@]}"; do
+    if [[ -f "${i}" ]]; then
+      echo " * ${i}"
+      "${HADOLINT}" "${i}" >> "${PATCH_DIR}/${repostatus}-hadolint-result.txt"
+    fi
+  done
+  popd > /dev/null || return 1
+function hadolint_preapply
+  if ! verify_needed_test hadolint; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  big_console_header "hadolint plugin: ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+  start_clock
+  hadolint_logic branch
+  # keep track of how much as elapsed for us already
+  HADOLINT_TIMER=$(stop_clock)
+  return 0
+## filename:line\sCODE Text
+function hadolint_calcdiffs
+  declare branch=$1
+  declare patch=$2
+  declare tmp=${PATCH_DIR}/pl.$$.${RANDOM}
+  declare j
+  # first, pull out just the errors
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  ${AWK} -F: '{print $NF}' "${branch}" | cut -d' ' -f2- > "${tmp}.branch"
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  ${AWK} -F: '{print $NF}' "${patch}" | cut -d' ' -f2- > "${tmp}.patch"
+  ${DIFF} --unchanged-line-format="" \
+     --old-line-format="" \
+     --new-line-format="%dn " \
+     "${tmp}.branch" \
+     "${tmp}.patch" > "${tmp}.lined"
+  # now, pull out those lines of the raw output
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2013
+  for j in $(cat "${tmp}.lined"); do
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    head -${j} "${patch}" | tail -1
+  done
+  rm "${tmp}.branch" "${tmp}.patch" "${tmp}.lined" 2>/dev/null
+function hadolint_postapply
+  declare i
+  declare numPrepatch
+  declare numPostpatch
+  declare diffPostpatch
+  declare fixedpatch
+  declare statstring
+  if ! verify_needed_test hadolint; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  big_console_header "hadolint plugin: ${BUILDMODE}"
+  start_clock
+  # add our previous elapsed to our new timer
+  # by setting the clock back
+  offset_clock "${HADOLINT_TIMER}"
+  hadolint_logic patch
+  calcdiffs \
+    "${PATCH_DIR}/branch-hadolint-result.txt" \
+    "${PATCH_DIR}/patch-hadolint-result.txt" \
+    hadolint \
+      > "${PATCH_DIR}/diff-patch-hadolint.txt"
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  numPrepatch=$(wc -l "${PATCH_DIR}/branch-hadolint-result.txt" | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  numPostpatch=$(wc -l "${PATCH_DIR}/patch-hadolint-result.txt" | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  diffPostpatch=$(wc -l "${PATCH_DIR}/diff-patch-hadolint.txt" | ${AWK} '{print $1}')
+  ((fixedpatch=numPrepatch-numPostpatch+diffPostpatch))
+  statstring=$(generic_calcdiff_status "${numPrepatch}" "${numPostpatch}" "${diffPostpatch}" )
+  if [[ ${diffPostpatch} -gt 0 ]] ; then
+    add_vote_table -1 hadolint "${BUILDMODEMSG} ${statstring}"
+    add_footer_table hadolint "@@BASE@@/diff-patch-hadolint.txt"
+    bugsystem_linecomments "hadolint" "${PATCH_DIR}/diff-patch-hadolint.txt"
+    return 1
+  elif [[ ${fixedpatch} -gt 0 ]]; then
+    add_vote_table +1 hadolint "${BUILDMODEMSG} ${statstring}"
+    return 0
+  fi
+  add_vote_table +1 hadolint "There were no new hadolint issues."
+  return 0
+function hadolint_postcompile
+  declare repostatus=$1
+  if [[ "${repostatus}" = branch ]]; then
+    hadolint_preapply
+  else
+    hadolint_postapply
+  fi
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..f637d1a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+add_bugsystem htmlout
+## @description  Usage info for htmlout plugin
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function htmlout_usage
+  yetus_add_option "--html-report-file=<file>" "Save the final report to an HTML-formated file"
+## @description  Option parsing for htmlout plugin
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function htmlout_parse_args
+  declare i
+  declare fn
+  for i in "$@"; do
+    case ${i} in
+      --html-report-file=*)
+        fn=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+  if [[ -n "${fn}" ]]; then
+    if : > "${fn}"; then
+    else
+      yetus_error "WARNING: cannot create HTML report file ${fn}. Ignoring."
+    fi
+  fi
+## @description  Give access to the HTML report file in docker mode
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function htmlout_docker_support
+  if [[ -n ${HTMLOUT_REPORTFILE} ]]; then
+    DOCKER_EXTRAARGS=("${DOCKER_EXTRAARGS[@]}" "-v" "${HTMLOUT_REPORTFILE}:/testptch/report.htm")
+  fi
+## @description  Write out an HTML version of the final report to a file
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @param        runresult
+function htmlout_finalreport
+  declare result=$1
+  declare i
+  declare commentfile="${HTMLOUT_REPORTFILE}"
+  declare comment
+  declare vote
+  declare ourstring
+  declare ela
+  declare subs
+  declare color
+  declare comment
+  declare calctime
+  rm "${commentfile}" 2>/dev/null
+  if [[ -z "${HTMLOUT_REPORTFILE}" ]]; then
+    return
+  fi
+  big_console_header "Writing HTML to ${commentfile}"
+  {
+    echo "<table><tbody>"
+    if [[ ${result} == 0 ]]; then
+      echo "<tr><th><font color=\"green\">+1 overall</font></th></tr>"
+    else
+      echo "<tr><th><font color=\"red\">-1 overall</font></th></tr>"
+    fi
+    echo "</tbody></table>"
+    echo "<p></p>"
+  } >  "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_HEADER[@]} ]]; do
+    ourstring=$(echo "${TP_HEADER[${i}]}" | tr -s ' ')
+    comment=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f2 -d\|)
+    printf "<tr><td>%s</td></tr>\n" "${comment}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  {
+    echo "<table><tbody>"
+    echo "<tr>"
+    echo "<th>Vote</th>"
+    echo "<th>Subsystem</th>"
+    echo "<th>Runtime</th>"
+    echo "<th>Comment</th>"
+    echo "</tr>"
+  } >> "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_VOTE_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+    ourstring=$(echo "${TP_VOTE_TABLE[${i}]}" | tr -s ' ')
+    vote=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f2 -d\| | tr -d ' ')
+    subs=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f3 -d\|)
+    ela=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f4 -d\|)
+    calctime=$(clock_display "${ela}")
+    comment=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f5 -d\|)
+    if [[ "${vote}" = "H" ]]; then
+      {
+        echo "<tr>"
+        printf "\t\t<td></td>"
+        printf "<td></td>"
+        printf "<td></td>"
+        printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>\n" "brown" "${comment}"
+        echo "</tr>"
+      } >> "${commentfile}"
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    # summary line
+    if [[ -z ${vote}
+      && -n ${ela} ]]; then
+      color="black"
+    elif [[ -z ${vote} ]]; then
+      # keep same color
+      true
+    else
+      # new vote line
+      case ${vote} in
+        1|"+1")
+          color="green"
+        ;;
+        -1)
+          color="red"
+        ;;
+        0)
+          color="blue"
+        ;;
+        -0)
+          color="orange"
+        ;;
+        *)
+          color="black"
+        ;;
+      esac
+    fi
+    {
+      echo "<tr>"
+      printf "\t\t<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>" "${color}" "${vote}"
+      printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>" "${color}" "${subs}"
+      printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>" "${color}" "${calctime}"
+      printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>\n" "${color}" "${comment}"
+      echo "</tr>"
+    } >> "${commentfile}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  {
+    echo "</tbody></table>"
+    echo "<p></p>"
+  } >> "${commentfile}"
+  if [[ ${#TP_TEST_TABLE[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+    {
+      echo "<table><tbody>"
+      echo "<tr>"
+      echo "<th>Reason</th>"
+      echo "<th>Tests</th>"
+      echo "</tr>"
+    } >> "${commentfile}"
+    i=0
+    until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_TEST_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+      ourstring=$(echo "${TP_TEST_TABLE[${i}]}" | tr -s ' ')
+      subs=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f2 -d\|)
+      comment=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f3 -d\|)
+      {
+        echo "<tr>"
+        printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>" "${color}" "${subs}"
+        printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>" "${color}" "${comment}"
+        echo "</tr>"
+      } >> "${commentfile}"
+      ((i=i+1))
+    done
+    {
+      echo "</tbody></table>"
+      echo "<p></p>"
+    } >> "${commentfile}"
+  fi
+  {
+    echo "<table><tbody>"
+    echo "<tr>"
+    echo "<th>Subsystem</th>"
+    echo "<th>Report/Notes</th>"
+    echo "</tr>"
+  } >> "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_FOOTER_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+    ourstring=$(echo "${TP_FOOTER_TABLE[${i}]}" |
+              ${SED} -e "s,@@BASE@@,${BUILD_URL}${BUILD_URL_ARTIFACTS},g" |
+              tr -s ' ')
+    subs=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f2 -d\|)
+    comment=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f3 -d\|)
+    {
+      echo "<tr>"
+      printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>" "${color}" "${subs}"
+      printf "<td><font color=\"%s\">%s</font></td>" "${color}" "${comment}"
+      echo "</tr>"
+    } >> "${commentfile}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  {
+    echo "</tbody></table>"
+    echo "<p></p>"
+  } >> "${commentfile}"
+  printf "<p>This message was automatically generated.</p>" >> "${commentfile}"
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..8515650
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+add_test_type javac
+add_test_type javadoc
+yetus_add_entry JDK_TEST_LIST javadoc
+function initialize_java
+  local i
+  local jdkdir
+  local tmplist
+  if [[ ${JAVA_INITIALIZED} == true ]]; then
+    return
+  else
+  fi
+  # if we are in pre-docker mode, don't do any of
+  # this work since it's all going to be wrong anyway
+  if [[ "${DOCKERSUPPORT}" = "true" ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  if declare -f maven_add_install >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+    maven_add_install javac
+    maven_add_install javadoc
+  fi
+  if [[ -z ${JAVA_HOME:-} ]]; then
+    case ${OSTYPE} in
+      Darwin)
+        if [[ -z "${JAVA_HOME}" ]]; then
+          if [[ -x /usr/libexec/java_home ]]; then
+            JAVA_HOME="$(/usr/libexec/java_home)"
+            export JAVA_HOME
+          else
+            export JAVA_HOME=/Library/Java/Home
+          fi
+        fi
+      ;;
+      *)
+        yetus_error "WARNING: JAVA_HOME not defined. Disabling java tests."
+        delete_test javac
+        delete_test javadoc
+        return 1
+      ;;
+    esac
+  fi
+  JAVA_HOME=$(yetus_abs "${JAVA_HOME}")
+  for i in ${JDK_DIR_LIST}; do
+    if [[ -d "${i}" ]]; then
+      jdkdir=$(yetus_abs "${i}")
+      if [[ ${jdkdir} != "${JAVA_HOME}" ]]; then
+        tmplist="${tmplist} ${jdkdir}"
+      fi
+    else
+      yetus_error "WARNING: Cannot locate JDK directory ${i}: ignoring"
+    fi
+  done
+  JDK_DIR_LIST="${tmplist} ${JAVA_HOME}"
+function javac_initialize
+  initialize_java
+function javadoc_initialize
+  initialize_java
+## @description  Verify that ${JAVA_HOME} is defined
+## @audience     public
+## @stability    stable
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       1 - no JAVA_HOME
+## @return       0 - JAVA_HOME defined
+function javac_precheck
+  declare javaversion
+  declare listofjdks
+  declare i
+  start_clock
+  if [[ -z ${JAVA_HOME:-} ]]; then
+    yetus_error "ERROR: JAVA_HOME is not defined."
+    add_vote_table -1 pre-patch "JAVA_HOME is not defined."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  javaversion=$(report_jvm_version "${JAVA_HOME}")
+  add_footer_table "Default Java" "${javaversion}"
+  if [[ -n ${JDK_DIR_LIST}
+     && ${JDK_DIR_LIST} != "${JAVA_HOME}" ]]; then
+    for i in ${JDK_DIR_LIST}; do
+      javaversion=$(report_jvm_version "${i}")
+      listofjdks="${listofjdks} ${i}:${javaversion}"
+    done
+    add_footer_table "Multi-JDK versions" "${listofjdks}"
+  fi
+  return 0
+function javac_filefilter
+  declare filename=$1
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ \.java$ ]]; then
+   yetus_debug "tests/javac: ${filename}"
+   add_test javac
+   add_test compile
+  fi
+function javadoc_filefilter
+  local filename=$1
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ \.java$ ]]; then
+   yetus_debug "tests/javadoc: ${filename}"
+   add_test javadoc
+  fi
+## @description
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    stable
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function javac_compile
+  declare codebase=$1
+  declare multijdkmode=$2
+  if ! verify_needed_test javac; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  if [[ ${codebase} = patch ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "javac: calling generic_postlog_compare compile javac ${multijdkmode}"
+    generic_postlog_compare compile javac "${multijdkmode}"
+  fi
+## @description  Count and compare the number of JavaDoc warnings pre- and post- patch
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success
+## @return       1 on failure
+function javadoc_rebuild
+  declare codebase=$1
+  declare multijdkmode
+  if verify_multijdk_test javadoc; then
+    multijdkmode=true
+  else
+    multijdkmode=false
+  fi
+  if [[ "${codebase}" = branch ]]; then
+    generic_pre_handler javadoc "${multijdkmode}"
+  else
+    generic_post_handler javadoc javadoc "${multijdkmode}" true
+  fi
+## @description  Helper for generic_logfilter
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function javac_logfilter
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046
+  ${GREP} "^.*.java:[0-9]*:" "${input}" > "${output}"
+## @description  Helper for generic_logfilter
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function javadoc_logfilter
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2016,SC2046
+  ${GREP} "^.*.java:[0-9]*:" "${input}" > "${output}"
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..c01587e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+# no public APIs here
+# this bug system handles JIRA.  Personalities
+# can override the following variables:
+# base JIRA URL
+# Issue regex to help identify the project
+# If the issue status is matched with this pattern, the attached patch is regarded as ready to be applied
+JIRA_STATUS_RE='Patch Available'
+add_bugsystem jira
+# Simple function to set a default JIRA user after PROJECT_NAME has been set
+function jira_set_jira_user
+  if [[ -n "${PROJECT_NAME}" && ! "${PROJECT_NAME}" = unknown ]]; then
+  fi
+function jira_usage
+  jira_set_jira_user
+  yetus_add_option "--jira-base-url=<url>" "The URL of the JIRA server (default:'${JIRA_URL}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--jira-issue-re=<expr>" "Bash regular expression to use when trying to find a jira ref in the patch name (default: '${JIRA_ISSUE_RE}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--jira-password=<pw>" "The password for accessing JIRA"
+  yetus_add_option "--jira-status-re=<expr>" "Grep regular expression representing the issue status whose patch is applicable to the codebase (default: '${JIRA_STATUS_RE}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--jira-user=<user>" "The user to access JIRA command (default: ${JIRA_USER})"
+function jira_parse_args
+  declare i
+  jira_set_jira_user
+  for i in "$@"; do
+    case ${i} in
+      --jira-base-url=*)
+        JIRA_URL=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --jira-issue-re=*)
+        JIRA_ISSUE_RE=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --jira-password=*)
+        JIRA_PASSWD=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --jira-status-re=*)
+        JIRA_STATUS_RE=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --jira-user=*)
+        JIRA_USER=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+## @description provides issue determination based upon the URL and more.
+## @description WARNING: called from the github plugin!
+function jira_determine_issue
+  declare input=$1
+  declare patchnamechunk
+  declare maybeissue
+  if [[ -n ${JIRA_ISSUE} ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  patchnamechunk=$(echo "${input}" | ${AWK} -F/ '{print $NF}')
+  maybeissue=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f1,2 -d-)
+  if [[ ${maybeissue} =~ ${JIRA_ISSUE_RE} ]]; then
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+    ISSUE=${maybeissue}
+    JIRA_ISSUE=${maybeissue}
+    add_footer_table "JIRA Issue" "${JIRA_ISSUE}"
+    return 0
+  fi
+  return 1
+function jira_http_fetch
+  declare input=$1
+  declare output=$2
+  declare ec
+  yetus_debug "jira_http_fetch: ${JIRA_URL}/${input}"
+  if [[ -n "${JIRA_USER}"
+     && -n "${JIRA_PASSWD}" ]]; then
+    ${CURL} --silent --fail \
+            --user "${JIRA_USER}:${JIRA_PASSWD}" \
+            --output "${output}" \
+            --location \
+           "${JIRA_URL}/${input}"
+  else
+    ${CURL} --silent --fail \
+            --output "${output}" \
+            --location \
+           "${JIRA_URL}/${input}"
+  fi
+  ec=$?
+  case "${ec}" in
+  "0")
+    ;;
+  "1")
+    yetus_debug "jira_http_fetch: Unsupported protocol. Maybe misspelled jira's url?"
+    ;;
+  "3")
+    yetus_debug "jira_http_fetch: ${JIRA_URL}/${input} url is malformed."
+    ;;
+  "6")
+    yetus_debug "jira_http_fetch: Could not resolve host in URL ${JIRA_URL}."
+    ;;
+  "22")
+    yetus_debug "jira_http_fetch: ${JIRA_URL}/${input} returned 4xx status code. Maybe incorrect username/password?"
+    ;;
+  *)
+    yetus_debug "jira_http_fetch: ${JIRA_URL}/${input} returned $ec error code. See for details."
+    ;;
+  esac
+  return ${ec}
+function jira_locate_patch
+  declare input=$1
+  declare fileloc=$2
+  declare jsonloc
+  declare relativeurl
+  declare retval
+  declare found=false
+  yetus_debug "jira_locate_patch: trying ${JIRA_URL}/browse/${input}"
+  if [[ "${OFFLINE}" == true ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "jira_locate_patch: offline, skipping"
+    return 1
+  fi
+  jira_http_fetch "browse/${input}" "${PATCH_DIR}/jira"
+  if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "jira_locate_patch: not a JIRA."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # if github is configured check to see if there is a URL in the text
+  # that is a github patch file or pull request
+  if [[ -n "${GITHUB_BASE_URL}" ]]; then
+    jira_determine_issue "${input}"
+    # Download information via REST API
+    jsonloc="${PATCH_DIR}/jira-json"
+    jira_http_fetch "rest/api/2/issue/${input}" "${jsonloc}"
+    # Parse the downloaded information to check if the issue is
+    # just a pointer to GitHub.
+    github_jira_bridge "${fileloc}" "${jsonloc}"
+    if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
+      echo "${input} appears to be a Github PR. Switching Modes."
+      return 0
+    fi
+    yetus_debug "jira_locate_patch: ${input} seemed like a Github PR, but there was a failure."
+  fi
+  # Not reached if there is a successful github plugin return
+  if [[ $(${GREP} -c "${JIRA_STATUS_RE}" "${PATCH_DIR}/jira") == 0 ]]; then
+    if [[ ${ROBOT} == true ]]; then
+      yetus_error "ERROR: ${input} issue status is not matched with \"${JIRA_STATUS_RE}\"."
+      cleanup_and_exit 1
+    else
+      yetus_error "WARNING: ${input} issue status is not matched with \"${JIRA_STATUS_RE}\"."
+    fi
+  fi
+  # See as why we can't use
+  # the REST interface here. :(
+  # the assumption here is that attachment id's are given in an
+  # ascending order. so bigger # == newer file
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  tr '>' '\n' < "${PATCH_DIR}/jira" \
+    | ${AWK} 'match($0,"/secure/attachment/[0-9]*/[^\"]*"){print substr($0,RSTART,RLENGTH)}' \
+    | ${GREP} -v -e 'htm[l]*$' \
+    | ${SED} -e 's,[ ]*$,,g' \
+    | sort -n -r -k4 -t/ \
+    | uniq \
+      > "${PATCH_DIR}/jira-attachments.txt"
+  echo "${input} patch is being downloaded at $(date) from"
+  while read -r relativeurl && [[ ${found} = false ]]; do
+    PATCHURL="${JIRA_URL}${relativeurl}"
+    printf "  %s -> " "${PATCHURL}"
+    jira_http_fetch "${relativeurl}" "${fileloc}"
+    retval=$?
+    if [[ ${retval} == 0 ]]; then
+      found=true
+      echo "Downloaded"
+    elif [[ ${retval} == 22 ]]; then
+      echo "404"
+      yetus_debug "Presuming the attachment was deleted, trying the next one (see YETUS-298)"
+    else
+      echo "Error (curl returned ${retval})"
+      break
+    fi
+  done < <(cat "${PATCH_DIR}/jira-attachments.txt")
+  if [[ "${found}" = false ]]; then
+    yetus_error "ERROR: ${input} could not be downloaded."
+    cleanup_and_exit 1
+  fi
+  if [[ ! ${PATCHURL} =~ \.patch$ ]]; then
+    guess_patch_file "${fileloc}"
+    if [[ $? == 0 ]]; then
+      yetus_debug "The patch ${PATCHURL} was not named properly, but it looks like a patch file. Proceeding, but issue/branch matching might go awry."
+      add_vote_table 0 patch "The patch file was not named according to ${PROJECT_NAME}'s naming conventions. Please see ${PATCH_NAMING_RULE} for instructions."
+    else
+      # this definitely isn't a patch so just bail out.
+      return 1
+    fi
+  fi
+  add_footer_table "JIRA Patch URL" "${PATCHURL}"
+  return 0
+## @description  Try to guess the branch being tested using a variety of heuristics
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       0 on success, with PATCH_BRANCH updated appropriately
+function jira_determine_branch
+  declare patchnamechunk
+  declare total
+  declare count
+  declare hinttype
+  for hinttype in "${PATCHURL}" "${PATCH_OR_ISSUE}"; do
+    if [[ -z "${hinttype}" ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    # If one of these matches the JIRA issue regex
+    # then we don't want it to trigger the branch
+    # detection since that's almost certainly not
+    # intended.  In other words, if ISSUE-99 is the
+    # name of a branch, you want to test ISSUE-99
+    # against master, not ISSUE-99's branch
+    if [[ ${hinttype} =~ ${JIRA_ISSUE_RE} ]]; then
+      continue
+    fi
+    yetus_debug "Determine branch: starting with ${hinttype}"
+    patchnamechunk=$(echo "${hinttype}" \
+            | ${SED} -e 's,.*/\(.*\)$,\1,' \
+                     -e 's,\.txt,.,' \
+                     -e 's,.patch,.,g' \
+                     -e 's,.diff,.,g' \
+                     -e 's,\.\.,.,g' \
+                     -e 's,\.$,,g' )
+    # ISSUE-branch-##
+    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f3- -d- | cut -f1,2 -d-)
+    yetus_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE-branch-## = ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+    if [[ -n "${PATCH_BRANCH}" ]]; then
+      if verify_valid_branch  "${PATCH_BRANCH}"; then
+        return 0
+      fi
+    fi
+    # ISSUE-##[.##].branch
+    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f3- -d. )
+    count="${PATCH_BRANCH//[^.]}"
+    total=${#count}
+    ((total = total + 3 ))
+    until [[ ${total} -lt 3 ]]; do
+      PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f3-${total} -d.)
+      yetus_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE[.##].branch = ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+      ((total=total-1))
+      if [[ -n "${PATCH_BRANCH}" ]]; then
+        if verify_valid_branch  "${PATCH_BRANCH}"; then
+          return 0
+        fi
+      fi
+    done
+    # ISSUE.branch.##
+    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f2- -d. )
+    count="${PATCH_BRANCH//[^.]}"
+    total=${#count}
+    ((total = total + 3 ))
+    until [[ ${total} -lt 2 ]]; do
+      PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f2-${total} -d.)
+      yetus_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE.branch[.##] = ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+      ((total=total-1))
+      if [[ -n "${PATCH_BRANCH}" ]]; then
+        if verify_valid_branch  "${PATCH_BRANCH}"; then
+          return 0
+        fi
+      fi
+    done
+    # ISSUE-branch.##
+    PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f3- -d- | cut -f1- -d. )
+    count="${PATCH_BRANCH//[^.]}"
+    total=${#count}
+    ((total = total + 1 ))
+    until [[ ${total} -lt 1 ]]; do
+      PATCH_BRANCH=$(echo "${patchnamechunk}" | cut -f3- -d- | cut -f1-${total} -d. )
+      yetus_debug "Determine branch: ISSUE-branch[.##] = ${PATCH_BRANCH}"
+      ((total=total-1))
+      if [[ -n "${PATCH_BRANCH}" ]]; then
+        if verify_valid_branch  "${PATCH_BRANCH}"; then
+          return 0
+        fi
+      fi
+    done
+  done
+  return 1
+## @description Write the contents of a file to JIRA
+## @param     filename
+## @stability stable
+## @audience  public
+## @return    exit code from posting to jira
+function jira_write_comment
+  declare -r commentfile=${1}
+  declare retval=0
+  if [[ "${OFFLINE}" == true ]]; then
+    echo "JIRA Plugin: Running in offline, comment skipped."
+    return 0
+  fi
+  if [[ -n ${JIRA_PASSWD}
+     && -n ${JIRA_USER} ]]; then
+    # RESTify the comment
+    {
+      echo "{\"body\":\""
+      ${SED} -e 's,\\,\\\\,g' \
+          -e 's,\",\\\",g' \
+          -e 's,$,\\r\\n,g' "${commentfile}" \
+      | tr -d '\n'
+      echo "\"}"
+    } > "${PATCH_DIR}/jiracomment.$$"
+    ${CURL} -X POST \
+         -H "Accept: application/json" \
+         -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
+         -u "${JIRA_USER}:${JIRA_PASSWD}" \
+         -d @"${PATCH_DIR}/jiracomment.$$" \
+         --silent --location \
+           "${JIRA_URL}/rest/api/2/issue/${JIRA_ISSUE}/comment" \
+          >/dev/null
+    retval=$?
+    rm "${PATCH_DIR}/jiracomment.$$"
+  else
+    echo "JIRA Plugin: no credentials provided to write a comment."
+  fi
+  return ${retval}
+## @description  Print out the finished details to the JIRA issue
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @param        runresult
+function jira_finalreport
+  declare result=$1
+  declare i
+  declare commentfile=${PATCH_DIR}/jiracommentfile
+  declare comment
+  declare vote
+  declare ourstring
+  declare ela
+  declare subs
+  declare color
+  declare comment
+  declare calctime
+  rm "${commentfile}" 2>/dev/null
+  if [[ ${ROBOT} == "false"
+      || ${OFFLINE} == true ]] ; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  if [[ -z "${JIRA_ISSUE}" ]]; then
+    return 0
+  fi
+  big_console_header "Adding comment to JIRA"
+  if [[ ${result} == 0 ]]; then
+    echo "| (/) *{color:green}+1 overall{color}* |" >> "${commentfile}"
+  else
+    echo "| (x) *{color:red}-1 overall{color}* |" >> "${commentfile}"
+  fi
+  echo "\\\\" >>  "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_HEADER[@]} ]]; do
+    printf "%s\n" "${TP_HEADER[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  echo "\\\\" >>  "${commentfile}"
+  echo "|| Vote || Subsystem || Runtime || Comment ||" >> "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_VOTE_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+    ourstring=$(echo "${TP_VOTE_TABLE[${i}]}" | tr -s ' ')
+    vote=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f2 -d\| | tr -d ' ')
+    subs=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f3 -d\|)
+    ela=$(echo "${ourstring}" | cut -f4 -d\|)
+    calctime=$(clock_display "${ela}")
+    comment=$(echo "${ourstring}"  | cut -f5 -d\|)
+    if [[ "${vote}" = "H" ]]; then
+      echo "|| || || || {color:brown}${comment}{color} ||" >> "${commentfile}"
+      ((i=i+1))
+      continue
+    fi
+    # summary line
+    if [[ -z ${vote}
+      && -n ${ela} ]]; then
+      color="black"
+    elif [[ -z ${vote} ]]; then
+      # keep same color
+      true
+    else
+      # new vote line
+      case ${vote} in
+        1|"+1")
+          color="green"
+        ;;
+        -1)
+          color="red"
+        ;;
+        0)
+          color="blue"
+        ;;
+        -0)
+          color="orange"
+        ;;
+        H)
+          # this never gets called (see above) but this is here so others know the color is taken
+          color="brown"
+        ;;
+        *)
+          color="black"
+        ;;
+      esac
+    fi
+    printf "| {color:%s}%s{color} | {color:%s}%s{color} | {color:%s}%s{color} | {color:%s}%s{color} |\n" \
+      "${color}" "${vote}" \
+      "${color}" "${subs}" \
+      "${color}" "${calctime}" \
+      "${color}" "${comment}" \
+      >> "${commentfile}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  if [[ ${#TP_TEST_TABLE[@]} -gt 0 ]]; then
+    { echo "\\\\" ; echo "\\\\"; } >>  "${commentfile}"
+    echo "|| Reason || Tests ||" >>  "${commentfile}"
+    i=0
+    until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_TEST_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+      printf "%s\n" "${TP_TEST_TABLE[${i}]}" >> "${commentfile}"
+      ((i=i+1))
+    done
+  fi
+  { echo "\\\\" ; echo "\\\\"; } >>  "${commentfile}"
+  echo "|| Subsystem || Report/Notes ||" >> "${commentfile}"
+  i=0
+  until [[ $i -eq ${#TP_FOOTER_TABLE[@]} ]]; do
+    comment=$(echo "${TP_FOOTER_TABLE[${i}]}" |
+              ${SED} -e "s,@@BASE@@,${BUILD_URL}${BUILD_URL_ARTIFACTS},g")
+    printf "%s\n" "${comment}" >> "${commentfile}"
+    ((i=i+1))
+  done
+  printf "\n\nThis message was automatically generated.\n\n" >> "${commentfile}"
+  jira_write_comment "${commentfile}"
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..0bbe23e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+add_test_format junit
+function junit_usage
+  yetus_add_option "--junit-test-output=<path>" "Directory to search for the test output TEST-*.xml files, relative to the module directory (default:'${JUNIT_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--junit-test-prefix=<prefix to trim>" "Prefix of test names to be be removed. Used to shorten test names by removing common package name. (default:'${JUNIT_TEST_PREFIX}')"
+function junit_parse_args
+  declare i
+  for i in "$@"; do
+    case ${i} in
+      --junit-test-output=*)
+        JUNIT_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --junit-test-prefix=*)
+        JUNIT_TEST_PREFIX=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+function junit_process_tests
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+  declare module=$1
+  declare buildlogfile=$2
+  declare result=0
+  declare module_test_timeouts
+  declare module_failed_tests
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2016
+  module_test_timeouts=$(${AWK} '/^Running / { array[$NF] = 1 } /^Tests run: .* in / { delete array[$NF] } END { for (x in array) { print x } }' "${buildlogfile}")
+  if [[ -n "${module_test_timeouts}" ]] ; then
+    JUNIT_TEST_TIMEOUTS="${JUNIT_TEST_TIMEOUTS} ${module_test_timeouts}"
+    ((result=result+1))
+  fi
+  #shellcheck disable=SC2026,SC2038,SC2016
+  module_failed_tests=$(find "${JUNIT_TEST_OUTPUT_DIR}" -name 'TEST*.xml'\
+    | xargs "${GREP}" -l -E "<failure|<error"\
+    | ${AWK} -F/ '{sub("'"TEST-${JUNIT_TEST_PREFIX}"'",""); sub(".xml",""); print $NF}')
+  if [[ -n "${module_failed_tests}" ]] ; then
+    JUNIT_FAILED_TESTS="${JUNIT_FAILED_TESTS} ${module_failed_tests}"
+    ((result=result+1))
+  fi
+  if [[ ${result} -gt 0 ]]; then
+    return 1
+  fi
+  return 0
+function junit_finalize_results
+  declare jdk=$1
+  if [[ -n "${JUNIT_FAILED_TESTS}" ]] ; then
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    populate_test_table "${jdk}Failed junit tests" ${JUNIT_FAILED_TESTS}
+  fi
+  if [[ -n "${JUNIT_TEST_TIMEOUTS}" ]] ; then
+    # shellcheck disable=SC2086
+    populate_test_table "${jdk}Timed out junit tests" ${JUNIT_TEST_TIMEOUTS}
+  fi
diff --git a/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000..6fb2b59
--- /dev/null
+++ b/precommit/src/main/shell/test-patch.d/
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env bash
+# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
+# contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file distributed with
+# this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership.
+# The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0
+# (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
+# the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+add_build_tool make
+## @description  make usage hook
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function make_usage
+  yetus_add_option "--make-cmd=<cmd>" "The 'make' command to use (default: '${MAKE}')"
+  yetus_add_option "--make-file=<filename>" "The name of the file the make cmd should work on (default: '${MAKEFILE}')"
+## @description  precheck make
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function make_precheck
+  declare make_version
+  if ! verify_command make "${MAKE}"; then
+    add_vote_table -1 make "make was not available."
+    return 1
+  fi
+  # finally let folks know what version they'll be dealing with.
+  if make_version=$(set -o pipefail; ${MAKE} --version 2>/dev/null | head -n 1  2>/dev/null) && [ -n "${make_version}" ]; then
+    add_footer_table make "version: ${make_version}"
+  fi
+  return 0
+## @description  make argument parser
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @param        args
+function make_parse_args
+  declare i
+  for i in "$@"; do
+    case ${i} in
+      --make-cmd=*)
+        MAKE=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --make-file=*)
+        MAKEFILE=${i#*=}
+      ;;
+      --make-use-git-clean)
+        MAKE_GITCLEAN=true
+      ;;
+    esac
+  done
+## @description  get the name of the make build filename
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       make build file
+function make_buildfile
+  echo "${MAKEFILE}"
+## @description  get the name of the make binary
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       filename
+## @param        testname
+function make_executor
+  echo "${MAKE} ${MAKE_ARGS[*]}"
+## @description  make worker
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @return       status
+## @param        repostatus
+## @param        test
+function make_modules_worker
+  declare repostatus=$1
+  declare tst=$2
+  shift 2
+  # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+  case ${tst} in
+    compile)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" "${tst}"
+    ;;
+    distclean)
+      if [[ ${MAKE_GITCLEAN} = true ]];then
+        git clean -x -f -d
+      else
+        modules_workers "${repostatus}" distclean clean
+      fi
+    ;;
+    unit)
+      modules_workers "${repostatus}" test test
+    ;;
+    *)
+      # shellcheck disable=SC2034
+      if [[ ${repostatus} = patch ]]; then
+        add_footer_table "${tst}" "not supported by the ${BUILDTOOL} plugin"
+      fi
+      yetus_error "WARNING: ${tst} is unsupported by ${BUILDTOOL}"
+      return 1
+    ;;
+  esac
+## @description  make module queuer
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+function make_builtin_personality_modules
+  declare repostatus=$1
+  declare testtype=$2
+  declare module
+  yetus_debug "Using builtin personality_modules"
+  yetus_debug "Personality: ${repostatus} ${testtype}"
+  clear_personality_queue
+  for module in "${CHANGED_MODULES[@]}"; do
+    personality_enqueue_module "${module}"
+  done
+## @description  make test determiner
+## @audience     private
+## @stability    evolving
+## @replaceable  no
+## @param        filename
+function make_builtin_personality_file_tests
+  declare filename=$1
+  yetus_debug "Using builtin make personality_file_tests"
+  if [[ ${filename} =~ \.c$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.cc$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.h$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.hh$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.hh\.in$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.proto$
+       || ${filename} =~ \.make$
+       || ${filename} =~ Makefile$
+       ]]; then
+    yetus_debug "tests/units: ${filename}"
+    add_test compile
+    add_test unit
+  fi