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Posted to by on 2014/04/14 20:30:52 UTC

[50/90] [abbrv] [partial] AIRAVATA-1124
diff --git a/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/assembly/bin-assembly.xml b/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/assembly/bin-assembly.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 3f16978..0000000
--- a/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/assembly/bin-assembly.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-<!--Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
-    distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under 
-    the Apache License, Version 2.0 (theƏ "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may 
-    obtain a copy of the License at Unless required by applicable law or agreed to 
-    in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF 
-    ANY ~ KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under 
-    the License. -->
-<!DOCTYPE assembly [
-        <!ELEMENT assembly (id|includeBaseDirectory|baseDirectory|formats|fileSets|dependencySets)*>
-        <!ELEMENT id (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT includeBaseDirectory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT baseDirectory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT formats (format)*>
-        <!ELEMENT format (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT fileSets (fileSet)*>
-        <!ELEMENT fileSet (directory|outputDirectory|includes)*>
-        <!ELEMENT directory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT outputDirectory (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT includes (include)*>
-        <!ELEMENT include (#PCDATA)>
-        <!ELEMENT dependencySets (dependencySet)*>
-        <!ELEMENT dependencySet (outputDirectory|includes)*>
-        ]>
-    <id>bin</id>
-    <includeBaseDirectory>true</includeBaseDirectory>
-    <baseDirectory>${}-${version}</baseDirectory>
-    <formats>
-        <format>tar.gz</format>
-        <format>zip</format>
-    </formats>
-    <fileSets>
-        <!-- ********************** copy release notes files ********************** -->
-        <fileSet>
-            <directory>../../../</directory>
-            <outputDirectory>.</outputDirectory>
-            <includes>
-                <include>RELEASE_NOTES</include>
-            </includes>
-        </fileSet>
-        <!-- ********************** copy licenses, readme etc. ********************** -->
-        <fileSet>
-            <directory>src/main/resources/</directory>
-            <outputDirectory>.</outputDirectory>
-            <includes>
-                <include>LICENSE</include>
-                <include>NOTICE</include>
-                <include>README</include>
-                <include>INSTALL</include>
-            </includes>
-        </fileSet>
-        <fileSet>
-            <directory>../../../xbaya-gui/src/test/resources/</directory>
-            <outputDirectory>samples/workflows</outputDirectory>
-            <includes>
-                <include>*.xwf</include>
-            </includes>
-        </fileSet>
-        <fileSet>
-            <directory>../../../samples</directory>
-            <outputDirectory>samples</outputDirectory>
-            <includes>
-                <include>*.sh</include>
-            </includes>
-        </fileSet>
-	<fileSet>
-            <directory>${}/</directory>
-            <outputDirectory>bin</outputDirectory>
-	    <includes>
-                <include>*.properties</include>
-            </includes>
-        </fileSet>
-        <fileSet>
-            <directory>src/main/resources/bin</directory>
-            <outputDirectory>bin</outputDirectory>
-            <includes>
-                <include>**/*</include>
-            </includes>
-        </fileSet>
-    </fileSets>
-    <dependencySets>
-        <dependencySet>
-            <outputDirectory>lib</outputDirectory>
-            <outputFileNameMapping>${artifact.artifactId}.${artifact.extension}</outputFileNameMapping>
-            <includes>
-                <include>org.apache.derby:derby:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.derby:derbytools:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.derby:derbynet:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.derby:derbyclient:jar</include>
-            </includes>
-        </dependencySet>
-        <dependencySet>
-            <outputDirectory>lib</outputDirectory>
-            <includes>
-                <include>javax.jcr:jcr:jar</include>
-                <include>commons-collections:commons-collections</include>
-                <include>commons-configuration:commons-configuration</include>
-                <include>commons-lang:commons-lang</include>
-                <include>org.ogce:xpp3:jar</include>
-                <include>org.ogce:xpp5:jar</include>
-                <include>org.ogce:xsul:jar</include>
-                <include>org.ogce:xsul5:jar</include>
-                <include>org.ogce:gpel-client:jar</include>
-                <include>org.ogce:atomixmiser:jar</include>
-                <include>org.ogce:yfilter:jar</include>
-                <include>org.python:jython:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.xmlbeans:xmlbeans</include>
-                <include>com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk</include>
-                <include></include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-registry-api</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-workflow-execution-context</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-workflow-tracking</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-gfac-core</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-gfac-ec2</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-messenger-client</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-messenger-client</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-messenger-commons</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-gfac-schema-utils</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-common-utils</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-workflow-model-core:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-workflow-model-component:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-message-monitor:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-client-api:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-jpa-registry:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-interpreter-service-client:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-interpreter-service:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-interpreter-service-handler:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.airavata:airavata-xbaya-gui</include>
-                <include>org.apache.openjpa:openjpa-all:jar</include>
-                <include>com.sun.jersey:jersey-client:jar</include>
-                <include>com.sun.jersey:jersey-core:jar</include>
-                <include>com.sun.jersey:jersey-json</include>
-                <include>org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-jaxrs</include>
-                <include>org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-core-asl</include>
-                <include>org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-mapper-asl</include>
-                <include>org.codehaus.jackson:jackson-xc</include>
-                <include>xerces:xercesImpl:jar:2.9.1</include>
-                <include>de.fzj.unicore:jsdl-xmlbeans:jar:2.1.0</include>
-                <include>commons-codec:commons-codec:jar</include>
-                <include>wsdl4j:wsdl4j:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.axis2:axis2-kernel:jar</include>
-                <include>commons-httpclient:commons-httpclient:jar</include>
-                <include></include>
-                <include>org.apache.axis2:axis2:jar</include>
-                <include></include>
-                <include></include>
-                <include>org.apache.neethi:neethi:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.axis2:axis2-transport-local:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.axis2:axis2-transport-http:jar</include>
-                <include>javax.mail:mail:jar</include>
-                <include>org.apache.woden:woden-api:jar</include>
-                <!--<include>org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar</include> -->
-                <include>org.apache.axis2:axis2-adb:jar</include>
-                <include></include>
-                <include>org.apache.httpcomponents:httpcore:jar:4.3</include>
-                <include>org.apache.httpcomponents:httpclient:jar:4.3</include>
-                <!--<include>org.globusonline:transfer-api-client-java:jar:0.10.8</include>-->
-                <include>org.bouncycastle:bcprov-jdk16:jar:1.45</include>
-                <include>org.apache.thrift:libthrift:jar:0.9.1</include>
-            </includes>
-        </dependencySet>
-    </dependencySets>
diff --git a/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/distribution/xbaya/jnlp/ b/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/distribution/xbaya/jnlp/
deleted file mode 100644
index b9998b7..0000000
--- a/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/java/org/apache/airavata/distribution/xbaya/jnlp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,156 +0,0 @@
- *
- * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
- * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
- * distributed with this work for additional information
- * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
- * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
- * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
- * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
- *
- *
- *
- * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
- * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
- * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
- * specific language governing permissions and limitations
- * under the License.
- *
- */
-package org.apache.airavata.distribution.xbaya.jnlp;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.List;
- * This class will go through lib directory and creates the jnlp configuration file.
- */
-public class Main {
-    private static final String CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT = "DEPENDENT_JARS";
-    public static void main(String[] args) {
-        if (args.length != 2) {
-            System.err
-                    .println("[ERROR] JNLP creator must be given with lib directory of Xbaya and JNLP template location.");
-            System.exit(-1);
-        }
-        String libDirectory = args[0];
-        String jnlpTemplateFile = args[1];
-        System.out.println("[INFO] The lib directory is " + libDirectory);
-        System.out.println("[INFO] The jnlp file is " + jnlpTemplateFile);
-        File libDirectoryFile = new File(libDirectory);
-        if (!libDirectoryFile.exists()) {
-            System.err.println("[ERROR] Invalid lib directory given - " + libDirectory + ". Cannot add dependent jars");
-            System.exit(-1);
-        }
-        File jnlpFile = new File(jnlpTemplateFile);
-        if (!jnlpFile.canRead()) {
-            System.err.println("[ERROR] Unable to read given jnlp file - " + jnlpTemplateFile + ".");
-            System.exit(-1);
-        }
-        StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
-        // Read all dependencies
-        for (File file : libDirectoryFile.listFiles(new JarFileFilter())) {
-            String line = "<jar href=\"lib/" + file.getName() + "\"/>";
-            stringBuilder.append(line);
-            stringBuilder.append("\n");
-        }
-        // System.out.println(stringBuilder.toString());
-        modifyConfigurations(jnlpFile, stringBuilder);
-    }
-    private static void modifyConfigurations(File jnlpFile, StringBuilder dependencies) {
-        List<String> lines = new ArrayList<String>();
-        // first, read the file and store the changes
-        BufferedReader in = null;
-        try {
-            in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(jnlpFile));
-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-            System.err.println("[ERROR] Error occurred while reading the file. " + e.getMessage());
-        }
-        String line = null;
-        if (in != null) {
-            try {
-                line = in.readLine();
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                System.err.println("[ERROR] Error occurred while reading the file. " + e.getMessage());
-                try {
-                    in.close();
-                } catch (IOException e1) {
-                    System.err.println("[ERROR] Error occurred while closing the file. " + e.getMessage());
-                }
-            }
-        }
-        try {
-            while (line != null) {
-                if (line.trim().startsWith(CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT)) {
-                    line = line.replaceAll(CONFIGURATION_ELEMENT, dependencies.toString());
-                }
-                lines.add(line);
-                line = in.readLine();
-            }
-        } catch (IOException e) {
-            System.err.println("[ERROR] Error occurred while reading the file. " + e.getMessage());
-        } finally {
-            try {
-                if (in != null) {
-                    in.close();
-                }
-            } catch (IOException e) {
-                System.err.println("[ERROR] Error occurred while closing the file. " + e.getMessage());
-            }
-        }
-        // now, write the file again with the changes
-        PrintWriter out = null;
-        try {
-            out = new PrintWriter(jnlpFile);
-            for (String l : lines) {
-                out.println(l);
-                out.flush();
-            }
-        } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
-            System.err.println("[ERROR] Error occurred while writing back to the file. " + e.getMessage());
-        } finally {
-            if (out != null) {
-                out.flush();
-                out.close();
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    public static class JarFileFilter implements FilenameFilter {
-        String ext;
-        public JarFileFilter() {
-            this.ext = ".jar";
-        }
-        public boolean accept(File dir, String name) {
-            return name.endsWith(ext);
-        }
-    }
diff --git a/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/resources/INSTALL b/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/resources/INSTALL
deleted file mode 100644
index 1d6d275..0000000
--- a/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/src/main/resources/INSTALL
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
-Installing  Apache Airavata XBaya 0.11
-Java 1.5 or later
-Maven (tested on v 3.0.2)
-Build Apache Airavata XBaya from Source
-* Unzip/untar the source file or check out from svn.
-* cd to project folder and type
-	$ mvn clean install
-	Note: in order to skip tests use the command
-			$ mvn clean install -Dmaven.test.skip=true
-* The compressed binary distribution is created at <PROJECT DIR>/modules/distribution/xbaya-gui/target/apache-airavata-xbaya-gui-<airavata-version>
-Installing the Airavata XBaya
-No installation is necessary. Just extract the compressed distribution.
-Note: For customizing the default configurations of the Airavata Server please 
-      refer to Airavata web-site ( and/or Airavata 
-      mailing lists (
-Starting Apache Airavata XBaya
-* Navigate to <XBAYA_HOME>/bin
-* type for following command to start the Airavata XBaya
-	MAC/Unix systems
-		$ sh
-	Windows
-		> xbaya-gui.bat
-	Note: Pass "-h" as parameters to see more options when starting the server
-Running Tests
-Once the binary is unzipped, instructions to run the tests should be followed from README
-The airavata website has instructions for basic tutorials:
-* For basic understanding of how Airavata works -
-* Describing and executing applications using Airavata -
-* Advanced tutorial to provide understanding of how to run sample workflows distributed with Airavata -