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Posted to by Ricky Lee <> on 2003/11/25 13:13:39 UTC

coundn't be a nested code like this?

hi, struts exper! i have a problem about struts taglib, like these code

<html:form action="<tiles:getAsString name="form_action" />">

it show me the exception:

rg.apache.jasper.JasperException: /layouts/admin/addDataLayout.jsp(15,48)
equal symbol expected

and when i change to the follow codes , it remain showed me the same

<tiles:useAttribute name="form_action" />
<html:form action="<bean:write name="form_action" />">

my tiles configuration is:

<definition name=".admin.add.article" extends="">
 <put name="form_action"          value="/addArticleAction"    type="string"
 <put name="admin_select_author"  value=""
type="definition" />

i want to set the property into tiles context and get it from jsp page as
string to set the form action property....

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