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[1/4] Migrate CHANGES file to reST format.

Updated Branches:
  refs/heads/trunk eacb98947 -> 0841c5bf6
diff --git a/CHANGES.rst b/CHANGES.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e42dc97
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGES.rst
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+Changes with Apache Libcloud in development
+- Update API endpoints which are used in the HostVirtual drivers.
+  (LIBCLOUD-489)
+  [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
+- Remove Slicehost driver.
+  SliceHost API has been shut down in 2012 so it makes no sense to keep
+  this driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify drivers for public cloud providers which use HTTP Basic
+  authentication to not allow insecure connections (secure constructor
+  kwarg being set to False) by default.
+  This way credentials can't accidentaly be sent in plain text over the
+  write.
+  Affected drivers: Bluebox, Joyent, NephoScale, OpSource, VPSNet
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Remove "public_ip" and "private_ip" property which has been deprecated in
+  0.7.0 from the Node object.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Move "is_private_ip" and "is_valid_ip_address" function from
+  libcloud.compute.base into libcloud.utils.networking module.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to pass "url" argument to the CloudStack driver constructor.
+  This argument can be provided instead of "host" and "path" arguments and
+  can contain a full URL to the API endpoint. (LIBCLOUD-430)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to pass None as a "location" argument to the create_node
+  method. (LIBCLOUD-431)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Refactor CloudStack Connection class so it looks more like other
+  connection classes and user can specify which attributes to send as part
+  of query parameters in the GET request and which inside the body of a POST
+  request.
+  [Tomaz Muraus, Philipp Strube]
+- Add a new driver for Exoscale ( provider.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug in Abiquo driver which caused the driver to fail if the endpoint
+  URL didn't start with "/api". (LIBCLOUD-447)
+  Reported by Igor Ajdisek.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify CloudStack driver to correctly throw InvalidCredsError exception if
+  invalid credentials are provided.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Don't throw an exception if a node object is missing an "image" attribute
+  in the list nodes / get node response.
+  This could happen if node is in an error state. (LIBCLOUD-455)
+  [Dustin Spicuzza, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update CloudStack driver to better handle errors and throw ProviderError
+  instead of a generic Exception.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify ex_list_networks methods in CloudStack driver to not thrown if there
+  are no networks available.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Bump API version used in the EC2 driver from 2010-08-21 to 2013-10-15.
+  (LIBCLOUD-454)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add ex_get_limits method for retrieving account resource limits to the
+  EC2 driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update us-west-1 region in the EC2 driver to include c3 instance types.
+  Also include pricing information.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- For consistency, rename "ex_add_ip_forwarding_rule" method to
+  "ex_create_ip_forwarding_rule".
+  (GITHUB-196)
+  [Oleg Suharev]
+- Add support for new "i2" instance types to Amazon EC2 driver. Also
+  update pricing file. (LIBCLOUD-465)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Allow user to specify VPC id when creating a security group in the EC2
+  driver by passing "vpc_id" argument to ex_create_security_group method.
+  (LIBCLOUD-463, GITHUB-201)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add extension methods for managing security group rules
+  (ex_authorize_security_group_ingress, ex_authorize_security_group_egress,
+  ex_revoke_security_group_ingress, ex_revoke_security_group_egress) to the
+  EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-466, GITHUB-202)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add extension methods for deleting security groups
+  (ex_delete_security_group, ex_delete_security_group_by_id,
+  ex_delete_security_group_by_name) to the EC2 driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-464, GITHUB-199)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add extension method for listing reserved instances
+  (ex_list_reserved_nodes) to the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-469, GITHUB-205)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add extension methods for VPC management (ex_list_networks,
+  ex_create_network, ex_delete_network) to the EC2 driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-467, GITHUB-203)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add extension methods for VPC subnet management (ex_list_subnets,
+  ex_create_subnet, ex_delete_subnet) to the EC2 driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-468, GITHUB-207)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add ex_get_console_output extension method to the EC2 driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-471, GITHUB-209)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Include additional provider-specific attributes in the 'extra' dictionary
+  of the StorageVolume class in the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-473, GITHUB-210)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Change attribute name in the 'extra' dictionary of EC2 and CloudStack
+  Node object from "keyname" to "key_name". (LIBCLOUD-475)
+  [Oleg Suharev]
+- Fix a deployment issue which would some times cause a process to hang if
+  the executed deployment script printed a lot of output to stdout or stderr.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add additional attributes to the "extra" dictionary of the VolumeSnapshot
+  object in the EC2 driver.
+  Also modify create_volume_snapshot method to correctly handle "name"
+  argument. Previous, "name" argument was used as a snapshot description,
+  now it's used as a Tag with a key "Name". (LIBCLOUD-480, GITHUB-214)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Store additional attributes (iops, tags, block_device_mapping) in the
+  "extra" dictionary of the NodeImage object in the EC2 driver.
+  Also fix ex_image_ids filtering in the list_images method.
+  (LIBCLOUD-481, GITHUB-215)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add extension methods for network interface management
+  (ex_list_network_interfaces, ex_create_network_interface,
+  ex_attach_network_interface_to_node, ex_detach_network_interface,
+  ex_delete_network_interface) to the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-474)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Update Google Compute Engine driver to use and work with API v1.
+  (LIBCLOUD-450)
+  [Rick Wright]
+- Modify ParamikoSSHClient so that "password" and "key" arguments are not
+  mutually exclusive and both can be provided. (LIBCLOUD-461, GITHUB-194)
+  [Markos Gogoulos]
+- Add extension methods for the Elastic IP management to the EC2 driver.
+  Also modify "ex_allocate_address" and "ex_release_address" method to
+  take "domain" argument so it also works with VPC.
+  (LIBCLOUD-470, GITHUB-208, GITHUB-220)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add additional provider specific attributes to the "extra" dictionary of
+  the Node object in the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-493, GITHUB-221)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Add ex_copy_image and ex_create_image_from_node method to the EC2 driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-494, GITHUB-222)
+  [Chris DeRamus]
+- Allow user to specify 'Content-Disposition' header in the CloudFiles
+  driver by passing 'content_disposition' key in the extra dictionary of
+  the upload object methods. (LIBCLOUD-430)
+  [Michael Farrell]
+- Fix CloudFiles driver so it references a correct service catalog entry for
+  the CDN endpoint.
+  This was broken in the 0.14.0-beta3 release when we migrated all the
+  Rackspace drivers to use auth 2.0 by default. (GITHUB-186)
+  [John Obelenus]
+- Update storage drivers to default to "application/octet-stream"
+  Content-Type if none is provided and none can be guessed.
+  (LIBCLOUD-433)
+  [Michael Farrell]
+- Fix a bug so you can now upload 0 bytes sized objects using multipart
+  upload in the S3 driver. (LIBCLOUD-490)
+  Reported by Noah Kantrowitz.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update OpenStack Swift driver constructor so it accepts "region",
+  "ex_force_service_type" and "ex_force_service_name" argument.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Deprecate "CLOUDFILES_SWIFT" provider constant in favor of new
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Implement iterate_* methods in the Route53 driver and makes it work
+  correctly if there are more results which can fit on a single page.
+  Previously, only first 100 results were returned. (LIBCLOUD-434)
+  [Chris Clarke]
+- Update HostVirtual driver constructor to only take "key" and other valid
+  arguments. Previously it also took "secret" argument which it silently
+  ignored. (LIBCLOUD-483)
+  Reported by  Andrew Udvare.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix list_records method in the HostVirtual driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-484, GITHUB-218)
+  Reported by Andrew Udvare.
+  [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.14.0-beta3
+- If the file exists, read pricing data from ~/.libcloud/pricing.json
+  by default. If the file doesn't exist, fall back to the old behavior
+  and use pricing data which is bundled with the release.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add libcloud.pricing.download_pricing_file function for downloading and
+  updating the pricing file.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix libcloud.utils.py3.urlquote so it works with unicode strings under
+  Python 2. (LIBCLOUD-429)
+  [Michael Farrell]
+- Refactor Rackspace driver classes and make them easier to use. Now there
+  are two Rackspace provider constants - Provider.RACKSPACE which
+  represents new next-gen OpenStack servers and
+  Provider.RACKSPACE_FIRST_GEN which represents old first-gen cloud
+  servers.
+  Note: This change is backward incompatible. For more information on those
+  changes and how to update your code, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
+  documentation page -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Deprecate the following EC2 provider constants: EC2_US_EAST,
+  EC2_US_WEST_OREGON, EC2_SA_EAST, EC2_SA_EAST and replace it with a new
+  EC2 constant.
+  Driver referenced by this new constant now takes a "region" argument which
+  dictates to which region to connect.
+  Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
+  release. For more information on those changes and how to update your
+  code, please visit "Upgrade Notes" documentation page -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add support for volume related functions to OpenNebula driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-354)
+  [Emanuele Rocca]
+- Add methods for managing storage volumes to the OpenStack driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-353)
+  [Bernard Kerckenaere]
+- Add new driver for Google Compute Engine (LIBCLOUD-266, LIBCLOUD-386)
+  [Rick Wright]
+- Fix create_node "features" metadata and update affected drivers.
+  (LIBCLOUD-367)
+  [John Carr]
+- Update EC2 driver to accept the auth kwarg (it will accept NodeAuthSSH
+  objects and automatically import a public key that is not already
+  uploaded to the EC2 keyring). (Follow on from LIBCLOUD-367).
+  [John Carr]
+- Unify extension argument names for assigning a node to security groups
+  in EC2 and OpenStack driver.
+  Argument in the EC2 driver has been renamed from ex_securitygroup to
+  ex_security_groups. For backward compatibility reasons, old argument
+  will continue to work until the next major release. (LIBCLOUD-375)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add ex_import_keypair_from_string and ex_import_keypair method to the
+  CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-380)
+  [Sebastien Goasguen]
+- Add support for managing floating IP addresses to the OpenStack driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-382)
+  [Ivan Kusalic]
+- Add extension methods for handling port forwarding to the CloudStack
+  driver, rename CloudStackForwardingRule class to
+  CloudStackIPForwardingRule. (LIBCLOUD-348, LIBCLOUD-381)
+  [sebastien goasguen]
+- Hook up deploy_node functionality in the CloudStack driver and unify
+  extension arguments for handling security groups. (LIBCLOUD-388)
+  [sebastien goasguen]
+- Allow user to pass "args" argument to the ScriptDeployment and
+  ScriptFileDeployment class. This argument tells which command line
+  arguments get passed to the ScriptDeployment script. (LIBCLOUD-394)
+  Note: This change is backward incompatible. For more information on how
+  this affects your code and how to update it, visit "Upgrade Notes"
+  documentation page -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to specify IAM profile to use when creating an EC2 node.
+  (LIBCLOUD-403)
+  [Xavier Barbosa]
+- Add support for keypair management to the OpenStack driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-392)
+  [L. Schaub]
+- Allow user to specify disk partitioning mode using ex_disk_config argument
+  in the OpenStack based drivers. (LIBCLOUD-402)
+  [Brian Curtin]
+- Add new driver for NephoScale provider (
+  (LIBCLOUD-404)
+  [Markos Gogoulos]
+- Update network related extension methods so they work correctly with
+  both, OpenStack and Rackspace driver. (LIBCLOUD-368)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add tests for networking functionality in the OpenStack and Rackspace
+  driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to pass all supported extension arguments to ex_rebuild_server
+  method in the OpenStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-408)
+  [Dave King]
+- Add pricing information for Rackspace Cloud Sydney region.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update EC2 instance type map and pricing data. High Storage instances are
+  now also available in Sydney and Singapore region.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new methods for managing storage volumes and snapshots to the EC2
+  driver (list_volumes, list_snapshots, destroy_volume_snapshot,
+  create_volume_snapshot) (LIBCLOUD-409)
+  [Oleg Suharev]
+- Add the following new extension methods to EC2 driver: ex_destroy_image,
+  ex_modify_instance_attributes, ex_delete_keypair. (LIBCLOUD-409)
+  [Oleg Suharev]
+- Allow user to specify a port range when creating a port forwarding rule.
+  (LIBCLOUD-409)
+  [Oleg Suharev]
+- Align Joyent driver with other drivers and deprecate "location" argument
+  in the driver constructor in favor of "region" argument.
+  Note: Deprecated argument will continue to work until the next major
+  release.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Deprecate the following ElasticHosts provider constants: ELASTICHOSTS_UK1,
+  new ELASTICHOSTS constant.
+  Driver referenced by this new constant now takes a "region" argument which
+  dictates to which region to connect.
+  Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
+  release. For more information on those changes and how to update your
+  code, please visit "Upgrade Notes" documentation page -
+ (LIBCLOUD-383)
+  [Michael Bennett, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add log statements to our ParamikoSSHClient wrapper. This should make
+  debugging deployment issues easier. (LIBCLOUD-414)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new "NodeState.STOPPED" node state. Update HostVirual and EC2 driver to
+  also recognize this new state. (LIBCLOUD-296)
+  [Jayy Vis]
+- Add new Hong Kong endpoint to Rackspace driver.
+  [Brian Curtin]
+- Fix ex_delete_keypair method in the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-415)
+  [Oleg Suharev]
+- Add the following new extension methods for elastic IP management to the
+  EC2 driver: ex_allocate_address, ex_disassociate_address,
+  ex_release_address. (LIBCLOUD-417)
+  [Patrick Armstrong]
+- For consistency and accuracy, rename "ex_associate_addresses" method in the
+  EC2 driver to "ex_associate_address_with_node".
+  Note: Old method will continue to work until the next major release.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new driver for CloudFrames (
+  provider. (LIBCLOUD-358)
+  [Bernard Kerckenaere]
+- Update default kernel versions which are used when creating a Linode
+  server.
+  Old default kernel versions:
+  - x86 -
+  - x86_64 -
+  New default kernel versions:
+  - x86 - 3.9.3-x86-linode52
+  - x86_64 - 3.9.3-x86_64-linode33
+  (LIBCLOUD-424)
+  [Tomaz Muraus, Jon Chen]
+- Disable cache busting functionality in the OpenStack and Rackspace next-gen
+  driver and enable it only for Rackspace first-gen driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update Google Compute Engine driver to v1beta16.
+  [Rick Wright]
+- Modify auth_url variable in the OpenStack drivers so it works more like
+  users would expect it to.
+  Previously path specified in the auth_url was ignored and only protocol,
+  hostname and port were used. Now user can provide a full url for the
+  auth_url variable and the path provided in the url is also used.
+  [DaeMyung Kang, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to associate arbitrary key/value pairs with a node by passing
+  "ex_metadata" argument (dictionary) to create_node method in the EC2
+  driver.
+  Those values are associated with a node using tags functionality.
+  (LIBCLOUD-395)
+  [Ivan Kusalic]
+- Add "ex_get_metadata" method to EC2 and OpenStack driver. This method reads
+  metadata dictionary from the Node object. (LIBCLOUD-395)
+  [Ivan Kusalic]
+- Multiple improvements in the Softlayer driver:
+    - Map "INITIATING" node state to NodeState.PENDING
+    - If node is launching remap "halted" state to "pending"
+    - Add more node sizes
+    - Add ex_stop_node and ex_start_node method
+    - Update tests response fixtures
+  (LIBCLOUD-416)
+  [Markos Gogoulos]
+- Modify list_sizes method in the KT UCloud driver to work, even if the item
+  doesn't have 'diskofferingid' attribute. (LIBCLOUD-435)
+  [DaeMyung Kang]
+- Add new c3 instance types to the EC2 driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix an issue with the ex_list_keypairs and ex_list_security_groups method
+  in the CloudStack driver which caused an exception to be thrown if the API
+  returned no keypairs / security groups.
+  (LIBCLOUD-438)
+  [Carlos Reategui, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug in the OpenStack based drivers with not correctly checking if the
+  auth token has expired before re-using it. (LIBCLOUD-428)
+  Reported by Michael Farrell.
+  [Tomaz Muraus,  Michael Farrell]
+- Deprecate CLOUDFILES_US and CLOUDFILES_UK provider constant and replace
+  it with a new CLOUDFILES constant.
+  Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
+  which can be one of 'ord', 'dfw', 'iad', 'syd', 'lon'.
+  Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
+  release.
+  For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
+  documentation section -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow users to filter objects starting with a prefix by passing ex_prefix
+  argument to the list_container_objects method in the S3, Google Storage
+  and CloudFiles driver. (LIBCLOUD-369)
+  [Stefan Friesel]
+- Fix an issue with mutating attribute in the Azure
+  driver. This bug prevented user from having multiple Azure drivers with
+  different keys instantiated at the same time. (LIBCLOUD-399)
+  [Olivier Grisel]
+- Add a new driver for KT UCloud based on the OpenStack Swift driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-431).
+  [DaeMyung Kang]
+Load Balancer
+- Deprecate RACKSPACE_US and RACKSPACE_UK provider constant and replace it
+  with a new RACKSPACE constant.
+  Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
+  which can be one of the following: 'ord', 'dfw', 'iad', 'syd', 'lon'.
+  Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
+  release.
+  For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
+  documentation section -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new driver for Google Compute Engine (LIBCLOUD-386)
+  [Rick Wright]
+- Add new Hong Kong endpoint to Rackspace driver.
+  [Brian Curtin]
+- Deprecate RACKSPACE_US and RACKSPACE_UK provider constant and replace it
+  with a new RACKSPACE constant.
+  Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
+  which can be one of the following: 'us', 'uk'.
+  Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
+  release.
+  For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
+  documentation section -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Use string instead of integer for RecordType ENUM value.
+  Note: If you directly use an integer instead of RecordType ENUM class you
+  need to update your code to use the RecordType ENUM otherwise the code
+  won't work. For more information on how to do that, see "Upgrade Notes"
+  documentation section -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add "export_zone_to_bind_format" and export_zone_to_bind_zone_file method
+  which allows users to export Libcloud Zone to BIND zone format.
+  (LIBCLOUD-398)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update issue with inexistent zone / record handling in the get_zone and
+  get_record method in the Linode driver. Those issues were related to
+  changes in the Linode API. (LIBCLOUD-425)
+  [Jon Chen]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.3
+- Send "scrub_data" query parameter when destroying a DigitalOcean node.
+  This will cause disk to be scrubbed (overwritten with 0's) when destroying
+  a node. (LIBCLOUD-487)
+  Note: This fixes a security issue with a potential leak of data contained
+  on the destroyed node which only affects users of the DigitalOcean driver.
+  (CVE-2013-6480)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.2
+- Don't sent Content-Length: 0 header with POST and PUT request if "raw"
+  mode is used. This fixes a regression which could cause broken behavior
+  in some storage driver when uploading a file from disk.
+  (LIBCLOUD-396)
+  [Ivan Kusalic]
+- Added Ubuntu Linux 12.04 image to ElasticHost driver image list.
+  (LIBCLOUD-364)
+  [Bob Thompson]
+- Update ElasticHosts driver to store drive UUID in the node 'extra' field.
+  (LIBCLOUD-357)
+  [Bob Thompson]
+- Store last_modified timestamp in the Object extra dictionary in the S3
+  driver. (LIBCLOUD-373)
+  [Stefan Friesel]
+Load Balancer
+- Expose CloudStack driver directly through the Provider.CLOUDSTACK
+  constant.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify Zerigo driver to include record TTL in the record 'extra' attribute
+  if a record has a TTL set.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify values in the Record 'extra' dictionary attribute in the Zerigo DNS
+  driver to be set to None instead of an empty string ('') if a value for
+  the provided key is not set.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.1
+- Fix a regression introduced in 0.13.0 and make sure to include
+  Content-Length 0 with PUT and POST requests. (LIBCLOUD-362, LIBCLOUD-390)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug in the ElasticHosts driver and check for right HTTP status
+  code when determining drive imaging success. (LIBCLOUD-363)
+  [Bob Thompson]
+- Update Opsource driver to include node public ip address (if available).
+  (LIBCLOUD-384)
+  [Michael Bennett]
+- Fix a regression with calling encode_container_name instead of
+  encode_object_name on object name in get_object method.
+  Reported by Ben Meng (LIBCLOUD-366)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Ensure that AWS S3 multipart upload works for small iterators.
+  (LIBCLOUD-378)
+  [Mahendra M]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.0
+- Add homebrew curl-ca-bundle path to CA_CERTS_PATH. This will make Libcloud
+  use homebrew curl ca bundle file (if available) for server certificate
+  validation. (LIBCLOUD-324)
+  [Robert Chiniquy]
+- Modify OpenStackAuthConnection and change auth_token_expires attribute to
+  be a datetime object instead of a string.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify OpenStackAuthConnection to support re-using of the existing auth
+  token if it's still valid instead of re-authenticating on every
+  authenticate() call.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify base Connection class to not send Content-Length header if body is
+  not provided.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add the new error class ProviderError and modify InvalidCredsError to
+  inherit from it. (LIBCLOUD-331)
+  [Jayy Vis]
+- Add unittest2 library dependency for tests and update some tests to use
+  it.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix destroy_node method in the experimental libvirt driver.
+  [Aymen Fitati]
+- Add ex_start_node method to the Joyent driver. (LIBCLOUD-319)
+  [rszabo50]
+- Fix Python 3 compatibility issue in the ScriptFileDeployment class.
+  (LIBCLOUD-321)
+  [Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis]
+- Add ex_set_metadata_entry and ex_get_metadata method to the VCloud driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-318)
+  [Michel Samia]
+- Various improvements and bug-fixes in the VCloud driver. (LIBCLOUD-323)
+  [Michel Samia]
+- Various bug fixes and improvements in the HostVirtual driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-249)
+  [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
+- Modify list_sizes method in the OpenStack driver to include
+  OpenStackNodeSize object which includes 'vcpus' attribute which holds
+  a number of virtual CPUs for this size. (LIBCLOUD-325)
+  [Carlo]
+- For consistency rename "ex_describe_keypairs" method in the EC2 driver to
+  "ex_describe_keypair".
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify "ex_describe_keypair" method to return key fingerprint in the
+  return value. (LIBCLOUD-326)
+  [Andre Merzky, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Populate private_ips attribute in the CloudStack drive when returning
+  a Node object from the create_node method. (LIBCLOUD-329)
+  [Sebastien Goasguen, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to pass extra arguments via "extra_args" argument which are
+  then passed to the "deployVirtualMachine" call in the CloudStack driver
+  create_node method. (LIBCLOUD-330)
+  [Sebastien Goasguen, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update Gandi driver to handle new billing model. (LIBCLOUD-317)
+  [Aymeric Barantal]
+- Fix a bug in the Linode driver and remove extra newline which is added
+  when generating a random root password in create_node. (LIBCLOUD-334)
+  [Juan Carlos Moreno]
+- Add extension methods for managing keypairs to the CloudStack driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-333)
+  [sebastien goasguen]
+- Add extension methods for managing security groups to the CloudStack
+  driver. (LIBCLOUD-332)
+  [sebastien goasguen]
+- Add extension methods for starting and stoping the node to the
+  CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-338)
+  [sebastien goasguen]
+- Fix old _wait_until_running method. (LIBCLOUD-339)
+  [Bob Thompson]
+- Allow user to override default async task completion timeout by
+  specifying ex_clone_timeout argument. (LIBCLOUD-340)
+  [Michal Galet]
+- Fix a bug in the GoGrid driver get_uuid method. (LIBCLOUD-341)
+  [Bob Thompson]
+- Fix a bug with deploy_node not respecting 'timeout' kwarg.
+  [Kevin Carter]
+- Modify create_node method in CloudStack driver to return an instance of
+  CloudStackNode and add a new "expunging" node state. (LIBCLOUD-345)
+  [sebastien goasguen]
+- Update API endpoint hostnames in the ElasticHost driver and use hostnames
+  which return a valid SSL certificate. (LIBCLOUD-346)
+  [Bob Thompson]
+- Add ex_list_networks method and missing tests for list_templates to the
+  CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-349)
+  [Philipp Strube]
+- Correctly throw InvalidCredsError if user passes invalid credentials to
+  the DigitalOcean driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix an issue with double encoding the container name in the CloudFiles
+  driver upload_object method.
+  Also properly encode container and object name used in the HTTP request
+  in the get_container and get_object method. (LIBCLOUD-328)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Load Balancer
+- Add ex_list_current_usage method to the Rackspace driver.
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.12.4
+- Fix a regression in Softlayer driver caused by the xmlrpclib changes.
+  (LIBCLOUD-310)
+  [Jason Johnson]
+- Allow user to pass alternate ssh usernames to deploy_node
+  (ssh_alternate_usernames kwarg) which are used for authentication if the
+  default one doesn't work. (LIBCLOUD-309)
+  [Chris Psaltis, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug in EC2 list_locations method - 'name' attribute didn't contain a
+  the right value.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new ScriptFileDeployment deployment class which reads deploy script
+  from a file.
+  [Rudolf J Streif]
+- Add support for API version 5.1 to the vCloud driver and accept any value
+  which is a multiple of four for ex_vm_memory kwarg in create_node method.
+  (LIBCLOUD-314)
+  [Trevor Powell]
+- Fix a regression with removed ex_force_service_region constructor kwarg in
+  the CloudFiles driver. (LIBCLOUD-260)
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.12.3
+- Fix Python 3.x related regressions. (LIBCLOUD-245)
+  Reported by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a regression introduced with recent xmlrpiclib changes which broke all
+  the drivers. (LIBCLOUD-288)
+  Reported by Hutson Betts.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Improve deploy code to work correctly if the ssh user doesn't have access
+  to the /root directory.
+  Previously the ScriptDeployment script was stored in /root folder by
+  default. Now it's stored in users home directory under filename
+  ~/libcloud_deploymeny_<random>.sh. (LIBCLOUD-302)
+  Reported by rotem on #libcloud.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Improve public and private IP address handling in OpenStack 1.1 driver.
+  Assume every IP address which doesn't have a label "public" or "internet"
+  is private. (LIBCLOUD-297)
+  [Grischa Meyer, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new driver for DigitalOcean provider -
+  (LIBCLOUD-304)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a regression in method which caused this methid
+  to only work as expected if you passed an absolute or a relative path to
+  the script to it. (LIBCLOUD-278)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to specify 'priority' extra argument when creating a MX or SRV
+  record.
+  [Brian Jinwright, Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.12.1
+- Deprecate LazyList method of iteration over large paginated collections
+  and use a new, more efficient generator based approach which doesn't
+  require the iterator to be pre-exhausted and buffering all of the values
+  in memory.
+  Existing list_* methods which previously used LazyList class are
+  preserving the old behavior and new iterate_* methods which use a new
+  generator based approach have been added. (LIBCLOUD-254)
+  [Mahendra M]
+- Replace old ENUM style provider constants and replace them with a string
+  version.
+  This change allows users to dynamically register new drivers using a new
+  set_driver method. (LIBCLOUD-255)
+  [Mahendra M]
+- Allow user to explicitly specify which CA file is used for verifying
+  the server certificate by setting 'SSL_CERT_FILE' environment variable.
+  Note: When this variable is specified, the specified path is the only
+  CA file which is used to verifying the server certificate. (LIBCLOUD-283)
+  [Tomaz Muraus, Erinn Looney-Triggs]
+- Add a common module (libcloud.common.xmlrpc) for handling XML-RPC
+  requests using Libcloud http layer.
+  Also refactor existing drivers which use xmlrpclib directly (VCL, Gandi,
+  Softlayer) to use this module.
+  This change allows drivers to support LIBCLOUD_DEBUG and SSL certificate
+  validation functionality. Previously they have bypassed Libcloud http
+  layer so this functionality was not available. (LIBCLOUD-288)
+  [John Carr]
+- Fix string interpolation bug in __repr__ methods in the IBM SCE driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-242)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix test failures which happened in Python 3.3 due to:
+  - hash randomization
+  - changes in xml.etree module
+  - changes in xmlrpc module
+  (LIBCLOUD-245)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Improvements and additions in vCloud driver:
+    - Expose generic query method (ex_query)
+    - Provide functionality to get and set control access for vApps. This way
+      created vApps can be shared between users/groups or everyone.
+  (LIBCLOUD-251)
+  [Michal Galet]
+- Update EC2 pricing data to reflect new, lower prices -
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update EC2 instance size to reflect new m3 instance types. Also refactor
+  the code to make it easier to maintain.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add a new driver for HostVirtual ( provider.
+  (LIBCLOUD-249)
+  [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
+- Fix a bug where a numeric instead of a string value was used for the
+  content-length header in VCloud driver. (LIBCLOUD-256)
+  [Brian DeGeeter, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add a new driver for new Asia Pacific (Sydney) EC2 region.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add support for managing security groups to the OpenStack driver. This
+  patch adds the following extension methods:
+  - ex_list_security_groups, ex_get_node_security_groups methods
+  - ex_create_security_group, ex_delete_security_group
+  - ex_create_security_group_rule, ex_delete_security_group_rule
+  (LIBCLOUD-253)
+  [L. Schaub]
+- Modify ElasticStack driver class to pass 'vnc auto' instead of
+  'vnc:ip auto' argument to the API when creating a server.
+  It looks like 'vnc:ip' has been replaced with 'vnc'.
+  [Rick Copeland, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new EC2 instance type - High Storage Eight Extra Large Instance
+  (hs1.8xlarge).
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Map 'shutting-down' node state in EC2 driver to UNKNOWN. Previously
+  it was mapped to TERMINATED. (LIBCLOUD-280)
+  Note: This change is backward incompatible which means you need to update
+  your code if you rely on the old behavior.
+  [Tomaz Muraus, Marcin Kuzminski]
+- Change _wait_until_running method so it supports waiting on multiple nodes
+  and make it public (wait_until_running). (LIBCLOUD-274)
+  [Nick Bailey]
+- Add new EC2 instance type - High Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large.
+  (cr1.8xlarge).
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new driver for Abiquo provider - (LIBCLOUD-250).
+  [Jaume Devesa]
+- Allow user to pass 'ex_blockdevicemappings' kwarg to the EC2 driver
+  'create_node' method. (LIBCLOUD-282)
+  [Joe Miller, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Improve error handling in the Brightbox driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix the ScriptDeployment step to work correctly if user provides a
+  relative path for the script argument. (LIBCLOUD-278)
+  [Jaume Devesa]
+- Fix Softlayer driver and make sure all the code is up to date and works
+  with the latest version of the actual Softlayer deployment (v3).
+  (LIBCLOUD-287)
+  [Kevin McDonald]
+- Update EC2 driver, m3 instance types are now available in all the regions
+  except Brazil.
+  Also update pricing to reflect new (lower) prices.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Minor improvements in the HostVirtual driver and add new ex_get_node and
+  ex_build_node extension method. (LIBCLOUD-249)
+  [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
+- Add ex_destroy_image method to IBM SCE driver. (LIBCLOUD-291)
+  [Perry Zou]
+- Add the following new regions to the ElasticHosts driver: sjc-c, syd-v,
+  hkg-e. (LIBCLOUD-293)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix create_node in OpenStack driver to work correctly if 'adminPass'
+  attribute is not present in the response.
+  [Gavin McCance, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow users to filter images returned by the list_images method in the EC2
+  driver by providing ex_image_ids argument. (LIBCLOUD-294)
+  [Chris Psaltis, Joseph Hall]
+- Add support for OpenNebula 3.8. (LIBCLOUD-295)
+  [Guillaume ZITTA]
+- Add missing 'deletd' -> terminated mapping to OpenStack driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-276)
+  [Jayy Vis]
+- Fix create_node in OpenStack driver to work correctly if 'adminPass'
+  attribute is not present in the response. (LIBCLOUD-292)
+  [Gavin McCance, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add a new local storage driver.
+  [Mahendra M]
+- Fix a bug which caused the connection to not be closed when using Python
+  2.6 and calling get_object on an object which doesn't exist in the S3
+  driver. (LIBCLOUD-257)
+  [John Carr]
+- Add a new generator based method for listing / iterating over the
+  containers (iterate_containers). (LIBCLOUD-261)
+  [Mahendra M]
+- Add ex_purge_object_from_cdn method to the CloudFiles driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-267)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Support for multipart uploads and other improvements in the S3 driver
+  so it can more easily be re-used with other implementations (e.g. Google
+  Storage, etc.).
+  Also default to a multipart upload when using upload_object_via_stream.
+  This methods is more efficient compared to old approach because it only
+  requires buffering a single multipart chunk (5 MB) in memory.
+  (LIBCLOUD-269)
+  [Mahendra M]
+- Add new driver for Windows Azure Storage with support for block and page
+  blobs. (LIBCLOUD-80)
+  [Mahendra M]
+- Update 'if type' checks in the update_record methods to behave correctly
+  if users passes in RecordType.A with a value of 0 - if type is not None.
+  (LIBCLOUD-247)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- New driver for HostVirtual provider ( (LIBCLOUD-249)
+  [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
+- Finish Amazon Route53 driver. (LIBCLOUD-132)
+  [John Carr]
+- Add new driver for Gandi provider ( (LIBCLOUD-281)
+  [John Carr]
+- Add new driver for AWS Elastic Load Balancing service. (LIBCLOUD-169)
+  [John Carr]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.4
+- Fix some of tests failures which happened in Python 3.3 due to randomized
+  dictionary ordering. (LIBCLOUD-245)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug where a numeric instead of a string value was used for the
+  content-length header in VCloud driver. (LIBCLOUD-256)
+  [Brian DeGeeter, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Don't ignore ex_force_service_region argument in the CloudFiles driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-260)
+  [Dan Di Spaltro]
+- Fix a bug which caused the connection to not be closed when using Python
+  2.6 and calling get_object on an object which doesn't exist in the S3
+  driver. (LIBCLOUD-257)
+  [John Carr]
+- Update 'if type' checks in the update_record methods to behave correctly
+  if users passes in RecordType.A with a value of 0 - if type is not None.
+  (LIBCLOUD-247)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.3
+- Include 'last_modified' and 'content_type' attribute in the Object
+  'extra' dictionary when retrieving object using get_object in the S3
+  driver. Also modify 'meta_data' dictionary to include all the headers
+  prefixed with 'x-amz-meta-'.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.2
+- Fix a bug with the Libcloud SSL verification code. Code was too strict and
+  didn't allow "-" character in the sub-domain when using a wildcard
+  certificate.
+  Note: This is NOT a security vulnerability. (LIBCLOUD-244)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new Rackspace Nova driver for Chicago (ORD) location (LIBCLOUD-234)
+  [Brian McDaniel]
+- Add capacity information to Vdc objects and implement power operations.
+  (LIBCLOUD-239)
+  [Michal Galet]
+- Allow user to pass 'timeout' argument to the 'deploy_node' method.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add ex_list_security_groups, ex_authorize_security_group and
+  ex_describe_all_keypairs methods to the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-241,
+  LIBCLOUD-243)
+  [Nick Bailey]
+- Add new methods for managing storage volumes and other extenstion methods
+  to the IBM SCE driver. (LIBCLOUD-242)
+  [Sengor Kusturica]
+- Add the following new methods to the CloudFiles driver:
+  ex_set_account_metadata_temp_url_key, ex_get_object_temp_url. (GITHUB-72)
+  [Shawn Smith]
+- Add 'balancer' attribute to the Member instance. This attribute refers to
+  the LoadBalancer instance this member belongs to.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.1
+- Fix hostname validation in the SSL verification code (CVE-2012-3446).
+  Reported by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin (Martin
+  Georgiev, Suman Jana and Vitaly Shmatikov).
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.0
+- Add a timeout of 10 seconds to OpenStackAuthConnection class.
+  (LIBCLOUD-199)
+  [Chris Gilmer]
+- Add time.sleep(wait_period) to _ssh_client_connect to prevent busy loops
+  when we immediately can't connect to a server. (LIBCLOUD-197)
+  [Jay Doane]
+- Fix a bug with Python 3 support in the following drivers
+  - IBM SCE,
+  - CloudStack
+  - CloudSigma
+  - OpenNebula
+  - VpsNet
+  - EC2
+  - ElasticStack
+  - vCloud
+  - OpSource
+  - Slicehost
+  - Joyent
+  (LIBCLOUD-204)
+  [Sengor Kusturica, Hutson Betts, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Make CloudStack driver more robust and make it work if list_images() call
+  returns no images. (LIBCLOUD-202)
+  [Gabriel Reid]
+- Add force_ipv4 argument to _wait_until_running and default it to True.
+  This will make Libcloud ignore IPv6 addresses when using deploy_node.
+  (LIBCLOUD-200)
+  [Jay Doane, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Include error text if a CloudStack async job returns an error code.
+  (LIBCLOUD-207)
+  [Gabriel Reid]
+- Add extenstion methods for block storage volume management to the
+  CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-208)
+  [Gabriel Reid]
+- New driver for KT UCloud ( based on
+  the CloudStack driver.
+  [DaeMyung Kang]
+- Add a standard API and methods for managing storage volumes to the
+  EC2 and CloudStack drivers. Base API consistent of the following methods:
+  create_volume, destroy_volume, attach_volume, detach_volume.
+  (LIBCLOUD-213)
+  [Gabriel Reid]
+- Change ex_describe_tags, ex_create_tags and ex_delete_tags methods
+  signature in the EC2 driver. Argument is now called resource (previously
+  it was called node). This methods work with both Node and StorageVolume
+  objects. (LIBCLOUD-213)
+  [Gabriel Reid, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add Rackspace Nova London driver.
+  [Chris Gilmer]
+- Fix a bug - If user doesn't pass in 'network_id' argument to the
+  create_node method in the CloudStack driver, don't explicitly define it.
+  (LIBCLOUD-219)
+  [Bruno Mahé, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Modify EC2 driver to also return cc2.8xlarge cluster compute instance in
+  the eu-west-1 region.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add 'auth_user_variable' to the  OpenStackAuthConnection class.
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Fix a bug with repeated URLs in some requests the vCloud driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-222)
+  [Michal Galet]
+- New Gridspot driver with basic list and destroy functionality.
+  (LIBCLOUD-223)
+  [Amir Elaguizy]
+- Add methods for managing storage volumes to the Gandi driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-225)
+  [Aymeric Barantal]
+- Add support for GEO RecordType to Zerigo driver. (LIBCLOUD-203)
+  [Gary Wilson]
+- Fix a bug with Python 3 support in the following drivers (LIBCLOUD-204)
+  - Zerigo
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add support for URL RecordType to Zerigo driver. (LIBCLOUD-209)
+  [Bojan Mihelac]
+- Properly handle record creation when user doesn't provider a record name
+  and wants to create a record for the actual domain.
+  Reported by Matt Perry (LIBCLOUD-224)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug with Python 3 support in the following drivers
+  - Atmos
+  - Google Storage
+  - Amazon S3
+  (LIBCLOUD-204)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug in the CloudFiles driver which prevented it to work with
+  accounts which use a non ORD endpoint. (LIBCLOUD-205)
+  [Geoff Greer]
+- Fix a bug in the enable_container_cdn method. (LIBCLOUD-206)
+  [Geoff Greer]
+- Allow user to specify container CDN TTL when calling container.enable_cd()
+  using ex_ttl keyword argument in the CloudFiles driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add ex_enable_static_website and ex_set_error_page method to the
+  CloudFiles driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Propagate kwargs passed to container.download_object() to
+  driver.download_object(). (LIBCLOUD-227)
+  [Benno Rice]
+- Fix a bug with not escaping container and object name in the Atmos driver.
+  [Russell Keith-Magee, Benno Rice]
+- Fix upload_object_via_stream method in the Atmos driver. (LIBCLOUD-228)
+  [Benno Rice]
+- Fix a bug with uploading zero-sized files in the OpenStack Swift /
+  CloudFiles driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug with content_type and and encoding of object and path names in
+  the Atmos driver.
+  [Russell Keith-Magee]
+- Unify docstrings formatting in the compute drivers. (LIBCLOUD-229)
+  [Ilgiz Islamgulov]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.10.1
+- Add timeout attribute to base 'Connection' class and pass it to the
+  connection class constructor if Python version is not 2.5.
+  [Chris Gilmer]
+- Update IBM SBC driver so it works with IBM Smart Cloud Enterprise.
+  (LIBCLOUD-195)
+  [Sengor Kusturica]
+- Add ex_register_iso method to the CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-196)
+  [Daemian Mack]
+- Allow user to specify which IP to use when calling deploy_node.
+  (defaults to 'public_ips'). Previously it only worked with public IP, now
+  user can pass 'private_ips' as an argument and SSH client will try to
+  connect to the node first private IP address.
+  [Jay Doane]
+- Fix CloudSigmaLvsNodeDriver connectionCls bug.
+  [Jerry Chen]
+- Add 'ex_keyname' argument to the create_node method in the OpenStack
+  driver. (LIBCLOUD-177)
+  [Jay Doane]
+- Fix a problem in deploy_node - make it work with providers which
+  don't  instantly return created node in the list_node response.
+  Also add __str__ and __repr__ method to DeploymentError so the
+  error message is more useful. (LIBCLOUD-176)
+  [Jouke Waleson, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add 'ssh_key' feature to Brigthbox driver. This way it works with
+  deploy_node. (LIBCLOUD-179)
+  [Neil Wilson]
+- Add Joyent compute driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Store auth token expire times on the connection class in the attribute
+  called 'auth_token_expires'. (LIBCLOUD-178)
+  [Chris Gilmer, Brad Morgan]
+- Add new driver for VCL cloud
+  (
+  (LIBCLOUD-180)
+  [Jason Gionta, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Improve and add new features to Brightbox driver
+    - Update fixtures to represent actual api output
+    - Update compute tests to 100% coverage
+    - Add userdata and server group extensions to create_node
+    - Add ipv6 support to public ip list
+    - Improve in line documentation
+    - Add lots of api output information to Node and Image
+      'extra' attributes
+    - Allow variable API versions (api_version argument)
+    - Allow reverse dns updates for cloud ip extensions
+  (LIBCLOUD-184)
+  [Neil Wilson, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add ex_userdata argument to the OpenStack 1.1 driver. (LIBCLOUD-185)
+  [Jay Doane]
+- Modify Vmware vCloud driver and implement new features
+  for the vCloud version 1.5. (LIBCLOUD-183)
+  [Michal Galet, Sengor Kusturica]
+- Allow user to pass mode argument to SSHClient.put method and default it to
+  'w'. (LIBCLOUD-188)
+  [Jay Doane]
+- Modify SSHKeyDeployment step to use append mode so it doesn't overwrite
+  existing entries in .ssh/authorized_keys. (LIBCLOUD-187)
+  [Jay Doane]
+- Modify ParamikoSSHClient to connect to the SSH agent and automatically
+  look for private keys in ~/.ssh if the 'auth' and 'ssh_key' argument
+  is not specified when calling deploy_node. (LIBCLOUD-182)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add ex_rescue and ex_unrescue method to OpenStack 1.1 driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-193)
+  [Shawn Smith]
+- Include 'password' in the node extra dictionary when calling deploy_node
+  if the password auth is used.
+  [Juan Carlos Moreno]
+- Add FileDeployment class to libcloud.compute.deployment module. This can
+  be used as a replacement for ex_files argument if the provider supports
+  deployment functionality. (LIBCLOUD-190)
+  [Jay Doane]
+- Large object upload support for CloudFiles driver
+- Add CLOUDFILES_SWIFT driver to connect to OpenStack Swift
+  [Dmitry Russkikh, Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Don't include 'body_regex' attribute in the Rackspace driver body if
+  body_regex is None or empty string. (LIBCLOUD-186)
+  [Bill Woodward]
+- Don't split Load balancer IP addresses into public and private list.
+  Include all the addresses in the 'virtualIps' variable in the extra
+  dictionary (Rackspace driver). (LIBCLOUD-191)
+  [Adam Pickeral]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.9.1
+- Make parsing of the Auth API responses in the OpenStack drivers more
+  flexible and extensible.
+  Now, every connection class that inherits from the openstack base
+  connection must implement get_endpoint(), who's job is to return the
+  correct endpoint out of the service catalog.
+  Note: The base driver no longer works by default with
+  Rackspace nova. The default endpoint parsed from the service catalog
+  is the default compute endpoint for devstack. (LIBCLOUD-151)
+  [Brad Morgan]
+- Allow user to pass ex_tenant_name keyword argument to the OpenStack node
+  driver class. This scopes all the endpoints returned by the Auth API
+  endpoint to the provided tenant. (LIBCLOUD-172)
+  [James E. Blair]
+- Allow user to specify OpenStack service catalog parameters (service type,
+  name and region). This way base OpenStack driver can be used with
+  different providers without needing to subclass. (LIBCLOUD-173)
+  [James E. Blair]
+- Fix a bug with handling compressed responses in the Linode driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-158)
+  [Ben Agricola]
+- Add new RackspaceNovaBeta and RackspaveNovaDfw driver based on the
+  OpenStack. (LIBCLOUD-151)
+  [Brad Morgan]
+- Include 'created' and 'updated' attribute in the OpenStack 1.1 driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-155)
+  [Chris Gilmer]
+- Include 'minRam' and 'minDisk' attribute in the OpenStack 1.1 driver
+  Node extra dictionary. (LIBCLOUD-163)
+  [Chris Gilmer]
+- Alow users to use a list of tuples for the query string parameters inside
+  the OpenStack connection classes. This way same key can be specified
+  multiple times (LIBCLOUD-153)
+  [Dave King]
+- Allow user to pass 'max_tries' keyword argument to deploy_node method.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Include original exception error message when re-throwing an exception
+  inside _run_deployment_script method.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add support for ElasticHosts new United States (Los Angeles) and Canada
+  (Toronto) locations. (GITHUB-53)
+  [Jaime Irurzun]
+- Add serverId attribute to the NodeImage object extra dictionary in the
+  OpenStack driver.
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Add new EC2 instance type - m1.medium.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to re-use auth tokens and pass 'ex_force_auth_token' keyword
+  argument to the OpenStack driver constructor. (LIBCLOUD-164)
+  [Dave King]
+- Add new experimental libvirt driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Properly handle OpenStack providers which return public IP addresses under
+  the 'internet' key in the addresses dictionary.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update create_node in Linode driver and make it return a Node object
+  instead of a list. Reported by Jouke Waleson. (LIBCLOUD-175)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Don't lowercase special header names in the Amazon S3 storage driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-149)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to specify a condition and weight when adding a member in
+  the Rackspace driver.
+  [Adam Pickeral]
+- Add an extension method (ex_balancer_attach_members) for attaching
+  multiple members to a load balancer in the Rackspace driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-152)
+  [Adam Pickeral]
+- Add ex_creaate_balancer method to the Rackspace driver and allow user to
+  pass 'vip' argument to it. (LIBCLOUD-166)
+  [Adam Pickeral]
+- Update Rackspace driver to support Auth 2.0. (LIBCLOUD-165)
+  [Dave King]
+- Add new ex_create_balancer_access_rule and
+  ex_create_balancer_access_rule_no_poll method to the Rackspace driver.
+  (LIBCLOUD-170)
+  [Dave King]
+- Update Rackspace driver to support Auth 2.0. (LIBCLOUD-165)
+  [Dave King]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.8.0
+- Add 'request_kwargs' argument to the get_poll_request_kwargs method.
+  This argument contains kwargs which were previously used to initiate the
+  poll request.
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Add support for handling compressed responses (deflate, gzip). Also send
+  "Accept-Encoding" "gzip,deflate" header with all the requests.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix debug module (LIBCLOUD_DEBUG env variable) so it works with Python 3
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Added support for retrieving OpenNebula v3.2 instance types, OpenNebula
+  v3.0 network Public attribute support, and additional code coverage
+  tests.
+  [Hutson Betts]
+- Add implementation for ex_save_image method to the OpenStack 1.1 driver.
+  [Shawn Smith]
+- Add support for Amazon new South America (Sao Paulo) location.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug in OpenStack driver when 2.0_apikey or 2.0_password
+  'auth_version' is used.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Current OpenNebula OCCI implementation does not support a proper
+  restart method. Rather it suspends and resumes. Therefore, restart_node
+  has been removed from the OpenNebula driver.
+  [Hutson Betts]
+- Enable ex_delete_image method in the OpenStack 1.1 driver.
+  [Shawn Smith]
+- Return NodeImage instance in OpenStack 1.1 driver ex_save_image method
+  (LIBCLOUD-138)
+  [Shawn Smith]
+- Enable reboot_node method in the OpenNebula 3.2 driver.
+  [Hutson Betts]
+- Fix a public_ips Node variable assignment in the driver.
+  [Aymeric Barantal]
+- Updated the list of node states for OpenNebula drivers. (LIBCLOUD-148)
+  [Hutson Betts]
+- Propagate extra keyword arguments passed to the Rackspace driver
+  connection class.
+  [Dave King]
+- Add 'extra' attribute to the LoadBalancer object and retrieve all the
+  virtual IP addresses in the Rackspace driver.
+  [Dave King]
+- Add list_supported_algorithms() method to the base LoadBalancer class.
+  This method returns a list of supported algorithms by the provider.
+  [Dave King]
+- Update Rackspace driver:
+    - Add two new supported algorithms: WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN,
+    - Add ex_list_algorithm_names method
+    - Add ex_get_balancer_error_page method
+    - Add ex_balancer_access_list method
+    - Populate LoadBalancer extra dictionary with more attributes
+    - Add support for health monitors and connection throttling
+    - Add more balancer states
+    - ex_list_protocols_with_default_ports
+  [Dave King]
+- Propagate extra keyword arguments passed to the Rackspace driver
+  connection class.
+  [Dave King]
+- Add 'extra' attribute to the Member object and populate it in
+  the Rackspace driver.
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Adds status to the Member object and conditions an 'enum'
+  (Rackspace driver).
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Add update_balancer method to the base LoadBalancer class.
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Add update_balancer method to the Rackspace driver.
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Add created and updated attribute to the LoadBalancer extra dictionary in
+  the Rackspace driver.
+  [Mark Everett]
+- Fix protocol name maping in the Rackspace driver.
+  [Bill Woodward]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.7.1
+ - Fix a minor bug in debug mode (LIBCLOUD_DEBUG=/dev/stderr) which has been
+   introduced when adding Python 3 compatibility layer.
+   [Paul Querna]
+ - Update OpenStack Auth API endpoint paths.
+   [Paul Querna]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.7.0
+- Add support for Python 3.x.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Remove old deprecated paths.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update CloudSigma Zurich API endpoint address.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new US Las Vegas endpoint to CloudSigma driver (types.CLOUDSIGMA_US)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow user to specify drive type (hdd, ssd) when creating a
+  CloudSigma server.
+  Note 'ssd' drive_type doesn't work with the API yet.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update OpenStack 1.1 driver to comply with the API specs. Need to make
+  another call to retrieve node name and ip addresses when creating a node,
+  because the first call only returns an id an the password. (GITHUB-40)
+  [Dave King]
+- Add ex_node_ids argument to the EC2 driver list_nodes method.
+  (GITHUB-39)
+  [Suvish Vt]
+- If OpenStack Auth 2.0 API is used, also parse out tenant id and
+  name and save it on the connection class (conn.tenant['id'],
+  conn.tenant['name']).
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new "Cluster Compute Eight Extra Large" size to the Amazon EC2
+  driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add the following extension methods to the EC2 compute driver:
+  ex_describe_all_addresses, ex_associate_addresses, ex_start_node,
+  ex_stop_node.
+  [Suvish Vt]
+- Change public_ip and private_ip attribute on the Node object to the
+  public_ips and private_ips since both of the objects are always a list.
+  Note: For backward compatibility you can still access public_ip and
+  private_ip attributes, but this will be removed in the next release.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix an inconsistency in IBM SBC driver and make sure public_ips and
+  private_ips attributes are a list.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix an inconsistency in OpSource driver and make sure public_ips is an
+  empty list ([]), not 'unknown'
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Updated support for v1.4, v2.x, and v3.x APIs and included
+  additional compute tests validating functionality. (LIBCLOUD-121)
+  [Hutson Betts]
+- Add ex_member_address argument to the Rackspace driver list_balancers
+  method. If this argument is provided, only loadbalancers which have a
+  member with the provided IP address attached are returned.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.2
+- Fix a bug in PollingConnection class - actually use and don't ignore
+  the poll_interval
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add support for Auth 2.0 API (keystone) to the OpenStack Auth
+  connection class.
+  [Brad Morgan]
+- Add list_locations method to the OpenStack driver and fix some
+  inconsistencies in the OpenStack driver extension method signatures.
+  [Brad Morgan]
+- Update Amazon EC2 driver and pricing data to support a new region -
+  US West 2 (Oregon)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Expose 'CLOUDSTACK' provider. This driver can be used with an
+  arbitrary CloudStack installation.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update Amazon S3 driver to support a new region - US West 2 (Oregon)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Increase the default poll interval in the Rackspace driver to 2.5
+  seconds.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix a bug in Rackspace Cloud DNS driver and make sure to throw an
+  exception if an unexpected status code is returned. Reported by
+  "jeblair".
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.1
+- Modify ParamikoSSHClient.connect so it supports authentication using a
+  key file, (LIBCLOUD-116)
+  [Jay Doane]
+- User must now explicitly specify a path when using LIBCLOUD_DEBUG
+  environment variable. (LIBCLOUD-95)
+  [daveb, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new XmlResponse and JsonResponse base class and modify all the
+  driver-specific response classes to inherit from one of those two
+  classes where applicable.
+  [Caio Romão]
+- Add new 'PollingConnection' class. This class can work with 'async'
+  APIs. It sends and an initial request and then periodically poll the API
+  until the job has completed or a timeout has been reached.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add 24GB size to the GoGrid driver
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Fix API endpoint URL in the Softlayer driver
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add support for OpenNebula 3.0 API (LIBCLOUD-120)
+  [Hutson Betts]
+- Add more attributes to the extra dictionary in the EC2 driver.
+  (GITHUB-31)
+  [Juan Carlos Moreno]
+- Fix IP address assignment in the EC2 driver. Don't include "None" in the
+  public_ip and private_ip Node list attribute.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Make deploy_node functionality more robust and don't start deployment if
+  node public_ip attribute is an empty list.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Support SSH key authentication when using deploy_node.
+  [Russell Haering, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Enable deploy_node functionality in the EC2 driver using SSH key
+  authentication
+  [Russell Haering, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Enable paramiko library debug log level if LIBCLOUD_DEBUG is used and
+  paramiko is installed.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix the request signature generation in the base EC2 compute driver.
+  If the endpoint is using a non-standard port (Eucalyptus based
+  installations), append it to the hostname used to generate the
+  signature.
+  [Simon Delamare]
+- Add new "unavailable" state to the BrightboxNodeDriver class.
+  [Tim Fletcher]
+- Increase a PollingConnection timeout in the CloudStack connection
+  and fix the context dictionary creation in the _async_request method.
+  [Oleg Suharev]
+- Fix networks retrieval in the CloudStack driver create_node method.
+  Also only pass 'networkids' field to the API if there are any networks
+  available.
+  [Oleg Suharev, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix list_nodes in the CloudStack driver. Private IPs aren't always
+  available.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add a missing argument to the method call inside
+  LoadBalancer.attach_compute_node and Driver.balancer_attach_compute_node.
+  [Tim Fletcher, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add missing destroy() method to the LoadBalancer class.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- New drivers for Rackspace Cloud DNS (US and UK region)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add list_record_types() method. This method returns a list of record
+  types supported by the provider.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.0-beta1
+- All the driver classes now inherit from the BaseDriver class
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Prefer simplejson (if available) over json module. (LIBCLOUD-112)
+  [Geoff Greer]
+- Update compute demo and change the syntax of test credentials stored in
+  test/ (LIBCLOUD-111)
+  [Mike Nerone]
+- Enable SSL certificate verification by default and throw an exception
+  if CA certificate files cannot be found. This can be overridden by
+  setting to False.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Support for 1.1 API and many other improvements in the OpenStack driver ;
+  [Mike Nerone, Paul Querna, Brad Morgan, Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add some extra methods to the driver (LIBCLOUD-115)
+  [Aymeric Barantal]
+- Add ex_delete_image method to the Rackspace driver. (GITHUB-27)
+  [David Busby]
+- Linode driver now supports new 'Japan' location
+  [Jed Smith]
+- Rackspace driver now inherits from the OpenStack one instead of doing
+  it vice versa. (LIBCLOUD-110)
+  [Mike Nerone]
+- Properly populate NodeImage "details" dictionary in the Rackspace
+  compute driver. (LIBCLOUD-107)
+  [Lucy Mendel]
+- Fix a bug in Eucalyptus driver ex_describe_addresses method.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add the following new extenstion methods to the Rackspace driver:
+  ex_resize, ex_confirm_resize, ex_revert_resize.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Also allow user to pass in Node object to some ex\_ methods in
+  the Rackspace compute driver.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Throw an exception in deploy_node if paramiko library is not
+  available
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix chmod argument value which is pased to the sftpclient.put
+  method; GITHUB-17
+  [John Carr]
+- New driver for (LIBCLOUD-98)
+  [Benno Rice]
+- New driver for Google Storage based on the v1.0 / legacy API
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- New driver for (GITHUB-19)
+  [Benno Rice]
+- Fix a bug in uploading an object with some versions of Python 2.7
+  where httplib library doesn't automatically call str() on the
+  header values.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow users to upload (create) 0-bytes large (empty) objects
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- New driver for Rackspace UK location
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- New driver for (LIBCLOUD-98)
+  [Benno Rice]
+- Drivers for Linode DNS and Zerigo DNS
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Brand new DNS API!
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.5.2
+- New driver for and
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix node name and tag handling in the Amazon EC2 driver
+  [Wiktor Kolodziej]
+- Fix pricing and response handling in the OpenStack driver
+  [Andrey Zhuchkov]
+- Fix deploy_node() method and make it more robust
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Users can now pass file like objects to ScriptDeployment and
+  SSHKeyDeployment constructor.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Include node tags when calling list_nodes() in the Amazon EC2
+  driver
+  [Trevor Pounds]
+- Properly handle response errors in the Rackspace driver and
+  only throw InvalidCredsError if the returned status code is 401
+  [Brad Morgan]
+- Fix the create_node method in the Nimbus driver and make the
+  "ex_create_tag" method a no-op, because Nimbus doesn't support creating
+  tags.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Fix handling of the containers with a lot of objects. Now a LazyList
+  object is returned when user calls list_container_objects() method
+  and this object transparently handles pagination.
+  [Danny Clark, Wiktor Kolodziej]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.5.0
+- Existing APIs directly on the libcloud.* module have been
+  deprecated and will be removed in version 0.6.0.  Most methods
+  were moved to the libcloud.compute.* module.
+- Add new libcloud.loadbalancers API, with initial support for:
+    - GoGrid Load Balancers
+    - Rackspace Load Balancers
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Add new API, with initial support for:
+   - Amazon S3
+   - Rackspace CloudFiles
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Add new libcloud.compute drivers for:
+   - Bluebox [Christian Paredes]
+   - [Aymeric Barantal]
+   - Nimbus [David LaBissoniere]
+   - OpenStack [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+   - [Joe Miller]
+- Added "pricing" module and improved pricing handling.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Updates to the GoGrid compute driver:
+    - Use API version 1.0.
+    - Remove sandbox flag.
+    - Add ex_list_ips() to list IP addresses assigned to the account.
+    - Implement ex_edit_image method which allows changing image attributes
+      like name, description and make image public or private.
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Updates to the Amazon EC2 compute driver:
+   - When creating a Node, use the name argument to set a Tag with the
+     value.  [Tomaz Muraus]
+   - Add extension method for modifying node attributes and changing the
+     node size. [Tomaz Muraus]
+   - Add support for the new Amazon Region (Tokyo). [Tomaz Muraus]
+   - Added ex_create_tags and ex_delete_tags. [Brandon Rhodes]
+   - Include node Elastic IP addresses in the node public_ip attribute
+     for the EC2 nodes. [Tomaz Muraus]
+   - Use ipAddress and privateIpAddress attribute for the EC 2node public
+     and private ip. [Tomaz Muraus]
+   - Add ex_describe_addresses method to the EC2 driver. [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Updates to the Rackspace CloudServers compute driver:
+   - Add ex_rebuild() and ex_get_node_details() [Andrew Klochkov]
+   - Expose URI of a Rackspace node to the node meta data. [Paul Querna]
+- Minor fixes to get the library and tests working on Python 2.7 and PyPy.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.4.2 (Released January 18, 2011)
+- Fix EC2 create_node to become backward compatible for
+  NodeLocation.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Update code for compatibility with CPython 2.5
+  [Jerry Chen]
+- Implement ex_edit_node method for GoGrid driver which allows
+  changing node attributes like amount of RAM or description.
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Add ex_set_password and ex_set_server_name to Rackspace driver.
+  [Peter Herndon, Paul Querna]
+- Add Hard and Soft reboot methods to Rackspace driver.
+  [Peter Herndon]
+- EC2 Driver availability zones, via ex_list_availability_zones;
+  list_locations rewrite to include availablity zones
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- EC2 Driver Idempotency capability in create_node; LIBCLOUD-69
+  [David LaBissoniere]
+- SSL Certificate Name Verification:
+    - module
+    - LibcloudHTTPSConnection, LibcloudHTTPConnection (alias)
+    - Emits warning when not verifying, or CA certs not found
+- Append ORD1 to available Rackspace location, but keep in the
+  same node as DFW1, because it's not readable or writeable from
+  the API.
+  [Per suggestion of Grig Gheorghiu]
+- ex_create_ip_group, ex_list_ip_groups, ex_delete_ip_group,
+  ex_share_ip, ex_unshare_ip, ex_list_ip_addresses additions
+  to Rackspace driver
+  [Andrew Klochkov]
+- New driver for CloudSigma.
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- New driver for Brightbox Cloud. (LIBCLOUD-63)
+  [Tim Fletcher]
+- Deployment capability to ElasticHosts
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Allow deploy_node to use non-standard SSH username and port
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Added Rackspace UK (London) support
+  [Chmouel Boudjnah]
+- GoGrid driver: add support for locations, i.e. listing
+  of locations and creation of a node in specified
+  location
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- GoGrid and Rackspace drivers: add ex_save_image() extra
+  call to convert running node to an image
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- GoGrid driver: add support for creating 'sandbox' server
+  and populate isSandbox flag in node's extra information.
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Add ImportKeyPair and DescribeKeyPair to EC2. (LIBCLOUD-62)
+  [Philip Schwartz]
+- Update EC2 driver and test fixtures for new API.
+  [Philip Schwartz]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.4.0 [Released October 6, 2010]
+- Add create keypair functionality to EC2 Drivers. (LIBCLOUD-57)
+  [Grig Gheorghiu]
+- Improve handling of GoGrid accounts with limited access
+  API keys.
+  [Paul Querna]
+- New Driver for ElasticHosts. (LIBCLOUD-45)
+  [Tomaz Muraus]
+- Use more consistent name for GoGrid driver and use http
+  POST method for 'unsafe' operations
+  [Russell Haering]
+- Implement password handling and add deployment support
+  for GoGrid nodes.
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Fix behavior of GoGrid's create_node to wait for a Node ID.
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Add ex_create_node_nowait to GoGrid driver if you don't need to
+  wait for a Node ID when creating a node.
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Removed libcloud.interfaces module.
+  [Paul Querna]
+- Removed dependency on zope.interfaces.
+  [Paul Querna]
+- RimuHosting moved API endpoint address.
+  [Paul Querna]
+- Fix regression and error in GoGrid driver for parsing node objects.
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy]
+- Added more test cases for GoGrid driver. (LIBCLOUD-34)
+  [Roman Bogorodskiy, Jerry Chen]
+- Fix parsing of Slicehost nodes with multiple Public IP addresses.
+  [Paul Querna]
+- Add exit_status to ScriptDeployment. (LIBCLOUD-36)
+  [Paul Querna]
+- Update prices for several drivers.
+   [Brad Morgan, Paul Querna]
+- Update Linode driver to reflect new plan sizes.
+  [Jed Smith]
+- Change default of 'location' in Linode create_node. (LIBCLOUD-41)
+   [Jed Smith, Steve Steiner]
+- Document the Linode driver.
+  [Jed Smith]
+- Request a private, LAN IP address at Linode creation.
+  [Jed Smith]
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.3.1 [Released May 11, 2010]
+- Updates to Apache License blocks to correctly reflect status as an
+   Apache Project.
+- Fix NOTICE file to use 2010 copyright date.
+- Improve error messages for when running the test cases without
+  first setting up a
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.3.0 [Tagged May 6, 2010, not released]
+- New Drivers for:
+    - Dreamhost
+    - Eucalyptus
+    - Enomaly ECP
+    - IBM Developer Cloud
+    - OpenNebula
+    - SoftLayer
+- Added new deployment and bootstrap API.
+- Improved Voxel driver.
+- Added support for Amazon EC2 Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region.
+- Improved test coverage for all drivers.
+- Add support for multiple security groups in EC2.
+- Fixed bug in Rackspace and RimuHosting when using multiple threads.
+- Improved debugging and logging of HTTP requests.
+- Improved documentation for all classes and methods.
+Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.2.0 [Tagged February 2, 2010]
+- First public release.
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 02d61b9..98458e1 100755
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -24,10 +24,10 @@
 # 1. Generate a list of contributors with tickets for all versions:
-# ./contrib/ --changes-path=CHANGES \
+# ./contrib/ --changes-path=CHANGES.rst \
 #                                         --include-tickets
 # 2. Generate a list of contributors for a release without tickets
-# ./contrib/ --changes-path=CHANGES \
+# ./contrib/ --changes-path=CHANGES.rst \
 #                                        --version=0.13.0
 from __future__ import with_statement
diff --git a/docs/changelog.rst b/docs/changelog.rst
index 62e81df..d9e113e 100644
--- a/docs/changelog.rst
+++ b/docs/changelog.rst
@@ -1,4 +1 @@
-.. literalinclude:: ../CHANGES
+.. include:: ../CHANGES.rst

[4/4] git commit: Update

Posted by


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 0841c5bf6a92f5829115c2c825cb502a1f93ea27
Parents: 1a82872
Author: Tomaz Muraus <>
Authored: Tue Jan 14 16:16:39 2014 +0100
Committer: Tomaz Muraus <>
Committed: Tue Jan 14 16:16:39 2014 +0100

---------------------------------------------------------------------- | 2 +-
 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/ b/
index 4ec56a1..8a9cbb3 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 include LICENSE
 include NOTICE
 include example_*.py
-include CHANGES
+include CHANGES.rst
 include README.rst
 include tox.ini
 include libcloud/data/pricing.json

[2/4] git commit: Migrate CHANGES file to reST format.

Posted by
Migrate CHANGES file to reST format.

Also update contributors list script so it supports parsing this new format.


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 0aa931274500fe45dc137ba89c43bbaac0d1fcdb
Parents: eacb989
Author: Tomaz Muraus <>
Authored: Tue Jan 14 15:54:51 2014 +0100
Committer: Tomaz Muraus <>
Committed: Tue Jan 14 16:02:27 2014 +0100

 CHANGES                              | 2280 ---------------------------
 CHANGES.rst                          | 2388 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 contrib/ |    4 +-
 docs/changelog.rst                   |    5 +-
 4 files changed, 2391 insertions(+), 2286 deletions(-)
diff --git a/CHANGES b/CHANGES
deleted file mode 100644
index df07e91..0000000
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2280 +0,0 @@
-                                   -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-Changes with Apache Libcloud in development
-  *) General
-    - Update API endpoints which are used in the HostVirtual drivers.
-      (LIBCLOUD-489)
-      [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
-  *) Compute
-    - Remove Slicehost driver.
-      SliceHost API has been shut down in 2012 so it makes no sense to keep
-      this driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Modify drivers for public cloud providers which use HTTP Basic
-      authentication to not allow insecure connections (secure constructor
-      kwarg being set to False) by default.
-      This way credentials can't accidentaly be sent in plain text over the
-      write.
-      Affected drivers: Bluebox, Joyent, NephoScale, OpSource, VPSNet
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Remove "public_ip" and "private_ip" property which has been deprecated in
-      0.7.0 from the Node object.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Move "is_private_ip" and "is_valid_ip_address" function from
-      libcloud.compute.base into libcloud.utils.networking module.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow user to pass "url" argument to the CloudStack driver constructor.
-      This argument can be provided instead of "host" and "path" arguments and
-      can contain a full URL to the API endpoint. (LIBCLOUD-430)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow user to pass None as a "location" argument to the create_node
-      method. (LIBCLOUD-431)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Refactor CloudStack Connection class so it looks more like other
-      connection classes and user can specify which attributes to send as part
-      of query parameters in the GET request and which inside the body of a POST
-      request.
-      [Tomaz Muraus, Philipp Strube]
-    - Add a new driver for Exoscale ( provider.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix a bug in Abiquo driver which caused the driver to fail if the endpoint
-      URL didn't start with "/api". (LIBCLOUD-447)
-      Reported by Igor Ajdisek.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Modify CloudStack driver to correctly throw InvalidCredsError exception if
-     invalid credentials are provided.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Don't throw an exception if a node object is missing an "image" attribute
-     in the list nodes / get node response.
-     This could happen if node is in an error state. (LIBCLOUD-455)
-     [Dustin Spicuzza, Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Update CloudStack driver to better handle errors and throw ProviderError
-     instead of a generic Exception.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Modify ex_list_networks methods in CloudStack driver to not thrown if there
-     are no networks available.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Bump API version used in the EC2 driver from 2010-08-21 to 2013-10-15.
-     (LIBCLOUD-454)
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add ex_get_limits method for retrieving account resource limits to the
-     EC2 driver.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Update us-west-1 region in the EC2 driver to include c3 instance types.
-     Also include pricing information.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - For consistency, rename "ex_add_ip_forwarding_rule" method to
-     "ex_create_ip_forwarding_rule".
-     (GITHUB-196)
-     [Oleg Suharev]
-   - Add support for new "i2" instance types to Amazon EC2 driver. Also
-     update pricing file. (LIBCLOUD-465)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Allow user to specify VPC id when creating a security group in the EC2
-     driver by passing "vpc_id" argument to ex_create_security_group method.
-     (LIBCLOUD-463, GITHUB-201)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add extension methods for managing security group rules
-     (ex_authorize_security_group_ingress, ex_authorize_security_group_egress,
-     ex_revoke_security_group_ingress, ex_revoke_security_group_egress) to the
-     EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-466, GITHUB-202)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add extension methods for deleting security groups
-     (ex_delete_security_group, ex_delete_security_group_by_id,
-     ex_delete_security_group_by_name) to the EC2 driver.
-     (LIBCLOUD-464, GITHUB-199)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add extension method for listing reserved instances
-     (ex_list_reserved_nodes) to the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-469, GITHUB-205)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add extension methods for VPC management (ex_list_networks,
-     ex_create_network, ex_delete_network) to the EC2 driver.
-     (LIBCLOUD-467, GITHUB-203)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add extension methods for VPC subnet management (ex_list_subnets,
-     ex_create_subnet, ex_delete_subnet) to the EC2 driver.
-     (LIBCLOUD-468, GITHUB-207)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add ex_get_console_output extension method to the EC2 driver.
-     (LIBCLOUD-471, GITHUB-209)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Include additional provider-specific attributes in the 'extra' dictionary
-     of the StorageVolume class in the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-473, GITHUB-210)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Change attribute name in the 'extra' dictionary of EC2 and CloudStack
-     Node object from "keyname" to "key_name". (LIBCLOUD-475)
-     [Oleg Suharev]
-   - Fix a deployment issue which would some times cause a process to hang if
-     the executed deployment script printed a lot of output to stdout or stderr.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add additional attributes to the "extra" dictionary of the VolumeSnapshot
-     object in the EC2 driver.
-     Also modify create_volume_snapshot method to correctly handle "name"
-     argument. Previous, "name" argument was used as a snapshot description,
-     now it's used as a Tag with a key "Name". (LIBCLOUD-480, GITHUB-214)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Store additional attributes (iops, tags, block_device_mapping) in the
-     "extra" dictionary of the NodeImage object in the EC2 driver.
-     Also fix ex_image_ids filtering in the list_images method.
-     (LIBCLOUD-481, GITHUB-215)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Send "scrub_data" query parameter when destroying a DigitalOcean node.
-     This will cause disk to be scrubbed (overwritten with 0's) when destroying
-     a node. (LIBCLOUD-487)
-     Note: This fixes a security issue with a potential leak of data contained
-     on the destroyed node which only affects users of the DigitalOcean driver.
-     (CVE-2013-6480)
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add extension methods for network interface management
-     (ex_list_network_interfaces, ex_create_network_interface,
-     ex_attach_network_interface_to_node, ex_detach_network_interface,
-     ex_delete_network_interface) to the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-474)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Update Google Compute Engine driver to use and work with API v1.
-     (LIBCLOUD-450)
-     [Rick Wright]
-   - Modify ParamikoSSHClient so that "password" and "key" arguments are not
-     mutually exclusive and both can be provided. (LIBCLOUD-461, GITHUB-194)
-     [Markos Gogoulos]
-   - Add extension methods for the Elastic IP management to the EC2 driver.
-     Also modify "ex_allocate_address" and "ex_release_address" method to
-     take "domain" argument so it also works with VPC.
-     (LIBCLOUD-470, GITHUB-208, GITHUB-220)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add additional provider specific attributes to the "extra" dictionary of
-     the Node object in the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-493, GITHUB-221)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-   - Add ex_copy_image and ex_create_image_from_node method to the EC2 driver.
-     (LIBCLOUD-494, GITHUB-222)
-     [Chris DeRamus]
-  *) Storage
-    - Allow user to specify 'Content-Disposition' header in the CloudFiles
-      driver by passing 'content_disposition' key in the extra dictionary of
-      the upload object methods. (LIBCLOUD-430)
-      [Michael Farrell]
-    - Fix CloudFiles driver so it references a correct service catalog entry for
-      the CDN endpoint.
-      This was broken in the 0.14.0-beta3 release when we migrated all the
-      Rackspace drivers to use auth 2.0 by default. (GITHUB-186)
-      [John Obelenus]
-    - Update storage drivers to default to "application/octet-stream"
-      Content-Type if none is provided and none can be guessed.
-      (LIBCLOUD-433)
-      [Michael Farrell]
-    - Fix a bug so you can now upload 0 bytes sized objects using multipart
-      upload in the S3 driver. (LIBCLOUD-490)
-      Reported by Noah Kantrowitz.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Update OpenStack Swift driver constructor so it accepts "region",
-      "ex_force_service_type" and "ex_force_service_name" argument.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Deprecate "CLOUDFILES_SWIFT" provider constant in favor of new
-      "OPENSTACK_SWIFT" one.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) DNS
-    - Implement iterate_* methods in the Route53 driver and makes it work
-      correctly if there are more results which can fit on a single page.
-      Previously, only first 100 results were returned. (LIBCLOUD-434)
-      [Chris Clarke]
-    - Update HostVirtual driver constructor to only take "key" and other valid
-      arguments. Previously it also took "secret" argument which it silently
-      ignored. (LIBCLOUD-483)
-      Reported by  Andrew Udvare.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix list_records method in the HostVirtual driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-484, GITHUB-218)
-      Reported by Andrew Udvare.
-      [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.14.0-beta3
-  *) General
-    - If the file exists, read pricing data from ~/.libcloud/pricing.json
-      by default. If the file doesn't exist, fall back to the old behavior
-      and use pricing data which is bundled with the release.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add libcloud.pricing.download_pricing_file function for downloading and
-      updating the pricing file.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix libcloud.utils.py3.urlquote so it works with unicode strings under
-      Python 2. (LIBCLOUD-429)
-      [Michael Farrell]
-  *) Compute
-    - Refactor Rackspace driver classes and make them easier to use. Now there
-      are two Rackspace provider constants - Provider.RACKSPACE which
-      represents new next-gen OpenStack servers and
-      Provider.RACKSPACE_FIRST_GEN which represents old first-gen cloud
-      servers.
-      Note: This change is backward incompatible. For more information on those
-      changes and how to update your code, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
-      documentation page -
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Deprecate the following EC2 provider constants: EC2_US_EAST,
-      EC2_US_WEST_OREGON, EC2_SA_EAST, EC2_SA_EAST and replace it with a new
-      EC2 constant.
-      Driver referenced by this new constant now takes a "region" argument which
-      dictates to which region to connect.
-      Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
-      release. For more information on those changes and how to update your
-      code, please visit "Upgrade Notes" documentation page -
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add support for volume related functions to OpenNebula driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-354)
-      [Emanuele Rocca]
-    - Add methods for managing storage volumes to the OpenStack driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-353)
-      [Bernard Kerckenaere]
-    - Add new driver for Google Compute Engine (LIBCLOUD-266, LIBCLOUD-386)
-      [Rick Wright]
-    - Fix create_node "features" metadata and update affected drivers.
-      (LIBCLOUD-367)
-      [John Carr]
-    - Update EC2 driver to accept the auth kwarg (it will accept NodeAuthSSH
-      objects and automatically import a public key that is not already
-      uploaded to the EC2 keyring). (Follow on from LIBCLOUD-367).
-      [John Carr]
-    - Unify extension argument names for assigning a node to security groups
-      in EC2 and OpenStack driver.
-      Argument in the EC2 driver has been renamed from ex_securitygroup to
-      ex_security_groups. For backward compatibility reasons, old argument
-      will continue to work until the next major release. (LIBCLOUD-375)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add ex_import_keypair_from_string and ex_import_keypair method to the
-      CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-380)
-      [Sebastien Goasguen]
-    - Add support for managing floating IP addresses to the OpenStack driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-382)
-      [Ivan Kusalic]
-    - Add extension methods for handling port forwarding to the CloudStack
-      driver, rename CloudStackForwardingRule class to
-      CloudStackIPForwardingRule. (LIBCLOUD-348, LIBCLOUD-381)
-      [sebastien goasguen]
-    - Hook up deploy_node functionality in the CloudStack driver and unify
-      extension arguments for handling security groups. (LIBCLOUD-388)
-      [sebastien goasguen]
-    - Allow user to pass "args" argument to the ScriptDeployment and
-      ScriptFileDeployment class. This argument tells which command line
-      arguments get passed to the ScriptDeployment script. (LIBCLOUD-394)
-      Note: This change is backward incompatible. For more information on how
-      this affects your code and how to update it, visit "Upgrade Notes"
-      documentation page -
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow user to specify IAM profile to use when creating an EC2 node.
-      (LIBCLOUD-403)
-      [Xavier Barbosa]
-    - Add support for keypair management to the OpenStack driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-392)
-      [L. Schaub]
-    - Allow user to specify disk partitioning mode using ex_disk_config argument
-      in the OpenStack based drivers. (LIBCLOUD-402)
-      [Brian Curtin]
-    - Add new driver for NephoScale provider (
-      (LIBCLOUD-404)
-      [Markos Gogoulos]
-    - Update network related extension methods so they work correctly with
-      both, OpenStack and Rackspace driver. (LIBCLOUD-368)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add tests for networking functionality in the OpenStack and Rackspace
-      driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow user to pass all supported extension arguments to ex_rebuild_server
-      method in the OpenStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-408)
-      [Dave King]
-    - Add pricing information for Rackspace Cloud Sydney region.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Update EC2 instance type map and pricing data. High Storage instances are
-      now also available in Sydney and Singapore region.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add new methods for managing storage volumes and snapshots to the EC2
-      driver (list_volumes, list_snapshots, destroy_volume_snapshot,
-      create_volume_snapshot) (LIBCLOUD-409)
-      [Oleg Suharev]
-    - Add the following new extension methods to EC2 driver: ex_destroy_image,
-      ex_modify_instance_attributes, ex_delete_keypair. (LIBCLOUD-409)
-      [Oleg Suharev]
-    - Allow user to specify a port range when creating a port forwarding rule.
-      (LIBCLOUD-409)
-      [Oleg Suharev]
-    - Align Joyent driver with other drivers and deprecate "location" argument
-      in the driver constructor in favor of "region" argument.
-      Note: Deprecated argument will continue to work until the next major
-      release.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Deprecate the following ElasticHosts provider constants: ELASTICHOSTS_UK1,
-      new ELASTICHOSTS constant.
-      Driver referenced by this new constant now takes a "region" argument which
-      dictates to which region to connect.
-      Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
-      release. For more information on those changes and how to update your
-      code, please visit "Upgrade Notes" documentation page -
- (LIBCLOUD-383)
-      [Michael Bennett, Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add log statements to our ParamikoSSHClient wrapper. This should make
-     debugging deployment issues easier. (LIBCLOUD-414)
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add new "NodeState.STOPPED" node state. Update HostVirual and EC2 driver to
-     also recognize this new state. (LIBCLOUD-296)
-     [Jayy Vis]
-   - Add new Hong Kong endpoint to Rackspace driver.
-     [Brian Curtin]
-   - Fix ex_delete_keypair method in the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-415)
-     [Oleg Suharev]
-   - Add the following new extension methods for elastic IP management to the
-     EC2 driver: ex_allocate_address, ex_disassociate_address,
-     ex_release_address. (LIBCLOUD-417)
-     [Patrick Armstrong]
-  - For consistency and accuracy, rename "ex_associate_addresses" method in the
-    EC2 driver to "ex_associate_address_with_node".
-    Note: Old method will continue to work until the next major release.
-    [Tomaz Muraus]
-  - Add new driver for CloudFrames (
-    provider. (LIBCLOUD-358)
-    [Bernard Kerckenaere]
-  - Update default kernel versions which are used when creating a Linode
-    server.
-    Old default kernel versions:
-    - x86 -
-    - x86_64 -
-    New default kernel versions:
-    - x86 - 3.9.3-x86-linode52
-    - x86_64 - 3.9.3-x86_64-linode33
-    (LIBCLOUD-424)
-    [Tomaz Muraus, Jon Chen]
-  - Disable cache busting functionality in the OpenStack and Rackspace next-gen
-    driver and enable it only for Rackspace first-gen driver.
-    [Tomaz Muraus]
-  - Update Google Compute Engine driver to v1beta16.
-    [Rick Wright]
-  - Modify auth_url variable in the OpenStack drivers so it works more like
-    users would expect it to.
-    Previously path specified in the auth_url was ignored and only protocol,
-    hostname and port were used. Now user can provide a full url for the
-    auth_url variable and the path provided in the url is also used.
-    [DaeMyung Kang, Tomaz Muraus]
-  - Allow user to associate arbitrary key/value pairs with a node by passing
-    "ex_metadata" argument (dictionary) to create_node method in the EC2
-    driver.
-    Those values are associated with a node using tags functionality.
-    (LIBCLOUD-395)
-    [Ivan Kusalic]
-   - Add "ex_get_metadata" method to EC2 and OpenStack driver. This method reads
-     metadata dictionary from the Node object. (LIBCLOUD-395)
-    [Ivan Kusalic]
-   - Multiple improvements in the Softlayer driver:
-     - Map "INITIATING" node state to NodeState.PENDING
-     - If node is launching remap "halted" state to "pending"
-     - Add more node sizes
-     - Add ex_stop_node and ex_start_node method
-     - Update tests response fixtures
-    (LIBCLOUD-416)
-    [Markos Gogoulos]
-  - Modify list_sizes method in the KT UCloud driver to work, even if the item
-    doesn't have 'diskofferingid' attribute. (LIBCLOUD-435)
-    [DaeMyung Kang]
-  - Add new c3 instance types to the EC2 driver.
-    [Tomaz Muraus]
-  - Fix an issue with the ex_list_keypairs and ex_list_security_groups method
-    in the CloudStack driver which caused an exception to be thrown if the API
-    returned no keypairs / security groups.
-    (LIBCLOUD-438)
-    [Carlos Reategui, Tomaz Muraus]
-  - Fix a bug in the OpenStack based drivers with not correctly checking if the
-    auth token has expired before re-using it. (LIBCLOUD-428)
-    Reported by Michael Farrell.
-    [Tomaz Muraus,  Michael Farrell]
-  *) Storage
-    - Deprecate CLOUDFILES_US and CLOUDFILES_UK provider constant and replace
-      it with a new CLOUDFILES constant.
-      Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
-      which can be one of 'ord', 'dfw', 'iad', 'syd', 'lon'.
-      Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
-      release.
-      For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
-      documentation section -
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow users to filter objects starting with a prefix by passing ex_prefix
-      argument to the list_container_objects method in the S3, Google Storage
-      and CloudFiles driver. (LIBCLOUD-369)
-      [Stefan Friesel]
-    - Fix an issue with mutating attribute in the Azure
-      driver. This bug prevented user from having multiple Azure drivers with
-      different keys instantiated at the same time. (LIBCLOUD-399)
-      [Olivier Grisel]
-   - Add a new driver for KT UCloud based on the OpenStack Swift driver.
-     (LIBCLOUD-431).
-     [DaeMyung Kang]
- *) Load Balancer
-    - Deprecate RACKSPACE_US and RACKSPACE_UK provider constant and replace it
-      with a new RACKSPACE constant.
-      Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
-      which can be one of the following: 'ord', 'dfw', 'iad', 'syd', 'lon'.
-      Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
-      release.
-      For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
-      documentation section -
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add new driver for Google Compute Engine (LIBCLOUD-386)
-      [Rick Wright]
-   - Add new Hong Kong endpoint to Rackspace driver.
-     [Brian Curtin]
-  *) DNS
-    - Deprecate RACKSPACE_US and RACKSPACE_UK provider constant and replace it
-      with a new RACKSPACE constant.
-      Driver referenced by this new constant takes a "region" keyword argument
-      which can be one of the following: 'us', 'uk'.
-      Note: Deprecated constants will continue to work until the next major
-      release.
-      For more information on this change, please visit "Upgrade Notes"
-      documentation section -
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Use string instead of integer for RecordType ENUM value.
-      Note: If you directly use an integer instead of RecordType ENUM class you
-      need to update your code to use the RecordType ENUM otherwise the code
-      won't work. For more information on how to do that, see "Upgrade Notes"
-      documentation section -
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add "export_zone_to_bind_format" and export_zone_to_bind_zone_file method
-      which allows users to export Libcloud Zone to BIND zone format.
-      (LIBCLOUD-398)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Update issue with inexistent zone / record handling in the get_zone and
-      get_record method in the Linode driver. Those issues were related to
-      changes in the Linode API. (LIBCLOUD-425)
-      [Jon Chen]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.3
-  *) Compute
-    - Send "scrub_data" query parameter when destroying a DigitalOcean node.
-      This will cause disk to be scrubbed (overwritten with 0's) when destroying
-      a node. (LIBCLOUD-487)
-      Note: This fixes a security issue with a potential leak of data contained
-      on the destroyed node which only affects users of the DigitalOcean driver.
-      (CVE-2013-6480)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.2
-  *) General
-    - Don't sent Content-Length: 0 header with POST and PUT request if "raw"
-      mode is used. This fixes a regression which could cause broken behavior
-      in some storage driver when uploading a file from disk.
-      (LIBCLOUD-396)
-      [Ivan Kusalic]
-  *) Compute
-    - Added Ubuntu Linux 12.04 image to ElasticHost driver image list.
-      (LIBCLOUD-364)
-      [Bob Thompson]
-    - Update ElasticHosts driver to store drive UUID in the node 'extra' field.
-      (LIBCLOUD-357)
-      [Bob Thompson]
-  *) Storage
-    - Store last_modified timestamp in the Object extra dictionary in the S3
-      driver. (LIBCLOUD-373)
-      [Stefan Friesel]
-  *) Load Balancer
-   - Expose CloudStack driver directly through the Provider.CLOUDSTACK
-     constant.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
- *) DNS
-   - Modify Zerigo driver to include record TTL in the record 'extra' attribute
-     if a record has a TTL set.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Modify values in the Record 'extra' dictionary attribute in the Zerigo DNS
-     driver to be set to None instead of an empty string ('') if a value for
-     the provided key is not set.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.1
- *) General
-    - Fix a regression introduced in 0.13.0 and make sure to include
-      Content-Length 0 with PUT and POST requests. (LIBCLOUD-362, LIBCLOUD-390)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
- *) Compute
-    - Fix a bug in the ElasticHosts driver and check for right HTTP status
-      code when determining drive imaging success. (LIBCLOUD-363)
-      [Bob Thompson]
-    - Update Opsource driver to include node public ip address (if available).
-      (LIBCLOUD-384)
-      [Michael Bennett]
-  *) Storage
-    - Fix a regression with calling encode_container_name instead of
-      encode_object_name on object name in get_object method.
-      Reported by Ben Meng (LIBCLOUD-366)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Ensure that AWS S3 multipart upload works for small iterators.
-      (LIBCLOUD-378)
-      [Mahendra M]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.13.0:
- *) General
-   - Add homebrew curl-ca-bundle path to CA_CERTS_PATH. This will make Libcloud
-     use homebrew curl ca bundle file (if available) for server certificate
-     validation. (LIBCLOUD-324)
-     [Robert Chiniquy]
-   - Modify OpenStackAuthConnection and change auth_token_expires attribute to
-     be a datetime object instead of a string.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Modify OpenStackAuthConnection to support re-using of the existing auth
-     token if it's still valid instead of re-authenticating on every
-     authenticate() call.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Modify base Connection class to not send Content-Length header if body is
-     not provided.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add the new error class ProviderError and modify InvalidCredsError to
-     inherit from it. (LIBCLOUD-331)
-     [Jayy Vis]
- *) Misc
-   - Add unittest2 library dependency for tests and update some tests to use
-     it.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
- *) Compute
-    - Fix destroy_node method in the experimental libvirt driver.
-      [Aymen Fitati]
-    - Add ex_start_node method to the Joyent driver. (LIBCLOUD-319)
-      [rszabo50]
-    - Fix Python 3 compatibility issue in the ScriptFileDeployment class.
-      (LIBCLOUD-321)
-      [Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis]
-    - Add ex_set_metadata_entry and ex_get_metadata method to the VCloud driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-318)
-      [Michel Samia]
-    - Various improvements and bug-fixes in the VCloud driver. (LIBCLOUD-323)
-      [Michel Samia]
-    - Various bug fixes and improvements in the HostVirtual driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-249)
-      [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
-    - Modify list_sizes method in the OpenStack driver to include
-      OpenStackNodeSize object which includes 'vcpus' attribute which holds
-      a number of virtual CPUs for this size. (LIBCLOUD-325)
-      [Carlo]
-    - For consistency rename "ex_describe_keypairs" method in the EC2 driver to
-      "ex_describe_keypair".
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Modify "ex_describe_keypair" method to return key fingerprint in the
-      return value. (LIBCLOUD-326)
-      [Andre Merzky, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Populate private_ips attribute in the CloudStack drive when returning
-      a Node object from the create_node method. (LIBCLOUD-329)
-      [Sebastien Goasguen, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow user to pass extra arguments via "extra_args" argument which are
-      then passed to the "deployVirtualMachine" call in the CloudStack driver
-      create_node method. (LIBCLOUD-330)
-      [Sebastien Goasguen, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Update Gandi driver to handle new billing model. (LIBCLOUD-317)
-      [Aymeric Barantal]
-    - Fix a bug in the Linode driver and remove extra newline which is added
-      when generating a random root password in create_node. (LIBCLOUD-334)
-      [Juan Carlos Moreno]
-    - Add extension methods for managing keypairs to the CloudStack driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-333)
-      [sebastien goasguen]
-    - Add extension methods for managing security groups to the CloudStack
-      driver. (LIBCLOUD-332)
-      [sebastien goasguen]
-    - Add extension methods for starting and stoping the node to the
-      CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-338)
-      [sebastien goasguen]
-    - Fix old _wait_until_running method. (LIBCLOUD-339)
-      [Bob Thompson]
-    - Allow user to override default async task completion timeout by
-      specifying ex_clone_timeout argument. (LIBCLOUD-340)
-      [Michal Galet]
-    - Fix a bug in the GoGrid driver get_uuid method. (LIBCLOUD-341)
-      [Bob Thompson]
-    - Fix a bug with deploy_node not respecting 'timeout' kwarg.
-      [Kevin Carter]
-    - Modify create_node method in CloudStack driver to return an instance of
-      CloudStackNode and add a new "expunging" node state. (LIBCLOUD-345)
-      [sebastien goasguen]
-    - Update API endpoint hostnames in the ElasticHost driver and use hostnames
-      which return a valid SSL certificate. (LIBCLOUD-346)
-      [Bob Thompson]
-    - Add ex_list_networks method and missing tests for list_templates to the
-      CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-349)
-      [Philipp Strube]
-    - Correctly throw InvalidCredsError if user passes invalid credentials to
-      the DigitalOcean driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
- *) Storage
-    - Fix an issue with double encoding the container name in the CloudFiles
-      driver upload_object method.
-      Also properly encode container and object name used in the HTTP request
-      in the get_container and get_object method. (LIBCLOUD-328)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
- *) Load Balancer
-    - Add ex_list_current_usage method to the Rackspace driver.
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.12.4:
- *) Compute
-    - Fix a regression in Softlayer driver caused by the xmlrpclib changes.
-      (LIBCLOUD-310)
-      [Jason Johnson]
-    - Allow user to pass alternate ssh usernames to deploy_node
-      (ssh_alternate_usernames kwarg) which are used for authentication if the
-      default one doesn't work. (LIBCLOUD-309)
-      [Chris Psaltis, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix a bug in EC2 list_locations method - 'name' attribute didn't contain a
-      the right value.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add new ScriptFileDeployment deployment class which reads deploy script
-      from a file.
-      [Rudolf J Streif]
-    - Add support for API version 5.1 to the vCloud driver and accept any value
-      which is a multiple of four for ex_vm_memory kwarg in create_node method.
-      (LIBCLOUD-314)
-      [Trevor Powell]
- *) Storage
-    - Fix a regression with removed ex_force_service_region constructor kwarg in
-      the CloudFiles driver. (LIBCLOUD-260)
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.12.3:
-  *) General
-    - Fix Python 3.x related regressions. (LIBCLOUD-245)
-      Reported by Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix a regression introduced with recent xmlrpiclib changes which broke all
-      the drivers. (LIBCLOUD-288)
-      Reported by Hutson Betts.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Improve deploy code to work correctly if the ssh user doesn't have access
-      to the /root directory.
-      Previously the ScriptDeployment script was stored in /root folder by
-      default. Now it's stored in users home directory under filename
-      ~/libcloud_deploymeny_<random>.sh. (LIBCLOUD-302)
-      Reported by rotem on #libcloud.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute
-    - Improve public and private IP address handling in OpenStack 1.1 driver.
-      Assume every IP address which doesn't have a label "public" or "internet"
-      is private. (LIBCLOUD-297)
-      [Grischa Meyer, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add new driver for DigitalOcean provider -
-      (LIBCLOUD-304)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix a regression in method which caused this methid
-      to only work as expected if you passed an absolute or a relative path to
-      the script to it. (LIBCLOUD-278)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) DNS
-    - Allow user to specify 'priority' extra argument when creating a MX or SRV
-      record.
-      [Brian Jinwright, Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.12.1:
-  *) General
-    - Deprecate LazyList method of iteration over large paginated collections
-      and use a new, more efficient generator based approach which doesn't
-      require the iterator to be pre-exhausted and buffering all of the values
-      in memory.
-      Existing list_* methods which previously used LazyList class are
-      preserving the old behavior and new iterate_* methods which use a new
-      generator based approach have been added. (LIBCLOUD-254)
-      [Mahendra M]
-    - Replace old ENUM style provider constants and replace them with a string
-      version.
-      This change allows users to dynamically register new drivers using a new
-      set_driver method. (LIBCLOUD-255)
-      [Mahendra M]
-    - Allow user to explicitly specify which CA file is used for verifying
-      the server certificate by setting 'SSL_CERT_FILE' environment variable.
-      Note: When this variable is specified, the specified path is the only
-      CA file which is used to verifying the server certificate. (LIBCLOUD-283)
-      [Tomaz Muraus, Erinn Looney-Triggs]
-    - Add a common module (libcloud.common.xmlrpc) for handling XML-RPC
-      requests using Libcloud http layer.
-      Also refactor existing drivers which use xmlrpclib directly (VCL, Gandi,
-      Softlayer) to use this module.
-      This change allows drivers to support LIBCLOUD_DEBUG and SSL certificate
-      validation functionality. Previously they have bypassed Libcloud http
-      layer so this functionality was not available. (LIBCLOUD-288)
-      [John Carr]
-  *) Compute
-    - Fix string interpolation bug in __repr__ methods in the IBM SCE driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-242)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix test failures which happened in Python 3.3 due to:
-      - hash randomization
-      - changes in xml.etree module
-      - changes in xmlrpc module
-      (LIBCLOUD-245)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Improvements and additions in vCloud driver:
-      - Expose generic query method (ex_query)
-      - Provide functionality to get and set control access for vApps. This way
-        created vApps can be shared between users/groups or everyone.
-     (LIBCLOUD-251)
-     [Michal Galet]
-   - Update EC2 pricing data to reflect new, lower prices -
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Update EC2 instance size to reflect new m3 instance types. Also refactor
-     the code to make it easier to maintain.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add a new driver for HostVirtual ( provider.
-     (LIBCLOUD-249)
-     [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
-   - Fix a bug where a numeric instead of a string value was used for the
-     content-length header in VCloud driver. (LIBCLOUD-256)
-     [Brian DeGeeter, Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add a new driver for new Asia Pacific (Sydney) EC2 region.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add support for managing security groups to the OpenStack driver. This
-     patch adds the following extension methods:
-     - ex_list_security_groups, ex_get_node_security_groups methods
-     - ex_create_security_group, ex_delete_security_group
-     - ex_create_security_group_rule, ex_delete_security_group_rule
-     (LIBCLOUD-253)
-     [L. Schaub]
-   - Modify ElasticStack driver class to pass 'vnc auto' instead of
-     'vnc:ip auto' argument to the API when creating a server.
-     It looks like 'vnc:ip' has been replaced with 'vnc'.
-     [Rick Copeland, Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add new EC2 instance type - High Storage Eight Extra Large Instance
-     (hs1.8xlarge).
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Map 'shutting-down' node state in EC2 driver to UNKNOWN. Previously
-     it was mapped to TERMINATED. (LIBCLOUD-280)
-     Note: This change is backward incompatible which means you need to update
-     your code if you rely on the old behavior.
-     [Tomaz Muraus, Marcin Kuzminski]
-   - Change _wait_until_running method so it supports waiting on multiple nodes
-     and make it public (wait_until_running). (LIBCLOUD-274)
-     [Nick Bailey]
-   - Add new EC2 instance type - High Memory Cluster Eight Extra Large.
-     (cr1.8xlarge).
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Add new driver for Abiquo provider - (LIBCLOUD-250).
-     [Jaume Devesa]
-   - Allow user to pass 'ex_blockdevicemappings' kwarg to the EC2 driver
-     'create_node' method. (LIBCLOUD-282)
-     [Joe Miller, Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Improve error handling in the Brightbox driver.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Fix the ScriptDeployment step to work correctly if user provides a
-     relative path for the script argument. (LIBCLOUD-278)
-     [Jaume Devesa]
-   - Fix Softlayer driver and make sure all the code is up to date and works
-     with the latest version of the actual Softlayer deployment (v3).
-     (LIBCLOUD-287)
-     [Kevin McDonald]
-   - Update EC2 driver, m3 instance types are now available in all the regions
-     except Brazil.
-     Also update pricing to reflect new (decreased) prices.
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Minor improvements in the HostVirtual driver and add new ex_get_node and
-     ex_build_node extension method. (LIBCLOUD-249)
-     [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
-   - Add ex_destroy_image method to IBM SCE driver. (LIBCLOUD-291)
-     [Perry Zou]
-   - Add the following new regions to the ElasticHosts driver: sjc-c, syd-v,
-     hkg-e. (LIBCLOUD-293)
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Fix create_node in OpenStack driver to work correctly if 'adminPass'
-     attribute is not present in the response.
-     [Gavin McCance, Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Allow users to filter images returned by the list_images method in the EC2
-     driver by providing ex_image_ids argument. (LIBCLOUD-294)
-     [Chris Psaltis, Joseph Hall]
-   - Add support for OpenNebula 3.8. (LIBCLOUD-295)
-     [Guillaume ZITTA]
-   - Add missing 'deletd' -> terminated mapping to OpenStack driver.
-     (LIBCLOUD-276)
-     [Jayy Vis]
-   - Fix create_node in OpenStack driver to work correctly if 'adminPass'
-     attribute is not present in the response. (LIBCLOUD-292)
-     [Gavin McCance, Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Storage
-    - Add a new local storage driver.
-      [Mahendra M]
-    - Fix a bug which caused the connection to not be closed when using Python
-      2.6 and calling get_object on an object which doesn't exist in the S3
-      driver. (LIBCLOUD-257)
-      [John Carr]
-    - Add a new generator based method for listing / iterating over the
-      containers (iterate_containers). (LIBCLOUD-261)
-      [Mahendra M]
-    - Add ex_purge_object_from_cdn method to the CloudFiles driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-267)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Support for multipart uploads and other improvements in the S3 driver
-      so it can more easily be re-used with other implementations (e.g. Google
-      Storage, etc.).
-      Also default to a multipart upload when using upload_object_via_stream.
-      This methods is more efficient compared to old approach because it only
-      requires buffering a single multipart chunk (5 MB) in memory.
-      (LIBCLOUD-269)
-      [Mahendra M]
-    - Add new driver for Windows Azure Storage with support for block and page
-      blobs. (LIBCLOUD-80)
-      [Mahendra M]
-  *) DNS
-    - Update 'if type' checks in the update_record methods to behave correctly
-      if users passes in RecordType.A with a value of 0 - if type is not None.
-      (LIBCLOUD-247)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - New driver for HostVirtual provider ( (LIBCLOUD-249)
-      [Dinesh Bhoopathy]
-    - Finish Amazon Route53 driver. (LIBCLOUD-132)
-      [John Carr]
-    - Add new driver for Gandi provider ( (LIBCLOUD-281)
-      [John Carr]
-  *) Load-Balancer
-    - Add new driver for AWS Elastic Load Balancing service. (LIBCLOUD-169)
-      [John Carr]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.4:
-  *) General
-    - Fix some of tests failures which happened in Python 3.3 due to randomized
-      dictionary ordering. (LIBCLOUD-245)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute
-    - Fix a bug where a numeric instead of a string value was used for the
-      content-length header in VCloud driver. (LIBCLOUD-256)
-      [Brian DeGeeter, Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Storage
-    - Don't ignore ex_force_service_region argument in the CloudFiles driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-260)
-      [Dan Di Spaltro]
-    - Fix a bug which caused the connection to not be closed when using Python
-      2.6 and calling get_object on an object which doesn't exist in the S3
-      driver. (LIBCLOUD-257)
-      [John Carr]
-  *) DNS
-    - Update 'if type' checks in the update_record methods to behave correctly
-      if users passes in RecordType.A with a value of 0 - if type is not None.
-      (LIBCLOUD-247)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.3:
-  *) Storage
-    - Include 'last_modified' and 'content_type' attribute in the Object
-      'extra' dictionary when retrieving object using get_object in the S3
-      driver. Also modify 'meta_data' dictionary to include all the headers
-      prefixed with 'x-amz-meta-'.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.2:
-  *) General
-    Fix a bug with the Libcloud SSL verification code. Code was too strict and
-    didn't allow "-" character in the sub-domain when using a wildcard
-    certificate.
-    Note: This is NOT a security vulnerability. (LIBCLOUD-244)
-    [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute
-    - Add new Rackspace Nova driver for Chicago (ORD) location (LIBCLOUD-234)
-      [Brian McDaniel]
-    - Add capacity information to Vdc objects and implement power operations.
-      (LIBCLOUD-239)
-      [Michal Galet]
-    - Allow user to pass 'timeout' argument to the 'deploy_node' method.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add ex_list_security_groups, ex_authorize_security_group and
-      ex_describe_all_keypairs methods to the EC2 driver. (LIBCLOUD-241,
-      LIBCLOUD-243)
-      [Nick Bailey]
-    - Add new methods for managing storage volumes and other extenstion methods
-      to the IBM SCE driver. (LIBCLOUD-242)
-      [Sengor Kusturica]
-  *) Storage
-    - Add the following new methods to the CloudFiles driver:
-      ex_set_account_metadata_temp_url_key, ex_get_object_temp_url. (GITHUB-72)
-      [Shawn Smith]
-  *) Load-balancer
-    - Add 'balancer' attribute to the Member instance. This attribute refers to
-      the LoadBalancer instance this member belongs to.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.1:
-  *) General
-    - Fix hostname validation in the SSL verification code (CVE-2012-3446).
-      Reported by researchers from the University of Texas at Austin (Martin
-      Georgiev, Suman Jana and Vitaly Shmatikov).
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.11.0:
-  *) Compute
-    - Add a timeout of 10 seconds to OpenStackAuthConnection class.
-      (LIBCLOUD-199)
-      [Chris Gilmer]
-    - Add time.sleep(wait_period) to _ssh_client_connect to prevent busy loops
-      when we immediately can't connect to a server. (LIBCLOUD-197)
-      [Jay Doane]
-    - Fix a bug with Python 3 support in the following drivers
-      - IBM SCE,
-      - CloudStack
-      - CloudSigma
-      - OpenNebula
-      - VpsNet
-      - EC2
-      - ElasticStack
-      - vCloud
-      - OpSource
-      - Slicehost
-      - Joyent
-      (LIBCLOUD-204)
-      [Sengor Kusturica, Hutson Betts, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Make CloudStack driver more robust and make it work if list_images() call
-      returns no images. (LIBCLOUD-202)
-      [Gabriel Reid]
-    - Add force_ipv4 argument to _wait_until_running and default it to True.
-      This will make Libcloud ignore IPv6 addresses when using deploy_node.
-      (LIBCLOUD-200)
-      [Jay Doane, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Include error text if a CloudStack async job returns an error code.
-      (LIBCLOUD-207)
-      [Gabriel Reid]
-    - Add extenstion methods for block storage volume management to the
-      CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-208)
-      [Gabriel Reid]
-    - New driver for KT UCloud ( based on
-      the CloudStack driver.
-      [DaeMyung Kang]
-    - Add a standard API and methods for managing storage volumes to the
-      EC2 and CloudStack drivers. Base API consistent of the following methods:
-      create_volume, destroy_volume, attach_volume, detach_volume.
-      (LIBCLOUD-213)
-      [Gabriel Reid]
-    - Change ex_describe_tags, ex_create_tags and ex_delete_tags methods
-      signature in the EC2 driver. Argument is now called resource (previously
-      it was called node). This methods work with both Node and StorageVolume
-      objects. (LIBCLOUD-213)
-      [Gabriel Reid, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add Rackspace Nova London driver.
-      [Chris Gilmer]
-    - Fix a bug - If user doesn't pass in 'network_id' argument to the
-      create_node method in the CloudStack driver, don't explicitly define it.
-      (LIBCLOUD-219)
-      [Bruno Mahé, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Modify EC2 driver to also return cc2.8xlarge cluster compute instance in
-      the eu-west-1 region.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add 'auth_user_variable' to the  OpenStackAuthConnection class.
-      [Mark Everett]
-    - Fix a bug with repeated URLs in some requests the vCloud driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-222)
-      [Michal Galet]
-    - New Gridspot driver with basic list and destroy functionality.
-      (LIBCLOUD-223)
-      [Amir Elaguizy]
-    - Add methods for managing storage volumes to the Gandi driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-225)
-      [Aymeric Barantal]
-  *) DNS
-    - Add support for GEO RecordType to Zerigo driver. (LIBCLOUD-203)
-      [Gary Wilson]
-    - Fix a bug with Python 3 support in the following drivers (LIBCLOUD-204)
-      - Zerigo
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add support for URL RecordType to Zerigo driver. (LIBCLOUD-209)
-      [Bojan Mihelac]
-    - Properly handle record creation when user doesn't provider a record name
-      and wants to create a record for the actual domain.
-      Reported by Matt Perry (LIBCLOUD-224)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Storage
-    - Fix a bug with Python 3 support in the following drivers
-      - Atmos
-      - Google Storage
-      - Amazon S3
-      (LIBCLOUD-204)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix a bug in the CloudFiles driver which prevented it to work with
-      accounts which use a non ORD endpoint. (LIBCLOUD-205)
-      [Geoff Greer]
-    - Fix a bug in the enable_container_cdn method. (LIBCLOUD-206)
-      [Geoff Greer]
-    - Allow user to specify container CDN TTL when calling container.enable_cd()
-      using ex_ttl keyword argument in the CloudFiles driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add ex_enable_static_website and ex_set_error_page method to the
-      CloudFiles driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Propagate kwargs passed to container.download_object() to
-      driver.download_object(). (LIBCLOUD-227)
-      [Benno Rice]
-    - Fix a bug with not escaping container and object name in the Atmos driver.
-      [Russell Keith-Magee, Benno Rice]
-    - Fix upload_object_via_stream method in the Atmos driver. (LIBCLOUD-228)
-      [Benno Rice]
-    - Fix a bug with uploading zero-sized files in the OpenStack Swift /
-      CloudFiles driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Fix a bug with content_type and and encoding of object and path names in
-      the Atmos driver.
-      [Russell Keith-Magee]
-  *) Other:
-    - Unify docstrings formatting in the compute drivers. (LIBCLOUD-229)
-      [Ilgiz Islamgulov]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.10.1:
-  *) General:
-    - Add timeout attribute to base 'Connection' class and pass it to the
-      connection class constructor if Python version is not 2.5.
-      [Chris Gilmer]
-  *) Compute:
-    - Update IBM SBC driver so it works with IBM Smart Cloud Enterprise.
-      (LIBCLOUD-195)
-      [Sengor Kusturica]
-    - Add ex_register_iso method to the CloudStack driver. (LIBCLOUD-196)
-      [Daemian Mack]
-    - Allow user to specify which IP to use when calling deploy_node.
-      (defaults to 'public_ips'). Previously it only worked with public IP, now
-      user can pass 'private_ips' as an argument and SSH client will try to
-      connect to the node first private IP address.
-      [Jay Doane]
-    - Fix CloudSigmaLvsNodeDriver connectionCls bug.
-      [Jerry Chen]
-    - Add 'ex_keyname' argument to the create_node method in the OpenStack
-      driver. (LIBCLOUD-177)
-      [Jay Doane]
-    - Fix a problem in deploy_node - make it work with providers which
-      don't  instantly return created node in the list_node response.
-      Also add __str__ and __repr__ method to DeploymentError so the
-      error message is more useful. (LIBCLOUD-176)
-      [Jouke Waleson, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add 'ssh_key' feature to Brigthbox driver. This way it works with
-      deploy_node. (LIBCLOUD-179)
-      [Neil Wilson]
-    - Add Joyent compute driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Store auth token expire times on the connection class in the attribute
-      called 'auth_token_expires'. (LIBCLOUD-178)
-      [Chris Gilmer, Brad Morgan]
-    - Add new driver for VCL cloud
-      (
-      (LIBCLOUD-180)
-      [Jason Gionta, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Improve and add new features to Brightbox driver
-        - Update fixtures to represent actual api output
-        - Update compute tests to 100% coverage
-        - Add userdata and server group extensions to create_node
-        - Add ipv6 support to public ip list
-        - Improve in line documentation
-        - Add lots of api output information to Node and Image
-          'extra' attributes
-        - Allow variable API versions (api_version argument)
-        - Allow reverse dns updates for cloud ip extensions
-      (LIBCLOUD-184)
-      [Neil Wilson, Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add ex_userdata argument to the OpenStack 1.1 driver. (LIBCLOUD-185)
-      [Jay Doane]
-    - Modify Vmware vCloud driver and implement new features
-      for the vCloud version 1.5. (LIBCLOUD-183)
-      [Michal Galet, Sengor Kusturica]
-    - Allow user to pass mode argument to SSHClient.put method and default it to
-      'w'. (LIBCLOUD-188)
-      [Jay Doane]
-    - Modify SSHKeyDeployment step to use append mode so it doesn't overwrite
-      existing entries in .ssh/authorized_keys. (LIBCLOUD-187)
-      [Jay Doane]
-    - Modify ParamikoSSHClient to connect to the SSH agent and automatically
-      look for private keys in ~/.ssh if the 'auth' and 'ssh_key' argument
-      is not specified when calling deploy_node. (LIBCLOUD-182)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add ex_rescue and ex_unrescue method to OpenStack 1.1 driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-193)
-      [Shawn Smith]
-    - Include 'password' in the node extra dictionary when calling deploy_node
-      if the password auth is used.
-      [Juan Carlos Moreno]
-    - Add FileDeployment class to libcloud.compute.deployment module. This can
-      be used as a replacement for ex_files argument if the provider supports
-      deployment functionality. (LIBCLOUD-190)
-      [Jay Doane]
-  *) Storage
-    - Large object upload support for CloudFiles driver
-    - Add CLOUDFILES_SWIFT driver to connect to OpenStack Swift
-      [Dmitry Russkikh, Roman Bogorodskiy]
-  *) Load-balancer
-    - Don't include 'body_regex' attribute in the Rackspace driver body if
-      body_regex is None or empty string. (LIBCLOUD-186)
-      [Bill Woodward]
-    - Don't split Load balancer IP addresses into public and private list.
-      Include all the addresses in the 'virtualIps' variable in the extra
-      dictionary (Rackspace driver). (LIBCLOUD-191)
-      [Adam Pickeral]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.9.1:
-  *) General:
-    - Make parsing of the Auth API responses in the OpenStack drivers more
-      flexible and extensible.
-      Now, every connection class that inherits from the openstack base
-      connection must implement get_endpoint(), who's job is to return the
-      correct endpoint out of the service catalog.
-      Note: The base driver no longer works by default with
-      Rackspace nova. The default endpoint parsed from the service catalog
-      is the default compute endpoint for devstack. (LIBCLOUD-151)
-      [Brad Morgan]
-    - Allow user to pass ex_tenant_name keyword argument to the OpenStack node
-      driver class. This scopes all the endpoints returned by the Auth API
-      endpoint to the provided tenant. (LIBCLOUD-172)
-      [James E. Blair]
-    - Allow user to specify OpenStack service catalog parameters (service type,
-      name and region). This way base OpenStack driver can be used with
-      different providers without needing to subclass. (LIBCLOUD-173)
-      [James E. Blair]
-    - Fix a bug with handling compressed responses in the Linode driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-158)
-      [Ben Agricola]
-  *) Compute:
-    - Add new RackspaceNovaBeta and RackspaveNovaDfw driver based on the
-      OpenStack. (LIBCLOUD-151)
-      [Brad Morgan]
-    - Include 'created' and 'updated' attribute in the OpenStack 1.1 driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-155)
-      [Chris Gilmer]
-    - Include 'minRam' and 'minDisk' attribute in the OpenStack 1.1 driver
-      Node extra dictionary. (LIBCLOUD-163)
-      [Chris Gilmer]
-    - Alow users to use a list of tuples for the query string parameters inside
-      the OpenStack connection classes. This way same key can be specified
-      multiple times (LIBCLOUD-153)
-      [Dave King]
-    - Allow user to pass 'max_tries' keyword argument to deploy_node method.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Include original exception error message when re-throwing an exception
-      inside _run_deployment_script method.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add support for ElasticHosts new United States (Los Angeles) and Canada
-      (Toronto) locations. (GITHUB-53)
-      [Jaime Irurzun]
-    - Add serverId attribute to the NodeImage object extra dictionary in the
-      OpenStack driver.
-      [Mark Everett]
-    - Add new EC2 instance type - m1.medium.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow user to re-use auth tokens and pass 'ex_force_auth_token' keyword
-      argument to the OpenStack driver constructor. (LIBCLOUD-164)
-      [Dave King]
-    - Add new experimental libvirt driver.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Properly handle OpenStack providers which return public IP addresses under
-      the 'internet' key in the addresses dictionary.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Update create_node in Linode driver and make it return a Node object
-      instead of a list. Reported by Jouke Waleson. (LIBCLOUD-175)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Storage:
-    - Don't lowercase special header names in the Amazon S3 storage driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-149)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Load-balancer:
-    - Allow user to specify a condition and weight when adding a member in
-      the Rackspace driver.
-      [Adam Pickeral]
-    - Add an extension method (ex_balancer_attach_members) for attaching
-      multiple members to a load balancer in the Rackspace driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-152)
-      [Adam Pickeral]
-    - Add ex_creaate_balancer method to the Rackspace driver and allow user to
-      pass 'vip' argument to it. (LIBCLOUD-166)
-      [Adam Pickeral]
-    - Update Rackspace driver to support Auth 2.0. (LIBCLOUD-165)
-      [Dave King]
-    - Add new ex_create_balancer_access_rule and
-      ex_create_balancer_access_rule_no_poll method to the Rackspace driver.
-      (LIBCLOUD-170)
-      [Dave King]
-  *) DNS:
-    - Update Rackspace driver to support Auth 2.0. (LIBCLOUD-165)
-      [Dave King]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.8.0:
-  *) General:
-     - Add 'request_kwargs' argument to the get_poll_request_kwargs method.
-       This argument contains kwargs which were previously used to initiate the
-       poll request.
-       [Mark Everett]
-     - Add support for handling compressed responses (deflate, gzip). Also send
-       "Accept-Encoding" "gzip,deflate" header with all the requests.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix debug module (LIBCLOUD_DEBUG env variable) so it works with Python 3
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute:
-     - Added support for retrieving OpenNebula v3.2 instance types, OpenNebula
-       v3.0 network Public attribute support, and additional code coverage
-       tests.
-       [Hutson Betts]
-     - Add implementation for ex_save_image method to the OpenStack 1.1 driver.
-       [Shawn Smith]
-     - Add support for Amazon new South America (Sao Paulo) location.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix a bug in OpenStack driver when 2.0_apikey or 2.0_password
-       'auth_version' is used.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Current OpenNebula OCCI implementation does not support a proper
-       restart method. Rather it suspends and resumes. Therefore, restart_node
-       has been removed from the OpenNebula driver.
-       [Hutson Betts]
-     - Enable ex_delete_image method in the OpenStack 1.1 driver.
-       [Shawn Smith]
-     - Return NodeImage instance in OpenStack 1.1 driver ex_save_image method
-       (LIBCLOUD-138)
-       [Shawn Smith]
-     - Enable reboot_node method in the OpenNebula 3.2 driver.
-       [Hutson Betts]
-     - Fix a public_ips Node variable assignment in the driver.
-       [Aymeric Barantal]
-     - Updated the list of node states for OpenNebula drivers. (LIBCLOUD-148)
-       [Hutson Betts]
-  *) Storage:
-    - Propagate extra keyword arguments passed to the Rackspace driver
-      connection class.
-      [Dave King]
-  *) Load-balancer:
-    - Add 'extra' attribute to the LoadBalancer object and retrieve all the
-      virtual IP addresses in the Rackspace driver.
-      [Dave King]
-    - Add list_supported_algorithms() method to the base LoadBalancer class.
-      This method returns a list of supported algorithms by the provider.
-      [Dave King]
-    - Update Rackspace driver:
-      - Add two new supported algorithms: WEIGHTED_ROUND_ROBIN,
-      - Add ex_list_algorithm_names method
-      - Add ex_get_balancer_error_page method
-      - Add ex_balancer_access_list method
-      - Populate LoadBalancer extra dictionary with more attributes
-      - Add support for health monitors and connection throttling
-      - Add more balancer states
-      - ex_list_protocols_with_default_ports
-      [Dave King]
-    - Propagate extra keyword arguments passed to the Rackspace driver
-      connection class.
-      [Dave King]
-    - Add 'extra' attribute to the Member object and populate it in
-      the Rackspace driver.
-      [Mark Everett]
-    - Adds status to the Member object and conditions an 'enum'
-      (Rackspace driver).
-      [Mark Everett]
-    - Add update_balancer method to the base LoadBalancer class.
-      [Mark Everett]
-    - Add update_balancer method to the Rackspace driver.
-      [Mark Everett]
-    - Add created and updated attribute to the LoadBalancer extra dictionary in
-      the Rackspace driver.
-      [Mark Everett]
-    - Fix protocol name maping in the Rackspace driver.
-      [Bill Woodward]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.7.1:
-  *) General:
-     - Fix a minor bug in debug mode (LIBCLOUD_DEBUG=/dev/stderr) which has been
-       introduced when adding Python 3 compatibility layer.
-       [Paul Querna]
-     - Update OpenStack Auth API endpoint paths.
-       [Paul Querna]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.7.0:
-  *) General:
-     - Add support for Python 3.x.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Remove old deprecated paths.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute:
-     - Update CloudSigma Zurich API endpoint address.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add new US Las Vegas endpoint to CloudSigma driver (types.CLOUDSIGMA_US)
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Allow user to specify drive type (hdd, ssd) when creating a
-       CloudSigma server.
-       Note 'ssd' drive_type doesn't work with the API yet.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Update OpenStack 1.1 driver to comply with the API specs. Need to make
-       another call to retrieve node name and ip addresses when creating a node,
-       because the first call only returns an id an the password. (GITHUB-40)
-       [Dave King]
-     - Add ex_node_ids argument to the EC2 driver list_nodes method.
-       (GITHUB-39)
-       [Suvish Vt]
-     - If OpenStack Auth 2.0 API is used, also parse out tenant id and
-       name and save it on the connection class (conn.tenant['id'],
-       conn.tenant['name']).
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add new "Cluster Compute Eight Extra Large" size to the Amazon EC2
-       driver.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add the following extension methods to the EC2 compute driver:
-       ex_describe_all_addresses, ex_associate_addresses, ex_start_node,
-       ex_stop_node.
-       [Suvish Vt]
-     - Change public_ip and private_ip attribute on the Node object to the
-       public_ips and private_ips since both of the objects are always a list.
-       Note: For backward compatibility you can still access public_ip and
-       private_ip attributes, but this will be removed in the next release.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix an inconsistency in IBM SBC driver and make sure public_ips and
-       private_ips attributes are a list.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix an inconsistency in OpSource driver and make sure public_ips is an
-       empty list ([]), not 'unknown'
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Updated support for v1.4, v2.x, and v3.x APIs and included
-       additional compute tests validating functionality. (LIBCLOUD-121)
-       [Hutson Betts]
-  *) Load-balancer:
-    - Add ex_member_address argument to the Rackspace driver list_balancers
-      method. If this argument is provided, only loadbalancers which have a
-      member with the provided IP address attached are returned.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.2:
-  *) General
-     - Fix a bug in PollingConnection class - actually use and don't ignore
-       the poll_interval
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute:
-     - Add support for Auth 2.0 API (keystone) to the OpenStack Auth
-       connection class.
-       [Brad Morgan]
-     - Add list_locations method to the OpenStack driver and fix some
-       inconsistencies in the OpenStack driver extension method signatures.
-       [Brad Morgan]
-     - Update Amazon EC2 driver and pricing data to support a new region -
-       US West 2 (Oregon)
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Expose 'CLOUDSTACK' provider. This driver can be used with an
-       arbitrary CloudStack installation.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Storage:
-     - Update Amazon S3 driver to support a new region - US West 2 (Oregon)
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-   *) DNS:
-      - Increase the default poll interval in the Rackspace driver to 2.5
-        seconds.
-        [Tomaz Muraus]
-      - Fix a bug in Rackspace Cloud DNS driver and make sure to throw an
-        exception if an unexpected status code is returned. Reported by
-        "jeblair".
-        [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.1:
-  *) General:
-     - Modify ParamikoSSHClient.connect so it supports authentication using a
-       key file, (LIBCLOUD-116)
-       [Jay Doane]
-     - User must now explicitly specify a path when using LIBCLOUD_DEBUG
-       environment variable. (LIBCLOUD-95)
-       [daveb, Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add new XmlResponse and JsonResponse base class and modify all the
-       driver-specific response classes to inherit from one of those two
-       classes where applicable.
-       [Caio Romão]
-     - Add new 'PollingConnection' class. This class can work with 'async'
-       APIs. It sends and an initial request and then periodically poll the API
-       until the job has completed or a timeout has been reached.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute:
-     - Add 24GB size to the GoGrid driver
-       [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-     - Fix API endpoint URL in the Softlayer driver
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add support for OpenNebula 3.0 API (LIBCLOUD-120)
-       [Hutson Betts]
-     - Add more attributes to the extra dictionary in the EC2 driver.
-       (GITHUB-31)
-       [Juan Carlos Moreno]
-     - Fix IP address assignment in the EC2 driver. Don't include "None" in the
-       public_ip and private_ip Node list attribute.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Make deploy_node functionality more robust and don't start deployment if
-       node public_ip attribute is an empty list.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Support SSH key authentication when using deploy_node.
-       [Russell Haering, Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Enable deploy_node functionality in the EC2 driver using SSH key
-       authentication
-       [Russell Haering, Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Enable paramiko library debug log level if LIBCLOUD_DEBUG is used and
-       paramiko is installed.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix the request signature generation in the base EC2 compute driver.
-       If the endpoint is using a non-standard port (Eucalyptus based
-       installations), append it to the hostname used to generate the
-       signature.
-       [Simon Delamare]
-     - Add new "unavailable" state to the BrightboxNodeDriver class.
-       [Tim Fletcher]
-     - Increase a PollingConnection timeout in the CloudStack connection
-       and fix the context dictionary creation in the _async_request method.
-       [Oleg Suharev]
-     - Fix networks retrieval in the CloudStack driver create_node method.
-       Also only pass 'networkids' field to the API if there are any networks
-       available.
-       [Oleg Suharev, Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix list_nodes in the CloudStack driver. Private IPs aren't always
-       available.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Load-baancer:
-     - Add a missing argument to the method call inside
-       LoadBalancer.attach_compute_node and Driver.balancer_attach_compute_node.
-       [Tim Fletcher, Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add missing destroy() method to the LoadBalancer class.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) DNS:
-     - New drivers for Rackspace Cloud DNS (US and UK region)
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add list_record_types() method. This method returns a list of record
-       types supported by the provider.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.6.0-beta1
-  *) General:
-    - All the driver classes now inherit from the BaseDriver class
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Prefer simplejson (if available) over json module. (LIBCLOUD-112)
-      [Geoff Greer]
-    - Update compute demo and change the syntax of test credentials stored in
-      test/ (LIBCLOUD-111)
-      [Mike Nerone]
-    - Enable SSL certificate verification by default and throw an exception
-      if CA certificate files cannot be found. This can be overridden by
-      setting to False.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Compute:
-     - Support for 1.1 API and many other improvements in the OpenStack driver ;
-       LIBCLOUD-83
-       [Mike Nerone, Paul Querna, Brad Morgan, Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add some extra methods to the driver (LIBCLOUD-115)
-       [Aymeric Barantal]
-     - Add ex_delete_image method to the Rackspace driver. (GITHUB-27)
-       [David Busby]
-     - Linode driver now supports new 'Japan' location
-       [Jed Smith]
-     - Rackspace driver now inherits from the OpenStack one instead of doing
-       it vice versa. (LIBCLOUD-110)
-       [Mike Nerone]
-     - Properly populate NodeImage "details" dictionary in the Rackspace
-       compute driver. (LIBCLOUD-107)
-       [Lucy Mendel]
-     - Fix a bug in Eucalyptus driver ex_describe_addresses method.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Add the following new extenstion methods to the Rackspace driver:
-       ex_resize, ex_confirm_resize, ex_revert_resize.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Also allow user to pass in Node object to some ex_ methods in
-       the Rackspace compute driver.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Throw an exception in deploy_node if paramiko library is not
-       available
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix chmod argument value which is pased to the sftpclient.put
-       method; GITHUB-17
-       [John Carr]
-     - New driver for (LIBCLOUD-98)
-       [Benno Rice]
-  *) Storage:
-     - New driver for Google Storage based on the v1.0 / legacy API
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - New driver for (GITHUB-19)
-       [Benno Rice]
-     - Fix a bug in uploading an object with some versions of Python 2.7
-       where httplib library doesn't automatically call str() on the
-       header values.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Allow users to upload (create) 0-bytes large (empty) objects
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-  *) Load-balancer:
-     - New driver for Rackspace UK location
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - New driver for (LIBCLOUD-98)
-       [Benno Rice]
-  *) DNS:
-   - Drivers for Linode DNS and Zerigo DNS
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-   - Brand new DNS API!
-     [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.5.2
-  *) Compute:
-     - New driver for and
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Fix node name and tag handling in the Amazon EC2 driver
-       [Wiktor Kolodziej]
-     - Fix pricing and response handling in the OpenStack driver
-       [Andrey Zhuchkov]
-     - Fix deploy_node() method and make it more robust
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Users can now pass file like objects to ScriptDeployment and
-       SSHKeyDeployment constructor.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-     - Include node tags when calling list_nodes() in the Amazon EC2
-       driver
-       [Trevor Pounds]
-     - Properly handle response errors in the Rackspace driver and
-       only throw InvalidCredsError if the returned status code is 401
-       [Brad Morgan]
-     - Fix the create_node method in the Nimbus driver and make the
-       "ex_create_tag" method a no-op, because Nimbus doesn't support creating
-       tags.
-       [Tomaz Muraus]
-    *) Storage:
-     - Fix handling of the containers with a lot of objects. Now a LazyList
-       object is returned when user calls list_container_objects() method
-       and this object transparently handles pagination.
-     [Danny Clark, Wiktor Kolodziej]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.5.0
-    - Existing APIs directly on the libcloud.* module have been
-      deprecated and will be removed in version 0.6.0.  Most methods
-      were moved to the libcloud.compute.* module.
-    - Add new libcloud.loadbalancers API, with initial support for:
-       - GoGrid Load Balancers
-       - Rackspace Load Balancers
-     [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Add new API, with initial support for:
-       - Amazon S3
-       - Rackspace CloudFiles
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Add new libcloud.compute drivers for:
-       - Bluebox [Christian Paredes]
-       - [Aymeric Barantal]
-       - Nimbus [David LaBissoniere]
-       - OpenStack [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-       - [Joe Miller]
-    - Added "pricing" module and improved pricing handling.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Updates to the GoGrid compute driver:
-       - Use API version 1.0.
-       - Remove sandbox flag.
-       - Add ex_list_ips() to list IP addresses assigned to the account.
-       - Implement ex_edit_image method which allows changing image attributes
-         like name, description and make image public or private.
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Updates to the Amazon EC2 compute driver:
-       - When creating a Node, use the name argument to set a Tag with the
-         value.  [Tomaz Muraus]
-       - Add extension method for modifying node attributes and changing the
-         node size. [Tomaz Muraus]
-       - Add support for the new Amazon Region (Tokyo). [Tomaz Muraus]
-       - Added ex_create_tags and ex_delete_tags. [Brandon Rhodes]
-       - Include node Elastic IP addresses in the node public_ip attribute
-         for the EC2 nodes. [Tomaz Muraus]
-       - Use ipAddress and privateIpAddress attribute for the EC 2node public
-         and private ip. [Tomaz Muraus]
-       - Add ex_describe_addresses method to the EC2 driver. [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Updates to the Rackspace CloudServers compute driver:
-       - Add ex_rebuild() and ex_get_node_details() [Andrew Klochkov]
-       - Expose URI of a Rackspace node to the node meta data. [Paul Querna]
-    - Minor fixes to get the library and tests working on Python 2.7 and PyPy.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.4.2 (Released January 18, 2011)
-    - Fix EC2 create_node to become backward compatible for
-      NodeLocation.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Update code for compatibility with CPython 2.5
-      [Jerry Chen]
-    - Implement ex_edit_node method for GoGrid driver which allows
-      changing node attributes like amount of RAM or description.
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Add ex_set_password and ex_set_server_name to Rackspace driver.
-      [Peter Herndon, Paul Querna]
-    - Add Hard and Soft reboot methods to Rackspace driver.
-      [Peter Herndon]
-    - EC2 Driver availability zones, via ex_list_availability_zones;
-      list_locations rewrite to include availablity zones
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - EC2 Driver Idempotency capability in create_node; LIBCLOUD-69
-      [David LaBissoniere]
-    - SSL Certificate Name Verification:
-      - module
-      - LibcloudHTTPSConnection, LibcloudHTTPConnection (alias)
-      - Emits warning when not verifying, or CA certs not found
-    - Append ORD1 to available Rackspace location, but keep in the
-      same node as DFW1, because it's not readable or writeable from
-      the API.
-      [Per suggestion of Grig Gheorghiu]
-    - ex_create_ip_group, ex_list_ip_groups, ex_delete_ip_group,
-      ex_share_ip, ex_unshare_ip, ex_list_ip_addresses additions
-      to Rackspace driver
-      [Andrew Klochkov]
-    - New driver for CloudSigma.
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - New driver for Brightbox Cloud. (LIBCLOUD-63)
-      [Tim Fletcher]
-    - Deployment capability to ElasticHosts
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Allow deploy_node to use non-standard SSH username and port
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Added Rackspace UK (London) support
-      [Chmouel Boudjnah]
-    - GoGrid driver: add support for locations, i.e. listing
-      of locations and creation of a node in specified
-      location
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - GoGrid and Rackspace drivers: add ex_save_image() extra
-      call to convert running node to an image
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - GoGrid driver: add support for creating 'sandbox' server
-      and populate isSandbox flag in node's extra information.
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Add ImportKeyPair and DescribeKeyPair to EC2. (LIBCLOUD-62)
-      [Philip Schwartz]
-    - Update EC2 driver and test fixtures for new API.
-      [Philip Schwartz]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.4.0 [Released October 6, 2010]
-    - Add create keypair functionality to EC2 Drivers. (LIBCLOUD-57)
-      [Grig Gheorghiu]
-    - Improve handling of GoGrid accounts with limited access
-      API keys.
-      [Paul Querna]
-    - New Driver for ElasticHosts. (LIBCLOUD-45)
-      [Tomaz Muraus]
-    - Use more consistent name for GoGrid driver and use http
-      POST method for 'unsafe' operations
-      [Russell Haering]
-    - Implement password handling and add deployment support
-      for GoGrid nodes.
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Fix behavior of GoGrid's create_node to wait for a Node ID.
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Add ex_create_node_nowait to GoGrid driver if you don't need to
-      wait for a Node ID when creating a node.
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Removed libcloud.interfaces module.
-      [Paul Querna]
-    - Removed dependency on zope.interfaces.
-      [Paul Querna]
-    - RimuHosting moved API endpoint address.
-      [Paul Querna]
-    - Fix regression and error in GoGrid driver for parsing node objects.
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy]
-    - Added more test cases for GoGrid driver. (LIBCLOUD-34)
-      [Roman Bogorodskiy, Jerry Chen]
-    - Fix parsing of Slicehost nodes with multiple Public IP addresses.
-      [Paul Querna]
-    - Add exit_status to ScriptDeployment. (LIBCLOUD-36)
-      [Paul Querna]
-    - Update prices for several drivers.
-       [Brad Morgan, Paul Querna]
-    - Update Linode driver to reflect new plan sizes.
-      [Jed Smith]
-    - Change default of 'location' in Linode create_node. (LIBCLOUD-41)
-       [Jed Smith, Steve Steiner]
-    - Document the Linode driver.
-      [Jed Smith]
-    - Request a private, LAN IP address at Linode creation.
-      [Jed Smith]
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.3.1 [Released May 11, 2010]
-    - Updates to Apache License blocks to correctly reflect status as an
-       Apache Project.
-    - Fix NOTICE file to use 2010 copyright date.
-    - Improve error messages for when running the test cases without
-       first setting up a
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.3.0 [Tagged May 6, 2010, not released]
-    - New Drivers for:
-      - Dreamhost
-      - Eucalyptus
-      - Enomaly ECP
-      - IBM Developer Cloud
-      - OpenNebula
-      - SoftLayer
-    - Added new deployment and bootstrap API.
-    - Improved Voxel driver.
-    - Added support for Amazon EC2 Asia Pacific (Singapore) Region.
-    - Improved test coverage for all drivers.
-    - Add support for multiple security groups in EC2.
-    - Fixed bug in Rackspace and RimuHosting when using multiple threads.
-    - Improved debugging and logging of HTTP requests.
-    - Improved documentation for all classes and methods.
-Changes with Apache Libcloud 0.2.0 [Tagged February 2, 2010]
-    - First public release.

[3/4] git commit: Modify generate contributor list script so it allows users to pass multiple versions.

Posted by
Modify generate contributor list script so it allows users to pass multiple


Branch: refs/heads/trunk
Commit: 1a82872427dc9e880ca715a8cc07a2f8f0b0680b
Parents: 0aa9312
Author: Tomaz Muraus <>
Authored: Tue Jan 14 16:07:24 2014 +0100
Committer: Tomaz Muraus <>
Committed: Tue Jan 14 16:10:23 2014 +0100

 contrib/ | 20 ++++++++++++++------
 1 file changed, 14 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/contrib/ b/contrib/
index 98458e1..d02f826 100755
--- a/contrib/
+++ b/contrib/
@@ -26,9 +26,16 @@
 # ./contrib/ --changes-path=CHANGES.rst \
 #                                         --include-tickets
 # 2. Generate a list of contributors for a release without tickets
 # ./contrib/ --changes-path=CHANGES.rst \
-#                                        --version=0.13.0
+#                                        --versions=0.13.0
+# 3. Generate a list of contributors with tickets for multiple versions
+# ./contrib/ --changes-path=CHANGES.rst \
+#                                         --include-tickets
+#                                         --versions 0.11.0 0.12.0
 from __future__ import with_statement
@@ -40,7 +47,7 @@ JIRA_URL = ''
-def parse_changes_file(file_path, version=None):
+def parse_changes_file(file_path, versions=None):
     Parse CHANGES file and return a dictionary with contributors.
@@ -64,7 +71,7 @@ def parse_changes_file(file_path, version=None):
             if match:
                 active_version = match.groups()[0]
-            if version and active_version != version:
+            if versions and active_version not in versions:
             if line.startswith('-') or line.startswith('*)'):
@@ -149,16 +156,17 @@ if __name__ == '__main__':
                                                  ' in a single image')
     parser.add_argument('--changes-path', action='store',
                         help='Path to the changes file')
-    parser.add_argument('--version', action='store',
+    parser.add_argument('--versions', action='store', nargs='+',
+                        type=str,
                         help='Only return contributors for the provided '
-                             'version')
+                             'versions')
     parser.add_argument('--include-tickets', action='store_true',
                         help='Include ticket numbers')
     args = parser.parse_args()
     contributors_map = parse_changes_file(file_path=args.changes_path,
-                                          version=args.version)
+                                          versions=args.versions)
     markdown = convert_to_markdown(contributors_map=contributors_map,