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Posted to by vince plum <> on 2016/02/11 08:09:42 UTC

RDD uses another RDD in pyspark with SPARK-5063 issue

Hi, pyspark experts,

I'm trying to implement a naive Bayes lib with the same interface of
pyspark.mllib.classification.NaiveBayes. train() and predict() will be the

I finished the train(LabeledPoint), but got trouble in predict() due
to SPARK-5063 issue.

*Exception: It appears that you are attempting to broadcast an RDD or
reference an RDD from an action or transformation. RDD transformations and
actions can only be invoked by the driver, not inside of other
transformations; for example, x: rdd2.values.count() * x)
is invalid because the values transformation and count action cannot be
performed inside of the transformation. For more information, see

Basically, the model will be save as member var in the class, like
The self.weight_map is from a RDD (after some transformation operation),
can be converted to other data structure by using some actions like
collect(), collectAsMap(), etc.

The predict(test_tfidf)'s input has to be RDD of tfidf, and the output
should be able to be zip() with test_labels.

The question is:

    def predict(self, test_tfidf):
        return v:
MyNaiveBayes._predict_v(self.weight_map, v))

No matter which non RDD data structure for self.weight_map, it always
complains the 5063 issue.

btw, I also tried:
1. broadcast:

    def predict(self, bb, test_tfidf):
        return v: MyNaiveBayes._predict_v(bb.value,

bb = sc.broadcast(MyNaiveBayes.weight_map)
predict(bb, test_tfidf)

same error

2. cartesian
ret = test_tfidf.cartesian(self.weight_map).groupByKey():
but i need to zip the output with test_labels, this would trigger the
partition inconsistency issue with zip().

Any suggestion about the right data struct for self.weight_map in the my
MyNaiveBayes class?